#not shown are my 5+ other layers of Edgy Desmond Angst comic concept
attaboy-art · 2 years
idk how to use tumblr so pardon if i did this wrong somehow, but for requests, could you draw hersh and des hanging out? (i've been desperate for bronev sibling content lately) also love ur art
okay so im gonna put these under a readmore because theres A Lot. so click below to see the art ‼️ but rhis was super super fun and i hope u all enjoy
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[Image ID 1: A digitally drawn mini-comic on a pastel red background of Hershel Layton and Desmond Sycamore. Panel one shows Hershel in the open door of his home, happily greeting Desmond, who is nervous and holding a suitcase. Desmond starts with, "Good morning, Professor. Sorry for dropping in so suddenly, but could I step in for a second?", and under his breath he says "Don't make a scene. Let me in your house right now." The professor replies, "Of course! Flora just made some tea. Would you like a cup?" and whispers back, "I don't know what you want but you better be normal about it." The next panel shows the door slamming behind Desmond, who is loosening his tie and looks disheveled. He drops the nervous act and angrily says, "Listen, Layton. I need to crash for a few days and you're going to let me. Do you understand?" The third and final panel shows Hershel silently stare, annoyed, for a moment, before sighing and conceding with, "I am a patient man." /.End ID 1.]
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[Image ID 2: A collection of fully colored digital drawings of Hershel Layton and Desmond Sycamore. On the left is Desmond and Hershel on their way to Gressenheller University to explain away one of Hershel's adventures. Desmond is wearing a casual black turtleneck and beige pants, while Hershel is in his usual attire. Desmond mockingly says, "Oh, don't worry. Your big brother is here to protect you from the scary school board." and Hershel responds with an annoyed "Mhm." The drawing on the top right shows Desmond sleeping on Hershel's couch under a white blanket that covers most of his body. He is wearing a purple satin sleep mask with closed eyes embroidered on top, black socks, and a deep blue satin bonnet. One of his legs is propped up on the armrest of the couch and the other is folded close to his body, and he has one hand on his chest while the other is under his blanket. The final drawing in the lower right shows Desmond, getting ready in the morning, looking in the bathroom mirror. He has natural kinky hair and one hand held out expectantly. He is wearing a white button-down shirt with the top few buttons undone and a loose tie around his neck. He's saying to an off-screen Hershel, "Layton, get me my iron or you're stupid." Hershel protests, "But I'm—" but is cut off by Desmond saying "I don't care. Get it for me. I'm older, so you have to." /.End ID 2.]
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[Image ID 3: An uncolored digital comic done in brown ink on a pastel red background. Panel one shows Desmond, sitting on his heels, looking triumphant with a monopoly board in front of him. He says, "Heh. You've lost, Layton. The Free Parking Spot is too far to reach in one roll, and I've calculated that your chances of landing on your one property on this side of the board are next to zero. Face it. I win." Panels 2 and 3 show Desmond and Hershel on either side of the board, with Hershel looking thoughtfully at it as he rolls the dice. Panel 4 shows that he rolled two sixes, and he exclaims, "Oh! Doubles!" before moving his piece, the top hat, through the crowded board and onto his property. Panel 6 shows Hershel happily saying, "Safe! How lucky." Panel 7 is a close-up of Desmond, unresponsive and silent on a solid brown background. Panel 8, the final panel, shows Desmond holding the board over his head and scattering money, houses, cards and more everywhere, while Hershel shields his face and turns away, yelling "Desmond!!" in shock. /.End ID 3.]
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