#not sure if i'll finish seungmin's before his though
cheeseceli · 1 year
SKZ arguing over the bill
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Pairing: ot8!skz × gn!reader (individually)
Genre: fluff
Request: yes!
Warning: mentions of food, reader never pays lmao. Changbin, Chan, Seungmin's were heavily inspired by "Telling your Stray Kids boyfriend you can’t afford to eat out with them" by @ronnierites . If you don't allow this pls lemme know and I'll delete this post. Not proofread
A/n: that's kinda a new format, hope you guys like it! And this have been on my to do list since forever lol sorry for the wait
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Bang Chan
Doesn't want you to feel uncomfortable
But he wants to spoil you so badly
Would let you pay if you were uncomfortable but he wants to make sure you get it he would love to pay for you as well
"You know Chris, I can pay for it."
"I know."
"I'd rather do it. But thank you baby."
"But-" you stopped talking once you saw his card swiping. You truly should be used at this point "oh."
"Why do I feel like you're unhappy?"
"It's not that I am not happy, it's just that you always pay."
"It's my pleasure."
"But I don't know, I don't want you to think you're being pressured or something like that."
"Babe, I don't feel like that at all. Don't you worry. You're always doing so much for me, that's just a little 'thank you' of mine."
You gave him a little smile and proceeded to hug him, feeling safe in his warmth.
"I'm so lucky to have you."
"I should be the one saying it."
Lee Know
Bro you don't even spare a chance
He's paying before you even have a chance to take your wallet out of your pocket
I'm surprised you even try tbh
"Should we ask for the bill?"
"Oh, I already paid for it, don't worry."
You looked dumbfounded at him while he was finishing his food. You didn't see him talk to a waiter and you're sure he didn't pay for it before you two had your meal.
"What? When?"
"When we were asking for the dishes. Didn't you see it?"
"No?" you tried to recall the moment with no success "Why would you pay? I feel bad that you pay for everything all the time. I don't feel like reciprocating enough."
His eyes soften and a little smile comes to his lips while he watches you pout. If only you knew how much you did for him.
"Hey, look at me. It's okay. You already reciprocate with everything you do. That's already perfect"
He pays with the money, you pay back with kisses
Sorry but that's his boyfriend duty
He is physically incapable of not paying for everything
"Hey baby. I'm off work in 40 minutes. I'll pick you up so we can have lunch, okay?"
You were glad that for once you were on a voice call with him instead of being in a face time like you'd usually do. This way he didn't see the way your smile dropped so quickly.
"Um, I don't think I'll be able to."
"Oh? Why?"
"I'm kinda... broke right now. I haven't received my last payment yet."
"Okay? What does that have to do with anything?"
"I don't want you to be the one who always pays for our things. I should be able to pay sometimes."
"You don't need to. That's my boyfriend duty. You know I don't mind, I actually enjoy it quite a lot."
"Still bothers me though. I'd hate to not contribute at all."
"You can always cuddle with me and shower me with kisses. That will make me happier than anything money can buy."
Stop he'll be like genuinely so sad if he can't pay
He would let you pay if you were really insistent
But then he'll go like :( and you would let him take the bill out of pity lmao
"Hyunjin, stop looking at me like that."
"But darling, I can pay. You know it doesn't bother me."
"Just this once, let me pay, okay?"
"...Jinnie I really need you to stop that."
"I'm not even doing anything."
"Oh God" you sigh and let your head fall, knowing the man beside you won the argument once more "Fine. You can pay."
He didn't waste a second, swiping his card as fast as possible just so you couldn't have the time to change your mind. After he payed the meal, he took your hand in his and started to walk in the direction of the restaurant's exit with a triumphant (and really sweet) smile.
"I swear I don't get why you like to pay so much."
"My love should be treated as royalty, and that includes me paying for everything you wish for."
Bro is offended
Believes with all his heart that he should be the one paying
Tries to distract you when the time to pay comes
"Were you paying while I was in the restroom?"
"... perhaps."
"Baby. You know I like to pay for you."
"But you do that all the time."
"It's my way of showing love! If you ask me, I actually don't think it's enough. It's the least I can do."
He could see in your eyes that you weren't convinced. Unfortunately (for you), he only saw that as an opportunity to spend even more money. Maybe then you would believe him.
"C'mon, lemme show you a little bit of love. You can pay me back with thousands of kisses if that's what's bothering you."
He loves to pay.
If he could, he would pay for absolutely everything that you could ever want or need.
But if that's something which really bothers you, he will let you pay as well
Tries to do that "the one who invites is the one who pays" thing and fails
"Felix. Don't even dare."
He looked at you confused until he realised you were staring at the credit card in his hand, probably hoping that it could disappear before the waiter came back with the bill.
"C'mon, it's just a small lunch. I can pay for it."
"No. I invited you. I pay."
"Actually, if you think about it, I'm the one who suggested this place."
"Two years ago."
"Still counts."
"Not as an invitation though. I'm the one who asked if you wanted to come here."
Felix sighed, knowing he wouldn't be able to convince you of otherwise. If only he could.
"Okay. Next time it's on me."
LMAO sorry you're 100% not paying
Don't even try
Boyfriend duty pt 2 except he is even more dedicated somehow
"Why did you bring your wallet?"
"I wanted to pay for this one."
"... why?"
"You always pay for everything."
"And I don't plan on stopping so you can take your wallet away."
"Minnie, please. I don't want you to be the one who always end up paying for everything."
"But I want to. I wouldn't mind paying for every single thing for the rest of our lives. So you can't take your money away of my sight because I'm paying."
"For the rest of our lives huh?"
"Don't tease." But you didn't miss how the corners of his lips lifted once he thought you weren't looking anymore.
Rock, paper, scissors. The winner is the one who pays
It's funny and neither of you can complain about the outcome of it because it's technically fair
Except you always throw scissors first and never noticed it
And Jeongin doesn't have the heart to tell you
"We should change this game."
"No way" he said while giving the money to the cashier whilst trying to hide his grin from you "Not my fault you are horrible at this."
"Seriously though, I think you're cheating. It's impossible for you to win every single time."
"How does one cheat at 'rock, paper, scissors'? Besides, you won yesterday."
"After losing at least 50 times. And I got to pay for some ice cream. It's not the same as paying for a whole meal."
"Get better at this and maybe you get to pay for a whole meal one day. C'mon, we can have some milkshake now. Maybe you'll win this time."
You had a feeling you wouldn't though. He was sure you wouldn't.
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Reblogs and feedback are appreciated!
Dividers by @cafekitsune
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 7 months
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Pairing : Boyfriend!Kim Seungmin x F!Reader TW : established relationship ; reader and Seungmin have only been dating for like 3 months ; Seungmin is a sweetie ; slight angst but mainly fluff ; Word Count : 1.7k Request : L ☆ : I was wondering if you could pleaseee do something fluff and sweet (just like him) with seungmin idk if you want to throw some angst in there, is up to you. thank u very much. A/N : slowly but surely making my way through requests! I got an offer for a job interview (at the time that I was writing this, I'm sure that I'll post about it before this comes out though) I'm so excited though!!
“I want to take you on a date…” Seungmin muttered through the phone, his voice quiet as if he were trying to hide it from the other guys that he was the sweetest, cutest, softest boyfriend in the whole world. “I’ll pick you up tonight. Make sure you bring a jacket, it’s cold.” He finished the call rather swiftly, and you were used to calls going like this, it made it easier for you, especially since you couldn’t get enough of his voice and your mind would always go fuzzy whenever you listened to him. 
As soon as you were sure that the call had ended and the line was disconnected, you allowed yourself a moment to let out a squeal of excitement, clutching your phone to your chest and jumping around in the center of your apartment. Some people would say that you were overly excited considering he and you had been dating for 3 months already, but you on the other hand found no issue in feeling like every date was like the first date. It just meant that you liked him, and you hoped that he felt the same way. 
“Dinner was nice, thank you.” You whispered as you walked beside Seungmin. The sidewalks were busy, lined with other couples who had the same idea. You kept close to him though, your fingers practically brushing along one anothers, but they never latched together. 
“Mmhm…” He hummed back, glancing down at you and then straight forward once again. Sometimes it felt like he was getting tired or bored, but you’d calm that thought just as fast as it appeared, reminding yourself constantly that he chose you, and if he didn’t truly enjoy being with you he could leave whenever he wanted. “Are you cold?” He asked when he felt your body shiver, a particularly strong gust of wind making its way through the fabric of your coat. “We can get hot cocoa?” 
“Mm… I’d like that.” You smiled sweetly up at him, unaware that he had been looking down at you again until your eyes met, and you saw the blush on his cheeks darken, although you were sure he’d blame it on the chill.
Seungmin nodded, leading the way to the cafe, making sure to still stay close to you though as the streets seemed to become more and more crowded. “Do you want to sit inside?” He asked when you both finally got to the small building, which hadn’t been that far, but in the sea of people it seemed to take forever to get there. 
“Yes, please.” Your voice was so soft, he had to lean in closer just to hear you, the proximity had you both heating up and Seungmin quickly pulling away as he obviously tried to hide the smile that was pulling at the corners of his lips. “I can order the drinks while you find a table?” You offered, but he shook his head, sending you a knowing smile.
“I invited you on this date, I’m paying for the drinks. Go find the table.” He motioned towards the empty booth at the back of the cafe, and if there was one thing you knew, it was to not try to argue against him, you’d never win. It wasn’t from personal experience, but the other guys had filled your ears with many stories. So you made your way over, shimmying out of your coat and playing it beside you before sliding into the booth and watching Seungmin make his way up to the counter. 
As he made his way over to the table, you could see that his eyes weren’t on you, not that you minded, you didn’t want him staring at you, but it’s like his focus was on something else completely. When you followed the direction of his gaze, you saw that it was perfectly pointed at a girl at the table that was right beside yours. She was gorgeous, and while you weren’t usually the type to be self conscious, you couldn’t help but feel that way when you looked at her. She was there with her boyfriend, but Seungmin was definitely one of the most attractive guys you had found yourself lucky to date. That and he was an idol, you were sure that if given the opportunity, any woman would jump at the chance to be with him. 
“Be careful… It’s hot…” He said a little too quietly, it was more like a mumble, like his mind was stuck in some faraway land while his body was unfortunately at the table in this cafe with you. It felt like he was uninterested, he might as well just pull out his eyes and place them at the table with the other girl since he couldn’t seem to look away from her. 
“I can go…” You mumbled, your head lowering to try to hide the embarrassment that you knew was clearly written across your face. Truthfully, you didn’t want it to be a suggestion, you wanted to leave. There was no one in their right mind that would enjoy sitting across the table from their significant other who couldn’t keep their eyes off someone else. Maybe this was his way of telling you that he wanted to see other people, he was just doing it in the most literal way possible. 
“Huh?” He slowly turned to look at you, his head tilted to the side and his eyebrow’s furrowing. “Why?” The fact that he could still act so clueless, like he didn’t know the exact reason for you wanting to leave, was just a little bit agitating. “Do you want to go? I can walk you back to your place… I just thought that you’d want to spend a little longer together.” His eyes were now burning into the top of your head that had been lowered with embarrassment. 
“I… I don’t want to spend time with someone who just wants to look at other women.” Your voice was quiet, far too quiet, and you wondered if Seungmin had even heard you over the music that was playing over the speakers. “If that’s what you want to do, fine… But… Don’t invite me out on a date and do it.” You hated how weak you sounded when you called him out, it definitely didn’t sound as strong as you wanted it to. You probably sounded just as pathetic as you felt right now. 
There was a silence that filled the small bubble that seemed to surround the table that you both were sitting at. It was tension filled, and you felt queasy just from being in it a little bit too long. “What are you talking about?” He asked, trying to keep his voice as quiet as yours was, but his worrying had his voice cracking and rising in pitch, causing him to be louder than he wanted to be. “I’m… God, this is stupid…” He muttered, running his hand through his hair as he leaned back in his chair, his head tilted back far enough to stare up at the ceiling. 
“It is stupid…” You agreed, grabbing your coat and folding it over your elbow as you got up from the table, unbothered by the nighttime chill that you knew would be just outside the cafe doors. You were already heated enough, you felt like you were sweating. “Enjoy the rest of your night, Seungmin.” You gave him the parting words, trying to sound unfazed, but the lump in your throat was building and it felt like your air was being choked off. 
Seungmin wasn’t one to make a scene, and that’s the only reason he didn’t get up and grab your hand to pull you back. He wasn’t into PDA, he wasn’t one to really outwardly show his emotions in general, but watching you walk away had him panicking. “Dammit!” He hissed, grabbing both cups of hot cocoa and rushing out the door after you, trying his best not to spill them in the process. “Can you listen to me, please?” 
He had caught up with you, it didn’t even take him long, he was far better at navigating through large groups of people than you were. Sadly, he had caught you at a moment when it had been just long enough for you to have started crying. “I don’t want to hear about how pretty she was. I know how pretty she was. I know that I can’t be her, and I’m sorry. I’m sorry that you have to be seen with me and not someone as gorgeous and perfect as she was.” 
His eyes were blinking rapidly as he stared at you, his mouth agape, sharp breaths coming out in little tufts of smoke in the cold winter air. “Oh… No… No! That’s… You’re wrong.” He said, his head shaking as the words rushed out of his mouth. “I’m stupid… And I didn’t want to tell you because it’s embarrassing… I wanted you to think I was cool and… And I… I was looking because I wanted to know what to do.” Now it was your turn to be confused, your eyebrows lowering as you waited for him to explain further what the hell it was that he meant by that. “I’m not… good. I’m not good at dates, I’m not good at this…” He motioned between the two of you, sighing dejectedly, his entire body seeming to hunch forward with shame. “I just wanted to do it right… I thought if I watched them I could figure out how to make you smile and laugh and be happy the way she was with her boyfriend.” 
“Minnie…” You whispered out the little pet name that always flustered him when you used it, and this time was no different, his cheeks once again turning a light shade of pink when you said it. “You don’t have to study how other couples are on their dates. You don’t have to be like other guys… If I wanted you to be like them, I would just be with them. I like being with you though, because you do make me happy and you make me laugh and you make me smile. You’re perfect… That’s why I was so worried… I don’t want to lose you…” 
“And you won’t… You’re not.” He reassured you quickly, like his entire life depended on those words leaving his mouth and being heard by you. “I’m sorry I made you worry… I’m sorry I was so stupid… Can we continue our date now? I really wanted to spend more time with you… If you’d like. It’s up to you though.” 
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justwonder113 · 11 months
Showering Hyunjin with affection
Bang Chan; Lee Know; Changbin; Han; Felix; Seungmin; IN;
Summary: you just had to show your drama queen of a boyfriend how much you love him. word count:2.5k
Warning: lot's of kissing, reader is gender neutral, both of them are whipped, appearance of 3racha, predebut Han almost making an entrance, Hyunjin is drunk and a drama queen, overall soft stuff. Please tell me if I missed something
A/N- I'm back with another fic, this took me a while but I'm kinda really satisfied with it, I really hope you all like it. I will try to write the next part as soon as I can. I wanna finish these series as soon as I can, first of all because I'm all excited and can't wait, also I'm excited to try out new tropes, I was thinking of challenging one bed trope after this, with various different dynamics. The requests are open, if you want me to write something I'll gladly accept the challenge. Also feel free to share your thoughts with me, I absolutely adore interacting with y'all.
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After sighing for the nth time you finally forced yourself to turn off the shitty netflix show you were watching to spend time. You had nothing to do and were bored out of your mind, but not to that context to sit through another minute of this. It was almost 3 am and any normal person would be asleep by now, but here you were wide awake, feeling nothing remotely close to sleepiness.
You sat up straight after laying for couple of hours and boy you regretted it. The dizzy spell you got was nothing to joke with, maybe you should check your iron levels. Also your poor muscles felt so sore you would surely feel all stiff tomorrow. Your back was killing you, and, not to be dramatic but, you would marry anyone on the spot if they managed to massage the knots out. It was safe to say, you desperately needed some good spa day.
Speaking of marriage and partners, you were curious on how Hyunjin was doing. Even a mere thought of your amazing boyfriend bought a smile to your face. You couldn't believe you two were actually dating after pining over him for so many years. You sure were lucky tho, to have a sweetheart like him as your boyfriend. Your one year annivercary was coming soon and you couldn't surprise wait to surprise him. You've been planning everything for weeks now and you made sure everything would be perfect. Well you had to share some of your plans with him, so that you could plan your day together but you still had major card up your sleeve and you were sure he would lose his mind when you showed it to him. Two days, you only had to wait for two days.
You couldn't help but sigh, you missed him so much. Even though you saw him two days ago it felt like centuries had passed. This boy made you feel so many so foreign emotions you were never sure you would get to or actually could experience. He always went above and beyond to make you feel like the most special and cherished person, and the fact that he also did so even before you two started dating each other. He was always so sweet and gentle with you. You always felt like a hero of a romance novel. Also you adored how being with him was so fun and exciting but at the same time bought peace to your heart and mind. You might be rushing into things but day by day, second by second you were convinced he was your soulmate, your other half.
A sudden buzzing of your phone startled you out of your daydream, you were curious who in their right mind was calling you at this hour.
Seeing the contact name had you even more confused. Why would Chan be calling you at 3 am? You knew the boys were out having fun night for themselves. Did something happen? You hoped he called you for other reasons, because it would really suck if their rare chance of having fun got ruined by something unplanned. You sure hoped everything was okay tho. Quickly as you could you grabbed your phone and answered it mentaly preparing yourself to hear anything Chan had to say.
Chan's call of your name bought you down to reality from another spiral of unnescesary thoughts.
"Hey Chan what's up?" You tried to sound as calm as you could.
Chan cleared his throat, "I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" You quickly denied it," no I'm awake, what's up? Is everything okay?"
Chan chuckled and it made you relax a little, so nothing bad had happened, "yeah, yeah everything's fine , nothing to worry about, it's just your boyfriend is getting a bit fussy." You couldn't help but mirror the last word, you heard Chan chuckle. "Yeah alcohol must've got to him. We were about to go home, but he refuses to cooperate. He says he wants to go at yours because he as he quotes "misses his baby so much he can't take it anymore!" He dragged the words mimicking your boyfriend, you couldn't help but chuckle.
"Where are you guys, I can come pick him up." You suggested while searching for your keys with your eyes.
"No, no it's okay, we can bring him at yours. Binnie and Han are with me too so I don't think it will be much trouble. I just couldn't knock some sense into him, I told him to call you but he said his phone died. At some point he even ran towards your house or that's what he thought I had to tackle him before he could get lost. I don't think he can tell left from right in this state" He paused for a second, you heard someone talking but you couldn't hear anything, " I'm getting off track sorry, so it's good to bring him at yours?" You were full on chuckling now, what a silly little man.
"Yeah, it's totally fine. I'm sorry he's being trouble."
"No it's fine, it's kinda endearing to see him this whipped. All he talked about was you and how amazing you are." Your cheeks hurt from smiling this wide, God, you loved that idiot. "Okay I won't bore you anymore, we'll be at yours soon."
"Okay I'm waiting."
After finishing the call you made sure you looked decent enough for your taste and that your apartment looked neat. You also prepared clothes for Hyunjin to change into from his drawer and some water and painkillers for tomorrow.
It didn't even take 20 minutes for the boys to arrive. The second you opened your door Hyunjin tackled you into a hug, almost knocking you over, thankfully Changbin and Chan caught you two before you could manage and break your necks. You giggled at your boyfriends eagerness, before frowning when you saw how swollen and red his eyes were. "What happened baby?" You cooed at him and moved his hair out of his face. Hyunjin sighed and hugged you again, hiding his face in the crook of your neck. You heard collective sigh of boys and turned your attention to them, looking at them with confused eyes, hoping they would tell you what was up.
Han decided to break the silence-"don't worry he was just bawling his eyes the whole ride, crying how amazing and perfect you were and how there is no one like you." He said and rolled his eyes, you huffed out a laugh, you knew he had nothing against you, but he must have had enough of this. Hyunjin frowned and glanced at him, his hold on you tightened, you were not sure if he felt possesive or just couldn't keep himself straight. "You're just bitter cuz you're single!" Hearing your boyfriends grumble Han's eyes widened and for a second you were afraid predebut Han would return. "Oh I'm gonna beat his ass!" Han leaned in but Changbin held him back by his collar, Changbins gaze then turned to you and you noticed how tired he seemed. "Good luck, he's your headache now."
Chan looked at you" Do you need any help with anything?" You smiled at him and shook your head. "I can handle him. Do you guys wanna come in tho? Do you want something to drink?" After hearing the last word you could see all three of them shiver.
"We're fine. It's late too we better head home." Chan reassured you after glancing at Changbin and Han for their opinion.
"Okay, thanks again for bringin him. Tell me when you're home, it's really late."
You said your goodbyes and turned to hyunjin who looked at you with dazed, sparkling eyes. "Let's get you settled pretty boy." You took his hand and started leading him towards your bedroom. Hyunjin eagerly followed you, you were amazed how pliant he was being, usually he loved being a brat but he must have been too tired now to act so.
After helping Hyunjin get ready for bed, you quickly got changed too and got in bed next to him. turning to him you noticed that he looked at you with wide eyes, nowhere near sleepy now. You leaned in and removed hair from his forehead, "I thought you were sleepy baby." Hyunjin looked at you for a second or two and opened his arms, "wanna cuddle." His words were slurred but you still got what he meant, you smiled and immediately snuggled next to him his arms finding solace around you. Based on how content he looked, if he could he would start purring any second now. How was he so cute and lovable? You knew you were whipped for him but you could swear he looked extra yummy right now.
You spent couple of minutes like this, and based on his even breathing you were sure he was asleep now, but you were proved wrong when he huffed while glaring at you and then changed sides so that you were now facing his back. To be honest you were a bit dumbfounded.
"What's wrong sweetie?" You couldn't help but pry, you had no idea what could've brought this behavior from him. Hyunjin just huffed. You sighed for yourself, you had got to use the big guns. You leaned in closer, amused at how he tried to get away from your touch, as if he had much space to run off to, and soon, not really to your surprise you had him trapped in the corner of your bed. You wrapped your hand around his stiff body and leaned in closer so that you could sweetly whisper against his ear. " Please tell me what's wrong my love" you dragged his nickname as sweetly as you could knowing it made him weak in the knees, and it did break through him. Hyunjin sighed and laid on his back, you glued next to him, his lips were pouted and his eyes a little bit glossy, you rubbed his side to ease him into talking .
"You don't love me" he whined quietly, you expected to hear anything but this from him if you were honest. You blinked at him confused, trying to gather your thoughts, you were both perplexed and also hollering from laughter inside. He was so ridiculous sometimes. You took a deep breath and moved your fingers to play with his soft locks, Hyunjin immediately leaned into the touch.
"My love, I love you so much I don't think you can even comprehend it! What brought this up?" Your voice was soft, you wanted him to know how sincere you were. Hyunjin sighed and put his hand on your waist, successfully bringing you closer to him, your fingers migrated and now were gently scratching his nape. Hyunjin hid his face in the crook of your neck and quietly grumbled "you didn't kiss me even once since I got here, we haven't seen each other in a while tho." No matter how hard you tried you couldn't hold it in and started cackling, this adorable as hell drama Queen! He had you worried for nothing! You even thought for a second you did something wrong.
Noticing your shaking figure, Hyunjin looked up at you with doe eyes, and his pout deepened when he saw you that you were wholeheartedly laughing. "Stop laughing I'm talking from my heart here!" His comment made you laugh even harder. "I should've gone home, you hates me" noticing how sad he sounded you got reminded that he was drunk as hell and was feeling more fragile, you wondered tho if he would remember any of this in the morning? Was it too late to grab a camera? Pouty Hyunjin was adorable.
"I'm sorry my love, you know I love you the most." Hyunjin rolled his eyes, and you knew he was playing with you, his eyes glimmered with mischief, well, two could play this game. You lowered your voice so you sounded almost sultry "Why don't you let me prove my sincerity to you then? Are you gonna let me?" You carefully watched as Hyunjin's eyes widened for a second, the big gulp and careful nod of his head.
This was all the permission you needed, you leaned in and carefully sealed your lips together, your boyfriend basically melted against you. You just loved how soft and pillowy his lips were, you always felt like you could kiss him for eternity.
The kiss started out soft, with you gently caressing his lips, his hand firm on your waist, holding you as if you were going to go away. Everything went quiet, you could only see, smell, taste, feel, hear him and so much more, he was the center of your universe. It was just you two right now, you didn't care about anything else. You had one goal only and you were dedicated. Everything about him was driving you crazy, you were sure he couldn't even grasp what, or how much you were feeling.
Your kisses quickly deepened and apart from gasping for air from time to time you two were inseparable, like two magnets pulling on each other.
The second Hyunjin leaned back for a second for some air, you decided to continue your little attack on his jaw, then his cheeks, absolutely loving the feel of his soft skin on your lips, then came his forehead, his eyelids, his beautiful nose, his chin, his neck... You wanted to cover every inch of him in kisses, to show appreciation to whichever god or gods crafted him, to show appreciation that this walking perfection was yours, his soft sighs and whines making you go even crazier.
You littered every part of skin you could reach with kisses until your lips were so numb and buzzing you got afraid they would fall off. Although, it didn't sound that bad, knowing the last thing they did was to kiss the Hwang Hyunjin senseless.
Looking at him, he looked at you with so much love and adoration, his face and neck all flushed, his breathing was quick and shallow,his hair all disheveled, his beautiful hands held you so tightly, your heart started fluttering all over again. He looked absolutely breathtaking, you wished you could engrave this moment into your mind for eternity. You smiled at him and softly grazed his cheek. "Are you satisfied with my answer my precious?" Your voice was soft, Hyunjin gleamed at you and eagerly nodded his head, and the next thing you knew you were on your back on the bed, Hyunjin above you, hugging you as tight as he could, his lips softly kissing your collarbone. "Absolutely, I love you so much beautiful, you have no idea" he pressed another kiss on your neck and then your lips with so much love and passion you just knew your feelings were returned with the same passion and vigor.
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hyunniesgirl · 10 months
Another Love | Part 2
Summary: you've been hopelessly in love with Han since you were children. One night you confess your feelings to him.
Words count: 5,302
Warnings: a bit of angst
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
>> Masterlist <<
A/N: hello!! I'm really happy about the feedback I got on the first part, I got sick and stressed because of work that's why it took me a bit long to post this part, I'll try and be faster for the next ones. Spoiler: things will get more interesting on the next part.
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Han couldn't sleep, couldn't eat or even function properly since the day you left, it was so strange not having you around. He wakes up, gets to work, the boys make him eat something, they practice, then they eat something again because they know he's going home to starve himself in his pit of misery, then he gets home, takes a shower and goes to sleep.
He's always anxious, too afraid of losing you, every time he looks at his phone he's scared that a message from you will come saying you don't want to be near him anymore, saying you are not coming back.
He really wishes he could like you back, why wouldn't he? You're pretty, smart and funny. But he just never thought about you in that way, he's not sure why. You were always just his best friend, the one person that encouraged him to do the crazy things he wanted, the one person that got his back when things didn't work out, the first one he told when he passed the audition to be a trainee.
When he saw you at the party he was happy to see you smiling with other people, he was usually the one making you laugh but it made him relieved to see you were okay even if it was not with him.
It hurt so much when you ran away from him, he was already feeling bad but that made everything worse. So he drank more and more until he wasn't feeling anything anymore.
He saw the guy you were hanging out with, he was with his friends and you were nowhere to be found and even though he knew you didn't want to talk to him he went after you.
He found you outside, seated on the floor probably getting some fresh air or waiting for Hannah.
When you saw him he wished he didn't go after you at all. Everything happened so fast that he almost didn't manage to hold you before you walked past him running away again.
Han just couldn't let you leave like that, he was that desperate. He wanted to make you stay no matter what and he hurt you once more.
Was he even a good friend at this point? How many times can you possibly hurt someone and still be called a friend? He felt like trash waking up in the morning and remembering everything.
Chan insisted on coming home with him, he was feeling too guilty and too tired to protest, so he let his friend crash on the sofa.
Since Chan was there, Jisung should have expected a full breakfast when he got to the kitchen. Eggs, bacon and toast were waiting for him, but he didn't feel like eating.
"I feel awful, do you think I should go there and apologize to her?" Han asks and Chan shakes his head.
"She needs time, that's all you can give her now"
Han sighs, his anxiety going through the ceiling. He's lost, not sure if it's possible for things to go back to the way it was.
He could tell how worried you got when you saw him at the party, he knows too well the face you make when you want to scold him for not taking care of himself. So he spent the next week trying to get back on his feet, he doesn't want you feeling bad, he wants you to think the least about him so you can get over him soon enough.
So much happened during this time you were not with him, they finished their album and were going to Japan in two weeks. He wanted to show you their music, their new concept, the outfits, you always loved to see the clothes they would wear. You probably already know all of this, since you're living with Seungmin but he wanted to be the one showing you so he could see you smile and feel your support.
The group had gone to Japan, that included Seungmin, so he asked Hannah to stay with you in his apartment while he was away. It's nice spending so much time with her, there is this boy in her communication class she is absolutely sure will match perfectly with you, even though you already told her you don't want to deceive anyone, the thing with Heeseung made you feel bad enough. You know she's insisting on it because she cares about you, but you don't want to start a new relationship already on the wrong foot.
"I'm sure he's great, but I won't be going out with other people until I feel like I'll be able to get over Jisung"
"And when is that?" She asks frustrated, "I know a lifelong crush won't go away in a month but don't you think you have to meet other people and open up?"
You sigh, you just don't want to hurt anyone during your process of healing.
"If I find someone I like, I'll go out with them, alright? But don't set me up with random people"
She huffs, nodding, that's better than nothing.
Since Han is away, you take the opportunity and go to your apartment. You need some books, you have been borrowing Hannah's in an attempt to avoid going there to pick up yours.
There's nothing different in the house, you don't know if you should feel glad or sad about that. Although your life is turned upside down, things are still the same. You are sure you just need a little more time, things will get better soon.
You know that, because it didn't hurt as much as you thought going back to your apartment, you expected it would be much worse. Maybe it's because he's not there? That could be it but you have hope that the overall pain is gone, that it's not going to be so bad when you see him again.
Of course, as Hannah said, a lifelong love won't go away in a month, nor in two or five months, you're not sure even a year is enough but you can't wait until then, he's still your best friend and you miss him like crazy.
You're going to come back home when you're sure you let go of these feelings. Yes, it's going to be hard being with him but it's harder to stay away from your best friend.
So when you feel like you're finally open to meet new people without comparing them to Jisung and not feel like you're tricking them, when you feel like you can like someone else without feeling guilty, that's when you'll know you are starting to get over Han.
You take some clothes out of your wardrobe and put them in the bag with your books. Hannah is coming to pick you up since Seungmin let you use his car while he's away.
"Are you moving, ma'am?" Hannah asks, seeing your huge bag.
"A girl needs to be prepared", you answer and she laughs.
"Do you want some coffee?", you hum in agreement while turning on the radio.
You feel like it's finally peaceful in your head.
It's been some time since you visited your family, your parents call you every week to check on you and Jisung but when the holidays come you two have to go back home.
That's how you ended up in the car with him, it's not a long trip since you're going just outside of Seoul but it's still awkward.
This is the first time you're seeing each other after the party. The whole trip it seems like Han wants to say something, but he doesn't, he keeps stealing glances at you, opening his mouth and then closing again like he just thought it better to stay in silence.
"For fucks sake, just say what you want to say", you tell him minutes before your arrival at your family’s home.
He flinches, looking at you with puppy eyes.
"I wanted to apologize, about the whole thing at the party", he clears his throat, fidgeting in his seat.
You stare at him for a few seconds. Even though it hurts, the whole situation is less painful then you thought it would be.
When you received the call from your parents telling you to come home with Han on the weekend you couldn't say no, you don't want them to know about all the drama and before you could make up some excuse about Han's schedule they told you he already had agreed to go.
You exchanged messages with him, setting up the time for him to pick you up at Seungmin's place and you dreaded every minute of every day thinking about the moment you would have to face Jisung again.
When you got into his car, you felt uncomfortable. You made some small talk and left at that, hoping he wouldn't keep trying to talk. It's been two months since you confessed, maybe your heart is already accepting the fact that you and your best friend are just that, friends.
Of course it still hurts, you're not sure how you're going to feel seeing him with a girlfriend, but you hope it'll only get easier from now on.
"It's okay", you say. "You were drunk, let's not think too much about it"
"But I hurt you, again", he sighs, looking at you with a frown on his face.
"Yeah, you did", you sigh, "but you're my best friend and you apologized, I'm not going to hold that against you"
He parks the car, but doesn't make any movement to get out. Jisung is staring at his hands, holding the wheel.
"You're too soft on me", he mumbles.
"I know", you smile sadly, "it's just how things are between us", you open your door urging him to get out. You already can imagine your mothers making a fuss about why you stayed so long inside the car instead of going inside.
Your parents come out while you're going through the gate, your mom has a bright smile on her face and is waiting to give you a hug. It's good to be in her embrace again, her warmth makes you feel like everything will be okay.
"You lost so much weight, aren't you taking care of her?" Han's mother scolds him while giving you a hug and feeling you out.
"It's my fault, school is just crazy right now", you tell her, hugging her back.
"Nonetheless, you should eat", she looks back at your mother, "let's double the side dishes we packed for them", and your mom nods, going back inside with her best friend.
You take a deep breath, receiving a sympathetic smile from Han before he goes into the house. It's going to be a long day.
The lunch is somewhat calm, other than the dozens of questions your families ask to you two. About college, about living by yourselves, about Han's trips, how you stay alone and how that's dangerous, they ask about everything like they don't talk to you every week.
"I forgot the ice cream", your father says, slapping the palm of his hand onto his forehead and you can already predict the scolding he's going to receive from your mother. So you jump on your feet, offering to go to the convenience store to buy some.
"Go with her", Han's father says and he nods.
You wish he didn't, it's suffocating being so close to your best friends while still uncertain of your circumstances, but if you say you don't want to, they are going to ask why and having to explain that is going to be worse than spending the day with Jisung.
You walk quietly, looking at the houses on the street. Everything is still the same, other than some renovations made to the old houses there's nothing new. The convenience store is a ten minute walk away from your house. It's good walking a bit after eating so much, the thing you miss the most about living with your parents is your mother's food.
"Which flavor?" Jisung asks while looking into the freezer.
"My mom likes strawberry and yours like chocolate, let's take both", he nods.
"Oh my god, y/n and Jisung?" You hear that damn voice you can't forget even after almost 10 years.
You put on your best smile and turn around slowly.
"Hi, Haneul", you say, poking Han with your elbow, he's still focused on choosing ice cream.
"Oh, hey", he nods at Haneul, closing the freezer.
She eyes you two up and down and smiles.
"Are you finally dating?" She squeals and you can tell she's just being mean.
"No", you answer before Jisung can even open his mouth, he glances at you with a frown.
"I'm sorry, y/n, it seems not every teenage crush works out", she pouts, smiling even more now that she got what she wanted.
You watch as she turns around, walking more deep into the store and you grab the ice creams from Han's hands, going to the cashier to pay for it.
Haneul hated you ever since Jisung dragged you to go on their date in middle school, it's not your fault but you always guessed she blamed you for things not working out with him.
You want to cry, not because you're sad but because you feel humiliated. It's so frustrating knowing that everyone has always known about your feelings for Han, it's even worse to think one day a lot of your school classmates are going to see his wedding pictures with you as the third wheel as always and think of how much of a loser you're.
"How did she know about that?" He asks when you get out of the store.
"I don't think I did a good job at hiding my feelings", you shrug.
Han stops on his tracks, you only realize that after giving a few steps and you look back to see him staring at you with a confused face.
"Was I the only one that didn't know?" He asks and you sigh, you're not really in the mood to have this conversation.
"Our parents probably don't know either", you say and he huffs.
"I'm not joking, y/n! Why didn't you ever tell me?"
"What difference would it make if you knew?" You yell, finally losing it. You can feel the tears brimming in your eyes, but you won't cry, you were finally feeling a bit better and you're not going to waste another tear on this one sided love.
"Things could have been different, I could have been more careful, I could have told you to-"
He stops mid sentence knowing he shouldn't finish the sentence, but it's already too late.
"Would you have told me to move on?" You scoff, looking around to avoid the tears. "It's not that easy Jisung, this is not the same love you felt in your relationships that lasted three months", you know you're just being mean now, but you can't control it, not with all the hurt you're feeling. "I've been in love with you for years, don't you think I was afraid of that? Of you telling me that years of me pining over you were worth nothing?"
You turn around, "tell our parents that I met someone from high school and I'll be back later", you don't give him time to say anything back before you walk away.
After a few minutes, you feel the tears running down your face. At least you avoided crying in front of him.
Why does it have to be so hard? Why can't you just forget about him already? This process is taking too long and too much of your energy.
You sit in the park, wiping your tears and looking at the children playing. Everything was easier when you were at that age, you had no worries other than if it would rain the day you would go play with your friends outside or which present to give your parents on their birthday.
You look at your phone, answering your messages, your mother sent you a text telling you to not stay out too late but you don't think you'll be able to go back and stay in the same room as Han right now.
"Y/n?" You hear a strangely familiar voice, you look up and see a handsome man walking towards you. You're sure you know his face, but you just can't remember who it is.
He sees your frown and laughs.
"Jeongho? From middle school", he tells you and your eyes widen.
"Oh my god, Jeongho! How are you?" You ask and he smiles, he grew up really well. He's much taller now but he's still as handsome.
"I'm doing well, what about you?" He asks, sitting by your side, "are you visiting your family?"
"I'm great", you smile and nod, "yeah, Jisung and I came to visit"
What are the odds of you meeting Haneul and Jeongho of all people right after you confessed to Han? The universe really must be playing with you.
"I heard that you are living in Japan", you continue.
"Yeah, I came here just for the holiday", he explains, "actually, I come by pretty often to Korea", he clears his throat, looking at you. "Are you and Jisung a thing now?" He asks and you smile painfully, why must you answer this question twice in a day?
"No, still just friends", you tell and he smiles.
He nods, mumbling 'ah'.
"And… by any chance are you single?" He asks and you nod, feeling embarrassed. "Well, that's good news for me", he says, receiving a confused look from you while handing you his phone, "mind giving me your number? I'd like to keep in contact with you"
"Oh", you stare at the device for a moment, trying to process what he's saying. Is he interested in you?
"It's okay if you don't want to", he chuckles, "I'm just shooting my shot, knowing you're not with Jisung"
You laugh, releasing the air you didn't even notice you were holding.
"Yeah, sure", you type your number and give it back to him.
He stares at you with a satisfied smile before getting up.
"I have to go now, my family is waiting for me, but I'll text you", he says, flashing a smile and waving goodbye to you.
That was certainly unexpected, you would have never imagined you would meet Jeongho and he would still be interested in you. That lightens up your mood a bit, maybe this time you'll make the right choice and choose the person that likes you back.
You and Han don't share a word on your trip back, you don't want to talk to him and he seems too deep in his thoughts to say anything to you.
You finally can breathe when you get to Seungmin's, he's waiting with Hannah, beer and food, all you needed after this hell of a day.
You are in a lilac long dress, your friends are all seated in the first row. The church is full of people, some you know, some you're not so sure. You're happy, feeling your heart beat fast and butterflies on your stomach. Jisung is looking directly at you, he smiles with a proud look on his face.
However, before you can step closer to him, a loud piano sound starts playing and after a few seconds you recognize the wedding march. People stand up but they are not looking at you, neither is Han, they are all looking at the church doors where a beautiful woman is entering in a long white dress, a child walks in front of her, throwing roses in her path. The familiar round full cheeks make your stomach sink, why does that child look so much like Han? He doesn't have a younger sibling.
Then, it all sinks in, you're not the bride. Of course not, he's marrying another woman, a beautiful one at that. He's building his life and forming a family and you're just there on the sidelines. The bride steps in front of him and gives you her bouquet, smiling kindly at you.
You open your eyes abruptly, your chest is going up and down at a fast pace and your breathing is heavy, you're soaked in sweat. It was all a dream, a nightmare.
You sit on the sofa, feeling sore, all your muscles are tense. You can't believe you actually dreamt about something like that, your fear of always being there watching your best friend have his own life while still in love with him is taking over, even though you're trying to get over him.
It's two in the morning and you can't go back to sleep. It's better to take a shower and maybe go for a walk to calm your nerves.
The warm bath helps make you relax, but the memories from your dream keeps coming up on your mind again and again.
You text the only person who is probably still awake at this time and your phone buzzes seconds after your message is sent.
“To what do I owe the pleasure of being contacted by my most beautiful friend?” Chan's voice sounds on the other side of the line.
You chuckle.
“I knew you would be awake”, you tell him, fidgeting with your feet while trying to explain what's happening to him without humiliating yourself.
“I had a pretty bad nightmare and wanted to take a walk, maybe eat something? I don't know”, you whisper the last part and Chan sighs, he can tell you're not feeling well.
“Sure, I wanted to take a break anyway”, he says even though he's full of work to do.
You meet at a convenience store nearby, Chan's apartment is not far from Seungmin's since they can't live far away from each other, everyone lives close. You and Jisung did too- cursed man, coming back through your mind even though you're trying to think of anything but him.
“So”, Chan says, taking you out of your thoughts, “Jisungie told me you had a bit of an argument”, he tells you carefully, resting his elbows on the table you two are seated while he holds the beer can.
You sigh, of course he would tell Chan.
“Yeah, we just met someone from middle school during our trip and it ended up like that”, you explain after swallowing a mouthful of the hot spice ramen you have in your hands.
“I know things are not easy right now, for you or for him”, he says carefully, “but you're best friends, you have to communicate and talk things through”
“I guess”, you sigh. It's not easy to talk about Jisung, more so after the dream you had. You thought the worst part was already over, that you were finally getting over him. But it turns out it's not just willingness that makes things happen.
You wake up to your phone buzzing, you look at the time it's almost noon. You look through your messages and can't help but smile, Jeongho has been messaging you everyday since the last time you saw him. It's nice having this kind of attention, he's handsome and nice, maybe it's time for you to open your heart to someone else. The nightmare you had really terrified you, just thinking about it makes your head hurt and your chest ache.
Jeongho: good morning
Jeongho: I'll be in Korea next week, maybe we could have dinner together?
You: morning
You: yeah, that would be great!
You decide to give this a chance, it's not like it is going to kill you and Jeongho is well aware about your longing feelings for Jisung.
You're dressed in a red dress, feeling a bit uncomfortable, formal attire is not your usual outfit choice, but Jeongho set the date in a really fancy restaurant that you're not used to.
Of course you went to fancy restaurants before, the boys took you out often to celebrate their awards and new comebacks but since you always insisted on paying for your meals, they usually went to fancy but still affordable places.
Jisung always offered to pay for your meals, but you never accepted. If he did, you were afraid you would look too much like a couple and your heart might make you even more delusional.
“Good evening, how can I help you?” The receptionist asks and you look around, trying to find your date.
“Hm, hi. I'm here to meet a person, Kang Jeongho?” You eye the list on the counter to try and see if his name is there.
“Yes, mr. Kang is waiting”, he tells you, “may I take your coat?” He asks, gesturing to the long cover you have over you.
“Ah, yes”, you say, taking the piece and giving it to him.
The man gestures for you to follow and you walk behind him to the second floor. Jeongho is waiting at a table close to the window, he's looking at the view that you can see now it's marvelous.
“Mr. Kang”, the receptionist says and Jeongho turns around, giving you a big bright smile while standing up.
“Thank you”, he tells the man who nods at you and walks back to the first floor. “You look beautiful”, he tells you, pulling the chair so you can sit.
“Thank you, I didn't even know there was a second floor in this restaurant”, you say while watching him take his seat.
“Yes, they only open it on special occasions”, he says and you frown, looking around.
“You mean, they opened it so we could eat here?”
He nods, chuckling to your terrified face.
“What are you, the president’s son?” You joke, nervously, suddenly feeling absolutely out of place and underdressed.
“Not at all, you know my father and he's far away from politics”, he jokes back, “I’m friends with the son of the owner, he owed me one so I just asked for a favor”, he shrugs.
You look dumbfounded, who is this guy? Surely not the same teenager that looked absolutely heartbroken when you rejected him in middle school.
“What did you do for him to go to such lengths to pay you back?” You ask, curious.
“I introduced him to his wife”, he smiles, “he's madly in love with her, so this was nothing to how grateful he is to me”
“Oh”, you nod. That must be nice, having someone madly in love with you.
The waiter interrupts your interrogation to ask for your orders, you have no idea what to choose, but Jeongho explains to you each dish, asking if you would like something more spicy, salty or sweet and telling which one he thought you'd like better based on your answers.
“You know, you were my first crush”, Jeongho blurts out after the waiter takes the plates back to the kitchen. You feel your whole face hot, looking at him with wide eyes, “I'm sorry, I just thought you should know”, he smiles and you notice he has some deep dimples in his cheeks.
“I thought you asked me out in middle school because you lost a bet or something”, you put your hands to your cheeks, trying to ease the redness.
“I think you never gave yourself enough credit”, he points out, leaning his face on his hand while watching you. “You were always too focused on Jisung to actually see that I was not the only one looking at you with heart eyes”
You smile sheepishly, you knew your crush on your best friend was going to come up in the conversation at some point, but now that it did you don't know how to talk about it.
“Well, I found out not long ago that I was not as good as I thought at hiding my feelings”, you tell him, “apparently everyone knew that I liked my best friend—except him”
“Am I right to presume that you still have those feelings?” He asks slyly, your heart is beating fast, what if you tell him the truth and he says he doesn't want to see you anymore?
“Actually-”, you sigh, “I'm trying to get over them at the moment”
It's better he knows the truth, so he can enter this aware of your standing.
“Well, that's more than I expected”, he chuckles and you look at him confused, “I thought you were still hang up on him”
“I actually confessed”, you're feeling a bit more confident after his reaction, “and I was rejected, so I don't think there's much for me to hang on anymore”
“So, I'm sorry if I'm being too straightforward- but could I be greedy and believe I have a chance?” He asks and you're sure his eyes are wavering a bit, is he nervous? Did you actually make someone feel that way because of you?
“Yes”, you tell him, biting back a smile and blushing, he smiles at you sighing in relief.
He stands up and reaches his hand out to you.
“Then, shall we take a walk? I have a long way to make you fall for me”, he bites his bottom lip, waiting for you to take his hand.
This is it, the first step for you to get over Han Jisung.
Han sees Lia's lips move but he can't actually hear what she's saying, every word you said the last time, keeps sounding on his mind like a bloody curse.
What would he have done if he had known sooner? Would he have liked you back? Surely not, after all these years he didn't feel anything romantically related towards you, but that may be because he never thought about you in that way. Would he have told you to move on?
"Are you listening?" Jisung hears Lia say and snaps out of his thoughts.
"Yes, of course", he lies, giving her a slight smile and grabbing her hand to squeeze it.
"You're just… acting strange, since you came back from your parent’s house", she frowns.
"It's nothing, I just… had an argument with y/n and now she's mad at me", he tells a half truth.
"I'm sure she's going to forgive you", Lia says, sympathetically, "you're best friends after all"
Han nods, sighing.
He had avoided telling her the whole situation with you, it could make her insecure since you two live together.
There's something different too, he just doesn't feel the same way about her anymore, the burning flame and excitement he felt when they first started going out is slowly dying down and he just doesn't know what to do anymore.
All his previous relationships ended up because he was too busy, or because his personality didn't actually match with the other person, sometimes the girl he was dating just felt uncomfortable about his friendship with you, but he couldn't end years of friendship because he was dating so he ended the relationship.
However, Lia is different. She's great and confident, she doesn't care that he lives with you because she trusts him. She's calm, her personality is nice, she's nice. So why? Why is he feeling like this suddenly? Why is he wavering when it comes to starting this new relationship?
When he gets to practice after a weekend of resting, he is still confused, however, he's trying his best to stay focused on their new album, music is the only thing he is sure of in his life right now.
It's half past the time practice should start and Seungmin is not there yet, after one more song he asks Bangchan about it, he's starting to get worried, what if something happened to you?
“Oh, don't worry about it, he's just interviewing his roommate prospect”, Chan answers.
Han freezes. Then, that means you're going back home?
A/N: If you like what I write please reblog or let me know in the comments, feedback gives me motivation to keep writing.
Taglist(I won't be tagging people without age in their profile or blank blogs in my content)
@hhwangsmoon @weareapackofstrays @shycreationdreamland @adestayskz @skizmee @ca11me3mily @realviviboss @sofix-hc7 @seungminsapuppy @starsandrqindrops @its-hannjisung @redstayrosie @mae-is-cute98
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Stray Kids Reaction || You're An Idol With Narcolepsy
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⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - August 2023
Chan knew about your narcolepsy, he'd known about it since the start of your relationship since you'd wanted to get it out of the way. Some people you'd dated in the past hadn't been so understanding of it so you wanted Chan to know everything at the beginning of your relationship. The two of you were working on your collab that was coming up and it was safe to say it was stressing you out, which in turn made your narcolepsy even worse,
"Yn, I was thinking that tonight we could-" Chan stopped himself from speaking when he noticed that you were asleep on the sofa and he smiled to himself. Instead of waking you up - at attempting to - he reached behind you for the blanket he kept inside his studio and covered you up choosing to let you rest a little while.
"Sleep well, baby." He whispered before gently placing a kiss on your cheek and turning back to face his laptop, he could finish off some of the stuff while you rested it was no big deal.
Minho could already tell that you were going to fall asleep before you even did it, he'd noticed your eyes becoming heavier than usual so he'd made a plan to get you to sit down. He'd carefully found a quiet place at the party and sat down with you beside him, your head was now officially resting on his shoulders while you slept. JYP had a contract with the media that if anyone was to ever photograph you while you were out there would be severe consequences so Minho knew the two of you were safe right now.
"Are they okay?" Seungmin asked when he noticed Minho holding you in place making sure you weren't going to fall off him or hurt yourself in any way.
"They're fine, can you get the car to come around? I'll take them home." Minho said as he glanced at Seungmin. The boys were all used to this and while it had been scary at the start for Minho he'd learnt to look out for the signs of you about to fall asleep so that he was able to help you in any way that he could even if it meant finding you a soft place to lay you down for a bit. 
"Sure." Seungmin disappeared and Minho continued to hold your hand while you softly snored on his shoulder and he smiled to himself.
Changbin knew about your narcolepsy but he'd never really looked into it before, he took your word that you could randomly fall asleep or experience other symptoms but he'd never seen it happen. Until today that was. The two of you were in the middle of doing a live together and you were talking back and forth about your plans for the evening,
"We can go by and check out..." Changbin looked up from his phone wondering why you'd suddenly stopped talking and he was shocked to find you asleep on the sofa your head hanging low. Panic surged in him as he knelt down in front of you holding your face in his hands,
"Yn?! Yn are you okay?!" You whined a little as you opened your eyes to stare at him,
"What?" You mumbled, looking around a little confused as to why he was suddenly in front of you and not sitting in his chair like he was before.
"You fell asleep." He was breathing heavily and you nodded, rubbing the back of your neck a little embarrassed,
"Sometimes it happens, I told you about my narcolepsy." You mumbled as Changbin sat beside you,
"But you were talking..." He trailed off and you smiled weakly as you began to explain everything to Changbin about your condition as well as telling some of the fans who seemed to be just as confused by the whole situation.
Hyunjin was completely understanding of your condition and he had done everything he could to research your narcolepsy and learn what he could about it in order to help you. But none of that would help him with today though, You'd just fallen asleep in mid-conversation with the boys and now all seven of the other guys were staring at you in complete horror. 
"Do they do that a lot?!" Jeongin asked as he stared at you, wondering when you were going to wake up when you had suddenly just dropped off to sleep. Hyunjin gently lifted your head so you weren't slumped forward and he moved you to rest back against the sofa.
"Yeah, they're fine though. It's just their narcolepsy." Hyunjin then went on to explain everything while the boys quizzed him on every single thing that they could think of. By the time you'd woken up, the boys had finished with all of their questions and you'd cuddled and thanked Hyunjin.
“Do you ever do that on stage?” Chan questioned as you looked at him, You’d been pretty lucky in that sense that your narcolepsy had never gotten in the way of work on stage but sometimes in the studio, it would hinder some projects.
 It wasn't news to everyone that you had narcolepsy, in fact, it was pretty well known in the idol world since you were one of the first idols to come out with this condition and come out on top of it. You'd told your company that you wanted to bring awareness to everything surrounding your condition and they'd been nothing but understanding of it.
"So you just randomly fall asleep?" Jisung questioned as the two of you sat down on a shoot together. You'd been dating for a couple of weeks now but you'd only just decided to bring up your condition since he needed to know about it.
"Amongst other things, yeah." You looked at him nervously and played with your fingers, you'd been holding off telling him since you were a little afraid about it.
"Why didn't you say something before?" He held onto your hands and you whimpered a little,
"I was scared you'd judge me for it...t-then I realised you'd probably see it if you googled me so I needed to tell you," You shrugged before he hugged you tightly and promised you that he would never judge you for anything, much less something you couldn't even control.
It was a fan meeting event and it was safe to say you were more than a little nervous about everything that was going on, it was your first ever one and so far everything had been going well, you'd met so many fans and you were getting ready to have a break which was good since you could feel your eyes getting heavy.
"I'm a huge fan! I loved the last album, when will your next comeback be?" Felix heard as he stood near the edge of the curtain watching you but suddenly your head fell forward. Before it could hit the table though the fan caught you carefully and gently laid your head down to rest.
"Are they okay?!" Panic ensued inside the room as people began to yell out your name and a million different questions. JYP had hidden that you suffered from narcolepsy, believing it would be better for you and the fans.
"Yn has narcolepsy, and they're completely fine they just need to have a moment," Felix called out, people all staring at him as you were carefully taken backstage. Your manager came to join Felix on the stage as they both addressed what had just happened.
 It wasn't something that was hidden from your fans, you'd wanted everyone to know that you suffered from narcolepsy just in case you'd ever happened to have an episode in front of someone and JYP had agreed with you deciding it was better to be open and honest about it all.
"Yn?" Seungmin whispered when he noticed you'd stopped talking to the interviewer mid-sentence and the cameras were all still pointing at you.
"I think what Yn was trying to say is that they try not to let their condition get in the way of their job. I know that YN, does an amazing job at trying to keep on top of all of their work," Seungmin finished the question off while you leaned against him, his hand holding onto yours tightly. The two of you were talking about your condition in the work place and it just so happened to get caught on camera.
"Do you think it could ruin their job?" Seungmin shook his head,
"Not at all, as long as it's all managed correctly and you have a team of understanding people around you I think it'll all be fine." Seungmin smiled, proud of himself as the cameras cut. Everyone around you left but he stayed exactly where he was, letting you stay asleep as long as you needed.
There were people in the world that weren't exactly nice about the fact that you suffered from narcolepsy and they'd taken it upon themselves to ridicule you for it...or at least attempt to. None of what they did ever made you feel ashamed of your condition nor did it make you upset to see them "laughing at you" for it.
"Is that another compilation?" Jeongin questioned when he heard you laughing from your living room, you nodded and cast your phone screen to the TV showing him the compilation that was now there. It was all of the times you'd hit your head on the table or even fallen off a chair when you'd fallen asleep.
"I don't know how they think this is nasty. You clearly find it amusing," Jeongin chuckled as he cuddled up beside you, both of you watching in amusement at all the times that had recently been captured about you. It wasn't something you ever let get you down, your condition was something you couldn't change and so laughing about it was easier than dwelling on it all of the time
Tagline: @chiisaiblog @hanasonmi @sw33tnight @taestannie @acciocriativity @scarletemeterio @halesandy @aerastus @laylasbunbunny @critssq @btsiguess-kpop @meowmeowisdaname @imafivestarkpopstan @lost-leopard-beanie @djeniryuu @backintomykpopphaseagain @choisoorin
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felixsramen · 4 months
Yours Truly
This is part 32 of my skz poly fic. Its kinda short but I'll probably make the rest longer after Seungmin and Changbins date.
Warnings: Mention of sex
Previous<<<<< Next>>>>>
"And you're sure these aren't poisonous?" Seungmin picks up a cupcake looking at it. "If you don't eat the damn cupcake Min. I will hold you down and shove it down your throat." Minho tells him already have taken a bite out of his own.
"That sounds like a threat." Seungmin raises an eyebrow at Minho. Minho grabs the cupcake out of Seungmins hand and shoves a piece into Seungmins mouth. "Not a threat." Minho tells him with a smile as Seungmin chews the cupcake with a glare.
"Is it good?" You ask Hyunjin who has already almost finished the whole cupcake. "Great!" Hyunjin tells you before shoving the last piece into his mouth. Chan can only laugh at the chaos caused by the cupcakes.
Felix is leaning his head on Chans shoulder. Holding out a cupcake. "Try it. I think it's better than the last recipe." Felix tells him his eyes sparkling. Chan opens his mouth and Felix brings the cupcakes to his lips and Chan takes a bite. "So?" I.N. asks with a smile right beside you. "It's good. Better than the ones before." Chan tells I.N.
"Why won't you feed it to me?" That brings your attention back to the curly haired man who refuses to let you go. You can only laugh as Jisung pouts. Changbin passes you a cupcake. "Ignore him. He'll go away eventually." Changbin tells you grabbing a cupcake of his own.
"You hate me Binnie? You're my boyfriend. You should be on my side. If I want cuddles you should pout at her. If I want to be hand fed grapes like a king than you should be fanning me." Jisung continues to look at Changbin. Changbin rolls his eyes but places a kiss on Jisungs lips. "I refuse to fan you with a giant leaf. Plus you already convinced Chan to hand feed you grapes. Still don't know how you did though." Changbin looks suspiciously at Jisung.
Jisung shrugs. "Pouting and a lot of head." Changbin sighs shaking his head. "You and Hyunjin I swear. Head and pouting is your answer to everything." Jisung only giggles as he presses a kiss to Changbins lips once more.
"Don't act like you don't love it. You're always trying to choke me on your cock." You can't help but watch as Changbin turns red at Jisungs words. "Okay that's enough about sex." Minho tells the boys.
"You're one to talk. You were trying to fuck me against this counter just a few seconds ago." Seungmin scoffs out but Minho ignores his words. Hyunjin is behind Minho within a few seconds. Hyunjin whispers something into Minhos neck and places a kiss on his shoulder. You watch as Minho turns colors obviously affected by whatever was said.
Chan shakes his head. "Not in the kitchen again! If you're going to have sex please do it in a room! Preferably not mine." Chan tells them. Hyunjin presses another kiss to Minhos neck. "You're more than welcome to join us." Hyunjin looks up at Chan with a smirk. Chan grabs Hyunjins arm and Minhos. He starts dragging them both towards his room. You can hear a door click shut.
"Wow! Where's my invitation!" Jisung yells as he continues to hold you in his arms. The door opens once more to Chans room. "Come on Sungie! Lix? Innie?" Hyunjin yells and that's all it takes for Jisung to unwrap his hands from you and grab I.N. and Felix. Jisung tries to make out with Felix. I.N. however picks him up and thats all you can see before they disappear down the hallway and you hear a door click shut once more.
"Kinda feeling left out. Not even an invitation! Kinda rude!" Changbin crosses his arms with a pout and you can't help but laugh out. Chans room door opens once more. "You have a date! We'll make it up to the three of you later!" Hyunjin yells out once more. "Get in this room!" You hear Minho tell Hyunjin. You hear a thud and then the door clicks shut.
Your eyes go to Seungmin. He shrugs. "Probably pinned him against the wall. Who knows with Minho? So shall we go before we hear the actual sex part?" Seungmin asks you both. You laugh out and nod. However you hear a moan that sounds similar to Jisung. "Too late." Changbin tells Seungmin as he puts his shoes on and grabs the keys.
Seungmin sighs out and holds a hand out for you. You take it with a smile and Changbin and Seungmin lead you outside.
Taglist: @queenmea604 @lolareadsimagines @tinyworld14-blog @liv302 @jinniespuppy @stephy-nicole13 @freyaniobe @chansbabygirlsstuff @jkookiejiminlvr @hyuneyeon @sirenthalia @nagadiluc @tenshimara @leeknowleeknow @boi-bi-ahaha @shltsnglggles @tinystarsthing @armystay89 @baby-fairy-yas @haileybugulug @freckleboilix @im-sinking-in-mud @thatoneperson1911 @lmaouwu @greysweaters-blog @katrodriguez99 @3rachasninja @amararosesblog @1alesakura @m4gg13-g @vampcharxter @noellllslut @berryberrytan @junebug032 @vrslvts1 @jeongchaos @emyferra08 @stvrfir3 @feybin @mauvemelon @worcesheshestershiresauce @realrintaro @katsukis1wife @foliea @krishastumblernow @pretty-blkgirl @mrsseochangbin @nobody3210
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ihavethedreamies · 7 months
Hard to Swallow | Easy to Expert (3 v6)
Lee Yongbok (Felix) & Seo Changbin - Stray Kids
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Rating: M (18+) MDNI
Word Count: ~3.7k
Genre: Reader-Insert, Smut, Fluff
!!This is smut…if that much isn't clear you should probably leave now!! MDNI!
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns used, Swearing, Kissing, Lingerie, Multiple Partners, Oral (M! Receiving), Deepthroating/Face-Fucking, Threesome, Double Penetration, Anal Play, Sex Toys - Butt Plugs, Anal Sex, Changbin has a Big Cock (duh), Cockbulge (duh), Breeding Kink, Unprotected Sex (Bad Idea, Don't Do It)
Disclaimer: I do have the whole cock-bulge thing in this. I understand this could be a bit offensive to some who are on the heavier side (I am in that group as well). Sorry if this doesn't align with your body type, this is just a work of fiction.
Author's Note: This series has seriously devolved into pure filth. I am writing these one after the other and the clear decline in purity is obvious, helps you know whose I wrote when. This one is second to last, and might actually be a little better than the one before it but…we'll see...
PS. I wrote the first A/N before I wrote Bang Chan's, and now that I have...this one is worse.
Edit (8/25/24): I changed the text/chat pictures to just text.
-> Series Hub <-
-> Part 1 <-
-> Part 2 <-
-> Ver. I.N. <-
-> Ver. Seungmin <-
-> Ver. Hyunjin <-
-> Ver. Han <-
-> Ver. Lee Know <-
-> Ver. Bang Chan <-
I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on here my name and icon are exactly the same on the other site. Happy reading!
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"So, (Y/N) has an idea-"
"Okay, I'm in." Changbin didn't even let Felix finish the sentence.
"You have no idea what I was going to say."
"If it involved (Y/N), I'm in. What is it…?" Changbin put his phone away, leaning in as he rested his elbows on the table. No one else was in the classroom yet, but Felix still quieted his voice.
"She wants a threesome-"
"I know. But she requested you specifically."
"Me?" Changbin giggled like a child, "she wants me?"
"Okay, I'm going to send you an address. Go there and ask for the item code I will send too." The older guy pulled his phone back out and typed away on it. Felix furrowed his brow, a little concerned that Changbin already had something like this planned.
"Oh, don't worry. I've had this ready for the next girl I get but none of them would have fit. (Y/N) will though." He smirked and your boyfriend's phone buzzed. He opened the message and instead of saving it, he forwarded it to you. Felix had already given you his card so you could go buy a set of lingerie if Changbin agreed. He had planned on you getting a frilly pink set, but if Changbin had a request then so be it. He added after the forward that if whatever it was did not, please you, to go ahead with the initial set.
"Can’t fucking wait, tonight?" The man bounced in his seat, once again like a child. His mannerisms did not fit him, not with his build and bulk.
"I was thinking next week, but I can see if tonight works." Felix texted you the question as well.
🐤: Changbin-hyung said yes 🐤: Wants you to go here... 🐤: Location Sent! 🗺️ ☀️: ✅ 🐤: ...and ask for item #823. 🐤: If you don't like it just get what we decided. ☀️: Okay! 🐤: He wants tonight... ☀️: Hm, okay. I'll have to go to the other store to get a matching plug. 🐤: just use my card, I'll get him to pay me back ☀️: Sure thing! 💝
The address was not too far from where you were meeting your friends for lunch so you would stop by on the way home. When you got there and requested the item, the clerk came around the counter to assist you. It was a lingerie store you had been to once before, but never got anything. It was a little higher than your price range and you made sure to remind Felix to get paid back from Changbin. The clerk measured you quickly just to get your rough numbers so she could pick a good size.
"Please wait here." She smiled, bowing slightly then went to get the item. The place was bigger than you thought from the store front, and you wondered how the hell Changbin found this place, let alone to knew what he wanted you to get. The worker came back and presented the set to you, already hanging in a bag, she would have to just zip it up. You balked at the set before you. You were expecting black leather or even latex. Maybe red or dark purple? Fishnets? No. The lingerie looked like it was supposed to be for a bride, but it was a pale blue instead of pure white. When the clerk rang the item up you almost choked on nothing, and reluctantly pulled Felix's card out of your bag. Why the hell was it half-a-million won? When you checked the register, the set was listed as Mulberry Silk Bridal Lingerie Set. Really Changbin? Trying not to seem so awkward after you paid, you bowed as you took the clothing bag from her and scampered out of the store. You still had it slung over your arm when you walked into the much more familiar adult store you and Felix frequented. The cashier didn't even acknowledge you as you headed straight to the section you needed. You were supposed to get a tail that looked like a unicorn's, braided fake hair of pink, blue, and purple. There was also a matching headband, but it didn't fit the elegance of the lingerie. Humming in thought, you ended up going with a tail plug that was made to look like a tiger's, white with black stripes. There were matching ears and you used Felix's card again, the grand total being about 30,000 won. A much more reasonable price.
"What the actual fuck Seo Changbin?" you muttered, going to stand in the full-length mirror. You had prepared yourself, accordingly, slipping the tail plug in before you put on the rest of the set. The panties weren't the same kind that Felix and you normally picked out. It was a thong, not crotchless, and you had to fenagle it to accommodate the plug. You literally got out your sewing kit, luckily having a spool of white thread at the bottom. Carefully you ripped the seams out and resewed the thong strap so you could slide the tail through. You hated ruining such an expensive piece of clothing but at least it was just the thong.
Looking in the mirror you huffed, but had to admit you looked good, like a snow tiger. The top was a corset that luckily laced in the front and had short ruffles of silk at the bottom. The corset didn't have an attached bra, it curved to rest under your breasts though, lifting them up. That was where the support was because the bra was barely that, only the edges were actually silk with some boning, but the rest of the material was sheer. The thong was made of silk as well and there was a garter belt included as well. You had clipped them to the sheer thigh-highs after you extremely carefully rolled them on. There were ruffled silk bracelets that you tied on each wrist. After seeing the ensemble, you knew your black choker would be a stark contrast, but it ended up working well with the white tiger set you had. Moving into different poses, you looked yourself over in the mirror. In the background you heard the keycode being pressed into your door and the two men shuffling in.
"Wait!" Felix called, sounding annoyed and the heavy footsteps immediately halted.
"Take your shoes off," your boyfriend scolded, and you giggled softly.
"What the hell did you make her get?" You heard your boyfriend coming down the hall and stepped back from the mirror to stand at the foot of your bed. Changbin didn't answer, but he got to see when he entered your room.
"Shit." Your boyfriend sighed. He wasn't sure how to feel about it. It was clearly a bridal set, at least it wasn't white though. You did look amazing however, and he loved that his black choker pulled out the stripes on your tail plug and your headband.
"Fuck me~" Changbin practically moaned coming in to the room as well. He desperately wanted to scoop you up, but he held back. He was getting the privilege of Felix letting him fuck his girlfriend, he would hold back.
"Rules?" You prompted Felix who came to stand beside you. He glanced at your back to see the rest of the set and made you spin slow so Changbin could see too.
"Yes~" The other man nearly hissed.
"Rule One!" You started.
"No kissing her on the lips." Felix's arm wrapped around your shoulders, his index fingers tracing your pout. You sucked the digit into your mouth playfully which made him smile.
"Two!" you said when your boyfriend took his finger back.
"You have to listen to me." Felix continued and Changbin nodded in acceptance.
"Only I get to take her ass." Your boyfriend finished the prompt and once again got a nod.
"Valid. Probably break her anyway." The older man acquiesced. You had a feeling about that, and you still had never seen his dick.
"Fourth! No cumming down her throat." Your boyfriend held his fingers up. He didn't get a nod from that one, his friend's face hardening a bit, but you continued.
"Finally! You don't need to use a condom, but you can't come inside." You finished.
"Why?" He looked at you, his gaze less playful than before, his tone sharper. Felix was worried about this.
"She likes it too much, so only I can. In her cunt and her throat." The man next to you hardened his tone as well and Changbin scoffed. He took his ball cap off, throwing it to the side, shaking his head and running his hand through his curly hair. You watched enthralled as he unzipped his sweatshirt and discarded it too. His black t-shirt was so tight it was like he had it painted on and you had to admit your mouth watered thinking of finally seeing him without it. He was proud of his physique but only really showed off his arms. Your boyfriend rolled his eyes playfully as you gaped at his friend and began to discard his own clothes.
"I will follow your rules…" Changbin started, undoing and removing his belt, he threw it too hard and it left a scratch on the wall. He smirked at your gaze, slowly pulling his shirt out of where he had it tucked in but didn't do anything more.
"But I want her to swallow my cum, and I want to breed her." He asserted, pulling the shirt off so roughly you heard some seams pop. Your whole body flinched when you finally got to see him, and you didn't hold in your whimper. He chuckled cockily and Felix licked his lips in thought. He knew you would LOVE it, and that is why he wanted to say no. On the other hand, just because Changbin would cum inside you, that didn't automatically mean he could make you fall over the edge too. You cast a glance at your boyfriend, trying not to plead with your gaze. But holy shit did you want that. Before Felix metaphorically broke your dam, you had never been one for anything kinky, but now…To be double sure you took the pill and was even considering getting a IUD just in case.
"She has a creampie kink, not breeding. You can cum inside, she's protected." Felix agreed to Changbin's terms but added a caveat.
"Rule one was no kissing her lips. I'll let you do what you want, but you cannot kiss her anywhere. You can't eat her out either." You looked between the two of them, waiting for the other man to answer. He didn't love those stipulations, but it would be worth it if he could fill you up.
"Fine." They shook hands and Felix gave you a positive hum and you scurried forward, hands running all over Changbin's now bare torso. He was delicious and you desperately wanted a taste. He just stood there, letting you do as you pleased, just watching as you fell to your knees. Your fingers hooked in the loops of his jeans, which were hugging his thighs perfectly, and he sighed as your hot little tongue licked up from under his belly button to as high as you could go kneeling.
"Shit (Y/N)~" He hummed, not even helping you as you undid his pants, having to tug to get the denim to unpeel from his legs. You whined, letting him get the pants off his ankles and they were shoved to where his shirts and belt lay. Felix watched amused as started to kiss Changbin's thighs, as thick as your head. He chuckled as you nibbled his inner thigh before kissing the impressive bulge held back by his boxers. He hardened further at the touch and licked over the fabric as well, your cunt already pulsing at the thought of him filling you. Giving him a coy look he smiled, "Go ahead, princess." So, you did. Slowly, like unwrapping an expensive gift, you pulled his tight briefs down and off, his cock bouncing in the air. You gaped and he smirked. He was only half hard but…You swallowed hard, wiggling your jaw back and forth, wondering if you could fit him or not. Not any longer than Felix, maybe even a bit shorter, he was THICK. Changbin just watched as your hand came shakily to encircle his cock, your fingers unable to touch. You mewled, then wrapped your other hand around him as well, pumping them as you licked around the head. His whole body seemed to quake with his groan. When he was fully hard you swallowed again. Glancing back at your boyfriend who was standing near the bed, mostly naked himself, he nodded. Changbin grinned at the round ears on your headband and the tail flowing out behind where you kneeled. However, seeing you in the pale blue silk he picked out was definitely the best.
"Go on, princess." He urged and you breathed hard through your nose, adjusting your pose, opening your mouth as wide as you could. It seemed he wasn't that thick, but your jaw did still protest some. You moaned when the taste of his precum hit your tongue and he groaned too. Leaving one hand at the base of him, the other went to lay on his hip, sliding up and over the v-line of his torso.
"So good~" He praised as you huffed through your nose, tongue swirling over just his tip still. He knew he could cum alone from that, but he knew you could do more. When the plug inside you buzzed on you whined, and Changbin saw Felix messing with his phone. You focused, trying to keep your lips over your teeth and took his fat cock deeper. When the head hit the back of your mouth, you did gag slightly, not accustomed to his girth. He tasted amazing and you were eagerly anticipating him painting your throat white. You swallowed a few times, trying to relax the muscles, but pull back some to take a deeper breath. After another measured breath, you swallowed him back in and descended further. He groaned dramatically as your throat fluttered around his dick, you were gagging slightly, tears springing to your eyes. Despite the struggle, you still wanted desperately for him to fit inside all the way at least once. Pulling back, sucking as you went, he sighed, watching intently as you took another deep breath before going back down. You whined as you managed to get him completely in, swallowing over and over trying not to gag too bad. You had no way to get air in, so you didn't even try, but your nostrils flared as the tip of your nose touched his pelvis.
"Fuck! (Y/N)~" How bad Changbin wanted to grab your head and pump his hips, but he didn't want to hurt you. When it was getting too hard to last without air, you pulled your head back just enough that you could suck in more oxygen through your nose. Felix watched, amazed that you fit his friend's huge cock in your mouth. Drops of drool and pre splattered on the floor in front of you as you bobbed your head, letting Changbin's cock bury completely every once and awhile when you tolerated. Felix knew his friend had the stamina of an ox, but he looked close to cumming already. Of course, his sweet (Y/N) sucked dick like no other.
"Ah, I'm close princess." Changbin huffed out and you braced yourself on the floor. Felix recognized your stance immediately.
"You can thrust but don't go too deep till you finish." Your boyfriend instructed the other man. He nodded, and his strong hands went to your head.
"Ready?" He asked and you hummed, teary eyes meeting his. He swore under his breath and did as he was allowed, starting to pummel your poor throat with his cock. More tears spilled from your eyes, the obscene sound caused by your drool and his precum echoed through your bedroom.
"Okay, one, two-" Changbin didn't get the next word out before he filled you full, cumming down your throat. Your eyes rolled back, cunt clenching and you lost count of how many times you had to swallow to get everything he gave you. You didn't cum, but Felix wasn't overly keen about how turned on you did get. Just when your vision started to swim, Changbin pulled out and you swallowed a few more times. Your throat hurt, sorer than when Felix did the same thing. Your boyfriend came to you with a bottle of water. You gulped some down, the cool liquid soothing your throat but also helping wash down the thick cum still in your mouth.
"Fuck." Changbin huffed simply.
"You okay, love?" Felix made sure you nodded, letting out a hoarse, "Yes." You glanced to the other man and your eyes widened. His cock hadn't softened at all and was still covered in a thick layer of fluids. He stroked over it with his hand, smiling at the slick.
"Hurry up, 'Lix. I need her cunt." Changbin stared at you, his gaze fiery. The playfulness and glee from before were gone, covered by molten lust and you shivered a bit. With what he just did to your mouth, you were worried about your pussy.
"Come here, love." Felix led you to stand and go over to the bed. Changbin followed and as he got on the bed, sitting at the top in the middle. He leaned back casually into the headboard, motioning you closer. You crawled on after him and straddled him, your legs spread much wider to accommodate his thick thighs than with Felix.
"Who do you want inside first?" your boyfriend asked and you pondered a second. You could handle the stretch of Felix's dick in your ass easier and get used to it faster than you probably could with Changbin in your cunt. Because of that you thought the latter should go first. The elder man's cock was still painted with your spit and his cum, your core dripping so much, you knew no lube would be needed. He positioned you so the tip of his cock rested at your entrance. He grunted at how hot and wet you were, losing patience.
"Go." Felix gave him the okay and Changbin's hands on your hips led you down. Your jaw fell open, your breath hitching as he stretched you open. Felix wasn't small by any means, but everything about Changbin was girthy. You shivered as he filled you, not even fully inside yet, a small bulge protruded from your lower stomach. Your body shivered, breathy moans leaving your lips as he bottomed out. Your cunt fluttered around him, more of your slick dripping down to smear over his groin.
"Shit, princess." He chuckled, holding you to him when you fell forward. He could feel the plug in your ass through the walls of your cunt, and he hadn't even noticed it was buzzing still. You whimpered softly when the vibrations ceased, Felix coming up behind you. He wrapped his hand through the tail of the plug and pulled softly, easing it out of you. You sighed, letting out a squeak as Felix dripped more of lube onto your ass, smearing more on his cock. He couldn't believe the sight of your tiny cunt stretched over Changbin, trying desperately to hold him in. He was a little miffed that you were so close already, but he knew he would throw you over the edge when he buried his own cock in your ass.
"Ready, love?" he asked, thumbs rubbing circles over your hips. You let out a small noise Changbin couldn't discern, but Felix heard you loud and clear.
"Breathe." He didn't even have to lead Changbin to rub your back, helping you relax. Your boyfriend started to ease into you, and you focused on the hand rubbing over your spine, breathing hard. The stretch set you on fire, your cunt fluttering. Felix bottomed out and you twitched aggressively, and when he grinded slightly into you, you fell apart. He smirked, grunting hard at the squeeze. Your ass was always tight anyways, let alone with his friend's cock splitting you in half. Your teeth had sunk into the muscle of Changbin's shoulder, and he hoped you left a mark.
"I'm not gonna move. Fuck her ass full of your cum then I'll blow her back out." The older man held you close, your orgasm dying but you still shivered. You had no more strength. Felix made sure you were okay with it and interpreted your little whimper as a positive. He nodded and started with short but deep thrusts and Changbin grinned at how your pussy clenched around him, even able to feel your boyfriend fucking into you.
"Fuck, you're milking me, love." Felix's deep voice rumbled through you, and you whined.
"'Lix~" You moaned, and he huffed with a grin. Two more thrusts and you squealed as he painted your ass white with his cum. You came again, Changbin recognizing the clenching of your core.
"Ah, fuck…" Felix groaned, pulling out of you.
"Off." Changbin motioned to him, holding you closer and he scrambled to the side, still out of breath. He barely got off the bed before Changbin rolled forward, you under him, immediately holding you in a mating press. You squeaked at the move, your knees at your ears as his hands gripped your thighs, so tight you knew it would leave bruises.
"Hold on, princess." He warned you and you scrambled your hands, digging your white painted nails into the sheets. The headboard banged against the wall as he took his first thrust and your head fell back, nearly falling over the edge of the bed. You back arched, silent screams wracking your lungs. The noises Changbin were making sounded more like a beast than a person's and your head lulled to find your boyfriend. He was watching with slightly wide eyes, his cock already starting to harden again.
"Okay, princess, I'm gonna breed you~" The man utterly destroying your poor pussy made two more hard thrusts, then he pumped more of his cum into your protected womb than he did down your throat. You shivered, but you didn't cum again, still looking at Felix. He smirked at your gaze, nodded and you let yourself fall over the edge as well. Changbin noticed and marveled at the level of control Felix had over your body. You lay there panting under him, nearly blacked out.
"Don't let her go, 'Lix. I'll snatch her up otherwise~”
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Master-Master List
Stray Kids Master List
93 notes · View notes
hyunfilms · 1 year
blue side of the sky (lmh) | eight.
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♡ spotify playlist | series masterlist
—summary: waking up after 3 months with no recollection of your past, your friends do what they can to help you remember. except, they omit an important piece to the puzzle - afraid you would remember the heartbreak and hurt all over again.
—pairing: lee know x f. reader
—genre: (18+) exes to lovers, bestfriends to lovers au | fluff, angst, (eventual) smut
—word count: 5.5k
—chapter warnings: cussing/mature language, mentions of alcohol consumption (not by oc), very platonic slow-dancing with jisung, we hear jisung's feelings about the accident 🥺, a bit more descriptive details of the accident, more minho x oc interactions yay!!, flashback - kisses/probably err on the side of making out lol
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"Shit, I need to be at Yeong-Su's in the next five minutes or else my parents are gonna kill me." Jisung huffs as he struggles to get his tie done. You put your eyelash curler down to help him because you can't watch him struggle any longer. You step in front of him and take over, neatly securing his tie around his neck before looking up at him with a small smile. "Thank you." He lets out a breath of relief before looking at himself in the mirror once more. 
"You're welcome. You should go."
"You're gonna be okay?"
"I will."
"What are you trying to say?" Chan yells from their room, making the two of you laugh.
"You look beautiful, cielo."
"Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself, pachi." He smiles.
"See you guys down there." He calls out before rushing out of the room to meet the groom and the groomsmen. You finish curling your lashes, adding some light falsies to spruce up your look. You didn't add much makeup since you were going for a more natural look, but you were satisfied with how it turned out in the end.
You weren't entirely sure in the beginning, you hadn't done this in a very long time. It feels nice.
When you finally give your hair one last fix and spray a bit of perfume, you step into Chan and Seungmin's room, seeing them fix their suits a few times while looking in the mirror. Chan's eyes dart from the mirror to you, then back to the mirror before he's doing a double take.
"Wow, you look amazing Y/N." He turns to look at you. "And you were saying you weren't sure about the dress?"
"I just haven't dressed up like this in awhile, you know?" You shrug. "San said it was nice." Your hands brush down the fabric of the dress while Seungmin and Chan chuckle.
"San was right." Chan nods. "Though, I hope he knows we won't make it easy for him to weasel his way into your heart." Chan focuses on tightening his tie once more.
"Seriously, Y/N. You look stunning." Seungmin adds. "Ready to go?"
"Mhm. Ready when you two are."
"Alright, let me just throw on my watch and I'll be good." Chan says, snatching his Rolex off of the nightstand and securing it around his wrist. The three of you head straight towards the garden area, your eyes light up at all the wedding decorations. The venue was decorated beautifully with its sage, taupe and champagne flowers and tones.
You're pulled out of your daze when you hear a familiar voice greeting Seungmin and Chan, Chan glancing over at you once you've met the eyes of said familiar voice.
"Y/N, hey." Minho says, slowly eyeing you up and down. "W-wow, you look amazing." You look at him with a small smile as you also peep his outfit— a  crisp button up with a black tie, sleeves rolled up mid-way with nicely pleated grey slacks. It's simple, but it works well for him. His long, brown hair slightly drapes over his eyes, a silver watch sitting prettily on his wrist.
"Hey Minho. Thanks, you don't look too bad yourself." You chuckle just as Chan gently tugs at the gift bag in your hand.
"I'll go place this down at the gift table for you, alright? Gotta put my gift down too." You give him a small nod before returning your attention to Seungmin and Minho. They're chatting amongst themselves, and you find yourself shuffling closer to Seungmin as the crowd grows.
"You okay?" Minho suddenly asks. "Did you take your medicine?" Seungmin subtly bites onto his bottom lip while he watches your eyes shift upwards at Minho. Suddenly, Minho feels a little embarrassed for outwardly showing his worry for you. He knows this isn't the time, he knows he needs to step back. "Sorry, I—"
"It's okay." You give him a reassuring nod. "I did this morning. I appreciate the reminder, though." Minho simply nods in acknowledgement before Seungmin butts in.
"We should find our seats." He says, watching the rest of the guests settle into their seats. Seungmin's hand settles on the small of your back, gently pressing you towards the way to your seats. At this point, Chan re-joins the group and follows along, greeting some of Jisung's family members on the way over. Seungmin takes the seat near the aisle, followed by you, Chan and Minho. Just as Chan settles into the seat, Minho meets your eyes and his facial expression softens. The corner of his lips tug upwards into a tiny smile that you almost miss, and he doesn't necessarily peel his eyes off of you even as the pianist starts to play the entrance song.
You feel that look settle in the pit of your stomach.
"Oh shit, it's starting already." Chan harshly whispers over to you and Seungmin. The three of you stand as the pianist plays the song loudly, the bridesmaids accompanied by the groomsmen. Jisung walks down the aisle with a smug smirk on his face that makes Chan, Minho and Seungmin quietly laugh to themselves. Shortly following behind is another couple, then another— until the entire group passes and lines up at the altar. Once they've settled in their positions alongside of Yeong-Su, Yuna begins to make her way down the aisle looking beautiful as ever in her wedding dress.
You watch the way Yuna and Yeong-Su look at each other so lovingly in the eyes as they go through their vows, the tears still flowing down their cheeks— causing everyone in attendance to break into their own tears and sniffles. You wonder what it's like to be completely enamored by someone, to love someone so deeply and with everything in you; 
What is love?
Were you ever in love at some point? True, genuine love? 
Your eyes wander to the ocean just behind the venue, before they fall onto Minho again. But, when you turn, you find that he's looking at you already and his expression is unreadable. He is always unreadable, but it's the feeling you get that confuses you the most.
"Kiss!" Seungmin yells just as the crowd begins to yell along, making you chuckle. Minho is no longer looking at you, and he's snapped himself back to current times— back to reality.
The wedding passes quickly, with the reception following shortly behind. It's a short distance of a walk, the huge tent with champagne-colored drapes right around the corner of the hotel. The view of the sunset and ocean is clearer in this area, with the breeze a bit stronger [though it hits the drapes and decorations beautifully]. 
"Cielo." Jisung comes from behind, causing you to turn over your shoulder to look at him. "Are you still doing okay?"
"Mhm." You nod. "I was just about to to grab a drink."
"I can do it—"
"It's fine, pachi. I got it." You give him a toothless smile as you step forward to the self-serve area for the drinks; all the fruit-flavored, non-alcoholic drinks lined up in cute beverage dispensers with gold detailing. You help yourself to some of the strawberry mango concoction that's almost gone, waiting for every drip to fall into your cup.
"I'm nervous." Jisung whines a bit, watching as you wait for your cup to fill.
"Why are you nervous? You're going to be fine, Ji."
"I haven't sang in front of my family in such a long time."
"And I'm sure you'll do great. They'll love you. Besides, you'll have Seungmin with you." You finally bring your cup up to your lips while you turn to Jisung.
"You don't think my singing voice is icky, right?"
"Jisung, please." You chuckle and shake your head. "Your voice is lovely. Your family will love it." You give his arm a gentle squeeze. "Promise." He lets out a deep breath before he nods.
"You're right." He walks alongside of you as you walk back to the table, Chan helping himself to the salad and bread that was just served. The three of you engage in small talk over some food, while Minho decides to sip on his drink near the open bar area. He watches the way you laugh and smile, his gut wishing he was the reason why—
"Please tell me you're just taking way too long to decide which drink you'll go for after you finish that." Seungmin comes to his side, making Minho damn near choke on the cocktail he's sipping.
"Excuse you."
"Creep." Seungmin gives him a look and Minho glares at him.
"I was just people-watching."
"Like that makes it any better."
"Would you mind your own business, Kim Seungmin? Don't you have a song to sing soon?"
"Soon, not right now." Seungmin sips on his cocktail before digging his other hand into his pocket. "So, staring at Y/N?"
"I wasn't staring at her." Minho looks at him, but all Seungmin does is cock a brow up. "I mean I was, but like, I was just making sure she was okay.. from a distance. It wasn't too long ago when I brought her to urgent care."
"Was that hard?"
"To say that you care."
"She's still my bestfriend at the end of the day." Minho blurts out the first excuse that comes to mind even though he has no right to play that card.
"Alright then." Seungmin shrugs, half-understanding why Minho was acting the way he was, half-not-understanding why he couldn't just say what was on his mind. "Whatever you say, my guy. I'm gonna head back to our friends." He heads for the table with Minho following shortly after.
The remainder of the program goes by beautifully, with Jisung, the rest of the bridesmaids and groomsmen giving their thoughtful and sweet speeches. You've cried once or twice, especially when Yuna shares a dance with her father, and Yeong-Su gives his own speech to everyone before catering to his now-wife. There are special surprise performances from family, one being Jisung and Seungmin's performance— singing to Alto Moon's 'Mars.'
As soon as the dance portion of the night begins, Chan whisks you away to the dance floor, twirling you around before the both of you start to dance along to the song. Shortly, Seungmin joins along after he's found his way towards you two, then Jisung, Yuna and Yeong-Su. Minho joins the circle, laughing and enjoying himself across from you. Nonetheless, it's a good time and you find yourself having tons of fun with Jisung's family and your friends. You almost don't want the weekend to come to an end because you'll be looking to relive the entire thing all over again.
It's the first time you've felt alive in awhile.
"Hey." Jisung slips into the empty seat next to Seungmin while you two sit down for a break. "Please, help. I need a break from them." He points at his family. "They're killing me with the pictures." He tries to duck by Seungmin's figure to avoid people calling him over.
"Sucks to be you." You laugh at Seungmin's remark. "Jisung is over here!" Seungmin calls out, making Jisung punch him on the bicep.
"You asshole." He moves away from his seat to keep dodging his family, putting his hand out for you to grab when the songs begin to slow down. "Perfect timing! Let's go dance, cielo." Jisung brings you out onto the floor for a slow dance. You wrap your arms around his neck and he holds you around the waist, the both of you swaying to the slow beat of the song.
"Are you having a good time? Feeling okay?"
"I am. Thank you for bringing me along."
"Of course, I knew you'd enjoy it." He chuckles a bit.
"No, really. Thank you." You pull back to look at him. "You know, for always looking out for me and being there for me? For being patient? I know it might not be easy after everything that's happened. Or, I might not be the easiest to take care of, but you make life a lot smoother."
"Cielo, you're my bestfriend. I'll do anything for you." He lets out a breath. "When the accident happened, I was scared." Even if he won't get into too many details right now, it's the first time Jisung is really speaking up about the accident. "I couldn't help but blame myself because I felt like I could've done better. I spent nights trying to figure out where I could have prevented this from happening, where I lacked in keeping you safe. Why I didn't do certain things—"
"Jisung, that wasn't your fault."
"Still." He looks at you. "Maybe I should've prevented you from leaving that night. I should have made you stay knowing the storm was at its peak." You can't even remember the night of the accident, but your uncle had briefly mentioned leaving Jisung's. Why you were there, you weren't sure. Why you left, you aren't sure. But you hopped in an Uber, the driver losing control of the car when a drunk driver in the opposite lane swerved— causing the car to flip when you were only 5 minutes away from home.
It makes you sick to even think about it. That's one thing you don't want ever to relive, or have memories of.
"There are things you can't protect me from, pachi." You say softly while looking up at him. "Just as me with you."
"I just should've done better, Y/N. I could have." He clears his throat. "You were almost taken away from me. I'll never let another opportunity slip past me again." He looks at you as if it's the last time he's looking at you. But before the moment carries on, he pulls you in, hugging you tightly and warmly. He keeps you close, because that's what he feels like he needs to do from this moment on.
"I'm here, pachi." You softly say as you part from him. All he can do is look at you and nod, giving you some space as the next song begins to play. 
"I know." At this point, Jisung's mom comes from behind him and sweetly asks for a dance from her son. You hand him off, smiling at them right before you turn on your heel to head to the bathroom. Luckily, it isn't too far into the hotel. You can't wait to relieve yourself and freshen up a bit, giving yourself a bit of a break before heading back out to be surrounded by people and loud music.
Once you feel like you've given yourself a good enough breather, you leave the bathroom and turn the corner—
"Woah." Minho says, his hands immediately coming to your elbows. "Oh jeez, I'm so sorry Y/N." He says when he realizes it's you he almost ran into. 
"You're alright." You chuckle. "I shouldn't have turned the corner so quickly." He puts on a small smile.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I just needed a little bathroom break and a quick breather." You look past his shoulder to get a glimpse of the party. "Is Jisung still with his mom?" He shakes his head.
"No, but his auntie."
"Of course. I saw you and Chan with the aunties earlier."
"Gotta save them a dance or two, you know?" You giggle.
"How sweet." Pause. Silence. Minho observes every inch of your face, body— the scar on your cheek from the accident, and the one near your hairline. You're beautiful, and he doesn't even care if he's staring.
All that liquid courage, especially.
"You really do look amazing tonight."
"Thank you, Minho." You fiddle with your fingers. "I should let you get back to.. you know.." He lets out a small breathy laugh just as you see Jisung hurrying into your point of view.
"Please. Help." You read Jisung's lips and furrow your brows, causing Minho to turn over his shoulder and look at him.
"He always needs saving." Minho rolls his eyes, making you laugh at his statement.
"Are you gonna head back to the table after?" He nods.
"Yeah. But for now, I think you should get to Jisungie before he cries."
"Right. I'll see you later." You chuckle as you walk past him and meet Jisung, who is hiding from his aunties [again] even in plain sight. 
Minho is left alone to ponder on his thoughts, and he can't stand this.
Actually, he can't stand himself. Cause god, he was preparing to accept the worst. To lose you, to not have you around. To have something taken away from him so suddenly.
Then, that wasn't the case. But that's not the issue at all, no. He's happy and he can't stop thanking the higher power for giving you another chance at life. He doesn't know what he'd do without you, you were always important to him. Always will be.
Still, you are what he loves the most.
But he can't stand himself because he's here, acting like everything is fine. He was heartbroken when you didn't remember who he was, had no recollection of the memories you two shared— he fell deeper in this dark hole with Kat even though he didn't intend to. She just filled this void that he had, and it's fucked up of him to lean on the girl that messed up everything you two had in the first place. He couldn't help himself. But, what breaks his heart the most now is that you don't know, and you may or may not ever know. He couldn't dare to see you crying or hurt. Even though Minho really wants to be honest, he really wants to tell you.
You two have so much to talk about.
He looks at you as you hit the dance floor with the group and he's just not sure when or how to do this— how to even act around you because you're the girl he's always loved. You're the girl he imagined spending his entire life with. But you're also the same girl he hurt so, so deeply.
He's the one who brought you all this love, along with all this hurt, and he'll never forgive himself for it. 
He wishes it wasn't so difficult because when he looks at you, he wishes he could love you time and time again— like the world was due to end any minute now.
That's way too selfish of him, though. He's already been selfish once, and he won't dare to be that selfish again. He'll try not to.
Not if it hurts you.
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Jisung joins Yeong-su and the groomsmen for a little after party at a nearby bar, while Chan and Seungmin busy themselves with rounds of Mario Party in the room. You decide that you want to walk and experience more of the ocean, listening to the waves crash against the sand under the cool weather.
"I'm going to walk around the hotel."
"Wait, do you want one of us to come?" Chan's eyes are fixated on the screen in front of him as he furiously presses the button on the controller.
"No, it's okay. I just wanted to take a quick walk and sit by the water for a minute. I'll come back." You stand at their doorway and give them a small smile.
"You su— ah, fuck off dude!" Seungmin yells. "Are you sure, Y/N?" He repeats to finish off his previous thought.
"More than sure." You give them one last wave before heading out the door. After the wedding, you quickly took a shower and threw on some cotton shorts, a baby tee and a loose zip-up to protect you from the colder breeze at this time of night. You zip it up halfway, tugging on the zipper as you step into the elevator and head down to the first floor. It's still pretty lively, with guests at the restaurant and bar. Just as you send a text to your uncle to let him know you're okay, you do a double-take when you catch a familiar face sitting in the same exact dining area where you and Seungmin sat yesterday.
You don't say much, but you're quick to find out that you don't need to. As if his instinct told him to turn right at the moment, he does. He catches your eyes as he's about to take another sip, a subtle smile forming at the corner of his lips when you shyly wave. He sets the glass down and lets the waiter know he's finished, acknowledging him once more before making his way over to you. He smiles a bit, but you can tell he's nervous [partially tipsy, too].
"I didn't think I'd run into you out here." Minho says, making you chuckle as he continues to walk alongside of you.
"I wanted to walk around and sit by the water for a bit."
"Not tired?" You shrug.
"I am, but I wanted to get a better view of the ocean before leaving." You look up at him. "I could ask you the same."
"I figured I'd explore around too."
"See." You giggle.
"What's Chan and Seungmin doing?"
"Playing Mario Party." He chuckles.
"Of course." It's silent for a bit before the two of you head down the steps and finally hit the sand. "They didn't wanna join?"
"I mean they asked, but I told them they didn't need to. Don't wanna interrupt their session."
"They'll live." You laugh a bit and nod.
"It's alright." Minho catches you take in a deep breath before exhaling, biting onto your bottom lip as you slowly take steps forward, closing in to the water. It falls silent between you two, but it's a comfortable silence. You take in the view, while Minho observes you.
"So pretty." His head tilts to the side because yes, you are.
"Yeah, it is."
"I think I want to draw or paint this when I get back home." You quickly snap a photo.
"You should." You look at him and give him another small, toothless smile before sitting on the sand. Minho stands for a bit before he finally sits next to you— legs propped up while his hands rest on his knees. "How's all of that going?"
"I don't know. Better? Finally feeling some kind of inspiration to get back into art." You smile out towards the water. "I haven't done much yet. But either way, it's refreshing."
"That's good. How are the pottery classes?"
"Fun." You shrug. "Keeps me busy." You tuck your knees to your chest and look at him again. "I think I wanna work at the florist shop near Sunday Morning." 
"Really? That'll be fun, too." Minho chuckles a bit. "You sure you're ready?" You nod.
"Yeah, think so. I feel ready. San said I should go for it, too." Minho's smile slowly fades. Of course he did. 
"How's that?" He forces himself to ask, though he's afraid of the answer. Selfishly so. Here he goes, already failing with being selfish.
"Which? San?" You ask him, genuinely confused about the question.
"He's becoming a good friend. We hang out, we talk." 
"As long as he's good to you, Y/N." He's not even sure what direction that statement is going, but whatever it is— he truthfully and wholeheartedly means it. If San is what will make you happy, then he will let you be happy.
That's the most important.
"It's good company, that's all." Your arm brushes against his, but you don't react much about it. "Enough about me though, what about you?"
"I'm a boring person."
"Clearly not if we're bestfriends." You chuckle a bit.
"All I do is exist, Y/N. Truthfully. I just work, dance, cook." Minho laughs at how pathetic he's making himself sound right now, but it's true. It's all he does.
"Well, what about Kat?" He shivers a bit. It's weird how her name used to be like venom. Now, it's.. nothing?
"Kat?" He repeats and looks at you. You nod at him so innocently and it hits him how much the accident has changed you. Of course, not your fault. But it goes to show how difficult it's been having to adjust. "We— she— that's not really a thing anymore, I guess?"
"So, you two were dating officially?"
"No. Never. We casually saw each other but that's all." He swallows the lump in his throat.
"I'm sorry, Minho."
"No need." He chuckles. "We were never going to be serious. I just finally learned how to walk away from it. The hard way."
"I hope you really are okay." You rest your chin against your knees. 
"I am. Don't worry about me." It falls silent for a moment before you call for him.
"This is nice. I.. haven't been able to talk to you much, so it's nice to hear your voice more." He smiles before his head drops and he shakes his head.
"I know, I'm sorry. I just get occupied, and I always try to keep myself busy. Plus, I wanted to give you your space for a bit."
"I understand." You sigh. "This must be weird for you."
"No." He shakes his head. "It's not weird or anything. Don't ever think that."
"You feel distant."
"I'm not gonna lie, it's difficult because a lot has changed." He looks at you before tearing his eyes away. "I'm terrible at coping, and I'm terrible at dealing with big changes. All my own personal struggles, that's all."
"I get that."
"But I am sorry you feel that way. I know I should've done better, especially as your bestfriend. I haven't acted like it."
"It's okay, Minho. You don't have to apologize."
"I do. You deserve that from me." He looks at you again and his eyes soften. How he wishes he could pull you close, hold you, reassure you through a kiss on the forehead. 
He feels his heart sink to the pit of his stomach, so he shifts and focuses on the water, listens to the waves crashing against the sand.
Maybe one day, he'll be able to look at you for longer.
"I wish you didn't leave so quickly after you brought me home from the clinic."
"I wanted you to get your rest."
"Jisungie was there. I was looking for you. I wish you stayed." This is what makes it difficult. You looked for him. He feels like it's been forever since that happened.
"I'm sorry." He replies softly. "I'll make it up to you, okay?"
"You can by staying and not hurrying away next time." You feel your heart thumping in your chest, and you're not sure why you feel so shy, so nervous around Minho right now. The root feeling you get with him is unfamiliar, strange— falls into the category of known unknowns. But, one thing is for sure: you crave Minho's company.
"I can do that." You nod before letting out a small yawn into your elbow. "Maybe we should head back so you can sleep?"
"Yeah, I think the exhaustion is finally hitting me." You giggle, watching as Minho stands and dusts himself off. He puts out a hand, letting you grab onto his to help pull you up to do the same. "At least I got to enjoy the ocean." You turn to him as you start to walk back into the hotel. "Thanks for spontaneously joining me."
"Of course."
"Are you on the fourth floor too?" He shakes his head.
"I booked my room a little last minute so I'm on the seventh." He digs his hands into his pockets. "Is Jisungie back?"
"No. He probably won't be back until later."
"Hm." He hums as he presses the elevator button.
"I think we're getting breakfast tomorrow right? Us 5?"
"Mhm. If Jisung is alive." You laugh and step inside.
"True. He'll be a mess later."
"Do you wanna sleep in my room?" You raise a brow at him and he instantly retracts. "Oh no, no— sorry, I meant like, you can sleep in my bed— fuck." He groans. before gathering his thoughts again. "We can switch. So you don't have to deal with him later." You laugh.
"It's alright. If I need help, I'll call you. How about that?"
"Fair enough."
"I'm sure he'll be okay." The elevator dings when it his the fourth floor. "Thanks again for the company. I'll see you tomorrow morning?"
"Yeah." You smile. 
"Goodnight, Minho."
"Goodnight." His eyes are glued onto you even as you turn on your heel and walk down the hallway, the elevator doors closing in front of him.
Now, he feels empty.
He's left with another piece of his heart broken, left with the unbearing sadness and anxiety he feels every time you walk away from him.
How do you continue to love someone who doesn't remember you the way you remember them— who doesn't love you the way you love them?
"Ouch, fuck!" You whine as you almost slip on the dirt, making your way up the stupid fucking hill behind campus. "If I break my ankle or fall, this will be all your fault Lee Minho."
"You're fine! We're almost there, princess." He laughs loudly as he watches you struggle climbing up the somewhat steep hill. Minho holds his hand out for you to grab, giving you some leverage to tackle the dirt path. You squeal a bit when you feel him pull you upwards, letting out a laugh when you finally get your footing together on flat ground.
"All this for the tower." You dust yourself off and look up at the abandoned watch [fire?] tower nestled up in the hills behind campus. "So worth." You turn to look at the town's view ahead.
"Atta girl." Minho smiles and nods towards the tower. "Come, let's go up the stairs and sit up there." He swings the rusted, metal gate open to lead you to the stairs.
"We're not gonna get in trouble, right?"
"Baby, baby, baby." He says in a certain tone. "Are we really asking that question?"
"Well, I don't know!" Minho steps aside to let you climb up the steps first. "Campus security could see us from down there and catch an attitude about us being here at this time!"
"Then we'll just tell them we're not getting any younger. It's a must to explore what's outside of campus before we're thrusted in the real world." You snort as you reach the end, feet stepping onto the platform. It isn't an incredibly huge tower— quite frankly, it's tiny and you're not even sure why the dang thing existed in the first place. But, there's nothing eery to it at all. It's a nice spot to have these moments.
"A prophet. I am dating a prophet."
"Maybe." Minho laughs as he sits on the platform and takes a swig of his water. "Sit with me. Please?" Is all he says when he reaches for your hand and gently pulls you in between his legs. You sit contently, letting Minho lazily wrap his arm around your neck before planting a kiss on your temple.
"It's a perfect night." You look up at the dark, night sky, counting as stars in your immediate view. You feel your body into Minho's as he adjusts his position and holds you closer to him. "Thanks for taking me up here, love."
"Course." He gives you a small smile. "Just don't tell Ji or else he's gonna be pissed. He's been wanting to do the hike up here but I keep telling him I'm too lazy."
"Too lazy, huh?" You chuckle.
"Gotta make princess happy first and foremost." He boops the tip of your nose, making you slightly turn over your shoulder to meet his eyes.
"Hey, babe?"
"Hm?" He hums as he gently pushes the hair away from your face.
"What do you think life would be like for us in a couple of years?"
"Well." He lets out a breath as you lay back on him, the both of you watching the hustle and bustle of the town. "I'd be owning a café. You'll be teaching art, maybe opening your own little boutique for it. We'd probably live together, and I'll start stressing on how to propose to you as time continues to go on—"
"Woah, propose?" You smirk and playfully push him. "Is that so?"
"I thought we were looking at us in the future?"
"Cute. Do you think we're too young to think like that?" Minho shakes his head.
"Maybe." He presses a kiss to the top of your head. "But I'm sure of it. I think that counts for something." You let out a soft, breathy laugh.
"Yeah, you're right." You nod and lay back on him. "I like that. I like future us."
"Good." You scoff before laughing. Minho continues to stare at you, smile slowly fading when his eyes shift from yours, to your lips— back up to your eyes. "So pretty."
"It's nighttime." He shrugs as he leans in slowly.
"And? Can still see you perfectly." He mumbles just as his lips brush against yours— sending tingles down your spine. You subtly bite onto your bottom lip, closing in on the kiss. Minho holds the kiss for a moment before he inches back, coming in for another shortly after. This time, his tongue lightly glides across your bottom lip; his way of asking for permission to take the kiss a little deeper. 
And you let him.
You slightly turn to position yourself better, hand coming up his neck, jaw, cheek, just as he sucks onto your bottom lip and tugs it back. You let out a soft sigh, smiling into the kiss as Minho continues.
"Maybe—we should—" You kiss him. "Head back?" He nods, giving you one last peck on the lips. 
"Yeah." You prepare to stand and dust yourself off when Minho grabs your wrist. "Hey, babe?" You turn to look at him when he gets himself up. "I love you."
"I love you, too." You smile and kiss him on the tip of his nose.
☁︎ END
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♡ taglist: @ppiri-bahng @jihanlovic @meloncremesoda @sweetlikecherry @hoes4lino @skzddicted @skzho @edgaralienpoe @harui-zen @bestleeknowstan @havenwithleeknow @septicrebel @heesdazed @borahae-reads @yoontaethings @pearbunny @bintificreads @lukeys-giggle @ajxreads @everglowdaisies @allaboutsan @endzii23 @leeknowsramen @heres-your-ramen2000 @morningstardada @mal-lunar-28 @downbadreading @lilysophie @feelikecinderella @urmomma0324 @ddazed-lhs @djeniryuu @melanctton @i8rsie @maru-matt @sleepyleeji @taerifin @nattisbored @jisunglyricist @m111nho @drhsthl @nixtape-foryou @arminseas @guiltycoco @syuuji @sulkygyu @cadihyo @reianagarcia @leeknowyah @smndjdufuehr
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stayteezdreams · 1 year
Lost and Found: Part Two
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Plot: Your coffee "dates" with Seungmin have become a regular thing since your first meeting. This time, Seungmin hopes to initiate more, but things don't go quite as planned.
-Part One-
Pairing: Kim Seungmin x Gn!Reader
-Meet-Cute Series-
A/n: I hope you guys like this more than I do lol the creativity was not flowing as well as I had hoped 😣
Words: 1.5k
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Your eyes were cast upwards as you gazed at the white clouds floating past, as a light breeze blew through the trees. The leaves were beginning to change color as Autumn crept closer. You shook your leg lightly as a pleasant, yet nervous tightness sat in your chest.
Over the past two weeks, since you had met Seungmin, you had met up for coffee several times. Each time you learned more about each other, and became closer, now referring to each other as friends to other's you knew.
It didn't feel as though your friendship with Seungmin was a new one, instead it felt like you had known him for a lifetime. Though, you couldn't ignore the lingering hope that your friendship might become more.
There was an attraction to Seungmin you couldn't deny, and every time you saw him, the butterflies that rampaged in your stomach refused to dissipate. You weren't sure if Seungmin felt the same, and you hated not knowing. He was much better at hiding his feelings than you were.
You had accepted that being friends with Seungmin was better than not knowing him at all. So you decided to never let him know your feelings, until you were sure of his.
Seungmin's thoughts were very similar to yours, as he made his way towards the park where the two of you had been meeting. When he spotted you his steps slowed as his chest tightened.
You looked nice today, well, you looked nice every day, but something about today in particular made his heart beat a bit faster. Maybe it was because he had decided to finally ask you on a real date. Not just out to coffee or a walk around the park. Which granted, is what he was about to do with you, but, he wanted to ask you out on a proper date as well.
As you began to look around, your eyes caught on Seungmin and he realized that he had been standing still staring at you for who knows how long. When your bright smile appeared as your eyes lit up, he felt his heart skip a beat. He was really getting used to seeing the sight. The idea of not seeing it made his heart ache.
Making his way over to you, he couldn't help the smile that spread across his own face. You stood up to greet him and he almost ran over to you, but decided on a quickened pace instead.
"Am I late?" He asked as he stopped in front of you.
You shook your head, "No, don't worry."
"Good." He hummed as you both turned and made your way towards the coffee shop, both of you accustomed to your new routine coffee dates.
Though, neither of you called them dates out loud, you both silently enjoyed thinking of them as dates.
Drinks since finished, you and Seungmin continued to make your way through the park, talking about the last few days you hadn't seen each other, and telling each other about plans for the rest of the week.
As you mentioned your weekend was free, Seungmin repressed a smile. The weekend would be the perfect time for a date.
"About this weekend." Seungmin started, trying to keep his voice casual.
You looked over at him, and the soft gaze on your face calmed his heavy beating heart. "I was wond-" Slipping his hand into his pocket, he froze as he realized it was empty.
You stopped and gave him a worried look before he let out an awkward chuckle. Checking his other pockets, you noticed his nervousness was only growing.
"What is it?"
"My wallet." He muttered, realization hitting him as his chest tightened.
Your eyes widened, "Oh no."
Looking back at the path you had been walking down, you quickly started heading back, "I'll help you look!"
Seungmin began following you, his eyes scanning the path before you looked back a him, "Go check the coffee shop, I'll check the paths we took before."
"Are you sure?" He asked, guilt washing over him.
You just nodded, determination on your face, "Go!"
He nodded before running off towards the cafe, his eyes looking at the ground as he went, checking the current path he was on. The two of you had been wandering the park for about twenty fifteen minutes, going down various paths as you often did when the two of you were delaying parting from each other.
You hurried own the paths you recalled taking as worry filled your gut. You'd hate for Seungmin to have to go through the hassle of cancelling all of his cards.
As you eyed the area, you felt a sense of déjà vu as you thought back to two weeks prior when you had lost your journal and important paperwork. Seungmin had helped you find them then, the least you could do was help him find his wallet. Though, you prayed he had left it in the cafe, and and they would be waiting to give it back.
This hope was deflated however, when about five minutes later you caught sight of Seungmin making his way towards you, his eyes scanning the ground, telling you his wallet had not been there.
When he reached you, he just shook his head, a defeated look on his face.
"It's okay, we'll find it!" You said with a hopeful voice "We went down a few more paths, it should be on one of them."
Seungmin, though distressed, couldn't help but smile as you quickly began searching again. You were sweet, and caring, and he hated that what should have been him asking you on a date, turned into a treasure hunt.
"Thank you." He said after a few minutes.
You looked back at him with a smile "Of course. You helped me find my journal and paperwork, hopefully I can return the favor."
He let out a soft laugh, "That's right. I had almost forgotten that was how we met."
You giggled softly and Seungmin watched you for a moment, fondness washing over him as he suddenly forgot the stress of the present.
Seungmin began to dread the rest of the day, as he head accepted that he would be spending the rest of it cancelling his cards and ordering new ones. Then there was the hassle of getting new ID's, buss passes, etc.
Seungmin's spiral into dejection was suddenly sidelined as he heard you gasp. Looking at you, he watched a you ran up the path before swooping down to pick something up.
As you spun around, wallet in hand, you grinned and yelled out "I found it!"
Relief washed over him as he watched you practically prance back towards him. As a heavy weight was lifted off his shoulders, he admired your giddy face, and resisted the urge to scoop you into a hug.
Taking the wallet from you when you reached him he smile and let out a relief laugh. "Thank God!" You giggled softly and he met your eyes, "Thank you."
You nodded your head, "I'm just glad we found it."
"You found it."
"Guess that means I really did return the favor." You chucked softly.
Seungmin shook his head with a soft laugh as he checked to make sure everything was still inside. "What goes around comes around." He muttered as he put his wallet safely into his jacket pocket, before patting it a few times.
"I think that was enough stress for one day." You said teasingly and he chuckled.
Now came, what you assumed was the tense silence before you parted ways, both of you two afraid to suggest staying together. Seungmin would say he'd text you later, and you'd part ways. Later making plans for another coffee "date".
Instead, however, Seungmin cleared his throat. "You know, I was going to ask you something before, but then I got distracted when I realized my wallet was gone."
You tilted your head in confusion for a moment before you remember. "Oh yeah! You were saying something about this weekend."
He nodded "Yeah, uhm. I was gonna ask if you wanted to hang out again. But not like this! I mean, I've been enjoying our coffee d- hangouts, but maybe we could do something else? And for longer, maybe."
You noted the stumble in his words when he almost called your meet ups coffee dates. You resisted the urge to smile.
"You mean, like a...date?" You hesitate to suggest it, afraid he might reject the idea, but instead a shy smile crossed his face as he looked around shyly.
He nodded his head, "Yeah, I want it to be a date. If you do, I mean."
You nodded, trying not to break into an eager grin. "A date sounds great."
His smile widened as he nodded, "Great."
After a few exchanges of shy and giddy smiles and giggles, Seungmin began walking you out of the park, both of you late to start your days after he lost his wallet.
Your coffee dates, and that is what they are, would continue, usually becoming more frequent and including more than just a walk in the park. But you also went on many more "real" dates in between.
xx End xx
A/n: Sorry for the suddenly narrated and blunt ending, but I wasn't sure how or where to go with it lol
General Taglist: @otsilliak
Skz Taglist: @laylasbunbunny, @skz1-4-3
Series Taglist: @bubblesreplies, @halesandy, @why-am-i-sad, @sourmooonlight, @jaeheekangslover. @thesunsfullmoon, @ink-spilled-stars, @jisunglyricist, @marcillfll, @ultimatestayandminoronce, @3rachasninja, @raehawthorne
@screechingforthem & @chanceonceli <just realized you two changed your urls, so you may have missed some previous tags
Part Two Taglist: @important-business < you showed interest in your tag comment, but wasn't sure if you wanted to be tagged. Sorry if you didn't! :)
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silentcryracha · 1 year
That expression that he makes...actually all of them...do we have any thoughts? Bc I sure do damn 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
The link to the gif is this one 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
Oh nonnie, do I have any thoughts? My mind is FULL of thoughts actually. Got a small drabble idea so I'll write around it!
Warnings: definitely suggestive but nothing happens
Word Count: 839
Imagine you're watching your own reflection in the full length mirror, as you fixed your dress and hair. Twirling around and arching your feet to mimick the heels effect as you looked over your shoulder.
Then again, as you were applying lipstick to your plump lips your gaze moved from your face to the space behind you. Your eyes met with Hyunjin's ones, who have been watching your every move for the past five minutes.
'Am I entertaining?' you teased, closing the lipstick up and fixing the edges of your make up with your fingers delicately.
Hyunjin detached from the wall he was leaning against and slowly walked up behind you, his arms wrapping around your hips, pulling you flush against his chest.
You stood up straight, so that now his mouth was at the same level as your right ear.
'I don't find lipstick or hair entertainment per se' he spoke as he left a kiss on your exposed neck, 'But I do find them attractive. On you, specifically.' he continued, as you wickedly bit your lip, both to not chuckle or moan.
'Ah really?' you responded, one hand cupping his face while the other dangerously toyed with the leather belt on his pants. 'What do you think about the color, though? Isn't it too bright?' you continued, keeping it cool.
Hyunjin couldn't be less bothered about the color on your lips at that moment. He was nuzzling his nose in your hair, alternating languid kisses on your neck and exposed shoulder. As if your scent mixed with shampoo and expensive perfume wasn't already enough to make him go crazy, your hands wandering were making it worse.
And by 'it' it meant him getting hard as a rock when instead you two should be on your way to one of his best friend's wedding rehearsal dinner.
'Mmh, dunno' he murmured, still concentrated in abusing your neck. In the meantime, his arms, which were previously hugging you, were now back at his sides, with his hands stroking up and down your hips and thighs, effectively moving around the hem of the dress.
'Mmh' you hummed, purposefully more sensually than it was needed, 'I'm not sure either. Maybe I should try on another one' you took one of his hands, and for a moment he looked up confused, until he saw where your own hand was leading his.
And just like that his index finger was in his mouth, your soft and wet tongue teasing it. Hyunjin audibly gulped, afraid that he might've lost the plot, because weren't you talking about fucking lipsticks and colors like two seconds ago?
'My love wha- ' but you interrupted him before he could finish with his stutter, removing his finger from your mouth and with him a big amount of lipstick, too.
'I thought you would've liked to help me take it off' you turned around, facing him. Your eyes pierced into each other's, mouths so close you could feel each other's hot breathing.
Hyunjin's eyes looked dazed, like he couldn't properly function from how horny he was in that moment, which made you chuckle teasingly.
'If you wanted me to smear that goddamn lipstick off of you you should've just said it, my love' he smirked breathlessly, both his hands coming up to rest on the sides of your face, his fingers sliding into your hair.
But just as he was about to kiss you, a loud knock on the door made you both jump.
'Hwang Hyunjin now it's not the time to fuck, we're gonna be late and the bride is gonna kill us' you heard Minho yell from outside the door, a few snickers joining in, which you assumed to be Seungmin and Jisung.
'Shut the fuck up Lee Minho, we're ready'
Hyunjin had a dramatically annoyed expression on his face, that slowly turned into laughter as soon as you started, first. You stepped back from him, still laughing as you reapplied correctly the bit of lipstick that got smeared.
'Guess this one's gonna have to do' you say out loud as you reach to pick up your purse and him his elegant jacket. Hyunjin was shifting uncomfortably, trying to adjust his pants which had become a little tight in the last couple of minutes.
You brought a hand to your mouth, trying not to laugh. He looked up, giving you a side eye but also secretly trying to suppress his own laughter.
'I'm sorry baby, do you need a moment?' you caress his back as he stands up straight, clearing his throat and huffing. He was at the very least thankful that Minho had interrupted them before he could get fully hard, then he'd have a real problem.
'Yeah no, it's gonna be fine. The frustration, cold and walk down to the car are hopefully gonna do their job.' he joked, masterfully holding the jacket just above the 'interested' zone in a casual way.
'It's my fault for teasing, I'll make it up to you when we get back'
All this from a gif, lord help me-
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day 6 of asking for perv!best friend!roommate! seungmin :>)
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𝙈𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙣 𝙛𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙨
A/N: Yass finally finished feeling slayful fr. Also quick side note English isn't my first language, therefore if there is a spelling mistake, please point it out. Reblog, like, leave feedback and follow ;)
PSA: drink water, eat and take your meds! Put yourself first. <3
Tags &lt;3 : @bubblelixie @ashydoinwhat @abby-grace
Warnings: Best friend! Seungmin, Roomate! Seungmin, Masturbation, Getting caught in 4k, Switch! Fem reader( she was dom for like 2 seconds bro), Switch! Seungmin, Degradation, hand kink, finger sucking? idk, pet names ( sir, minnie, princess, whore, slut, baby). Seungmin being lowk in love with reader 🤭
Fuck. Life was crazy. That was one of the things you could say in confidence. Trying to balance work, your social life and anything else life brought you was difficult to say the least. You sigh, fumbling with the keys to your apartment door, eventually getting it unlocked and swinging the door open. "Min?" You called, no answer. "That's weird he's usually home by now." You thought out loud. Putting your bag down and running your fingers through your hair, groaning slightly at the feeling. "Minnie!" you called one more time. Silence. You walked down the hall to his room, curious as to where he was. Well, that was before you heard a moan. Your eyes slowly widen as you realize what's happening. You start to turn around, to give him some "alone time" before you hear him moan a name. Your name? No. You must've misheard, you listen in for another minute when he moans your name again. "Fuuck, Y/N. You're such a slut." He groaned out, heavily breathing in between words. As if life wasn't confusing enough, Kim seungmin, Your best friend, was jerking off to the thought of you. You shouldn't be wet. You really really shouldn't. But... Fuck.
Screw this. You open the door, raising an eyebrow and smiling as he rushes to get dressed, rushing out apologies. You stop him with a slight raise of your hand. "What were you thinking about, baby?" You questioned, knowing exactly what the answer was. His eyes shifted around nervously. "I don't know what you want me to say." He stated. You scoffed. "Pathetic. You're a pervert you know." You stepped towards him, trying not to smile when he stepped backwards. " 'm not..." He managed, though he didn't sound sure. "So why are you so hard, baby? If you're not a pervert why were you moaning my name?" You questioned, faking sympathy as he backed into a wall. "You turn me on. A lot." He said, suddenly gaining confidence. You whimpered slightly at his words. "Yeah? Fuck. How?" You asked, needing to hear him say it. "What doesn't turn me on? The way you groan when you eat something good, those stupid little night dresses that barely cover anything. Everything. Everything you do. "You're so hot princess...." He smirks, putting his hand on your waist. "Please... I'll be such a good girl.. Just touch me, please.." You looked up at him, trying to lean into his touch.
"Hmm.... You called me some pretty nasty things. I don't know if you deserve it." He said, acting like he was thinking about it. You put his hand on your ass, biting your lip slightly. "Anything. Just give me anything." He gulped at the feeling of your smooth skin under his hands. "I have a idea baby. You'll like it." He grabbed your hand, making his way towards the bed and sitting down, patting his thigh. You quickly start stripping, getting completely naked as you climb into his lap, cunt hovering over his thigh. He starts to kiss down your neck, leaving bites here and there, still groping your ass. "Go on, princess. Ride my thigh. C'mon." You slowly start grinding yourself on his thigh, leaning forward so your clit touches his pants, already leaving a wet spot.
"God, you're such a fucking whore. Fuck." He groaned, his painfully hard cock throbbing through his restraining pants and boxers. ".. feels good.." You manage to get out, eyes closed and mouth ajar. "Yeah?" He asked, his tone dripping with pride. "Fuck! Yeah! God, fuck-" You start to mumble out the only few words you could think of. "You close, baby?" He smirked knowingly, flexing his thigh to try and help you cum. "Yes! God, yes! 'm so close! sir, fuck!" He laughed at the new nickname, "You're such a whore. Getting off on my thigh. Pathetic. Cum, slut." He groaned, reaching down to rub your clit. "Shit! 'm coming!"
You started to rut against him desperately, tears welling up in your eyes as you came with a moan of his name, immediately after falling limp against his body. "Aww, is my princess tired?" He cooed, faking sympathy as he rubbed your back soothingly. "I want you to fuck me, minnie." You mumbled, still lying against him. He says, "Don't forget your manners, slut. It's sir." His hands trailing back to your ass, groping it as he speaks. " 'm sorry, sir. Please fuck me.." You begged, lifting your head up to look into his eyes. His cock twitches in his pants before he speaks, "I don't think you're ready for it baby... Maybe I should finger you. Fuck you open so your ready for me." You whimpered at the idea, nodding with a small smile. "Good girl, c'mere, princess." He lifts you up and puts you down on the bed, kissing your forehead before slowing trailing kisses down all the way to where you want him. His warm breath tickles you as you involuntarily buck your hips up towards his face. "Be the good little slut you are and stay still, yeah? I'll make you feel so good, I promise baby." He offered you a pinkie, an innocent gesture compared to what he's about to do to you. You take it in your, smiling.
"I'm your good little slut," You added "Only yours.He chuckled at your words, putting his fingers in your mouth to get them wet, which you happily did. You moaned at the feeling of his rough hands inside your mouth, reaching your hands up to wrap around his, making eye contact with him the whole time. His cock twitching in his pants at the sight, begging to be released out of its constraints. He ignored his own pleasure to focus on yours. He pulled his fingers out of your mouth, trailing then down to your cunt, fingers trailing your folds as he appreciates you. "So fucking wet, it's pathetic." He leaned towards you, taking your clit in his mouth and sucking gently.
You moaned, hands instinctively going to his hair, pulling the strands. He groaned, finally sticking a finger in, looking for a specific spot. "fuck, sir! so good. fuuck!" You moaned out dragging the last word out as he added another one. He angled his fingers up so he could find your g-spot, pushing on it everytime he thrusted his fingers back in. You moaned loudly, arching you back up, as you started mumbling out praises. "Yeah? Found it?" He smirked, triumphantly, knowing you couldn't form an actual answer. "Cum? Please? Can I cum? Fuck! Please, sir!" You opened your eyes to look at him, hair disheveled and eyes focused on your reactions. "You don't have to ask, princess. Come." He thrusted harder with each word, helping you finish. You came with a almost scream like moan of his name, thanking him as he helped you ride out your high. He kissed your sensitive bud one more time before he got up to you, "Think you can take one more, baby?" You nodded, reaching up to pull him down to kiss you.
He smiled into the kiss, tucking your hair behind your ear. "I'll make you feel so good, princess. So fucking good." He took off his pants, the bulge in his boxers outlined. "fuck, sir hurry up! I really want you.." You pouted, trying to grab at his boxers. "You're such a fucking whore. Can't even wait for my cock when I've already made you come twice? Fucking pathetic." He pulled his boxers down, aligning himself with your hole. " So pathetic. Fuck, please. So good, please!" You begged trying to get him to enter you. He scoffed at your eagerness, slowly pushing into you as he watches your face for any signs of discomfort, He doesn't find any so he enters you fully, groaning at the feeling of you clenching around him. "Fuck, princess. You're so tight.." He trails off, focusing on the pleasure. "Move, please, sir." You looked up at him, silently begging for him to fuck you. He smiled fondly at you, leaning forward to kiss your forehead before thrusting into you slowly.
"Fuck! Stop clenching, I'll come." He groaned, his pace quickening as he reached down to start rubbing your clit. You moan, tilting your head back. "Min, fuck. Right there, fuck!" He leaned forward to start sucking on your neck, making sure to leave hickeys. "You're mine now, baby." He smiled against your skin, the speed of both his thrusts and his hand quickening. "God, yes! Yours! Fuck, only yours, sir!" He groans at your words, grabbing your legs and throwing them over his shoulders to angle himself to hit your sweet spot. "Good girl, c'mon, baby. Cum." He managed, trying to make you cum again before he did. "Coming! Fuck I'm coming, Min!" You're legs shaking slightly as he helps you ride out your high, coming after you've finished. He leans down to kiss you, sweaty bodies pushed against each other. "I meant what I said, baby. You're mine."
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storytowrite · 5 months
When Fire meets Ice
Part 5
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Paring: Hyunjin x Felix
Genre: BL
Word Count: 3252
Warnings: the content in this story may be +18, please consider it before reading
Author’s note: That’s the first BL story I have ever written in my life. I hope you would enjoy it. It’s not a long story it’s divided in six parts. There’s no Y/N here. The story is about Hyunjin and Felix. I was inspired by one TikTok I saw in winter. Each chapter will be uploaded on Tuesday.
The next day, before breakfast, the young man was walking around his bedroom. He was nervous but at the same time curious. What was the Prince of Fire going to say? Why did he want to paint him suddenly? Would they reconcile the kingdoms? Will they rebuild trust? A lot of questions were crawling into his head.
“Are you sure you wanna go there alone?” Asked Seungmin.
“I have to. Besides, The Fire Prince is quite interesting.” Said Felix. “Okay, how do I look?”
“Ehm… normal?” Seungmin shrugged.
“Ugh, You don’t even care, do you?”
“No, Felix. I don’t. And I don’t think that inviting them here was the brightest idea of yours, you know? They are different from us and dangerous.”
“They are not that different, though… I think that they are just misunderstood.” Felix disagreed with Seungmin, looking at him with more stern sight than he was planning to. His advisor just sighed heavily.
“Allright, but if he does something you don’t want…”
“Yeah, yeah I’ll call you.” Felix rolled his eyes. “I’m not a child. And I should really go.” Was the only thing he said before he left his bedroom.
Felix stood before Hyunjin’s door. With a little hesitation he knocked twice and waited. It was really an early and chilly morning. Standing, covered by just the thin, white shirt and also white linen pants wasn’t the smartest idea of him. Especially when outside weather was just cold.
Waiting for someone to open the door felt like ages, even if it was just a few minutes. The door opened, and Hyunjin stood on the threshold, clad in a white bathrobe. His dark hair was slightly tousled and his face was a little puffy. He looked as if he just woke up, but at the same time Felix couldn’t take his eyes from him. The young King smiled slightly at the sight and cleared his throat before he spoke.
“Am I too early? If you want to sleep more I’ll come later and…” His deep voice was soft.
“No, no… You are perfectly on time, come in, your highness.” Hunjin winked towards Felix and let him into the bedroom. “Please, take a seat on the sofa. Give me a second. I'll do my morning routine and come to you as soon as I finish.”
“Yeah, no problem.” Said Felix and sat straight on the furniture, waiting for the Prince. It felt weird to him. He didn’t know what to do. Hyunjin’s aura was just something that he couldn’t name just yet. But it was really intimidating.
“Okay, I am back.” Said Hyunjin, smiling softly towards Felix. “I am sorry you had to wait for that long. My morning routine is quite long.”
“No need to be sorry Hyunjin, that’s okay.” Felix answered, smiling at Hyunjn.
“Should we start then?” Asked the taller man.
“Yeah… What should I do?” Felix asked, looking at Hyunjin a little confused. “That’s the first time someone wants to paint me…” The young King scratched his back a little.
“Ah yes… Well I would like to paint you on the balcony. I know that it’s not that cold outside… I asked Changin to move the chaise lounge there so I would like you to just sit there comfortably. The sun is perfect now and the view from the balcony is stunning, so with you on the first plan it would be a masterpiece. Is it alright with you, Felix?”
“Yes, yes, that sounds good… Okay let’s go to the balcony then.” Both men went from the room. The weather was indeed nice. In fact, it wasn’t as cold as it was inside the palace. Felix sat comfortably on the chaise lounge, stretching his legs. At the same time Hyunjin collected all his paints and prepared the stand.
“Perfect.” Was the only thing Hyunjin said before he started painting Felix.
The young king admired the artist working on his masterpiece. He did not dare to disturb him with a word. Watching Hyunjin paint was something unusual for him. The Prince of Fire looked stunning, concentrating to render even the smallest details as well as possible. Felix enjoyed the moment he spent with Hyunjin, even if the moment was devoid of any conversation.
Minute by minute, hour by hour, Hyunjin was working on his art and the model was sitting in complete silence and without any movement. Felix, just like a sculpture, didn't dare to move. He started to daydream and got lost in the thoughts. On the other side Hyunjin was too focused to stop. The whole situation felt almost intimate.
“So…” Hyunjin broke the silence. “I’m almost done. Come and see it.”
Felix stood up and quickly approached Hyunin, to see the result of his work. He was impressed by what details he had managed to capture. Felix did not expect Hyunjin to be so good with a brush. The Prince of Fire impressed him tremendously.
“W-wow… This painting is beautiful… I can’t even find the proper words to describe how amazing it looks.” Felix was amused.
“Thank you, your highness… I just had the perfect model” Hyunjin winked towards Felix and put the brush aside. “Okay. I have to finish the landscape behind, but I’ll do it later… Now, we can talk. I bet you must have felt bored, just sitting there.”
“No, no it wasn’t boring at all. I was admiring the artist working on his masterpiece.” Felix smiled politely.
“You are indeed cute.” Hyunjin chuckled a little. “But I promised to tell you the story between our kingdoms. What do you want to know?”
“Uhm… Everything I guess.” Felix blushed a little at Hyunjin’s compliment. “I actually don’t know anything…”
“Oh, don’t you guys study history here?”
“We do… But unfortunately my dad didn’t want me to learn about what happened. All I know is that the Fire Kingdom is just evil, and that you are one of the worst men walking on the globe. I mean I don’t agree with that, but that's what I’ve heard.”
“Ah yeah, the propaganda.” Hyunjin rolled his eyes. “Our kingdoms were at peace once… Your father and my father were on good terms. But everything had changed before I was even born. I don’t know exactly what happened, but later my parents died in that carriage accident and I became the ruler and your father wasn’t pleased about that. I know that he wanted to incorporate my kingdom into his. And well, we believe that your father was behind my parents’ death…”
“That’s impossible. My father would never…” Felix started, feeling the urge to defend his late father.
“Yeah, yeah, your dad would never do such a thing.” Hyunjin once again rolled his eyes. “But he did, period.”
“But it’s not…”
“Felix please. He did that and I know it.” The Prince of Fire started to be annoyed. “But that’s the past. So let’s not talk about it.”
“We have to talk about it, though. You know, if we don’t talk about history we won’t be able to understand it. I would like to have an agreement between our kingdoms. But we must not forget the past.”
“I don’t care about the past, Felix. What I do care about is the future.” Said Hyunjin firmly. “So let’s focus on the future, okay? What kind of agreement do you want to have?”
“Hm… I didn’t think about that to be honest. I’m not sure… We should have some trade agreements, but I want to create something, you know, some kind of union I guess.”
“Some kind of union, you guess…” Hyunjin chuckled. “Oh sweetheart, you most definitely don’t know what to do, do you? Poor you little thing.” Hyunjin's voice changed slightly. He was looking at Felix with his siren eyes penetratingly. The young king suddenly started to feel very, very small. In fact he was a little smaller than Hyunjin, but looking into the Prince’s eyes was something else. Something that Felix couldn’t name just yet. He felt small and uncertain. “You are cute.” Hyunjin said, which made Felix blink.
“Why are you so sudden…” The King started but was interrupted.
“Because I am speaking the language of facts. Besides, seeing how scared and uncertain you are is both funny and charming.” Hyunjin’s hand slowly caressed Felix’s arm. The young King shivered a little. He felt nervous but at the same time something electric was in this touch.
“Ehm… Perhaps, would you like to join me on the ride?” Felix cleared his throat and changed the topic. “You know, just to see the landscape in…”
“Yes, I would love to. Give me about ten minutes, and I’ll meet you at the stables, my king.” Hyunjin immediately agreed.
“Perfect. See you then.” Felix bowed a little before the Prince and quickly left his bedroom.
The stables were close to the main building of the palace. Here also the marble and gold was visible everywhere. After ten minutes Hyunjin showed up before the large, heavy door, waiting for Felix. The Young King didn’t hurry.
The Prince of Fire sighed quietly. His long hair was tied in a small ponytail so that some of it fell freely to his shoulders. He tucked his white shirt slightly carelessly behind the waistband of his black, tight-fitting pants. On his shoulders was a warm black sheepskin jacket, and on his feet were high riding boots. He was ready for a ride.
After another five minutes The Young King finally showed up. Hyunjin seeing Felix blinked in absolute amazement. The young King was wearing matching white pants with a matching white coat. His shoes were also tall, just like Hyunjin's, but like the rest of his outfit - white. Hyunjin already liked ‘the view’.
“Wow… you look stunning.” The Prince of Fire said when the King stopped in front of him. “Actually no, you look gorgeous!”
“Thank you.” Felix smiled brightly. “You look gorgeous too… So, are you ready for a ride?”
“I was born ready.” Hyunjin winked towards Felix, which made the King blush slightly.
“Perfect… I’ll show you the most beautiful views here and later we can talk about the agreement between our kingdoms.” Felix clapped his hands excitedly. “Let me show your horse.” The two men went into the stable. The horses greeted them with noise. Felix led Hyunjin to a stall where a beautiful black mare stood. Her mane was groomed and her tail was braided into a long, tight braid. Felix smiled at Hyunjin. “This is Thunder. She’ll be your horse for the ride. And I’ll take Cupid.”
“Good.” Said Hyunjin.
The men saddled the horses and led them out of the stable. They looked at each other with smiles to then get on their backs and set off for a ride. The first minutes of the ride were done in silence. Hyunjin admired the landscape that surrounded them, while Felix contemplated. The young King wanted to get to know the Prince of Fire better, but didn't know where to start.
“Do you like the landscape?” Suddenly Felix broke the silence.
“Yes, your kingdom is very beautiful. Almost as beautiful as you.” Hyunjin said bluntly.
“T-thank you.” Felix blushed at the sudden compliment. “But you too are beautiful, and… and just perfect.”
“Are you flirting with me, Your Grace?” Hyunjin chuckled.
“Ekhm… No… I mean yes… I mean…” Felix was uncertain.
“Don’t worry. I like that.” Hyunjin winked at the other man. “Do you want to race? If you win, I’ll do whatever you want. If I win, well, you’ll see.”
“O-okay. Yes. Let’s race.” Felix smiled. “But be careful though, the road here is pretty slippery.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be careful.” Hyunin winked.
The men leveled their horses. They counted down to three and started the race. The road was indeed slippery, and the horses' hooves did not grip it very well. The omnipresent snow did not help them at all. Hyunjin got into the lead and after a while won the race. However, when he turned around, Felix was nowhere to be found. The Prince of Fire blinked, scanning his surroundings. Both Felix and his horse had simply disappeared.
“Felix! Where are you?!” The Prince shouted.
He got off his horse and, leading the animal by the reins, moved back the way he came to look for tracks. After searching for a while, he noticed that Felix's horse had turned towards the forest. It's likely that the animal panicked and, in a fit of adrenaline, simply changed its route. Hyunjin moved to follow the tracks, and his horse followed.
“Felix! Felix, where are you?!” He shouted once again. The footsteps broke off, but the Young King and his horse were nowhere to be seen. The sun was slowly beginning to set, and Hyunjin began to fear that he would not be able to make it back to the palace before dark. He knew he couldn't return without Felix. If he did, the King's men would accuse him of betrayal and that could be a reason for another war, and for that the Prince of Fire was not ready. Hyunjin sighed heavily when he heard a quiet whine from behind him. “Felix? Is that you?” He asked. “Are you okay?”
“I need some help.” Said the Young King. Hyunjin looked in the direction of the voice. Felix was hanging from a branch that dropped low over the path. The Prince of Fire laughed quietly and walked over to Felix.
“Are you okay?” He asked and Felix just nodded.
“Yes, I’m good. My horse just got scared of something. Could you help me?”
“Of course.” Said Hyunjin and catching Felix around the waist gently, he helped him down to the ground. He looked him over for any visible wounds. “Are you sure you are alright?”
“Yes. I’m good… I think that we should go back to the palace now. My horse will find the way back… Oh, and you won the race.” The Young King smiled slightly.
“Yeah… I’ll take the prize later. Now let's get on the horse and actually go back. It will be faster if we both ride on its back.” Suggested Hyunjin.
“Are you sure?” Felix asked uncertainty.
“Yes, come on. Sit on the horseback and I’ll sit behind you.” Felix nodded and, with a little help from Hyunjin, got on the horse's back. The Prince of Fire nimbly got right behind him, gently embracing him at the waist, which caused a slight shudder to run through Felix's body. “This way I won’t fall.” He explained into Felix’s ear.
The men began to return to the palace. It was already beginning to get darker all around. Hyunjin embraced Felix and held the reins at the same time. The young King was leaning lightly with his back against Hyunjin's body, and the limb movements caused the two men's bodies to rub against each other delicately. Goosebumps appeared on Felix's body, and his thoughts wandered to regions he didn't even know existed. Hyunjin, on the other hand, sitting behind the king's back, smiled to himself and thought about the reward he would think of for winning the race. It suited him that Felix was sitting so close to him. He leaned forward slightly and inhaled the scent of the Young King. Under the influence of the moment, being aroused by the horse's movements and the rubbing of the two bodies against each other, Hyunjin placed a gentle kiss, just behind Felix's ear. Felix let out a quiet squick. He had not expected such a bold move from the Prince of Fire.
“I’m sorry, but I couldn’t resist.” Was the only thing that Hyunjin said. “Are you okay with that?” The Prince’s voice got a little deeper, which caused Felix to shiver.
“Y-yes… D-don’t stop…” Felix stuttered a little. His voice was quiet. The feeling of Hyunjin’s soft lips against his sin made him want more.
“Good. That’s what I wanted to hear.” Said Hyunjin.
Felix felt Hyunjin's gentle smile on his skin. Hyunjin bit gently on Felix's earlobe before moving his soft lips to Felix's neck and placing a kiss there. Felix moved his head slightly to the side so that Hyunjin had easier access to his neck. Hyunjin, pleased with the reaction he elicited from Felix, began delicately trailing his lips along Felix's neck before biting lightly on the most sensitive spot. The Prince of Fire sucked on the spot. Felix moaned blissfully, leaning more against the Prince's body. Hyunjin once again put his mouth and moved away from Felix's neck for a moment to admire his work. He was satisfied.
“Please, more.” Said Felix, feeling the little bulge growing into his pants.
“So eager baby.” Said Hyunjin, moving his hands slightly a little bit lower. His hands found their way to Felix's thighs, whose breathing accelerated slightly. Hyunjin gently ran his long fingers along the inside of the Young King's thighs, moving them more and more boldly toward the bulge in his pants. The whole situation excited not only Felix, but Hyunjin as well. The Prince of Fire knew that if he didn't stop now, he wouldn't be able to stop at all in a moment. He teased Felix for a moment more, hooking his hand around his bulge, and took his hands away.
“W-why… Please don’t stop.” Felix whined unhappy.
“Don’t worry sweetheart. I’ll take care of you later.” Hyunjin whispered into Felix’s ear and bit the King’s earlobe.
“B-but I’m…” Felix started but Hyunjin didn’t let him finish his sentence.
“Yes I know. Be patient though. Everything in its own time.”
Felix sighed heavily, but listened to Hyunjin. The rest of their journey passed peacefully. The men returned to the palace when it was already dark outside for good. Chan and Changbin immediately ran out of the stables to greet their rulers.
“Where have you been! We’ve been looking for the two of you!” Changbin started.
“Are you okay, Your Grace? Your horse came back about some time ago, but without you. We started to worry. Are you hurt? What happened?” Chan asked with concern.
“Yes, yes… I’m good.” Said Felix and got off from the horseback. “My horse got scared and just ran away. Thankfully Hyunjin helped me and we’ve been able to go back. I’m glad that she’s okay though.”
“Next time you should let us know…” Chan started but Felix didn’t let him finish.
“Yeah, yeah I know. I’m sorry that I made you worried. But now, if you let me, I would love to take a bath in the royal baths.”
“Yes, of course…” Chan bowed slightly before Felix. The young King glanced at Hyunjin and an unspoken question could be seen in his eyes aloud.
“I’ll also take a bath, my King. Thank you for the ride, it was a great pleasure… I’ll see you around.” Hyunjin smiled nonchalantly and winked at Felix.
As the Prince of Fire walked past the young king, he gently brushed his shoulder. "Come see me later." Hyunjin whispered in such a way that only Felix could hear him and left the stable. Felix led him away with his eyes until Hyunjin's figure completely disappeared from his field of vision. The young King was sure of one thing - he would definitely spend this night with Hyunjin.
"Felix? Are you ok?" Asked a concerned Chan rousing Felix from his reverie.
"Yes, yes... I'm ok, I just need to rest." Replied Felix, to which Chan nodded and both men headed back to the palace.
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cutiedwaekki · 1 year
would you write a fic about hyunjin discovering some magic cookies and the more he eats the more weight he gains? by the time he finishes them all he’s an obese immobile bratty slob, to dismay of Felix.
Honestly compared the aesthetics of my account with what I write it's really two different things especially this one I think I never really went that far (plus some smut in my draft) but i love to experience something else so don't be afraid to make other requests like this in the future or even pm me for doing a RP :D
I think i did enjoy writing it a bit too much 😭 but thank your for the request i hope you'll enjoy it as much as i did 🫶
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It had already been several weeks since Felix had become friends with a certain Seungmin. He hadn't wanted to tell Hyunjin the reason for their meeting and their sudden friendship maks Hyunjin assumed it revolved around cooking since Felix always came back with various pastries that "Seungmin offered".
Honestly, he'd only had him once, and although at first he was rather skeptical, believing that the dark-haired man was trying to flirt with his boyfriend, when he saw what Chan his boyfriend looked like; a real ball of giant, pungent fat, it only took a few minutes for his judgment to change when he saw how lovey-dovey they were.
So Hyunjin was less jealous of Seungmin and was almost starting to like him, given the number of pastries he brought just for him! Chan was nice too, a very talented music producer who only seemed to go outside if Seungmin went out too. After all, it made sense: the Australian was so fat that he'd hardly seen him walk, and he swore it was hardly possible; his belly was so round and probably so heavy that he wouldn't be surprised if Chan needed scooter for his mobility.
Still, he found it strange that Seungmin didn't care at all and continued to feed Chan, pampering him as if it was just a detail. At least it was clear that he was in love with him!
But enough talk, let's get to the point.
It was Saturday afternoon, and Hyunjin and Felix had planned to spend a lazy day at home until Felix's boss called to ask him to deal with an urgent case. So, for the past two hours, Hyunjin had been bored to death.
But fate heard him and the doorbell rang.
-"I'm coming!" he exclaimed before moving to the door and opening it to see a deliveryman with a small parcel in his hand.
-"I have a delivery for Mr. Lee Felix".
- "That's here, give it to me, I'll sign for him" said Hyunjin, not wanting to disturb her lover who already had to work over the weekend because of his boss.
-"Thank you, goodbye" said the delivery man before Hyunjin closed the door, intrigued by the mysterious box.
At first he even thought his lover had bought a sextoy by the size of the parcel, but it was far too big for something like this, even though he knew his lover's naughty side.
But when he opened the box he saw Seungmin's name and address and was reassured that, as it was a common friend, he could afford to open the box, right? Maybe Seungmin had delivered a recipe or a cooking ustencil!
But when he opened it, he found another box with a strange aroma and a letter.
Curious, he grabbed the box and discovered that they were cookies! The rich aroma of sugar and vanilla blended perfectly together, and Hyunjin couldn't resist taking one before opening the letter and reading it.
What was it? Okay, it was for Felix, but he wouldn't know about it, right?
So he opened the letter and read:
"Lixie, you may tell me you don't care about this and that it's just a detail, but I can see how you envy my relationship with Chan, so give these cookies to Hyunjin and I'm sure you'll like the result ;)"
There was more to read, including a "ps", but Hyunjin thought he heard a noise, so he put the letter away without putting the cookies away. God, they were addictive, as if they'd just come out of the oven!
Hm, it was so delicious that Hyunjin could almost feel the warmth of the cookies spreading through him.
Ah it felt so good
૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
If only he'd read the end of the letter, he'd know the fate those cookies would have in store for him.
At the end it read:
"Ps: don't make him eat all the cookies, I know you only prefer him to be a bit chubby! Besides, I added a little aphrodisiac, so if he seems a bit too stoned and disconnected from reality, that's normal! Enjoy your boyfriend Lixie, we'll see you tomorrow :)"
By the way, the warmth Hyunjin was feeling was none other than the cookies which, by who knows what magic, were opperating chzngelent on her waistline.
At first it was nothing, just wider thighs, a more prominent ass and a pot belly.
But after her fourth cookie the gain began to be more important. Hyunjin was originally tall and slim, so the extra kilos made him look more "normal" before his belly started to push an further towards his shirt as he lifted it. His hips also widened causing his track pants to stretch to their limits. Thus Hyunjin began to take on a pear shape, gaining especially in the lower part of his body, even though his belly was also swelling.
By the seventh cookie, Hyunjin was no longer in control of his movements; he wanted more and more of these cookies, going from eating one at a time to gorging himself on several at once, leaning back in his chair, which soon began to give way under his weight. But then again, Hyunjin wanted more.
His once-slim face was now so round that even Jisung (his best friend), with his chubby cheeks, looked skinny next to the fat cheeks he sported. Not to mention his neck, which had disappeared to reveal a second chin, with a third beginning to form.
By the tenth cookie, his clothes were tearing under his fat body. Everything was grease, rolls and stretch marks everywhere. He'd even acquired a pair of moobs that got bigger and bigger until they hung over his belly, which was becoming boundless.
When he'd finished all the cookies, there he was, sitting on the floor, with no clothes on, although thanks to all his rolls and curves he was well hidden despite his exposed chest. He was on the floor because his fat ass had broken one of their wooden chairs, but above all he had become so fat that he could hardly move.
But he wanted more
-"More! MORE!!!"
૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
It was with this agitation that Felix decided to turn off the music on his tekephone and head for the kitchen to see what was going on.
-"Jinnie, is everything all right?
Asked Felix before almost jump at the sight in front of him. At first he didn't recognize Hyunjin, but after detailing his round face, he saw that it was none other than her dear, sweet boyfriend, who had an angry expression because no cookies remained.
-"J-Jinnie?! What happened to you?"
But Hyunjin did nothing but ask for more cookies, roaring almost like an animal as Felix gulped at the sight.
He looked around for clues and saw an empty box and a badly folded letter.
He quickly realized that Seungmin had something to do with it, and the letter confirmed it.
-"I'm going to kill you, Kim Seingmin! he said" before turning to Hyunjin.
His poor boyfriend was hungry... he wasn't going to leave him hungry, right?
૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
-Are you kidding me? He's HUGE, he doesn't even want to move".
- "Hey, it's not my fault he ate all the cookies, watch your boyfriend too!"
- "Excuse me? Just because we share the same fetish doesn't mean you can interfere in my life like this!
- "Hey, calm down, it's okay, I've got the antidote too, so thank me instead of nagging me like that!"
Felix abruptly took the flask and took a long look at it. If he gave it to Hyunjin, he'd have no memory of this moment and would go back to being as fine as he'd ever been.
The Australian waved to his friend briefly before returning to his home with an pensive look on his face.
After all, big as he was and bratty as he acted wasn't bearable for Hyunjin or for him, but he could enjoy it for one more day before giving him the antidote right.
And yes, he'd always wanted to know what it felt like to make love with someone as big as Hyunjin.
As soon as he got home, he rushed over to his lover, who was sleeping on the sofa, which squeaked loudly with every move Hyunjin's fat body made.
-Jinnie... Jinnie, I've ordered some food for you , wake up".
Maybe this weekend would be rich in emotion for Felix, and who knows, maybe it would help him talk to Hyunjin about his fat fetish once all this was over. who knows, maybe Hyunjin would agree to put on some weight for him?
-"I'm... hungry" whispered Hyunjin
-"I know, Jinnie, I ordered a lot of food just for you".
Hyunjin just growled like an animal would while Felix sighed deeply, he guesses that with this body there he had no choice but to feed him seeing how Hyunjin seemed so greedy for doing anything else
We said : curiosiry killed a cat but in that case , curiosity made Hyunjin discover another part of his boyfriend that he didn't even suspect.
-"I hate you Kim Seungmin to have had such a good idea"
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stayinzencity · 6 months
heroine’s manual S1 E5
GENRE: Romcom, Drama | love triangles, childhood friends, high school au | INSPIRED BY: Heroine Shikkaku (shoujo manga) | LENGTH: ~1.7K | RATING: Teen | WARNINGS: breakup(s) | PAIRINGS: Minho x MC (Reader), Minho x OC (Heather), Jungwoo x MC (Reader) | TAGLIST: @linoscence @elizabeth11moreno  (ask to be added) | A/N: we lose some, we gain some. also jungwoo is just a side character here, but he's the focus of the s2 one-shot. han's story would be s3, but it would be different cuz [spoilers], so we'll see if anyone's interested, or it'll just remain as implications. (accidentally posted this part before 3 & 4 and that's how I ended up finally finishing this series)
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FIVE. The time might not be right now, but I'll wait forever if I can be with him one day.
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You realise you haven't spoken to Jisung for a few days. He's been around, part of the group. It's only after he refuses to look you in the eyes when you're right in front of him that you realise something is wrong.
It calls for confrontation, but Jisung keeps dodging you. It's even worse than when Minho was avoiding you. Jisung doesn't hide the fact that he's not eager to be around you- he even jumps into a bush one time when you wave at him.
Asking Seungmin if he had any clue what's up isn't helpful either. He's clearly taking Jisung's side, leaving you with barely any clue what all of this is about.
"There's nothing I can tell you. Jisung will let you know when he's ready. Though that might take a while," Seungmin finally says after you use your splendid persuasive skills to get information out of him. "You should be patient with him. He's always respected your feelings and played along with your plans no matter how ridiculous they get. Keep that in mind."
There is a tiny crack between you and Jisung that grows into a great chasm over time. And Seungmin stands on the other of it with Jisung.
They no longer sit with you. Or talk to you. Or even glance your way. 
It hurts. Jisung and Seungmin were the closest friends you had after Minho, and now you've lost all three of them. 
As for Minho, you're the one who's been actively avoiding him. You can't be sure he isn't doing the same. You hardly see him hanging out with Heather anymore, but that doesn't excite you the way it once would have. You're pretty sure he and Jisung still hang out to watch movies without you, and it stings. 
In the end, you lost your friends.
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Heather breaks up with Minho.
You find out when Heather tells Hyunjin and you over lunch.
You didn't mean to be there with them. It's just that it was your usual spot at your usual table. Just not the usual people.
"We weren't right for each other," she says. "It was nice with him, but I'm not interested in a relationship right now."
"So, what about this Sunday?"
"Don't worry, we ended on a relatively good note. Even if we didn't, I wouldn't give up on our friendship so easily." Heather pats Hyunjin on the back, reassuringly. "Plan's still on."
She looks at you thoughtfully, sharing a look with Hyunjin. "You should come with us! We're going to the aquarium."
"N-no, I can't-"
"Just come along." Hyunjin rolls his eyes. "You can't stay at home and avoid everyone forever."
"I'm not-"
"It's ok," Heather says. "I know things are still weird with Minho and your friends. But you've always been weird with me and Hyunjin, so it can't get any worse. Maybe we can even get closer, you know?"
Heather does make a good point, and Hyunjin isn't trying to vaporize you with his gaze either.
Maybe it's time to try something new.
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"You can't keep pining over a guy. It's pathetic and you're too pretty to waste away like this. Just get it over with."
You don't need to punch Hyunjin since Heather does it for you.
"Don't be mean," she hisses at him. It's kinda nice seeing her comfortable enough to be anything besides excessively polite around you guys. "It isn't that easy."
"Minho broke up with you, and you managed to move on. She's still doing nothing but hopelessly pining after him."
"It's not the same, Hyunjin." She glares at him. "Let's leave this loser alone and find somewhere else to chat."
"Girl talk. Bye, Hyunjin."
Heather tugs you to your feet and drags you over to a table just out of earshot of Hyunjin. Not out of sight, though Hyunjin doesn't make a move to intrude your space, despite his disappointment at being rejected.
Serves him right. It's slightly satisfying to see him suffer, regardless of it being an exaggeration. If there's anyone who can match your dramatics, it's Hyunjin.
Fortunately, Heather can handle you both. Everyone else has given up, but she's the one that stuck around.
It's kinda funny that the last two people you thought you'd ever be friends with are probably the only ones you still have.
Surprisingly, Hyunjin is the only one you still spend time with from your old friend group. Him and Heather.
Heather. You called her by her actual name, startling her and she admitted she preferred being called Heather- as long as it's you.
Then there's Jungwoo.
You never really talked about Jungwoo to your friends. At first, there was nothing to talk about. Then it didn't matter whether you did, since it wasn't supposed to be anything real. But at some point, it felt like it actually could be something. Except you weren't ready to let go of Minho. You still aren't, so it's no use.
Thankfully, it's not him that Heather wants to talk about.
"You should ask Minho out," Heather says. "That's the only way you'll know for sure. Maybe not even then, but you'll only know if you try, after all."
"How were you able to do it so easily? I always wondered. "
Heather laughs. "It wasn't easy. I had to muster a lot of courage before I could go up to him and say the words. Hyunjin was the one who told me to go for it. And now, I'm telling you the same."
"If I ask him, I risk getting rejected. I always thought he'd end up asking me out himself. Then again, I never thought it'd hurt so much. I used to be happy being in the background, but things changed. I guess now I'm scared of being a background character in his life. I thought I was the most important, but I'm starting to realise that it's never been me."
"I think Minho's confused, too. I figured that he was just staying with me out of convenience as an excuse to keep from sorting out his feelings. I didn't like being used, but more than that, I realised it didn't bother me as much as it should, so I decided to break up." Heather waves away your attempt to apologize for your interference in her relationship. "What I mean to say is that you have a chance. And even if it doesn't work out, at least you know. That's far better than being haunted by what could have been for the rest of your lives."
You decide to take Heather's advice.
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Minho seems surprised when you walk up to him, for the first time in far too long, and ask him out.
He doesn't turn you down.
It should be everything you wanted. A magical moment- butterflies, fireworks, flowers and all. Yet it's just another day.
You catch Jisung's expression and he appears distraught, though it's gone before you can put much thought into it. He smiles at you, weak and forced, congratulating you half heartedly.
Something clicks and the way Jisung had been acting strange for a while makes sense.
You aren't cruel enough to confront Jisung when it's clearly something he's not comfortable with. Instead, you corner Seungmin and ask him.
"Does Jisung like me? That's why things got weird once he got a crush on-"
"The world does not revolve around you. Stop asking me about Jisung."
That's not a no, even if it isn't a yes either.
You don't really mean to, but you can barely watch the movie when you're still worried about Jisung. You end up blurting your thoughts to Minho.
"I think Jisung likes me!"
"What?" Minho pushes you off his lap and looks at you incredously. "What? That's-"
"Things have been weird for a while, and I figured it out."
"Ji- you know what, we need to talk." Minho sighs, rubbing his forehead. “Do you even really love me? It feels more like you’re in love with the idea of ending up with me. We’ve been close since we were little. Childhood friends turned sweethearts. You think I'm the hero, so you must be the heroine. Logical, isn’t it? Is it really what you want? Your mind tells you this is your ideal, but what does your heart say? You’ve been distracted the whole time we’ve been dating. I don’t think I’m the right person for you.”
“Are you breaking up with me? It hasn’t even been that long. Give me a chance and I’ll prove that you’re the-”
“Not now. I can't give us another chance for now. Maybe one day. Right now, we need time apart. I'm sorry, I love you. I'm not sure if I'm in love or if I ever will be. And I don't think you are either."
Minho reaches out like he wants to wipe away the tears, tumbling down your cheeks. However, his hand halts a few inches away from your face. He hesitates, eventually deciding to pull away. In the meantime, your crying worsens, and the awkward air grows more unbearable.
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Fish must be used to salty water, so they're less likely to judge. Or so, Heather says.
Hyunjin also comes along, of course, and he is likely to judge. Even so, he's been nicer lately.
You're done shedding tears, anyways. You're not supposed to cry over silly things like boys.
"There are more fish out there in the sea. Tall, handsome, black haired fish whose name rhymes with crew."
"It's brown now, actually." You correct Hyunjin without really thinking.
"So you have been looking his way," Heather teases. "Why not give Jungwoo another chance? He hasn't been seen with anyone else ever since he met you. He does seem to be sincere."
"Maybe I will," you say with a smile. "But right now, it's just us amongst the creatures of the sea."
There might be a part of you that'll stubbornly hold on to Minho, but you've come to realise that there's so much more.
Your friendship with Hyunjin and Heather.
The possibility of something with Jungwoo.
The chance of reconciliation with your old friends.
There will always be so much more.
You just have to keep living your story with all its twists and turns, learn from the past, hope for the best in the future, and be happy with your present.
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♡ next season
♡ season one guide
♡ please leave a comment, reblog with tags or send an ask to let me know what you think!!
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© 2024, stayinzencity
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felixsramen · 1 year
Yours Truly
This is part 20 to my Skz poly fic.
Previous<<<< Next>>>>
Warnings: None
You have a feeling of who it is already. Seungmin and Minho look at you as you grab your phone. You see the caller id. 'Innie'. You wonder if you should pick up or not but before you know it your hand hits the accept button.
You bring the phone to your ear. "Y/N? Are you there? I'm so fucking sorry." He says and you wonder if you shouldn't have answered.
"Do you guys not like me?" Comes out of your mouth before you realize what you said. There's silence for a second and you wonder if he's going to answer.
"No. God no. Y/N we like you so much." I.N. says sounding guilty. "Hyunjin didn't mean what he said." You hear a door open over the phone and the sound of footsteps.
"Is that Y/N? Please let it be Y/N." You hear what sounds like Hyunjin say. "Yeah. It's Y/N." I.N. replies back.
"Hyunjin wants to talk to you. Do you want to talk to him?" I.N. asks you. You look over to Minho and Seungmin who don't say anything or give off that you should.
You take a deep breath to steady yourself. "Yeah." You say softly and you hear the phone move around.
"Hello?" Hyunjin says almost unsure that you'd answer. "Hey." You say back and you hear Hyunjin let out a sigh of relief when he hears your voice.
"Fuck I'm so sorry. I know sorry won't fix anything but I'm so sorry. You deserve to be pissed or upset. I don't hold it against you. You're not just anyone you are one of us. I don't even know why I said that." Hyunjin says rambling on. You look over to Minho and Seungmin but they give you a small smile.
You sigh as Hyunjin continues on. "Hyunjin." You say softly and that shuts him up. "I'm not going to say it's okay. It's not but we miss you guys. I know it hasn't been that long but we miss you guys a lot." You say softly and you hear Hyunjin let out a soft sigh.
"God we miss you guys too. We miss you guys so much." He says back. He lets out a sigh of his own.
"This isn't to guilt trip you guys or anything. You don't have to come home. The boys don't want you to come home if you guys aren't ready and neither do I but Chan locked himself in his studio. He hasn't been out since the day you all left. He only comes out to eat or go to the bathroom." Hyunjin tells you and you can't help but worry about him.
"Don't feel guilty about it. Don't come home because I told you guys. Come home because you want to. Your own free will." He says finishing and you look to the boys sitting beside you. Seungmin reaches out a hand and takes yours in his.
"Jisung hasn't been sleeping well either though. We're all in our heads about it because we feel so guilty. I wanted you guys to know that though. It's not the same without you guys. We all want you guys home of course we do but not if you guys aren't ready to be home." He says telling you.
You nod as if he can see you. "We'll talk about it and decide." You tell him and he lets out a relieved sigh.
"Take your time. We miss you guys as much as you miss us. The door is unlocked and ready whenever you guys are. You all are our worlds okay?" He says wanting to make sure you knew.
"Okay. I'll talk to the boys." You tell him. Seungmin squeezes your hand reassuring you.
"Okay. I hope you guys sleep well." He tells you. "You guys too." You say softly.
You hang up and let out a breath you had no idea you were holding. Seungmin looks at you and smiles softly at you while Minho reaches across and rubs your back.
"How do you feel?" Minho asks and you sigh softly. "Better." You say and Seungmin rests his head on your shoulder.
"Good." Minho says and you sigh once more. "Chan locked himself in the studio. Apparently doesn't come out much. Jisung isn't sleeping well either." You say and Minho nods.
"Are you ready to see them?" Minho asks. "I'm not sure yet." You say and Seungmin and Minho nod.
"Hyunjin said he didn't want us back if we don't want to come so that makes me feel better." You say and they nod.
Seungmin lifts his head from your shoulder. "Yeah. They don't ever try to make us feel bad for things we do. They haven't ever really tried guilt tripping us either about stuff." Seungmin says and this time you nod.
"Are you guys ready to see them?" You ask and Seungmin and Minho shrug. "I don't know. I miss them of course. I love them a lot too but what they said about you is hard for me to even think about." Seungmin says and Minho nods.
"They said a lot of stuff that I'm not sure if I were you that I could forgive. I'm just imagining if it was myself." Minho says and you nod at his words.
You sigh and squeeze Seungmins hand gently. "Is it bad I miss them though?" You say and they both shake their head.
"Of course not. You've gotten close to all of us. We also miss you when you're away. It's no different than that." Seungmin says softly and you nod.
You nod placing your own head on Seungmins shoulder. "Thank you." You say softly.
"Don't thank us. We haven't done anything special." He says and you shake your head. "Thank you guys for sticking up for me." You say softly.
"Always will." Minho says softly.
Taglist: @queenmea604 @lolareadsimagines @tinyworld18 @liv302 @jinniespuppy @stephy-nicole13 @freyaniobe @chansbabygirlsstuff @jkookiejiminlvr @hyuneyeon @sirenthalia @nagadiluc @tenshimara @leeknowleeknow @boi-bi-ahaha @shltsnglggles @jfkedldndkd @tinystarsthing @armystay89 @baby-fairy-yas @haileybugulug @freckleboilix @im-sinking-in-mud @thatoneperson1911 @lmaouwu @greysweaters-blog @katrodriguez99 @3rachasninja @amararosesblog @1alesakura @m4gg13-g @vampcharxter @noellllslut @berryberrytan @junebug032 @jeonginwvr @jeongchaos @emyferra08 @stvrfir3 @feybin @mauvemelon @worcesheshestershiresauce @realrintaro @katsukis1wife
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doyouknowbtsswag · 2 years
Decay |Bangchan|
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Part 1
I looked up at the sky thinking about what to do next. The only things I have are a single protein bar, my keys, and my wallet. I don't have anything to keep me alive. Everything is gone and I'm not going into the shit show city that once was my home. I finally stood up looking around walking to an urban area nearby to see if I can get any help. My car was gone so I was forced to walk. A disease that makes people eat other people sounds bizarre but unfortunately true. If you would've told me that yesterday I would have said you were crazy but here I am walking in my work clothes to find somewhere to stay. I was silent not wanting to draw attention to myself. It took me a half hour to walk to the neighborhood but I successfully made it without a problem. I walked further down the street before being pulled inside a house. I kicked around and was about to shout until the person started talking.
"Don't shout you'll draw attention and get me killed" A voice said his voice wasn't low but more on the higher side. Once he closed the door I bit his thumb which made him yelp in pain and let go of me.
"Ow that hurt" The boy whined holding his thumb. "Why'd you do that"
"Are you serious?" I scoffed looking at him in disbelief. "You kidnaped me"
"Correction saved you," He said looking at his thumb which was slightly bleeding. "If you went any closer you probably would have died."
"Excuse you?"
"Listen there are a bunch of dead guys ahead and I don't think you have the weapons to be fighting"
"Oh really?" I said crossing my arms. "What makes you say that?"
"It's pretty evident, if you were planning on using one of your keys it wouldn't work, it's not sharp or big enough"
"And how would you know? It's barely been a day since this started"
"It only takes one," He said changing the subject. "Let's start as if you didn't try and bite my thumb off."
"I'm Seungmin," He said holding out his hand.
"Y/n," I said shaking it.
"We should pair up," He said crossing his arms.
"What do you mean?"
"Like survive together" He smiled. "I want to be friends and stick together."
"You know what sure I have nowhere to go and no one left."
"Well you won't lose me," He said.
"But I don't know you," I said relaxing a bit.
"We can go talk in the living room? We can talk about ourselves so we can trust each other"
"That sounds like a good idea," I said slowly as we walked into the living room. "So how exactly did you know that there were things down the street?"
"Well I live down there but I had to leave my house because they tried getting in." He said. "This house belonged to my now-dead neighbor so I'm staying here"
"I'm sorry about your house," I said.
"It's whatever I'm glad I was able to grab the things I needed and leave."
"How did you leave?"
"I hopped the fence and ended up here" He leaned back on the couch. "Where are you coming from?"
"The city, I managed to run out before my apartment got blown up."
"I'm sorry about your house then, at least mine is still intact." He said.
"I just don't understand anything."
"Me neither, I'm just going off of what my neighbor said to me before he died." He sighed. "Attack the brain, don't get bit"
"Is that the neighbor who?.."
"Yeah he said to come here, he was an older guy and told me he was happy to save a life over his even though I told him no" He looked down. "That's why I'm here"
"I'm so sorry"
"It's okay really, I have a survival buddy now so I won't have to fight alone" He looked at me smiling.
"Yeah neither of us will have to fight on our own." I smiled.
He smiled back as we chatted the rest of the night getting to know each other.
"I'll take the first watch," Seungmin said smiling. "Get some rest you look like you need it."
"I do actually" I chuckled. "I haven't gotten any for two months."
"I work in a classified scientific laboratory and we were working on a special case that to this day hasn't been finished."
"Well once this is over you can"
"Yeah I guess you're right" I smiled laying on the pullout couch. "Good night"
"Good night"
Well here's chapter 2 I hope you like it! And remember ✨ you are perfect and worth it the way you are! ✨
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