#not putting in main tags bc theyre not finished but i still wanted to post and talk about them smiles
baalzebufo · 8 months
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so I know I havent finished the nurgle warband yet but... well i wanted to build vampires too. oops
built up kritza and annika to use em as the leaders of a warband built out of the crimson court. theyre using the card/statblock of prince duvalle hence the smaller bases, just flavoured differently because honestly. im in love w these two designs. kritza especially is too awesome Not to use, i love you ratboy
i love the idea of making them a warband that is basically deposed and exiled nobles and their small group of supporters/sycophants seeking to muscle some political power back. these two are together in a 'were married and also keep trying to poison each others coffee and stab each other in the back' way. yever seen the vincent price version of house on haunted hill? Like That.
no plans to do any kitbash or conversion stuff on these folks because honestly, the base models for the court are already cool as hell. just gotta put the rest of em together and figure out my colours 👍
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clippedwingsmuses · 3 months
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ooc: new ooc icons are still a wip but!! i thought i'd go ahead and show what i've got cooked up so far! i think i'm going to use these as the basis for all of my icons on this blog, cause i'm kinda attached to the design to be honest, but i'm considering making the main square a little bit smaller so i might have to widen the icon itself (theyre supposed to be 50x50 but tumblr is making them bigger even tho ive got icons with the same dimensions...........)
i've done a lot of rambling for this post, so i'm going to be putting all of the extra info i have typed out under the cut! (extra info includes some fun facts about these icons, new muses i'm bringing to the blog, the status of my icon making, etc.)
first off, yes i'm using song lyrics for these icons; i'm gonna try to make the icons have song lyrics from their theme songs that i picked out (which includes my icons, the lyrics are from nothing by catie turner bc its a song that i resonate with a lot)
and yes im also using pride flags for these icons!! the amount of pride flags may fluctuate based on my character headcanons, so the amount will vary between just 2 and all 4 of them; the flags in my icon in particular, in order (top to bottom), are transmasc, boyflux, uranic, and the 2019 polyamorous flag
anyways, i'm going to work on the rest of my ooc icons tomorrow! i will also get to work on editing all of my character icons...... it's going to be a hellish process (primarily because surge and twilight have well over 150 icons i'll have to re-edit) but that's the joy of running a multimuse is icon making lol, and i kind of miss doing it
my main 4 characters (kieran, kitsunami, wanderer, & kokichi) will have their icons done first since they are priority characters. i will slowly work on everyone else's icons as i go. all of my muses will still be available! they will just be iconless for the time being
i'll be using a mix of my old icons and new icons until all of the new icons are done (old icons will be used if that character's new icons aren't done yet) and all of my new muses will get the new icon style right away!
with that being said, i want to announce the new muses here since i haven't made a proper post about it (or i deleted it lol); the brand new muses i am bringing to this blog include rose quartz (and pink diamond), lapis lazuli, boyfriend, and kinitoPET!
additionally, i have taken a look at my considerations list and i have decided that i will officially be bringing puss in boots, discord, and bonnie to the blog! the newest muse up for me to consider is amethyst, so she has been added to the list in replacement of the others that i'm officially taking on or removing
speaking of removals, i've decided to remove mordecai and mystery from my considerations entirely, as i cannot effectively play them until i fully invest myself in learning their lore in its entirety (i was planning to play them primarily based on just the lackadaisy pilot and the msa episodes, but that's not the best course of action i can take right now)
so yeah, i think i'm finally done rambling now! with all that being said, i am 100% going to be active tomorrow! as always, every meme in my memes tag is open to be sent to the askbox, and i'll work on responding to roleplays or sending out unprompted/meme things inbetween my icon making (based on whoever is active), so i'll see you guys tomorrow! (after i finish my daily artfight attack ofc lol)
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her-canine-teeth · 6 months
INTRO Post YEAHG (ppl wanted this). this is LONG but there's a shorter version now!! exciting.
g e n e r a l stuff ig
(i have never made one so idk what to put here (it's way longer than i thigght though. sorry) but if u have any questions u can ask me everything! fr)
the names that i primarily go by here r mito n tomas (bc theyre the ones in my bio thing) but I have like a lot of names (bascially every word I like. more or less) so I guess u can just call me whatever??
I love music and I listen to almost EVERYTHING so it's hard to pin down a few artists. the ones i think r most underrated are flower face and aliceband though (if u ask i WILL make u a playlist. if u send me more music i will be happy). Idk i play guitar and I want to play drums which is hard bc I dont have any. also want to learn piano like this year
other than that i write pretty much (sb beta my stuff pls) oh and I have synesthesia which is fun Uhhh i love (over)interpreting things so there's a lot of that here and I csnt spell!! but I think thats obvious.
Im queer like in general
Im posting abt a lot of stuff, main interests (rn) are: tma/tmagp, starkid/sap, and yellowjackets. and discworld. we <3 discworld (sb ask me what my fav book is)
asks/dms r always open!! I love talking.
NOTE i wont be there as much the next 5 weeks, i think but u can still talk to me (pls do) ill just answer like a bit later
beneath that thing r my tags n projects it's rather long though i think. n this is long enough alr
t a g s
mitos incredible life - basically all of my original posts. whys it called that and not smth like 'my posts'? i dont fucking remember and id rlly like to know that too but im not gonna change it now. anyways it's everything from poetry stuff to edits to complaining etc
mine art tag - stuff i make, mostly edits and sometimes writing
spine - writing stuff im basically just putting somewhere when im on tumblr anyways and dont want to open the notes app. those are real life first drafts and not good
there r more i think but ig youll get them
p r o j e c t s
basically if ive planned smth for more than 1 day it's a project to me. If youre reading this I probably got multiple going on rn
the ones that are finished always have a like wrap post thingy
tag: tomas pulls thru
then I have a current wip status post which you can find here. like bascially what's finished alr and what's not n other stuff. (probably gonna forget this exists though so. might not be accurate I just love unnecessary complicated things).
tag: current wip status (if u dont wanna click the link or smth idek)
andd the post where the finished project r listed is heree
tag: project overview
IDK WHAT ELSE TO PUT HERE it will probably be updated. very sure but not the next few weeks bc as ive said i will be gone.
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ankhisms · 3 years
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the always wonderful shelley @shanheling tagged me to do this thank u so much!! i think that everyone i wanted to tag has already been tagged to do this but if you feel like doing this feel free to consider urself tagged by me!! im putting this under a readmore bc its long and i ramble a lot
the piece i was tagged to explain my process on is this oc piece! unfortunately i have a habit of deleting my original clip studio file once ive finished my art and saved it as a new png file, so i dont have the file to show the sketch and different stages of this piece. but I still can go through my general process and talk about how i did that piece!
1. planning
honestly i think about the art that i want to do a lot, and in this last year or so ive thought about the art i want to do more than ive been able to actually create and finish that art that i want to do. for my planning i tend to do a lot of different thumbnail sketches for the art im thinking of
these are some examples of thumbnails, a lot of times ill do thumbnails just on pencil and paper and with some of these theyre done quickly with my fingers on my phone note function on a day where i was feeling too bad to get up and draw on paper but still wanted to get the thumbnail ideas down. two of these are for the same songxiao piece that i still havent finished and i have more thumbnails digitally on clip studio for the same piece, i do a lot more thumbnails when a piece isnt working the way i want it to and theres times where ill completely scratch a thumbnail or a sketch and start over in order to do more thumbnails because i dont feel happy with some aspect of it.
two of these are small gouche painting thumbnails for two pieces i did maybe a month or so ago, i did the thumbnails and then tried to expand on them digitally and im wanting to do more thumbnail paintings like this in the future because it was fun
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for the piece of my oc trio it was based off a series of ask prompts i got for a few different outfit prompt memes i had reblogged, so i based their outfits on the ones in the meme. when im drawing figures i tend to try and get the movement down in the poses when im sketching, i do several rough sketches of the pose before beginning to start setting down lines (if im doing lineart at all because sometimes i dont like doing lineart and do a more lineless painting kind of style). i really try to get my art to convey some kind of emotion, in the oc piece i wanted it to feel fun and like youre seeing three best friends while theyre out on the town having a fun night
2. creating
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this is the only real example i have of a piece in the middle of being filled in and created, this piece is one that im really not very happy with & have had lying around for a while and ill probably scrap it and try to come at it from a different perspective at some point. but anyway it still shows what i do, i lay down a kind of neutral gray color underneath my final sketch/lineart if im doing lineart in that piece and then i start picking out the colors that i want for the piece and kind of setting out a pallette for myself. i dont do this color pallette thing 100% of the time but i do it really often, especially if im working on a commission or a larger piece where i know theres going to be a lot of colors or if its a piece where im not sure exactly what color scheme i want so laying out the colors together helps me kind of decide what kind of scheme i want. i am sooooo picky about my colors in my art i am genuinely obsessed with colors in art and there are times where i really have to stop myself from working on something forever just constantly adding more colors or putting little tiny changes and gradients in the colors.
after ive got the colors i want down i tend to try and block out parts of the piece with the base color for that section, and then i start to paint with the colors that i want to go on top of that base color from there.
once im satisfied with the colors/shading/rendering and everything ill go back and look over things and will fix things that look off or sometimes completely redo segments if they dont look right to me. when i was younger and mainly doing digital art using my phone and my fingers i would use a lot of filters and overlays on top of my art once i was done, and honestly im glad to not be doing that anymore because i dont think it made my art look any better. i do color adjustments and sometimes will put on a color overlay or a layer to emphasize the shadows and the light in the piece, but i try to keep those layers to a minimum and like i said before i have a tendency to obsess over the colors and ill spend a good amount of time in the color adjustment tool of clip studio and then ill just decide "actually it looks fine as it is" so yeah!
3. posting
i feel like i dont have a lot to say here gbfm i mean i honestly have a lot of thoughts about the relationship between artists and social media and how social media changes our views on art including our own art and how we can feel like we constantly need to be posting new art and just become content machines churning out new stuff. but ill save that rant for another time. i used to be really concerned about how many notes my art would get when i was younger, and i dont at all blame anyone who still is very concerned about that bc it sucks when u work hard on something youve created and then you dont get a lot of recognition for it, but honestly within the last two years or so i feel like ive begun to have a lot healthier relationship with posting my art. i really just post my art on my art blog, reblog it to my main blog, and then thats that yknow! i do really appreciate any and all support people give me, it means the world to me, but for me having the mentality where i dont need to post all the art i make and i dont need to be posting every day or every week or every month even has been a lot healthier for me because then im not constantly asking myself why didnt this get notes is my art awful??? and yeah i just kind of post it and my brain goes okay were done with that art we gotta make more
ive honestly been struggling a lot with art thru the pandemic and if youre reading this and have been struggling with creating in any way recently or even before the pandemic, please know theres no shame in having trouble creating and it doesnt make you bad at whatever it is u create!
thank you for reading this, feel free to consider urself tagged by me again if u want to do this!! love u all
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maryaliceswan · 5 years
tag game/get to know me
tagged by: @the-golden-onion and @cullen-collective thank you i love talking about myself jhsdgfjkah
rules: answer 21 questions and then tag 21 some fuckin people who you want to know better
nickname: okay well theres beau beau the feaul, my irl friends call me brick, aaaaaaaand thats it, i dont really have nicknames jashdgfjksd
sign: capricorn sun leo moon and cap rising come analyze my psyche babey ;)))
height: 5’7″
last movie i saw: probably i am mother, which i only watched bc netflix recommended it to me and honestly it looked cooler than it actually was :-///
last thing i googled: “firelands path of corruption location” bc i was trying to get an achievement on world of warcraft and i couldnt fuckin find it jhasgdf
favorite musician: FUCK i love PVRIS so fucking much i cant even begin to put it into words, ive only been to one concert in my life and it was one of theirs and my life was forever changed when i got to meet lynn gunn, i love her so MUCH
song stuck in my head: i actually dont rn but usually its either country roads or the legend of korra theme song
other blogs: okay theres my main @medusas-left-tit and then my critical role sideblog @yashaeatspussy and then i have a bunch of blogs to save urls such as missvictoriaswan and the golden url cassandrapentaghasteatspussy
do i get asks: yes! people are so sweet when they share their hc’s with me even though i dont post them asap (more often than not im sitting in the dark rereading them over and over bc theyre so good :’) and i just dont answer them for days)
blogs following: im following 612 and honestly i thought it was way less bc usually my dash is p quiet
amount of sleep: i hate sleeping okay dont talk to me about how my average is 4 hours okay
lucky number: 3, 13, and 30, i just love 3 bc that was the number on my soccer jersey all through high school and 13 bc i was 13th to shoot in a 3 point shooting competition and i “won”. also 30 is the number of my fav soccer player jfghds
what i’m wearing: its 4pm and im still in my pajamas what are you gonna do about it
dream job: i dont really have like, this dream job. ive always wanted to design and sell graphic shirts, which i have done, so i guess i achieved it jhfgdhsja
dream trip: i want to go to greece SO fucking bad i can feel it in my bones, i want to visit all the ruins and see all the museums and statues and i want to go to lesbos to pay tribute to mother sappho by having a picnic in a field of lavender with the love of my life omg
favorite food: pasta pasta pasta pasta pasta p a s t a
play any instruments: i played a mean alto sax in fifth and sixth grade marching band B)
languages: english, but i can read a tiny bit of french and spanish and i wanna learn greek!!
random fact: ive played so many sports competitively since i was a kid all through high school and now that thats over, now i have a soft spot for yard games like cornhole, kanjam, kubb, croquet, and washers and shit like that jhdgfdjhs if you have a yard game then im all over it
describe yourself as aesthetic things: the smell of wood shavings while you admire a finished project, listening to the cicadas between innings of a softball game, going to a drive-in movie theater in the bed of a pickup truck, stepping into a bookstore for the first time in months, the sound of metal cleats against cement, bruised knuckles and scarred hands, stargazing with friends on a trampoline, feeling a ball hit that sweet spot in your bat, the feeling of a motorcycle between your legs, muffled thunderstorms, a warm dog cuddled in your lap, the pain of a tattoo needle.
tagging: whoever wants to do it!!!!! idk who to tag!!!!
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ryoshan-a · 6 years
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ok. listen i know i havent been here in ages and this isn’t an original idea but hear me out:
RWBY as a live action tv series, and our characters as the actors, actresses, and crew.  
set in our world modern verse. featuring a small production company, employing and casting crew and actors from all over the world. not convinced yet? here’s why y’all should indulge me: 
your muse canonically dead or afk? not anymore!! they produce the show now. or write it. or just hang out on the set when they’re free. 
your muse a villain and hard to rp with other folk? not anymore!!! let them be pals with the most unlikely of other people. see how they deal with fndm hating their character. (or loving their char too much)
your char an oc? nOT ANYMORE. theyre canon chars now. maybe they write the show. direct. tell qrow off when he almost posts spoilers on twitter. ANYTHING
whats a crossover? the ocs you rp with are now actors/crew in their own universe’s movie/game/tv show. the chars from other fandoms are actors/crew in their source’s show/movie/game. 
your ship a rarepair u jump through hoops to put together? not anymore!! their actors are shacking up. 
lbr we’re all suffering the hiatus. who needs canon material for this!! they’re in shooting for the eps that’ll air in october. 
seriously, how easy would it be to get,, literally the entire community involved in something like this. TAG ME IF YOU DO!!! i wanna see what folk come up with!!
still not convinced? here’s some ideas i came up with, with the help of @iruzurru and @rosescattered. obv if i mention your muse and you wanna get in on this dont feel like you have to follow these!! these are just meant to inspire™
under the cut, cause lONG: 
taiyang and summer club together every year to fund a holiday for the entire cast and crew to celebrate the end of a season. they buy out an entire plane for the journeys and instigate travelling songs 
taiyang is a writer for the show who played ruby and yang’s dad more as a cameo, but got given more scenes when the character proved rlly popular 
summer is a writer too. noone, not even tai knows she’s gonna be playing summer when she shows up later in the show >:3c 
emerald and cinder being best friends who play up icly for the fans. emerald throws down on twitter with anyone who harrasses cinder for playing a baddie 
winter wasn’t an actor originally. she writes novels, but she was on set one day waiting for weiss to finish shooting so they could go to lunch. 
she was given first dibs on an audition to play weiss’ ic sister and nails it. weiss insists she’s not even acting, she’s just Really Like This 
winter writes fanfic of emerald/cinder on ao3 for shits and giggles dont @ me. noone knows its her bc she uses winter’s ic callsign as a username and ppl just assume its a winter fan
this is yang’s first big acting job, but she’s Known in celebrity circles because her mom is the Very Famous Raven Branwen.raven’s a household name 
raven subsequently gets cast as her real mom because it just makes sense and would boost the series’ popularity following her guest appearance at the end of volume 2 
qrow is very vocal about his character’s storylines and supports charities relating to substance abuse. he frequently finds himself in twitter discourse with fans because he loudly discourages romanticising his character 
this gets him accused of hating his character, which he doesn’t. fandom either loves him or hates him 
qrow and raven arent siblings but they might as well be because they’re so fking close and roast each other on twitter all the time 
neo’s actress is actually a really famous opera singer who’s breaking into acting. this gives rise to the popular fanon that neo actually can talk and has a bitchin’ voice but chooses not to. 
emerald’s an orphan. she bounced around kids homes and developed a great talent for lying in the process. hearing a drama teacher describe acting as ‘lying really well’ sealed the deal for her career choice. she’s had bit parts and lives in a shitty apartment until rwby becomes her first big break. 
coco was a big actress in france. she came to america seeking to break into hollywood, and found it pretty difficult. she’s emerald’s roommate, and it’s emerald who tells her about the opening for a member of team cfvy and pushes her to audition. 
ilia has to wear one of those green screen suits all the time so they can animate her scales. yang gets a selfie with her every time she’s wearing it. takes upon takes have been ruined by blake and sun laughing at her. 
it annoys ilia at first. then, she starts to find it funny. then, she gets her own back by purposefully making people laugh. she does the yoshi mlem every time she cracks her whip. 
pyrrha’s actress routinely gets bit parts and cameos in future volumes bc the cast and crew love her so much they want her around all the time. she’s like 50% of the reason a comedy mini-series where nothing bad happens exists alongside the main series. 
the entire cast and crew rallying around cinder after v3 when the fan backlash comes from pyrrha’s onscreen death. they throw a party after to celebrate pyrrha and cinders great performances. its a greek theme
team rwby, smartasses that they are, all come dressed as achilles with little papier mache arrows stuck in their heels
weiss is a Career Showman. she started off in ballet, then moved to broadway, then onto the bigscreen. she’s had a huge amount of success despite how young she is, and was continually pushed to land greater and greater roles. she suffered a very publicised breakdown because of the stress. 
she ‘disappeared’ in the showbiz scene when she went to live with winter in her remote little writing shack in the middle of assfuck nowhere to recharge. 
rwby is her first acting job since then. she was hesitant to start back at all, but finds herself extremely supported and refreshed by the small, close-knit production. 
blake’s had to work twice as hard for every role she’s ever landed due to being an ethnic minority. her professionalism makes her seem closed off and cold, so she hasn’t made many friends. she has a small, devoted fanbase, though.
summer is one of those fans, and has always wanted to cast blake in something. her character was written with her in mind, and summer was elated when blake accepted the proffered audition and subsequent role in rwby. 
ruby is summer and tai’s daughter!! they are not shy at all about saying that her part was written For Her. they don’t apologise for it either fuck u they created this show they cast who they want. 
the red trailer only initially existed for ruby to do a screentest of her character. it was so well produced and nailed so hard they made it promotional material and wrote the white, black and yellow ones to go with it. 
ruby grew up reading her parents’ stuff and writing her own, too. in school, she wrote, directed and produced an entire play for her classmates, but never thought of acting until her parents suggested she play the lead in this new show they’ve been thinking about. 
ruby and yang met on set. they’ve been thick as thieves ever since. 
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beebosbitchh · 7 years
tag game!
tagged by @sarahthegingersnap
this seems sorta different from ones ive done in the past so lets goooo
Nickname(s)- chasw w sophie/sophiw. sometimes megan or sophie will refer to me as ginger/ging but its not really a thing??? when i was younger it was daisy, and in elementary school it was,, chuck/chuck norris……… Zodiac- libra Height- 5'4 ? last thing i googled- my friends instagram to see if i could find a picture of me w long hair bc i deleted instagram for right now favorite music artists- remo drive, tv girl, the frights, sorority noise, wallows, the walters, COIN, bad suns, vesperteen, and forever panic! at the disco. (honorable mentions; of montreal, tame impala, temples, modern baseball, HUNNY, frankie cosmos, diet cig) last movie i saw- i finished princess mononoke last night, it took me abt a week lmao. last full movie i saw was trolls w claire why did i choose my URL- i originally got tumblr to be a band blog with megan (and that blog is a side blog that i rarely use) but i was really into emo bands when i got tumblr and i think ‘beebo’ was starting to come up in brendons livestreams so yeah… ive never changed my url for this blog but ive considered it a few times and have a few urls saved oops Do i have other blogs- some i dont wish to share although some of you have found a few that im fine w… i have my meme blog which i use all the time @phytemee and my OA blog @buckkvu which i use sometimes but probably a lot more when season 2 comes, my art blog @peachyyartkid where i rb art i like and sometimes ill post my art there that i dont feel comfortable posting or rbing on my main. those are the ones i still kinda use what did your last relationship teach you- oh god,, uhh a lot? the importance of putting yourself before others w/o being selfish, the difference between loving someone and loving anyone, also how to keep things somewhat in a good light and a lot of other stuff i dont want to think abt rn religious or spiritual- spiritual ig ? favorite color- red specifically? but also primary? and all the other colors ever? average hours of sleep- 6-7,, lucky number- 3, 6 favorite characters- garnet from su, james wilson from house md, lafayette/jefferson/hamilton from hamilton (theyre obvi real people but i like how theyre portrayed), dean n cas from spn, greg from otgw, buck from the oa, pb/ice king/marceline from at, jake/gina/holt/everyone from b99, How many blankets do i sleep with- one (1) Dream Job- artist! idk what media yet, honestly anything as long as i can support myself w it ya feel
i tag @vahilla @dulcetkid @so-incorrect @almightyportraits @boganurgeois @itsskylerblue @simply-deluded !! you dont have to if you dont want to no worries!
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vagarius · 8 years
For the fanfiction questions thing: 1, 3, 8, 10, 16, 18, 22, 27, 31, 36, 40, 44, 46, 48, 50 and 51~
okay now the actual words:
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in?
[also answered here]
Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus. It still sneaks up and slaps me in the face sometimes. Though I hated the ending of the last book but let’s not go there
3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in?
I mean??? I love the Boueibu fandom, because I feel like I know everyone (even if I don’t know everyone) and it’s nice seeing other people’s fandom things and being like ah, yes, you’re the one who - . And then people recognize you’re own fandom things and you’re just like????? But the fandom also isn’t is-anyone-even-home small *cough* starmyu *cough*.
So yeah I really like the Boueibu fandom kudos to you.
(Also a shout out to the Haikyuu!! fandom for their love of rarepairs. Or maybe that’s just me and who I happen to follow, lol.)
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom?
What even is… my latest fandom??? The latest fandom I’m actually active in is Boueibu. I actually started watching Boueibu right after watching Hamatora because it was around the time everyone was comparing Kinshirou and Art, so that was like, half of what was making up the Hamatora tag. Then I watched the PV and went hiroshi kamiya and whoa look at that I’m on episode five already where did the time go? (Not even because I’m particularly fond of Hiroshi Kamiya (though I am), but because I’m always oddly proud of myself when I recognize voice actors? Idk why.) I got really into the actual fandom after reading some Enkin fics and also falling in love with the Student Council. The first fic I wrote for the fandom was actually for an exchange.
My latest fandom in general is Mystic Messenger. I’d been seeing stuff pop up for it for a while and then it showed up in my recommended apps on Google Play and I just?? What the hell, why not. Let’s do this. And here I am (though I’ve only finished Yoosung’s route so far ;;;; )
10.  Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?
Yes, very much yes. I’ve read fic for so many fandoms but have only gotten around to writing for 4 of them (5 if you include PJO but I haven’t written for it since I’ve been on AO3). The ones I can think of now are Daiya No A, Joker Game, All for the Game (book series), Kuroko no Basuke, Prince of Stride, Ao no Exorcist, Oofuri, Tsuritama…
16. Are their any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike?
From Haikyuu, I’m not the biggest fan of KuroKen and Kenhina (is Kenhina popular? I don’t even know at this point). And… Asanoya, I guess? It’s not that I necessarily dislike these three as much as I’m just meh about them.
There aren’t any ships that I’ve come across that I actually dislike from Boueibu, and the ones I’m meh about aren’t really popular anyway? So.
And Rintori from Free!. Idk why it just never clicked with me??
18. What ship have you written the most about?
Tsukkikage (hq!!), apparently, though I mostly write about platonic relationships, it seems like.
22. Is there anything you regret writing?
[also answered here]
If I posted it, I don’t regret writing it. I might not necessarily like some of my old writing, but I don’t regret it. However, there are some things I’ve written down or typed out and immediately deleted because hell no this will not see the light of day not on my watch why did I even think to put those words together what was I - 
27. What do you hate more: Coming up with titles or writing summaries?
[also answered here]
Coming up with titles. I love writing cute little (or heartbreaking) summaries, but titles? No thanks. It’s like I’m pulling words out of a jar, except the jar is locked, poisonous, and on fire. (Though I usually end up liking my titles, anyway.)
31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing?
[also answered here]
Literally anytime?? Someone comments?? I get really jittery and excited because wow someone wanted to say something about what I wrote??
While the last ask has my favorite comment, I’m going to compile some of the nicest things people have said about my writing just because it makes me happy and I can:
“goddd your writing is so beautiful i’m so jealous” - nardaviel
“and your writing is amazing, it does a beautiful job of evoking the quiet that theyre both having to deal with. i think the present tense is part of the effect because it makes it seem less like a recounting of events (which by necessity is an act of communication, and this whole thing is about an inability to communicate) and more like we’re experiencing these things alongside atsushi. but i think there’s more going on than just the choice of tense.. maybe part of it has something to do with all the parentheticals at the ends of scenes…? they seem like quiet little asides, thoughts that don’t make it out into the main narrative the same way thoughts aren’t making it out of atsushi’s head 3 tbh i don’t really know, i’m just thinking aloud because i’m trying to learn from your talent a;ljsd” - @nardaviel
“Your style is so pretty as always, I loved the descriptions and how you portrayed the characters’ thoughts and perceptions of the world around.” - you, actually
“I know that I’m gonna read this many times over in the future…. I need a moment.” - Rudxinna
“Kudos to you for keeping everyone so nicely in character, for fleshing them out so well as they age, and for showing just enough of each scene.” - chromyrose
“I loved this. I cried and laughed while reading it.” - Pechat
“You really have a gift for zeroing on these quiet significant moments.” - odoridango
“How is everything you write so amazing and perfect??” - odoridango [Honestly everything odoridango has ever commented makes my heart soar]
[I am currently basking in happiness. Thank you for giving me the excuse.]
36. What’s your favourite genre to write?
[also answered here]
Slice of Life, assuming that counts. I love the atmosphere.
40. What do you struggle the most with in your writing?
everything Plot, in general. Trying to connect everything into a coherent storyline. I find it easy with vignettes when you can get away with connecting them with subtleties or repeating lines, but having one event leading into the next without awkward breaks is a struggle. (Which is probably why I mostly stick with oneshots.) I also struggle with writing the beginning. I usually start in the middle of the fic, which will sometimes end up being the beginning anyway, orz.
44. What ship do you feel needs more attention?
[also answered here]
Just. All the platonic ships. All of them. I love platonic ships so much???? Give me all the friendship I will take it gladly.
From Boueibu, the third year OT4, as well as Kinatsuen and AkoIoRyuu (though I don’t actually ship the latter that much.) I feel like people really like them but there still isn’t that much content for them? though the only romantic ship i’ve really written is enatsu so i shouldn’t be talking
For Haikyuu!!, I’m especially fond of TsukkiKage and KuroKage, so. Also Yachi ships. They are adorable.
For Free!, I still miss reiharu, orz. I should write more for them. Other people should write more for them. More reiharu for the soul. Also Gou/Haru friendship??? It just occurred to me now but more Gou/Haru friendship would be amazing.
46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why?
Hmmmm, I’d probably recommend an endless start of april, which is a KuniKage fic from hq summer hols. I really like the atmosphere, and how I formatted the fic. I also managed to stuff karasuno first year friendship in there. But mostly, I had a lot of fun writing it, and I think it shows. I’m overall really proud of it. (I’m also still really fond of fairy lights, lol).
48. Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why/Why not?
I try my best to leave reviews, especially when the fic made me really happy and/or really emotional. A comment can make my day, so I try to leave as many as possible. (Though I am guilty of not following through on this). I try my best to be detailed, but most of the time they end up just being really incoherent, orz.
50. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction?
I think it started when I stumbled across a Lazel (PJO/HoO) fic over google search?? Then I read all the obligatory high school and harry potter AUs for PJO and then the tear jerkers and I was totally hooked?? And of course the first thing I wrote was for a rarepair, lol. After that I really wanted more platonic Jasico content, as well as a Nico-centric AU, so they were some of the first things I wrote about.
When I started really really wanting to write fanfiction, though, was after reading the fic Catch a Falling Star (free fandom come cry with me). It kinda became my fic writer’s dream to write a long one-shot like that (still kind of is, and is probably why I fell in love with long one-shots in the first place), and the imaginary friends concept has always stuck with me. That fic inspired me a lot, along with a few others. I’m still stumbling across fics where I go I want to write something like that, but that was definitely the start of it.
And here I am now, lol.
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
[also answered here]
For the other “also answered” ones, I wrote something new(ish, in some cases), but I’m gonna copy paste this one bc I’m not sure what else I want to gush about:
I hate fanfiction’s reputation????? A lot???? Like I’ve seen/read my fair share of horrible fanfiction (have more than likely written some) and, yeah, some of it’s just pointless fluff or smut or the like but???? There’s also some really really really meaningful stuff out there??? And even those that don’t have some life-changing meaning mean a lot regardless - there are fanfics that have lifted my spirits and honest to goodness probably saved me, ones that have made me laugh so ridiculously hard I’ve woken someone up and ones that have made me cry at 3 AM wondering how something this beautiful graced my eyes??? Like???? It might not interest you but give it a chance, or at least keep any trash to yourself (unless it’s like, legitimate trash, but. That’s a very fine line you’re walking. A very fine line.)
And because I don’t want to end on a hateful note:
I love the little communities fanfiction builds???? Especially in smaller fandoms, or in rarepair fandoms (for lack of a better word). I love talking to other writers when I can and seeing how proud they are and getting little comments and I just?? Fanfiction communities are actually great.
And once more for good measure: !?!?!??!?!?!?!?!!!!???!!!!!!!!! thank you!!!!!
Fanfiction Questions
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