#i had to rewrite this ask 3 times
greatprotector-if · 1 year
Modern au
K, G and V are roommates. How does a typical day in the house go?
OHHH thank you very much for the ask this is so fun!
It would go... well! Perhaps surprisingly so! Very long reply, this sort of got away from me lol
The day would start in this household at around 6:30 am, because both Kallias and V are very much morning people. They'd go to the gym together, and V would begrudgingly force Kallias to eat breakfast and make sure they don't pass out from dehydration. Afterwards Kallias would be off to their university/college classes, and Galen would tear themself out of bed to go to work as a firefighter! They work long hours and they'd crash as soon as they get home so the other two would barely catch a glimpse of them on workdays, which Kallias would constantly bitch and moan about. "You never spend any time with us..." "What's the point of living together if we never see you?" "Do you miss me when you're at work, Galen?" "Do you think of me when you're carrying those people out of those fires with those big, strong arms of yours?" "You can practice on me, you know. No, I insist, that's what friends are for..." And V would watch this with disgust written all over their face.
I think professional athlete would be a good fit for V, but for the purposes of this ask I'm going to say they're a lifeguard or something so they're not away 90% of the time. (If they were a pro athlete however, Kallias would come to every single one of their competitions, with signs and while wearing a T-shirt adorned with V's face, and Galen would come to as many as they could with their busy schedule.)
On their days off, Galen would go grocery shopping for the entire household! They wouldn't impulsively buy out a store's entire stock of frozen corndogs like Kallias would, and they would actually consider the tastes of the other people in the house unlike V, so they're the perfect candidate! Not to mention they actually enjoy it. Kallias likes to tag along ("This is so domestic. We probably look like we're married lol" *gets completely ignored), and when they return to the house V takes it upon themself to unload all the groceries.
None of the people in that house are good at cooking, but V is... okay at it, so they share the designated chef role with Kallias, who is unfortunately dog shit. They try, they really do, but they're prone to leaving the stove on for too long, switching the sugar for salt ("Who needs sugar when you're this—" "Shut the fuck up."), and trying to cook potatoes in microwaves. And so V often ends up either taking over completely, or gracing Kallias with their very, very close supervision. Or they'd unanimously agree to just order out.
Also, weekly board game/card game nights. Galen is the current reigning champion of Big Two.
Hope I answered the question somewhere in there LMAO
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Hi there! So, I don't know if you’re in the mood to have your brain chemistry altered by the silly little lego show once more, or if you’ve just already done this, but I have a suggestion. Try watching the S4 special (specifically A Lifetime of Mistakes) for the millionth time, and then take that knowledge, along with the Wukong-Macaque/MK-Mei Hero and Warrior parallels we’ve been getting, and THEN go rewatch S1E6 AKA The Great Wall Race. Specifically through that particular lens.  
And just… enjoy watching the decisions they, especially MK, make during a situation where an immortality-granting object is on the line. Have no major thoughts about how this is the first real fight we see Mei and MK have. Experience absolutely zero strong emotions as you watch MK’s pursuit of that object lead to him destroying things that both of them love. Just… have a lovely, peaceful rewatch. 
But seriously, if you’re in the mood to let the silly little monkey show do its silly little monkey show thing, try rewatching that episode because it legitimately ruined my night. 
Like… it’s not a perfect, one-to-one comparison. There’s a lot of differences, both nuanced and obvious, that differentiate the two situations. 
But there’s something there and it’s been driving me insane, so feel free to come join me on the precipice of madness if you want.
But anyways *puts on sunglasses* I always have zero emotions when it comes to the lego show. Me? Completely calm and collected. I totally didn't have a breakdown while rewatching 1x06 to write this post.
But, just to meander on by the precipice of madness...
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Mei: "*gasp* My bike! What is wrong with you! I thought you were my friend!" MK: "Okay! I did bad! I just- I really wanted that peach and I guess I got carried away! You know how much I love stone fruit. *sigh* I was never gonna win though—you're the racer, not me. I'm sorry." Mei: "Yeah I know—just, don't be dumb next time, okay?" MK: "All I can do is try!"
(1x06 The Great Wall Race)
Even without the added context of s4, it's easy to put together that the whole reason MK wants the peach to begin with is to become more like Monkey King. Case in point, 1x09:
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MK: "I just wanted to be good enough..."
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"...like you."
(1x09 Macaque)
MK in seasons 1-2 is pushed by his motivation to live up to Monkey King's legacy—to become stronger. He wants to have the power to protect and help his friends, but this often causes more trouble than it fixes (1x01, 1x02, 1x06, 1x09, 2x03, 2x06, 2x10).
And so, MK reaching for immortality and wanting to be "good enough", instead harming the relationships he's trying to help?
Macaque: "No that's YOU! You're the one always running off! Looking for more power, more sources of immortality—you're the one who wouldn't quit while were were ahead! Not the great sage, he's got to drag EVERYONE else into his mess!"
MK: "Why didn't he just stop, right here? He was already so much stronger than anyone ever needed to be!" Macaque: "Wukong didn't think so. He always felt he had to be stronger—more immortal."
Sun Wukong: "I just wanted to protect the people I cared about—to be strong enough. I lost sight of why I was doing any of it."
It's like history is repeating itself.
Which, this all obviously has a strong connection to 1x06, but it also is a strong connection to 2x06:
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MK: "It means I need to be stronger! Be so powerful, that it'd be certain defeat to fight me!" Sandy: "Maybe you need a break little man, just kick back for a bit." MK: "Uh, did Monkey King ever take breaks?"
(2x06 Game On)
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Sun Wukong: "Daw, don't be like that! Eat some fruit, soak up the sun—that's why I've been training so hard! Macaque: "What, so you can be the strongest?" Sun Wukong: "No! Well...maybe a little bit—but that's not the point! It's so that we don't have to worry about anything or anyone ever again! Just live a lazy life sittin' in the sun and eatin' fruit, and doing whatever we want!"
(4x11 A Lifetime of Mistakes)
Did Monkey King ever take breaks?—well, he did. It's here we start to see both the similarities and the differences between SWK and MK. AND IT DRIVES ME INSANE. They both reach after power in paranoia. They both try to protect the people they care about (and sometimes they do that through lying/leaving). They both want things to stay the same. Yet, SWK is arrogant where MK is self conscious. SWK goes off alone where MK tries to do it together. SWK can't plan for shit where MK is the designated plan man.
Sun Wukong VS MK and Monkey King VS Monkey Kid. How are they similar and how are they different?
And then if you throw Wukong-Macaque/MK-Mei Hero and Warrior parallels into all of it?
Peng: "The six-eared Macaque fighting side by side with his own replacements! Is there anything Wukong could do that would break his hold over you?" (4x13 Rip and Tear)
Is there anything MK could do that would turn Mei against him? I feel that it's SO telling that Mei wasn't included in this conversation:
Yellow Tusk: "I know full well what would happen should Azure fail. But- but he is my brother. I owe him my life." Sandy: "We get it! I'd do anything to help my friends. But at the cost of the world?" Pigsy: "I'm sorry pal, but NOTHING worth that price!"
(4x14 Better Than We Found It)
And here's why Mei is going to be the one to calm MK down like MK calmed her down during 3x10—
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 4 months
2, 5, 10 & 18 for the writer ask game!! (These questions are *so much* fun, I couldn't choose 😂)
Hello friend, and thank you! They *are*, aren't they??
2. If you had to give up your keyboard and write your stories exclusively by hand, could you do it? If you already write everything by hand, a) are you a wizard and b) pen or pencil?
Oh, heavens. I'd do it somehow, but it would be a rough transition. When I'm 'in the zone' I can barely keep up with my brain using a keyboard, and writing by hand would be so slow in comparison! I'd have to learn shorthand, haha. I'd find a way, I guess, but it would definitely not be easy. (Oh, and as a bonus: I'd write in pen for sure. No way I'm writing more than a couple of sentences of notes with a pencil. Those are for drawing.)
5. Do you have any writing superstitions? What are they and why are they 100% true?
I'm afraid I have to disappoint you on this one because I'm not a superstitious person, and that extends to writing, unfortunately! I don't have any superstitions I can think of.
I do have habits! For example, contrary to most of the writer population, I generally don't write in the evenings / at night. I usually wake up early and have a job that requires me to think for a good part of the day, so my brain tends to feel very tired by the time evening comes around, and the words don't really word when I get like that. I might jot down an idea or two, maybe edit a few passages, but the actual bulk of my writing activity happens while the sun is out.
10. Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
Oh, yes.
The term 'haunting' applied to writing is related to two different concepts for me. I've been haunted for ages by Moby Dick, in the sense that I began reading it and then left it on my nightstand to rot for years. I eventually read it all and loved it, but in the meantime it lay there menacingly, a perpetual reminder of my failure to finish it, like a heart beating under the floorboards.
Speaking of which: The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe is a good example of the other kind of haunting, the deeper kind. These tend to be stories that stay with me because they shock and unsettle me, due of their themes or their style (usually both). Other good examples are 1984 by George Orwell and A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess (I barely even remember this last one, except for the fact that it really disturbed me when I read it). The most recent example is The Notebook Trilogy by Ágota Kristóf (please be very careful if you research this one, it deals with a lot of seriously disturbing themes).
I don't think I've ever been haunted by any of my writing, no. I like to think of my works as companions, rather than haunting presences. :)
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end.
Hmm. This is hard to answer because I tend to forget about previous versions of my works fairly quickly 😂 I do remember a recent one, though!
The Barbara passage in i would have said impossible [...] gave me a lot of trouble while I was writing the fic. I knew I wanted to write something about Barbara from very early on; once I figured out where this fic would fall in the canon timeline, I rewatched some of S3, and the Barbara episode was just too interesting not to explore (not to mention it provided a perfect catalyst for the final confrontation between the three Girls). It was one of the first scenes I tried putting to paper, but I just... couldn't get it to work, no matter what! It simply refused to flow.
I eventually figured out that it wasn't working because I didn't know what I wanted to say with it. I knew by that point in the story Dorothy wasn't at her best, and I had a feeling she wanted to 'run away' from Blanche and Rose, but I didn't know why she wanted to run away (except for a very generic 'Blanche and Rose are coming on to her'), and so the scene was really bland and unfocused.
What helped, in the end, was properly writing the scene before! During my planning phase I decided that Dorothy was going to ask for Sophia's advice, at some point -- but I made the mistake of not figuring out where she'd end up after receiving said advice, so I didn't really know what was going through her mind during the Barbara scene! Once I wrote that scene and figured that out properly, her mental state was more clear to me, and everything fell into place. In retrospect, I learned quite the lesson from it! When a scene doesn't flow, it may be that the problem isn't with the scene itself, but with what comes before. :)
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keeps-ache · 1 year
got described as looking like a 'canadian lumberjack physicist' by my brother so. does anybody need an artist
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wolfsbanesparks · 1 year
Chapter 7 of Pretty Little Thing is up!
Bruce and Barry make their way to Fawcett City to start their investigation.
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missholoska · 2 years
Hi Chara!! How do you like living on the surface with your family?
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furious-blueberry0 · 3 months
NEXT – the next line. meaning i will finish the sentence I’m on and write a new one, which you’ll get.
Let's go!
Q’Tark looked back at the old man, who had now started trembling, either from exhaustion or from fear, still holding the bat high over his head. His skin had assumed a terrible shade of red and the scar on his head came down to part of his face and onto his right eye, where only an empty socket was left. And as if to add insult to the injury, he also had no left arm, with only a short piece of flesh still attached to his shoulder.
From Hello, Ani - for Chapter 3!
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red-dia · 2 years
It feels like the pacing for this arc and past arcs after the “Phos Goes to the Moon” arc starts to go faster and faster so there is a lot to be desired in between. It feels like the story goes from A to Z without putting in the other letters in between. I really wanted to see how the Gems would react to becoming Lunarians, because their fast acceptance was something I just can’t understand why it was so easy to undergo such a drastic transformation without any qualms. There were also interactions I wanted between some characters that did not happen or were written in an unsatisfying way that felt like the nuance in them just disappears.
I understand that time skips with the length of decades to centuries to millennia means that Gems can change drastically, especially in the setting of the Moon, where the Lunarian world allows the Gems to have more freedom to find themselves and find their own resolutions. Now I just have to hope and pray “The Party at the End” book added in with the special edition Vol 12 preorder will give me some answers and explanations. But part of me also is expecting mostly Cairnmea content in it per usual.
I dunno, part of me feels like Ichikawa is going through both burn out for this series and also wanting to move onto other projects aside from HNK, considering she works with Nintendo and is a character designer for Pokémon.
Agreed to a lot of this; the thing that bothers me the most is that there's so many characters that seem like they're set up to get some kind of development, and then the story kinda leaves it hanging, and for a while I had assumed there would be conflicts and resolutions and closure, but these issues dropped off the face of the earth....
The shift from the gems being hunted for sport for their entire existence only to be integrated among the lunarians, and nobody has hard feelings about it, everybody is happy to have left the earth where they've lived forever, everybody just kinda 👍 their way though it, fine we are lunarians now, okay we can restore dead gems because we changed our minds this is fine actually, whatever happened to Ghost and Lapis though, or whatever complex situation Rutile & Padparadscha had, or whatever are the ramifications of dusted gems coming back to life only to find almost everything they knew is gone and they have to live a new way of life without ever having asked for this :/
Not saying she shouldn't have done it at all, but the lack of extra time to introduce it made it feel pretty ooc to me. Especially given that "everybody has to die at some point" has been admitted as a plot point for a long time, so rushing it wasn't necessary at all. It also feels like there's a lot of missed opportunities...
That's not even mentioning things like the admirabilis, or earth stuff like the ice floes, but i'm still holding onto the hope there might be some more answers for that in the upcoming chapters. I'm also waiting to see if there's interesting stuff in the vol 12 booklet (though i'm not getting my hands on it, so i'm not sure if anything will be shared), but i'm not expecting much either though, but at least it might be fun!
+ regarding ichikawa being burned out, i'm not sure. I do think hnk is important to her because she put a lot of effort into it even when it's not necessary (cf artbooks, updated pages for manga releases, etc). If i had to guess, either she 1. happened to have a different vision of the story and she's fine with that, and/or decided on a deadline (ch108?) and eventually realized she was running late and had to scrap things/rush the story a bit and couldnt say everything she wanted to. The second option seems doesn't seem unlikely to me since hnk can only go so far with 20 pages per month, and she's trying to supplement it with additional material.
Either way yeah, i don't exactly know how hard hnk is on her since she takes hiatuses pretty liberally when she's working on other projects. A hiatus is still pretty different from a finished series though, so you may be onto something if she is trying to diversify her line of work...?
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the-stove-is-divorced · 5 months
Op what’s your favorite scene you’ve ever written and why is it your favorite
OOO, this is a hard question! I usually have like 2-3 fics rattling around in my brain and everything else I forget exists for a hot min, and apparently I have (checks notes) a whopping 42 works,,, damn. So, uh, three come to mind! (。。 )ゝ
I think in terms of being descriptive and writing emotion/sensations, the beginning scene of my body's in backwards. Like, I really love how I wrote the kind of agony during the first chapter, as harsh as that sounds adjkskds, stuff like: "Mark feels like his entire body’s just completely crushed and squeezed like a nearly empty tube of toothpaste," feels is pretty solid imagery! It flows well, too! Plus, I reference writing I like to while writing, and that includes my own work sometimes, and this is one of 'em!
In terms of, like, technical ability like metaphor, even if it isn't particularly impressive on a quick glance, the cumulative of step-up in all the time in the world makes me feel proud? It's my first time really trying to go ham with metaphor, so when Bruce actively hugs Alfred on his own in chapter 4, it's like a payoff of like 3-4 chapter's worth of step up lmao. To make a long story short, young Bruce dealing with intense emotions with literal, physical distance (pos=high up, neg=lower, like basements), but by the end of that mini-arc is the one to close the distance between himself and Alfred through closing physical distance via hug he initiates, which is huge! I'm very proud of it.
In terms of emotion the ending bit of i've got no time to live (and i can't say goodbye) ! It was one of my fav pieces for a long while, not so much anymore (waves to above, much more proud above), but I'm still proud of it! The kind of rage and frustration still feels super palpable to me, like "Inky MK throws his true half to the ground, knowing the very conviction making them fight, is the same one his true half refuses to see through, and the same one that makes him want to scream to the heavens, drag them down with bloody claws and demands answers, real answers about his stupid, destructive and powerful, pitiful and terrifying, messed up, tragedy-in-the-making life."
It still feels intense, and therefore I wrote it right, haha! TYSM FOR ASKING!!! ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝
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Happy STS! I find it so interesting the way Carr's character is evolving in Hidden Depths, and it brings to mind the question of, do you ever feel like your characters actually "talk" to you and tell you things about themselves? Or if not, how do you discover new things about them as you go?
Happy STS!
Thank you for the ask (and your patience) <3
I also find it interesting the way Carr's character is evolving 😂
My characters do talk to me, but like, they only do that on page.
I don't really know history or favorites or how they'll truly react to certain things until I sit down and try to write it. My characters come alive on the page, in real time. Once I learn more about them, it's easier to predict their behavior, although some still do surprise me.
Take Resh's history for example. In yesterday's chapter, I had him trying to think about happy memories. I had no idea what those would be, but he had my back lol.
Of course, if I'd asked Carr for happy memories, she probably would've told me to fuck off, which tracks for her character now, but I mean, even early on in her characterization she was like that, before I really knew anything about her.
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One of my favourite things about OFND is how it feels like the world's evolving. Civilizations are beginning to form again and technology is as well. Regrowing in a broken plant pot. Can't wait until Holly reinvents the wheel.
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evanescentdawn · 11 months
hhehehehe I love being able to write abt my ninja boys, I had a long period that was Just frustrating struggle akin to dragging through mud cuz nothing was wording but the stars must be aligned right now cuz I was working on this wip I had and it’s been GOING (rereading bookmarked ninjago fics did its wonders<3) n it’s v insanely fun to work on. and oh my god I have to say Jay is my fav character to write so far he’s so <3 I want him in my pocket!!!!!!!!!!
“Hey, guys!”
Jay looked over. Cole was walking towards them, Kai alongside him. They went out to scout the area. There was something in their expressions that lit up hope in Jay.
He sprang to his feet. “What is it? Did you guys find something? Are we going home? Did you hear from Master —”
“Woah, hold your horses sparky.” Cole said. “Nothing like that.”
“There’s pretty much nothing out there,” Kai said. “Just a bunch of more weirdly tall trees —”
—“Weirdly creepy tall trees,” Jay corrected —
“But just as we were about to give up, we came across some kind of weird pavement.”
“Weird pavement?” Zane questioned.
“Yeah,” Cole said. “It was made of yellow and pink coloured stone. We followed it and found a place I think we can shelter in.”
“That’s the best news I could have heard. No, the second best news.” Jay said, excitedly. “The best news would be being able to get out of this place but this is the next best thing. I hope it has a bath. I need a bath desperately.”
He felt all sweaty and awful under his ninja garb. It wasn’t warm here, leaning on the cold side but — Jay didn’t know what exactly it was. His skin felt weird under his ninja garp. Itchy, too warm and terrible. Because he hadn’t, urgh, changed out of it in hours even after they had that fight and got rolled in dirt. A lot.
It wasn’t their greatest moment.
“I don’t know about your bath,” Kai said. “We didn’t check inside. There’s some kind of lock but we figure Zane should be able to crack it.”
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potetosaradas · 1 year
Hello! I read through all of Bad Habit and I just wanted to say you're an amazing writer and the plot for each chapter is very fun and interesting, I love how you write pre-canon prickcest, all prickcest is good but I think your characterization is my favorite so far 😭💖💖💖
HELLO ANON!!!!! HELLO!?!?!?!?
you have no idea how happy this ask makes me because I always get a little insecure about my brand of prickcest aha.. i know it leans more towards sweetness/fluff compared to other peoples work but HHHHHHHH it just hurts me so good when i think about how much Rick hates Prime now :))
I could honestly die for precanon prickcest HHH I LOVE THE BOYS SO MUCH >:O
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yoohyeon · 11 days
T*mblr can you stop closing the page when I’m answering an ask because someone reblog a post from me or because I got another ask ???
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kalloway · 2 months
Will you ever possibly go back to write part 1 dio x reader fics? I remember back then I used to thrive off of reading your fics with part 1 dio, especially the one called “midnight meeting with a manticore” ( I think it was called like that). I know you said previously you’re not sure about writing more Jjba fics as you are focusing on something else. If not, I just wanted to let you know that your writing is phenomenal. Especially the way you manage to create an atmospheric feeling in your stories as well as being able to bring tension in random moments (such as in midnight meeting with a manticore). Overall, you are really an intelligent writer xoxo.
Hey, Anon! I kept this in my inbox/email for a *while* partly because I didn't know what to say but partly because I just wanted to keep it and read it for when I pulled myself out of a depressive slump at last (and thus be able to actually interpret it properly), so I apologize for the delay! I have a few Part 1 related fics on the backburner and have for aaages I'd love to go back to, but I would really have to rebuild my confidence with writing again to manage it I think? I actually had an alt rewrite/variation for Midnight Meetings with a Manticore in the early stages a few months back i think, but didn't commit... but part of me still wants to go all-in on self-indulgence and do it anyway hahaha in terms of x readers, I'd have to sit and look thru my files to even know what I had ideas for ngl... it's been *that* long I was focused on other things for a while but... really dragged myself down about writing in general so it's been very unproductive... but that doesn't mean I still don't want to write! It just is extremely difficult to bring myself to work on things atm. I hope I can warm back up to it though! There's a LOT of JJBA related stuff (not just Part 1) I have half-started I could go back to as well... heh >:) But I digress. I really, really appreciate the time you took to send me this - the compliment really made my day when I first saw it in my email and it still makes me so happy/encouraged to read now! The fact anyone remembers my fics or thinks they're notable in any capacity and enjoys them is jhgfdjfhd so flattering, tysm! <3
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melverie · 9 months
how many sideblogs do you have?
Okay, so right now I have four side blogs. Three of them (@today-in-the-devildom, @obey-me-events and now @devildom-fashion-week) + my main are Obey Me-related, and there's one specifically for non-Obey Me reblogs. That being said, I'm heavily considering making a fifth one at the moment so... yeah.
I've also had two other ones for a while (Obey Me related, of course. what else) though I deleted one of them after a few weeks because I just wasn't enjoying it much. As for the other one, it was meant for theories about Nightbringer, but the story didn't really offer much to theorize on, so that one was shut down after a few months
But yeah, five blogs in total is...managable I guess. I have to admit that I am once again neglecting today-in-the-devildom a bit, but that's mostly because I've been super motivated to work on my Nightbringer season 1 & 2 rewrite for a few weeks now, and most of my writing time is going into that at the moment. But! I am still going to continue with the blog. Even if it's the last thing I'll do lol
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