#not proofread please don't come for me i'm half asleep and surviving off rice
cute-sucker · 27 days
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being rafe's girl meant giggling along to his jokes, as his hand was possessively wrapped around your waist.
being rafe's girl meant sitting in his lap during important meetings, bright eyes, and whispering in his ear every single time you didn't understand something (50% you were just looking at him confused)
being rafe's girl meant wearing your wedding ring, and whenever someone got too close - flashing it in their eyes so they knew who you belonged to
being rafe's girl was seeing him in his worst, and best, as his bleary eyes called out for you, you cooed at him like he was the prince in your fairy tales
being rafe's girl meant going to the beach, before shrieking going into the water, and then jumping out with a cute pout on your face, demanding that rafe buy you an ice cream
being rafe's girl meant that he would smile at you earnestly, from ear to ear, and someone people would be so shocked seeing you - a cute thing that was hanging on his lap
being rafe's girl meant going to his work and accidentally getting mistaken for his worker, and ending up doing some work at his firm before him coming to find you
being rafe's girl was getting special attention the minute rafe found out you had been mistaken for his worker, and getting that very same person who forced you into the job fired
being rafe's girl meant playing the piano for him, and then shly asking rafe to join, as you watched his trembling hands reminisce of a time that was better than all
being rafe girl was jumping into his arms every single time he came home, kissing his cheeks, and then telling him how much you missed him,
being rafe's girl meant many things <3
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