#not sure if it's canon but it's canon in my heart that greed smokes
spoopy-sloth · 2 years
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Here it is! The first 6 fanart challenge of the year :D
Thanks to the following for suggestions: @planteria for Ling Yao @argothiathedreamer for Galo Thymos @ghostymarin for Og Greed @genderfluid-envy for Lio Fotia @boopboops22 for Mei Chang
and @ultraalittlebitofeverything for Bandit Thanks again!
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pocketfulofrecs · 3 years
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This week’s Author Spotlight is here! And our author in the spotlight is glitteringmoonlight! We really love this author and it seems like many of our friends do as well. We’ve both been recommended "on restitution" so many times! A testament of how good glitteringmoonlight is. If there was a list of authors to read as a newcomer, we think she would be on it for sure.
She has published 222k+ words on MDZS on ao3 in 12 works. You can find her @glitteringmoonlight on Tumblr.
Her fics:
Dreams of You (Are All I Have Left) - [teen | 2.7k | the 13 years]
love at every s(word f)ight - [teen | 3.2k | established relationship fluff]
one of our own - [general | 7.7k | 5 times the Lans defended WWX]
pay no attention to what’s behind the curtain - [teen | 7.4k | emperor!LWJ and concubine!WWX]
this version of our story - [general | 3.4k | Lan Sizhui learns about the Wens]
no smoke without fire - [teen | 12k | outsider pov about the Yiling Patriarch]
watch what we’ll become - [teen | 59k | arranged marriage between WWX and JZX - but still wangxian]
looking through a window - [teen | 5.4k | modern au online learning outsider pov]
pitfalls of greed (our post) - [teen | 3.3k | Yiling Laozu WWX]
our lives, never ours - [teen | 7.9k | hunger games au]
on restitution - [mature | 98k | WWX doesn’t die at the siege and is kept prisoner by JC - the rest of canon still happens]
this world (what I make of it) - [teen | 17k | wip | avatar au]
Dee’s favourite: I’m honestly torn? I love pitfalls of greed. It is one of the first fics I read. BAMF WWX is my jam. Looking through a window is a great fic too! There’s something so charming about outsider POV getting a glimpse of lovely Wangxian domesticity. The descriptions of LWJ and WWX are so enchanting here. I would highly recommend them.
Ju’s favourite: This was hard to choose, but “on restitution” has a big place in my heart. I was so afraid of reading it while the author was Anonymous, because the synopsis is so sad/angsty. The moment I saw who the writer was I started reading and just couldn’t put it down. And it is just so good!!! The first chapter is really angsty and it hurts a lot, but then the rest of the fic comes and it’s way less angsty than I expected. WWX is full of life, wangxian is absolutely glorious, and soft, and romantic, and sexy, and they tease and trust each other. The juniors are also there, and we get Wei Yuan for once! They are all so in character and it makes me so happy. Mostly WWX pov, but I cannot forget to mention Jingyi’s pov. I just couldn’t stop laughing at his chapter. Cannot rec this one enough.
The Interview:
Q. When did you start writing fics? Did you have fandoms before this one?
A. I used to write for Percy Jackson and Harry Potter in the early 2010s (under a different name), though not very prolifically, but that tapered off fairly quickly. Apart from a few unpublished fic drafts for Lord of the Rings and Leverage, I only really got back into fic writing after I rewatched Avatar: The Last Airbender in 2020.
Q. What made you start writing for MDZS?
A. Wangxian! What drew me to the source material was the fact that I found Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji utterly fascinating as individual characters, but it was how much I loved their relationship dynamic that got me thinking about writing fic. There was also something about the plot and themes of MDZS itself that I found very compelling, and that made me even more interested in exploring it in fic. I didn’t realize it would lead to me writing so many fics in this fandom, but I’m certainly not complaining!
Q. What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
A. That’s a really hard question to answer because I love different fics for different reasons, and at any given time, the fic I’m working on at the moment is usually my favourite. Among my finished fics, I particularly love on restitution, because of the way I got to portray Wangxian (and how many sweet, fluffy interactions I managed to fit into it, which… might seem like an odd reason given the premise, summary, and tags) and no smoke without fire, because it contains so many tropes I love— Wei Wuxian being a genius inventor, Wei Wuxian and the Wen remnants as found family, kids loving Wei Wuxian… the list goes on.
Q. What’s your favourite type of fics to read?
A. It depends on the day, really. Sometimes I love a good plot-heavy fic and other times I just want tender domestic fluff. But when it comes to MDZS, I do have a soft spot for fics of the ‘Wei Wuxian protection squad’ variety and fics that heavily feature the Wen siblings and Wei Wuxian’s relationship.
Q. What’s your favourite comment? Or type of comment?
A. Any comment at all! It’s always amazing to know that someone liked my fic(s) enough to let me know! (Though it’s a special kind of thrill to see the same person comment on multiple of my fics, because it tells me that they liked my writing enough to check out what else I’ve written)
Q. What is your favorite trope to read and/or write?
A. Established relationship and all the subtropes that encompasses! I love the familiarity, the casual intimacy, the comfort in each other’s presence… I could go on and on. I also love a good outsider POV (as evidenced by how many of them I’ve written), and as a natural consequence, established relationship from outsider POV.
Q. Do you have any advice for new authors?
A. Write what you want to read. I’ve found that it’s a lot more enjoyable to write something that you personally like, and editing feels a lot less tedious when you enjoy what you’re proofreading. Also, there’s a good chance you’ll connect with other people who enjoy the same things you do!
Q. What do you think is the most important element in writing? Plot, characterization, relationship?
A. They’re all important, but characterization drives everything else, I feel. The characters— and the way they react to situations and to each other— influence how the plot progresses and the relationships develop, so characterization is an essential part of writing.
Check out their stories on ao3 and remember…
Comments and kudos feed the author’s soul.
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stunt-lads · 4 years
Tagged by @jimtheviking (tysm for tagging me)
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag some of your favourite authors
(Under a read more due to length!)
★ Untitled - Wolvlock; Logan kicks in the door to the room he can smell Sherlock’s scent emanating from. He finds him, alive, moving, breathing but he shies away from the light streaming in behind him.
♥ Nonae - OC Backstory; He thinks he had a name once. Before he ran away. But leaving his realm, his home has left him empty.
★ Camping (Working title) - Streddie (IT); “So, we’re going camping this weekend right?” Richie can hear Eddie in the other room, double and triple checking to make sure he has everything.
“Yes, we’re leaving today actually, so make sure you take everything you’ll need for a week.” Eddie snarks from his bedroom across the hall. Richie thinks it's sweet he doesn’t even pretend to believe Richie’s packed already.
Richie smiles to himself as he haphazardly throws things into the bag. There’s something that makes him feel domestic in that.
♥ Vent - OC Style (ft. Carter, Declan, Peyton); The door creaking has him slowly waking up. It’s not common that someone comes into his room at night but maybe it’s dad or Declan in need of something.
♥ Untitled; He lays on his back, looking up at the stars and moon
The ground is finally dry enough from all the melting snow for him to just relax It’s still partially frozen and his clothes aren’t thick enough to stop all the water from seeping into his skin Cooling it in the cold night air But it’s worth it It’s so worth it to look up at the sky and see the vast array of stars.
★ Nitis - Penultimate Chapter; “Are you sure this is the right way?” Soot’s voice echoes slightly in the metal interior.
“I think so. It’s so hard to tell…” Dart sounds unsure of himself. Fern steels herself and steps forward at the same time Ash does.
They look at each other and nod.
“Follow Ash.” Fern’s voice is soft but confident, “Dart, you follow her and then me, and Soot if—“
“Yeah! I can use my antlers if I need to.” He lets them crackle softly to enunciate his words.
“Yeah. Ok.”
Dart inhales deeply, the four of them able to breathe easily even as the smog and black smoke surrounds them and prevents them from seeing clearly. Ash stops in front of him and looks back at them, her eyes glowing a soft green in the harsh red lighting.
“She wants to know which way to go.” Soot says, tilting his head curiously. He gently nudges at Fern’s hindquarters, “Get up next to her. You’re our navigator.”
“B-But I—“
“You can do it Fern.” Dart says stepping aside. Fern lays her ears flat back against her head and steps forward on shaky legs. Ash looks at her with a small smile and nods.
“Alright, ok. Uhm…” She closes her eyes and concentrates until the loud sound of the machinery around them fades away, until she doesn’t feel the rumbling of the behemoth moving around them.
“Right. And then the next fork we go left.”
“Alright! Let’s go!” Dart says excitedly as they all run deeper into the darkness of the metal monstrosity, Soot whooping as he brings up the tail end again.
★ The Thief and the Bard - OC story (ft. Caleb and Lysander); It’s dark now and the rafters creak under his weight as his eyes take in the empty store.
He’s been stalking it all day, watching the shopkeeper, learning his habits. He’s friendly enough, if intimidating. To be expected though. He’s a bear.
As soon as the candlelight went out, the torches were doused with a soft sizzle, and the light from the fire had died down to embers, he made his move.
He genuinely couldn’t believe his luck when he saw the window left open on the second floor. Climbing his way up had been easy enough and the cloud cover had left him invisible to anyone watching.
The fox’s nose twitches as his ears swivel and he waits before swinging down onto the log floor. He winces when the wood groans softly under his feet.
♥ The one where they’re queer - Stozier (ft. Trans Stan); Richie Tozier was a rambunctious boy. But it also wasn’t unusual or hard for him to make friends. Which is how he made friends with the nice girl down the street.
Her name was Hannah Uris and she was the only girl Richie ever liked.
✘ Omega Stan - Stozier; He doesn’t like being soft
He doesn’t like being vulnerable and when he presents his status he’s really pissed about it Especially since He’s the only loser who is an omega
★ FBI Stan + Richie, Witness Protection Eddie (Steddie); He’s had to relocate this dude liketimes and ‘Eddie’ is his new name and he has no friends and Stan feels bad for him
So he says “hey, why don’t I keep you company until you’re settled in and comfortable?” And Eddie goes from 😔 to 🥺 and Stan’s like oh fuck he’s cute
★ The guy next door - Reddie (ft. Trans Eddie); When he first moves in Richie’s already intrigued by him.
He looks perpetually angry and Richie is living for it. Richie makes his move when he goes to catch a box that nearly falls from his hands, the boxes stacked too high.
✘ Barry/Soso - Dark A/B/O; “Please, i dont want this, I asked you not to when I was in heat, sTOP!”
But Barry doesn’t listen and pins his wrists to the bed, after turning him onto his stomach and making him keep his face buried in the pillows.
✘ Corruption and blasphemy? Yes - Reddie (ft. Demon!Eddie & Priest!Richie); For a demon Eddie Kaspbrak is small, he’s unassuming, petite, he thinks he even heard a human refer to him as a “twink” once when he was in a gay club and looking for a hookup to ease his bloodlust.
He doesn’t really care what they call him, he just knows when he sets his sights on someone, they become his.
Must be the greed in him.
✘ Venting via proxy; it’s hazy, his memories, and that’s ok. or, well, it’s not okay, but he prefers the haziness to the vivid memories.
at least with the lapses in his memory he can pretend nothing happened. because even if something did, he doesn’t know what it was, can’t pinpoint it, doesn’t dwell on it late at night when the demons come for him in the darkness. all shadows and long arms.
♥ Christmas but make it horror - Reddie; “Do I have to stay, Richie?” Stan whines, throwing a pillow at him from the spot on his bed.
“You do.” Richie says cheerfully, throwing a wrapped gift in his direction, “And here’s your present you whiny baby.”
Stan tears into it eagerly. He tries not to laugh when he sees the hideous thing, “Thanks, Rich.” He deadpans and Richie presses an exaggerated kiss to his temple.
“Anythin’ for you toots.”
Stan shoves him away laughing.
★ Oceans Embrace - PotC OC/Canon story; what’re ye worried about in these waters? eyes flit to the darkening sky in answer ain’t no harpies for leagues and ‘fore you mention ‘em mermaids flock t’gether in shallower waters.
aye but there's somethin’ worse than harpies, worse than mermaids even. breaths are held, and work is paused as the second mate speaks, somethin’ that's the unholy mixture of the two.
✘ Soft Reddie; Eddie always wanted to believe in unicorns. He wanted to see one one day, a pure white animal, pristine and clean that only showed itself to those who it deemed worthy and good of heart?
Yeah. Eddie wanted that.
♥ Blurb/Ficlet - Reddie; It’s after Derry, when they’re all staying for a week with Richie, ignoring their obligations so they can catch up on things they’ve missed in their time apart. And Stan has brought along Patty and she and Bev are already getting along great. Stan is obviously smitten, if the way he looks at her and just holds her hand is any indication.
✘ Barry/Richie/Milo; He isn’t sure when the turning point is. When he decides he just can’t do it anymore. But he knows it starts when he’s on stage. Seeing the spotlight and suddenly snapping back to beneath Derry, frozen in fear and tense. He vomits on stage and there’s murmurs of “oh god” and “is he okay?” from the crowd and Richie Tozier, for one of the first times in his life, sincerely apologizes.
♥ But Trust me to take you home - Reddie; It’s funny, Eddie thinks, that as things change they still always sort of stay the same.
♥ - Completed
★ - WIP/incomplete
✘ Abandoned
Tagging: @ull-float-too @bimmyshrug @blueeyedrichie @fuckbitchesgetreddie  @fuji09 and whoever else wants to do this! <33
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caustic-curses · 5 years
HPHM Profile: Seth Drystan
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Thanks to @hogwartsmysterystory​ for the profile!
Name: Seth Abraxas Drystan
Gender: Cisgender Male
Age:  15
Birth Date: 4/10/1973
Species: Wizard (Half-breed Werewolf)
Blood Status: Half-Blood (MuggleBorn)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Ethnicity: English
Nationality: British
Residence: Bristol, UK
Myer Briggs Personality Type: ISTP - The Detective
1st Wand: Hornbeam| Dragon Heartstring core | 12in length |  Pliant
Hornbeam selects for its life mate the talented witch or wizard with a single, pure passion, which some might call obsession (though I prefer the term ‘vision’), which will almost always be realized. Hornbeam wands adapt more quickly than almost any other to their owner’s style of magic and will become so personalized, so quickly, that other people will find them extremely difficult to use even for the most simple of spells. Hornbeam wands likewise absorb their owner’s code of honor, whatever that might be, and will refuse to perform acts – whether for good or ill – that do not tally with their master’s principles. A particularly fine-tuned and sentient wand.
Dragon Heartstring: As a rule, dragon heartstrings produce wands with the most power, and which are capable of the most flamboyant spells. Dragon wands tend to learn more quickly than other types. While they can change allegiance if won from their original master, they always bond strongly with the current owner. The dragon wand tends to be easiest to turn to the Dark Arts, though it will not incline that way of its own accord. It is also the most prone of the three cores to accidents, being somewhat temperamental.
2nd Wand: Cedar | Rougarou Hair core | 10 ¾ in length | Supple
Whenever I meet one who carries a cedar wand, I find the strength of character and unusual loyalty. My father, Gervaise Ollivander, used always to say, ‘you will never fool the cedar carrier,’ and I agree: the cedar wand finds its perfect home where there is perspicacity and perception. I would go further than my father, however, in saying that I have never yet met the owner of a cedar wand whom I would care to cross, especially if harm is done to those of whom they are fond. The witch or wizard who is well-matched with cedar carries the potential to be a frightening adversary, which often comes as a shock to those who have thoughtlessly challenged them.
Rougarou hair: It was rumored to have an affinity for Dark magic, like vampires to blood.
Animagus: Asil Rooster 
Misc Magical Abilities:  Above average Legilimens but average at occlumency
Boggart Form:  Himself fading into nothingness (being forgotten)
Riddikulus Form: A tap-dancing sparrow
Amortentia: It’s the scent of a blend of Mysore sandalwood, ambergris, violet leaves, French verbena & Florentine iris-translated into the following; the scent of smoke after a fire, woods in autumn, bittersweet chocolate
Amortentia:  He smells laurels and orchid blossoms, the scent of parchment, and a faint hint of smoke mixing with iron. (Penny Haywood)
Patronus:  Hippogriff 
Patronus Memory: Asking Penny out on their first date and how much her eyes shone, smiling, as they danced.
Mirror of Erised: Being married to Penny whose 6 months pregnant with her second child, both of them happy as they hold the hands of their son.
Specialized/Favourite Spells: Impervius, Protego, Obscuro, & Finite Incantatem
Faceclaim: Gino Pasqualini
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Game Appearance: (edited from a Slytherin chara, pretend his tie is red and gold)
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Height: 5’9
Weight: 150
Physique:  Mesomorphic
Eye Colour: grey eyes (C40 on 1998 eye color chart)
Hair Colour: Originally it was a dark red but a prank dyed it black.
Skin Tone: Ivory
Scars: Seth has 3 deep scars starting at his shoulders to his mid-back, he is self-conscious regarding them. He wears long sleeves due to some scarring on his forearms.
Inventory: Red-tinted glasses, a ring on either middle finger, and his lucky quill.
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor- current
Ilvermorny House: Wampus -former Organizations: Death Eaters and the Drystan family
Professions:  Upon graduating-- Surveillor of Activity/ Investigator
Class Proficiencies:
Astronomy: ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆
Charms: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆
DADA: ★★★★★★★★☆☆
Flying:  ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆
Herbology: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
History of Magic: ★★★☆☆☆☆☆
Potions: ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆
Transfiguration: ★★★★★★★★☆☆
Care Of Magical Creatures: ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆
Divination: ★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆
Quidditch:  Member of the Audience (he failed the tryouts)
Extra-Curricular: Dueling Club & Potions Club
Favorite Professors: 
Professor Sprout - Not only is she kind, warm-hearted, and gentle in her guidance, but she is genuine in her teachings. It is obvious that she cares about the subject. Her careful tending and motherly focus has made her a favorite teacher for Seth. He regards her as if she were a favorite aunt and heeds her guidance with the same respect.
Professor Flitwick- What he lacks in size, he makes him in his determination, heart, and ambition. Seeing that there was potential in Drystan, he motivated the Gryffindor towards success. Sure, his focus may seem a bit wavering at times, he means well. As he endeavors his students towards their personal best, he appreciates his sort of instruction.
Least Favourite Professors:
Professor Rakepick- Her teaching methods are a bit reckless and overambitious. She seems driven to prove something but he’d rather it not be at his expense.
Professor.Kettleburn- This instructor is a reckless idiot and he is amazed that he isn’t dead yet.
Brother: Kain Daws Drystan | (17yo) 02/14/1971- Aquarius
He is proficient in nonverbal magic although he keeps this as a well-guarded secret
His distrust and blatant dislike of Seth are obvious in their interactions. 
He aspires to be an Auror rather than a politician
Brother: Amos Jorah Drystan | (17 yo)   02/14/1971-Aquarius
He is aware of Seth’s conflicted orientation but has, in a roundabout way, offered support and understanding
Desiring to be a professional philosopher, Amos delves into its study. Get too close and you’ll become the subject for evaluation
As a secret arsonist, he is responsible for setting fire to the small shed when they were children. Seth has yet to forgive him and isn’t sure if he ever will.
Adoptive Father: Judas Irah Drystan |  (41 yo) 10/15/1947 -Pisces
Hogwarts Alumni: Ravenclaw
Is involved in the political agenda of the ministry though such details are kept secret
He is a polyglot: English, Spanish, Russian, and Danish.
Biological Father: Kaizer James Messere |  (43 yo) 03/18/1945 -Pisces
Yale Alumni- operating as a prosecuting attorney
Taxidermy hobbyist
He is aware of the magical community and is envious (Squib)
Biological Mother: Moriah Eden Drystan| (38yo)  09/18/1948 - Virgo
She is a Stanford University Alumni (yes, she’s a muggle)
While her wedding may have been a shotgun wedding, she always loved him and continues to do so.
She is a werewolf having been turned when she was only nineteen
Adoptive Mother: Liesl Nicola Wilde| (38yo)  06/22/1948 - Cancer
Ilvermorny: Horned Serpent Alumni
She adores the performing arts and is obsessed with quidditch
She has only been married for ten years but she’s close to calling it quits
Love Interest: Penny Haywood
Best Friends:
Rowan Khanna
Andre Egwu
Charlie Weasley
Laurent King
Diego Caplan
Enemy: Hector Silva, Samuel Gabehart
Hector Silva
Adrien Reyes
Pets:  Hoodini- Female Barn Owl
Closest Canon Friends:
Rowan Khana
Bill Weasley
Murphy McNully
Closest MC Friends:
Dahlia Goldman
Seth was only two years old when his family life erupted into chaos. It was during a family outing to stargaze when Moriah’s new reality began to set in. As her limbs contorted in pain, Kaizer grabbed his toddler and ran to the car. There they waited out the gruesome terror until Moriah was herself once more. Fearing what this would mean, Kaizer devised a plan to fake Moriah’s death. As his finances began to spiral out of grief, he was forced to give Seth up for adoption. The result was the placement in his uncle’s house.
At the age of twelve, he began to feel a similar attraction to boys as he does with girls. It was slight confusion but he paid no attention to it. It wasn’t until a few months later when he began to develop a crush on his best friend that he realized something might be ‘wrong’ with him. He took a risk with his friend and found such affections returned. However, this wasn’t to be a happy occasion as his father beat him severely upon finding out.
He has dated Corbyn Reyes (ages 14 and 15, respectfully). This only lasted for 3 months as their personalities continued to clash. It was intense, explosive and with a force of wills to match. It didn’t help that they didn’t share similar moral values or understand each other’s signs of affection. They broke up on hostile terms.
The drama involving the Silva’s and Drystan’s have been carried down through the centuries with most of it being forgotten by the Silva’s. The Drystan’s, however, maintain that this feud was the result of Silva greed and impotence. No one really knows the story. With the somewhat-recent history involving the Silvas, the members of the Drystan family are assured in their ascension to surpass them; as is their right.
Charismatic:  Sociable and somewhat understanding, Seth prides himself on the ability to win over almost anyone. It helps that he can read a person generally well.
Condescending. This is a part of his arrogance as he tends to talk down to those who he believes to be inferior to himself. This is obvious in his actions but, more often, it is evident in his manner of speech.
Diplomatic: This comes from being raised by a politician. He is sensitive (only to matters that counts) and is able to deal with the general public effectively and efficiently. This is provided nothing bigoted leaves his mouth.
Hedonistic: The finer things in life were made for him. Check the receipt. He was created for a lavish lifestyle. It may be a weakness but he’s fine with that.
Prejudiced: Muggle-borns and werewolves. There are probably more but these are the most common. He isn’t a fan of half-breed creatures and considers them to be revolting.
Likes: Potions, Dueling, Whittling, Astronomy, and cats
Dislikes: being surprised, pranks, indecisiveness, and windchimes
Hobbies: Playing the violin, wizarding chess, gardening, and dueling
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quilloftheclouds · 5 years
Shaking Hands
Whumptober 2019 Prompts
(TW for murder, gun violence, blood and gore.)
“What’re ye gonna do, girlie?” Even with a pistol to his face, the man’s sneer curled menacingly in the shadows cast by the flickering firelight. The bronze barrel of the gun glinted as it shook, the hands tightly wrapped around its grip unsteady. “Ye gonna shoot the big bad pirate?”
Yes. Yes. I wanted to. With blazes raging around us, devouring the homes of neighbours I had known since I was born, of friends I hoped with all my heart had escaped the ceaseless greed of the pirates’ hunger, I wanted to kill him.
A sign hanging above the corner store’s entrance broke free from its berth, the flames licking at its chains too hot for the supporting beam to defy. It crashed to the ground amidst a cloud of ash and sparks and embers, heat peeling paint around the letters I remembered stenciling. Miss Carlota loved the children that came through her store, loved giving them pieces of her pies for helping with repairs and listening to her stories. I winced.
The pirate chuckled, a vile, abhorrent sound. He stepped back, lifting himself to his feet. The barrel of my pistol followed his forehead up.
“Ye gonna make yer daddy proud? Knowin’ his daughter’s a murderer?”
Miss Carlota was dead. One of the pirates had struck her down, shot her in the back when she tried to run. And as far as I was aware, I was the only one of those children still alive.
My finger refused to move nearer to the trigger.
“I am not a murderer. Would not be.” Despite the tremor in my hands, my tone remained level. Cold, in the smoke burned air.
“Right. Well,” he said, dusting his hands as though clearing them of any guilt. He reached for the pistol holstered at his waist. “Certainly seems like that’d be the case.”
I had never killed before.
“‘Specially if ye never get the chance to fire that in the first place, mm?”
Navy training prepared you for it.
“Listen, lass. I’m real sorry fer this, but a contract’s a contract.”
But years, even decades of preparation--
“Now, just stay nice an’ still, and it’ll be over real fast, aye?”
--was nothing compared to the real thing.
A voice called out from past the corner, hysterical in hope, in fear, familiar. Caught off-guard, the pirate raised his pistol in line with the woman stumbling out from the ruins of the street over.
“V-Violet!? ¿¡Eres, eres tú!?” Click.
I blinked. The pistol dropped to the ashes below as my hands trembled too violently to hold it. I clasped the sides of my arms, my fingers like claws digging deep into the skin under my dress. Eyes wide, blurring with tears, with confusion, with shock, with denial.
The pirate lay still at my feet, collapsed, face distorted in a blasted mess of blood and ash.
My gaze slipped over to the corner of the street.
I had hesitated.
I had hesitated too long.
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I’m not sure if this is entirely canon, but it’s a snippet from an OSS backstory! And this is the first answer to a writing prompt I’ve ever posted on here, wow.
... what a way to start, huh...?
Sorry, Violet.
I’m not going to be tagging the OSS taglist for these, simply because I don’t know how many I’m going to do, and I don’t want to spam people. Plus, these are likely going to divert from canon a little bit, so. If you want to be added to a taglist specifically for these, let me know!
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shadowdianne · 5 years
27. Greed, 28. Grime, 30. Glitter (is my love of alliteration showing?)
This one was interesting Xd I wasn’t entirelysure how to approach this one if I wanted to make a one-shot with the threeconcepts or do three separate ones so… I compromised at the end. Hope you likeit anon 😉
Greed:  Post s5e21, Robin’s death. Obvious change from canon-related details.
The branches from the trees aroundthe cemetery were heavy with the rain that kept pouring down, the pitter-pattersound muffling the sobs Emma could feelclawing up her throat. Biting on her bottom lip, she gazed at where the shadowof a new-made tomb awaited for her; the slab of stone she knew would eventuallybe placed still absent.
Guilt pushingthrough her ribcage, she glanced around, trying to locate the woman she couldalready sense; tears stopping as she felt two arms encircling her waist. Bodyanswering to it in an almost automatic response - the kind of one she had learn togo to whenever Hook was close to her, she froze when rather than him the bodythat awaited for her was suppler, feminine, and giving her sparks that runthrough her with the magic she could already feel feeding hers.
Turning, she found herself staringat Regina; whose eyes dark, stormy and tired as she had last seen her, wererimmed in red and black where her mascara had begun to dry from the tears she hadshed. Heart beating stronger, Emma tried to take a step back, detangle herselffrom an embrace that had her chest far too close to the older woman’s;breathing matching Regina’s and still feeling much more ragged. She, however,found her resolve to turn to smoke as her fingers curled possessively up Regina’sforearms, an imprint of dust floating behind. One that glimmered in thegold-hued light she had seen their conjoined magic take sometimes.
Opening her lips, she found herselfmute as Regina tilted her head, her own lips parting in a mimic of a kiss thatmade Emma’s veins ablaze with magic that felt as heavy as gold and lead:keeping her where she was as her right hand traveled up, resting at the brunette’sshoulder in a shower of powder that made her whimper while everything else butthe brunette disappeared in a hurricane of blacks and whites.
She needed to move away, she neededto stop whatever was happening, what was about to happen. Yet, she couldn’t,she didn’t want to, not with Regina’s warmth so close to hers, not with eyeshooded and dark directed at her with the barest of shadows in purples andlilacs. Gorgeous came to her mind; the descriptor weak as she found the nervesof her neck tense; need and want transforming in yet another moan. A deeperone, one that made Regina change her smile from a smirk; one that made Emmaswallow as she could only watch at her hand, at the way it left away faintimprints that grew with every second she spent touching at the brunette. A need that grew until it enveloped her completely.
She wanted to cry, to whisperapologies that she knew would be pointless time and time again, curse the darkness she still felt roaming inside of her. Her voice, however, didn’t cometo her; trapped forever on her chest as she kept on staring, as she kept on feelingRegina’s hands around her heart as she pulled it apart, dividing it in two likeshe had done back at Hell, power radiating from the memory in a way that madeher want to lounge forward.
She couldn’t, she knew as much butthe reasons as of why not felt as empty, as broken, as fractured glass and soshe kept on feeling her touch like sand; giving everything a glimmer thatalmost blinded her while she kept on trying to move away. For Regina, forherself. The brunette’s arms felt like fire around her waist. Not pushing, notmoving away, and Emma could feel the inner side of Regina’s right forearm brushagainst the bone of her hip, the weight one that made her want far too much,far too quick.
She didn’t want to want, however.She had felt insatiable while she had been trapped in the gilded case that hadbeen the Dark One, fingers reaching through bars made out of dreams and fears.She couldn’t, wouldn’t let herself feel that way. Not anymore.
And yet.
Yet she finally closed the remainingdistance between both Regina and herself; her lips touching wrinkled blankets thatwere almost grey as she opened her eyes; midnight colors adorning the walls of a room that felt cold, alien.
Grime: Dark Swan arc. Camelot.
She could feel the weight of the dagger as it was taken away, as she gave it away with words of a promise she knew no other but the one who she was directing them to would ever be able to fulfill. She felt the blood of thousands of others stick to her fingers; running down her wrists as she took a step back into nothingness made of skulls and magic and broken deals that bubbled now on her tongue. Blurred images to creatures and worlds she didn’t know how to pronounce, she blinked away as she saw a red velvet dress, an off-one shoulder hairdo; brown and silky and calling for her to sunk her fingers in.
The very same fingers that felt covered in magic so thick she could almost feel it pulsate, darker than the day before; sinking deeper than an hour ago. She opened her mouth; a name coming to her in a mirror of her very same scream in the middle of a street from a place she didn’t know she would ever be able to call it home. Not anymore.
She, however, refused to blemish the curls, the skin, the face that called for her. Not even as she felt a pang after stab deep within her chest; the veins on her heart filling with a kind of darkness that made her stumble and gag as she rose her face to the sky; a very familiar vortex calling her; sucking her in.
She didn’t feel remorse not fear for what she had done. Not an ounce of regret. But she felt scared for what would come next; of what was already there, whispering and muttering just an inch, a silver, away from her conscious mind.
She wanted to reach, to touch, to ask for the dagger back. Her own name called for her; written in lines starkly embedded on the blade and she found her skin feverish at the thought of the dagger hidden away between folds; close to a chest that was still warm, that still beat with energy and magic that felt as if was beckoning her in.
Tongue heavy, she licked her lips as she tossed and turned; a lock of her hair shining silver through a reflection she knew she shouldn’t be able to truly see. Panic settling between her shoulders, around her stomach, through her very muscles; she called for Regina’s name with fingers clenching, curling, grasping a dress that wasn’t hers to wear, that didn’t feel like it was ever going to be: titles and expectations breaking atop her; a heavier one sitting at the very bottom of her spine.
Regina, however, her silhouette, a retreating one, not turned back to her, not even once. Not even when breathing ragged, she moved forward in an oily sea of thoughts and needs that went just as unanswered as the tears that began to burn through her skin. Acidic and poisonous.
Stumbling, she looked down, at where blood and darkness stared back at her in a continuous, never-ending thread that pulled her tighter and tighter until she couldn’t move anymore.
She had made a promise; she knew as much but the thought was as slippery as the guilt was and so she arched and retched; the sheets cold when she blinked back to Camelot’s; the bed that had been given to her covered in sweat and no sense of having fallen sleep at all.
Glitter: Post s7.
There werestares and whispers that made her nervous even when she did not look aroundher. Not once. She could feel the stares that glimmered and shone through the cornerof her eyes; stars that did not hold a candle to the only light that made her smileand stumble. She felt the need to run, to crash herself against the woman whowas looking at her with a smile so full of something she could only describe ashopeful. She felt the prickling need running up her arms, blazing like thousandsuns and so she kept her smile as poised as possible, blinding need taking herforward.
She knewhow that had happened; with a crown and words that were whispered and shouted atthe very same time in a dichotomy so very Regina, so very her, that made Emmabite her bottom lip as she tried to fight against diamond-cutting tears. Theones that escaped her at the very end. When nothing but candles and retreating backswere the only thing left in the middle of a ballroom she so much wanted to fill it with glimmering sparks.
This time,however, was different. She did stumble; she did stammer and stop, she did wantto run and loss herself in the emotions she had feared she would never get to experienceagain as she had turned and crossed a portal that had been bleak, colorless,the moment she took it all in.
Yet, thistime, where she had stopped herself, her heart took charge and made her crossthe room with magic so white it almost hurt glancing down. She could feel handson her even before she was even aware they were there already, grasping at the jacket,yanking at the dress’ neck in a way that made her breathless and about toexplode.
She, Regina,Regina, was there, in front of her.Framed by light and power and future. The kind of one she had felt taken awayright from her behind her feet as she had chosen to remain blind. Throat tight,throbbing with tears that crystalized and broke through, Emma felt her entireself loss itself as she tilted her head and gave into the kiss, fairy dust andprewritten destinies be dammed as they fell around them, covering them fromeveryone else who was still watching; reasoning, questioning.
She openedher eyes later this time; with a smile on her lips that got chocked out of heras she found her hair tangled in sheets that, while familiar, weren’t the onesshe wanted to stare at. Saliva accumulating on her mouth, lights dancing withalmost masochist glee as the wee hours of morning began to roll by, she took onthe room, on the life she could see forming around her; trapping her in.
She pushedherself out the bed with perspiration silver-painted over her body, shade notso dissimilar than her own magic had.
She had adecision to make.
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sassylavellen · 6 years
OC Stats - Girls In Grey
I was tagged by the wonderful @enchantment1385​! Thanks for the tag, lovely!
I did this one for Evelyn, Moira and Mari the other day, so I’m gonna do this for my Girls in Grey!
Sophia Cousland:
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18 years old at the time of the Blight - 28 years old at the time of Inquisition - 30 years old at the time of Trespasser. Human noble.
Full name: Sophia Eleanor Cousland
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Homosexual
Pronouns: She/Her
Family: Bryce (father - deceased) Eleanor (mother - deceased) Fergus (brother) Leliana (wife) (and in my story, Leliana is closer to Sophia’s age. That’s one of the few parts of canon I seriously bend to fit mine.)
Birthplace: Highever
Job: N/A
Phobias: Fear of loss
Guilty pleasures: Silly love letters, overly romantic stuff. Little plush nugs
Hobbies: Writing
Morality alignment? - lawful good
Sins?  - Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, Sloth
Virtues? - Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Patience, Kindness, Humility
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert (Both)
close minded/open-minded
otp: Only Sophia and Leliana
Acceptable ships: idk I have a hard time seeing her with anyone else.
ot3: Sophia and Leliana would maybe let a third person in for a night or two lol
brotp: Sophia and Alistair, Sophia and Gillan
notp: Sophia and any male character. She’s only interested in the ladies.
Gillan Mahariel
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25 at the time of the Blight, 35 at the time of Inquisition, 37 at the time of Trespasser
Full name: Gillan Mahariel
Gender: Female
Sexuality: honestly I haven’t decided yet... She’s been a character of mine for over a year but I haven’t decided. I started out seeing her as heterosexual, but I can also see her being bisexual. Honestly sex and sexuality isn’t really part of her story.
Pronouns: She/her
Family: She never knew her parents. She often wonders if her mother is still alive out there, and if she has any siblings.
Birthplace: She doesn’t actually know (a lot of her backstory is a mystery even to her)
Job: She was a clan huntress but she wasn’t very good at it. Her heart was really into knowledge, history and teaching.
Phobias: Demons
Guilty pleasures: smoking elfroot
Hobbies: reading, cooking
Morality alignment? - Neutral neutral (is that a thing?)
Sins? - Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, Sloth
Virtues? - Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Patience, Kindness, Humility
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert (Both)
close minded/open-minded
otp: Alistair (brief, but honest)
Acceptable ships: Anyone who will treat her right and is okay with her obsession with books.
ot3: none
brotp: Sophia and Gillan
notp: Someone who would take advantage of her.
Tara Tabris
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36 years old at the beginning of the Blight, 37 at the time of her death.
Full name: Tarel’in Tabris
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Pronouns: She/her
Family: Cyrion (father) Adaia (mother - deceased) Theros (son - deceased in childbirth) Shianni (cousin) Soris (cousin)
Birthplace: Denerim
Job: Errand girl
Phobias: Abuse
Guilty pleasures: Honestly I’m not sure? I sat here for like six minutes trying to think of something.
Hobbies: practicing knife throwing, whittling
Morality alignment? - chaotic good
Sins? - Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, Sloth
Virtues? - Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Patience, Kindness, Humility
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert (Both)
close minded/open-minded
otp: None
Acceptable ships: None
ot3: None
brotp: Tara and Sten
notp: Not sure
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greeblingyaoza · 6 years
Just because it’s been on my mind, here’s some of my unpopular or at least maybe somewhat controversial FMA opinions. Just for fun. Putting it under a read more because it’s kind of long and I also don’t know how to make things short and simple at all, lmao. 
-I find Greed smoking to be very unattractive. I find it unattractive in general, anyways. I know he smokes in 03, and it may be implied in the manga, idk, but I just grew up to despise cigarettes due to how I grew up and I just...the smell...the way it discolors things and sticks to things... I love Greed but he’d just have to keep it outside, away from me, lmao. 
-I find Ling/Greedling to be more attractive than first Greed. There, I said it. I love Greed. First Greed is very attractive, don’t get me wrong. But I’ll be honest...when I first watched FMA, he really was not my type. Not quite pretty boy enough for me, I guess. After I got to know his character later on...he naturally became more attractive to me. But I still have a bias towards the overall Greedling look. That’s totally my type. 
-I know some people see the slapstick in FMA as glorifying abuse, but I think that’s a stretch. I don’t think Winry is automatically an abusive wife because of the slapstick in the series. Going by Arakawa’s works, she seems to enjoy using physical slapstick a lot. Maybe physical slapstick is not something that should ever be used for comedic purposes, but it happens in so many cartoons that it seems to be kind of the norm. It personally doesn’t bother me, and I can see where it my bother some, but I don’t think it’s something Arakawa or her characters should necessarily be condemned for. 
-I don’t think the reason that the fandom seems more saddened by the Nina situation and Hughes’ death than the Ishvalan genocide is necessarily because the fans are racist. Nina and Hughes were named characters the viewers got to see and maybe even get attached to. They were also personal to Edward’s story and experience. Yes, the Ishvalan genocide is definitely a greater tragedy, but it happened pre-series, and there weren’t any Ishvalan characters shown who died in the genocide for people to get attached to beforehand. It’s kind of like watching an anime where lot’s of people die, but lot’s of those people are background no-name characters. Of course people are going to care more the named characters that were established in the story. That said, I’m most saddened by Greed’s death above all else in the series. Yes, I realize the genocide was worse, but Greed was a character that I love and feel attachment to. It’s just that simple to me. 
-It’s okay to be a Kimblee fan. Liking villainous characters who are all around bad people is totally okay. It’s different if someone is excusing their actions. Envy literally killed an Ishvalan child with no remorse. He’s still pretty loved. I like Envy as a character, but he/they’re still a pretty remorseless piece of lizard dung. 
-The thing with Nina doesn’t make me as sad as most people. I knew about it way before watching the anime and it’s been memed so much that I feel unaffected by it at this point. 
-I think Roy and Riza are inherently good people at heart and don’t deserve to suffer/die/be unhappy for the rest of their lives because of what they did in Ishval. They’re working hard to make things better and help the Ishvalans, and that speaks volumes to me. 
-I’m neutral on whether Roy should have stayed blind or not. Either way, I’m fine with it. I can see both sides of the argument though. 
-Lan Fan isn’t as bad or flat of a character as some people may think. The anime missed out on a big part of her character development, though granted it’s because her Japanese VA couldn’t be available to do those parts. It’s understandable, life happens, but it’s still kind of disappointing. Also, she’s not just some obsessed Ling fangirl. She doesn’t even act that way. She’s protective of him mainly because it’s what she was raised to do. That said I totally think she loves him and Lingfan is beautiful. 
-The color blindness thing with Ed and Miles was poorly executed. I won’t lie. But I can also see where it came from and can understand where Arakawa/dub script writers/etc may have thought it was “progressive” or “good.” I myself used to think that was a good way of thinking until I learned better. Also, I think the dub did make it sound worse than it was originally intended, but it may have still been a bit...eehhh beforehand. I get where it’s a flaw that shouldn’t be ignored, but I don’t think Arakawa/the series should be dragged for it either. Good intentions, poorly worded/executed. 
-I can see Ling being bi/pan, even het. Not so much gay. 
-I don’t see the Win/Fan ship so much. I get where it would be interesting if they actually had some meaningful interaction in the show, but they didn’t. In theory maybe I could see it? But I usually don’t pay much attention to ships that don’t have a lot of canon backing/heavy interactions. So it’s probably just a personal preference for shipping. 
-I’ve said this before, but I really don’t like the idea that Ling went back to Xing, took his 50 wives, had babies with them, and continued the same twisted system that’s hurting his country. It does’t align with the fact he said he’d accept all the other clans and not continue the clan wars. 
-Adding to that, I don’t like when people say Lingfan CAN’T happen because Ling MUST take these wives and have a bunch of babies, and he has no choice in the matter, or he wants to keep the 50 wives system for some reason (because he wants trophy wives??Idk?) Or you know, because Lan Fan is a guard and it would never be allowed. No one knows for sure what happened after he went back. Lingfan could totally happen...or not. No need to shatter hopes.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-Not saying fma is some ultra feminist series or feminist at all (not intended to be at least), but I think the female characters are in general well rounded and have different things they do in their lives, and that makes it feel more realistic. We have badass fighters, leaders, guards, housewives (nothing wrong with being a housewife if that’s what someone wants), mothers, mechanics, etc. It may not be perfect but the reason it gets praised so much for female characters is that it does them better than a lot of anime. Could it be better? Yes. But there are those that claim that FMA is just so misogynistic that it may have well been written by a man (I’ve seen this)...and well...can’t agree at all. It’s pretty well handled considering cultural context. 
-03 and Brotherhood are good in their own ways. I prefer Brotherhood a million times over (plus the manga!) for my own reasons (Ling and Greed’s development are huge reasons why) but sometimes the hate for 03 gets a little out of hand. A lot of people hate it only for not following the manga and characterizing the characters a bit differently. However, that was a part of the point. It was supposed to be different. And Arakawa herself approved of it and loved it (also if anyone thinks they “took her work and bastardized it” she wanted them to make it different). The 03 vs BH comparison arguments are so tiring and pointless. Actually when I see people who think 03 is so superior and constantly put down Brotherhood, it actually at times made me feel bad for preferring BH (because I’m insecure), and drove me further away from 03. I also know that 03 fans have to deal with people crapping all over their favorite series far more than BH fans do, so it’s all annoying. 
-There should be more FMA Pokemon aus. The characters with Pokemon teams. I’m always a slut for Pokemon. 
-Greed has a good heart. (Is this unpopular? Probably not, but adding it anyways)
-Ling is a good-hearted caring person who would try to do the best for his country and people and make it a better place. (Probably not unpopular, just have to say it. 
-Ling and Greed, at the end of the day, are wonderful people, no matter their flaws. 
-okay these opinions are becoming less unpopular so it’s time to stop. 
I may have more, but I just can’t think of them right now. If anyone wants to debate or throw their opinion in, feel free too. Also feel free to reblog with your own unpopular opinions. 
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formdrop · 7 years
Papans- Chapter 1:
Summary: This is new character idea I have made with their backstory and a personality that seems a little different than the usual ones. I added a little own idea for an evil creature for the universe but not much is known to anyone, one that even Error might not like. This is his birth, his start, and their destruction.
Caution: These are my own ideas and are not canon of all of Undertale or the other characters used as they belong to their respective owners. Please keep hurtful and hateful comments about your own head-canons to yourself and stop spreading hate to this beautiful fandom of kind people.
The world was new, yet to gain the colour and form into a new universe to join the many more from the core called 'Undertale'. It all came from a world where this world was created and many more come to have passed and many more to come. The mind was young and fresh as they imagined a world of their own, colours beginning to swirl into the white world. The landscape beginning to take form and souls beginning to arrive. The favourite of this young mind were the famous skeleton brothers as they arrive before the others and slowly their bodies begin to take form. But something goes wrong. The once colours of this yet to be formed world begin to grey and drip into the endless void where it joins the beasts that live there and the land beginning to flatten to the worlds named 'white void'. If any had eyes and looked at the top of this dying world was a black sticky substance as it drained the imagination of this world to create another white void. It used to be small and unable to take any beings formed to which they left or any being close to forming to which they cease to exist.
But now, it was large and strong enough to take lives as it slid closer to the almost formed skeleton brothers. It was going to have it's first taste of a soul, now strong enough and soon it will consume all worlds, it's desire evident in it's very stench. The young mind losing it's creative ways and abandoning this world which left these yet to fully form bodies to suffer at the hands of this true monster. They didn't want to go, they didn't want to die. They weren't strong enough alone. As the monster of darkness approached they had decided. They weren't strong enough alone but if they fuse together, they could make someone who could, both of them together forever. They would be happy like that, to have their yet made lives continue on another way. They glowed bright as their bodies turn to energy and combine with the almost made souls and slide together as a new being was born. They weren't strong enough for a full adult but a child just born, made of bones like their original forms would have been made of. With their best energies just as they combined they used magic only guardians can possess they rip a portal and escape, closing it just as the monster tried to consume them, not being strong enough.
Their souls finally become one to make a male skeleton baby. Aspects from both but not yet fully seen which side these aspects took from. His body trying to find a safe place to land, to be safe from that true monster. His rounded head from Sans seen at the top with the large eye sockets, unsure if he has the pinprick eye lights as of yet with them closed, but the teeth and jaw instead of the everlasting smile of sans, what you would see for an average skeleton head in a way. Thick bones like Sans and confident movements as it shifted, the trip finished as they landed on a dark night, under a street lamp with the crisp air swirling around and the endless stars above. More on this skeleton would be evident as he grew. But it seemed that he had the height from Papyrus.
A shadow grew closer with a large smile, the child not strong enough to stay concious as it sleeps, unaware of what has happened after it's arrival. A cloaked figure steps into the light and face revealed. It was a adult human female as her smirk widens, it was a monster and a child. She had plans. A slave or for a good price seemed like a good future for her as her greed made her rush forward to try to snatch the defenceless child but her hand froze just before her fingers could even brush the humerus bone. She looked at the child then her hand. Then her arm then any part of her body she could look at to see a slight blue glow around her like an aura. She was confused. She couldn't move forward. The some white pinprick eye appeared in the darkness with a large smile below. Before she could even utter a sound, she was tossed up and flew miles away at which if she landed on ground would undoubtedly have killed her but she was fortunate that this skeleton was skilled and forced her to land in a harmless lake in the middle of the park in the area and on a summers night where the air was fresh and crisp from the spring that had just passed.
The skeleton walked forward lazily as the lamp finally light up his features. He was quite short with a dirty blue hoodie, black shorts that ended just over his knee caps with a white stripe down the side. His Tibia and Fibula visible till his white sock that lead to fluffy pink open-heel slipper. His skull round with the large permanent looking smile, large eye sockets with the pinprick eye lights and his bones pearly white. He walked to the small skeleton infant and peered down. He slowly reached down with his own glove covered hands and carefully picked up the child with expert care as he looked at him. He noticed a small paper, barely there, with a small word written. With a the last small of free energy from the two combining, they had picked a name that had both of them in it. 'Papans'. It was small like Sanses but with the mighty Papyrus at the start. One they had both been happy with before they became this one being and only enough for the small fragile paper as clothes would have been too much with the travel to a safer world. No one would have known what they have truly like other than the one who started on the creation of this new world. The one that had picked up the child as I am sure you realise is a classic Sans. They had aimed and succeed in getting their new self in a classic world, in a pacifist timeline and one that didn't plan on resetting.
Sans smiled as he cradled this infant with the small fragile paper placed in his pocket for later use, “heh, i remember pap being this small. that human had no love in their heart but LOVE. heh, felt like a lifetime since i said that and plus, while we look for your parents i am sure frisk will love a new sibling before you get your parents back. though it is odd for you to be a skeleton child, it must have been a skele-ton of work for you to have the bones gathered and the magic. i hope this wasn't some trap, wouldn't surprise me really. so papans what's your story, where do you belong and why were you there. pap wanted me to throw these old clothing away but i can't with their memory they give, though i would have a walk in these old clothes for my mind to wander in the old times before we were free.”
He had started to walked along the dark streets to a more peaceful subburben area, careful of the child, had even taken his hoodie off to wrap the naked skeleton to keep warm, holding the child with his head supported as they sleep away, seeming to just talk to the child like he wanted to get it off his chest, “kinda glad that frisk stopped the resets you know, been ten years now on the surface. we have a new life and working of the future. today marks the day that us monsters came to the surface and a state of peace washed over the world. monsters and humans have been getting along now so it is possible someone tried to make another skeleton but a baby, never mind that it take a lot of energy and magic with a bit of a monster soul, dings had trouble with us when we got created. heh, me and pap ran riot. you see, dings is our brother and he was made a few years a head of us, we were still in our tubes but no soul yet created for us two. not him or us remember our parents or makers but we did find the blueprints that were used, haven't told pap though he came later, you see, we grew quite quick to childhood but slowed for teenage years and when we hit adult we aged like any monster should about then. it had appeared that we were meant to be seen on how we grew since we are the only skeletons but why exactly was unsure and we had been the only ones..” He chuckled as he seemed to be in his own little world, it didn't seem that he was talking to the child exactly but saying his thoughts.
He was happy as he grew silent. His mind distant into the past as his steps walked along. Suddenly the skeleton disappears and appears suddenly walking into a small cottage. Crashes and smashing sounds came from inside but Sans smiled at the sound, “heh, looks like undyne is here tonight and wrecking the place as usual.” He took out a key from out of the air itself and placed the key in, creating the smallest sound of metal going in the lock. The house grew silent as he unlocked the door and began to open the door. The smell of a fire entered his nose hole and he smiled wider, still the same old. He covered the child to prevent it breathing in the small wisps. There was papyrus standing there,trying to block the kitchen on the left from Sans view with the smoke coming out and the sound of the fire extinguisher going off heavily at the must be fire on the stove. Papyrus was in his cooking outfit with the apron reading 'The master cook!' on the front, general clothing of jeans and a skull pattern shirt underneath though the apron and his jeans seems a little singed from the fire. He didn't seem to see the bundle that seems like his hoodie yet which he was grateful, Papyrus was just nervous as Sans finally took a tiny bit of  role as the older brother, of coming out earlier, and made the rule that he could make a fire in the kitchen. They didn't want to seem like a threat to the humans when they first got free. But this time he would let it slide, “hey pap, i don't feel up to a lazy lecture tonight. the ten minutes i was out walking made me exhausted.”
That set Papyrus off as his eye sockets became googly eye like and he got ready for a lecture of his own but Sans was quick to teleport to his dark room and lock the door as the muffled yelling of Papyrus is heard and the laughter of Undyne rang out, she seems to like when Papyrus gets like this, she loves that face. Sans carefully unwrapped the sleeping baby skeleton and placed on the actually made bed, Papyrus has taken to making it himself, this time is had a childs' race car design that Papyrus was quite fond of and he kept the room dark to help the child sleep. Sans was grateful of Papyrus but if he knew of the skeleton child, he would want to adopt it and there was no letting go sand the child seemed very drained, which did concern him a bit, so sleep was needed for him right now. He made sure the child was stable and still asleep before he got his laptop out, with his magic, and sat at the small desk he had got put in his room. He had to make space of all his star charts and books on the known stars for the laptop. He set the laptop screen light to the dimmest and began to look for missing children and any enquiries, he can't keep the child from Papyrus for long so he has to be quick and start asking around without Papyrus noticing.
This would be difficult to keep from Papyrus and he will have to ask Frisk to help. Which reminded him,  he got his fancy phone out, put on the flesh gloves to allow him to work this cheaper one until his actually skeleton usable phone was finished being fixed, he dropped it from a six story building by accident, by Alphys herself. He sent a quick text to see if he could help with a 'project' of his and they accepted, they has some free time off being ambassador for a few days. He went back to looking before he had to retire, sneaking some milk from the fridge. This was going to be a long night as he placed the milk aside and slept with the child.
[Chapters yet to be released]
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