#not rlly but i don't want fans of the ship to see something they'd rather not
mikakuna · 5 months
I honestly don't get it Tim is like the mayo on the white bread of Robins
LMFAO that's literally him omg...
somehow he's never wrong and everyone and their moms have to apologize to him for everything. do people seriously think he has no backbone! batfam fandom has this thing about making jason a straight up monster compared to baby tim. i don't care about villainizing other characters for fic whump but my main issue is tim fans acting like tim isn't a literal crime fighting vigilante (just like the other bats...) they genuinely treat him like he's gonna blow away in the wind or have a panic attack if someone is mean to him. i highly doubt the guy who fights supervillains on the daily has ptsd from jason fighting him and/or needs an apology from jason.
the way i wouldn't even have this strong of an opinion on this guy if it weren't for the fact that jason fans are forced to engage with his character because he's in most fanon jason-centric content. LOLL i ended up ranting but yes that ship also does not do it for me at all purely because it's used as a way to make jason grovel at tim's feet and apologize for 'trying to kill him'. LIKE IM SNORING GOODNIGHT!!!
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