scardanvers ¡ 2 years
open starter  location - crashdown cafe
Thea had decided to take a late lunch after the usual rush at the Crashdown. She had an hour and a half to kill before her next interview and thought a quiet lunch was just what she needed. While waiting for her food, she pulled out Vox and began reading some more of her book. It wasn’t unusual for her to carry one around and step into her literary safe place whenever she could find the time. Reading had always been her escape and now as a adult, she could it harder and harder to make time to step out of her life to read. What was meant to be a quiet escape from reality, was soon interrupted by the unsettling starring coming from a tourist across the dining room. His I survived roswell, new mexico tshirt giving him away without any further explanation.
 Afraid he’d see the empty seat across from her as an invitation to come introduce himself, she glanced up towards the door and waved down the first person she spotted. “Please sit down and have lunch with me. My treat.” She started before nodding her head in the direction of the lurker. “Alien boy over there won’t stop staring and if someone doesn’t sit there, he’ll try to. Please save me.”
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despite the fact that tourists are more than likely keeping scarlett in a job — and usually give the best tips when she dj’s — they get on her last nerve something shocking. ‘ play this song ’, ‘ if i give you 20 bucks, will you come home with me ’, ‘ i’ve bought you a drink, can you play this song now ’, sometimes it doesn’t seem to end. luckily for her, she isn’t at work ( yet ) and is enjoying the time beforehand to get ready and to feast. 
as the blonde approaches the crashdown, the sheer quantity of tourists inside almost deters her from entering; however, the idea of going in, eating and getting out with some headphones on and no communication with anyone but waitstaff sounds promising. there is absolutely no window of tolerance for bullshit today. set on her mission, scarlett strides through the front door, eyes on the only available seat until thea stops her. apart of her wants to decline, yet the moment the other mentions ‘ alien boy ’, the hairs on the back of scarlett’s neck stand up. “ i’ll gladly have lunch with you, babe. ” the dj sets her purse down on the table, her tone of her voice sickly sweet; too sweet. with one leg in the booth — insinuating that yes, that is in fact her seat, scarlett spins her head to the creep and gives them the evil eye. unfortunately, she cannot help but say something. “ your food not good enough to ogle at, huh? i better not see you look over this way again or i’ll make sure you never see again. ” scarlett spits, tongue sharp and words cutthroat as her manicured finger points at him. her demeanour changes so swiftly as she turns to thea, all smiles and soft words as she sits in the booth. 
“ now, lunch? ”
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scardanvers ¡ 2 years
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He can already hear the little Devil on his shoulder telling him what to do and what to ignore. He should ignore the fact that he knows that he is not the only one Scarlett plays these games with and he should continue it. Leo knew this game and he’d played it time and time again like a pro.”Never too early,” he warns her, his eyebrow twitches upwards, as if he’s challenging her. Who cared that they were in a parking lot and people were definitely bound to be looking at them as she steps forward? Leo lets the small but playful grin spread along his face as he listens. “Any plans? Well, I’m thinking I might if she can be patient. But I know that’s not exactly her style.” Leo takes one last drag from his own cigarette, holding in the smoke before turning his head to breathe it out, rubbing the remainder on the wall. He’d finish that one later. “What I do know is we’re not going back in there,” he says, throwing a thumb over his shoulder before letting it drop, the same thumb brushing her hip ever so slightly. “What do you think?”
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the eyebrow twitch is all scarlett needs to take leo’s words as a challenge, and the glimmer in her eye is all the evidence he would need to show that the provocation is her acceptance. “ is that so? ” her words are soft and sensual, and perfectly fluffy brows twitch upward to match said twitch he just gave her merely seconds before. in a matter of seconds, the entire aura between them changes and by the tone of her voice, scarlett is hoping her intentions for the rest of the evening are prominent. the dj lets the tip of her index finger ghost along leo’s arm as she leans up and whisper in his leo, lips barely brushing his earlobe. “ you really want me to tell you all the things i think about when you’re not around? like what i want you to do to me? is that the stuff what you want to hear? ” evidently, scarlett danvers is not a patient person; and everyone knows it. when leo throws his arm around her and suggests patience to her, however, she knows that she will have to reel her impulses in and ‘ behave ’. “ sounds like you’re onto something. i’m sure she can keep ahold of herself for long enough. ” scarlett teases with a devilish grin. “ and anything to get away from this shithole. ”
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scardanvers ¡ 2 years
Open starter Location: Feel Good Record Store
It was an odd sight for a record store, but it was definitely one of her favourite parts in the store; the piano that was tucked away in the far corner of the store. Elisa knew it was only there for show but her boss didn’t need to know that she had made sure the snares of the piano were all tuned again. Her boss also didn’t need to know that whenever there was no one in the store, she was seated behind the piano to play some music. Because if they knew, they would probably complain about the fact that she would not be able to hear the doorbell ring when someone entered the store.
They would be right about that.
Elisa looked startled at the person who had entered the store - and she hadn’t heard them come in. With a hand being brought to her chest to stop her heart from beating so fast, she finally was able to mutter a word. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t hear you come in.” She quickly removed herself from the piano. “I know, rude. I am supposed to greet you. But here I am now. How can I help you today?”
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despite having a small vinyl collection herself, scarlett’s visit isn’t for her own addition but one for someone else; her mother dearest. the dj recalls being a young girl and her mother having her special records playing when the two of them would clean, or cook together, even sit and play uno together for hours — so getting her a new vinyl or two is not completely out of the blue.
there are a couple artists that she has in mind, but whether feel good records have said artists is another story. scarlett, however, is hopeful as she confidently strides down the pathway towards the local store. the soft piano melody can be heard from the front of the store, and the blonde enters without a second thought; she is on a mission, of course. 
heading straight for the records — and hopefully where she can find some of olivia newton-john’s albums — scarlett begins to flick through them front to back before elisa’s voice breaks her focus. “ huh? ” she speaks, lifting her head. “ eh, i’m not gonna file a complaint so don’t worry about it. i’m just looking for some vinyls for my mum. like xanadu, wham! greatest hits? whitney houston? ”
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15 notes ¡ View notes
scardanvers ¡ 2 years
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Hold on to me as we go
As we roll down this unfamiliar road.
And although this wave (wave) is stringing us along.
Just know you're not alone
'Cause I'm gonna make this place your home
Settle down, it'll all be clear
Don't pay no mind to the demons
They fill you with fear
The trouble, it might drag you down
If you get lost, you can always be found
Just know you're not alone
'Cause I'm gonna make this place your home
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[@tizirisadaoui @scardanvers @strikercannon]
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scardanvers ¡ 2 years
{ ÂŤ closed starter ; @scardanvers }
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When Guillermo visits town, it’s only for a couple of reasons. Whether it be scraps, chats, or drinking at The Wild Pony, it all depends on how the cowboy is feeling after another long day of work. However, after a call from an old wedding planner friend, he chose to visit Area 51. The faces of large bouncers becoming familiar upon his approach, causing the brooding faces to lift into small smiles. It wasn’t much long after that Guillermo found himself sitting at the back of the club, comfortably perched on a box.
“The dj thing suits you, mija. If I did that my arthritis would kick in.” He smiles at the exiting figure. “The bouncers said you were going on break soon, thought it was good to pay a visit.” Ever since the wedding event that Lauren held at the farm, Guillermo had grown a connection with her kid. And gradually, the farmer felt like Scarlett was one of his own.
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the very second scarlett heard guillermo had come to visit and was waiting out back, she was heading straight for him without a moment to spare; hell, she hadn’t even thought about getting him a drink. upon her exit and seeing guillermo, scarlett’s entire face lights up and her already joyous mood dials up a notch. “ memo! ” the dj exclaims with glee. for once, she thinks before acting, and goes against her thoughts of tackling him off the box; there will be no injuries this evening. “ oh, don’t be like that. you’d be an absolute champ! it’s all in the fingers. ” she explains upon her approach, her hands at eye level and giving her fingers a wiggle to exaggerate her point. “ the rest is all for show. you could bust a move without breaking a bone, couldn’t you? ” a teasing smirk plays on her lips as she finishes, standing before him.
“ i’m so happy to see you. and you’re here on such a good night too; the vibes are amazing and no one’s managed to piss me off either. ” there are few people that scarlett has let herself get close to since moving to roswell, purely so she doesn’t get herself hurt. she didn’t mean to find such comfort in guillermo when he showed up into her life, but with the absence of her father, scarlett considers him her family now. “ okay, that’s enough of me being rude. get up, give me a hug and i’ll get you a drink. on the house, of course. ”
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scardanvers ¡ 2 years
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“ well , from the sound of that it looks like i need to try one of your world-famous cosmic orgasms . where do i sign up ?? “ if sexuality really was a choice , a baseless quotation used as a weapon against the community of which she was a part of , ender would have closed the door permanently on men . unfortunately for her , there remained a niggling attraction to the malodorous , arrogant opposite sex ; when it came to beautiful women she was often too enamoured to act rationally , although there was nothing stopping her from shooting her shot … well , other than the fact that she was on the clock with her supervisor within touching distance . ringed fingers poised and ready to scrawl down the woman’s order , one instead rested against her heart in adoration . “ oh , aren’t you a sweetheart ?? years and years of practice , darling , and practice really does make perfect . i need my wings sharp enough to ward off creepy men on my shifts when they try glancing up my skirt , “ 
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‘ where do i sign up? ’ the blatant flirtation brings the subtlest of smirks to scarlett’s pink glossed lips, and manicured nails tap at her phone case resting in her lap. “ it’s an exclusive experience. only those who are invited can enjoy it. but ... ” the blonde pauses, leaning forward with her elbows on the table to slide her phone along the table towards the beautiful waitress. “ you can sign up right here to try it some time. ” there’s no doubt that the waitress caught her attention the very second she walked into the crashdown, yet scarlett did not expect the game to begin so soon; even with her brazen comment. dark brown eyes follow to rings settling upon the other’s chest, to then rise to her lips as she speaks, only to meet her gaze one again. “ you’re going to have to teach me. i can do a wing, but like that? fuck no. the way i ward off creeps is a lot less classier and much messier. even just petty. ” oh the times she has ‘ spilled ’ drinks on her club patrons, or gotten her bracelet ‘ caught ’ in their hair when in reality she’s given it a good reefing. “ i should probably order something before i get you in trouble, huh? ”
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scardanvers ¡ 2 years
where: tripp's trailer park when: idk whenever your heart desires
The LeBaron was running – which was occasionally a feat in and of itself. The problem with the fact that the LeBaron was running was that the doors were locked, and Julia was outside of it, palms pressed to the driver's side window like a Dickensian orphan. Her forlorn gaze was interrupted by the sound of whatever poor soul had the misfortunate to be in the vicinity, and she let out a hopefully sigh before turning. "Hey! Do you have a wire hanger or something? I'm desperate dude, I'll pay. Not well, but there's at least two beers in the fridge inside with your name on it if you can get this car open without busting out a window."
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scarlett has her head down — not in shame, rather to read the latest text that’s come through for a potential gig — as her feet carry her through tripp’s trailer park. her focus is on thinking about what to write back, unlike acting on her impulses and say the first thing that came to mind. coming to an abrupt halt and head flying to the person that tears her from her thoughts, however, scarlett furrows her brows ever so slightly at the predicament. “ do i look like i have a wire hanger on me? ” there’s a bite to her words, and no sarcasm can be sensed. scarlett is the last person that can help in a situation like this; she would call her mum for help, or end up actually bashing the window in. “ can’t you ... i don’t know, put some cable ties together and use that? and no, i don’t have that on me either. in case you wanna ask that too. ”
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scardanvers ¡ 2 years
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“ an’ why the hell you throttlin’ me ?! it ain’t my fault if they trample you — that’s on your fer not growin’ more !! “ countered striker over the whipping of the wind . the male was in no place to comment on scarlett’s appearance — grey hairs were coming in at his roots , the bags beneath his eyes were impossibly dark , and there were questionable brown stains across his cheeks … the worst part was that none of those details were weather dependent . since the nightly drinking had kickstarted up again — a strange new years resolution , even for him — the eldest of the cannon three had been turning up to work an hour late reeking of whiskey and looking as though he had been dragged through a hedge . “ an’ what you scared of them breakin’ your toes for ?? i worked here ten years and i ain’t never had one step on my foot , an’ mine are a billion sizes bigger than yours . ma’am , i’d really appreciate it if you — “ a gust almost threw striker from his position , heels digging against soft earth , “ — if you helped me out !! “ 
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never did scarlett think she would see the day she’d desire to rip her hair out, but with the wind whipping the ends into her eyes, she is just about ready to tear chucks from her scalp. instead, however, she’s digging into each of her pockets for her scrunchie. whilst cursing under her breath, of course. “ oh right, lemme just go take that up with the folks and while i’m at it, i’ll just ask my fairy godmother for some growth serum — of course it’ll be your fault! i don’t round up cattle for a living! ” the blonde retorts, sarcasm tripping from her tongue and finally in the last pocket of her pants, finds her saving grace; the scrunchie. scarlett throws her hair into one of the tightest ponytails she had ever tied, as weary eyes glare at him to asses her approach. “ fine, ” the blonde huffs, taking longs strides towards striker to balance herself in the wind. the dj is a strange one; she’ll chase after cattle for the hell of it after a couple of drinks, but help hurd them into an enclosed space sounded utterly absurd. “ what’ve i gotta’ do? ”
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scardanvers ¡ 2 years
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He nervously taps his fingers against the book, listening as the other proceed it’s entirety. If felt like he was showing off a treasure chest, filled to the brim with jewels and gold. While to Nabeel, this book is a treasure, it was new for others to react similarly to the knowledge. “I never kid with beetles.” He holds out the book, offering it to her. While he internally regrets the little ‘joke’, he chose to swallow it and continue with the conversation.
“Most people think so too. It’s hard to believe that there’s so many, but there is! It’s amazing.” He waved his hand, momentarily turning his attention to the other books of beetles. It was a smaller selection but enough for get someone started on the insects. “The Green June Beetle are my favorite. I never saw them in the city but when I did leave for work, they were everywhere… Definitely not the favorite of everyone because they’re quite common but, I love them.”
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‘ i never kid with beetles ’. scarlett cannot help but stifle a chuckle — not that she is trying to be rude ( for once ), but the joke lands and she is rather amused. despite deep down knowing she isn’t going to read such an extensive book, the bartender delicately takes the offered book and brown eyes examine the cover. she doesn’t have the patience, nor true interest in the subject matter to sit and read it. if she were to borrow it, it would just sit on her bedside and act as decor. 
“ the green ... june beetle? i’ve never heard of them in my life. ” honestly, scarlett hadn’t heard of a lot of beetles, if any, in her life. holding the book that they gave her close to her chest, scarlett thinks for a moment. what do beetles actually do? “ are they just really pretty, or is there something special they can do? ask me about music and i’ll chat your ear off but this is all new territory to me. ” 
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scardanvers ¡ 2 years
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Perhaps the quickest way to get to Esmeray’s heart was to ask her about gaming. Whether it was tabletop gaming or consoles, she would drop everything she was doing to show off what it was all about to anyone that showed an interest. It had changed her life completely, giving her an outlet and finally allowing her to find herself. Discovering it all in college had jumpstarted the long journey to setting herself free of the fear she’d always carried that she would never be good enough. So, when Scarlett had expressed a passing interest in gaming, Es hadn’t hesitated for a moment in inviting the woman over to hang out for an afternoon and play a bit. “Honestly, not a huge difference. Some people are like diehard that you can only pick one, but they’re both fine. Some games are exclusive to a particular one, so having both is really the only way to play everything,” she explained, head dropped back comfortably against a pillow. Her cheeks warmed slightly as she was called an expert, chest puffing up a bit as she sat back up to see the screen as she loaded things up. “I’ve always kinda been more of a Playstation girl personally, but it depends on the kinda games you like. Have you played any before at all? Any genres you’re feeling? I can load up anything for ya.”
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perhaps scarlett should have done a little research into gaming before she came over, but that would defeat the purpose of esmeray showing her the ropes. she’s going to ask her any question that pops into her head anyway. upon the question of what games she has played, scarlett has to stop and think — what has she played in past. besides the odd card game ( which would usually end in stripping or skinny dipping ), there are only a few that she believes she can name. or describe, more or less. “ well, just dance; pretty sure we played it for christmas one year when my uncle was in town. i think there was this racing car game i’ve tried? ” the blonde pauses, the pad of her index finger tapping at her chin as she tries to recall any other games all before shaking her head. “ other than that, no. nothing. ” scarlett finishes with a shrug, offering esmeray a sweet grin. “ i’m down for something a little scary, with a bit of a story. or i’d love to see what the latest stuff you’ve been into is. like the last game you’ve been playing over and over. ”
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scardanvers ¡ 2 years
Closed – @scardanvers Concept – Wine, Cheese & Jewelry
"Hi love!" she smiled as she saw Scarlett approaching. A major client of hers was starting their own jewelry line and has asked Blair to come out for the event. There was about thirty-women in the house and she was waiting patiently in the foyer for Scarlett, her plus one. Blair was excited and happy to support any new business, especially that of another woman. "Oh love the outfit! Are you ready to get mid-day wine drunk?"
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usually, scarlett is on time to work, her appointments, and especially events; but come today and her the outfit she originally picked out was just not it. the way she left her bedroom with clothes scattered every which way would have her mother beside herself, but that didn’t matter — scarlett made it only a couple minutes late and looking a million bucks. “ hi babe! ” she greets happily, approaching her dear friend with a bright smile upon her face. “ oh, why thank you. and you look absolutely beautiful, as always. ” not only was scarlett looking forward to a day with blair, checking out the new jewelry line, but she also took the night off from work. “ you bet i’m ready; it’s the best kind of mid-day drunk. and i’m in need of some new jewelry, i’m so excited! ”
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scardanvers ¡ 2 years
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scardanvers ¡ 2 years
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Oddly enough, to Wayne, there was nothing more refreshing than the safety of a restroom. The moment he shut and locked the door, he could feel everything escape from his chest with a grueling sigh. His hand dropping the backpack and the highly disgusting floor to rub at his face. He wasn’t overwhelmed from his current company, quite the opposite, he was just— overwhelmed. A long day of work and talking to snobby assholes feeds on the soul in the worse way possible. Especially the one that threw wine on him. Albeit, she was a younger lady who was already frustrated because of the situation, she didn’t let down by Wayne’s hypotheticals. Which would’ve helped practice and ensure a victory through trial. Eventually, Wayne snapped from her behavior which caused the whole wine crisis. If his father found out about that? He’ll never hear the end of it.
Shaking his head, Wayne pries the bag to the sink with him. Luckily there was a mirror, just with massive cracks in it. It was still enough for him to work his way around shaving and cutting his hair. “See you around, handsome.” He flashes one last smile, taking a mental photo of the beard and long hair. It wouldn’t take terribly long for it to grow back but Wayne Loxley is a drama queen. Always has been and always will be.
— Eight, ten minutes later, and Wayne had successfully cleaned himself up. The water running to clean out the sink while he tosses the long strands of hair into the small bin. The song, Fly Me To The Moon, exhoing against the walls due to Wayne’s ‘magnificent’ singing. The man bouncing about with a new pep in his step. After all, there’s nothing like a fresh face. It gives him a new mood, and a new personality. Like he just cut off all the bad energy.
“Took a little longer than I imagined but I think this is better, no?” Wayne steps out of the bathroom, touching his soft and moisturized cheek. The excitement of showing off his new look to his laundromat buddy radiating off of him. “My face is cold though, no wonder people love scarves.”
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merely seconds after her company’s disappearance to the restroom, scarlett is sliding her earpod back into her ear and resuming the playlist that was once the only thing keeping her sane whilst waiting for the washer to finish. there is no way in hell she would go a minute listening to the whirring and groaning of the countless washing machines; especially when her playlist is bangin’ ( and her main source of comfort but that she will admit to few ).
boredom is quick to take over after scarlett mindlessly throws her belongings into the dryer — like she was on a mission to get the dryer on so she could get on with other things — and she finds herself wandering the laundromat. not that there is much to see at all; it’s just washer after washer, dryer after dryer, and a vending machine that draws her in to purchase a pack of skittles. sucker. after tonight, scarlett is certainly going to make sure her washing machine is fixed pronto, purely so she doesn’t have to wait around this place again. 
luckily, it’s shortly after scarlett’s return to her machine that her company is returning to show off his brand new look and oh, is she impressed. he did take his sweet ass time, as scarlett would say, but the outcome was worth it. the beard was hot, some scruff would have been just as so, but the clean shaven look has scarlett running the tip of her tongue along the inside of her ajar lips. “ much better. ” the blonde agrees, flashing the other a smile. 
“ scarf is in the dryer, sorry. ” scarlett doesn’t have a scarf in the dryer — hell, she doesn’t even own a proper scarf. there is an innocent look on her face as she responds, however, and shrugs, making out that she does in fact have one. dark brown eyes darken and fixate on her company, drinking him in inch by inch — just like her prey were served to her on a silver platter and all she had to do was take it. pushing herself away from her machine, scarlett steps closer to the handsome fella and runs her hand down her chest; all subtlety out the window. “ i can think of other ways to warm up that pretty face of yours. ”
just as she makes out she is about to unbutton her top with one hand, she slides it further down to the front pocket of her pants and pulls out the packet of skittles and holds it between them. “ candy? ” tease.
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scardanvers ¡ 2 years
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Leo’s eyebrows rise briefly, a hint of a smile lingering on his lips. While there was about zero chance of the owner of the Wild Pony allowing Scarlett back into the bar, should she start a fight, it would certainly be a sight to see. Leo had already played that game and gotten burned– the only reason he’s allowed within the four walls was because he didn’t swing the first punch. Although, that was an anomaly in Tripp’s Trailer Park. Leo always was the first to move. You stop, you die– a shark mentality. “You know I’m always looking out for you,” he reminds her, though the devilish tone feels like it means something else. “Yeah fucking right. Backstreet Boys. That’s what you think of me, huh?” he asks, flicking a stray ash away like the thought. 
Leo takes her comment as a check in the win column. He had been alone but with a little luck and some terrible, ear-shattering singing, he’d managed to clear that up. Growing up in a large family, he’s not one for solitude for too long. He’s used to the loud, even if he’s not. He revels in it. And he’ll revel in the handsome comment, as if he didn’t think that she already thought it. Obviously by their late night encounters, Scarlett found something to look at. “Was alone,” he starts. “But looks like that’s been fixed. – I like smoking cigarettes with pretty girls so it’d be fucked up to leave.”
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‘ you know i’m always looking out for you ’ . scarlett is renowned for playing mind games with her partners, and manipulating them to ensure she has them wrapped around her little finger; to get what she wants, when she wants. almost like she is the puppetmaster. with leo, however, that isn’t the case; yet knowing he’s thinking of her when she isn’t around is a win in another way. in the best way, and it’s just the way she likes. “ there are a lot of ways i think of you, but it’s a little early to get into that. i haven’t even finished my cigarette. ” the flirty remark comes with a smirk, and a drag of her smoke. 
it wasn’t often that scarlett did smoke — usually she had to be really intoxicated, around other smokers, or incredibly stressed — tonight, she would say her mood was sour and needed a pick me up. she is thanking her lucky stars that she did; leo was just the person she needed to run into to turn her night around. “ i’m sure she’d be absolutely devastated if you left. ” a bit of an exactuation, but scarlett would be disappointed if he decided to leave then and there, especially without an invite. with absolutely no subtly, scarlett’s brown eyes begin to coquettishly look leo over — the half smile, the sharp cut of his jaw, what lies beneath the clothes she has been so blessed to witness — and she takes the last inhale of her cigarette before dropping it to stamp it out. the blonde steps closer to him, sweet yet devilish grin on her face. “ have you got any plans for the evening with this pretty girl you’ve been smoking with? or she is going to have to initiate? ” 
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scardanvers ¡ 2 years
puhlman’s ranch !  ( open — to all ! ​)
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“ sweet mother o’ mary , “ the male cursed , almost rushed off his feet by a sudden gust of unrelenting wind that was taking absolutely no prisoners . the january weather was unruly , unpredictable but , come rain or shine , the cowboy was out among the hay bales and cow dung , doing whatever his boss instructed of him without second throught . trust striker to be out in the literal eye of the storm , ignoring any and all warnings for his wellbeing , putting the safety of livestock before .. well .. anything else , as usual . he didn’t expect any other idiot to be out in the throws of the whipping wind , and yet eyes settled on the first figure he saw as hands struggled with the doors of the barn , attempting to shove their group of cows safety in their warm , wooden sanctuary . “ well , don’t jus’ stand there !! help me out . “
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today was not the day to take pictures for the gram at pulman’s ranch. it started out great — scarlett looked great, the lighting was on point, and the scenery was just as she pictured — and then it turned. just like mother nature said ‘ you’re done ’ and that was that. in all honesty, perhaps scarlett should’ve checked the weather for the whole day instead of just the time she was getting dressed ( as she does every day ) and then she wouldn’t be stuck in this predicament. wind blowing a gale, hair a mess, frizzy and whipping her in the face and her mood rapidly plummeting. cursing to herself under her breath, feeting carrying her back towards her vehicle, she comes across striker who seems to be in a bigger mess than she. “ no, absolutely not. i know i’ll get trampled and then i’ll throttle you! ” scarlett pauses for a couple seconds, staring at the open barn doors. “ ... promise they won’t break my toes? ”
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scardanvers ¡ 2 years
sanders’ autobody ! ( open — to all ! ​)
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evanie-may’s duck egg blue chevrolet pickup had thrown in the towel once again . you would think , for a motor that had survived three years of off-roading and late night drives through shallow waters , it would have more life to give ; that didn’t prevent her from ending up at the garage once a fortnight , the pages of a glossy magazine splayed between painted fingernails . if only , back in the pouring prairie she once called home , she had taken the time to identify each and every whirr , whizz and creak . catching the prying eyes of an onlooker the magazine was lowered , peering over flimsy pages , a dimpled smirk sinking in the porcelain flesh of her cheeks . “ i ain’t looking forward to them mechanic fellas telling me what’s wrong with the ol’ girl this time . my last visit they told me there was possum in my front grille — i mean , how the hell did he get in there ?? that weren’t me , no sir-ee . “
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when it came to cars, scarlett knew the bare minimum; how to check her oil, to fill up gas, where and how to connect her phone through bluetooth, and how to change a tyre — and even that needed a youtube video tutorial with a lot of cursing and screaming — so she was more than happy to leave the mechanics to the experts. her visit to the shop, however, was not just to book a check up on her rav4, but also to give one of the mechanics their belongings back from the night before. one thing scarlett doesn’t like is waiting, and she is growing increasingly impatient. in fact, the dj is eyeing off the company across from her, thinking of a way to strike up a conversation but luckily, they have done that for her; a win. “ you’re joking? how the hell did it get up in there? ” she questions, cringing at the mere thought. “ had it done any damage? like, mice had gotten into my mother’s car and chewed the wiring so there was a heap of damage. ”
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scardanvers ¡ 2 years
the crashdown cafe ( open — to all ! ​)
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“ welcome to the crashdown cafe . let me show you to your seat , and get ready for take-off . can i get you a drink or a gluten-free menu ?? “ the welcome messages her boss had passed down to her were starting to get ridiculous , and the deadpan delivery made the crude puns ten times worse than they already were . ender didn’t belong in a mint gown with deely-bobbers atop her head ; that much was clear by the way her face was painted like a masterpiece , eyeliner sharp enough to kill and lids glittering with shimmering shadow . perhaps if she continued to fake it — to dress like the job she wanted , not the one she had — she would be able to fool the general public that she was , in fact , the long lost daughter of kris jenner . “ you should try the zeppelin zinger wings . they’re cosmic – apparently . whatever that’s supposed to mean . “
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truthfully, scarlett only half listens to the delivery of the greeting as she is completely focused on the glimmering eyeshadow and cutthroat liner; the skill and steady hand needed to be able to perfect such artistry has her in utter awe. sure, scarlett herself is able to execute a killer liner, but certainly not to the perfection before her. the description of the crashdown’s wings, however, strip her from her daze. “ cosmic? ” the blonde queries with a chuckle, simply to make sure she heard correctly. “ the only thing i can describe as cosmic is an orgasm and that’s from giving myself one. doubt some lousy wings can do that for me. ” crude, and something that came from her mouth with no thought. just like the next comment that just has to fly out. “ forget the food for a second, your makeup is fucking gorgeous. how did you do that liner? ”
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