#not naming names but i blame cyle for this
nero-neptune · 1 year
if anyone has a solution to this (and i blame the new post editor bc this Never happened with the perfect old editor), but on my side blog, every time i've posted a video recently, it Never shows up in the tags. and the tags aren't the problem (i've switched up the tags and it still never appears, posted a text or image post with the Exact Same Tags and they show up in the tag search fine). and the side blog is pretty video-heavy (practically every other post from '21 to '22 was a video, but posted with the old post editor). since february of this year, i've only posted 3 videos and they have never, ever shown up in the tags.
tumblr support never got back to me and the The Most Random workaround i found on tumblr (while trying to see if anyone else has this same issue) was posting an image/gif in the same post as the video (like under a "read more") and SOMEHOW?!?! that makes it show up. but clearly other people keep posting videos without an image/gif placed underneath (based on the handy-dandy timestamps), so what the Fuck is up???
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flauntpage · 6 years
Enough is Enough. Fans have the right idea after Sabres 5, Flyers 2
Not Christmas. Not the All-Star Break. Not the trade deadline.
There is no longer time to wait for the Flyers do do something, anything to change the culture and identity of this team.
This can be done in several ways. It can be a firing, head coach or assistant. It can be trade from the NHL roster – and it needs to be an impact one, not something small to say, “oh hey, we made a change.”
And if none of that happens, it can be done with a change in management.
But something has to happen, because what you saw, if you cared to watch, was possibly the worst period this season that resulted in a 5-2 loss in Buffalo Wednesday.
And I’m not talking just for the Flyers. No. It was certainly their worst period. I’m saying it could have been the worst 20 minutes played by any NHL team at any time in this season’s first two months.
And it was a complete and utter failure by everyone from the top down.
The Flyers, after three days off, were completely outplayed, out-skated, outworked out-everythinged by the Buffalo Sabres for the game’s first 20 minutes. The effort was completely, absolutely and absurdly unacceptable.
Dave Hakstol knew it. He used his timeout nine minutes into the game. Of course the team was already trailing 3-0. And he was as animated as I’ve ever seen him on the bench laying into his players.
It didn’t matter… not until the second period at least.
Because from the start of the second period until the Sabres got an empty net goal to ice the game, the Flyers were excellent. They played pissed off. They ramped up their physical play. They controlled puck possession. They generated scoring chances. They had the Sabres on their heels. They even outscored them 2-0. Frankly, we have a hockey game and probably a different outcome if they would have, you know, started the game this way.
But they were completely unprepared… again. Their penalty kill let up a goal… again. They have an AHL caliber goalie in net… again.
Alex Lyon is a competitor. He’s not going out there and purposely messing the bed. But he gave up four goals on 12 shots. Three on rebounds and one from a bad angle. That can’t instill confidence in the team in front of you.
Not that the team in front of him was any help. They were the freakin’ Keystone Cops on the ice for the first 20 minutes. It was really embarrassing. Turnover, Turnover, Turnover. Out of position. Lame defensive effort. You name the negative plays that result in goals against and the Flyers had them on grand display for 20 minutes against the Sabres.
Frankly, it sucks to keep writing about this, too. Not just for me, or any other person who is actually paid to cover this team, but for the fans who take to their own blogs, or online forums, or social media to write the same thing every day.
I am personally most thankful for them on this Thanksgiving evening. The fans who put up with the same lather, rinse, repeat mentality of the Flyers every day. It’s especially frustrating for them and I feel their pain.
So, in honor of them, rather than give you more repeated analysis of the same breakdowns of bad goals from the game, or highlight more turnovers, or say things like, “hey, they’re playing better and showing some fight and trying to comeback again” after goals by Claude Giroux and Wayne Simmonds, even though that is for naught, I decided to share some of the fans Twitter fire.
They deserve to be heard. The Flyers should definitely be listening.
And for the record, this is all from a Twitter search of the word “Hakstol.” I could be here all day if I wanted to search other Flyer-related words too. In chronological order:
This is on Hextall, and to a lesser extend Hakstol.
— Yo (@FlyGoalScoredBy) November 22, 2018
just heard a “Fire Hakstol'' scream… in Buffalo
— Sam Donnellon (@samdonnellon) November 22, 2018
I am convinced Dave Hakstol legitimately ignores coaching defense
— Kevin A (@Mister856) November 22, 2018
alex lyon you are not the goalie
— Fire Hakstol (@Benjami92357503) November 22, 2018
Can someone put some romaine lettuce in Dave Hakstol's lunch tomorrow?
— Josh Lyons (@TheLyons_Den) November 22, 2018
That one is just wrong Josh….. but it did make me laugh!
kindly launch every one of dave hakstol’s wakeboards into the sun plz
— 𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘰 𝘨𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘪𝘢𝘯 (@Doonbugs) November 22, 2018
I’m not sure if Mike Sielski ever knew what he would have wrought on this city with that Hakstol profile last summer. His story was sort of the Bizarro Gritty.
Great start to this Flyers game. Really glad that employed head coach Dave Hakstol got the boys ready to go tonight. Don’t know where this team would be without him and his innovative leadership skills.
— Jordie
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(@BarstoolJordie) November 22, 2018
Well, the pains of being a Flyers fan continues. I've never been all aboard the Fire Hakstol train but this is seriously getting old. We obviously need to solve the goalie carousel as well. It's not a pretty picture.
— Chris Childress (@311child) November 22, 2018
When the patient get inpatient, you know it’s bad.
Time for a change flyers! Either the core goes or hakstol, it’s pretty simple. Coaching doesn’t help out the personnel and personnel doesn’t help the coaching
— Clint Surgeoner (@ClintSurge) November 22, 2018
Note: This is not my burner account.
You know what? Fuck it, get rid of Hextall and Hakstol and put Lombardi in charge. Hire Q of course, but Hextall is just as much to blame now as Hak.
— ReignInBlood
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(@Flyers49ersGuy) November 22, 2018
For every day that goes by without a firing, this slowly becomes a "Hakstol is hurting this team" to a "Hextall and Hakstol hurting this team" thing. #FlyersTalk
— Chris Valentine (@lcvalent) November 22, 2018
It’s gonna be so fun when the flyers lose 10 games in a row for the second year in a row and hakstol still doesn’t get fired
— laura (@llxnne) November 22, 2018
I’ve always been defensive of Hakstol but this is just getting absolutely ridiculous
— Mark Murphy (@MARKmyWord116) November 22, 2018
Can't be the only one who doesn't want Jordan Weal in the lineup
— Hakstol Sucks (@BrianBertele) November 22, 2018
I hope the flyers get absolutely smashed tonight so Hextall can grow a fucking pair of balls and fire Hakstol. This team needs a major change.
— Patrick Janus (@jatpanus) November 22, 2018
Good job with the goalies, Hextall. I almost feel bad for Hakstol
— Dan Knightly (@DanKnightly) November 22, 2018
This is definitely something that Hextall has to take blame for. Definitely. He had two injured NHL goalies and a bunch of AHL goalies. What did he think was going to happen?
There is an identity problem as a whole as a franchise. When it comes down specifically to the players, they are just not getting done and not executing properly. I don’t think firing Hakstol automatically solves problems, but at this point something just needs to be done.
— Anthony (@AnthonyDiGrazio) November 22, 2018
Claude Giroux trying to single handedly save Hakstol’s job. #FireHakstol #Flyers pic.twitter.com/UCw4lfrKmN
— Steve Alikakos (@Stelios1974) November 22, 2018
More like when they lose tonight, tomorrow and the game after that, Hakstol will still be the coach and everyone but G will continue to play like they don't give a shit.
— bobby (@SukiHana) November 22, 2018
I liked the last part of Bobby’s tweet. It does seem like that sometimes. Not always… but sometimes.
the problems stem FAR beyond Hakstol, but he certainly isn't an innocent bystander in this mess https://t.co/VyeDC4qiN6
— Negative Dan The Flyera Fan (@DanTheFlyeraFan) November 22, 2018
And if our only defense of the man is “well he drafts well and can get the most from assets,” is there a tipping point where we look to make a change at GM? Do we trust him to hire a new head coach if he’s so adamantly behind Dave Hakstol? Tune in next time on Dragon Ball Z.
— Joshua Bright (@Ponti_flex_) November 22, 2018
And if our only defense of the man is “well he drafts well and can get the most from assets,” is there a tipping point where we look to make a change at GM? Do we trust him to hire a new head coach if he’s so adamantly behind Dave Hakstol? Tune in next time on Dragon Ball Z.
— Joshua Bright (@Ponti_flex_) November 22, 2018
@28CGiroux fourth straight loss…. care to move on yet? You and Hakstol?
— Geez (@likethepyramids) November 22, 2018
Unfair to put blame on Giroux. He plays his ass off. But hey, I understand the vitriol, even if it’s misguided.
#Flyers records at #Thanksgiving⁠ ⁠ the past 4 years under Dave Hakstol: 2018-19 9-10-2, 15th in the East 2017-18 8-9-5, 13th (made playoffs Lost to Penguins first round) 2016-17 9-9-3, 13th (missed playoffs) 2015-16 7-10-5,14th(made playoffs lost to caps 1st round) pic.twitter.com/5pBRMEm2YV
— Flyers Nation (@PHLFlyersNation) November 22, 2018
What’s the definition of insanity?
Cat Nap
ZzZzz  <⌒/ヽ-、___ /<_/____/  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  ∧_∧ Hakstol still employed?  ( ・ω・)   | ⊃/(___ /└-(____/  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
ZZzZzz  <⌒/ヽ-、___ /<_/____/  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
— vile_mennis (@vile_mennis) November 22, 2018
What’s Hakstol’s pregame ritual? Readings from James Joyce and viewings if Old Yeller?
— Walcraeb (@walcraeb) November 22, 2018
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone but Dave Hakstol and Ron Hextall.
— Colin Moye (@JornadaDelColin) November 22, 2018
Thanks Colin!!
The longer Hakstol remains the head coach the more I start to feel Hexy and ownership don’t value winning and that should worry all @NHLFlyers fans..
— CJ Bond (@bondcjbond) November 22, 2018
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Hakstol has been terrible. It’s time to go.
— Rich (@richcapra) November 22, 2018
Oh… there it is…. I know someone would provide the answer. Thanks Rich!
But I agree Hakstol has to go…. we all remember what a college coach did to our football team.
— Cyle (@cap_018) November 22, 2018
Gotta love a vague Chip Kelly reference.
Let's be real, if they are 2 or 3 bad games from getting a coach fired, will 4-5 good games really make a difference, in the big picture? If Hextall thinks a decent run of games saves Hakstol's job, he's just delaying the inevitable.
— Brian (@Trizellini) November 22, 2018
Russ and I talked about this on Snow the Goalie a couple weeks ago. This is a fair point. If playing well for five games gets you back to mediocrity, is that a good enough reason to hold on to the coach?
Welcome to being a Flyers fan in the Dave Hakstol Era https://t.co/wAN5wZz4Rs
— Alex Littman (@Alitt30) November 22, 2018
The coolest thing that Hakstol has done is bridge the gap between analytics people and anti-analytics people. Both sides finally agree on something: this team is going nowhere under this coach.
— Brad Keffer (@brad_keffer) November 22, 2018
This really is true, isn’t it?
The Comcast Group needs to step in and fire the GM and coach. It’s clear Hextall thinks his agenda is working. There is a 3 time cup winning coach unemployed while Hakstol still has a job?!? This core has be together for 8 years now and produced nothing. Time for major changes.
— Steve Johnson (@TheSteveNoize) November 22, 2018
Comcast is the biggest, and I mean BIGGEST problem with the Flyers right now. I can’t stress that enough.
Hopefully the Rangers come in here and stomp us and the building is overrun with boos and "Fire Hakstol" chants……that humiliation on national TV might just be enough to make somebody do something……then again maybe not
— franko65 (@Raiderfrank65) November 22, 2018
It could get ugly tomorrow, especially if the Rangers score first.
this team is a fucking nightmare…. an absolute nightmare https://t.co/M3YzEv7jK8
— Fire Hakstol (@Benjami92357503) November 22, 2018
Yep Tyrell Goulbourne… that’s the answer the team needs. I’m done.
Happy Thanksgiving, Flyers fans. Don’t ever change.
For more Flyers coverage, be sure to check out our pregame and intermission shows “The Press Row Show” before and during home games via Facebook Live on the Crossing Broad Facebook page and Periscope via Anthony’s Twitter account. Also, listen to our Flyers podcast Snow the Goalie ([iTunes] [Google Play] [Stitcher] [RSS]), leave a 5 star review, and follow us on Twitter:@AntSanPhilly @JoyOnBroad
The post Enough is Enough. Fans have the right idea after Sabres 5, Flyers 2 appeared first on Crossing Broad.
Enough is Enough. Fans have the right idea after Sabres 5, Flyers 2 published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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365footballorg-blog · 7 years
Freedman: It's time our prospects shouldered the weight of expectation
March 22, 20186:32PM EDT
Fifteen years ago, the 20 players on the US Under-20 national team knew they were in for new experiences when they arrived in the United Arab Emirates ahead of the 2003 FIFA World Youth Championship. After all, but a handful were college kids who had barely been out of the country, let alone to the Middle East.
But none expected to be shown up by a 14-year-old, last-minute addition to the squad.
After their first training session in Abu Dhabi, a swarm of reporters and cameramen rushed them as they were heading to the team bus. All the media wanted was a few minutes of Freddy Adu’s time.
Former US phenom Freddy Adu, celebrating a goal during Olympic qualifying in 2008. | USA TODAY Sports Images
Barely two weeks had gone by since Major League Soccer made the teen phenom from the D.C. suburbs the youngest signing in league history, and the hype machine had already started cranking. He was so talented, many of the stories said, he could become “the American Pelé” – that long-awaited breakout star American soccer had been chasing for years.
And in this moment, Adu’s teammates couldn’t understand why a kid five years younger than they were had the power to hold up their departure.
“I let him have a little moment,” recalls former longtime US U-20 coach Thomas Rongen, “but then I yelled, ‘Freddy, the bus is leaving in exactly one minute! If you’re not on it, we’re leaving without you.’”
As it turned out, that was the minute Adu was lost to The Machine. For all of his god-given gifts, Adu eventually drowned as the hype flooded and big money circled around him and anything and anyone in his orbit. Adu always had the talent, but somewhere along the way, the pathway to achievement became shrouded. The American Pelé he was not.
One has yet to surface. But countless other young phenoms have been put through The Machine: Bobby Convey. Santino Quaranta. Eddie Johnson. Jozy Altidore. Juan Agudelo. Those names and others saddled with the “Next Big Thing” mantle.
“We in the American soccer community put these guys on a pedestal and hang on them sky-high expectations they could never meet,” says Rongen, who came to love many of these players while coaching them in their youth. “And they bought into it. They loved the attention, and fame becomes the overriding factor – it’s bigger than the game. Our own culture created monsters.”
And that’s the honest truth. Thousands of players have marched through the American youth development system, but no matter how talented they are – and to be fair, many have been immensely talented – none has become that breakout star who sets the world on fire. Perhaps we only have ourselves to blame. We’re so insecure about our place in the game that we invest countless hours of passion into hoping someone will unearth that unicorn. And even if he shows a hint of becoming truly next-level, we can’t just back off and let him play.
This used to bother me to no end. How are we supposed to cultivate this sort of player when we’re crushing him with our own expectations before he can even prove himself? Why would we do such a disservice to a kid when our system is still far from perfect? In the past, I was first in line … to point the finger back at us.
I’m done with all that. With the United States missing the World Cup for the first time since 1986, and Canada chasing its first return trip since that same year, things have changed. There’s new hope with new talent, and the landscape has shifted. If we’re truly going to build one of these guys into our first real world-class superstar, he’s going to need to shoulder all of those expectations in order to come out the other side on top. That goes for guys like Christian Pulisic, FCD academy product Weston McKennie and Red Bulls Homegrown Tyler Adams in the US, as well as Vancouver Whitecaps speedster Alphonso Davies and former Orlando City SC man Cyle Larin across the border. The potential is still there. Let’s throw them into the fire and see what they’re made of.
Former US national teamer Eddie Johnson on the ascent in 2005. | USA TODAY Sports Images
Eddie Johnson remembers The Machine well. As a heat-seeking young striker from northeastern Florida, he earned plenty of attention in the mid-2000s for his innate scoring capability (Sports Illustrated once dubbed him “the Golden Child”). He used it as motivation, especially coming from a rough neighborhood and a background where he constantly had to prove himself. But even he admits today that he probably lacked the maturity to deal with all.
“The hype drove me,” he tells MLSsoccer.com from his home in Orlando, where he works in youth development. “I had a desire to want it more because of the lack of respect I felt they had abroad for Americans. But when things don’t go right even for one second – let’s say you’re hurt and not playing, or you see something about you on social media – all that negative stuff can start to play with your mind.”
So far, it doesn’t look like Pulisic is battling such mental gymnastics. At 19, he’s proven a lot of would-be doubters wrong: He’s already considered the best player on the US national team, and he’s a starter for one of the best clubs in Germany. Borussia Dortmund hasn’t coddled him, but it isn’t afraid of throwing him out there either: Pulisic does plenty of media appearances, and doesn’t seem to utter a single wrong word. He’s as polished as they come and seems to be able to handle the hype better than many who came before him. And in this age of instant feedback, he’ll hear it immediately if he makes an errant pass or puts in a subpar performance.
Canadian phenom Alphonso Davies has begun to step toward the expectations. | USA TODAY Sports Images
Canada’s insecurity runs a bit deeper. For every young phenom who wasn’t able to make that big next step, there’s also the disappointment of seeing a talented Canadian homegrown suiting up for another national team. So not only is it refreshing to see in Davies a kid who grew up in Canada staying with Canada (the irony isn’t lost on fans that he’s the first Canadian to be invited to train with Manchester United since Owen Hargreaves), there’s something a bit different about his game, too. He is – as Toronto FC Academy coach, TSN analyst and former Canadian national teamer Terry Dunfield says – “special.”
“He’s probably going to be dealing with the circus around them: Friends telling him how good he is, reading stuff saying he’s the next best thing, hearing about it on social media, listening to me talk about him,” says Dunfield, who himself dealt with high expectations after moving to Manchester City at age 15. “There’s a big responsibility on [the Whitecaps] and his family to keep him grounded. But that’s what Canada needs: a talented, young player who’s getting minutes and who you can build a team around. And he’s nowhere near his full potential yet.”
In the past, I argued piling on that hype was unfair. Part of the reason was I didn’t necessarily believe there existed enough infrastructure in place in the American and Canadian game to supply a young kid with the tools he needed: mental toughness to go with a technical skill set, a competitive environment, a solid support system and a clear pathway to club success at home or abroad. I no longer believe that to be the case.
“Everything is happening now,” Johnson says. “Soccer is mainstream here, and there’s more notoriety that goes along with it: There’s a chance to make some real money if you’re good enough. The expectations are what we always dreamed they’d be, and with that, the expectations on players comes at a younger age. Credit these guys like Pulisic, Davies, Larin and McKennie – they’re delivering.”
And that’s what it truly means to become a world-class player: You’ve got to be able to combine talent, work ethic and mental toughness in equal measures. You’ve got to be a complete player and not just rely on one part of your game, no matter how sublime it may be. And that means being able to take on those immense expectations and use them to push you forward, not hold you back. If you can’t handle it? Maybe you weren’t meant to become truly great in the first place.
As Dunfield puts it, “When you walk into stadiums of 50,000 people and you hear people talking about you, you have to have a little bit of that Cristiano Ronaldo arrogance.”
Dortmund may or may not have had their tongue planted firmly in cheek when they tweeted out a graphic comparing Pulisic’s early career with that of Ronaldo and Lionel Messi.
Christian Pulisic’s teenage years in comparison with @Cristiano and Lionel #Messi: Wow, that’s what we call an impressive statline! 🇺🇸⚽ (via @Bundesliga_EN) @ussoccer@cpulisic_10pic.twitter.com/UAVRBLtKvk
— Borussia Dortmund 🇺🇸🇬🇧 (@BlackYellow) March 20, 2018
But the point was made: The kid is special. Look closer, and there’s a subtle subtext: No one ever implores fans in Portugal and Argentina to tone it down. Bring on The Machine.
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MLSsoccer.com News
Freedman: It's time our prospects shouldered the weight of expectation was originally published on 365 Football
0 notes
flauntpage · 6 years
Enough is Enough. Fans have the right idea after Sabres 5, Flyers 2
Not Christmas. Not the All-Star Break. Not the trade deadline.
There is no longer time to wait for the Flyers do do something, anything to change the culture and identity of this team.
This can be done in several ways. It can be a firing, head coach or assistant. It can be trade from the NHL roster – and it needs to be an impact one, not something small to say, “oh hey, we made a change.”
And if none of that happens, it can be done with a change in management.
But something has to happen, because what you saw, if you cared to watch, was possibly the worst period this season that resulted in a 5-2 loss in Buffalo Wednesday.
And I’m not talking just for the Flyers. No. It was certainly their worst period. I’m saying it could have been the worst 20 minutes played by any NHL team at any time in this season’s first two months.
And it was a complete and utter failure by everyone from the top down.
The Flyers, after three days off, were completely outplayed, out-skated, outworked out-everythinged by the Buffalo Sabres for the game’s first 20 minutes. The effort was completely, absolutely and absurdly unacceptable.
Dave Hakstol knew it. He used his timeout nine minutes into the game. Of course the team was already trailing 3-0. And he was as animated as I’ve ever seen him on the bench laying into his players.
It didn’t matter… not until the second period at least.
Because from the start of the second period until the Sabres got an empty net goal to ice the game, the Flyers were excellent. They played pissed off. They ramped up their physical play. They controlled puck possession. They generated scoring chances. They had the Sabres on their heels. They even outscored them 2-0. Frankly, we have a hockey game and probably a different outcome if they would have, you know, started the game this way.
But they were completely unprepared… again. Their penalty kill let up a goal… again. They have an AHL caliber goalie in net… again.
Alex Lyon is a competitor. He’s not going out there and purposely messing the bed. But he gave up four goals on 12 shots. Three on rebounds and one from a bad angle. That can’t instill confidence in the team in front of you.
Not that the team in front of him was any help. They were the freakin’ Keystone Cops on the ice for the first 20 minutes. It was really embarrassing. Turnover, Turnover, Turnover. Out of position. Lame defensive effort. You name the negative plays that result in goals against and the Flyers had them on grand display for 20 minutes against the Sabres.
Frankly, it sucks to keep writing about this, too. Not just for me, or any other person who is actually paid to cover this team, but for the fans who take to their own blogs, or online forums, or social media to write the same thing every day.
I am personally most thankful for them on this Thanksgiving evening. The fans who put up with the same lather, rinse, repeat mentality of the Flyers every day. It’s especially frustrating for them and I feel their pain.
So, in honor of them, rather than give you more repeated analysis of the same breakdowns of bad goals from the game, or highlight more turnovers, or say things like, “hey, they’re playing better and showing some fight and trying to comeback again” after goals by Claude Giroux and Wayne Simmonds, even though that is for naught, I decided to share some of the fans Twitter fire.
They deserve to be heard. The Flyers should definitely be listening.
And for the record, this is all from a Twitter search of the word “Hakstol.” I could be here all day if I wanted to search other Flyer-related words too. In chronological order:
This is on Hextall, and to a lesser extend Hakstol.
— Yo (@FlyGoalScoredBy) November 22, 2018
just heard a “Fire Hakstol'' scream… in Buffalo
— Sam Donnellon (@samdonnellon) November 22, 2018
I am convinced Dave Hakstol legitimately ignores coaching defense
— Kevin A (@Mister856) November 22, 2018
alex lyon you are not the goalie
— Fire Hakstol (@Benjami92357503) November 22, 2018
Can someone put some romaine lettuce in Dave Hakstol's lunch tomorrow?
— Josh Lyons (@TheLyons_Den) November 22, 2018
That one is just wrong Josh….. but it did make me laugh!
kindly launch every one of dave hakstol’s wakeboards into the sun plz
— 𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘰 𝘨𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘪𝘢𝘯 (@Doonbugs) November 22, 2018
I’m not sure if Mike Sielski ever knew what he would have wrought on this city with that Hakstol profile last summer. His story was sort of the Bizarro Gritty.
Great start to this Flyers game. Really glad that employed head coach Dave Hakstol got the boys ready to go tonight. Don’t know where this team would be without him and his innovative leadership skills.
— Jordie
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(@BarstoolJordie) November 22, 2018
Well, the pains of being a Flyers fan continues. I've never been all aboard the Fire Hakstol train but this is seriously getting old. We obviously need to solve the goalie carousel as well. It's not a pretty picture.
— Chris Childress (@311child) November 22, 2018
When the patient get inpatient, you know it’s bad.
Time for a change flyers! Either the core goes or hakstol, it’s pretty simple. Coaching doesn’t help out the personnel and personnel doesn’t help the coaching
— Clint Surgeoner (@ClintSurge) November 22, 2018
Note: This is not my burner account.
You know what? Fuck it, get rid of Hextall and Hakstol and put Lombardi in charge. Hire Q of course, but Hextall is just as much to blame now as Hak.
— ReignInBlood
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(@Flyers49ersGuy) November 22, 2018
For every day that goes by without a firing, this slowly becomes a "Hakstol is hurting this team" to a "Hextall and Hakstol hurting this team" thing. #FlyersTalk
— Chris Valentine (@lcvalent) November 22, 2018
It’s gonna be so fun when the flyers lose 10 games in a row for the second year in a row and hakstol still doesn’t get fired
— laura (@llxnne) November 22, 2018
I’ve always been defensive of Hakstol but this is just getting absolutely ridiculous
— Mark Murphy (@MARKmyWord116) November 22, 2018
Can't be the only one who doesn't want Jordan Weal in the lineup
— Hakstol Sucks (@BrianBertele) November 22, 2018
I hope the flyers get absolutely smashed tonight so Hextall can grow a fucking pair of balls and fire Hakstol. This team needs a major change.
— Patrick Janus (@jatpanus) November 22, 2018
Good job with the goalies, Hextall. I almost feel bad for Hakstol
— Dan Knightly (@DanKnightly) November 22, 2018
This is definitely something that Hextall has to take blame for. Definitely. He had two injured NHL goalies and a bunch of AHL goalies. What did he think was going to happen?
There is an identity problem as a whole as a franchise. When it comes down specifically to the players, they are just not getting done and not executing properly. I don’t think firing Hakstol automatically solves problems, but at this point something just needs to be done.
— Anthony (@AnthonyDiGrazio) November 22, 2018
Claude Giroux trying to single handedly save Hakstol’s job. #FireHakstol #Flyers pic.twitter.com/UCw4lfrKmN
— Steve Alikakos (@Stelios1974) November 22, 2018
More like when they lose tonight, tomorrow and the game after that, Hakstol will still be the coach and everyone but G will continue to play like they don't give a shit.
— bobby (@SukiHana) November 22, 2018
I liked the last part of Bobby’s tweet. It does seem like that sometimes. Not always… but sometimes.
the problems stem FAR beyond Hakstol, but he certainly isn't an innocent bystander in this mess https://t.co/VyeDC4qiN6
— Negative Dan The Flyera Fan (@DanTheFlyeraFan) November 22, 2018
And if our only defense of the man is “well he drafts well and can get the most from assets,” is there a tipping point where we look to make a change at GM? Do we trust him to hire a new head coach if he’s so adamantly behind Dave Hakstol? Tune in next time on Dragon Ball Z.
— Joshua Bright (@Ponti_flex_) November 22, 2018
And if our only defense of the man is “well he drafts well and can get the most from assets,” is there a tipping point where we look to make a change at GM? Do we trust him to hire a new head coach if he’s so adamantly behind Dave Hakstol? Tune in next time on Dragon Ball Z.
— Joshua Bright (@Ponti_flex_) November 22, 2018
@28CGiroux fourth straight loss…. care to move on yet? You and Hakstol?
— Geez (@likethepyramids) November 22, 2018
Unfair to put blame on Giroux. He plays his ass off. But hey, I understand the vitriol, even if it’s misguided.
#Flyers records at #Thanksgiving⁠ ⁠ the past 4 years under Dave Hakstol: 2018-19 9-10-2, 15th in the East 2017-18 8-9-5, 13th (made playoffs Lost to Penguins first round) 2016-17 9-9-3, 13th (missed playoffs) 2015-16 7-10-5,14th(made playoffs lost to caps 1st round) pic.twitter.com/5pBRMEm2YV
— Flyers Nation (@PHLFlyersNation) November 22, 2018
What’s the definition of insanity?
Cat Nap
ZzZzz  <⌒/ヽ-、___ /<_/____/  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  ∧_∧ Hakstol still employed?  ( ・ω・)   | ⊃/(___ /└-(____/  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
ZZzZzz  <⌒/ヽ-、___ /<_/____/  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
— vile_mennis (@vile_mennis) November 22, 2018
What’s Hakstol’s pregame ritual? Readings from James Joyce and viewings if Old Yeller?
— Walcraeb (@walcraeb) November 22, 2018
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone but Dave Hakstol and Ron Hextall.
— Colin Moye (@JornadaDelColin) November 22, 2018
Thanks Colin!!
The longer Hakstol remains the head coach the more I start to feel Hexy and ownership don’t value winning and that should worry all @NHLFlyers fans..
— CJ Bond (@bondcjbond) November 22, 2018
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Hakstol has been terrible. It’s time to go.
— Rich (@richcapra) November 22, 2018
Oh… there it is…. I know someone would provide the answer. Thanks Rich!
But I agree Hakstol has to go…. we all remember what a college coach did to our football team.
— Cyle (@cap_018) November 22, 2018
Gotta love a vague Chip Kelly reference.
Let's be real, if they are 2 or 3 bad games from getting a coach fired, will 4-5 good games really make a difference, in the big picture? If Hextall thinks a decent run of games saves Hakstol's job, he's just delaying the inevitable.
— Brian (@Trizellini) November 22, 2018
Russ and I talked about this on Snow the Goalie a couple weeks ago. This is a fair point. If playing well for five games gets you back to mediocrity, is that a good enough reason to hold on to the coach?
Welcome to being a Flyers fan in the Dave Hakstol Era https://t.co/wAN5wZz4Rs
— Alex Littman (@Alitt30) November 22, 2018
The coolest thing that Hakstol has done is bridge the gap between analytics people and anti-analytics people. Both sides finally agree on something: this team is going nowhere under this coach.
— Brad Keffer (@brad_keffer) November 22, 2018
This really is true, isn’t it?
The Comcast Group needs to step in and fire the GM and coach. It’s clear Hextall thinks his agenda is working. There is a 3 time cup winning coach unemployed while Hakstol still has a job?!? This core has be together for 8 years now and produced nothing. Time for major changes.
— Steve Johnson (@TheSteveNoize) November 22, 2018
Comcast is the biggest, and I mean BIGGEST problem with the Flyers right now. I can’t stress that enough.
Hopefully the Rangers come in here and stomp us and the building is overrun with boos and "Fire Hakstol" chants……that humiliation on national TV might just be enough to make somebody do something……then again maybe not
— franko65 (@Raiderfrank65) November 22, 2018
It could get ugly tomorrow, especially if the Rangers score first.
this team is a fucking nightmare…. an absolute nightmare https://t.co/M3YzEv7jK8
— Fire Hakstol (@Benjami92357503) November 22, 2018
Yep Tyrell Goulbourne… that’s the answer the team needs. I’m done.
Happy Thanksgiving, Flyers fans. Don’t ever change.
For more Flyers coverage, be sure to check out our pregame and intermission shows “The Press Row Show” before and during home games via Facebook Live on the Crossing Broad Facebook page and Periscope via Anthony’s Twitter account. Also, listen to our Flyers podcast Snow the Goalie ([iTunes] [Google Play] [Stitcher] [RSS]), leave a 5 star review, and follow us on Twitter:@AntSanPhilly @JoyOnBroad
The post Enough is Enough. Fans have the right idea after Sabres 5, Flyers 2 appeared first on Crossing Broad.
Enough is Enough. Fans have the right idea after Sabres 5, Flyers 2 published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
0 notes
flauntpage · 6 years
Enough is Enough. Fans have the right idea after Sabres 5, Flyers 2
Not Christmas. Not the All-Star Break. Not the trade deadline.
There is no longer time to wait for the Flyers do do something, anything to change the culture and identity of this team.
This can be done in several ways. It can be a firing, head coach or assistant. It can be trade from the NHL roster – and it needs to be an impact one, not something small to say, “oh hey, we made a change.”
And if none of that happens, it can be done with a change in management.
But something has to happen, because what you saw, if you cared to watch, was possibly the worst period this season that resulted in a 5-2 loss in Buffalo Wednesday.
And I’m not talking just for the Flyers. No. It was certainly their worst period. I’m saying it could have been the worst 20 minutes played by any NHL team at any time in this season’s first two months.
And it was a complete and utter failure by everyone from the top down.
The Flyers, after three days off, were completely outplayed, out-skated, outworked out-everythinged by the Buffalo Sabres for the game’s first 20 minutes. The effort was completely, absolutely and absurdly unacceptable.
Dave Hakstol knew it. He used his timeout nine minutes into the game. Of course the team was already trailing 3-0. And he was as animated as I’ve ever seen him on the bench laying into his players.
It didn’t matter… not until the second period at least.
Because from the start of the second period until the Sabres got an empty net goal to ice the game, the Flyers were excellent. They played pissed off. They ramped up their physical play. They controlled puck possession. They generated scoring chances. They had the Sabres on their heels. They even outscored them 2-0. Frankly, we have a hockey game and probably a different outcome if they would have, you know, started the game this way.
But they were completely unprepared… again. Their penalty kill let up a goal… again. They have an AHL caliber goalie in net… again.
Alex Lyon is a competitor. He’s not going out there and purposely messing the bed. But he gave up four goals on 12 shots. Three on rebounds and one from a bad angle. That can’t instill confidence in the team in front of you.
Not that the team in front of him was any help. They were the freakin’ Keystone Cops on the ice for the first 20 minutes. It was really embarrassing. Turnover, Turnover, Turnover. Out of position. Lame defensive effort. You name the negative plays that result in goals against and the Flyers had them on grand display for 20 minutes against the Sabres.
Frankly, it sucks to keep writing about this, too. Not just for me, or any other person who is actually paid to cover this team, but for the fans who take to their own blogs, or online forums, or social media to write the same thing every day.
I am personally most thankful for them on this Thanksgiving evening. The fans who put up with the same lather, rinse, repeat mentality of the Flyers every day. It’s especially frustrating for them and I feel their pain.
So, in honor of them, rather than give you more repeated analysis of the same breakdowns of bad goals from the game, or highlight more turnovers, or say things like, “hey, they’re playing better and showing some fight and trying to comeback again” after goals by Claude Giroux and Wayne Simmonds, even though that is for naught, I decided to share some of the fans Twitter fire.
They deserve to be heard. The Flyers should definitely be listening.
And for the record, this is all from a Twitter search of the word “Hakstol.” I could be here all day if I wanted to search other Flyer-related words too. In chronological order:
This is on Hextall, and to a lesser extend Hakstol.
— Yo (@FlyGoalScoredBy) November 22, 2018
just heard a “Fire Hakstol'' scream… in Buffalo
— Sam Donnellon (@samdonnellon) November 22, 2018
I am convinced Dave Hakstol legitimately ignores coaching defense
— Kevin A (@Mister856) November 22, 2018
alex lyon you are not the goalie
— Fire Hakstol (@Benjami92357503) November 22, 2018
Can someone put some romaine lettuce in Dave Hakstol's lunch tomorrow?
— Josh Lyons (@TheLyons_Den) November 22, 2018
That one is just wrong Josh….. but it did make me laugh!
kindly launch every one of dave hakstol’s wakeboards into the sun plz
— 𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘰 𝘨𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘪𝘢𝘯 (@Doonbugs) November 22, 2018
I’m not sure if Mike Sielski ever knew what he would have wrought on this city with that Hakstol profile last summer. His story was sort of the Bizarro Gritty.
Great start to this Flyers game. Really glad that employed head coach Dave Hakstol got the boys ready to go tonight. Don’t know where this team would be without him and his innovative leadership skills.
— Jordie
Tumblr media
(@BarstoolJordie) November 22, 2018
Well, the pains of being a Flyers fan continues. I've never been all aboard the Fire Hakstol train but this is seriously getting old. We obviously need to solve the goalie carousel as well. It's not a pretty picture.
— Chris Childress (@311child) November 22, 2018
When the patient get inpatient, you know it’s bad.
Time for a change flyers! Either the core goes or hakstol, it’s pretty simple. Coaching doesn’t help out the personnel and personnel doesn’t help the coaching
— Clint Surgeoner (@ClintSurge) November 22, 2018
Note: This is not my burner account.
You know what? Fuck it, get rid of Hextall and Hakstol and put Lombardi in charge. Hire Q of course, but Hextall is just as much to blame now as Hak.
— ReignInBlood
Tumblr media Tumblr media
(@Flyers49ersGuy) November 22, 2018
For every day that goes by without a firing, this slowly becomes a "Hakstol is hurting this team" to a "Hextall and Hakstol hurting this team" thing. #FlyersTalk
— Chris Valentine (@lcvalent) November 22, 2018
It’s gonna be so fun when the flyers lose 10 games in a row for the second year in a row and hakstol still doesn’t get fired
— laura (@llxnne) November 22, 2018
I’ve always been defensive of Hakstol but this is just getting absolutely ridiculous
— Mark Murphy (@MARKmyWord116) November 22, 2018
Can't be the only one who doesn't want Jordan Weal in the lineup
— Hakstol Sucks (@BrianBertele) November 22, 2018
I hope the flyers get absolutely smashed tonight so Hextall can grow a fucking pair of balls and fire Hakstol. This team needs a major change.
— Patrick Janus (@jatpanus) November 22, 2018
Good job with the goalies, Hextall. I almost feel bad for Hakstol
— Dan Knightly (@DanKnightly) November 22, 2018
This is definitely something that Hextall has to take blame for. Definitely. He had two injured NHL goalies and a bunch of AHL goalies. What did he think was going to happen?
There is an identity problem as a whole as a franchise. When it comes down specifically to the players, they are just not getting done and not executing properly. I don’t think firing Hakstol automatically solves problems, but at this point something just needs to be done.
— Anthony (@AnthonyDiGrazio) November 22, 2018
Claude Giroux trying to single handedly save Hakstol’s job. #FireHakstol #Flyers pic.twitter.com/UCw4lfrKmN
— Steve Alikakos (@Stelios1974) November 22, 2018
More like when they lose tonight, tomorrow and the game after that, Hakstol will still be the coach and everyone but G will continue to play like they don't give a shit.
— bobby (@SukiHana) November 22, 2018
I liked the last part of Bobby’s tweet. It does seem like that sometimes. Not always… but sometimes.
the problems stem FAR beyond Hakstol, but he certainly isn't an innocent bystander in this mess https://t.co/VyeDC4qiN6
— Negative Dan The Flyera Fan (@DanTheFlyeraFan) November 22, 2018
And if our only defense of the man is “well he drafts well and can get the most from assets,” is there a tipping point where we look to make a change at GM? Do we trust him to hire a new head coach if he’s so adamantly behind Dave Hakstol? Tune in next time on Dragon Ball Z.
— Joshua Bright (@Ponti_flex_) November 22, 2018
And if our only defense of the man is “well he drafts well and can get the most from assets,” is there a tipping point where we look to make a change at GM? Do we trust him to hire a new head coach if he’s so adamantly behind Dave Hakstol? Tune in next time on Dragon Ball Z.
— Joshua Bright (@Ponti_flex_) November 22, 2018
@28CGiroux fourth straight loss…. care to move on yet? You and Hakstol?
— Geez (@likethepyramids) November 22, 2018
Unfair to put blame on Giroux. He plays his ass off. But hey, I understand the vitriol, even if it’s misguided.
#Flyers records at #Thanksgiving⁠ ⁠ the past 4 years under Dave Hakstol: 2018-19 9-10-2, 15th in the East 2017-18 8-9-5, 13th (made playoffs Lost to Penguins first round) 2016-17 9-9-3, 13th (missed playoffs) 2015-16 7-10-5,14th(made playoffs lost to caps 1st round) pic.twitter.com/5pBRMEm2YV
— Flyers Nation (@PHLFlyersNation) November 22, 2018
What’s the definition of insanity?
Cat Nap
ZzZzz  <⌒/ヽ-、___ /<_/____/  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  ∧_∧ Hakstol still employed?  ( ・ω・)   | ⊃/(___ /└-(____/  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
ZZzZzz  <⌒/ヽ-、___ /<_/____/  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
— vile_mennis (@vile_mennis) November 22, 2018
What’s Hakstol’s pregame ritual? Readings from James Joyce and viewings if Old Yeller?
— Walcraeb (@walcraeb) November 22, 2018
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone but Dave Hakstol and Ron Hextall.
— Colin Moye (@JornadaDelColin) November 22, 2018
Thanks Colin!!
The longer Hakstol remains the head coach the more I start to feel Hexy and ownership don’t value winning and that should worry all @NHLFlyers fans..
— CJ Bond (@bondcjbond) November 22, 2018
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Hakstol has been terrible. It’s time to go.
— Rich (@richcapra) November 22, 2018
Oh… there it is…. I know someone would provide the answer. Thanks Rich!
But I agree Hakstol has to go…. we all remember what a college coach did to our football team.
— Cyle (@cap_018) November 22, 2018
Gotta love a vague Chip Kelly reference.
Let's be real, if they are 2 or 3 bad games from getting a coach fired, will 4-5 good games really make a difference, in the big picture? If Hextall thinks a decent run of games saves Hakstol's job, he's just delaying the inevitable.
— Brian (@Trizellini) November 22, 2018
Russ and I talked about this on Snow the Goalie a couple weeks ago. This is a fair point. If playing well for five games gets you back to mediocrity, is that a good enough reason to hold on to the coach?
Welcome to being a Flyers fan in the Dave Hakstol Era https://t.co/wAN5wZz4Rs
— Alex Littman (@Alitt30) November 22, 2018
The coolest thing that Hakstol has done is bridge the gap between analytics people and anti-analytics people. Both sides finally agree on something: this team is going nowhere under this coach.
— Brad Keffer (@brad_keffer) November 22, 2018
This really is true, isn’t it?
The Comcast Group needs to step in and fire the GM and coach. It’s clear Hextall thinks his agenda is working. There is a 3 time cup winning coach unemployed while Hakstol still has a job?!? This core has be together for 8 years now and produced nothing. Time for major changes.
— Steve Johnson (@TheSteveNoize) November 22, 2018
Comcast is the biggest, and I mean BIGGEST problem with the Flyers right now. I can’t stress that enough.
Hopefully the Rangers come in here and stomp us and the building is overrun with boos and "Fire Hakstol" chants……that humiliation on national TV might just be enough to make somebody do something……then again maybe not
— franko65 (@Raiderfrank65) November 22, 2018
It could get ugly tomorrow, especially if the Rangers score first.
this team is a fucking nightmare…. an absolute nightmare https://t.co/M3YzEv7jK8
— Fire Hakstol (@Benjami92357503) November 22, 2018
Yep Tyrell Goulbourne… that’s the answer the team needs. I’m done.
Happy Thanksgiving, Flyers fans. Don’t ever change.
For more Flyers coverage, be sure to check out our pregame and intermission shows “The Press Row Show” before and during home games via Facebook Live on the Crossing Broad Facebook page and Periscope via Anthony’s Twitter account. Also, listen to our Flyers podcast Snow the Goalie ([iTunes] [Google Play] [Stitcher] [RSS]), leave a 5 star review, and follow us on Twitter:@AntSanPhilly @JoyOnBroad
The post Enough is Enough. Fans have the right idea after Sabres 5, Flyers 2 appeared first on Crossing Broad.
Enough is Enough. Fans have the right idea after Sabres 5, Flyers 2 published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
0 notes
flauntpage · 6 years
Enough is Enough. Fans have the right idea after Sabres 5, Flyers 2
Not Christmas. Not the All-Star Break. Not the trade deadline.
There is no longer time to wait for the Flyers do do something, anything to change the culture and identity of this team.
This can be done in several ways. It can be a firing, head coach or assistant. It can be trade from the NHL roster – and it needs to be an impact one, not something small to say, “oh hey, we made a change.”
And if none of that happens, it can be done with a change in management.
But something has to happen, because what you saw, if you cared to watch, was possibly the worst period this season that resulted in a 5-2 loss in Buffalo Wednesday.
And I’m not talking just for the Flyers. No. It was certainly their worst period. I’m saying it could have been the worst 20 minutes played by any NHL team at any time in this season’s first two months.
And it was a complete and utter failure by everyone from the top down.
The Flyers, after three days off, were completely outplayed, out-skated, outworked out-everythinged by the Buffalo Sabres for the game’s first 20 minutes. The effort was completely, absolutely and absurdly unacceptable.
Dave Hakstol knew it. He used his timeout nine minutes into the game. Of course the team was already trailing 3-0. And he was as animated as I’ve ever seen him on the bench laying into his players.
It didn’t matter… not until the second period at least.
Because from the start of the second period until the Sabres got an empty net goal to ice the game, the Flyers were excellent. They played pissed off. They ramped up their physical play. They controlled puck possession. They generated scoring chances. They had the Sabres on their heels. They even outscored them 2-0. Frankly, we have a hockey game and probably a different outcome if they would have, you know, started the game this way.
But they were completely unprepared… again. Their penalty kill let up a goal… again. They have an AHL caliber goalie in net… again.
Alex Lyon is a competitor. He’s not going out there and purposely messing the bed. But he gave up four goals on 12 shots. Three on rebounds and one from a bad angle. That can’t instill confidence in the team in front of you.
Not that the team in front of him was any help. They were the freakin’ Keystone Cops on the ice for the first 20 minutes. It was really embarrassing. Turnover, Turnover, Turnover. Out of position. Lame defensive effort. You name the negative plays that result in goals against and the Flyers had them on grand display for 20 minutes against the Sabres.
Frankly, it sucks to keep writing about this, too. Not just for me, or any other person who is actually paid to cover this team, but for the fans who take to their own blogs, or online forums, or social media to write the same thing every day.
I am personally most thankful for them on this Thanksgiving evening. The fans who put up with the same lather, rinse, repeat mentality of the Flyers every day. It’s especially frustrating for them and I feel their pain.
So, in honor of them, rather than give you more repeated analysis of the same breakdowns of bad goals from the game, or highlight more turnovers, or say things like, “hey, they’re playing better and showing some fight and trying to comeback again” after goals by Claude Giroux and Wayne Simmonds, even though that is for naught, I decided to share some of the fans Twitter fire.
They deserve to be heard. The Flyers should definitely be listening.
And for the record, this is all from a Twitter search of the word “Hakstol.” I could be here all day if I wanted to search other Flyer-related words too. In chronological order:
This is on Hextall, and to a lesser extend Hakstol.
— Yo (@FlyGoalScoredBy) November 22, 2018
just heard a “Fire Hakstol'' scream… in Buffalo
— Sam Donnellon (@samdonnellon) November 22, 2018
I am convinced Dave Hakstol legitimately ignores coaching defense
— Kevin A (@Mister856) November 22, 2018
alex lyon you are not the goalie
— Fire Hakstol (@Benjami92357503) November 22, 2018
Can someone put some romaine lettuce in Dave Hakstol's lunch tomorrow?
— Josh Lyons (@TheLyons_Den) November 22, 2018
That one is just wrong Josh….. but it did make me laugh!
kindly launch every one of dave hakstol’s wakeboards into the sun plz
— 𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘰 𝘨𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘪𝘢𝘯 (@Doonbugs) November 22, 2018
I’m not sure if Mike Sielski ever knew what he would have wrought on this city with that Hakstol profile last summer. His story was sort of the Bizarro Gritty.
Great start to this Flyers game. Really glad that employed head coach Dave Hakstol got the boys ready to go tonight. Don’t know where this team would be without him and his innovative leadership skills.
— Jordie
Tumblr media
(@BarstoolJordie) November 22, 2018
Well, the pains of being a Flyers fan continues. I've never been all aboard the Fire Hakstol train but this is seriously getting old. We obviously need to solve the goalie carousel as well. It's not a pretty picture.
— Chris Childress (@311child) November 22, 2018
When the patient get inpatient, you know it’s bad.
Time for a change flyers! Either the core goes or hakstol, it’s pretty simple. Coaching doesn’t help out the personnel and personnel doesn’t help the coaching
— Clint Surgeoner (@ClintSurge) November 22, 2018
Note: This is not my burner account.
You know what? Fuck it, get rid of Hextall and Hakstol and put Lombardi in charge. Hire Q of course, but Hextall is just as much to blame now as Hak.
— ReignInBlood
Tumblr media Tumblr media
(@Flyers49ersGuy) November 22, 2018
For every day that goes by without a firing, this slowly becomes a "Hakstol is hurting this team" to a "Hextall and Hakstol hurting this team" thing. #FlyersTalk
— Chris Valentine (@lcvalent) November 22, 2018
It’s gonna be so fun when the flyers lose 10 games in a row for the second year in a row and hakstol still doesn’t get fired
— laura (@llxnne) November 22, 2018
I’ve always been defensive of Hakstol but this is just getting absolutely ridiculous
— Mark Murphy (@MARKmyWord116) November 22, 2018
Can't be the only one who doesn't want Jordan Weal in the lineup
— Hakstol Sucks (@BrianBertele) November 22, 2018
I hope the flyers get absolutely smashed tonight so Hextall can grow a fucking pair of balls and fire Hakstol. This team needs a major change.
— Patrick Janus (@jatpanus) November 22, 2018
Good job with the goalies, Hextall. I almost feel bad for Hakstol
— Dan Knightly (@DanKnightly) November 22, 2018
This is definitely something that Hextall has to take blame for. Definitely. He had two injured NHL goalies and a bunch of AHL goalies. What did he think was going to happen?
There is an identity problem as a whole as a franchise. When it comes down specifically to the players, they are just not getting done and not executing properly. I don’t think firing Hakstol automatically solves problems, but at this point something just needs to be done.
— Anthony (@AnthonyDiGrazio) November 22, 2018
Claude Giroux trying to single handedly save Hakstol’s job. #FireHakstol #Flyers pic.twitter.com/UCw4lfrKmN
— Steve Alikakos (@Stelios1974) November 22, 2018
More like when they lose tonight, tomorrow and the game after that, Hakstol will still be the coach and everyone but G will continue to play like they don't give a shit.
— bobby (@SukiHana) November 22, 2018
I liked the last part of Bobby’s tweet. It does seem like that sometimes. Not always… but sometimes.
the problems stem FAR beyond Hakstol, but he certainly isn't an innocent bystander in this mess https://t.co/VyeDC4qiN6
— Negative Dan The Flyera Fan (@DanTheFlyeraFan) November 22, 2018
And if our only defense of the man is “well he drafts well and can get the most from assets,” is there a tipping point where we look to make a change at GM? Do we trust him to hire a new head coach if he’s so adamantly behind Dave Hakstol? Tune in next time on Dragon Ball Z.
— Joshua Bright (@Ponti_flex_) November 22, 2018
And if our only defense of the man is “well he drafts well and can get the most from assets,” is there a tipping point where we look to make a change at GM? Do we trust him to hire a new head coach if he’s so adamantly behind Dave Hakstol? Tune in next time on Dragon Ball Z.
— Joshua Bright (@Ponti_flex_) November 22, 2018
@28CGiroux fourth straight loss…. care to move on yet? You and Hakstol?
— Geez (@likethepyramids) November 22, 2018
Unfair to put blame on Giroux. He plays his ass off. But hey, I understand the vitriol, even if it’s misguided.
#Flyers records at #Thanksgiving⁠ ⁠ the past 4 years under Dave Hakstol: 2018-19 9-10-2, 15th in the East 2017-18 8-9-5, 13th (made playoffs Lost to Penguins first round) 2016-17 9-9-3, 13th (missed playoffs) 2015-16 7-10-5,14th(made playoffs lost to caps 1st round) pic.twitter.com/5pBRMEm2YV
— Flyers Nation (@PHLFlyersNation) November 22, 2018
What’s the definition of insanity?
Cat Nap
ZzZzz  <⌒/ヽ-、___ /<_/____/  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  ∧_∧ Hakstol still employed?  ( ・ω・)   | ⊃/(___ /└-(____/  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
ZZzZzz  <⌒/ヽ-、___ /<_/____/  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
— vile_mennis (@vile_mennis) November 22, 2018
What’s Hakstol’s pregame ritual? Readings from James Joyce and viewings if Old Yeller?
— Walcraeb (@walcraeb) November 22, 2018
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone but Dave Hakstol and Ron Hextall.
— Colin Moye (@JornadaDelColin) November 22, 2018
Thanks Colin!!
The longer Hakstol remains the head coach the more I start to feel Hexy and ownership don’t value winning and that should worry all @NHLFlyers fans..
— CJ Bond (@bondcjbond) November 22, 2018
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Hakstol has been terrible. It’s time to go.
— Rich (@richcapra) November 22, 2018
Oh… there it is…. I know someone would provide the answer. Thanks Rich!
But I agree Hakstol has to go…. we all remember what a college coach did to our football team.
— Cyle (@cap_018) November 22, 2018
Gotta love a vague Chip Kelly reference.
Let's be real, if they are 2 or 3 bad games from getting a coach fired, will 4-5 good games really make a difference, in the big picture? If Hextall thinks a decent run of games saves Hakstol's job, he's just delaying the inevitable.
— Brian (@Trizellini) November 22, 2018
Russ and I talked about this on Snow the Goalie a couple weeks ago. This is a fair point. If playing well for five games gets you back to mediocrity, is that a good enough reason to hold on to the coach?
Welcome to being a Flyers fan in the Dave Hakstol Era https://t.co/wAN5wZz4Rs
— Alex Littman (@Alitt30) November 22, 2018
The coolest thing that Hakstol has done is bridge the gap between analytics people and anti-analytics people. Both sides finally agree on something: this team is going nowhere under this coach.
— Brad Keffer (@brad_keffer) November 22, 2018
This really is true, isn’t it?
The Comcast Group needs to step in and fire the GM and coach. It’s clear Hextall thinks his agenda is working. There is a 3 time cup winning coach unemployed while Hakstol still has a job?!? This core has be together for 8 years now and produced nothing. Time for major changes.
— Steve Johnson (@TheSteveNoize) November 22, 2018
Comcast is the biggest, and I mean BIGGEST problem with the Flyers right now. I can’t stress that enough.
Hopefully the Rangers come in here and stomp us and the building is overrun with boos and "Fire Hakstol" chants……that humiliation on national TV might just be enough to make somebody do something……then again maybe not
— franko65 (@Raiderfrank65) November 22, 2018
It could get ugly tomorrow, especially if the Rangers score first.
this team is a fucking nightmare…. an absolute nightmare https://t.co/M3YzEv7jK8
— Fire Hakstol (@Benjami92357503) November 22, 2018
Yep Tyrell Goulbourne… that’s the answer the team needs. I’m done.
Happy Thanksgiving, Flyers fans. Don’t ever change.
For more Flyers coverage, be sure to check out our pregame and intermission shows “The Press Row Show” before and during home games via Facebook Live on the Crossing Broad Facebook page and Periscope via Anthony’s Twitter account. Also, listen to our Flyers podcast Snow the Goalie ([iTunes] [Google Play] [Stitcher] [RSS]), leave a 5 star review, and follow us on Twitter:@AntSanPhilly @JoyOnBroad
The post Enough is Enough. Fans have the right idea after Sabres 5, Flyers 2 appeared first on Crossing Broad.
Enough is Enough. Fans have the right idea after Sabres 5, Flyers 2 published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
0 notes
flauntpage · 6 years
Enough is Enough. Fans have the right idea after Sabres 5, Flyers 2
Not Christmas. Not the All-Star Break. Not the trade deadline.
There is no longer time to wait for the Flyers do do something, anything to change the culture and identity of this team.
This can be done in several ways. It can be a firing, head coach or assistant. It can be trade from the NHL roster – and it needs to be an impact one, not something small to say, “oh hey, we made a change.”
And if none of that happens, it can be done with a change in management.
But something has to happen, because what you saw, if you cared to watch, was possibly the worst period this season that resulted in a 5-2 loss in Buffalo Wednesday.
And I’m not talking just for the Flyers. No. It was certainly their worst period. I’m saying it could have been the worst 20 minutes played by any NHL team at any time in this season’s first two months.
And it was a complete and utter failure by everyone from the top down.
The Flyers, after three days off, were completely outplayed, out-skated, outworked out-everythinged by the Buffalo Sabres for the game’s first 20 minutes. The effort was completely, absolutely and absurdly unacceptable.
Dave Hakstol knew it. He used his timeout nine minutes into the game. Of course the team was already trailing 3-0. And he was as animated as I’ve ever seen him on the bench laying into his players.
It didn’t matter… not until the second period at least.
Because from the start of the second period until the Sabres got an empty net goal to ice the game, the Flyers were excellent. They played pissed off. They ramped up their physical play. They controlled puck possession. They generated scoring chances. They had the Sabres on their heels. They even outscored them 2-0. Frankly, we have a hockey game and probably a different outcome if they would have, you know, started the game this way.
But they were completely unprepared… again. Their penalty kill let up a goal… again. They have an AHL caliber goalie in net… again.
Alex Lyon is a competitor. He’s not going out there and purposely messing the bed. But he gave up four goals on 12 shots. Three on rebounds and one from a bad angle. That can’t instill confidence in the team in front of you.
Not that the team in front of him was any help. They were the freakin’ Keystone Cops on the ice for the first 20 minutes. It was really embarrassing. Turnover, Turnover, Turnover. Out of position. Lame defensive effort. You name the negative plays that result in goals against and the Flyers had them on grand display for 20 minutes against the Sabres.
Frankly, it sucks to keep writing about this, too. Not just for me, or any other person who is actually paid to cover this team, but for the fans who take to their own blogs, or online forums, or social media to write the same thing every day.
I am personally most thankful for them on this Thanksgiving evening. The fans who put up with the same lather, rinse, repeat mentality of the Flyers every day. It’s especially frustrating for them and I feel their pain.
So, in honor of them, rather than give you more repeated analysis of the same breakdowns of bad goals from the game, or highlight more turnovers, or say things like, “hey, they’re playing better and showing some fight and trying to comeback again” after goals by Claude Giroux and Wayne Simmonds, even though that is for naught, I decided to share some of the fans Twitter fire.
They deserve to be heard. The Flyers should definitely be listening.
And for the record, this is all from a Twitter search of the word “Hakstol.” I could be here all day if I wanted to search other Flyer-related words too. In chronological order:
This is on Hextall, and to a lesser extend Hakstol.
— Yo (@FlyGoalScoredBy) November 22, 2018
just heard a “Fire Hakstol'' scream… in Buffalo
— Sam Donnellon (@samdonnellon) November 22, 2018
I am convinced Dave Hakstol legitimately ignores coaching defense
— Kevin A (@Mister856) November 22, 2018
alex lyon you are not the goalie
— Fire Hakstol (@Benjami92357503) November 22, 2018
Can someone put some romaine lettuce in Dave Hakstol's lunch tomorrow?
— Josh Lyons (@TheLyons_Den) November 22, 2018
That one is just wrong Josh….. but it did make me laugh!
kindly launch every one of dave hakstol’s wakeboards into the sun plz
— 𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘰 𝘨𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘪𝘢𝘯 (@Doonbugs) November 22, 2018
I’m not sure if Mike Sielski ever knew what he would have wrought on this city with that Hakstol profile last summer. His story was sort of the Bizarro Gritty.
Great start to this Flyers game. Really glad that employed head coach Dave Hakstol got the boys ready to go tonight. Don’t know where this team would be without him and his innovative leadership skills.
— Jordie
Tumblr media
(@BarstoolJordie) November 22, 2018
Well, the pains of being a Flyers fan continues. I've never been all aboard the Fire Hakstol train but this is seriously getting old. We obviously need to solve the goalie carousel as well. It's not a pretty picture.
— Chris Childress (@311child) November 22, 2018
When the patient get inpatient, you know it’s bad.
Time for a change flyers! Either the core goes or hakstol, it’s pretty simple. Coaching doesn’t help out the personnel and personnel doesn’t help the coaching
— Clint Surgeoner (@ClintSurge) November 22, 2018
Note: This is not my burner account.
You know what? Fuck it, get rid of Hextall and Hakstol and put Lombardi in charge. Hire Q of course, but Hextall is just as much to blame now as Hak.
— ReignInBlood
Tumblr media Tumblr media
(@Flyers49ersGuy) November 22, 2018
For every day that goes by without a firing, this slowly becomes a "Hakstol is hurting this team" to a "Hextall and Hakstol hurting this team" thing. #FlyersTalk
— Chris Valentine (@lcvalent) November 22, 2018
It’s gonna be so fun when the flyers lose 10 games in a row for the second year in a row and hakstol still doesn’t get fired
— laura (@llxnne) November 22, 2018
I’ve always been defensive of Hakstol but this is just getting absolutely ridiculous
— Mark Murphy (@MARKmyWord116) November 22, 2018
Can't be the only one who doesn't want Jordan Weal in the lineup
— Hakstol Sucks (@BrianBertele) November 22, 2018
I hope the flyers get absolutely smashed tonight so Hextall can grow a fucking pair of balls and fire Hakstol. This team needs a major change.
— Patrick Janus (@jatpanus) November 22, 2018
Good job with the goalies, Hextall. I almost feel bad for Hakstol
— Dan Knightly (@DanKnightly) November 22, 2018
This is definitely something that Hextall has to take blame for. Definitely. He had two injured NHL goalies and a bunch of AHL goalies. What did he think was going to happen?
There is an identity problem as a whole as a franchise. When it comes down specifically to the players, they are just not getting done and not executing properly. I don’t think firing Hakstol automatically solves problems, but at this point something just needs to be done.
— Anthony (@AnthonyDiGrazio) November 22, 2018
Claude Giroux trying to single handedly save Hakstol’s job. #FireHakstol #Flyers pic.twitter.com/UCw4lfrKmN
— Steve Alikakos (@Stelios1974) November 22, 2018
More like when they lose tonight, tomorrow and the game after that, Hakstol will still be the coach and everyone but G will continue to play like they don't give a shit.
— bobby (@SukiHana) November 22, 2018
I liked the last part of Bobby’s tweet. It does seem like that sometimes. Not always… but sometimes.
the problems stem FAR beyond Hakstol, but he certainly isn't an innocent bystander in this mess https://t.co/VyeDC4qiN6
— Negative Dan The Flyera Fan (@DanTheFlyeraFan) November 22, 2018
And if our only defense of the man is “well he drafts well and can get the most from assets,” is there a tipping point where we look to make a change at GM? Do we trust him to hire a new head coach if he’s so adamantly behind Dave Hakstol? Tune in next time on Dragon Ball Z.
— Joshua Bright (@Ponti_flex_) November 22, 2018
And if our only defense of the man is “well he drafts well and can get the most from assets,” is there a tipping point where we look to make a change at GM? Do we trust him to hire a new head coach if he’s so adamantly behind Dave Hakstol? Tune in next time on Dragon Ball Z.
— Joshua Bright (@Ponti_flex_) November 22, 2018
@28CGiroux fourth straight loss…. care to move on yet? You and Hakstol?
— Geez (@likethepyramids) November 22, 2018
Unfair to put blame on Giroux. He plays his ass off. But hey, I understand the vitriol, even if it’s misguided.
#Flyers records at #Thanksgiving⁠ ⁠ the past 4 years under Dave Hakstol: 2018-19 9-10-2, 15th in the East 2017-18 8-9-5, 13th (made playoffs Lost to Penguins first round) 2016-17 9-9-3, 13th (missed playoffs) 2015-16 7-10-5,14th(made playoffs lost to caps 1st round) pic.twitter.com/5pBRMEm2YV
— Flyers Nation (@PHLFlyersNation) November 22, 2018
What’s the definition of insanity?
Cat Nap
ZzZzz  <⌒/ヽ-、___ /<_/____/  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  ∧_∧ Hakstol still employed?  ( ・ω・)   | ⊃/(___ /└-(____/  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
ZZzZzz  <⌒/ヽ-、___ /<_/____/  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
— vile_mennis (@vile_mennis) November 22, 2018
What’s Hakstol’s pregame ritual? Readings from James Joyce and viewings if Old Yeller?
— Walcraeb (@walcraeb) November 22, 2018
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone but Dave Hakstol and Ron Hextall.
— Colin Moye (@JornadaDelColin) November 22, 2018
Thanks Colin!!
The longer Hakstol remains the head coach the more I start to feel Hexy and ownership don’t value winning and that should worry all @NHLFlyers fans..
— CJ Bond (@bondcjbond) November 22, 2018
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Hakstol has been terrible. It’s time to go.
— Rich (@richcapra) November 22, 2018
Oh… there it is…. I know someone would provide the answer. Thanks Rich!
But I agree Hakstol has to go…. we all remember what a college coach did to our football team.
— Cyle (@cap_018) November 22, 2018
Gotta love a vague Chip Kelly reference.
Let's be real, if they are 2 or 3 bad games from getting a coach fired, will 4-5 good games really make a difference, in the big picture? If Hextall thinks a decent run of games saves Hakstol's job, he's just delaying the inevitable.
— Brian (@Trizellini) November 22, 2018
Russ and I talked about this on Snow the Goalie a couple weeks ago. This is a fair point. If playing well for five games gets you back to mediocrity, is that a good enough reason to hold on to the coach?
Welcome to being a Flyers fan in the Dave Hakstol Era https://t.co/wAN5wZz4Rs
— Alex Littman (@Alitt30) November 22, 2018
The coolest thing that Hakstol has done is bridge the gap between analytics people and anti-analytics people. Both sides finally agree on something: this team is going nowhere under this coach.
— Brad Keffer (@brad_keffer) November 22, 2018
This really is true, isn’t it?
The Comcast Group needs to step in and fire the GM and coach. It’s clear Hextall thinks his agenda is working. There is a 3 time cup winning coach unemployed while Hakstol still has a job?!? This core has be together for 8 years now and produced nothing. Time for major changes.
— Steve Johnson (@TheSteveNoize) November 22, 2018
Comcast is the biggest, and I mean BIGGEST problem with the Flyers right now. I can’t stress that enough.
Hopefully the Rangers come in here and stomp us and the building is overrun with boos and "Fire Hakstol" chants……that humiliation on national TV might just be enough to make somebody do something……then again maybe not
— franko65 (@Raiderfrank65) November 22, 2018
It could get ugly tomorrow, especially if the Rangers score first.
this team is a fucking nightmare…. an absolute nightmare https://t.co/M3YzEv7jK8
— Fire Hakstol (@Benjami92357503) November 22, 2018
Yep Tyrell Goulbourne… that’s the answer the team needs. I’m done.
Happy Thanksgiving, Flyers fans. Don’t ever change.
For more Flyers coverage, be sure to check out our pregame and intermission shows “The Press Row Show” before and during home games via Facebook Live on the Crossing Broad Facebook page and Periscope via Anthony’s Twitter account. Also, listen to our Flyers podcast Snow the Goalie ([iTunes] [Google Play] [Stitcher] [RSS]), leave a 5 star review, and follow us on Twitter:@AntSanPhilly @JoyOnBroad
The post Enough is Enough. Fans have the right idea after Sabres 5, Flyers 2 appeared first on Crossing Broad.
Enough is Enough. Fans have the right idea after Sabres 5, Flyers 2 published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
0 notes
flauntpage · 6 years
Enough is Enough. Fans have the right idea after Sabres 5, Flyers 2
Not Christmas. Not the All-Star Break. Not the trade deadline.
There is no longer time to wait for the Flyers do do something, anything to change the culture and identity of this team.
This can be done in several ways. It can be a firing, head coach or assistant. It can be trade from the NHL roster – and it needs to be an impact one, not something small to say, “oh hey, we made a change.”
And if none of that happens, it can be done with a change in management.
But something has to happen, because what you saw, if you cared to watch, was possibly the worst period this season that resulted in a 5-2 loss in Buffalo Wednesday.
And I’m not talking just for the Flyers. No. It was certainly their worst period. I’m saying it could have been the worst 20 minutes played by any NHL team at any time in this season’s first two months.
And it was a complete and utter failure by everyone from the top down.
The Flyers, after three days off, were completely outplayed, out-skated, outworked out-everythinged by the Buffalo Sabres for the game’s first 20 minutes. The effort was completely, absolutely and absurdly unacceptable.
Dave Hakstol knew it. He used his timeout nine minutes into the game. Of course the team was already trailing 3-0. And he was as animated as I’ve ever seen him on the bench laying into his players.
It didn’t matter… not until the second period at least.
Because from the start of the second period until the Sabres got an empty net goal to ice the game, the Flyers were excellent. They played pissed off. They ramped up their physical play. They controlled puck possession. They generated scoring chances. They had the Sabres on their heels. They even outscored them 2-0. Frankly, we have a hockey game and probably a different outcome if they would have, you know, started the game this way.
But they were completely unprepared… again. Their penalty kill let up a goal… again. They have an AHL caliber goalie in net… again.
Alex Lyon is a competitor. He’s not going out there and purposely messing the bed. But he gave up four goals on 12 shots. Three on rebounds and one from a bad angle. That can’t instill confidence in the team in front of you.
Not that the team in front of him was any help. They were the freakin’ Keystone Cops on the ice for the first 20 minutes. It was really embarrassing. Turnover, Turnover, Turnover. Out of position. Lame defensive effort. You name the negative plays that result in goals against and the Flyers had them on grand display for 20 minutes against the Sabres.
Frankly, it sucks to keep writing about this, too. Not just for me, or any other person who is actually paid to cover this team, but for the fans who take to their own blogs, or online forums, or social media to write the same thing every day.
I am personally most thankful for them on this Thanksgiving evening. The fans who put up with the same lather, rinse, repeat mentality of the Flyers every day. It’s especially frustrating for them and I feel their pain.
So, in honor of them, rather than give you more repeated analysis of the same breakdowns of bad goals from the game, or highlight more turnovers, or say things like, “hey, they’re playing better and showing some fight and trying to comeback again” after goals by Claude Giroux and Wayne Simmonds, even though that is for naught, I decided to share some of the fans Twitter fire.
They deserve to be heard. The Flyers should definitely be listening.
And for the record, this is all from a Twitter search of the word “Hakstol.” I could be here all day if I wanted to search other Flyer-related words too. In chronological order:
This is on Hextall, and to a lesser extend Hakstol.
— Yo (@FlyGoalScoredBy) November 22, 2018
just heard a “Fire Hakstol'' scream… in Buffalo
— Sam Donnellon (@samdonnellon) November 22, 2018
I am convinced Dave Hakstol legitimately ignores coaching defense
— Kevin A (@Mister856) November 22, 2018
alex lyon you are not the goalie
— Fire Hakstol (@Benjami92357503) November 22, 2018
Can someone put some romaine lettuce in Dave Hakstol's lunch tomorrow?
— Josh Lyons (@TheLyons_Den) November 22, 2018
That one is just wrong Josh….. but it did make me laugh!
kindly launch every one of dave hakstol’s wakeboards into the sun plz
— 𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘰 𝘨𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘪𝘢𝘯 (@Doonbugs) November 22, 2018
I’m not sure if Mike Sielski ever knew what he would have wrought on this city with that Hakstol profile last summer. His story was sort of the Bizarro Gritty.
Great start to this Flyers game. Really glad that employed head coach Dave Hakstol got the boys ready to go tonight. Don’t know where this team would be without him and his innovative leadership skills.
— Jordie
Tumblr media
(@BarstoolJordie) November 22, 2018
Well, the pains of being a Flyers fan continues. I've never been all aboard the Fire Hakstol train but this is seriously getting old. We obviously need to solve the goalie carousel as well. It's not a pretty picture.
— Chris Childress (@311child) November 22, 2018
When the patient get inpatient, you know it’s bad.
Time for a change flyers! Either the core goes or hakstol, it’s pretty simple. Coaching doesn’t help out the personnel and personnel doesn’t help the coaching
— Clint Surgeoner (@ClintSurge) November 22, 2018
Note: This is not my burner account.
You know what? Fuck it, get rid of Hextall and Hakstol and put Lombardi in charge. Hire Q of course, but Hextall is just as much to blame now as Hak.
— ReignInBlood
Tumblr media Tumblr media
(@Flyers49ersGuy) November 22, 2018
For every day that goes by without a firing, this slowly becomes a "Hakstol is hurting this team" to a "Hextall and Hakstol hurting this team" thing. #FlyersTalk
— Chris Valentine (@lcvalent) November 22, 2018
It’s gonna be so fun when the flyers lose 10 games in a row for the second year in a row and hakstol still doesn’t get fired
— laura (@llxnne) November 22, 2018
I’ve always been defensive of Hakstol but this is just getting absolutely ridiculous
— Mark Murphy (@MARKmyWord116) November 22, 2018
Can't be the only one who doesn't want Jordan Weal in the lineup
— Hakstol Sucks (@BrianBertele) November 22, 2018
I hope the flyers get absolutely smashed tonight so Hextall can grow a fucking pair of balls and fire Hakstol. This team needs a major change.
— Patrick Janus (@jatpanus) November 22, 2018
Good job with the goalies, Hextall. I almost feel bad for Hakstol
— Dan Knightly (@DanKnightly) November 22, 2018
This is definitely something that Hextall has to take blame for. Definitely. He had two injured NHL goalies and a bunch of AHL goalies. What did he think was going to happen?
There is an identity problem as a whole as a franchise. When it comes down specifically to the players, they are just not getting done and not executing properly. I don’t think firing Hakstol automatically solves problems, but at this point something just needs to be done.
— Anthony (@AnthonyDiGrazio) November 22, 2018
Claude Giroux trying to single handedly save Hakstol’s job. #FireHakstol #Flyers pic.twitter.com/UCw4lfrKmN
— Steve Alikakos (@Stelios1974) November 22, 2018
More like when they lose tonight, tomorrow and the game after that, Hakstol will still be the coach and everyone but G will continue to play like they don't give a shit.
— bobby (@SukiHana) November 22, 2018
I liked the last part of Bobby’s tweet. It does seem like that sometimes. Not always… but sometimes.
the problems stem FAR beyond Hakstol, but he certainly isn't an innocent bystander in this mess https://t.co/VyeDC4qiN6
— Negative Dan The Flyera Fan (@DanTheFlyeraFan) November 22, 2018
And if our only defense of the man is “well he drafts well and can get the most from assets,” is there a tipping point where we look to make a change at GM? Do we trust him to hire a new head coach if he’s so adamantly behind Dave Hakstol? Tune in next time on Dragon Ball Z.
— Joshua Bright (@Ponti_flex_) November 22, 2018
And if our only defense of the man is “well he drafts well and can get the most from assets,” is there a tipping point where we look to make a change at GM? Do we trust him to hire a new head coach if he’s so adamantly behind Dave Hakstol? Tune in next time on Dragon Ball Z.
— Joshua Bright (@Ponti_flex_) November 22, 2018
@28CGiroux fourth straight loss…. care to move on yet? You and Hakstol?
— Geez (@likethepyramids) November 22, 2018
Unfair to put blame on Giroux. He plays his ass off. But hey, I understand the vitriol, even if it’s misguided.
#Flyers records at #Thanksgiving⁠ ⁠ the past 4 years under Dave Hakstol: 2018-19 9-10-2, 15th in the East 2017-18 8-9-5, 13th (made playoffs Lost to Penguins first round) 2016-17 9-9-3, 13th (missed playoffs) 2015-16 7-10-5,14th(made playoffs lost to caps 1st round) pic.twitter.com/5pBRMEm2YV
— Flyers Nation (@PHLFlyersNation) November 22, 2018
What’s the definition of insanity?
Cat Nap
ZzZzz  <⌒/ヽ-、___ /<_/____/  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  ∧_∧ Hakstol still employed?  ( ・ω・)   | ⊃/(___ /└-(____/  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
ZZzZzz  <⌒/ヽ-、___ /<_/____/  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
— vile_mennis (@vile_mennis) November 22, 2018
What’s Hakstol’s pregame ritual? Readings from James Joyce and viewings if Old Yeller?
— Walcraeb (@walcraeb) November 22, 2018
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone but Dave Hakstol and Ron Hextall.
— Colin Moye (@JornadaDelColin) November 22, 2018
Thanks Colin!!
The longer Hakstol remains the head coach the more I start to feel Hexy and ownership don’t value winning and that should worry all @NHLFlyers fans..
— CJ Bond (@bondcjbond) November 22, 2018
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Hakstol has been terrible. It’s time to go.
— Rich (@richcapra) November 22, 2018
Oh… there it is…. I know someone would provide the answer. Thanks Rich!
But I agree Hakstol has to go…. we all remember what a college coach did to our football team.
— Cyle (@cap_018) November 22, 2018
Gotta love a vague Chip Kelly reference.
Let's be real, if they are 2 or 3 bad games from getting a coach fired, will 4-5 good games really make a difference, in the big picture? If Hextall thinks a decent run of games saves Hakstol's job, he's just delaying the inevitable.
— Brian (@Trizellini) November 22, 2018
Russ and I talked about this on Snow the Goalie a couple weeks ago. This is a fair point. If playing well for five games gets you back to mediocrity, is that a good enough reason to hold on to the coach?
Welcome to being a Flyers fan in the Dave Hakstol Era https://t.co/wAN5wZz4Rs
— Alex Littman (@Alitt30) November 22, 2018
The coolest thing that Hakstol has done is bridge the gap between analytics people and anti-analytics people. Both sides finally agree on something: this team is going nowhere under this coach.
— Brad Keffer (@brad_keffer) November 22, 2018
This really is true, isn’t it?
The Comcast Group needs to step in and fire the GM and coach. It’s clear Hextall thinks his agenda is working. There is a 3 time cup winning coach unemployed while Hakstol still has a job?!? This core has be together for 8 years now and produced nothing. Time for major changes.
— Steve Johnson (@TheSteveNoize) November 22, 2018
Comcast is the biggest, and I mean BIGGEST problem with the Flyers right now. I can’t stress that enough.
Hopefully the Rangers come in here and stomp us and the building is overrun with boos and "Fire Hakstol" chants……that humiliation on national TV might just be enough to make somebody do something……then again maybe not
— franko65 (@Raiderfrank65) November 22, 2018
It could get ugly tomorrow, especially if the Rangers score first.
this team is a fucking nightmare…. an absolute nightmare https://t.co/M3YzEv7jK8
— Fire Hakstol (@Benjami92357503) November 22, 2018
Yep Tyrell Goulbourne… that’s the answer the team needs. I’m done.
Happy Thanksgiving, Flyers fans. Don’t ever change.
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