#not saying it’s okay but there’s definitely a reason like these characters arent innately evil they’ve been pushed to their limit
mangora · 1 year
Some people say that they don’t like certain TD characters because they were being mean in episode abc or are a bad friend to xyz and like, yeah, okay that’s not good morally, and while I personally love immoral characters I can understand why they come across as fully unlikable to some people. But also, I think it makes sense that they’re mean. If a grown man made me sleep in a cabin with no AC in the dead of summer surrounded by bugs (or monsters) for several months, and only let me eat dirt and mashed potatoes, and had me do life-threatening stunts every few days, and let my peers humiliate me on international TV or humiliated me himself, and I was surrounded by people I either clash with or would inevitably be separated from if I befriended them, and I couldn’t participate in any of my hobbies during this time or leave this shitty camp, and I was contractually obligated not to leave and even come back several times if requested, and I didn’t even get out of school for this, and I almost died several times, and my home life and mental health probably sucked even before this, and all my relationship/friendship issues were immortalized on network television forever, and I likely didn’t even win the show, and I didn’t get paid for this otherwise, and I was also 16 during all of this…then yeah, I’d probably get pretty mean too.
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