#not only do i feel bad for youngjae in future lives but this life tbh
babybirdgyeom · 5 years
about me tag ♥
thank you so much @jj-nyoung for tagging me! i keep on fangirling whenever i see you in my notifications lmao!
The rules are:
1. Tag the person who tagged you 2. Answer the questions. 3. Tag 10 people Let’s get it started!
•How tall are you? 1.70m aka taller than Jackson hehe
•What color and style is your hair? At the moment it’s brown because I work in the medical field now and I can’t have crazy hair anymore sadly but maybe I’ll go back to orange soon
•What color are your eyes? A nice light blue
•Do you wear glasses? Do I have and need some? Yes. Do I wear them? No. Do I work at an ophthalmologist and should know better? You bet. 
•Do you wear braces? Nahh, I maybe should.
•What’s your fashion sense? This sis doesn’t really has one rip
 •Full name? Benita Sarah Fabia Thomssen
•When were you born? 14th October, 1998. Libra power baby!
•Where are you from and where do you live now? I’m from a lovely town called Bremen in Germany and I’ll never leave this beautiful, magical place ♥
•What school do you go to? I work fulltime. I still have to go to medical school though twice a week but it’s nice, I love it there.
•What kind of student are you? Luckily I never really had to learn and had a lot of fun in school, I truly miss going to school if I am honest. It was so much easier lmao 
•Do you like school? Like I said I miss it a looot but medical school is lit too
•Favorite subject? Back then English, German and Math. Now probably anything to do with anatomy, not rlly into the whole financial and hygienic stuff we’re learning
•Favorite TV show? Gilmore Girls is my all time favorite. Atm I’m hyped for GoT again, also Riverdale even though it’s bad as fuck
•Favorite Movie? Harry Potter, I know it’s basic but I love it. Also the 2002 Version of Peter Pan is my life. And also Rocky Horror Picture Show.
•Favorite books? Ask me about my fave ff, that’s easier, I promise
Favorite pastime? Writing, editing or watching dumb Facebook videos for hours lmao
•Do you have any regrets? I try not to, it’s only stressful
•Dream job? My absolute dream job is to become a speech therapist but in Germany it is wayyy to expensive to become one so I sadly had to give up on that for now :/ Now I’m currently working at an doctor’s office like I said before and I love it. But I’ll probs become a teacher at medical school after that. Really wanna stay in the medical field but also teach people something.
•Would you ever like to be married? I’m onto it. Slowly convincing my boyfriend to lmao
•Would you like to have kids? I really don’t know. At the moment I don’t think so, but I might change my mind in the future.
•How many? I always say either none or five. I feel like if you have five children it’s easier than having 1-2? 
•Do you like shopping? Nahh, only shopping for Kpop Albums tbh
•What countries have you visited? Bulgaria, England. That’s it, sadly...
•Scariest nightmare you have ever had? I constantly have nightmares so idk which one is the worst
•Any enemies? You know, maybe 1-2 persons I can’t stand but that’s as dramatic as it gets.
•Any significant other?  Yes, l have the nicest, loveliest and most supportive boyfriend I could ask for. Big shoutout to you for standing by my side for three years now and being not even completely fine, but also so supportive with me constantly telling you how much I wanna kiss korean men.
Do you believe in miracles? I only believe in miracle by Got7
•How are you? Annoyed because I wanna finish my Yugyeom fanfic but I don’t have any inspiration
I tag @jayjaehyunhyun @millionsmp3 @softstancyj @youngjaes-sexy-legs @wangslut7 @wang-sseunie @weishenv @linearplanes @ahgaseposts and of course my bbygirl @ghibliyoongi ♥♥♥
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coffee-for-himchan · 7 years
Not On My Watch (Yongguk mafia/gang AU pt.2)
Word count: 8.2 k+
Genre/warnings: Mafia/gang AU (does contain swearing and violence, and the regular mafia stuff. This won’t really be all cute and fluffy it’s quite the opposite tbh but hey, the ending’s nice at least)
Summary: It had already happened once, and you prayed to God it wouldn’t happen again. You’d already been captured and locked up, having to serve a man you hated with a burning passion. Having to say goodbye to the outside world, and having to part from Yongguk because no one knew where you went and vanished, not being able to help you in any way. A lucky coincidence had brought you back to Yongguk, and now when the right time had come around the corner, he was more than ready to finish what had to be finished off as soon as possible. The man you feared oh so much had just appeared on the scene again, and this time Yongguk swore to take proper care of him. And make it eternal.
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He kissed you softly, without any fear or consequence in mind. After all, if this was indeed all you both desired at that moment, why hold back if you could let utter pleasure take over your bodies instead?
Oh, yeah. Because you were far from knowing the truth, and he was afraid you’d leave if he told you.
“Yongguk-ah,” you’d barely pulled away when you spoke quietly, and he gave you a questioning hum in return, not daring to let go of you just yet. Your days in his arms were numbered anyways, and he would eventually have to let go of you, so he held on while he still could.
He’d have to let you off to wander your own path in life, one that didn’t include or feature him in any way. One that kept you far away from him, because he brought nothing but pain everywhere he went. Because you’d never be completely happy or safe by his side.
Because he was a newfound mafia leader, and you were nothing but a girl with beautiful, sad eyes, a broken past and a heart that always kept the vacancy of it’s rightful owner free just for him, and no one else. And despite all that, he couldn’t possibly have you without making you suffer, so he tried to stay back.
“I think I really like you,” your words sent shivers down his spine as he smiled a sad smile in return, taking in how utterly pleasant it was to hear something like that being said softly right to his face.
“Well, you’re the first to ever do so. No one else thinks there’s anything likable about me.”
He felt you gripping on the front of his shirt, and felt his heartbeat slightly increase. He wasn’t the buffest one. In fact, his frame looked quite skinny and fragile, but at that moment he understood how much stronger he was than you. How dependent you’d be on him if you’d ever become a permanent part of his life. How he wanted to make sure you were alright, and how he wanted to take care of you if you ever got in any type of trouble.
“Then let me do it properly, since I’m the only one smart enough to look past the facade.”
The facade. Yes, even people who didn’t know his lifestyle still feared him for the way he was. Quiet and on most occasions untalkative. Walking slowly and hanging his head down low to seemingly disappear from the masses of people he unwillingly had to sometimes encounter. His gaze was sharp and displayed danger, yet you were one of the few who was able to look past it and see who he truly was.
After all, you’d met in a quite cliché and absurd way - while saving a kitten. And if a guy like him stops on the street when he sees you frantically trying to reach something from the gutter and asks if you need any help, he can’t be the worst kind. He can’t be the worst kind if after pulling out the half-alive animal he carefully holds it in his hands, and goes with you to bring it to the right people just on time for it to survive. And what makes him the least worst of all is how he made sure to take care of it first, but not leave you out either, because you were clearly shook up after the incident, having forgotten all your plans for the day.
Because the ones who hadn’t done anything bad didn’t deserve a bad ending. Not even a kitten.
“The facade?”
“What else? You’re the nicest, most honest person I’ve ever met. And if people can’t see that, well, their loss.”
He smiled. Hearing sweet words from someone as beautiful on the inside and outside as you was such a new, unusual yet pleasant feeling. No one’s ever told him compliments. And no one’s ever blindly told him that he’s a good person.
“(Y/N)? Are you really sure about this?” his hand rose up to point in between both of you, and you didn’t hesitate even a second to give him a little positive nod.
“Good. Because I think I really like you too, and just to be sure, we should live and see,” he smiled a warm smile and sank his lips back into yours. The most pleasant feeling he’d ever felt.
* * * * *
You wandered around the base with folded up arms, holding tightly onto the sleeves of your sweater. Everyone had gone away for a while now for safety reasons, and you were left alone. Alone and unprotected, but at least in a place that could be considered a safe zone. You tried your best not to worry, yet suddenly had a bunch of doubts creeping into your head. It was your problem after all, but over time it had become Yongguk’s problem as well. And whatever was his concern, automatically became the concern of the other five members of B.A.P as well, and knowing they were all on your side made you try your best to calm down and convince yourself everything would be fine.
Yongguk’s absence was the thing that bothered you the most. Upon arriving here, he waved the other guys away and showed you around. He lead you into the room where he and Himchan stayed whenever one or both of them were sleeping here instead of home, and upon making sure you were all set up and fine for the next few hours, turned around to leave.
“Where are you going?!”
He stopped at the door, and turned around to face you. With your eyes indicating you were on the edge of tears, he couldn’t help but blame himself a little. Too bad he couldn’t stay here and serve as support.
“I’m going to see what I can do about this whole mess,” Yongguk, in fact, had no clue on where to start or what to do. All he knew was that he’d eventually have to do something. Something to make it a safe world for you again. He turned around once again, and put his hand on the doorknob, about to open the door.
“Yongguk-ah!” he heard your desperate cry, and it took only seconds to feel your body pressing lightly against his from behind, your arms finding their desired route to wrap around his waist immediately.
“Don’t go.”
He froze in his tracks, not really able to move or do anything. After all, how could he leave you if you were clenching onto him for dear life, your sobs filling up the otherwise empty room as you buried your face deeper into his shirt. You weren’t just afraid for yourself and for your future - you feared the fact he could get hurt. You wanted him to stay so he wouldn’t be able to have any harm done towards him, but your begging was of no use. He couldn’t simply stay.
“I have to go, baby,” it took him a little longer to respond, and he turned in your arms, soothingly putting one hand on your hip as the other one reached to tilt your head upwards.
Tear-strained cheeks was such a devastatingly beautiful look on you. And so were trembling lips, he figured.
“I have to go and deal with this the right way. So he won’t be able to bother you or myself ever again. So he won’t hurt you again.”
“Then can you promise me you won’t get hurt?”
Silence filled the room and he sighed. He might have lived his life not exactly the way he intended to at first, but there was still a thing he hadn’t become over the years. He was a killer. He was a former leader. But he wasn’t a liar.
You knew the answer more than well, and he did too, yet hesitation filled the air before two words quietly left his mouth.
“I can’t,” he quietly said, looking you straight in the eyes, “But I will try my best to prevent it. And the guys will always have my back.”
He had no other choice than to leave you teary-eyed and crying in the middle of the room, giving you a quick kiss before disappearing from your sight completely for a while. You heard muffled voices in the hallway and the main room, but nothing really mattered. Leaning against the door, you ran a shaky hand through your hair and exhaled loudly.
He knew what he was doing. And if he didn’t, Himchan would know. And if Himchan would know but wouldn’t be able to put it into words, Youngjae would help. If Youngjae would need time to think, Jongup would gladly and with a smile plastered all over his face help out by holding the enemy back and wrecking mad havoc. And if he wouldn’t be able to do it on his own, Junhong would join, always keeping Daehyun on distraction and backup duty.
They were a team, but not just any team - they were B.A.P. And they would manage.
Left alone and worried, you couldn’t find a way to calm yourself. They were a team, and you’d just even managed to make a little chain on how they could deal with their problems. But what if a part of the chain suddenly got decapitated? What if Jongup didn’t aim properly, or Himchan’s head would be just as empty as Yongguk’s when it came to thinking of how to handle a situation? It wouldn’t end well in that case, you were certain.
But what concerned you the most is that it was Minjae who they were about to go against. The person who’d completely wrecked your life before Yongguk came along to fix it. To fix it and fix you.
You recalled it clearly - in more detail than you’d like to. You were alone in this city, not having any close people in your life around except of Yongguk. And, being left with only him by your side, meet-ups had become a regular thing.
It was a quiet evening, and you were standing there, waiting for him. Happily shifting from one foot to the other, you looked over to your left and wandered closer to that side of the pavement, leaning over the railings and exhaling as you looked into the distance.
It was a spot he’d showed you on one of your first dates, and the most beautiful place in this city, or so you thought at least. He walked past it back then, barely paying any attention to it, but once he saw how your eyes sparkled after seeing the mesmerizing view, he told you to meet him there now every single time you went out and he wasn’t there to pick you up on his motorbike.
You still laughed at the motorbike from time to time. You’d seen his beloved scooter, and even though it was quite funny but cool and cute to some extent, he still made the efforts to come off as a cool guy, driving around on the motorbike and trying to throw away his grandpa tempo just for you instead.
There were footsteps behind you, and you were prepared for the usual. For the “hey, babe” in his melodic, low voice, for the tight hug from behind. You were more than ready for the little stolen kisses and the immediate shyness that would follow, accompanied by a gummy smile. Ready for all you’d been gifted with in the past half a year, after another half a year of awkward stares and confessions hanging on the tip of your tongues but never being said out loud beforehand.
You were ready to meet the guy you’d completely fallen in love with - your one and only, Yongguk.
“Hey, pretty face.”
Your body froze at hearing the voice, and you turned your head to see the source of it. A tall, lean figure was standing in front of you, smiling a smug smile and giving you a disgusting wink.
That wasn’t Yongguk.
“What’s such a beautiful lady doing here all by herself?” he tried to sound all charming and sweet, but his tone seemed rather disgusting to you.
“Now, now, babe. Don’t give me the silent treatment. I just want to entertain you, maybe even make you less lonely,” you’d turned your head back to face the beautiful view, and gasped as you felt his voice next to your ear and his hand on your hip, trailing to rest on your butt within seconds.
“Get away,” you said, moving sharply to the side and letting his hand slide off, “I’m waiting for someone.”
“Your boyfriend, perhaps?”
“Exactly,” you hissed, feeling all alarms going off inside of you at an alarming rate. Yongguk had to be here in just a few minutes. He was never late. You just had to hold on for a little longer, and he’d be there to give this guy a piece of his mind, in a calm and reserved fashion. Because that’s who he was - a guy who was against violence, but one who knew how to swing fists if there was the absolute need to do so.
“Well looks like he’ll come around just to find you already gone.”
You weren’t able to respond when you suddenly felt his hand clasp over your mouth, drowning out all of your muffled screams for help.
“You see, sweetheart,” he cooed next to your ear, pinning your frame tightly to his, “You’re nothing but a bitch if you leave your guy for another one like this, even if he’s a much better one. But you’re lucky I have nothing against bitches.”
“Yongguk-ah, please come faster,” your mind kept screaming as you struggled against his tight grip, but were unable to get free.
“What a brave one. Still hoping for rescue?” he chuckled as you were about to try and scream out one more time, when you suddenly felt a sharp pain in your neck that made tears well up in your eyes. An injection.
“Now you’ll stay silent and obey, just like you’re supposed to do,” his grip loosened, and you thought this might be your chance to run. But as you tried to move, your knees were giving out and your head felt heavy, pulling you to the ground to eventually collapse right in front of him, holding a hand at your neck and desperately trying to keep your eyes open.
“That’s right. Now let me take over, babe, and I’ll treat you the way you deserve to be treated.”
Yongguk was exactly on time for your date, but happened to be one minute forty three seconds too late to still catch a glimpse of you lying unconscious on the ground before the guy managed to scoop you up in his arms and flee with you from the scene, quickly making his way out through tiny, dimly lit streets where he couldn’t be spotted.
You woke up the next morning, or you supposed it was the next morning, at least. Your neck was still aching, and, as you strolled through the unfamiliar apartment, you found out you were alone.
The door was locked, and couldn’t be opened at any cost. Looking out of the window, you realized you must’ve been at least on the ninth floor, so fleeing through the window was impossible. You simply had to wait around and let faith decide.
The door creaked open only late at night, revealing a silhouette of the guy from the previous night standing in the middle of the doorway. A triumphal smirk was plastered on his face as he stepped into the bedroom just to see you curled up on bed with tear-strained cheeks.
“What a bitch. Didn’t you have a boyfriend?” he stepped forward, letting you know about his presence and chuckling as your frame jolted up with fear, scooting over to the other end of the bed.
“Didn’t mama teach you not to sleep around in other guy’s beds if you already have a boyfriend?”
He sat down beside you, eyeing you up and down. The moonlight was the only light source in the room, and it took you a while to notice he was basically dripping with blood. Blood that wasn’t his.
“Minjae is my name. I know yours already, so no need for introduction,” his hand reached for you, but stopped right before your face at the impact of your slap. He raised a brow in surprise, eyeing you up and down before smirking.
“Is this really how you feel, babe?” the word “babe” sounded so wrong when he said it, and you felt tears starting to form in your eyes at the sound of it.
“I’m not your babe. Now let me go.”
“Too bad you’re feeling this way, babe,” he said, suddenly moving and gripping a handful of your hair, yanking you towards him and making you cry out in pain.
“Because you’re going to be my babe if I order you to be. Or otherwise consider your pathetic life not worth sparing,” he tilted his head to the side, and chuckled as he saw the first tears sliding down your cheeks.
“And oh, I’ll definitely make sure you’ll give me all I need,” he said, leaning in and yanking you closer as he felt you pulling your face away, “Because, if I said so, it’s going to be that way. And now, be a good bitch and show me how little you care about your boyfriend. Be as good to me as you were to him, and I might reward you with the ability to breathe for the next 24 hours until you’ll have to prove yourself again in some way.”
He forcefully pulled you into a kiss, blocking out all of your attempts to refuse and try to break free. He was much too rough and his kiss alone hurt immensely, alongside with his tight grip that refused to let you go anywhere. He tasted like cigarettes, and smelled of blood, which almost made you gag. And, when he’d finally had his way with you, he threw you back on the bed with a force that almost made you hit your head on the bed frame, smirking down on you before he got up.
“Look at this whole mess I’ve dragged myself into, by the way. Ahh, so much blood..” he traced his hand over his jacket and showed you the red liquid sticking to it, “Be sure to clean all of this up. And don’t mess it up, this is my favorite shirt and I don’t intend to forgive any mistakes easily.”
With tears in your eyes, you had nothing left than to obey.
Days passed, and there seemed to be no way of escaping this hell you were forced to go through. Most of your days were spent on the floor crying, because you refused to climb into his bed when you weren’t forcefully made to sleep in it. You had to obey every single word, and had to do as told, otherwise he would not spare a single thought on trying to keep you alive, as that had been shown and proved on various occasions more than clearly. He’d call you all types of bad names, and would make sure he’d make you consider if life was even worth living in these conditions. He thought causing physical pain was nice practice as well, and didn’t hesitate to show you his strength whenever you did something wrong, just to afterwards seemingly “kiss the pain away”.
He drove you to considering if you were ready to live on this way forever, or if you should end it.
Yongguk kept creeping his way into your heart, and every time you were hit or were called on, you thought of him. How he’d never do this to you. How he always gave you plenty of room and plenty of time. How he didn’t make rules, and never did a bad thing to you. How he’d been so sweet and slow with all his movements, giving you kisses, stroking your sides, holding you close. Simply loving you.
He would come and save you, right?
Your head was too fucked up to function properly, and you were crying every night while thinking about it. He had to know that a horrible, violent asshole had captured you. He had to know you were held hostage and abused every day. He had to come and save you, because he always kept talking about how people who hadn’t done anything bad didn’t deserve to suffer.
It took him close to half a year to find you.
He’d been searching, crying and internally dying. Doing his best to spend all of his free time to find out where you were. Walking on until he collapsed from sleep deprivation. Making his and the member’s lives a living hell. Thinking too much until his brain refused to do the most basic tasks and his vision blurred.
He had no clue where the hell you were, or what had happened. And it was driving him insane.
You faintly remembered the events that followed. How Minjae started dragging you out of the house from time to time, because he figured it would take a toll on your nerves. Knowing you were out in the outside world and technically should be able to run, but at the same time knowing he always held a knife prepared in case you decided to disobey. It was his method of emotional torture, and it was one of those evenings you finally saw Yongguk again.
It was a quiet street corner, and Minjae had yet again thought of a way to torture your poor soul. He knew how much you hated the fact he came home bloody on most days, and he loved tracing his bloody hands over your cheeks, and shoving dozens of bloody clothed into your lap for you to wash. And now he’d finally decided to show you where all of that blood came from.
It was a moment in time. At one point you were quietly walking, and the next thing you knew there were gunshots all around and you were pulled along by Minjae to hide behind a car.
His gang was on a mission, and he’d purposefully told them to lead the enemy here. Just so you could see.
The rivals were no joke, doing better than Minjae’s people with ease. Their aim was precise, and they had Minjae cursing every time they shot someone. You’d been emotionally drained, and, as you saw the view in front of your eyes, you decided to do the only thing that could save your soul now.
You stood up, and stepped out. A shot. A shot was all it would take to gain infinite freedom. To stop the suffering. To make it end.
Or so you thought, until you noticed a pair of familiar eyes on the other end of the line, creeping out of the shadows and begging for you to get back and shield your body.
“Don’t shoot her!” his voice was surprisingly loud as he quickly yanked his frame to the front, just in time to direct Jongup’s gun away before he fired right at you.
“Yongguk-ah,” you felt tears creeping in your eyes as you saw him, standing there and looking as surprised and shocked as ever. A shaky sob and a broken smile formed on your face as you took a step to the front, and then took another one. He was there. And you were finally able to go home.
“No, (Y/N), stay where you are!” he screamed, seeing how dazed and emotionally drained you were, not listening to anyone and walking further into the scene with tragically beautiful open arms.
“Oh, she sure will,” you suddenly felt a strong, familiar grip on your hair, and cried out as Minjae yanked you back behind the car, hissing.
“Babe, why didn’t you ever tell me your boyfriend was a mafia leader? This changes quite a few things.”
A mafia leader. Disbelief was all you felt, yet you knew that was the truth, because he was right there, in front of you. Shooting and bringing violence. Proving the fact Minjae wasn’t lying this time around.
Yet you had no fear of him, and felt no disgust towards him either. His violence was directed towards people like Minjae - assholes who broke other people’s lives and made them suffer. Assholes who only wanted money and power.
His violence was directed at people who didn’t deserve to live because of the pain they had caused. And you felt no fear of him, because you knew he wouldn’t hurt you. He wouldn’t hurt anyone who didn’t deserve it.
Minjae was losing. He, himself, might be a great shot, but not all of his men were, and this was a thing he hadn’t fully thought out.
“Withdrawal! Do you hear, idiots?!” he called, and you saw his men fleeing, and just for a moment you hoped he’d just flee too, leaving you behind. But apparently he had something else in mind.
“It’s showtime now, babe. Show him how much I matter to you.” he yanked you out from behind the car, holding you by your hair and showing you off as if you were a trophy. Your gaze was scanning all over the opposite side, searching for him. Hoping to find him looking back at you. Yet when you finally spotted him, he was looking at Minjae, his stare displaying rage and utter madness.
“Land another shot and she’ll be dead,” he said, and with the corner of your eyes you saw him raising his gun to point it at you, “Do you understand, Yongguk?”
He didn’t answer, simply staring back at Minjae instead. But it was bloody obvious he’d gotten the message by the way his muscles tensed up.
“That is, if you still want this bitch. After all, she went away with me instead of waiting for you back then, and I’ve kissed her mouth more than you can even imagine at this point. I’ve used her up like a tissue. She ain’t yours anymore.”
Suddenly, Jongup rose his gun and shot to the side, taking down one of Minjae’s men who’d stayed behind and tried to sneak up to them, about to hurt Yongguk.
“Oh, didn’t you hear what I just said I’d do?” Minjae laughed out loudly, “I think you did. So maybe I should show you what I promised would happen instead of just telling you. So you have a clear image in your head.”
A discharge of the gun, and sharp pain stung through your left shoulder. You screamed out in pain, feeling everything go white in front of your eyes for a moment until your senses came back to you, causing you to whine and flinch at the feeling of the bullet in your skin and flesh that definitely shouldn’t be there.
“Next time I’ll make sure to aim better.”
“There won’t be a next time,” Yongguk said, and waited.
Minjae yanked back, throwing you to the ground as he stepped back further.
“You.. When did you..?”
“While you were being a drama queen,” Junhong who’d sneaked up during the emotional show-offs said, observing the bruise in Minjae’s arm he’d just caused. Damn, he needed to get better at aiming, didn’t he?
But that wasn’t of matter. The gunfire resumed soon, and Minjae had figured you simply weren’t worth risking his own life for. Withdrawing with the rest of his men that were still there, he left the scene and left you crying and bleeding on the ground. He left you to be, stating clear that you seemed rather like an used up tisue than a worthy human being to him. And if a scum like him didn’t want you, who would instead? You were left crying.
Until you were met with Yongguk’s loving embrace.
“Yongguk-ah.. Y-You’re h-here,” you looked at him in disbelief as he held your shaking frame close to his, placing soft kisses all over your face, indicating all would be fine from now on.
“I-I thought I’d never s-see you again, and.. Yongguk-ah, I was so a-afraid,” you whispered, obeying him as he gently put a hand at the back of your head and let you bury your face in his chest.
“What happened back then?” he calmly asked, his voice sounding so close to your ear it made you tear up even more. Just like in your past time dreams. He was finally here.
“I.. I was waiting for you, and.. A-and then h-he came and s-simply started hitting on m-me, and c-captured me after I said I w-was waiting for someone. And t-then I f-fell unconscious, and he took me away to his place..”
“Did he do anything to you?” Yongguk heard a faint “Yongguk hyung, we have to leave! I can already hear the sirens!” in the distance, but an “oww!” followed soon, and he knew Himchan had probably kicked Daehyun for calling out like that at the completely wrong moment.
“H-he hurt me,” Yongguk felt his heart clenching at that sentence, and his hand stroked up and down your side as he listened.
“He called me a b-bitch. H-he hit me when I didn’t do something right. He slammed me against walls. Yongguk-ah, h-he made me k-kiss him and I.. I r-really tried to resist, I really d-did. B-but he was so m-much stronger than m-me, and if Iresisted h-he’d simply hurt me more…”
You broke into another round of shaky sobs as he held you close, burying his face in your hair and trying to stop you from shaking so much.
“How much does your shoulder hurt?”
“B-badly,” you managed to get out, just for him to gently make you pull away from his chest and look at his face instead.
“Let’s go so I can take care of you,” he told you calmly, looking into your eyes and gently pushing you to sit on the ground. Before you could stand up, he scooped you up in his arms and started carrying you away from the scene and to where the guys were already heading to.
“We’ll fix you up, okay?” he softly spoke, making you nod against his chest, “It will hurt less when it’s cleansed and bandaged.”
“I’ll take you to our base first, and you can stay there for as long as you want to,” he said, careful with his words because of what you just had to witness, “I know you probably think I’m no better than him right now. He’s a gang leader, and, despite the fact I’ve kept it a secret for this long, I am one too. But please, don’t be afraid of me, (Y/N). I’m far from being-”
“I’m not afraid,” you told him, cutting him off and for the first time in months earning a quiet nod instead of a slap to the face for interrupting, “Because you only hurt people who hurt others.”
“And I only get rid of people who have done horrible things aren’t worthy of their lives,” you heard his tone, and assumed he was smiling. Smiling because you were finally back. And on top of that, you understood.
It was hard from then on, but since you had him, you somehow managed. He made sure your wound was properly bandaged and would heal nicely, as the bullets Minjae used caused a horribly big amount of damage. He then held you close, and asked where you wanted to go.
“I could bring you to your place,” he said, cupping your face with a hand, “Or I can-”
“Please, don’t leave me,” he heard you whisper desperately, and gave a little nod in response to your broken tone.
“Don’t worry, babe, I won’t.”
The word “babe” only sparked new flashbacks and brought tears into your eyes. He watched you trying to keep it in, and admired how strong you were. How strong you’d been for this whole time.
“Then I’ll take you home with me, okay?” he received a few frantic nods, and gently lifted your head up a bit.
“You can stay with me from now on, if you want to, for as long as you’d like. I’ll take care of you, and make sure nothing bad will ever happen to you. Because I love you, and I won’t let anything that could keep us apart or that could hurt you in any way or form happen ever again.”
The last thing you remembered from that evening was his soft kiss that you’d missed oh so much, and his promises to take good care of you.
* * * * *
“Hey, (Y/N)! I’m back!!”
Daehyun’s voice echoed through the whole base, finally bringing you out of your flashback. He found you leaning against the kitchen counter with a mug in your hands, looking quite sad and lost.
“Did I scare you?” he scratched the back of his head and gave you a cute, apologetic smile, “I’m sorry about that. Himchan tells me to cut back on the screaming, but I’m not able to do-”
“Where are the others?” You blurted out, looking back at him.
“Aaaand you worry about everyone but me,” he chuckled, making you feel a little bad, “Good to know!”
“No, Dae. I care about you too. It’s just that.. I see you’re back here all safe and fine, but I don’t see the others around.”
“I was sent back by them, actually,” he said, walking around you and to the fridge. Typical Daehyun. When he wasn’t talking, he was stuffing his gut to unimaginable extents.
“We figured one of us should stay here with you. Just in case. And it’s my turn.”
“Also, to answer your question - Yongguk doesn’t get to stay here with you. You’ll just end up cuddling on the bed and in case hell breaks loose he’ll be in his pajamas and sleeping soundly.”
“How rude. I hadn’t even asked,” you pouted, making him chuckle as he came back up to you.
“Well, sorry. But I knew you’d ask. So, what were you doing anyways before I ruined everything?”
Your voice was enough to give away how you truly felt on the inside, and Daehyun felt bad for asking. Yet he wanted to ask again, because of all of the stuff he’d heard since the threats from yesterday. He was a curious person by default, and he craved to know.
“I’ll totally understand if you don’t want to talk about it, but..”
“You want to know.”
So you told him everything, at least more or less. And he sat there on the couch in the main room, listening carefully and nodding from time to time.
“You know, it was so hard at first,” you felt a knot forming at the back of your throat, yet you tried to repress it, “I couldn’t even sleep next to Yongguk for a solid while without flinching every now and then when he moved, because my brain was playing tricks on me and I was convinced that Minjae was still beside me and not Yongguk. It took me ages to be able to respond to “babe” without crying, and I did flinch at every single one of his touches because of reflexes that I’d gotten from having to live with Minjae at first. But.. Yongguk was patient. He understood, and gave me time. He stayed with me when I needed him the most. Hell, I thought he’d never want to kiss me again because of the fact that Minjae had been doing it with his gross cigarette mouth instead of him for months, but.. He made me feel loved, and with his actions wiped all the dirt and hurt away from my body and soul. He didn’t think it was gross to kiss me even after all of that. And I’ll love him forever for that - for making me feel pure after something like that once again.“
"I’ve always quite admired Yongguk hyung,” Daehyun said, speaking up for the first time in about an hour, “And this really shows how he can handle hard situations. It’s-”
His phone started buzzing, cutting him off. Daehyun made eye contact with you before picking it up and putting the phone on speaker.
“Daehyun-ah, get her away from there!!” Youngjae’s voice could be clearly heard through the speaker, making both of you feel uneasy.
“But where to? There isn’t a safer place than this one-”
“I don’t know how the hell they did it, but they found it. And we’re still far away - we won’t make it in time. Please, you have to get away.”
Without sparing any time, Daehyun grabbed the keys to his van and, taking you by the arm, pulled you to the door.
“Hey, not to make you nervous, but I’m the worst in this gang at literally everything. Shoothing, aim, defense - you name it,” he said while running, making you want to smack him.
“Can you drive, at least!?” you asked, seeing his eyes light up.
“Oh yes I can, even better than Junhong. Wow, I’m better at that than him, what a miracle. Side note though - he’s the worst.”
“Then I’ll just say a prayer and hope we’ll both come out alive of this,” you both ran up to his van and got in.
“Set up the GPS and the phone, please,” he instructed, driving into what he assumed was a safe direction. It didn’t take long for Younjae to be back on the phone, and for coordinates and dots to start appearing on the GPS.
“What’s all of this?” You questioned, looking at the screen.
“Youngjae’s magic,” Daehyun smiled, taking a sharp turn, “The red dots is where all of us are located on the map. You see where we are, right?”
“Midwest is Youngjae, Jongup and Junhong. They’re in the second van. And to the south, that dot - that’s Yongguk hyung and Himchan hyung. They’re probably on the motorbike, I doubt a scooter can go this fast.” Daehyun made you crack up with that statement, and you felt slightly more at ease, despite the situation.
“Well, I doubt Yongguk is driving whatever the vehicle is in that case anyways. He wouldn’t go that fast like ever.”
Little did you know he did.
Himchan had laughed and pointed out the same thing at first, but he simply didn’t care. He could care less about himself and a thing as absurd as his own safety while he knew you were in danger. So he drove through the nightly streets of Seoul as fast as he could. There were no people around anyways, and he had no one to look out for.
“This isn’t exact information, it’s more just my assumptions,” Youngjae could be heard through the phone, his words making fear twist with curiosity inside of you, “But take a look at this.”
Blue dots appeared on the GPS, causing you to look at it more carefully
“Oh snap, I hope you’re kidding. They’re close,” Daehyun said, making you feel even uneasier.
“I hope I’m kidding as well. We’re taking care of disabling them. All you have to do is get away, understood?”
Getting away sounded easy enough for you, and you tried to lean back in the car seat and relax. But you simply couldn’t. Hell, did it even matter what would happen to you? You thought it didn’t, as long as the guys were fine.
As long as Yongguk was.
It didn’t take you long to spot a car driving out of nowhere and taking a sharp turn right in front of you, clearly about to bring you quite a big amount of trouble.
“Oh, here we go,” Daehyun turned the steering wheel, driving out into another street, “Now hold on, but what’s more important - watch your head!!”
You did as told, sliding down lower in the seat and praying to God you’d be fine.
“Turn left now on the next one!” Youngjae instructed, “And we’ll take car- Junhong could you be even slower!? Load the damn weapon, we don’t have time for this!”
Daehyun did as told, and for a moment you could clearly see Youngjae behind the steering wheel of their other van, driving around the corner and letting Jongup who was fully leaning out of the window with two automatics in his hands to the job. He was such a fucking murderer indeed.
You kept taking turns after turns, going back and forth and constantly crossing over with Youngjae’s vehicle. A few shots had landed on your car, and Daehyun cursed about having to go and fix it all up afterwards, but you could care less about something as unimportant as the vehicle right now. Yongguk was nowhere in sight, even though the red dot on the GPS clearly indicated they were somewhere nearby. He was in danger yet again, all because of you.
* * * * *
“I hope you’re doing your best,” Yongguk quietly said as Himchan grabbed his shoulder for support, leaning to his left and checking his gun one last time.
“Yes I am, leader.”
“You’re the leader.”
“I’ll let you take over for the night.”
The motorbike was a pure beauty, flawlessly gliding on asphalt and making little noise for the engine it possessed. It was the perfect vehicle for doing what they were about to do.
“Watch your head,” Himchan teased.
“Only if you watch your mouth,” Yongguk responded, “Although, they won’t be able to hear you anyways.”
With a swift move, they changed the line, and took a sharp right turn just to end up on another street driving next to a car. A car with three armed guys that Himchan managed to shoot in the head before they could even react.
“Should we prevent the car from crashing?”
“Naah, it’s going to the right and it’s eventually going to crash into that border. Won’t hurt anyone.”
“Good,” Yongguk said, and with that, was back to fully focusing on the street. Minjae was still somewhere out there, and he had to find him. And kill him.
* * * * *
“Daehyun-ah, we’re staying behind!” Youngjae announced, making you let out a nervous breath, “Can you turn back?”
“Well, not according to your map,” Daehyun answered, “How many people are there even-”
His sentence was cut short by the sound you hoped you’d never hear. The sound of something piercing through the tire.
“We’re doomed,” Daehyun screamed, trying to get back the control of the car, “They shot through a tire.”
“Fuck, hold on,” Youngjae called out.
“Wait for us and don’t die. I want to shoot some more,” Jongup casually said, just to be cursed at by the other two.
“Daehyun-ah, it’s up to you now. Hold on, please. Don’t make me bury you tonight.”
Another tire was shot through right as Daehyun instructed you on what would eventually happen next. The car came to a screeching stop after no more than ten seconds, being left at a street corner and a dead end in this quite abandoned part of the city as Daehyun pulled you out of it and along behind it.
“You don’t know how to shoot, do you?”
“Are you crazy or what!?”
“Okay, I’ll take that as a no then. I figured just asking wouldn’t hurt, jeez.”
The enemy’s car came to a stop in front of theirs, and a few silhouettes climbed out of it without hesitation. One of them being a little too familiar.
“Hey, babe. Did you miss your man?”
“Don’t say a word,” Daehyun pulled you to his chest, aiming carefully, “And don’t worry. We’ll handle this.”
As another van appeared right behind the corner, you wondered how the hell they’d managed to arrive this fast, but when you saw Junhong behind the steering wheel, you understood everything clearly.
He’s the worst driver of all. But the fastest.
It didn’t take long for the other to react, and even with Jongup’s two automatics it was still hard to go against Minjae and his bunch.
“Get fucking lost,” Daehyun moved up and yanked one of the men who had been able to sneak up to their car in the chest with an elbow, shooting him twice after that. You simply stayed silent and quiet, obeying all of Daehyun’s instructions until at some point a whimper was what you heard instead of a command or words of reassurance.
And he fell to the ground.
“Daehyun-ah!!” you leaned over him, repeatedly hitting his cheeks, wanting him to say something. But he didn’t, lying on the ground as blood kept dripping from his head. It wasn’t a bullet, but whatever had hit him did it with such a force that it knocked him out.
Suddenly, you felt a similar sensation that made shivers run down your spine. And it wasn’t the nice type of sensation. It was the one that brought fear with it.
Minjae was tugging you to a standing position by your hair.
“Aww, look at you,” he made you face him and look him right in the eyes, “Have you exchanged Yongguk for another yet again? How pathetic, this guy’s even worse than him. You just keep sinking lower and lower.”
You struggled against his grip, unable to move as you simply wanted Yongguk to come around to fix this up, just like the previous time. Yet he was nowhere to be seen.
“What’s that, babe?” He chuckled, slapping you across your face hard, “Do you want a kiss perhaps? You’ll get all of that once we arrive home. Oh, and you’ll get even more than that - you’ll get punishment for leaving me like you did.”
The guys were too busy to notice. They were still certain Daehyun was fully conscious and protecting you, and they let Minjae’s figure sliding from their view go unnoticed.
“Or, since I told them I’d shoot you if they fired one more shot back then.. Maybe I should keep my promise?”
He yanked you back a little, observing the situation from afar. It still amazed him how good B.A.P could work as a team, and how with just three people of the team in battle, they still managed to work together against many more, handling the situation perfectly.
Until a motorbike drove out into the scene.
It was a movie scene, and another moment in time. He stopped in the middle of the gunfight, and didn’t get a single shot fired at him or Himchan because of the other three. He stepped off the vehicle, and stood there, observing the situation. It seemed as if he was invincible at that moment, and nothing could hurt him. But he was ready to hurt everyone who’d tried to harm you in any way. 
With this new lineup change and the position, as well as Himchan’s close to perfect aim and Yongguk’s newfound silent rage they didn’t take long to finish up everyone. Except of Minjae.
“Still searching for your bitch?”
Yongguk knew the voice too well, and it made him want to gag. But more than that, it made him want to get rid of the source of the voice as soon and as painful as possible.
“Say one more thing and you’re dead.”
“She’ll go down first, in that case,” you clearly felt the cold gun that was pointed at your temple, and, locking eyes with Yongguk, you felt a little nervous. But he was right there, and unlike the previous time, you had talked this out. And you knew what to do.
He winked with his right eye once. And you ducked.
* * * * *
“So, important note which might be useful,” Junhong had told you earlier while driving to the base today, “We have a few ways how to give each other instructions mid-battle.”
“Well done, Junhong-ah. Good idea, that could maybe prevent disaster,” Himchan called from behind the steering wheel, making Junhong smile.
“It’s quite easy if you ask me. A wink with the left eye means "take a step back”, a wink with the right means “duck”. Two blinks mean “to the left” and three mean “to the right”. Should I continue?”
"No, this will be enough,” Yongguk’s low voice right next to you snapped you out of your thoughts, and you looked up to him, with a worried yet collected expression.
“I hope it won’t come to this, but if it will, keep all of this in mind. It’s simple instructions, and they might just save your life,” he answered, and let his hand trail to meet with yours. It was risky, but you knew you could manage. With him by your side, definitely.
* * * * *
“Ah!” Minjae stumbled back at the impact of Yongguk’s bullet hitting the gun out of his hand, “How the hell did you-”
Shoot. Right in the shoulder, where he’d shot you about a year ago.
“This is, you know, just to showcase what I promised I’d do if you wouldn’t shut the fuck up,” Yongguk hissed, smirking ad he approached slowly, “But maybe I should aim better next time around.”
“How comes you beat me?” Minjae was hysteric, not knowing what to do - to laugh or to cry, since he knew this was the end anyways, “You’re so much weaker than I am, yet you knew how to decapitate me.”
“I have an amazing team. With a leader whom I trust tons, and who’s been with me for longer than you can imagine. With a mastermind, and a killing machine who likes spilling blood. And, of course, not to forget our two men in training - they’re no less important.” his hand wrapped around your waist, and he pulled you to his side.
“But most importantly, I simply have a desire to get rid of assholes like you. People who break lives apart and aren’t worthy of oxygen.”
Minjae smiled one last time, understanding more than well he was at a dead end. Without a weapon and destined to die.
“Enjoy your bitch.”
“Look away, babe. I’m about to finish this,” Yongguk told you quietly, and you obeyed, gripping onto the front of his shirt and tilting your face upwards, burying it in the crook of his neck.
“This is for calling her a bitch.”
“This is for kidnapping her and keeping her hostage.”
“This is for hitting her and abusing her.”
“This is for putting your gross ass mouth on her perfect one.”
“This is for almost robbing her of life, the way I did it to you just now.”
The initial shock was gone, and, slowly opening your eyes, you understood it was over. All of this was - the constant fear and the pain he’d caused to you. No.. The pain wasn’t completely gone and over. That might stick around for quite a while still, but you knew it would only go up from now on. Because Minjae was gone, and Yongguk was present.
Yongguk’s gun dropped to the ground and his hand found it’s way to rest on your side. He tilted his head down, and pressed a soft, deep kiss on your lips, indicating all was fine. He was by your side. And he’d saved you again, this time completely getting rid of the danger.
“Yongguk-ah, Dae’s hurt,” you told him immediately, worry straining your voice. He turned back to face the scenery immediately, noticing that Daehyun was in fact lying on the ground without any motion. 
“Tel me he’s fine,” Yongguk spoke as you both approached, his arm still wrapped around your waist.
“Yeah, it should be nothing too bad. He’d just been knocked out, there shouldn’t be much more damage than a bruise on the head and a ton of headache,” Himchan informed, lifting him up bridal-style.
“So tell me, Yongguk-ah. Why do you get to carry girls home from a crime scene while I have to carry Daehyun?”
Chuckles filled the street for a good few seconds until you understood you’d better get moving before any uninvited guests would crash the crime scene. Somehow, even the quietest and most abandoned parts of the city always got inspected, and crimes were found all around town frequently and easily, but they were never solved. At least not when B.A.P was of significance in the event.
Youngjae took the responsibility of driving the van with two flats away somewhere nearby to change tires, and everyone else climbed into the other van, leaving you and Yongguk alone on the crime scene.
“Come with me, babe.” he said, and you did, because there wasn’t a place you’d rather be at in this whole world.
He drove all the way back home, keeping up a normal driving speed because there was no need to hurry now. You were right there, pressing against his back and holding onto him tightly as the wind and the speed of the vehicle curled strands your hair together in beautiful ways. Everything was fine once again.
Coming back home has never seemed so soothing. He didn’t even bother to turn on the lights - he simply crashed into bed as soon as possible, scooping you into his arms and burying his face in your hair.
“Any more ex-kidnappers that I should look out for?”
“No,” you chuckled, turning to face him, “Believe it or not, no one else’s after me.”
“So no one who could hurt you?” His fingers were tracing your scar again, and for the first time ever you moved his hand away. Silence filled the room.
“Yongguk-ah, let it go,” you told him, looking him into the eyes, “It wasn’t your fault. And even if it would be, it’s in the past and not the present. I’m fine now, thanks to you. And I’ll love you forever for everything you’d done for me. Since the very first day we met.”
“But you’re never getting hurt again nonetheless,” he still wasn’t completely having all yore long speeches, and you chuckled.
“Not on your watch?”
He looked surprised after hearing that. How could you possibly know Himchan’s signature line? The line always used to telling Yongguk things wouldn’t go his desired way - he wouldn’t give up, he wouldn’t stop and let himself get dragged into hell. He wouldn’t die. And now, it wasn’t just his good old friend Himchan. It was you as well, as you weren’t about to let him be dragged down.
Looking back at you, he simply understood it was a coincidence. Or a sign, that the people who were closest to him would always look out for him, if he did the same to them. If he tried hard, even after knowing success was far from reachable, and if he’d never give up, they’d put all of their trust in him and would return the actions selflessly.
He’d been through a lot. Loss of friends, family. Anxieties, depression. Loss of motivation and the will to live. He even had to give up leadership. Yet there were still people aroud him who cared , and he promised himself he’d take good care of them as well. Because he loved them to the last bone.
“Yeah. Not on my watch.”
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deliriousscenarios · 8 years
Got7 Hogwarts Houses
After much procrastinating on my part, I've finally gotten around to getting this done. Honestly, I needed a distraction and this helped immensely. To the anon who asked for this so long ago, if you're still here and waiting, I'm sorry it's taken me forever to get around to it. I hope it isn't just a huge disappointment, and obviously, this is just my opinion. It's all subjective, and if anyone feels differently, I'd be interested in knowing what houses anyone would've put them in instead ^^ Here goes nothing...
Mr Bravado - SLYTHERIN - I'm gonna be honest, Leader was actually a really hard one for me to house. As much as my brain has been screaming Slytherin, it's also been side eyeing Gryffindor too. Still, he just has so many Slytherin traits it's hard not to place him here. Our Leader is known for his sharp tongue, his pride and his confidence, as well as his cunning. As Jinyoung has said before, you can't get anything past him. I would like to add, as confident as Jaebum can be, he still has his shy and clumsy moments, as do most Slytherins. We're far from as suave as we'd like the world to believe we are, I can assure you. Our leader is very ambitious, and has a sense of determination not just to be the best he can possibly be for himself but also for Got7, he is proud to be their leader and assertive in his role. They are his family and mean a lot to him, and family is definitely a huge deal to most Slytherins. On the flip side, Jaebum is a sore loser, and somewhat an ungracious winner. He can be a little intimidating sometimes, and can come across cold and standoffish when he wants. He is about respect and seems to take hierarchy incredibly seriously. Respect means a lot to him, and is something he wants to both give and receive, and will not be afraid to put his little brothers in their place if they don't respect him. Discipline, love, determination, ambition, and a strong sense of brotherhood are what make Jaebum a Slytherin to me, along with his sharp wit and even sharper tongue. Leader, in my opinion, is just a take no prisoners kind of guy (unless your name is either Jackson Wang or Choi Youngjae, wtf?!)
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Silence is Golden - RAVENCLAW (but also maybe Gryffindor) - Why was Tuan so goddamn hard for me to house?! Honestly, I've struggled with him and Yugyeom the most, wtf? Due to Mark's incredibly playful and teasing side, a big part of me wanted to put him in Gryffindor, and I'm finding it a little difficult to explain why exactly it is I settled on Ravenclaw instead. Okay, so we all know Mark is a pretty quiet guy, right? And though I do think Mark is shy to an extent, I don't think that's why Mark doesn't talk often. I wish I could find it to reference it now, but anyway, I remember reading something once a while back, where someone asked him why he doesn't speak a lot, and Tuan basically said it's because he doesn't wanna be misunderstood and with so many people watching or listening, he's worried that will happen easily. Mark strikes me as someone who is quite wise and actually a deep thinker. I also think it's difficult for him to get a word in edge ways sometimes, and I think most of the time, Tuan is happy to either go with the flow of everyone else, or simply be on his own. Now, that right there is the main reason I haven't put Mark in Gryffindor. Gryff's are big peoples people, they like spending time with others, and many likely prefer it. As much as I believe Mark loves the guys, I also believe Mark likes time to himself and being away from them too. This isn't a bad thing at all, I think Mark just finds it all a bit much sometimes (or I could be completely wrong, wtf do I know?) but this doesn't strike me as Gryffindor trait. I dunno, I really can't decide with Mark, so overall, I'm gonna say Ravenclaw with Gryffindor tendencies ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Extreme Bluff - HUFFLEPUFF or GRYFFINDOR - I've gotta admit I find it quite hard to pick for Jackson too. A big part of me wants to say a Puff but than there are some traits of his that make me steer towards Gryff. The Hufflepuff in Jackson is optimistic in times of trial, caring and unafraid to show it, lives to express himself and expects others to do the same, loyal to a fault, open minded and accepting of all others. The Gryff in him is competitive to a fault, full of showmanship, wants to please everyone and prove himself to the world. With Jackson, what you see is what you get, he wears his heart on his sleeve and he isn't afraid to tell you how he feels. He can put his foot in his mouth sometimes, but with Wang the intention is always pure, no harm is ever truly meant. Jackson possesses all the upbeat positive traits of the Hufflepuff House, along with many of Gryffindors. All in all Jackson Wang is a great guy and his heart is made of pure gold. Also, I reckon Jackson is one of those students who would end up just telling the Shorting Hat exactly where he wanted to go anyway.
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The Real JYP - SLYTHERIN - Okay, I did hesitate over Ravenclaw for a second, and then I was like, "really, Sea? Really?" Good lord above, we all adore him for it, but my god is this guy a catty bitch when he wants to be. Jinyoung is never afraid to put anyone in their place no matter who they are. I mean, how much do we bet that after his first two debut hairstyles, Jinyoung decided enough was enough and put a kibosh on that! I mean, come on, the dude has reclaimed his name from JYP. I'd say that's a very self assured, take what I want when I want it, I'm the boss of me, Slytherin attitude to have. Slytherins are not advocates of playing fair, nor do they run from confrontation. They're not gonna apologise for it either, and that just strikes me as so Jinyoung. With Jinyoung it's all playful, he just likes teasing his little brothers but when push comes to shove Jinyoung is all for his brotherhood, he'll just do it with a flare of sass to liven things up a bit. After all, screen time is very important to him, important enough to drench his teammate with a water gun, and ruin his hair in the process. (Can I just say now, I fucking love Jinyoung for that. Mark did not see that coming. Poor Tuan. But of course, he took it like a champ.)
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Mini Bravado - HUFFLEPUFF - Honestly, how could I put this little muffin anywhere else? I think Youngjae is too pure for even Hufflepuff tbh, but it's the purest house in many ways in my opinion and it's probably the only one I can see Youngjae in. Youngjae is the literal embodiment of innocence, and sunshine, and honestly, him and Hobi are a blessing on this earth I could gush over all day! Youngjae has his sassy moments yes, but what Puff doesn't? Our otter also strikes me as being someone who likes the comfort of home, though that won't stop him from going on adventures. It's just home is where the heart is, and I think Youngjae's heart is with his family, Got7 and Ahgases. Honestly, I read on this Hogwarts House trait thing that Hufflepuffs are a lot like Hobbits, and I kind of really agree with that. They like food, family, home and peace, but the odd few don't mind throwing in a little adventure every now and then. At least that's the sort of Hufflepuff Hobbit I think Youngjae is. The work hard for what you want in life, always be loyal, and always be the best you that you can be Hufflepuff.
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Kunpimook Bhuwakul - SLYTHERIN - Of all the members I can honestly say, BamBam was the easiest for me to house (then Jinyoung). Bam is a Slytherin to the core, and as much as I love him to my core, it ain't necessarily our best traits that Bam embodies. Now, if you know me, you know I see no problem with vanity, so when I say Bam is as vain as they come, please know I don't mean it as an insult. Bam just has a level of self confidence I think we all should aspire too, but sometimes it can come across a little arrogant, and that's when BamBam's inner Slytherin rears its styled within an inch to perfection head. Remember that interview they did with The Show during the If You Do era, and the interviewer asked BamBam to give examples of how well Bam can brag and one of the things Bam said when the guys were teasing him about how someone was paying for all the luxuries behind the scenes, was "no, I earned this myself!" Or something along those lines, and Jackson pointed out how Bam had just neglected to include Got7 in that and taken the credit himself? It was clearly a joke and they were only teasing him, but it's little things like that, that show BamBam as a Slytherin to me. He works hard, and he ain't afraid to get the credit he deserves, even if that means accidentally overlooking his teammates sometimes. I'd just like to stress, I do not mean any of this in a bad way whatsoever, not only am I a Slytherin myself, I also adore BamBam and I don't think Bam is ever doing anything with negative or horrible intentions. He just can't help being a little up his own ass sometimes, but I mean, can we really blame him? BamBam is amazing.
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Giant Maknae - HUFFLEPUFF - I honestly think that out of all of them, Gyeom could've slipped easily into any of the houses. The main reason I would place him in Hufflepuff though, is because of how important Got7 is to Yugyeom. Whenever there's the first signs of conflict in their group, Gyeom immediately starts to panic about their future. That's what's most important to him, and though Puffs aren't afraid of conflict, they will throw their pride aside if it means protecting their family unit. This is something Yugyeom never hesitates to do. He might stand up for himself at first, but as soon as things turn sour for the family, Gyeom will take the blame and try to fix it. This is a huge Hufflepuff trait. They are also hardworking and loyal, which we all know Yugyeom is. You don't get that amazing at dancing without practicing your arse off day in and day out. Though Puffs aren't universally known for being big risk takers, they will play with chance every now and again, and I think both Yugyeom and Youngjae embody that characteristic well. Though I think that's only to an extent. For instance, and I don't mean this in a bad way, but I don't think either of them would've willingly put their names in the Goblet of Fire. Not to say their awesome arses wouldn't've been chosen if say, someone did, I just think that like Harry, they wouldn't've been happy about it.
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