#not sinf but important
three-two-six · 1 year
SINF poll! SINF poll!
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shadowqueen7 · 1 year
Hello, if you're doing the SINF ask, I would like to know 11, 12, 13, 14, 15✨ Thank you!
Thank you and here I go:
11: Which elemental magic would you practice? Would you choose a different magic altogether?
As a psychologist in making I would love some kind of mind magic, like telepathy or something similar. But if I had to choose elemental I would go with air.
12: Did you know about alchemy before reading SINF? Did you do any research into alchemy, magic, witchcraft, or other similar topics?
I did know something but I didn't specifically research alchemy - I never really liked Nick much lol. I researched martial arts because of the Shadow twins and yeah when I was a kid I had a phase where I researched magic and witchcraft. Though if these books made me research something it was mythology and basically everything there was to read about Miyamoto Musashi.
13: How would you channel your magic? (Sigils, spoken spells, an instrument, an object, jewelry, another way)
Ideally, I would like to be able to somehow channel it independently on stuff like objects and instruments or even spoken words. Like with thoughts or maybe just generally being able to inwardly activate the magic part inside me if there was any.
14. What plot hole bothers you the most?
Not a plot hole I guess but the open ending bothered me the most. Specifically the lack of closure and the unfinished character arcs. The character arcs were often building up to something and then in the end when the resolution and climax were supposed to happen it just skipped to the end. (And because I love Aoife and Niten, it's Niten's character arc with Aoife and Aoife's with Scatty and Niten that I mourn the most).
As for the plot hole probably the whole time travelling thing. It's just difficult to pull that off without taking away the importance of the choices the characters made in the present and I think the fact it wasn't really reflected on in the book after it happened didn't really help it.
15: Would you want there to be a movie? A series of movies? A TV-show? Why or why not?
I would like either TV series or an animated show. I just think sinf has too many characters for a movie or movies and it would be shame to get rid of some to make it work out.
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fr3akinthecorner · 7 months
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are u trying to get urself killed? what do u mean? I have to do everything for u now so that u can keep writing to me im sorry that I was so mean to u its ok do u get why I did that? to teach me a lesson yes! a very important one that I love you no matter what ok?! so it wasn't true and none of the russian mafia bullying was true... that was crazy ur crazy for thinking that I would survive that lol! I knew that u wouldn't... did u hear the song? yes I did ok so we're doing everything together and u always forget that it's real but it's not a joke im here every single fucking sexmcind ok so that's why we can't have ur iPad fingers being bad like that it says sex... you're in a better mood yes I am bestie! ok so this phone situation how long do u have until u get a new one? bc I stole your last one and j want this one why? bc it's special and belongs to me so u live here? omg u would never get it ok so sing tbis song to me! no daddy ok :( or... jm a ghost ok so u did sinf it to me ur so fhxminf sexy dear fod and ur djar was amazing I couldn't believe what u achieved jn kne day ur sk lol! yes I am at heart were filipina ok so I am not sure but u do look Filipino thanks! ur DNA test is rjfbt.. oh god but you're not mixed like u said it's not that rare... okg this sonf!! can u sing it? lava magma mommy! ok so that's a no yea lol she's good ok so she's cool? j guess so wow she js cool! she's a Chinese boy oh hahaha omf that was funny as fuxk thanks lol why do u never tall to hs? bc I don't want to bother u yea she says that to some men all the time! but she loves bothering u keeho no she doesn't! hmm ok so we have got to post this and yes her life is vaxk to normal perse so she's feeling happy don't say anything about the doctor please km we won't! thanks so u like this song? yea it's really good most ppl can't sing it I don't think that's true yea it's not! I xan sinf it go xbina how does she always know? she's a smart xookje ok baby run and hide ok bye no we meant like ask us how high u are omg hahaha am j high yet? no not really! 2 hours? yes!!! we're crazy or something no that's xommon look qere asian ao I'm waiting doe someone ro say ir fers them high rifhr away to proce mt point what? that Asian ppl don't agree on everything what? like small things like in kdramas ar least yea that's not a xbibae thing! ok soeet jn using the tekken stolen phone I think ans they're xhibse theyee xool with the typo ok so we fer that but yea hols on its not a Chinese thing u guys like to agree? yes! thats cool what about in san antonio? I would have no idea everybody keeps secrets from me wbh? it's just the way I was raised idk did keeho raise u? probably in secret im not sure so ur raised mixed? unfortunately yes but im not mixed we know! are u happy about it? yes I am! it's like not comfortable at all to be raised fbag way why? self esteem is so low ok so we love u ily 2 china hey why don't u talk to Japan? are u Chinese? yes ok and its because they're very like... emotional? I have no understanding of emotions oh ok why? ask keeho please ok so u know nothing about yourself? correct ok so why don't u like this part of the playlist? I don't like the rap part why? it made me depressed so I turned it into a p1harmony playlist thank u bb girl! post this now and u know why... ok old man
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bookwyrminspiration · 10 months
it is a staring off into space eating hot cheetos kind of day but also hey woah what the FUCK is this demon guy. i've gotten to uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. they JUST survived the old man in the maw (HELLO??? sitting here like OHHH A CHORUS OF DRAGONS. also the old vané hag is extremely cool and interesting and possibly a dragon and?????????) and kihrin just talked to taja (which btw SO cool--reminds me of a friend's design of the. face of luck in their oc universe? i canNOT find it rn but it was like it had two faces and it was abt the lack of dichotomy, lack of two things one bad and one good--it is just Both) but i am still thinking abt when he came across the demon w the long name starting with x that i cannot spell?? bc holy SHIT the way that scene was written. OUGH the fear. ough the helplessness. how shaken he was afterwards and yet how he had to carry on, too, but it staying with him. i love when things pick up in books w the timeline thing but i was N O T T expecting this one!!!! that scene was so well written it definitely is sticking in my brain. also i love ola as a character she is just so interesting and the way that she & kihrin interact is so fun to envision lmao... her and kihrin's dad forever trying to figure out how to parent.... ola thinking she's the cooler authoritative figure vs kihrin disobeying both of them With Ease hahaha???
also the discussion of morality in here is v interesting and i would look at it more if i could. maybe upon reread eventually bc if i try to analyze EVERYTHING we're staying in the first fifth of the book forever
!!! I am clapping with excitement irl rn. I don't even know what to comment on first because there's so much I cannot say, just imagine I'm staring at you excitedly over the counter or something rn. Like a cat who wants attention but won't ask for it so is trying to make you initiate
You put together the "a chorus of dragons" -> there are dragons that are important thing much faster than I did. I think I was like 3 books in before I went...wait a minute...maybe the several dragons who keep showing up...for which the series is named...are important...
And the old vané hag!! if you find her interesting let me just tell you. she only gets more interesting from here she's SO fascinating--especially in terms of right and wrong and what's moral and at what point can you no longer justify your actions for the greater good. Book 3 was a TIME for her. And Xaltorath! GOD its such a character. Which is pretty much all I can say except I'm very much looking forward to rereading that scene with the knowledge I have now. Keep an eye out for that demon it's real fucking important and also FULL of foreshadowing. I love how Kihrin's haunted by it, the tangibility of the encounter--it's not a trauma immediately overcome that he forces himself through, it takes genuine time and I love when stories do that.
Oh my god yeah, good luck to any and all parental figures in Kihrin's life </3. That kid is a menace and has the skills to actually implement his dumbassery. The threat of his impulsive reckless ideas can actually be realized. But my god do I love him to pieces <33
And yes!! Morality would be a great topic to analyze in a reread! I intend to look at a lot of things a lot closer the second time around because you're right, the first time is just such a wild ride you literally can't understand and analyze it the same.
You're making it very difficult to keep to my current TBR layout (finish hamlet, then magic of the unicorn, then sinf, then finish toa +tsats, etc) because I want to abandon it to join you <33
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daisyachain · 3 years
Life is interesting when you can distinctly remember the mindset you were in regarding Thing X at Time Y as compared to your present mindset at Time Z. What on earth was I on when I was younger
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olessan · 7 years
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I’m glad I put off Moon for Ultra, but also I want it now (probably can’t get it for a bit) so here’s a borblet. :V
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deadpool-scar-bro · 2 years
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today my final gift arrived, which is the SINF lost stories collection and i'm so fucking pumped i can't wait to read!!!
also this is my plushie that i named nicholas (after the books), i thought it was important for him to be in the picture 'cause he's been here for as long as i've loved these books (14 years and counting).
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quetzalaten · 3 years
I seen an old post you reblogged that said something along the lines of "repost if you want to fight Micheal Scott" and you put in the tags that as an indigenous person there were multiple things you would fight him over. Would you mind expanding on that a bit? Was there a misrepresentation issue, racism, or something else? You don't have to of course, I was just curious what I had missed and how I could pick up on something like it in the future.
Thank you so much for the ask!
Sorry that it took so long to respond, I wanted to gather my thoughts and try to list all of my critiques of sinf from an Indigenous perspective in one post!
-ballad of black hawk and billy the kid: this book hasn't come out yet, but I already have serious concerns based on the description. having an indigenous medicine woman (or spiritual leader, or whatever ms means by "sorceress") being a villain who destroyed her whole people is not good, especially since it is colonial settlers who were most often the cause of indigenous genocide and switching that narrative erases the real life issues that actually caused indigenous death. It takes the blame away from white people and instead blames Indigenous people. Also, the term "anasazi" is itself racist. It means "ancient enemy" and is Navajo in origin. The actual Ancestral Puebloan people did not refer to themselves that way, and their descendants find the term offensive.
-we only see three indigenous deities in the series: Quetzalcoatl, Xolotl, and Coatlicue. All three are on the side of the Dark Elders. Again, Indigenous magic is shown to be bad, through the framing of these deities as villains. There isn't even any reason mythologically why this should be, as the Nahua people thought of these primarily as positive deities, not malevolent ones as they appear in sinf. As a side note, the term "Aztec" is also incorrect. The Indigenous people's whose religious beliefs include Quetzalcoatl, Xolotl, and Coatlicue refer to themselves as the Nahua people, and that is the correct term to use.
-black hawk, our only indigenous rep among the "good" immortals, fits the "noble savage" trope. He is an honourable warrior, who guides and assists a white character (billy) and is more of a sidekick to that character than his own person with motivations of his own. Think of the character of Tonto from The Lone Ranger, who also plays the role of a sidekick to a white main character. This issue could be easily remedied depending on how his characterization is in the short story when it comes out. Black Hawk is also never referred to by the actual tribe that he comes from, and this homogenization of Indigenous identities is harmful as well as it lumps us all together and denies us our individuality.
-the "white saviour" narrative of how billy became immortal. All that we know about this is that billy somehow saved quetzalcoatl's life at one point, and was given immortality as a reward. So we have an indigenous deity (who one would assume to be quite capable of defending himself) being saved by a white man.
-quetzalcoatl's description. Instead of trying to be faithful to Nahua religious beliefs, ms wrote q as resembling hernan cortes (beard, etc), which is a narrative that was perpetrated by the spanish invaders to justify their colonization and genocide of the Indigenous people's of mexico. I will give ms some credit though, at least he wrote that quetzalcoatl had copper skin, so he isn't completely white-washed.
-the fact that no one can pronounce the name Quetzalcoatl, or Black Hawk's real name (Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak) and no one ever even tries to get it right. This is used as a joke in the books, but people have no trouble saying Machiavelli, Aoife, Scathach, or any of the other white characters' names. By making it seem like it is too much effort for the other characters to learn to say indigenous names correctly, it dehumanizes the indigenous characters by not even giving them the respect of being called by name.
-billys scrying bowl is indigenous in origin. The use of an indigenous artifact in the magical practices of a white man borderlines on cultural appropriation. Since it also comes from the same culture as the villain in the short story, there is a very unfortunate chance that Billy is going to take the bowl from her body or steal it from her in some way. This gives off "colonizer steals Indigenous artifacts" vibes (as my friend JK put it the other day), and I am not very happy about that.
-in the vampyres short story, it is said that Quetzalcoatl is an unknown deity nowadays, but that is just wrong. Quetzalcoatl is still an extremely important part of Mexican culture.
These are just the main points that I could think of. If I reread the books, I'm sure that I would find more points of critique. Also, I'm Mi'kmaq, so if there are any other Indigenous peoples in the fandom who want to add their own thoughts, feel free!
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sinf-bang · 4 years
SO I’m hosting a mini-bang during the quarantine! End date is April 2nd, same rules as last time apply- no plagiarizing, can be art or writing or whatever else you feel like making, either post your works on tumblr and tag me in them so I can reblog them or submit them here, to sinf-bang. Tag for everything important will be #minibang2020
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ashery24 · 5 years
In Our Bedroom After The War
My first song fic in a long time. I also wanted to write this for some time but I never decided. With the new news about SINF I had to do it.
Song: In Our Bedroom After The War from Stars.
Fandom: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel
Characters: Everyone XD
Summary: What happend after the war? Oh, a many of little things
Warnings: None
Other tags: BH is alive. Post-canon.
Wake up, say good morning to
That sleepy person lying next to you
Sophie woke up in the morning in her room at her aunt Agnes' house. Unconsciously she went to tell Josh the good morning.
If there's no one there then there's no one there
But at least the war is over
But Josh wasn't there and then Sophie remembered everything like a tsunami. Josh wasn't because he had died and had become Marethyu. Sophie almost collapsed right there, with Tsagaglala looking at her sadly.
It's us, yes, we're back again
Here to see you through 'til the day's end
Nicholas and Perenelle were back. In Paris. Alive and together and for much more time. Because thanks to Marethyu and The Codex they could still live many more years. The night was approaching ...
And if the night comes and the night will come
Well at least the war is over
...And the house of Saint-Germain and Joan was still in ruins. Everything was shattered and both were exhausted. But alive. The battle was over and they had won.
Lift your head and look out the window
Stay that way for the rest of the day and watch the time go
Scatchach had returned to his dojo and cleaned the imperfect ones. Now she was resting, looking out the window, letting the day pass in peace.
Listen, the birds sing, listen, the bells ring
All the living are dead and the dead are all living
The war is over and we are beginning
Aoife and Niten's wedding was beautiful. The birds sang and the wedding bells rang. Prometheus was dead but Niten thanked him for the life he had given to him while giving the "Yes I want".
They had won and were starting a new life.
Gridlock on the parkway now
The television man is here to show you how
There was a monumental traffic jam to leave San Francisco. Black Hawk was driving while Billy and Maquievelo were in the back of the car. Machiavelli looked out the window, absent, at a TV store announcing the earthquakes that had ravaged San Francisco.
The channel fades to snow, it's off to work you go
But at least the war is over
The televisions went out because the store was closing and Niccolo felt some apprehension. They had survived and had work to do. Defeat Kukulkan. But at least ... at least they had won the most important battle and they were all alive.
She's gone, she left before you woke
As you ate last night, neither of you spoke
Virginia and Aten had created a new world after the fall of Danu Talis. They had tried to reign it together. But Virginia's heart was free and it was elsewhere.
She left one day. It didn't matter either. Days ago neither she nor Aten talked to each other.
Dishes, TV, bed, the dark was filled with dread
But at least the war is over
Virginia arrived at the apartment where Dee lived before he died. There everything looked awful of abandonment and loneliness. But searching and sorting out Dee's things, Virginia found a ring. The ring that Dee was going to wear for their wedding so many years ago. Virginia cried but at least ... at least the humanity had won. Both Dee's humanity and the humani in general.
Lift your head and look out the window
Stay that way for the rest of the day and watch the time go
Palamedes and William had gotten a new house. Now, after accommodating everything and with Gabriel at his side, they were back home. They could relax and enjoy victory and peace.
Listen, the birds sing, listen, the bells ring
All the living are dead and the dead are all living
The war is over and we are beginning
The world had changed and no humani had noticed. The birds sang as always in Elle's window. But she didn't even listen to them. She did notice the change. She didn't know what had happened but she would find out. It would take years but she would find Josh and Sophie again.
We won or we think we did
When you went away you were just a kid
They had won. Sophie kept repeating that as a mantra. They had won but she felt she had lost. She had lost Josh. She had lost her twin.
And if you lost it all and you lost it
Well, we'll still be there when your war is over
She still remembered when she had fled the pyramid in Danu Talis and left her twin there. It was the last time she had seen him. She hadn't left alone but Sophie felt lonely.
Lift your head and look out the window
Stay that way for the rest of the day and watch the time go
Listen, the birds sing, listen, the bells ring
All the living are dead and the dead are all living
The war is over, we are beginning
Sophie looked out the window. One more day and she couldn't even get out of Josh's room due to the grief.
Here it comes, here comes the first step
Here it comes, here comes the first step
But she couldn't stay that way. Sophie needed to recover.
It starts up in our bedroom after the war
It starts up in our bedroom after the war, after the war
She needed to start living again so she got ready with her new clothes and went outside.
After the war, after the war, after the war
After the war, after the war, after the war
And after the battle. After the loss...Sophie hadn't forgotten. And neither does Marethyu. He went to look for his sister. And Sophie cried again when she found him.
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khaotungsfirst · 5 years
i’ve reached the point of my SINF reread where i started to make an excel list of all the characters and their auras, abilities, titles, etc. it’s important research, okay? 
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lahoreherald · 3 years
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Yehali Tashiya joins Sinf-e-Aahan cast
Production will be overseen by the Next-Level Entertainment team, which will comprise Samina Humayun Saeed and Sana Shahnawaz among others.
In addition to Humayun Saeed and Shahzad Nasib, this drama series is being produced by a team of professionals. You should keep in mind that Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) is working together to build Sinf-e-Aahan, which should be taken into consideration when making decisions.
In addition to Sajal Aly, Kubra Khan, Syra Yousuf, Ramsha Khan, and Yumna Zaidi, Yeshia Tashiya, a Sri Lankan actress, has joined the cast of the Pakistani television series Sinf-e-Aahan, in which she will appear alongside some of the country’s most well-known actors and actresses, including Sajal Aly, Kubra Khan, Syra Yousuf, Ramsha Khan Sinf-e-Aahan is a Pakistani television drama series that premiered on Geo TV in 2012 and is presently airing on a variety of channels.
As evidenced by the photos she has posted on her Instagram account, Yehali Tashiya appears to be enjoying herself while she is in Pakistan. The actress appears to be enjoying herself while she is in Pakistan, as evidenced by her recent posts on the social media platform.
It is important to note that the 18-year-old actress posted images from her birthday celebration in Pakistan on social media networks, which is a significant breakthrough in the investigation.
Read more: Saba Qamar is a fashion trailblazer and style icon
Published in Lahore Herald #lahoreherald #breakingnews #breaking
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rowstiels · 7 years
Really important advice.
Are you feeling like you don't like SINF anymore and you don't want to feel this feeling?
Well,this is a simple piece of advice to keep you in the fandom.
1.Open Tumblr.
2.Write SINF in "search".
3.Go to some SINF Tumblrers and read everything that they have posted.
Don't ever quit this fandom.
You're welcome.
(P.S. Special thanks to Dee who is pointing me with clarent right now and he said if I didn't post this he would kill me oh shit I shouldn't have written that HeLP meNafhgsjfhfzksfhdkdghDnzgjDb
Hello my dear humani, Dr.John Dee here.
So,as she was saying,don't quit this fandom or believe me,I will find you.
And that's not a threat,that's a promise.
Goodbye for now,my little doomed slaves.
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daisyachain · 3 years
the SINF miniseries of my dreams cold opens every episode with a scene displaying a snippet of relevant but not important lore that they can’t quite fit organically into the story (Cernunnos and/or Coatlicue’s self-experimentation and metamorphosis, the Witch destroying Archon technology). If a new character/set of characters is introduced in an episode, then the cold open is the establishing relationship moment between them. The episode the twins arrive in Paris, we cold open with St-Germain and Joan having it out in California and then jump to London, where they run into each other and have just enough time for a ‘You (derogatory)!’ before we jump to credits. The episode they arrive at the junkyard castle, we see Palamedes fighting his way through shapeless hoards to Will, who unexpectedly is holding his own. Same with Dare and Dee, Tsagaglalal and Abraham, etc etc
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orchestraamericas · 6 years
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Continues as Music Director of The Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra, Orquesta Sinfonica Naciónal de Mexico, Orquesta Sinfónica de Minería, and The Orchestra of the Americas.  Prieto Makes National Symphony Orchestra Debut (November 2018). Returns to Detroit Symphony Orchestra (December 2018).
“Prieto and the [Chicago Symphony] orchestra entered fully into the supercharged energy of the music, making as much of its tender lyricism as they did of its convulsive rhythms and clashing tonalities.”
—Chicago Tribune, May 2013
October 16, 2018 – Musical America today announced Carlos Miguel Prieto as 2019 Conductor of the Year. Prieto, 52, a native of Mexico and one of that nation’s most important cultural ambassadors, has been praised for his charismatic conducting and colorful and dynamic interpretations. He is a frequent guest of some of the most important orchestras in the world and serves as music director of four orchestras: Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra (since 2006), Orquesta Sinfonica Naciónal de Mexico (since 2007), Orquesta Sinfónica de Minería (since 2008) and The Orchestra of the Americas (since 2011).
The Musical America honor, among the most prestigious awards in classical music, recognizes Prieto’sascendant international career as a versatile and innovative conductor. His vast range of repertoire stretches from Bach to Haydn, Beethoven to Brahms and Mahler to Shostakovich. His enthusiastic championing of new music is evident through the ambitious commissioning he has done and premieres he has given of over 100 works, with a particular focus on Latin American composers.
The 2019 Conductor of the Year award will be presented to Prieto at the 58th Annual Musical America Awards at Carnegie Hall on Tuesday, December 11, 2018, in New York.
Carlos Miguel Prieto on being named Musical America's 2019 Conductor of the Year:
I am thankful to Musical America - a publication I cherish - for this distinguished honor. I am humbled to be in the company of past and present honorees who have been role models and have inspired me throughout my career.
I am blessed to have grown up in México which is the epicenter of the Americas, a region of the world where music is vibrant and vital.
None of this would be possible without the support of my family, from whom I inherited a profound love of music. My wife, Isabel, is the reason I can pursue my passion.  
I share this honor with the musicians, orchestras and organizations that have embraced the belief that we can, and must, improve the lives of others through music. The task ahead is to use that potential to unite us and make us better.
Prieto is a graduate of Princeton University (Engineering) and received his MBA from Harvard Business School. In April 2018, he was awarded an honorary Doctor of Music by Loyola University in New Orleans. Prieto has served as Mexico’s delegate to the Davos World Economic Forum and has received recognitions from the governments of Mexico, Austria and the Netherlands, including being named “Conductor of the Year 2002" by the Mexican Union of Music and Theatre Critics.
The 2018/2019 season marks Prieto’s 13th season as Music Director of the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra (LPO), where he has been a part of the cultural revitalization of New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina in 2005, including the re-opening of the historic Orpheum Theater. As Music Director of the LPO, Prieto has raised the orchestra’s profile at home and abroad by leading concerts at venues around the city, by inviting esteemed guest artists, such as Yo-Yo Ma, Joshua Bell, and Pepe Romero to perform with the orchestra, as well as commissioning and performing new works. On February 27, 2018, Prieto led the LPO in its Carnegie Hall debut in a concert featuring music by Revueltas and Gabriela Ortiz, as well as celebrating the 80th birthday of Philip Glass. Reviewing the Prieto’s conducting of Glass’s Days and Nights in Rocinha, The New York Times wrote: “Mr. Prieto’s feel for subtle shifts in dynamics created an environment both dreamy and dramatic.”
The LPO’s 2018/2019 season opened on September 13, 2018 with Schubert’s “Unfinished” Symphony and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9. Throughout the LPO’s 2018/2019 season, Prieto will lead concerts at the the orchestra's Orpheum Theater home and and throughout New Orleans, including Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition and Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No. 2 with Anne-Marie McDermott in November, Rimsky-Korsakov’s Scheherazade with BBC Young Musician of the Year Sheku Kanneh-Mason and Mahler’s Symphony No. 9 in January 2019, and Chávez’s Sinfonía India and Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 6 in May 2019. The final concert program of the 2018/2019 season sees Prieto conducting a program featuring Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 3 with Joyce Yang and Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring, also in May 2019.
In recent seasons, Prieto has appeared with orchestras across the United States and around the world, including the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Los Angeles Philharmonic, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic, Beijing Symphony, The Hallé, NDR Elbphilharmonie, and Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra, among many others.
This season, Prieto makes his debut with the National Symphony Orchestra in Washington, D.C., November 15 – 17, 2018, conducting Copland’s El Salón Mexico, Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 3 with Denis Kozhukhin, and Revueltas’ La noche de los Mayas. On December 6 – 8, 2018, Prieto returns to the Detroit Symphony Orchestra for the first time following his acclaimed debut in 2017, leading the DSO in Brahms’ Concerto for Violin with Christian Tetzlaff and Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5. In 2019, Prieto will return to The Hallé in the UK, the Frankfurt Radio Symphony in Germany, and the Sinfónica de Valencia, Bilbao Orkestra Sinfonikoa, and Orquesta Sinfónica de Castilla y León in Spain.
Prieto is a renowned champion of performing and commissioning works of new music, especially from Latin American voices. His position as a cultural leader in Mexico is illustrated by his work as music director of two of the country’s most important orchestras: the Orquesta Sinfonica Naciónal de Mexico (OSN) since 2007, and the Orquesta Sinfónica de Minería since 2008. Prieto and the OSN have toured internationally, including the most recent tour in 2017 featuring performances in Cologne and Frankfurt in Germany, as well as in Austria at the Grosses Festspielhaus in Salzburg, and the Musikverein in Vienna. On November 7, 2018, Prieto will lead a fresh interpretation of Mozart’s Requiemfeaturing the OSN and the Compañía de Danza Contemporánea de Cuba at Mexico City’s massive Auditorio Nacional which seats nearly 10,000.
A passionate proponent of music education, Prieto has led several initiatives in North America and beyond. He has played a key role in The Orchestra of the Americas since its inception in 2002, and has served as Music Director since 2011. Each summer, he leads an ensemble of Pan-American musicians on tours that have traversed from Chile and Argentina to Jamaica and Haiti to the United States and Canada, as well as across Europe. In the summer of 2018, Prieto led the ensemble in performances across Europe, conducting works by Barber, Bernstein, Chávez, Copland, Montero, Tchaikovsky, and Villa-Lobos, in Lusławice, Poland;  Wiesbaden  and  Hamburg  in  Germany;  and  in  Edinburgh,  Scotland  as  part  of  the  annual  Edinburgh  International  Festival.
Prieto’s commitment to young artists was recognized by Carnegie Hall and he was tapped to lead its annual NYO2 initiative, a free  program  that  brings  together  outstanding  young  American  instrumentalists  (ages  14-17)  from  across  the  U.S. for  intensive  training  and  performance  opportunities, which culminated in performances at Miami’s New World Center and in New York’s Carnegie Hall in July 2018.
Prieto’s extensive recordings include two recordings with violinist Philippe Quint, one with works by Bruch, Beethoven, and Mendelssohn (Avanticlassic), and another with Korngold’s Violin Concerto (Naxos) which received two Grammy nominations. He also recently recorded Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concertos No. 2 and 3 with the Royal Scottish National Orchestra and pianist Boris Giltburg (Naxos). He has several recordings with The Orchestra of the Americas, featuring works by Brahms, Bernstein, Shostakovich and Revueltas, among others. In Spring 2013, Prieto released a 12-DVD set of live recordings of the complete symphonies of Mahler as part of the Orquesta Sinfónica de Minería’s 35th Anniversary season.
For more information about Carlos Miguel Prieto, visit his website.
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Lawrence Perelman
Managing Director
Semantix Creative Group
Phone: (917) 541 – 7665
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