#not really a big issue to me. but yeaahh
mittensmorgul · 5 years
4.19, Jump The Shark.
Who's really the monster? And Dean understands something about Sam... just how similar Sam is to John Winchester.
(and sorry, Sam, but I don't think Dean meant that as a compliment, but more of a realization, a statement of fact based on everything he saw Sam do in this episode)
Let's start with the recent buildup of Sam's opinion of Dean-- that he's too weak to do what needs to be done, driving Sam to do horrific things we still don't know the full extent of behind Dean's back to make himself "strong enough" to kill Lilith. Sam has now officially drunk enough Kool Aid that he's well on his way to becoming the Kool Aid Man (I say, looking down at the shirt I've got on with the kool aid man busting in yelling OH YEAAHH!!! I swear I can think up metaphors without referencing novelty t-shirts >.>) And again, in this episode, we have someone commenting on the fact that something is Wrong™ with Sam, this time the ghouls of the piece who can taste the wrongness in his blood.
Based on Dean's sentiment I quoted at the top, about how Sam's more like John than he'll ever be (they're practically the same person!) the fact that we now know that Sam's current personality issues are at least a little bit magnified by his burgeoning addiction to demon blood, yeah... not a compliment, to Sam OR John.
It also occurs to me that we seem to, as a fandom, have this impression that John visited Adam regularly for years, when we know John never even knew he existed until Adam was 12... toward the end of 2002. He maybe, MAYBE met Adam two or three times before disappearing in 2005 and kicking off the story. And Adam... is 18 years old, a freshman in college, who hasn't seen John for at least four or five years when the ghouls come for them. The ghouls... didn't care about the bigger picture, about the world outside their own personal revenge. They had NO IDEA that John Winchester had died several years earlier, nor that he had other sons. These must be some dumbass ghouls, not knowing who the Winchesters are, you know? They set a trap specifically for John Winchester, who they considered the monster for killing THEIR father NINETEEN YEARS AFTER THE FACT. And from the pov of the ghouls... why now? Why wait that long to seek revenge? It's strange, almost like the story needed this to happen at this specific time.
(and just one episode after Chuck introduced himself to the story? Adam honestly makes a million times more sense as exactly what it says on the tin-- a literal plot device that came out of nowhere, and disappeared from the story before we ever even met him. Was he ever even real at all? My money's on, "does it even really matter now?")
But what we do see happen in this episode is that Dean both gets to test his own skepticism again (Thanks, Tessa! That bit of advice is still paying off!), AND he gets to see this rather horrific mirror of John through Sam.
Sam: Being a hunter isn't a job, Adam. It's life. You're pre-med. You got a girlfriend, friends? Not anymore you don't. If you're really gonna do this, you can't have those kinds of connections, ever. They're weaknesses. You'll just put those people in danger, get them killed.
And I wonder if Sam was trying to scare the kid into doing exactly what HE did:
Dean: 'Hunting is life. You can't have connections.' Dad gave you that exact same speech, remember? It was just before you ditched us for Stanford. You hated Dad for saying that stuff, and now you're quoting him?
Or maybe Sam just didn't remember this...
SAM: Yeah, well, turns out Dad was right. DEAN: Since when? SAM: Since always. Dean, when I look at Adam, you know what I see? DEAN: A normal kid. SAM: No. Meat. Because the demons and monsters out there, that's all he is. I hated Dad for a long time. I did. But now I think I understand. So we didn't have a dog and a white picket fence. So what? Dad did right by us. He taught us how to protect ourselves. Adam deserves the same.
And round and round the narrative goes-- Chuck and John, manipulative fathers, and in this episode, Sam getting just a minute to be the Big Brother for a change... only it's all a manipulation.
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moviesmakethegirl · 7 years
IT (2017)
Directed by Andy Muchietti, this movie is my favorite movie of 2017. I'm a huge horror nerd, as of lately, and this movie really hit a nerve within me that made each viewing of this movie brand new. Stephen King is a mastermind, and this is probably his most thought out and imaginative of his works that I'm familiar with. I've never read the behemoth of a novel that is IT, but my boyfriend has listened to it and has told me all the difference between the book and the movie and honestly, this remake is pretty true to the book. I love that. So without further ado, let's get started.
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This story starts out on a rainy day with the most melancholic piano medley I could possibly imagine. Like, the mom couldn't have picked a more upbeat song to play? It's raining, you have two sons, it's the 80s, play some fucking Ray Charles or something. Bill and Georgie are upstairs making a paper boat. It's adorable because Georgie keeps calling the boat a "him" and Bill keeps correcting him. In my mind, Bill is such a feminist. Bill is sick and doesn't want to go out into the rain to play with Georgie so he takes a literal rain check and sends his little tiny brother out into the world to play all by himself while his mom is still playing that scary ass song on the piano and basically doesn't notice that her son is out in the rain all by himself. DISCLAIMER: FUCK THE PARENTS IN DERRY. So of course like any young lad would, he loses control of his boat and surprise it goes into a storm drain. Unlike every other kid in the goddamn world, Georgie looks into the drain to try and save the boat. Now, who shows up out of thin air? IT aka Pennywise the DANCING clown ahahahahah. Look, yes it's terrifying that a clown just appeared in a storm drain but this clown is played by the not so surprisingly talented Bill Skarsgard. Now, if you're like me, you spend the majority of your adolescence being obsessed with Alexander Skarsgard as Eric Northman in True Blood. So, when I found out his little brother was gonna play one of the most iconic roles in horror history, I was stoked. Talent runs in the veins of all the Skarsgard's who have turned into this generations Barrymore's. SOOOO now Pennywise has been introduced and he's scary as hell. He's drooling, he's smiling all sinister like, and asking Georgie if he can smell the popcorn. I feel like that is strike number 2 on Georgie's part cause even as a kid, you know that popcorn doesn't belong in a fucking storm drain. So, Pennywise is all I HAVE YOUR BOAT and Georgie is all YEAAHH GIVE IT TO ME and Pennywise is like TAKE. IT. (honestly a great line I repeat all the time) an so little naive baby Georgie reaches in and gets his goddamn arm bitten off by an inter-dimensional being dressed as a clown. But see, my biggest issue with this scene isn't Georgie's complete lack of stranger danger that was pounded into my being as a kid, but it's this goddamn old bitch lady who is outside the ENTIRE TIME Georgie is talking to a clown in a storm drain. This bitch sees a young boy talking to a storm drain and shrugs it off. And it's raining, so apparently the sound of the pouring rain is supposed to drown out the noise of Georgie screaming while crawling in the street without an arm? BULLSHIT. This bitch and her dumbass cat do NOTHING and I blame her for every missing kid in Derry. (If some of you reading this have read the book, you completely understand why the elders of Derry are such assholes, but that doesn't make me any less pissed off that all of them are fucking idiots.)
Ok, so now it's the end of the school year. Bill and his bffs Richie, Eddie, and Stanley have officially left their last class of the day and are excited to start summer vacation before the 8th grade. This is my favorite cause these children actors are the best part of this movie. Bill is played by Jaeden Lieberher who is so convincing as Bill that I legit thought he stuttered in real life. Eddie is played by the charismatic and humorous as fuck Jack Dylan Grazer. Stanley is played Wyatt Oleff, who is a very good voice of reason for dumb teenage boys. But the best character and best actor in this movie is Finn Wolfhard who plays Richie. And maybe I'm biased because I'm a die hard Stranger Things fan, but seriously, Richie is a scene stealing character who can only be played by someone as engaging as Finn. Literally, couldn't love a group of actors more than the ones who play the kids in this movie. All of them, pure perfection, nailed their performances, and were the light in such a dark story. So moving on, while the boys are being boys and talking about their private parts and the other missing children of Derry cause yeah, it's totally normal for a town to always have missing kids. So the other main antagonist besides all the adults in this town and Pennywise, is this bully named Henry Bowers and his goons. Now, bear with me here, but this movie would be nothing without Henry. He's your typical small town bully who just pulls backpacks and bless his heart, gave Bill the year off of being bullied since he lost his little brother. But now that the school year is over, Bill is fair game again. Henry's father is the town's sheriff, so there's a sense of "my father is an asshole and all hyper masculine and I have big shoes to fill" blah blah blah bully shit. So after we see the losers get picked on we are then introduced to the CUTE AS FUCK Ben. Ben is played by a boy named Jeremy Ray Taylor and this kid has got such a bright future. I wanna hug and mentor and hang out with this kid so bad. So Ben is the New Kid on the Block who you guessed it, listens to New Kids on the Block. He is approached by Beverly Marsh, who earlier was being bullied herself by the female version of Henry Bowers who honestly isn't super important and I'm not gonna waste any more time writing about her right now. Beverly puts her charm on 10 here and signs Ben's yearbook after finding out no one else did. She gives him shit for listening to NKOTB, which HEY NKOTB is a national treasure and how dare anyone make fun of anyone for listening to them. Ben then walks home with his headphones dragging behind his bike cause he's so enamored by Beverly and it's just CUTE.
Then we meet Mike Hanlon, who we actually probably meet before the last of school. He works on a farm with his grandpa and theres a scene where he has to kill a sheep but can't do it, cause he has HUMANITY! Mike makes deliveries into town and that's where we see him next. He goes into an alley behind the butcher, only for Pennywise to get his kicks. It starts with Mike seeing smoke come out from the door and then burned hands start trying to open the door fully but can't. Then the door is thrown open and there's a silhouette of a clown in chains trying to escape only to STAND THE FUCK UP AND STARE AT MIKE WHILE HIS EYES GLOW. Mike just fucking stands there staring back like RUNNNNN MIKE!!!!!! Thankfully, maybe not, but Henry Bowers and friends pull up and scream at Mike to leave their town and throw their cigarettes at him, but when Mike looks back into the door only the butcher is there asking if he is alright. It's a short scene but by god if I don't scream my little heart out for Mike every single time I watch it.
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So now the kiddos, Stanley, Bill, Eddie, and Richie, are all down at the Barren's to try to find where Georgie went missing. Eddie, the hypochondriac, is complaining about the piss water that they are standing in and refuses to go in. Richie makes fun of him and it's honestly, hilarious. I'm gonna use that word a lot. Even though this is a horror movie, it's actually one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. And not in a it's funny because it's so cheesy, it's funny because it's young teenage kids being scared and dealing with that fear by undercutting it with humor. GOD I JUST LOVE IT! Anyways, during this time, Ben is in the library being a little bookworm. The librarian kind of gives him shit for not having friends and he should be playing outside which is bullshit since basically every older woman I've ever met as a kid was always like "you kids need to calm down" and "you should read more" blah blah blah. It just seems like every generation has a problem with a younger generation and honestly, fuck that but that's a conversation for another time. So, Ben starts reading about the history of Derry which is HORRIBLE! There was a huge fire on Easter which killed a bunch of children and he sees pictures of children's heads in trees like, fucked up shit. AND while he is reading all of this, there's another old bitch standing behind him, almost off screen, STARING AT HIM THE WHOLE TIME. The first time we saw this in theaters, David pointed this out to me and I was like "that's creepy" and the more I see this scene, the more it freaks me out. Some people overlooked this part, but it's probably the scariest part of the movie. So now that Ben has unlocked the town's secrets, he is lured to the basement by Easter eggs that are smoking. Down in the archives, he sees someone walking down the stairs and guess what it is? A HEADLESS CHILD cause if children weren't already scary enough, let's just not give them heads, right??? This headless bitch chases him through the archives and then you hear my second favorite line of the entire movie. Whispered is, "HEY EGGBOY." And Ben turns around to find Pennywise chasing him. Ben runs into the old librarian, and then runs away crying and of course, she doesn't ask what is wrong. Poor Ben just can't catch a break cause once he gets outside the library, Henry is waiting for him. The boy band take the sad, scared Ben out to a bridge where Henry says he's gonna carve his name into Ben's stomach, which is so fucked up, but so totally Stephen King, I get it. Of course, adults drive by while Ben is screaming for help and they don't do anything and it makes me want to cut their break lines but whatever. Ben totally escapes though, but not before having an H carved into his little squishy belly, and follows the creek to the Barrens where he finds the other boys. The boys being perfect take Ben back into town to try to clean him up. While they are doing that, Henry and his back up singers are searching for Ben in the Barrens. One of the goons, Patrick, goes into the sewers with a lighter and hairspray, only to find all the dead kids that Pennywise has eaten and then died himself which thank fuck. One down, three more to go.
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While Ben is bleeding in an alley, Eddie is complaining about medical questions while Richie won't stop talking about penis'. They run into a pharmacy to get stuff for Ben only to realize they don't have enough money so in walks sweet Beverly who is scared to buy tampons for the first time. She flirts with the old gross man behind the counter and knocks over a tray of something so the boys can run out of the store with their shit. She also grabs a pack of cigarettes for herself cause she's amazing and should be my best friend. The boys thank her, and she becomes "one of the boys." Her home life though, guys. It's horrible. Her father is grade A creep status and is all mad that she is buying tampons cause he wants her to stay his little girl forever and she gets all emotional and cuts off all her hair in retaliation. So, the next day, all the boys are at some cliff about to jump off it into the lake below but are all being chicken about. Beverly comes through in new hair do and jumps off the cliff, showing all the boys up, while Richie yells "FUCKING HELL" and it's comical and amazing and you're lying if you don't think Beverly Marsh is the coolest girl you've ever seen. She also looks EXACTLY like Amy Adams, if Amy was 13. The kids have a fun day in the lake, playing chicken, being young teenagers. Ben then brings up the history of Derry and brings the kids back to his rooms which is covered in old pages of books with old pictures and maps about Derry. There's also a huge NKOTB poster on the back of his door that only Beverly notices. Ben describes the history of Derry to the kids, which is every 27 years a bunch of random kids go missing and no one does anything about it!
Now, each kid has a run in with Pennywise in their own way. And I'm totally going out of order with this movie cause I'm writing this just based off my memory, but somewhere in the beginning we see Stanley trying to memorize stuff in Hebrew. He isn't doing too well so his dad makes him put the book back in his office and go home. In his father's office there’s a scary painting of a woman with a weird shaped head. Stanley doesn't like it, and it falls off the wall. When he puts it back on the wall, the woman is gone. He turns around the woman is standing like 10 feet taller than him and starts to chase him. So, we know that Stanley's fear is definitely this strange painting woman. Ben's is headless kids. Mike's is people burning in a fire, cause we do learn at some point that his parents died in a fire and he tried to save them but he couldn't and that plagues him. Beverly's scene is when she is in the bathroom by herself and she hears voices coming from her sink drain so instead of running the fuck out of the bathroom she grabs her dad's tape measure and pushes it down the drain only for it to come up with blood and hair that then wraps itself around her and sprays blood all over her and the bathroom. When her screams lure her dad into the room, he doesn't see the blood and she's freaking out. I'm assuming that means her fear is blood...but maybe it's just voices of dead kids. So then Eddie is walking home by himself one afternoon and it's his pill time, cause his mom is an overbearing homebody who makes him take pills for everything. He drops his pills because he is walking past a house that is run down and looks scary but has really cute sunflowers in the front yard that make it look kinda kitschy. When he is picking up his pills, he notices a hand helping him and looks up to find basically a zombie leper staring at him. He runs into the front yard of the scary house and is about to leave through a hole in the fence when he notices that a clown is standing with a bunch of balloons by the house. Pennywise shows his face and asks Eddie to play with him, saying the infamous "We all float down here!" Eddie is beyond traumatized and runs screaming through the fence. Eddie's fear being germs and being sick.
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So the kids are riding their bikes through the town and notice an abandoned bike off the side of the road next to Henry Bowers' car. They recognize it as Mike's bike and go down to the quarry to find him. Henry and the remaining living boy banders are beating up Mike when Henry gets hit in the head with a rock that we see is thrown by none other than the Queen herself, Beverly fucking Marsh. Richie screams "ROCK WAR" and it starts a very comedic scene of all the youngsters throwing rocks at each other while saving Mike in the process. This then completes the Losers Club: Bill, Richie, Eddie, Stanley, Beverly, Ben, and Mike. MY DREAM TEAM HONESTLY! The most badass group of kids ever besides the Hawkins kids in Stranger Things. They go to Bill's garage where he has slides of the maps of the sewer systems of Derry. The kids are sitting in the dark looking at maps when all of a sudden, the slides start moving on their own and of course Pennywise pops out and terrorizes the kids and audience members by being 17 feet tall. The kids scream and cry until Mike opens the garage door and instead of fleeing for their lives and never talking to each other again like I would have done as a scared teenager, they fucking go to the old abandoned house where the well that connects all the sewers is located. Once there, Bill, Eddie, and Richie go inside the house after Bill gives a huge speech about not being afraid of monsters cause real life is more terrifying than any of that which he didn't stutter at all during and I'm such a proud older sister to all these kids, but especially Bill in that moment. Richie finds a missing kid poster that has his face on it and freaks out, rightfully so. The other boys calm him down and they move on. Eddie gets separated, Bill and Richie are locked in a room with black goop coming out from an old mattress and then Richie gets locked in a room full of clown statues only to have Pennywise jump out and scare him but Bill saves him in time. Pennywise then goes to scare Eddie who passed out from fear and fell through  hole in the ground and landed on a table and broke his arm. He comes out of a fridge and rubs Eddie's face in the style of Heath Ledger's Joker. He's then distracted by Bill and Richie who has escaped their room full of fears above and are screaming for Eddie. They find Eddie underneath Pennywise and of course, freak out. But then, here comes my true savior, Beverly takes an old pipe and enters through the back door and stabs Pennywise in the fucking FACE! GIRL YAAAASSSSS!!!! She's terrified but she saves the day. Richie then tries to pop Eddie's arm back into place which then breaks it even more than it already is and it's a very comical part of such a scary scene. Of course Eddie's mom flips a tit and doesn't let Eddie hang out with the crew anymore. The Losers Club kind of disbands for a bit after Bill and Richie get into a fight about how dangerous all this is. Bill wants to keep going cause the closer he gets to figuring all this out, the closer her gets to finding out what happened to Georgie. Everyone ends up leaving Bill, except Beverly but even then they part ways for a little bit.
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When Bill has his Pennywise encounter which is totally before all of the stuff I just wrote, he sees a ghost of Georgie running through his house and then into the basement. He follows him down there only for Pennywise to come out of the water and try to grab him which he gets really close to doing but Bill is fast. NOW, while everyone is doing their own shit, Bill goes over to Beverly's house only to find out that she has been taken by Pennywise. Now, before she was kidnapped, her father was being a real fucking douche bag. He was mad at her for hanging out with boys and was chasing her though their house. She hid behind the shower curtain with the top of a toilet and smacked him over the head and killed him. My angel. Immediately after that, Pennywise took her. So, Bill has to save her. He calls everyone to tell them watch happened and they all meet back at the weird house to go down the well. So, during this time Eddie has realized that his mom was giving him placebo pills. He calls her out on him but he says, and I fucking quote this straight from the movie guys, "They're GAZEBOS. They're BULLSHIT!" And if you have a heart, Eddie becomes the world's best character right in that moment. He also had the bully bitch who was bulling Beverly in the beginning sign his cast and she wrote LOSER in big ass black letters. He then wrote over the S and put a big V on it so it would say LOVER instead. So cute. So pure. Eddie forever.
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Now, we're at the climax. (I've skipped a lot of little details because if I didn't this post would be too long.) The boys all get into hero mode while going down this sketchy ass well. Mike is the last one to go down but is stopped by Henry fucking Bowers, who previously to this was targeted by Pennywise but not in a scare to death kind of way, in a recruitment way. Pennywise gave Henry his father's knife to kill his father and then brainwashed him into killing everyone else. He even kills his friends in a deleted scene, fun fact. So Henry, all jacked up on killer clown rage, is trying to kill Mike with a gun that's used to killing sheep by shooting a really big like screw-like bolt into their head. Mike, being the hero we all know he can be, throws Henry off of him and pushes him down the well! YAYAYAYAYAYAY! All while the boys are stuck in the well screaming for Mike. But, good prevails and they all go into the sewers only to lose Stanley who has wandered off cause he hears a woman's voice and thinks it's Beverly but alas it's not! It's that skewed bitch from the painting who wraps her whole mouth around his face and starts to suck. Mike shoots something at the creature and it slinks away into the tunnels as Pennywise. Stanley throws a fit cause his friend's ditched him which they DID NOT HE LEFT THEM but still, he was just getting his face sucked by a monster so he is totally ok to have a meltdown. Bill then sees Georgie in the tunnels and goes running after him who then leads him to where Beverly is. Beverly is where all the dead floating kids are. The boys pull her down before she can truly float and they don't know how to wake her up but Ben steps in and kisses her and IT WORKS! So now all the kids are confronted by Pennywise, who takes Bill and says they can all escape if they leave Bill. Bill begs them to leave but Richie refuses and says "...now I have to kill this fucking clown." So all the kids grab blunt objects and start beating the FUUUUCK out of Pennywise. Pennywise then turns into Georgie and Bill takes that bolt gun thing and shoots him in the fucking forehead, which causes Pennywise to change back into clown form and slink even further into the abyss. THE KIDS PREVAILED! SUCH STRONG ROLEMODLES!!!!!
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The end of the movie is the entire Losers Club standing in a field promising each other that if IT ever comes back, they will fight it and kill it for good. They take a blood oath and one by one they all start to leave. Beverly and Bill are the last two and they share a cute, albeit gross as fucking moment by sharing a kiss. It's gross to me cause Beverly has blood all over her hand and she grabs Bill's face and her blood is all over his face it's fucking nasty. But everything is ok at the end, but you know that's only CHAPTER 1!
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So, as far as IT goes, it's my favorite because I love the kids in it. The kids are incredible actors. They have the perfect balance of humor and horror and it's not over the top for either of them. The director really let the kids bond before filming and it shows. They are real friends so that friendship perfectly crosses over to the screen. I remember being 12-13, friendship was the most important thing to me. I would have done anything to save my friends from a monster. This story gives life to characters who are damaged and real. Stephen King hit it on the fucking nail with these characters. I'm so happy this movie this exists because it's just the beginning. Chapter 2 is about how IT comes back when these characters are adults, and I can't wait until that movie. If I could cast the adult versions, Patrick Wilson would be Bill, Chris Pratt would be Ben, Amy Adams would be Beverly, Bill Hader would be Richie, and I honestly don't know who would play Eddie or Stanley, but I think that Chadwick Boseman should play Mike. That would be the dream. If you also enjoyed this movie, I'd love to hear who you would like to see cast in Chapter 2 and also hear your opinions on it as well!
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thedeliverygod · 7 years
I have time to kill before work sooo
tagged by @twilightown
LAST: 1. Drink: water 2. Phone call: probably with my mom on the way to get Roxy 3. Text message: I sent one to dad saying one of his cats had a spot of fur missing 4. Song you listened to: ummm not sure actually 5. Time you cried: also not sure on that one unless it was after I got denied time off for Animazement but it ended up working out anyway so it’s alright
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: uhhhhh I guess no. we never officially broke up the first time, just went on a break. but we’re broken up for real now 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: No 8. Been cheated on: No 9. Lost someone special: yeah 10. Been depressed: a lot in my adult years lol anxiety and depression tries really hard to kick my ass and it’s only with medication and therapy that I’m standing a fighting chance against them 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: I haven’t ever drank that much, it tastes too gross to me.
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: lavender, sky blue, and light pink
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yes 16. Fallen out of love: um.. I guess so. I miss the good times but I know how bad the end of the relationship was and I know I can’t risk getting into that again. 17. Laughed until you cried: I think so 18. Found out someone was talking about you: not really 19. Met someone who changed you: suppose so 20. Found out who your friends are: eh I guess 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: friend list? my ex-boyfriend when we were still in a relationship, yeah
GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: most I would say but some I’ve only seen at conventions for like 5 mins lol 23. Do you have any pets: quite a few yes. 24. Do you want to change your name: kind of but I don’t know what I would change it to.  25. What did you do for your last Birthday: went out to eat Japanese food and watched movies at home 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping 28. Name something you can’t wait for: Kingdom Hearts III trailer coming next week and EXP con! 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: this past Monday 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I wish I could financially support myself on my own 31. What are you listening right now: Nothing but the clicks of my dad’s wife’s mouse and my own typing lol 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I’m sure 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: idk lots of life issues lol 34. Most visited website: Tumblr 
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: nope 36. Mark/s: yeahh, a few scars and definitely stretch marks 37. Childhood dream: first I wanted to be a vet, then I wanted to be a novelist. Then in high school I wanted to be a sound designer and then in college I switched to video editor and yeah idk what I’m doing with my life now lol. 38. Hair color: it’s red but my roots (brown) are getting pretty bad 39. Long or short hair: short 40. Do you have a crush on someone: Nah. I kinda wish I would meet someone but idk my situation kinda sucks anyway lol 41. What do you like about yourself: that I’m generally a happy person and I seem to get along with most people relatively easily. 42. Piercings: none. 43. Blood type: I don’t know actually. 44. Nickname: FedEx, Yat. 45. Relationship status: Single 46. Zodiac: Aries 47. Pronouns: She/her/he/him. honestly I’ll take whatever but I’m usually flattered when I get male pronouns 48. Favorite TV Show: Noragami anime wise, Prison Break & Scrubs regular TV wise. 
49. Tattoos: I’m really considering getting a tiny crown that would represent both Kingdom Hearts and Noragami but idk. 50. Right or left hand: Right 51. Surgery: I haven’t had any. 52. Hair dyed in different color: yeah I’ve been dying it red since I turned 18 53. Sport: hockey is my favorite sport, big fan of the Carolina Hurricanes (I also work for them) 55. Vacation: I haven’t been on one in a while 56. Pair of trainers: I only have 1 pair of tennis shoes but tbh I need new ones MORE GENERAL:
57. Eating: nothing 58. Drinking: also nothing really. 59. I’m about to: get ready for work :( <-same lol 61. Waiting for: KH3 trailer next week, payday tomorrow, day off on Saturday 62. Want: my life back lol I feel like I don’t have enough time to do anything 63. Get married: eventually~ 64. Career: not sure anymore but I’m really hoping to get into the JET program and go teach English in Japan.
WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs  66. Lips or eyes: Eyes 67. Shorter or taller: I like when people are the same height as me 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: arms 71. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive 72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a Stranger: definitely not 75. Drank hard liquor: I guess yeah but its gross 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: no 77. Turned someone down: Yeah 78. Sex on the first date: nooo 79. Broken someone’s heart: I guess 80. Had your heart broken: Yeah 81. Been arrested: no 82. Cried when someone died: yeah 83. Fallen for a friend: yeah
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: sometimes it depends on the thing though lol 85. Miracles: idk but I always hope for them 86. Love at first sight: No 87. Santa Claus: not anymore lol 88. Kiss on the first date: idk depends I suppose 
OTHER: 90. Current best friend name: uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk.. tbh. 91. Eye color: hazel 92. Favorite movie: The Lion King, Titanic, and honestly Kimi No Na Wa aka Your Name is so freaking amazing and I need it on blu ray ASAP. 
tagging whoever to take this cuz yeaahh~
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yoongsbutt · 7 years
tag you’re it - melanie martinez
(hahaaa see what i did there)tagged by @jimihsgirl sup soup grandmeg imma tag @yoonvkook and @yooncook ITS EARLY I CNAT TAG MORE PEOPLE CAUSE I GOTTA GO NOW WW WWWW W
1. do you have a good relationship with your parents? yeaahh loovem
2. who did you last say “i love you” to? uhhh i think meg omdmnkfjhkjfd
3. do you regret anything? i don’t think so??
4. are you insecure? aasfuckk
5. what is your relationship status? married to mattimaxx and carla
6 .how do you want to die? i don’t know how i wanna die but do know how i don’t??? i don’t wanna drown man that’s fuckin scary
7. what did you last eat? tuna sandwich
8. played any sports? HAAAAAAA no
9. do you bite your nails? noope 10. when was your last physical fight? never been in one
11. do you like someone? being for real nahh
12. have you ever stayed up 48 hours? noope max is 24 rnn
13. do you hate anyone at the moment? not hate but strongly dislike with a burning passion
14. do you miss someone? i miss bts man i want them back makin a comeback ok i know they’re on tour but odmngjdfsihsdk
15. have any pets? *starts crying* n-no
16. how exactly are you feeling at the moment? uhhh pretty good actually
17. ever made out in the bathroom? never ever (never gonna let you go korean words)
18. are you scared of spiders? yes yes i am imagine wanting to pee really bad and then seeing a big ass spider the size of your hand just chillin in the bathroom I HATETETETE
19. would you go back in time if given the chance? noo butterfly effect maann
20. last place you made out with someone? in a parallel universe
21. what are your plans for this weekend? uhh watch some animu read i think i have a family thing idekk
22. do you want kids? how many? yehh 2 one boy one girl
23. do you have piercings? how many? i’m allergic
24. what is/are your best subjects? uhhh comunication annnnd english?????
25. do you miss anyone from your past? not that i can think of
26. what are you craving rn? i waNNA OPEN MY PRINGLES AND DRINK MAH POWERADE RTFN but i got to wait ughgughhghgh
27. have you ever broken someones heart? doubt it
28. have you ever been cheated on? neehh
29. have you ever made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? whats a bf/gf never heard of that term (GRANNDNDMEEEGG SMAE)
30. whats irritating rn? my stomach is starting to hurt what th efuck stopp
31. does someone love you? yeess bless their souls
32. what is your favorite color? b u r g u n d y, army green, mint green, baby blue, black???? idk i love colors man
33. do you have trust issues? naahh
34. who/what was your last dream about? i doN’T RECAAAALLLLL (god i love kard)
35. who was the last person you cried in front of? i thinkk my mom
36. do you give out second chances too easily? most likely
37. is it easier to forgive or forget? i think they both come together??? if you don’t forget than you haven’t truly forgiven yougettmee?? 38. is this year the best year of your life? it’s a cool year yeh but most likely not imma be stressin all the time
39. how old were you when you had your first kiss? no in spanish
40. have you ever walked outside completely naked? i don’t remember doing it so no
(i wanted to look for 41 to 50 but bichh it’s early and i gotta go to school after this)
51. favorite food? i love me some burgers A Stakehouse XT With Some French Fries ohmygod
52. do you believe everything happens for a reason? yeaahh
53. what was the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? restarted my phone
54. is cheating ever okay? i’d say no but i guess it could depend on situations???
55. are you mean? i hope nott
56. have you ever been in a fist fight? naahhh
57. do you believe in true love? uhhhh idk????
58. favorite weather? when the sky is foggy as fuck and it rained at night so there’s puddles on the ground and the sky is gray and i have to use a sweater cause it’s cold wowie i love
59. do you like the snow? Y E S i miss it
60. do you wanna get married? yaahh
61. is it cute when a girl/boy calls you baby? one guy i liked used to call me bby i still don’t know how i feel about that it was cringe but it was kind of cute too??=??????===?0
62. what makes you happy? my friends, my fam, my music, my books, yoongi, bangtan in general
65. your bff of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? be awk about it that’s what i do best man
66. do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? yaaahhahaaas
67. who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? uhh my dad
68. who is the last person you had a deep conversation with? prolly carla
69. do you believe in soulmates? naahhh
70. is there anyone you’d die for? many people everyone that makes me happy dude
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