#not sure if i've got mama welles down exactly right i've been avoiding that mission because then i gotta be sad about jackie again
merge-conflict · 1 year
wip wednesday
got tagged by @wanderingaldecaldo :3
been.. well not exactly procrastinating on the longfic. some of what i've been doing is working on some sequel scenes so I can anchor where everyone is going to end up and make sure I haven't forgotten to add any threads I'm going to want to use later. so with the knowledge that this scene will almost certainly not survive in its current form when I get there...
V returned with the woman who had met her at the ofrenda– his interface confirmed what he already knew– it was Guadalupe Alejandra Welles herself. She was smaller than he had expected, but it would be a mistake to underestimate her, he was certain. A woman who had suffered the loss of her son in an assault on Arasaka and was bold enough to then track him down and demand that loss be honored was not someone to to be taken lightly. He rose to his feet to greet them.
“Mamá,” V said, speaking Spanish in a low, soft tone he’d never heard from her before. “This is Takemura.”
“Escorted you personally?” Guadalupe regarded him with restrained disapproval. “What a gentleman.”
“A perfect gentleman,” V said, a faint smile forming on her lips.
“It is good to meet you,” Goro said, with a polite bow.
Guadalupe made a dismissive gesture, switching to English. “There’s only one thing I need to know: were you the one that killed my son?” She held his gaze without flinching.
“No,” he said. “We did not meet.”
“Good.” She relaxed, and in so doing gave him a glimpse of the exhausted and grieving woman underneath her steely composure. V looked mortified and miserable with guilt, and she added more gently, “Sit down, mije.”
V looked to Goro and he moved instinctively, gently guiding her to sit down at the bench he had just vacated. Her hand on his wrist lingered, the barest pressure pulling him down along beside her: gravity which he did not want to escape. She leaned in and pressed her forehead against his, jaw clamped together so tightly he heard her teeth creaking. He wanted to reassure her that she did not have to hide her tears, but did not trust his voice.
“Jesucristo. You’re as big a fool as Jackie. Bigger.”
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bengiyo · 11 months
Only Friends Ep 11 Stray Thoughts
Last week, Atom lied to Cheum that Boston forced him to have sex with him repeatedly, and his friends iced him out completely. Boeing showed up to be an absolute menace and it was compelling. Top and Mew are still doing this dance, and Mew has decided to utilize Boeing to torment Top. Nick avoided advancing things with Dan, and then reconciled with Boston. Ray learned that Sand wasn't taking his dad's money (which is dumb) and decided to commit to rehab.
"Move on. Move in."
Plug, please don't drink after Sand. You do not know where that boy has been.
Look at them messing with Yo and Plug getting back together to lull me into a false sense of security.
Top and Mew are so annoying. Just please break up already.
I like that Nick is being honest with Dan without over sharing. He's also not giving Dan hope. "I like you, but I'm not ready to be anyone's boyfriend right now. Let's just focus on work," is actually good for both of them. Dan is disappointed, but he knows where he stands.
I'm glad Sand is avoiding Ray. He's been called a whore so many times.
I like Sand's mom.
I know they better give Sand that money after all he's been through. I do like that Sand doesn't think Ray needs to completely give up alcohol, but he does need to manage his dependency.
I feel like I've lost the thread on why Mew keeps hanging out with Boeing.
Look at nasty4nasty working again. We've added another boy to Mark's counter and furthered the mission to add complicated layers to digital surveillance and blackmail in modern queer life.
Now what was Boston thinking there when he glanced at Nick when he said he knows what it's like to have a one-sided love?
Things are going too well for Sand and Ray. Ray still got Sand to do the community service with him. Something is going to show up and disrupt them.
Every time I see Mew and Top I'm just like, "Potion Seller, enough of these games!"
I'm glad Sand is pathetic for every man he was in love with. Ray ain't special. Sand is just like this.
We have missed multiple opportunities for a Mama Sandwich and I am despondent.
I wish we'd gotten a better since of Top's emotional interior. Force is clearly playing Top as sincere, and I don't know how much of my distrust of Top is past experiences with guys like him or the reputation he has within the show.
I'm not a fan of Cheum's reaction here to Atom's admission. On his lie, they stormed Boston's house and accused him of assault. They kicked him out of their project. They stripped him of his community. We can support Atom learning something important about himself and still make sure we let him know that what he did was foul. I'm so not into Cheum at all. I was not expecting to have so many qualms with lesbians in this show.
I really loved that conversation between Boston and Nick. They continue to feel the most honest with each other about what they are to each other. I love Boston offering Nick this little time they have left and being clear that it does expire. I like that it's a request, and I like that Nick didn't exactly give him an answer. Nick has been burned, so he's being more cautious with Boston.
I actually kinda want Top and Mew to work out, because the back and forth with them is the kind of thing you need someone willing to spar with for it to work.
Ray saying he'll pay anything for Sand as his boyfriend might be more romantic if he didn't always call Sand a whore when he got mad.
Well well well, are we finally going to get that threesome??
A fire in the last episode what the hell. Who is burning down Top's hotel?? Who isn't Boeing going to try to fuck??
I'm so amused at Ray being possessive of Sand and asking him to draw a boundary with Boeing as if he ever managed to draw one with Ray. Top and Mew remain so uncertain for me, and I'm a bit disappointed that Top will remain an enigma to me. Boston and Nick are the only ones moving towards something that feels sustainable. Atom can leave and never come back. I'm over Cheum.
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