#not smt i actually ship but its a fun concept
mistninja · 2 years
Sakura thinks she could fix Hinata, Ino knows she could but wants to make her worse. Hinata thinks she could fix both. Thank you for coming to my TED talk
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kob131 · 4 years
Oh and his ending, which is suppose to wrap all this up?
A. “They have the lamp that attracts Grimm, that won’t be masked by the Grimm! They’re so stupid!”
Fun Fact-When Ren and Jaune do their trick-It’s a split second so they can get in front of the Leviathan and Ruby can blast with her Silver Eyes.
“A pair of Manta aircraft are seen firing shots at the Leviathan. Suddenly, the Leviathan unleashes an energy beam attack from its mouth. It shifts the beam over to one of the poles powering the hard-light Dust barrier, destroying it. The Leviathan roars.
Ruby and her friends watch in horror from their aircraft.
Oscar: It tore straight through...!
Air Control: All squadrons, fall back to evacuation procedures. Disengage Leviathan! I repeat, disengage! Over!
Ruby: No, wait!Ruby runs up to the radio.
Qrow: Ruby!
Ruby: We can stop it!
Air Control: Who is this? Identify yourself!
Ruby: I'm a Huntress. My team and I are heading to the Leviathan and can weaken it for you to attack!
Everyone looks at Ruby in shock.
Jaune: We can?
Ruby: I can.
Maria: Ruby, when I said "trial by fire"--
Ruby: I did it at Beacon and at the farm.
Weiss: You really think you can do it now?
Ruby: I don't have a choice.
Air Control: Manta 5-1, your ship is currently flagged as hostile. You will receive no support, over.
Ruby: (picking up radio) Fine, we'll do it alone if we have to.
From her mech, Cordovin overhears Ruby's radio chatter.
Ruby: We can hit it while it's stopped at the next barrier. Ren, you're up!
Ren and Jaune proceed to combine their Semblances, masking the airship as it weaves between the air battles between Grimm and Atlas forces. The Leviathan makes its way to the next barrier and charges its energy breath again.
Qrow: We're too late! Pull up!
The Manta aircraft pulls up out of the way as the Leviathan fires its breath, destroying the next barrier and toppling a cupola off one of the buildings in Argus. Ren and Jaune collapse as their Auras are drained.’
The lamp wouldn’t matter. And it didn’t.
B. ‘Why is everyone shocked to hear Ruby suggesting to help? It’s sooo dumb!”
Wanna know why I gave so much context above? Because above- you see what FMF is referring to. ... Yeah, the shock wasn’t from deciding to help- It was from Ruby saying they can stall the Grimm.
So FMF just lied. Again. And used the commentary while misrepresenting the scene. Again.
C. ‘That’s what the Writers decide to remember? They talk as though the scenes Ruby referenced never happened!’
Yeah, remember what I said about FMF lying? Well, the commentary here isn’t edited over a scene from the show and look at the lines he choose-
‘I’m curious what the idea was, this is a pretty bold move right?’
“It came down to, they had to try.’
Doesn’t really should like they’re referring what was said right? And Kerry’s voice sounds different from how the other guy’s voice sounds like (as in, it’s as if Kerry’s voice doesn’t follow directly from what the other guy said). Considering that FMF has already lied in this segment- why should I trust that he didn’t just take a piece of the commentary out of context and sell it to an audience that buys outright lies?
Edit: Fun fact, I actually asked for a transcription of this part of the RWBY Volume 6 commentary and a user by the name of Changyuraptor did it for me.
Wanna see what was actually said here?
“Chris: "I'm curious what the idea was, like this is a pretty bold move right, like she had just not even 5 or 6 chapters ago talked to Maria about the concept of just using her silver eyes to begin with and she's looking at this massive Grimm."
Kerry: "It came back down to- there's actually some slightly different earlier versions of the speech that was a little bit different, but Miles was like (I think he's saying Miles' name here, not 100% sure) 'they have to try" you know, it doesn't look like anything else is working, if she can at least try and it works to any degree it's something you know, I think what was a bigger part of this message too is I think a lot of people probably would have told her not to do it but she needs to follow what she thinks is best."
They weren’t talking about Ruby’s idea specifically, nor is anything said here indicating they forgot anything.
In fact, he cuts off most of what was said (even cutting stuff said INBETWEEN what he used) JUST to make that point.
So yeah- definitive proof he lies using the commentary.
D. ‘Oh Atlas doesn’t want help after asking for help! How stupid!’
“Air Control: Who is this? Identify yourself!
Ruby: I'm a Huntress. My team and I are heading to the Leviathan and can weaken it for you to attack!
Air Control: Manta 5-1, your ship is currently flagged as hostile. You will receive no support, over.
Ruby: (picking up radio) Fine, we'll do it alone if we have to.”
Not what they said FMF.
Also he tries saying the group was surprised when Ruby said they helped when that’s NOT what she said. Again. So he made the same lie TWICE.
Also also, he misspelled Atlas as ‘Atlus’. As in, the SMT/Persona company. It would have even registered as an incorrect spelling when he made the spelling. This was a video in production over a YEAR.
E. ‘Atlas hates the idea of Huntsmen!’
*Shows Ironwood giving a bunch of teams the option to walk away from the Fall of Beacon*
That’s not even connected to anything here...well, here as in the review because this does reinforce the thematic idea the show presents that you should stand and fight.
... Did FMF just support Team RWBY’s stance in Volume 7?
F. ‘NO body would tell a Huntress to not save a town full of people!’
*looks over at the people calling Team RWBY stupid for trying to save all of Mantle in Volume 7*
Cool, now even his laziness is biting him in the ass.
Fuck, how does anyone take him seriously?
H. ‘DUr Atlas man being stupid!’
Oh so not backing up the STOLEN SHIP that was JUST IN A FIGHT WITH THEIR COMMANDER and NOT KNOWING THE PEOPLE ON BOARD PERSONALLY is stupid huh? He should just risk his men’s lives for an enemy that SAYS they can help but they don’t KNOW that.
Gee, what were you saying about logic again?
I. ‘Maria flies into a dangerous spot, so stupid!’
Gee, not like point blank range would be a good idea or that they were already on that course but that’d require FMF to not edit a scene to suit himself and we all know intellectual integrity is toxic to his very existence./s
J. ‘How do the shield generators get hit if the shields are up?’
*Shown: the shield generators NOT BEING BEHIND THE SHIELDS*
K. ‘Hey, why try to get it’s attention when you have lamp!’
*Episode 1: shows that a bunch of panicking people would attract the Grimm over the lamp*
M. ‘Ruby takes lamp despite distraction!’
Hm, gee, almost like her plan was to FREEZE the damn thing and it didn’t notice her even while flying around with the lamp.
*points above*
You know...and taking out the weapon made to kill the Grimm for a long period of time...and Cordovon’s actions SUMMONED the Grimm...and all the shields were down and the breath attack that could level half the city in one shot takes about five seconds to charge up.
Gosh, it’s almost like he relies on his audience not knowing any better...
1. You cut out the WHOLE REST OF THE ARMY.
2. ‘Hazel: There's an old saying. 
he two notice Hazel Rainart enter the room and stand next to them. 
Hazel: If you want something done right... do it yourself. 
Salem looks up to the army of Grimm she has gathered, before turning around and using her magic on the black pools again, engulfing the entire scene...’
3. Salem’s problem is the news Ozpin lived...delievered to her in Episode 4. Not Episode 2.
What the fuck are they suppose to do?
Can’t wait anywhere, you yourself admitted that they showed the lamp attracted Grimm AND you never stopped bitching about Volume 5.
Vale is out.
Mistral is out, no Raven.
Vacuo is clear across the other side of Remnant.
Can’t even talk it out because people wouldn’t stop bitching about the talking in Volume 5.
You act like there’s any OTHER logical choice, FMF. Or that Ozpin’s lies would change ANYTHING about his decision about going to Atlas being bad.
But then again, that’d require your brain to function in regard to RWBY.
Then he goes on to say some shit about how everyone is just back to the way they are and how the Volume was pointless. I’d discuss that...but I want you to look at everything he said here. All the lying he did. All the suspect shit he pulled. All the crap he ignored. All the positions he abandoned in Volume 5 to bitch about here.
All the piss he spewed for nothing.
Look at this and think to yourself: Even if I saw the whole thing and heard his reasonings-
Would you believe a word he says?
I had to stop myself from wheezing I laughed at him so hard. This is the video equivalent of that drowning meme
Tumblr media
He CREATED every single bit of his situation. He CHOSE to see things this way even after it took mental gynmastics to see it so.
It’s hilarious he acts like he’s in so much pain that HE INFLICTED TO HIMSELF.
I gave FMF a chance. His first point and his last point to impress me even a little. What did I get?
 An ironic comedy routine that makes Beavis and Butt Head look like Steven Hawking. 
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