iamafanofcartoons · 11 months
Clownfish TV is now attacking a girl with autism for liking RWBY. RWBY critics are actually terrible people.
This is nothing new.
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Fatmanfalling stalked TheWhaleLord last year.... Multiple youtubers sprang to his defense. To take people's minds off his harassment, they started targeting rwby fans who spoke out against the hate, leading to doxxing of rwby fan members who strived for positivity.
RWBY's fandom cannot catch a break due to the desire of the online community to spread hatred, and defend any and all hatred in the name of criticism.
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I'm tired of rwde. They are hysterical. They are hypocritical. They're misogynistic. Seriously I haven't seen a single post defending the team rwby or another female or queer person. They are constantly picking on the show, only defending their favourites. They just ignore the bad sides of the characters. They have all the other characters to blame, but not their favourites.
I literally saw a post where rwde accused Ozpin of creating a class divide in Atlas.
Rwde say "why didn't Ruby have two weapons? " Honey you'd be hysterical the same way if Ruby had two weapons. Or their screaming that Weiss doesn't deserve an allusion to wings.
It's so annoying. If they don't like the show so much, why are they watching it? Why do they talk about rewriting it every time? A rewrite that accomplishes what? More Jaune? More harem? More other male characters and belittling female characters?
The issue I came across was where if you try to provide resources to combat that negativity and hate? Whether in the form of defense posts defending the show? Explaining where the hate comes from? Or even lists of youtube channels you can go to that are positive?
They'll try their best to shut it down. And it hurts because "positive youtubers" defend them.
Fatmanfalling harassed a random girl on Twitter who said she was enjoying RWBY.
Practically every RWBYTuber LEAPT to his defense and shut down anyone who criticized him.
During the Sapphic Polls of this year, the Bumbleby haters started promoting so much hatred against the ship, that anyone criticizing them for that hatred was shut down.
The only reason that hatred has gotten so out of control was because in the name of "valid criticism" anything and everything bashing RWBY has become "valid" no matter how much of a lie it is.
Meanwhile, anything and everything defending RWBY has become "toxic positivity".
Whenever somebody says "the hentai and fanfics are better than the show," you know you're looking at people who want media where female protagonists over male ones are removed and LGBT content is minimized.
RWDE now literally pretends to be victims of the fandom and relies on influencers to promote their false-flag attacks.
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dextixer · 2 years
Canonseeker, you are one of the main reasons why people outside of RWBY community hate it. Why dont you show everyone the 5+ Reddit accounts you have active RIGHT NOW with which you them go into LGBT+ spaces to talk about RWBY, and then insult others when they dont agree with you.
The thread that i made recently is very much about you and the many people on Tumblr and twitter that go out of their way to defend you, KNOWING what you do.
They KNOW that you have 100+ alts on various websites, they KNOW that you spam “self-abuse” reports on Reddit, they KNOW that you stalk women and Youtubers of the fandom.
Also, you are one sneaky liar. Why do you not include the context of those tweets? Because they were not about RWBY, those tweets were in response to ACTUAL NAZIS and people who said “Hitl*r was a nice guy”, YEA, and you are trying to paint that as a bad thing?
Funnily enough you also revealed that you follow my accounts and mass report them with this.
Let me tell you something, i will NEVER apologize for telling Nazis to minecraft themselves. Maybe you feel protective of them, i dont know. But i dont.
But continue lying, continue bullshiting the community.
Because if the RWBY community defends you and keeps defending you despite the MANY things you have did, they deserve you.
So, lets summarize Canonseeker.
You have 100+ alt accounts created to stalk and harass and mass report people. You spend your entire time creating new alt accounts to spam LGBT+ communities with RWBY content and then harassing them if they show any kind of dislike for it. You are defending LITERALY NAZIS that were talking about the “Jewish Question” on twitter and multiple transphobes that i responded to on Twitter.
Please, oh please do continue, because you are the walking proof to everything i say, especially how the fandom isnt progressive. Because if the fandom is going to give me shit over saying bad things to NAZIS then im just going to LAUGH.
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
Its not just the fanbase that likes V9 though. Fatmanfalling, Tom Horan, VexedViewer, Mrcheese. All major rwby critics who have never been nice to RT have stated this is the best volume. Its a consensus thats very wide. Which is fascinating
I don't follow the Youtube scene so I haven't seen their interpretations myself, but I wonder if this trend stems from the fact that, technically speaking, Volume 9 has done a lot of what critics have been calling for.
Jaune is absent for the first half of the Volume
The group is disagreeing with each other
Ruby is the focus of a major plot-point
Blake/Yang are indisputably in a canonical relationship
Penny's death is at the emotional heart of the Volume
This is a character-focused season
The Cat's presumed connection to the Gods ties this "fluff" arc into the wider narrative
There are other examples too, with the point being that if you were to just condense the Volume into talking points, yeah, it would come out looking really good. I wonder how many fans - critics and non-critics alike - are swept up in the relief of finally getting a lot of what we've been asking for... not realizing or admitting that it's a monkey's paw situation were we're also getting a series of unintended consequences as a result of these wishes. Again, I haven't seen these vids myself, but at some point I'd love to know a) if critics are factoring in the comparison aspect when calling this the best Volume (that is, "best" by RWBY standards doesn't mean free of serious problems) and b) if everyone still holds this view post-finale and after a bit of time has passed. I mentioned several posts ago the allure of RWBY's spectacle and given that I find myself doing this on occasion with other shows, I wonder how many fans would change their tune after revisiting Volume 9 after a bit of downtime. When we're not swept away by the shock of old!Jaune and the horror of Ruby drinking the tea and the excitement of seeing characters like Pyrrha again... when the novelty of the Big Reveals has worn off, do these moments still resonate? Or does that then leave room for a, "Actually, that's not very well done" response?
It is fascinating either way. I personally think this is one of RWBY's worst Volumes, due to how it has spectacularly failed to follow up on the conflicts introduced in Volume 8, its mishandling of new conflicts (like Ascension), and the overall tone of the Volume where we have a gag-focused start swerving hard into incredibly dark themes all while taking place in a world that, frankly, has had no time to be fleshed out. The fact that Little underwent the same fate as Maria and Pietro last episode - here's a side character you and the group are supposed to care about, but they're forgotten by the story after a horrific event where it's unknown whether they lived or died - just says to me that RWBY is still suffering from all the same problems, but now with increasingly ~shocking~ events to help distract viewers from that.
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anewstartrekfan · 1 year
The La’an Sea Shanty we were denied
Credit goes to YouTuber fatmanfalling’s review of subspace rhapsody. I think he raises some good points about the lack of variety in the musical numbers as well as what the characters sing about barely/not driving the plot forward at all.
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crimsonxe · 2 years
Another day, another dumbass leftist calling BB queerbait cause their ass doesn’t know what that god damn word means vs. their “it’s not going as fast as I want” / “its not rushing it’s LGBT+ pair so its bait”. So god damn tired of these braindead shitbags. Once again BB isn’t fucking QB and that shit went out the damn window in v7 with Nora in-universe canonizing the mutual romantic feelings moving them into ‘soft canon’; so get that shit out your damn mouth (to those doing this that may run across this post)
Also to give some insight into said person’s views: they respect Judgemental, Celtic (which is specifically ironic since they try to go after the WF storyline and it failing at touching on racism; considering Celtic’s putting a racist and his racism victim as romantically coded in his rewrite), FatmanFalling, and Hbomb who they tried to give a pity party to. Oh and are friends with the “inventing a deadname for May” UoW.
Also trying to say that there’s other shows with “better” rep. Cause y’know people aren’t capable of watching multiple shows I guess. Guess that makes me an anomaly cause I’ve seen to varying degrees every show they mention and still come back to RWBY every time cause it’s just built different xD
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twilightguardian · 2 years
Um.... why does the internet hate Fixing RWBY all of a sudden? It seems like you guys are being bullied which is hella dumb for a fan project.
It is dumb, and unfortunately it's not all of a sudden; though the criticism did blow up the more the project gained popularity and notoriety. But from what I've gathered, there are many compounding factors that lead to people hating Fixing RWBY:
One is that RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth, which built up its audience in the very early days of the internet using a parasocial method to relate to its audience, and that worked when the company was small. By the time RWBY came out, the company had grown into something bigger, but the audience still had the mentality that these people who worked on the show were more or less their friends, and thus became protective of them. Sometimes it's very difficult to talk about RWBY without also talking about RT and the people behind the scenes.
Another is that the show got a lot of criticism early on for its story and animation outside of the fights. Those that liked it became protective of the show for reasons stated above, because they liked the show, and some may have felt that criticizing something they liked was an attack on them and their tastes.
Some people don't like to see criticism of things they like at all, while others don't see the point of it, though the latter are not likely to criticize the project because they aren't into fanfiction at all.
Others think that it's arrogant anyone can claim that they can 'fix' the problems with the show, whether they think there are problems or not, because they are fans while the writers of the show make money writing. Someone made a good comparison a little while ago about how people's perceptions of quality can be tricked as long as you put a lofty name on the tin. The example was a study done with wine, giving cheap stuff to professional taste testers and telling them it's an expensive brand and the expensive wine was from a cheap brand. The result was that they praised the cheap wine for various qualities while the expensive variety was dismissed.
The point of comparison is that people perceive something to be of better quality if they think that it's made by someone who gets paid to write, while anything a fan does will be bad. Writing isn't as simplistic as that, and any individual can have skills in writing regardless of their professional accomplishments or lack thereof or be bad with writing regardless of their professional accomplishments or lack thereof.
There's also this unfortunate divide in the RWBY community that pits 'FNDM' against 'RWDE', The Critics or 'HTDM', labels meant to divide and place an us-vs-them mentality in people. The Critics or HTDM is the enemy and we must fight them, and anyone who expresses dissatisfaction with elements of the show, we'll label as such, and come up with ideas and reasons to justify it, whether political or ideological disagreements of elements in the show and place a moral sticker of good or evil depending on who agrees with them or not.
Another factor could be that many members of the RWBY community just don't frequent fandoms or circles within fandom where Fixit fics are commonplace. So when they see FRWBY and other projects and all the criticisms of the show, their hackles get raised. But this is just speculation.
This all leads up to Raymond/Celtic Phoenix and Fixing. Raymond is considered part of the Critics, disliked for his association with Fatmanfalling, so anything that he does involving RWBY will be met with harsh scrutiny.
Many take issue with the name itself 'Fixing', as I've mentioned previously, sounds arrogant coming from someone who has no credentials themselves. Many people dismiss it because of that alone, while a handful deride the project because of it.
Whether it's to give 'critics' a 'taste of their own medicine', they look for every little thing that could be perceived as an issue, no matter how true or unrelated, and plaster it as a negative to the project. If someone claims they can write better than professionals, then they'll be criticized like how they criticize the actual professionals - is more or less how I've come to see some of the criticism.
Some others still think that if you claim something as lofty as 'fixing' the show, then it should be fixed in a way that will satisfy them. Though the issue there is that people will be satisfied by many different things. Some people want Raymond to be closer to canon, while others say he doesn't go hard enough with the fixes and changes. Raymond is trying to strike a balance between the issues with the show while keeping it as true to canon as he can, and sometimes he thinks he can keep it more or less intact, while with other things, the problem is rooted deeper and needs a lot more TLC for him to be satisfied with it. While those with desires to see more drastic or fundamental changes won't be. That all comes down to personal opinions and tastes.
Now some of those people aren't attacking the project in a malicious way. It's either a disagreement with what constitutes a fix, or a misunderstanding of the point of the project itself. I do not consider the criticisms that I discussed in my last thread to be malicious, unlike the criticisms of my initial blanket post that started my interactions with this community. That's why my last post was just a discussion on the review, rather than debunking, though there was a couple of things I felt was important to get at.
Those that are being the most malicious, it's hard to tell what their ultimate reasons are. There are some that conflate criticizing the show and its female characters equates to sexism, because it's easier to dismiss the criticism as hateful than to genuinely engage with it. That can either be deliberately malicious, or naively misguided, though a few in particular are stubbornly adamant about the point in particular when it comes to Fixing, claiming that any focus on male characters in Fixing more than they got in canon means Raymond and the SH focus more on the male characters than the protagonists, despite whatever work is done to centre the protagonists.
There was a lot more focus on Volume 5 that made people take notice as well, with assumptions made on the intent of the onsen scene. Much of this wider attention happened since V5 because of a targeted campaign by a disgruntled former SH who was known even before being kicked off to have a vindictive attitude when angered, whom I've discussed previously, as well.
The majority of people who do not like Fixing RWBY do not attack it or bother with it in any way other than brief comments on reviews that do get shared where they express their dislike and move on, and I hope that I don't paint an idea that scores of the fandom dogpile these projects. It's just what people do can be particularly vicious and malicious.
Sorry for being long winded, but I hope I was able to address the many factors that I think go into the bullying of the Fixing RWBY fan project, and also to other fan projects like RWBY Remnants. That doesn't get as much attention as Fixing, but the same general issues sour people to Remnants, and likely other fixing fan projects that I'm even less familiar with.
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kob131 · 4 years
Oh and his ending, which is suppose to wrap all this up?
A. “They have the lamp that attracts Grimm, that won’t be masked by the Grimm! They’re so stupid!”
Fun Fact-When Ren and Jaune do their trick-It’s a split second so they can get in front of the Leviathan and Ruby can blast with her Silver Eyes.
“A pair of Manta aircraft are seen firing shots at the Leviathan. Suddenly, the Leviathan unleashes an energy beam attack from its mouth. It shifts the beam over to one of the poles powering the hard-light Dust barrier, destroying it. The Leviathan roars.
Ruby and her friends watch in horror from their aircraft.
Oscar: It tore straight through...!
Air Control: All squadrons, fall back to evacuation procedures. Disengage Leviathan! I repeat, disengage! Over!
Ruby: No, wait!Ruby runs up to the radio.
Qrow: Ruby!
Ruby: We can stop it!
Air Control: Who is this? Identify yourself!
Ruby: I'm a Huntress. My team and I are heading to the Leviathan and can weaken it for you to attack!
Everyone looks at Ruby in shock.
Jaune: We can?
Ruby: I can.
Maria: Ruby, when I said "trial by fire"--
Ruby: I did it at Beacon and at the farm.
Weiss: You really think you can do it now?
Ruby: I don't have a choice.
Air Control: Manta 5-1, your ship is currently flagged as hostile. You will receive no support, over.
Ruby: (picking up radio) Fine, we'll do it alone if we have to.
From her mech, Cordovin overhears Ruby's radio chatter.
Ruby: We can hit it while it's stopped at the next barrier. Ren, you're up!
Ren and Jaune proceed to combine their Semblances, masking the airship as it weaves between the air battles between Grimm and Atlas forces. The Leviathan makes its way to the next barrier and charges its energy breath again.
Qrow: We're too late! Pull up!
The Manta aircraft pulls up out of the way as the Leviathan fires its breath, destroying the next barrier and toppling a cupola off one of the buildings in Argus. Ren and Jaune collapse as their Auras are drained.’
The lamp wouldn’t matter. And it didn’t.
B. ‘Why is everyone shocked to hear Ruby suggesting to help? It’s sooo dumb!”
Wanna know why I gave so much context above? Because above- you see what FMF is referring to. ... Yeah, the shock wasn’t from deciding to help- It was from Ruby saying they can stall the Grimm.
So FMF just lied. Again. And used the commentary while misrepresenting the scene. Again.
C. ‘That’s what the Writers decide to remember? They talk as though the scenes Ruby referenced never happened!’
Yeah, remember what I said about FMF lying? Well, the commentary here isn’t edited over a scene from the show and look at the lines he choose-
‘I’m curious what the idea was, this is a pretty bold move right?’
“It came down to, they had to try.’
Doesn’t really should like they’re referring what was said right? And Kerry’s voice sounds different from how the other guy’s voice sounds like (as in, it’s as if Kerry’s voice doesn’t follow directly from what the other guy said). Considering that FMF has already lied in this segment- why should I trust that he didn’t just take a piece of the commentary out of context and sell it to an audience that buys outright lies?
Edit: Fun fact, I actually asked for a transcription of this part of the RWBY Volume 6 commentary and a user by the name of Changyuraptor did it for me.
Wanna see what was actually said here?
“Chris: "I'm curious what the idea was, like this is a pretty bold move right, like she had just not even 5 or 6 chapters ago talked to Maria about the concept of just using her silver eyes to begin with and she's looking at this massive Grimm."
Kerry: "It came back down to- there's actually some slightly different earlier versions of the speech that was a little bit different, but Miles was like (I think he's saying Miles' name here, not 100% sure) 'they have to try" you know, it doesn't look like anything else is working, if she can at least try and it works to any degree it's something you know, I think what was a bigger part of this message too is I think a lot of people probably would have told her not to do it but she needs to follow what she thinks is best."
They weren’t talking about Ruby’s idea specifically, nor is anything said here indicating they forgot anything.
In fact, he cuts off most of what was said (even cutting stuff said INBETWEEN what he used) JUST to make that point.
So yeah- definitive proof he lies using the commentary.
D. ‘Oh Atlas doesn’t want help after asking for help! How stupid!’
“Air Control: Who is this? Identify yourself!
Ruby: I'm a Huntress. My team and I are heading to the Leviathan and can weaken it for you to attack!
Air Control: Manta 5-1, your ship is currently flagged as hostile. You will receive no support, over.
Ruby: (picking up radio) Fine, we'll do it alone if we have to.”
Not what they said FMF.
Also he tries saying the group was surprised when Ruby said they helped when that’s NOT what she said. Again. So he made the same lie TWICE.
Also also, he misspelled Atlas as ‘Atlus’. As in, the SMT/Persona company. It would have even registered as an incorrect spelling when he made the spelling. This was a video in production over a YEAR.
E. ‘Atlas hates the idea of Huntsmen!’
*Shows Ironwood giving a bunch of teams the option to walk away from the Fall of Beacon*
That’s not even connected to anything here...well, here as in the review because this does reinforce the thematic idea the show presents that you should stand and fight.
... Did FMF just support Team RWBY’s stance in Volume 7?
F. ‘NO body would tell a Huntress to not save a town full of people!’
*looks over at the people calling Team RWBY stupid for trying to save all of Mantle in Volume 7*
Cool, now even his laziness is biting him in the ass.
Fuck, how does anyone take him seriously?
H. ‘DUr Atlas man being stupid!’
Oh so not backing up the STOLEN SHIP that was JUST IN A FIGHT WITH THEIR COMMANDER and NOT KNOWING THE PEOPLE ON BOARD PERSONALLY is stupid huh? He should just risk his men’s lives for an enemy that SAYS they can help but they don’t KNOW that.
Gee, what were you saying about logic again?
I. ‘Maria flies into a dangerous spot, so stupid!’
Gee, not like point blank range would be a good idea or that they were already on that course but that’d require FMF to not edit a scene to suit himself and we all know intellectual integrity is toxic to his very existence./s
J. ‘How do the shield generators get hit if the shields are up?’
*Shown: the shield generators NOT BEING BEHIND THE SHIELDS*
K. ‘Hey, why try to get it’s attention when you have lamp!’
*Episode 1: shows that a bunch of panicking people would attract the Grimm over the lamp*
M. ‘Ruby takes lamp despite distraction!’
Hm, gee, almost like her plan was to FREEZE the damn thing and it didn’t notice her even while flying around with the lamp.
*points above*
You know...and taking out the weapon made to kill the Grimm for a long period of time...and Cordovon’s actions SUMMONED the Grimm...and all the shields were down and the breath attack that could level half the city in one shot takes about five seconds to charge up.
Gosh, it’s almost like he relies on his audience not knowing any better...
1. You cut out the WHOLE REST OF THE ARMY.
2. ‘Hazel: There's an old saying. 
he two notice Hazel Rainart enter the room and stand next to them. 
Hazel: If you want something done right... do it yourself. 
Salem looks up to the army of Grimm she has gathered, before turning around and using her magic on the black pools again, engulfing the entire scene...’
3. Salem’s problem is the news Ozpin lived...delievered to her in Episode 4. Not Episode 2.
What the fuck are they suppose to do?
Can’t wait anywhere, you yourself admitted that they showed the lamp attracted Grimm AND you never stopped bitching about Volume 5.
Vale is out.
Mistral is out, no Raven.
Vacuo is clear across the other side of Remnant.
Can’t even talk it out because people wouldn’t stop bitching about the talking in Volume 5.
You act like there’s any OTHER logical choice, FMF. Or that Ozpin’s lies would change ANYTHING about his decision about going to Atlas being bad.
But then again, that’d require your brain to function in regard to RWBY.
Then he goes on to say some shit about how everyone is just back to the way they are and how the Volume was pointless. I’d discuss that...but I want you to look at everything he said here. All the lying he did. All the suspect shit he pulled. All the crap he ignored. All the positions he abandoned in Volume 5 to bitch about here.
All the piss he spewed for nothing.
Look at this and think to yourself: Even if I saw the whole thing and heard his reasonings-
Would you believe a word he says?
I had to stop myself from wheezing I laughed at him so hard. This is the video equivalent of that drowning meme
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He CREATED every single bit of his situation. He CHOSE to see things this way even after it took mental gynmastics to see it so.
It’s hilarious he acts like he’s in so much pain that HE INFLICTED TO HIMSELF.
I gave FMF a chance. His first point and his last point to impress me even a little. What did I get?
 An ironic comedy routine that makes Beavis and Butt Head look like Steven Hawking. 
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rwbyconversations · 5 years
Name some RWBY youtubers that are good, and ones I should stay away from
Bad: Adel Aka, MuffinManDan, RegularDude, EruptionFang if he keeps his Adam boner in Volume 7.
The meh: FatManFalling (he could be great if he learned to condense his arguments and edit them into a proper order, and the sheer potential of being a good critic and having decent mic quality puts him above a lot of the bad reviewers).
Good: CelticPhoenix (most often talks about RWBY as part of FMF’s reaction/podcast thing which means you do have to deal with him but I think Celtic’s worth it), Twiins Ink, Judgemental Critter, Blizzic, RemnantDudeHD, Unicorn of War. 
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psyga315 · 6 years
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deadmandairyland · 6 years
Attempted to watch Fatmanfalling’s video on the RWBY Volume 5 commentary.
Closed out of it when he spent like a minute laughing and making fun of somebody (I think it was Miles) for mistakenly saying “canonically” instead of “chronologically.”
Like he would not shut up about it.
What’s funny is that near the beginning of the video he rants about what constructive criticism is and the writers not understanding what constructive criticism means. And then that happens.
Solid reviewing skills. A+. Clearly an expert in his field.
Now, you might think I’m nitpicking, and you’re right, but considering this is a guy known for nitpicking every little detail of RWBY, I feel like I have the right to say “You literally just went on a rant about the difference between being rude and constructive criticism, so you either must be aware that this isn’t constructive criticism and yet you kept it in your video anyway instead of editing it out in post, or you don’t know what constructive criticism means either. So either you know your video isn’t constructive criticism and you don’t expect the writers to listen to you, or you actually believe that mocking someone for a slip of the tongue and acting like it’s the dumbest thing anyone has ever done is constructive criticism. Either way, having that in your video pretty much invalidates the whole argument that the writers should be listening to what you’re saying. Good job, buddy. Now run along and let actual critics do their job.”
Also earlier in the video he mocks... probably Miles again about getting one of the volumes wrong when talking about some mysterious background detail, and all I could think about is “who the fuck cares?” Ooh wow, he said “volume two” instead of volume three, such a horrible thing he did. Now what does this have to do with the writing and the animation in the show itself again? Or is this just a personal attack on people’s fallible memories?
What a load of fuck.
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iamafanofcartoons · 2 years
Out of my own curiosity, how come no one has done nothing about this Dexiter? (I’ve heard of them and yeah, not a fan) Surely you can tell Reddit about how they encourage toxic behaviour.
Let's first explain Dextixer's behavior.
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He threatens people and tries to get them to kill themselves
So why won't R/RWBY stop a man who spams their subreddit with one post after another trying to tell people that they should never be happy with anything RWBY does, that they should hate their female protagonists and love the male villains, etc etc?
Because he's protected by youtubers like Calxiyn, Fatmanfalling, etc
Whenever a RWBY Critics attacks the show or the fandom, for example, harassing a girl for trying to enjoy RWBY?
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He is immediately defended by the RWBYTubers.
One individual actually called out this hate
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She and everyone else who tried to talk about were silenced by the RWBYTubers and anyone speaking ill of the RWBY Critics were cyberbullied into silence.
R/RWBY cannot do anything about Dextixer except lick the shit from his boots due to the fact that every single RWBYTuber has his back, and that to deny his hate and/or his harassment of RWBY fans would be considered "toxic positivity".
Any attempts at trying to defend the show? Dextixer speaks, and R/RWBY shuts down the posts. Dextixer makes another giant post insulting the show, the fandom, and the writers?
RWBY mod cirrusvision20 literally said that they refuse to take down his posts no matter how many people protest.
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At the end of the day, R/RWBY mods are nothing more than playthings for R/RWBYCritics to harass the fandom.
After all? R/RWBY allows R/RWBYCritics to share posts to their subreddit in order to encourage harassment against RWBY Fans and the show.
Use other subreddits to teach people about RWBY. Do not insult, but educate them.
Show them that the writers were not bullied into writing bumbleby.
Show that James Ironwood was always a dictator.
Show that Adam Taurus was always evil.
Show them the Bumbleby build-up
But more importantly, remind them that if they don't want to see the RWBY Hate videos, there is always Youtube channel blockers they can look for online on google search to shut out the people with more SDE than andrew tate.
New Years is coming this Saturday. I hope you and everyone else gets to join some social or party with your friends to make the best of the end of this year.
God bless!
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sickslickman · 7 years
Fatman's comparing of the RWBY Volumes with the Star Wars films:
Volume 1: Phantom Menace
Volume 2: Attack of the Clones
Volume 3: Revenge of the Sith
Volume 4: The Force Awakens
Volume 5: Carrie Fisher's death
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knightofbalance-13 · 7 years
Legends tell of a day where three mighty warriors would finally come together on one screen to deliver the reaction video of a lifetime.
That day…has finally come.
Hold on, let me fix that...
Legends Nothing tell of a day where three mighty warriors A liar and his rip off would finally  hopefully never come together on one screen a site that’s famous for cat videos and screaming idiots to deliver the reaction video of a lifetime the video nobody but a bunch of dumbass who love sto hear their own voices echoed back wanted.  
That day has finally come....and as predicted, nothing good came of it while everyone jerked off in a circle while screaming at everyone else.
Yeah I would try to be clever...but clearly you don’t two brain cells between the two of you to rub together so I assume any repsonses will either be you lying out your ass of Fatass calling me a Nazi and a dogfucker again. And quite honestly: your debating styles bore me so sarcasm is all I got to keep myself entertained.
Come back when you got the IQ of a squirrel and maybe I’l find you more interesting.
P.S.: Unlike my usual stance: I fully encourage my followers to bring up their grievances with Fatman’s video.
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winntir · 7 years
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RWBY: No Safe Haven Blind Reaction and Discussion finale
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Fatmanfalling is a necessary evil.
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