#not pictured: kallias hinting at the others that they would Really love a pet.
greatprotector-if · 1 year
Modern au
K, G and V are roommates. How does a typical day in the house go?
OHHH thank you very much for the ask this is so fun!
It would go... well! Perhaps surprisingly so! Very long reply, this sort of got away from me lol
The day would start in this household at around 6:30 am, because both Kallias and V are very much morning people. They'd go to the gym together, and V would begrudgingly force Kallias to eat breakfast and make sure they don't pass out from dehydration. Afterwards Kallias would be off to their university/college classes, and Galen would tear themself out of bed to go to work as a firefighter! They work long hours and they'd crash as soon as they get home so the other two would barely catch a glimpse of them on workdays, which Kallias would constantly bitch and moan about. "You never spend any time with us..." "What's the point of living together if we never see you?" "Do you miss me when you're at work, Galen?" "Do you think of me when you're carrying those people out of those fires with those big, strong arms of yours?" "You can practice on me, you know. No, I insist, that's what friends are for..." And V would watch this with disgust written all over their face.
I think professional athlete would be a good fit for V, but for the purposes of this ask I'm going to say they're a lifeguard or something so they're not away 90% of the time. (If they were a pro athlete however, Kallias would come to every single one of their competitions, with signs and while wearing a T-shirt adorned with V's face, and Galen would come to as many as they could with their busy schedule.)
On their days off, Galen would go grocery shopping for the entire household! They wouldn't impulsively buy out a store's entire stock of frozen corndogs like Kallias would, and they would actually consider the tastes of the other people in the house unlike V, so they're the perfect candidate! Not to mention they actually enjoy it. Kallias likes to tag along ("This is so domestic. We probably look like we're married lol" *gets completely ignored), and when they return to the house V takes it upon themself to unload all the groceries.
None of the people in that house are good at cooking, but V is... okay at it, so they share the designated chef role with Kallias, who is unfortunately dog shit. They try, they really do, but they're prone to leaving the stove on for too long, switching the sugar for salt ("Who needs sugar when you're this—" "Shut the fuck up."), and trying to cook potatoes in microwaves. And so V often ends up either taking over completely, or gracing Kallias with their very, very close supervision. Or they'd unanimously agree to just order out.
Also, weekly board game/card game nights. Galen is the current reigning champion of Big Two.
Hope I answered the question somewhere in there LMAO
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