#not really gender crit but i might as well tag it
kittyregime · 11 months
Why did kweers become so obsessed with drag culture and doubling down on creating a whole drag culture centered on kids, family, and education?
Obviously it always creeped me out, but it really just dawned on me how bizarre and insane it all is. They took an explicitly adult and sexual subculture and are (barely) making it more palpable for the general public and we are being called creepy bigots/puritans for pointing out how wrong this is.
And now I'm seeing people claiming that drag was never sexual or provocative. I honestly feel like I'm living in a satire novel. How did any of this happen???
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spiritunwilling · 2 years
hiiiii yen you have intrigued me, what is up with the divorce blorbo inlaws? whats happening and could they perhaps mail their marriage licenses to these- these three guys i know. who i hear want to get married soon. if they dont want them anymore i mean
okay so the day that feyre archeron gets a divorce in canon is the day pigs fly and stuff but i want her to get one so bad
feyre is from the book series a c /ourt of thorns and roses and i do not recommend and probably discourage anyone from reading the books because they are bad and have a lot of weird sex scenes and very questionable choices made by the author and while i really like some of the character concepts, sjm has dropped the ball on execution every time and nobody who gets more than a few sparse paragraphs of writing stays likeable. but at some point a few years ago you figure that ok ive read enough of these books by now and i like some of the minor characters enough that i might as well hate-read the other ones. and also bc i want custody of some of her characters so i can rewrite them. i have a different version of feyre in my head that diverges from canon right at the beginning of the series (usually i j call her feyer lmao) and in this ideal world she never gets fucking married in the first place
but the version of feyre that i am divorceposting abt is her and all the shit that's happened to her as of the latest and worst book, a/cosf. and well a lot has happened.
she got married (and got mated to, ick. im still 90% sure it's just plagiarised omegaverse but anyways it's like. soulmates. i guess. sjm herself can't seem to decide what it is if not a reason to force characters into relationships and have sex) to this guy named r/hysand, who has such a terrifying long list of red flags and Bad Shit He's Done that i cant sit here and list all of them because that would take too long and i'd probably miss quite a few but both the series and the character have very active crit tags. a lot of it is played off or ignored or excused away by the actual book bc in the series theyre supposed to be , like, a perfect couple. :|
and yeah the series only spans like. 3 or so years and feyre is 19 at the beginning of the series and 22 and full of trauma and she fucking died once and there was a whole war and the author decides that the best ending 4 her is to have her stay home and. have a fucking kid?? babygirl go get therapy go reconcile with your sisters go travel the world literally anything but this. also the pregnancy subplot is so incredibly fucked up. ummm basically r/hys gets overprotective to a disturbing and v controlling level and also when he realizes the pregnancy threaten's feyre's life he withholds this information from her so I need her to GET THE FUCK OUTTA THERE RIGHT NOW
in my head it's maybe a year or two or three after the ending of acosf and feyre realizes how bullshit everything is and starts trying to figure out how to leave the night court (the faerie court that r/hysand rules over) with her kid and reaching out to her estranged sisters and old friends (also estranged. jesus) and getting her picture of my dress moment figuring out where she goes from there. sigh.
i don't think the night court has marriage licenses. or divorces? but in spirit it's a divorce.
and like. i like feyre. well, no I dont. [see: "nobody who gets more than a few sparse paragraphs of writing stays likeable"] but there's like these tiny moments in the first book that hint at some rlly compelling character traits that are unfortunately completely drowned out by the rest of the shitty romance. she keeps her oath to take care of her family even when it's easier to break it, even at the cost of her own life and her own happiness and she has a strained relationship with her sisters and feels like she's responsible for everything and has a complicated understanding with gender roles and her hunting and her capability for violence.
but canon doesn't touch on that.
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a-hundred-jewels · 4 years
Hey so it's late and I feel like ranting - might delete this later
anyway about fierrochase
TL;DW - Magnus can date Alex amd be straight. He doesn't have to be straight, but he still can be amd it doesn't make Alex's gender any less valid or vice versa.
So Fierrochase has been one of my otps for about as long as I've had otps that went beyond tomsalind and percabeth. Basically as long as I've truly been a fandom person, fierrochase has been important to me. Alex especially.
I started identifying as non-binary not very long ago and realizing that I wasn't cis truly sucked. Like a ton. Amd one of the only things that made me feel better was rereading Ship of the Dead. I'm old and mature enough to recognize that Rick Riordan has plenty of issues and that the majority of his characters who aren't white cishets are poorly written in some way, shape, or form (If you feel like debating me on that, I urge you not to-I have zero energy right now. Id recommend looking through the "rr crit" tag or something). Still, despite not really liking RR and sometimes getting annoyed at how Alex Fierro was writte, she provided comfort for me.
the actual reason I'm ranting right now is because of some things I keep seeing in fierrochase tags and stuff (sorry I didn't set that up very well did ?)
Let me premise this by saying I'm definirely not talking about the entire Magnus chase fandom and also that, despite how much I love Alex, I'm not really in the fandom aside from going through the tags every so often. but anyway:
so Alex is gender fluid, which is a non binary identity. she doesn't specifically call herself "non binary" as far as I remember (and that's fine!), but the identity of genderfluid is literally outside of the genderbinary, hence non binary. "Non binary" is not a third gender. nor is gender fluid. all non binary means is that a person's gender is not as simple as male or female. That's it. (theres a lot more to say on that subject but thats for another day).
anyway my point is that non binary people fit into all sexualities. I could be a lesbian woman and being with a non binary person (EVEN A AMAB NON BINARY PERSON) wouldn't make me less of a lesbian.
And, with regard to fierrochase, I keep seeing posts about how Magnus "hasn't been straight since Alex came along" (these could be old posts and for all I know nobody's making them anymore--again, I'm not really in the Magnus chase fandom) and the thing is,,, that's not true. Magnus could be as straight as a beanpole and loving Alex wouldn't change that a bit. He doesn't have to be bisexual or pansexual or gay (I haven't really seen anything about that last one but I'm including it anyway).
Thats not to say that there's anything wrong with head canoning magnus as bi or pan. if you opened up the sword of summer and and immediately got bisexual vibes from him and haven't looked back since, that's totally fine! The only thing that bothers me is when people look at fierrochase amd say "welp it looks like Magnus is leaving the heterosexual lifestyle behind now that Alex has arrived."
so give me Straight Magnus who loves his genderfluid s/o more than anything. give me magnus who wears a lil ally pin at pride and holds Alex's hand in the streets, whether she's female or he's male because Magnus being straight shouldn't have to change any of that.
or headcanon something completely different. I dont really care. This was just a rant about one particular thing that bothered me.
so congrats if you're still reading this word vomit. Thanks :)
TL;DW - Magnus can date Alex amd be straight. He doesn't have to be straight, but he still can be amd it doesn't make Alex's gender any less valid or vice versa.
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littleladymab · 7 years
HEY FRIENDS Here’s a little “get to know me” thing that I was tagged in by @duskmeadows~<3
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag blogs you would like to get to know better.
Nickname? Mab online, B or Anna-B to family. 
Star sign? Cancer
Height? 5′7″
Time right now? Saturdaaaaay.... 10:24am (PST)
Favourite music artist(s)? Artists that I’m constantly on a look out for new stuff: Bastille, Delta Rae, Of Monsters and Men, CHVRCHES, Daughter. Also super love P!ATD and Echos and Varien and Songs:Ohia/Jason Molina  
Song stuck in your head? uhhh idk my friends are blasting YOI soundtrack and my brain just isn’t functioning well enough to think past that. 
Last movie watched? ....... ummm....... Shit I think it might have been Rogue One?
Last TV show watched? VOLTRON!!!! (that totally sounds)
What are you wearing right now? half of my Kiki cosplay lmao I’m wearing the skirts with just a regular cami shirt, waiting 
When did you create your blog? 2009 I think? Shit I don’t remember.  
What kind of stuff do you post? Currently a lot of Crit Role, TAZ, and Voltron. Sometimes fashion, original writing, and aesthetic shit
Do you have any other blogs? I have a few unused ones (a writing one and a sewing one), and my fst blog
Do you get asks regularly? Nope!
Why did you choose your URL? I am the lil miss banana. It came around mostly when my friend started to call me Miss Anna Banana, so that’s where I got Mab from, and then also lil-miss-banana
Gender? Female
Pokemon team? Idek I just like Psyduck
Favourite colour? Foresty colors, metallic like bronze and copper and gunmetal
Average hours of sleep? I’d say about 7?
Lucky number?  I don’t really have one, but I am fond of 7 and 20
Favourite character? In general...? This is so broad. I love Keyleth, and Remus Lupin, and Lance, and shit idek
How many blankets do you sleep with? Ummmm two on average. I hate summer because I like the weight and it gets so stifling hah
Dream job? Writer! One day. 
Following: 429 but idek how many are inactive
Feel free to do this if you’d like! 
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