#trans ling my beloved
spoopy-sloth · 2 years
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Here it is! The first 6 fanart challenge of the year :D
Thanks to the following for suggestions: @planteria for Ling Yao @argothiathedreamer for Galo Thymos @ghostymarin for Og Greed @genderfluid-envy for Lio Fotia @boopboops22 for Mei Chang
and @ultraalittlebitofeverything for Bandit Thanks again!
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waitineedaname · 1 month
For the character ask- Alphonse fma?
Sexuality Headcanon: i said this for my Jin Ling answer, but I find it very funny to have one (1) heterosexual headcanon lsdjflksdjf poor Alphonse gets that treatement. he could also be bisexual, but it's less of a major part of his identity than it is for Ed
Gender Headcanon: Alphonse is sooooo transgender. any flavor. there is something about the narrative of being trapped in a body that isn't his that is so trans. I like transmasc Al, but even better is transfemme or nonbinary Al, especially since the armor is so masculine and scary and that's part of why Al hates it
A ship I have with said character: Mei :') they're so cute. puppy love sweeties. I really like the development of their relationship from Mei having SUCH an idolized crush on him to them genuinely connecting, making the affection much more genuine. also the way she cries for him at the end makes me melt
A BROTP I have with said character: Ed!! I am not immune to sibling dynamics. this is news to no one.
A NOTP I have with said character: this has been a pattern with each of these answers, but any incest ship, stop that. get away.
A random headcanon: this is a pretty popular headcanon, but I feel like he's given some kind of official position in Xing! like the Amestrian ambassador or some position as an alchemist. he probably ends up spending most of his time there, or at least splitting his time between Amestris and Xing!
General Opinion over said character: I love him!! I expected to be attached to him as some kind of sweet boy, and then I got into the show and I was like oh he's kind of a little shit isn't he (affectionate). I love when he gets to stand up for what he believes it and I love it when he talks back to his brother and I love it when he's snarky, and I love that he does all this while still being polite and kind! Alphonse Elric my beloved <3
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edlingao3feed · 1 year
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clementinecoastline · 2 years
been too busy to post on tumblr much but. just so you guys know, jin ling and his jiujiu have never left my mind. canonverse. modern au.
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ocdhuacheng · 2 years
i get that people genderbend male character to be female in mxtx stories (esp if those ppl are wlw) because the majority of characters are male and it is focused on mlm content. so i support wlw simping over cool necromancer lesbians you go girlies, but in general i tend to stay away from genderbend stuff because sooooo much of it is made by cis ppl and it can be a bit transphobic? it also a lot of the times falls into the cishet gender stereotype shit of "women big boobie slim waist small big lips big eyes, men big buff strong macho 8 pack square" which is! oh no cringe!
yeah EXACTLY like my thoughts too. bc the vast majority of genderbending made by cis ppl really is just. like you said. biological gender stereotype shit. i feel like most trans people i see are made pretty uncomfortable by this, and i can totally see why, so i am too. but at the same time i DO understand wlw who want more content with girls/wlw characters esp when there are so few to begin with. so like im kinda willing to give wlw the benefit of the doubt in this case even though i dont rly like to interact with it myself. but also, my beloved sisters in christ... baihe exists
the only genderbending ill really interact with is works with sqx, he xuan*, and hua cheng like since theyre the ones that are shown to or mentioned to change gender in canon. (ling wen too, tho tbh i dont rly care about male!ling wen lmfao, just for the sole reason that, well. i am a lesbian. tho i do have to say the lore behind her male form is actually rather compelling and i think if mxtx were more skilled and open to writing analysis about gender, it could lead to a very thoughtful and nuanced discussion of how ling wen views herself, rather than just if she looks like a cis woman shes a woman if she looks like a cis man shes a man. because iirc she only shapeshifted to get the extra power she had in her male form? that doesnt mean that she is now a man, but in those scenes the book automatically refers to her as such. would love an extra about ling wen's self image and gender. but no, we had to get the statue sex and weird underage amnesia stuff 🙄)
BUT ANYWAY like idk if it really counts as genderbending in tgcf's case? but either way i know mxtx made that ~gods and ghosts can change gender at will~ thing just as a haha comedic relief thing like i think them having the power to do that is totally cool but i do not think it was done respectfully at all, especially with sqx, since mxtx kind of either intentionally or not sends the message (at least to me) that you can only be trans if you pass as cis. ive said it a million times before and ill say it again but the way sqx is never referred to as a woman (by the characters, the narrative, and even THEMSELF) after they lose the ability to LOOK like a cis woman is so so infuriating to me. like theyre not going to just STOP being genderfluid/trans just bc they cant change their appearance. and also not to mention throughout the book they were just kinda treated as being silly and immature for wanting to change their gender in the first place, so, another win for transphobia i guess. though i can appreciate having a canon trans/genderfluid character, they definitely could have been written better in that regard
*while i love fem!he xuan... it did leave a kinda dirty taste in my mouth when mxtx had to make sure we knew that he xuan only did it to appease sqx, and actually hated being a woman. and the way it was talked about too like 'oh he was forced to be in a womans body so OF COURSE he was super pissed the entire time' like i cant explain it but it was just kind of upsetting. kinda transphobic and misogynist. one might even say,..... transmisogynist 🤔
this answer kinda ended up going on a tangent but yea lol thanks for the ask ^^
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yamanaka-shin · 2 years
Beyond The Bounds
soooooo it is Exchange Day once again, this time for our server's Beach Episode. this marks my 4th time playing with characters and ships and plots for other people whomst I love so dearly. this time? @uchiharomance gets to be my beloved victim. with a heavy presence of an OC who belongs to @chojuuro because goddamn do I love Hiroki. Jess, beloved Fireball that I am so thankful for, I hope you enjoy this monsterpiece.
Characters: Itachi, Haruka (OC), Chojuuro, Hiroki (OC), Kagura, Ikada, Shisui + Mikoto (ItaHaru kids, OC's). with cameos from Mei and Mangetsu and mentions of Ao.
Ships: ItaHaru + HiroChoju (kind of hinted edge of HiroMan as well)
Rating: 18+ (mild content in the end)
Itachi is written as a trans man. And he's bisexual, as is Haruka. Chojuuro is portrayed as the adopted son of Ao and Mei, who are a couple. Kagura and Ikada are the adopted sons of Chojuuro and Hiroki.
It seemed like the perfect plan when it had come to her over the span of several days. Pack up the kids and the husband on the Thunder Train then catch a large ship out to Water Country. Stay in one of Kirigakure's newly constructed fancy inns and take the curious little Uchiha-lings to see a few of the nicer beaches around the westernmost coast. The truly easy part came in convincing Itachi of this plan, all she had to do was run it by him once and he had nodded his quiet agreement, accented with a small smile. A little display of emotion went a long way with him, after all. She could not help her own matching, larger smile that spread across her face when he made it clear that he loved the idea. In fact she spent the rest of the then-current day and the next practically on cloud nine at the idea that their family would get such a beautiful, enjoyable, much needed vacation together. Damn near nothing could bring her down to reality. Until she experienced spending several hours on the train with a couple of young, energized children.
Haruka learned the meaning of the phrase uphill climb on that day. If she didn't have her patient husband with her, in fact, she didn't know what she would do. His much more placid and tolerant energy compared to the boisterous energy of their children was as stark as night and day. Shisui was a little more manageable on his own, but Mikoto was something of a little wildfire even at her young age. And when she got started it wasn't hard to drag her brother into the fun and games like a domino effect. The Nohara woman had patience in spades, much like her husband, but she also had worries about if the other passengers would speak up about the rowdy children and their antics. Prayers repeated on loop in her head that nothing would crop up. There was no shame she felt for the unfettered high level of activity of her beloved son and daughter, even if it wore her out over time, but she was definitely wary of how strangers might react to and treat them. Even with Itachi here she couldn't help but worry to some notable degree. Not everyone has the capacity to handle children, after all, whether they were their own or a stranger's.
She spends a lot of time telling herself internally that it'll all be fine and there's no real need to worry, hoping that the mantra might just sway reality, and is thankful when her son is the first one to bow out of the ruckus. At some point he decides his dad makes a pretty nice pillow, actually, and that maybe it won't be so bad to lay against him and take a nap. Itachi is still as can be, though not stiff so as to make his lap uncomfortable, so his son can sleep undisturbed. Shisui is out for a grand total of eight minutes before Mikoto notices the lack of activity from her little brother. Her eyes scan for him and eventually manage to locate him curled up with their father, happily resting. Part of her still wants to play, but she also is a little jealous of how comfortable Shisui looks. So she concedes her act and finds a place on her dad's other side. Unlike Shisui, Mikoto is not quite tired enough to pass out yet. But she absolutely is happy to just spend the rest of the ride with her beloved dad. Haruka is so thankful as the sight unfolds before her eyes and mouths a quietly awed 'thank you' to her ever so patient husband. The look in his dark eyes, directed at her and her alone, conveys a type of love no words can quite encompass. Were they anywhere else and alone maybe she would have reciprocated further. Next time, though. Hopefully, in fact, at some point during their little trip this long weekend.
Itachi keeps both of his children close for the rest of the trip, even finding a moment to doze off without worry, and this gives Haruka time to look out the window at the world rushing by outside. It's not often that the two leave Fire Country at all these days, much less wander as far as the next major nation over. Water Country is an island nation at that so the journey requires two different forms of transportation. Once their train ride is over it will be time to switch to the next ferry over to the main island upon which sits their true destination, Kirigakure, the Hidden Mist. She thinks, idly, about how her children probably won't like being awoken and shuffled between vehicles. And that hopefully neither of them will discover they're seasick as this will be their first outing on a boat of any size. She's fortunate enough, as is Itachi, never to have had such complications. Her children deserve the same luck. They'll cross that metaphorical bridge when they come to it, though. For now there is still a good hour of train travel left. And she will use it to relax and think and plan what she wants to do with her family all the while in the reformed Village Hidden in the Mist.
It is just her very fortunate luck that the transition from train to boat goes very smoothly. Mikoto is too sleepy by that point to snap back to her bouncy ways and Shisui is happy enough to be carried by his mom without a fuss. The time they spend on the ship will be longer than what they had spent on the train, taking the entire rest of the day and the night that follows, but it doesn't bother either of the adults at all. Both of their children are up and aware by the time dinner is served and quickly scoff down the food offered to them. Not long after, they take off tearing around the ship, chasing each other and a couple of the other kids they find also on the ride over to Kirigakure. Haruka only has a moment of worry about letting her babies out of her sight before her husband comes over to reassure her.
"They'll be fine, we don't have to worry." He's looking out at the wake of water the vessel leaves behind it as it floats along steadily. "It will help them sleep well tonight if they can get their energy out now."
She bows her head just a little and relaxes her shoulders. "You're right, I'm worried over nothing. Hopefully they'll have a restful night and we will all be ready to explore the Mist tomorrow."
He turns his head in her direction as soon as she concludes her statement. "I'm looking forward to seeing the village with you. It's been a long time since I have been back there."
Oh, that's right. Itachi had a complicated history when it comes to the Hidden Mist. His former partner within the Akatsuki was one of the most infamous, feared ex-residents of the village in all of history. And the organization they had both belonged to were responsible for the kidnapping and deaths of two more important figures that hailed from Kiri. These days there really wasn't a significant level of bad blood between himself and the Hidden Mist, the Fifth Mizukage had not pursued any sort of action against him, but she could imagine that it was still a complex subject for him. Maybe this would help clear the air in some way. Maybe going back for the first time in ages would help dissipate the emotional haze between himself and the island village. She could only hope. But even if not much changed, as long as they had an enjoyable time, she could ask for nothing more.
Neither of them have a fully realized itinerary for what they want to do during their stay, but she comes to realize as she thinks on it that it might be more fun to see what unfolds as they go along. Perhaps they will even be able to see the Mizukage at some point and see how hard she has been at work reforming her once bloody village. There will definitely be plenty of time for trying out several of the delicacies and dishes that one would rarely find within the borders of Fire Country. In fact, she's heard of the recently perfected and well received confection known simply as Water Cinnamon Sweets and is eager to purchase some for Itachi. He's always a good sport about trying new foods she offers to him and his sweet tooth never fails him. If the sweet treats are a hit with him like she is hoping, they will have to make sure to bring plenty home with them when they depart.
Itachi takes a couple of steps so he is now standing beside her and extends his arms out a little as an invitation to her. "Thank you for taking all of us out of the village for some time away."
Haruka, thankful for his simple yet poignant show of gratitude, steps into his embrace and leans against him. He holds her close, wasting not a second of their time together. "Thank you for being open to it."
The two of them relax into each other's touch and allow the silence to surround them comfortably. Dark starry night skies pass overhead and the glow of the moon rises little by little with the hour. Eventually, a blanket of mist begins to cover their surroundings and reminds Haruka of how late it must be getting. She yawns widely and stretches her arms up over the head. Itachi loosens his hold on her enough to give her enough room to move and flex as much as she needs. As soon as she no longer feels the warm skin on skin contact she already misses it, having to stop herself from whining just a little, and the ever perceptive Itachi is keenly aware of her minor upset.
"I think it's time we turn in for the night. Mikoto and Shisui are already in bed." His voice is monotone but she can still detect a note of tiredness in it. He's just much more subtle than her at conveying it.
"I think you're right." The look of concession on her face is followed by a tired little chuckle. "Come on, we have to be fresh for when we land early in the morning."
He happily allows her to take him by the hand and guide him towards their temporary quarters below deck. When the two get back to their room they're greeted by the sight of both of their children passed out asleep. Mikoto is sprawled out on her back, spread eagle, snoring away. Shisui is curled up on his left side with a much quieter inhale and exhale of breath as he rests. Haruka thanks her lucky stars for this moment as she knows both of them will be full tilt when they wake up in the morning. It'll take both of their vigilance to keep an eye on the kids in the shuffle to leave the ship and get settled on solid unmoving ground for the first time in nearly an entire day. At least there will be much more space to move and breathe. Though, that brings its own challenges. She prays she won't lose site of either of the kids in the bustle.
"Sleep well, love. I will be sure to wake you soon after I am up if you are not already up before me." Finally, at the end of the sentence, Itachi allows himself to properly yawn. He rubs at his eyes immediately after and feels the weight of gravity pulling him down to lay flat.
His wife carefully guides him down into a proper laying position and holds him lovingly from her spot behind him. It takes a moment for his muscles to relax and his entire body to completely lose its tension but he manages in his own way. Haruka is thankful that it's getting easier and easier for him as he goes along. "Goodnight, my beautiful raven. I hope you have pleasant dreams."
"And to you the same. Goodnight, Haruka." His voice is half muffled as he is already being claimed by the demon of slumber. In only a few more minutes he's completely and peacefully out. Haruka snuggles her face into his back as she holds him and slowly allows sleep to claim her too. In several hours time they will be on Water Country grounds for the first time in ages. But for now, all she knows is the warmth and closeness of the beautiful Uchiha in her arms.
When she wakes, the first sight to greet her still tired eyes is the visage of her husband looming over her like some sort of omen. His own sensitive eyes are currently shielded behind his reading glasses and he is speaking softly, using just her name as far as she can tell, trying to rouse her in the most non-intrusive way he can think to use. Slowly she brings herself into a sitting position without saying a word. Next comes the wide yawn, and then the careful stretching of limbs, mindful as she can be of their close proximity so as not to accidentally hit her husband in the process. It's a blissful few moments of coming back to the world of the living  from the realm of sleep and dreams. As soon as the hellions are made aware that their mom is finally up, however, they flock to her like hummingbirds to sweet nectar. Mikoto leaps up on the bed to greet her mother while Shisui climbs up with a little less force. Any little bit of sleepiness still left in her body exits as she is no longer the only one left in the bed.
"Morning mommy!" Squeals the precious little oldest Uchiha child. Her face is just inches from Haruka's own. "Get up, get up, get up!"
Having almost been knocked back flat by her rambunctious daughter, Haruka has to steady herself once more before she can reply. A smile slowly makes its way to her face by the time her son has joined his sister in the verbal prodding. "Good morning you two, did you sleep well?" She offers both arms to the kids and they do not hesitate in coming in for the first hug of the day.
"C'mon mom, we gotta go!" Shisui may have been gentler about getting up onto the bed but he has just as much bouncy energy as she does when it comes to trying to get their mother out of said bed.
Every fiber of her emotional being wishes she could ready herself faster so she could take her beloved brood out to see what modern Kiri has to offer but she's just not as constantly springy anymore as they are. Thankfully though, it doesn't take her too long to at least fully get out of bed and shuffled over to the bathroom that thankfully was located just next door to their assigned ferry cabin. Itachi keeps a watch over her the entire time but says nothing and she's grateful for the fact that it doesn't add to the sensory input her brain has to sift through and make sense of. He has always been a good judge of what is and isn't too much when it comes to what his wife is dealing with. When she emerges from the bathroom and comes back to the cabin, she's fully dressed and much more prepared for the day.
"Are you two all dressed and ready to unboard?" Haruka thanks her most tolerant gods that her alertness is almost fully with her now as she asks them the question sweetly. "We don't want to be late."
"I made sure they got ready before you woke up so you didn't have more to worry about." Itachi confirms. He's so thoughtful and so thorough, always making sure things are in order no matter what is asked of him. How did she get so lucky to have a man like him by her side.
The Nohara woman pads up to her husband and places a kiss on his cheek to convey her deepest thanks. Upon pulling back, she looks up at him with a smile and his heart feels comfortably full at the sight of his happy wife. It's almost easy to forget the world around them that is actively happening when they share moments like this. This time, however, the impatient noises coming from their son and daughter serve as obvious reminders not to get too distracted. Haruka is the one to actually step away first, ready to get the show on the road. She's at the cabin door before long, making sure to pick up one of their smaller packed suitcases as she goes, and opens the door without another moment of waiting.
"Well let's go see what the Hidden Mist is like after all this time. After you." She bows her head in a playfully upbeat manner, signaling to the two eager children that they may go ahead of their parents. Itachi follows closely behind and wonders if his spouse would like to go next or not. But before he can ask, she settles his curiosity. "And after you, too, my love. Keep an eye on them and I will be right at your heels."
She takes in the sight of him standing there and revels in the look of gratitude he puts on after she lets him know he can go ahead of her. Perhaps some of her reasoning has to do with the fact that he's carrying the rest of their going away bags, but that is only part of it. Itachi knows how generous Haruka has always been even when it's small little gestures like this. He mentally thanks her for allowing him to exit first, both because he's got a lot in his hands and because she's such a considerate person, and makes his way out towards where the exit ramp off the ship is located. Mikoto and Shisui dart ahead of him and he has to remind them not to get out of sight a couple of times as the family treks towards their destination.
Unboarding is kind of a frustrating process as there are several other travelers also trying to leave the ferry at the same time. Some of the adults are accompanied by their own young children and that means having to be very careful about where you're going in order to avoid accidental collisions or anyone getting underfoot. Itachi and Haruka are just so grateful the moment they are on solid ground again as well as when the crowd they came with disperses. Setting his bags down beside him, Itachi rolls his stiff shoulders and takes a moment to gather himself. His wife makes sure to wrangle the children and keep them at her side while he takes the much needed quick breather. The hard part of shuffling through such a sizeable crowd of tourists is over and it will get easier for him from here on out. She is, however, still just a little worried that the strain may be taking an early toll on his heart and lungs which are already fragile. She'd have to make sure he took his medicine early before bed tonight.
He takes her by surprise when he speaks while she's lost in her train of thought. "We should find and check into the inn before we try to do anything else. Set down all of our things and maybe look at a map."
She has to commend his seamless logic just then. A map hadn't even crossed her mind. "I think you have a great point there. Get our room squared away, see the layout of the village before we try to go anywhere on a whim, and make at least a loose game plan." She beams at him and is once again grateful that he's a methodical person. Together they will make sure their vacation is as manageable as it is enjoyable.
Mikoto, while her parents are talking about something she's not paying attention to, steps up next to her father and picks up the smaller bag he had been carrying just moments ago. She had always been eager to help him out in any way she could and would not back down from a trivial challenge such as slightly heavy luggage. "Daddy, lemme help you!" She swings the bag around as the strap goes over her shoulder. Itachi melts a little at the sight and is confident she'll grow up to be a considerate, altruistic person just like her mother.
"I appreciate that, sweetheart." He reassures her with a fond tone. "Are you sure you want to carry that all the way to the inn? Let me know if or when you want me to take it back." There had never been a moment in all of his time as a father when he had ever desired to leave his children to handle things they weren't ready for. No matter if it was something as mindless as carrying a bag or something with greater stakes, he would always be there for them if and when they needed him.
It's not a complicated process, making their way to the inn that Haruka had planned for them to stay in for the duration of the trip, despite lacking an innate sense of directions in this village they were no longer familiar with. She thanks the gods that the trip there is so streamlined compared to how it has been just while they were disembarking from from Fire Country ferry. Itachi gently takes the bag back from his daughter when he observes her mounting excitement from taking in the sight of the inn's main lobby. In a way it's almost an indirect passing along of permission for her and her brother to go explore a little while their parents talk to the attendants at the main desk. As long as they don't wander too far, he doesn't mind them getting to know the lay of the fancy land. And if he doesn't mind then Haruka knows she has no reason to either.
"I'm glad I had this booked in advance so we don't have to jump through too many hoops getting the room keys. These two are already halfway to stir crazy. And I think I might be able to empathize a little too well." Haruka says to her beloved as they stand at the counter. She feels it more strongly by the second, the excitement to explore the new world around them. Even just the few sights she's seen already have been very visually enticing and if this is just how a modern inn looks and functions then she cannot wait to check out how it compares to the rest of the village. It was hard to argue with the aesthetic of a place that had such a huge and glorious fountain in the middle of it, after all.
"We have you up on the second floor. Here's everything you need and let us know if you have any concerns at all. The facilities close at 1 AM and checkout must be by noon at the end of your stay in three days. Thank you and I hope you enjoy your time with us." The clerk smiles at them after handing over the room keys and a small information booklet. She's thanked sincerely by the couple and then the two turn to locate their wandering children.
"Everything is all set. Mikoto, Shisui. Come along now so we can put all of our things away and then get out to see the sights." She's trying to sound like a gentle authority figure but failing to hide her own heightening excitement.
She's very lucky her voice reaches both of them effectively and that it doesn't take long for them to come running up to her and Itachi when they hear her call. Itachi grips his bags tighter and waits for his wife to lead the way to the elevator. Haruka is best suited to take the lead whenever the pair go somewhere unfamiliar, happy to take up navigational duties so it doesn't put undue strain on his already wavering eyesight if any sort of directional aids are involved. Shisui walks out in front of his mother but makes sure not to get too far ahead as he is quite aware that he has no idea where he is or how to get back to his family in the case they should get separated. Mikoto, on the other hand, keeps pace with her father in the case he might need her to take the bag she'd been carrying before once again.
The elevator is by far a better option for the quartet to take on the way up due to the bags they're carrying in combination with having to mind the two young children. It's a very short trip, thankfully, and then the act of locating their exact room was tackled with a sense of ease now that the hard part of getting up here was over with. Haruka is able to direct her family easily to their destination and gets the door open without a single word. When it swings open and unveils their temporary living quarters to them, it takes just a few seconds for Mikoto to spring into action. She vaults onto one of the generously sized beds with a peel of laughter. Shisui takes that as a sign to join her and soon the two are sprawled out on the bed they have undoubtedly claimed as their own. First come first serve.
This is the perfect opportunity for Itachi to set both of his bags down on the floor and give his shoulders a break. Taking the hint from him, Haruka sets her own beside his two and parks herself on the empty bed to fold out the little map they had picked up at the desk. Kiri had been transformed into quite a tourist-inclined hotspot under the rule of the beautiful and kind Fifth Mizukage, Terumi Mei. With the big changes came the need to make sure all visiting outsiders unfamiliar with it all were easily able to find their way around what was essentially a brand new village. Haruka could not thank the fact that the lobby supplied its guests with maps enough because it saved her the stress of figuring out where to pick one up so they could plan at like some of their day. She scanned the entirety of the map quickly with her eyes without uttering a word as her husband curiously watched from his standing position across from her. He seemed so calm and collected externally but even he had to admit there was a little fire of eagerness alighting in him as he observed her taking in all the details. Hell, he was almost surprised she did not ask him to take a look at the map himself so he could memorize it with a quick glance with his Sharingan.
"Have you figured out the itinerary for our first day here?" He could not help himself any longer so he asked the question as innocently as he could manage.
However, before she could make to reply, she suddenly found herself with company. Shisui had leapt over to her bed and pressed himself up against her side so he could look at the map too. She laughed a little and gave him a kiss on the head as a greeting. "Do you want to help me figure out where we're going first?"
The boy nods his head enthusiastically. "I'm hungry! Can we get breakfast first?" Of course, that is a very reasonable request. None of them had had any food yet and her son's reminder was the perfect chance for them to consider all of the notable restaurants in the area.
So the topic changed from sights to see right into places to eat. Haruka looked over her guide map in order to ascertain where all of the eating establishments were before she asked her husband his opinion on them. One by one she read off names to her family to see if they had a preference just based on how the names alone sounded. As soon as they had an idea of where they might like to grab a meal, they would make their way down to the ground floor, probably by the stairs this time since luggage was out of the equation, and then set out in search of the physical buildings. Only when they actually got to their choice of restaurant would they be able to look at the menu and really decide if that would be where they wanted to order from. Thankfully the troupe came to a unanimous decision without any discourse and thus began to head for the exit to the inn. She could practically already taste the specialties already. Just a little more and it would be a reality rather than just a hungry fantasy.
Her luck took an unexpected turn as she damn near collided with a passing resident while she admittedly wasn't properly watching where she was going on the way out. The stranger caught himself first and stepped back to give her ample space before sincerely apologizing. As she looked up to also give a genuine sorry, she noted how tall the man was. It was like looking up at one of the beautifully large trees growing on the Nara property. He had dark hair that contrasted with his yellow eyes in a very handsome way and the main color in his outfit was a fetching teal. And then she saw it, those imposingly sharp teeth exposed by the apologetic upturn of his lips. Truly only a sight one could get in Kiri.
"Sorry about that, didn't mean to nearly mow you down." The tall stranger scratches the back of his head in light embarrassment. He looks down at the women he indeed almost ran over and inspects her with his striking eyes, glad he didn't have to find out who would have won out in the scenario where the collision wasn't prevented.
"It's no problem, don't worry about it." She's quick to brush off the encounter without a second thought. That's what happens when you don't look before you leap. But, before she can finish her thought, something else catches her eye. A head pops out from behind the man who had been apologizing just a moment ago. Haruka could make out muted orange hair and a pair of truly unique eyes that were almost white yet had so much depth.
"Pops is sorry he almost hit you." The child beams up at what had just been confirmed to be his father. There is no resemblance, but everyone knows Kiri has quite an eccentric reputation when it came to the topic of families. For an accidental encounter first thing in the morning, she sure would be remembering these two for a while. "Let's go, we gotta find the lady."
"Sorry bout that sport, you're right." He nods his head at his child. "C'mon Ikada, dad and Kagura will have to catch up with us when they stop being so slow."
The duo are about to finally take off to wherever it was they were going when something catches their attention with a semi-distant shout. Both of them swivel on their heels to look towards whoever had just called out to them. Tracking their line of sight just out of sheer curiosity, Haruka got a good glimpse of just what her opposites were looking at. It was an approaching pair that seemed to mirror the current two people in front of her now, in an equally odd way. A man with short cut blue hair and goggle glasses caught up first because his adult sized legs were able to cover ground far more efficiently. But not to be lost in the shuffle, a small pale-blonde child who looked only a little older than the light eyed boy came to a full stop next to the adult he was with without overshooting his mark.
"Please try not to keep getting too far ahead. I don't want one of us to run into them and not be within earshot of the other." Sighed the shorter man, the one with the blue hair. He spoke pretty evenly despite the fact that he'd been almost full on running not even 90 seconds ago. And as he opened his mouth to speak again, turning towards the Uchiha family this time, every one of them got a good glimpse of those same sharp teeth lining both halves of his jaw. "I think you're exactly who we're looking for. Apologies for the slight chaos this has caused. My name is Terumi Chojuuro, primary aid to Lady Fifth."
Chojuuro. Haruka wracks her brain for why that name sounds so familiar. Try as she might, though, it just doesn't come to her like she wished it would. He seems to believe he knows her family in some way and she feels bad that he seems like a complete stranger to them. But he did say he was an aid to the Mizukage so obviously he had to have some merit of trustworthiness. Now came the part where she wanted to know exactly why he and what she presumed to be his family had been seeking out hers. There was no memory to be drawn upon of her requesting an escort brigade while she was here in the Mist. So, what gives?
"I really am sorry to sound so rude and blunt, but, may I ask why it is that you were looking for my family?" She cocks her head just a small degree in order to emphasize her perplexed state of mind.
"We're the ones that Ma asked to show you guys around out here  for as long as you need during your stay." Chojuuro's much taller partner replies for him right before extending a friendly hand out. He is very forward and open with the way he talks. Confident, welcoming. "Name's Shimizu Hiroki. Anbu, keeper of this guy here."
Chojuuro breathes out through his nose in faux exasperation but doesn't miss a beat in picking up where Hiroki has left off. "He's correct. Lady Mei said you had quietly let her know you were coming ahead of time. So she asked us to stick with you at least until you know your way around or if you feel unsafe for any reason. I really hope that's all right."
This time it is one of her children that speaks up before any of the four gathered adults can. It's Shisui, he had gone up to the older looking boy who had accompanied Chojuuro on the scene. "Hi, I'm Shisui. Who're you?" He introduces himself joyfully, eager to make a new friend. His sister watches him work from her place beside her father and seemed to be weighing her own interaction options.
The boy that her son had just addressed seemed a little more skittish than he first appeared because as soon as Shisui had asked his name he pressed closer to Chojuuro and refused to speak. He clung to the one immediate safety net he knew he could trust when he wasn't sure of what else to do. Hiroki, who still had his hand extended to shake either Haruka's or Itachi's, put in down by his side in favor of choosing to address the boy glued to Chojuuro's side. "Kagura, buddy, don't worry about these two. I'm sure they just wanna get to know you." He gently reaches out and ruffles the blonde hair that makes the two look so different. It seems to work a little, just as Hiroki is hoping, and soon enough the boy lets go of his father. Sure he still sticks relatively close but baby steps were better progress than nothing.
But Kagura isn't the only child standing beside the two well decorated Kiri nin. Ikada, who had come with Hiroki, finally saw his chance to make a proper impression since these were indeed the people that Grandma Mei told them to go and find. He zeroes in on where Mikoto stands as she is still next to her father and trots up to her with no fear in his eyes or body language. If Chojuuro and Hiroki were indeed a couple, and if these were their kids, then Ikada sure was an immensely different sort of personality than his almost certainly older brother Kagura. It was like an old cliche about night and day. This fact seemed to entice Mikoto to close more of the distance between herself and the light eyed boy. Both of them now take a second to really look the other over before mirrored smiles of mischief get a grip on them. Oh boy. Itachi watches as his oldest makes a new friend with little effort and is amused by how easy it is for her no matter where she goes. He's so thankful for the dauntless way his daughter interacts with new people.
The eldest Uchiha child and the seemingly younger boy from the Mist take to each other like fish to water and soon begin chattering up a storm back and forth. Meanwhile, now that Kagura has been given reassurance by one of his dads, he has begun to come around to Shisui. The little wooden sword the boy carried at his hip, clipped to his belt, was drawn in an instant so he could show Shisui how he knows how to use it. Kenjutsu training apparently started very early here in the Hidden Mist and Itachi could see the stars in the eyes of his youngest at the display. This sort of engagement and sharing without necessity for violence was exactly what he wanted for both of his children. Shisui watched as his new friend showed off a couple of really impressive swings before the sword once again was tucked away in its little sheath. Kagura finally donned a little smile, indicative of his ever improving mood and trust now that he and the Uchiha boy had shared their moment with blessings from all of their parents.
Hiroki finally offers his hand again for one of the couple to shake. "It seems our boys are having a good time with their new friends. Why don't you let us get on with showing you the finer points of the village? It'll let them all have more time to bond as we go, too."
All of that was music to her ears. However, Haruka could not shake the feeling of hunger that had only gotten stronger with all the time they had spent standing around and talking. She extended her hand to take and shake his, regardless, and didn't let her hunger overpower her manners. Basic decency would not lose out to baser instincts here and now. "We would love to accompany you. Would it be all right if you made our first stop to get something to eat? We were on our way to do that before we ran into you and I think everyone will have a much more enjoyable time after they've gotten something in their stomachs."
"Of course, we can even show you to exactly where you were planning to go, if by chance you already had a place in mind." Chojuuro picked up the conversation from that point. "Just let us know so we can take you and I will cover the entire bill."
The expression of hospitality and generosity really struck her then. As she took her hand back from the handshake with Hiroki, she turned to his partner and gave him an appreciative look. "That would be wonderful. Thank you so much for the warm welcome, I hope we won't be too much trouble for you."
"No trouble at all." Hiroki chuckles. "Wouldn't have offered if we weren't ready for anything."
Breakfast breezes by them faster than she realizes. But the food is good and the company is better so no one really has no room or desire to complain. Her children and Chojuuro's two boys seem even more energetic now that they've had something to eat and the combined energy between the four of them reminds their parents that they really should get going. She hopes that no one wanders off while they're exploring the village, but still understands that the newness of everything will certainly make it hard for her son and daughter to  stay by her side. She's ready for them to excitedly flit between every little sight that catches their eyes even if it means also chasing them around so they don't get lost. And if she really needs to, she knows she can rely on her husband to help with that task.
"I apologize if my boys rile up your son and daughter." Chojuuro speaks up, catching her attention. "Ikada especially tends to be very excitable. Hopefully they stay within a reasonable distance from us."
He's more formal and polite than she would have expected from such a reputable Shinobi from the Hidden Mist. The atmosphere of Kiri these days was coasting on better waters but she knew very well that plenty of residents alive today remembered the harsher times quite plainly. Chojuuro was definitely old enough to have seen the tail end of those dismal days. The fact that he's such a welcoming and warm person reminds Haruka that even in the most severe conditions good people still find a way to persist. And with him in charge after Mei steps down, she is confident that he will continue her earnest work in turning their home into a much safer and happier place than it had been. Spending even just a little time in his company like this has taught her that much quite plainly.
"Don't worry about if the four of them get wrapped up in each other and disappear." Itachi replies before his wife has a chance to. He seems very at ease with everything, which does her heart good. "They're enjoying everything they have never seen before and we can find them again even if we lose them briefly. They should be allowed to roam if they want."
Hiroki laughs at this and claps the Uchiha on the shoulder a little roughly in turn. "I like the way you think. It's good for them to get the lay of the land without us holding their hands. Besides, Kagura would never wander too far. And he's the oldest so his brother will listen to him even if he puts up a fight at first. I'm not worried one little bit."
Haruka's first instincts are still to worry about her children getting lost in unfamiliar territory, but she quells them fairly quickly with the knowledge that her husband has faith that everything be okay. He's rarely wrong when it comes to their children and her trust in him outweighs any nerves she might have. Besides, they're being backed up by two of the most formidable Shinobi in the modern day Mist. The safety net afforded to the four youths could not be any more reinforced if they tried. So she breathes a hardy sigh of relief and puts a smile on her face without feeling guilty.
And her trust in both her love and her escorts pays off handsomely as the day wears on. There are a few moments when the children are out of even earshot but they don't last long enough to instill panic. Chojuuro guides the whole party to see the Academy where they are invited to sit in on a class that's currently in session. She observes his two boys as they watch the students practice with their wooden swords, skillfully dodging and aiming just right in order to come out on top. Kagura in particular seems very focused and even excited as he watches the others go back and forth with their swinging and stepping. When Mikoto catches sight of him locked on to the spectacle below them, she too steps up to the railing and zeroes in like a hawk on its prey. There may be a future for her in the art of Kenjutsu if that is something she truly wanted to learn.
After their little excursion to the Academy, they head off to the office of the Mizukage herself. Mei is a little busy when they get there but she allows the lot of them to come in and see her workspace anyway. Hiroki asks where "old man Ao" has gotten off to and when he gets his answer, clearly it isn't the one he's hoping to hear, judging by his petulant little sigh. Ao is off meeting with delegates from the Land of Waves. It's important official business even though is most likely extremely boring. Though Hiroki doesn't like the fact that the hunter nin vet is absent and therefore not available to be pestered, he will just have to learn to live with it. And live with it he does as he's soon distracted from his disappointment when he catches sight of another (mostly) friendly face passing through the hall. At this, he has to excuse himself for a moment in order to catch up with whoever it was. Unfortunately he doesn't notice that he's not alone until someone small collides with the back of his leg in the middle of his sentence.
"Mr. Anbu? Who's this?" The big, sweet dark eyes of Itachi's son look up at the tall man from the Land of Storms. He's quickly swept up in Hiroki's arms to get a better look at their guest.
"This is my favorite jackass in the whole world." Hiroki smirks, showing just a hint of teeth. Shisui gawks owlishly for a moment at the newcomer while he listens. "Hozuki Mangetsu."
Apparently the 6'3 guard and his much shorter blue haired spouse aren't the only ones with impressive teeth around here. Not to be outdone by his favorite rival and sparring partner, Mangetsu flashes his own pointed fangs in what many would assume to be a threatening snarl even if in reality it's a positively raucous expression. Shisui is awestruck at the sight of yet another ninja who looks like they could take a chunk out of someone if their mood was bad enough. This marks the third person with such teeth he's seen today, because he remembers that Mr. Chojuuro is just like Mr. Hiroki and now the new person. Later he has to ask mom and dad if maybe they'll let him get cool fangs like that someday.
"Anyway, loser. I assume you're here playing guard dog while Gramps is out? I sure hope you're covering all your bases." The way that Hiroki talks would make most people wonder just how much he hated the other man. He just loves ruffling feathers and the response he gets from Mangetsu pleases him. Their shared animosity is nothing more than play behavior in the end.
"Yeah, yeah. I got it." Mangetsu has always been a man of very few words. His tone of voice when he replies to Hiroki is no warmer seeming that the way he had just been spoken to. But, again, it was just more of the eccentric Kiri flavored affectionate banter between the two grown men.
Shisui gets to sit in on the entire conversation between Hiroki and Mangetsu while his folks and sister, and Mr. Chojuuro, are back in the office with the Mizukage. She is keenly aware that her guests still have much they must want to see and do around her village so she does her best not to keep them for very long. But before they go to part ways for the time being, Itachi knows he has something a little complicated to ask of Lady Fifth. The exact wording escapes him and thus he cannot find a way to breach the subject. Noticing the way the Uchiha man seems conflicted, Mei reaches out first.
"Is something the matter, Uchiha-san? You look like you have much weighing on your mind." She looks at him with sympathetic eyes as she speaks. With the way seems so torn, there's no doubt in her mind that what he's warring with won't be a simple matter.
"Forgive me for asking something so forward and insensitive." He clears his throat and dons his most put-together sober expression as he speaks. "But I have something to ask regarding your memorial stone."
Now it is Chojuuro who puts two and two together in his head before his mother can form a response. He steps forward and turns to his side so both parties can clearly see his face. Mei relaxes her shoulders a little when it clicks in her head that her beloved son is taking it upon himself to fill in the missing pieces for someone so clearly restless. It's a quality in him that proves exactly why he's going to make a great leader in the near future. So without waiting in awkward silence, the future Water Shadow speaks up.
"I think I know what it is that you're going to ask." Chojuuro makes it very clear that he's not looking to cause trouble in the way that he speaks to Itachi. They're both well respected Shinobi and this is a serious matter. "Due to backlash amongst many of the villagers, we have had to remove the Hoshigaki name from the stone. But I am currently trying to devise a way to either put it back on someday or create another sacred space to honor the family and all of those in a similar situation. You have my word that I will be doing everything I can to not let their name and legacy be lost to time."
Haruka keeps her eyes trained on her husband to see how he takes this sombre news. To her surprise, he seems to calm down a little whereas before he seemed on alert and antsy. She understands that the actions of his old Akatsuki partner have stained the family's name for a long time and she cannot blame the village for wanting to scrub all mention of them from such a sacred place as their memorial. She also is silently thankful that Chojuuro is looking into a solution for this impasse so the entire clan isn't forgotten or looked down upon for as long as Kiri may continue to exist. The village is trying to improve its image and standards constantly so reminders of the violent era, like the family name of his old partner, are going to cause a stir in the hearts of everyone begging to move forward with their lives. They just have to be confident in the future Lord Sixth that he will find good middle ground.
"Thank you, Lady Fifth." Itachi bows his head a little to her and then turns to Chojuuro and does the same. "And to you too, Lord Sixth."
"You're very welcome, Itachi. I do hope that Chojuuro can find a way to settle this in a way that satisfies everyone. And you're welcome to go see the stone yourself at any time if you feel the need to. I can send you along with some incense on your way out." Mei knows very well that this sensitive subject is something that has been simmering his mind for a long time. She can empathize with his plight, on some level, as she also knew Hoshigaki Kisame a long time ago. Back before he had accrued a criminal reputation. The least she can do is give him the opportunity to say his peace while he was here on her home turf.
"I would appreciate that very much, Mizukage-sama."
Hiroki chooses that moment to pop his head back into the office, wearing an expression that Chojuuro isn't sure he fully trusts. He sure has uncanny timing. "Sorry 'bout that, got caught up with a certain someone. What was everyone talking about?"
Shisui trots in behind the off duty Anbu agent and goes right up to his mother, pulling on her sleeve to communicate he would like to be picked up. Haruka swiftly scoops him up in her arms and presses a kiss to his cheek before he gets the chance to tell her what's on his mind. "Mommy, the man Mr. Hiroki talked to said something."
"What kind of something, sweetheart?" She patiently waited for her son to speak. Shisui was a very intelligent child with quite a way with words for his age.
"Something about a patrol. What's a patrol? He said he saw some jellyfish in the water while he was on whatever a patrol is."
This got her attention quickly and coaxed the gears in her head to turn in a new direction. Shisui had mentioned hearing about jellyfish and that made her think of one thing: the beach. While here in Water Country, they should try and make time for take the kids down to the actual shore so they could play in the sand and the water. It had been part of the game plan originally, forgotten temporarily as they were swept up in the awe of how different the village was now, so this was the perfect way to get back on track. But first she would have to ask her escorts if they had a place they'd recommend going to because she was still working on memorizing the lay of the land. Before she could ask the gathered residents of Water Country, however, first she had to answer her curious son. One thing at a time lest she trio herself up by accident.
Putting on her most gently informative voice, Haruka replied. "A patrol is when you go around an area to make sure it's safe. To check for bad people or places where bad people can get in. You said you heard something about jellyfish in the water, right? Well I would think that means the man Hiroki was speaking to was down by the shore for his patrol."
"Thank you mommy." Her boy beamed, pleased to have his answer. "Can we go down there and see the jellyfish too?"
Oh the stars sure we're aligning perfectly right now! She was almost visibly giddy now that she had confirmation that her youngest wanted to go to the shore! The smile that broke out on her face then had everyone turn to her and cock their heads in curiosity. Before she could answer, she carefully put her son back down on the ground and pivoted to face her husband directly. Itachi had to admit that his wife's sudden enthusiasm had him very eager to hear what she had to say and he had to school his own facial expression into staying as neutral as possible in order to give her the opportunity to get everything out. The good mood was infectious and it made waiting patiently for answers just a little tough.
"Itachi. Would you be all right with it if we took these two down for a beach day? Shisui mentioned jellyfish and that's where my thoughts went right away." Her tone does nothing to hide her currently elevated energy levels. It's a good look for her, this kind of happiness. How could he say no?
He finally allows himself to openly emote in response now that she's filled him in on her desires. He nods, accenting it with a pleased upturn at the corners of his mouth, and gives his blessing. "I think that would be a wonderful way to spend the majority of tomorrow." And then he turns to face his daughter to ask her, sure of what she would say but asking her her input anyway . "Would you like to make tomorrow a beach day?"
Mikoto cannot get her response out fast enough. "Please! I wanna go see the water!"
That's all the confirmation he really needs from her. Shisui had already asked his mother if they could go, but he needed to know how Mikoto felt on it as well. He still wanted to double check with his son again, though, just to make sure his mind was made up. "And do you still want to go see the jellyfish that Hiroki's friend mentioned, Shisui?"
The boy nodded vigorously. "Yes I do! Please, daddy, can we go?"
This was when Hiroki decided it was his turn to speak. Although Itachi was a little irritated at being cut off in the middle of a conversation with his children, he knew the residents of the village would know better about how to make this plan work. "Actually, I have a suggestion about that." He clears his throat before continuing. "As much as I'd love to take you down by where my idiot coworker went on his patrol, I think I have a better destination suggestion."
"Hiroki." Chojuuro is firm with his words. "What exactly are you thinking?"
"Relax, I promise I'm being genuine." Hiroki waves off his husband. Both of their own children keep their ears perked up at this because their more reckless father often had fun ideas. "I was thinking. That we head up about two hours north of here instead."
Is he talking about somewhere outside the Hidden Mist Village? Both Haruka and Itachi exchange looks of slight confusion with each other just then. Haruka had planned on the three day stay to be in Kirigakure as it had been ages since last she or her love had set foot there. Now here was one of her escorts suggesting they take the whole travel party up outside the destination village in order to enjoy a beach day. But to where? Both of them deeply wished in that moment that they had studied extensive maps of Water Country more thoroughly before making the trip out here. Even if this had not been in the plans before just now, and thus they would not have needed to pour over nation-wide maps so much, it still would have been nice.
"I think I know exactly where he's talking about going. It's another town along the western coast of this collection of islands. The Land of Lures, a nice little fishing based village with much nicer beaches than we have around here." Chojuuro rubs his chin with a couple of his fingers as he explains out loud what the forming plan seemed to be.
"What's that place like? And how come you never took us there before?" Ikada pouts a little as he speaks, directing his questions at Hiroki specifically.
Kagura shoots his younger brother a look but quickly switches to taking his dads' side. "Dad and pops are very busy here in the Mist. I'm sure they would have taken us someday."
Hiroki crosses his arms over his chest and dons a smug little tone of voice. "Well I'm taking us all there tomorrow, so you don't have to worry anymore. And I won't spoil what the village is like. You'll have to wait and see."
"That's no fair, tell me!" Ikada steps up in front of his much taller father, looking up at him and stamping his foot. "I wanna know."
"Be patient, squirt." The golden eyed man reaches down to ruffle the off-orange colored hair of his youngest. "You'll see tomorrow."
"Fine. But it better be cool." There is a mad little blush on the cheeks of the adopted Funato child, but his father knows him too well. He's excited to go and will forget all of this when he gets the lay of the new land.
Everyone, in the flurry of their conversation, seemed to have forgotten where they were holding said conversation and only were made to remember when the seated Mizukage cleared hee throat. Chojuuro had an embarrassed look on his face once his mother brought him back down to earth from the orbit he had been during the making of these new plans. He and Kagura were the first to apologize, always eager to keep the peace, followed shortly by Itachi and Haruka. Ikada mumbled a little 'sorry' under his breath because it was all he could manage amongst his barely contained excitement to explore.
"Thank you for your time and your answers, Lady Mizukage. We will be going now and leave you to your work. Please have a good rest of your evening." Itachi spoke for all of them with how he wrapped up the encounter.
"And I wish the same to you, Uchiha-san. We're happy to have you." Mei pushed aside her exasperation at what she had just bore witness to because she wasn't going to let a little petty squabbling ruin a good trip. "Please do enjoy our neighboring village."
And with that, the entire eight man band took their leave from the off of the Water Shadow. Chojuuro was the first to sigh in utter relief the second they had all stepped back into the sunshine outside. He ran one hand through his hair and tried to forget the humiliation of tuning out his own mother in favor of making plans to go outside of their village. Meanwhile, both of his boys looked like the stir craziness was starting to overflow. They wanted to resume their little trip around town badly. Standing around in that cramped office was no good for a five year old, a six year old, and two eight year olds.
"So." Hiroki starts. He refuses to let the silence grow awkward. "Tomorrow we set off for the Land of Lures. What say we take the rest of the day here to look around some more? Show our friends here the memorial stone and some of the renovated areas, then get some dinner. We can worry about the travel details in the morning. If I have to, I can ask to borrow some horses so the kids don't tire on the way up. Don't worry, I know a guy."
"Oh, horses. I don't have much experience with those but I think that sounds just fine." Haruka nods. "And the rest of it sounds wonderful too. We have one more day here after that, and I was thinking of doing a little shopping for at least part of it. There's some things I want to bring home with us."
"That sounds perfectly reasonable to me. What time do you want to set off in the morning? Chojuuro looks from his husband to both of his guests as he speaks.
"We will see what time the kids are up. And then I will call for you both. Is that acceptable?" Itachi takes the chance to speak for both himself and his wife. Haruka slips in next to him and he puts an arm around her gently.
"Works for me. I know what inn you're staying at. So I'll get us all a room for the night too so you can find us easily. And maybe give the kids a chance to terrorize the other guests a little as a bonding activity in the meantime." Hiroki has yet another devious look, somehow different than his other ones he's shown to his guests so far, on his face as he confidently replies. Clearly life is a game to him and he's getting a lot of enjoyment out of this. Oh to have his level of sheer gall.
"I think that'll be good for them." Haruka kisses her husband's cheek before he even has time to mull over what Hiroki had just suggested. "Let them tire themselves out, too, so they sleep well for the trip over. I know they are probably tired of traveling already but it'll be worth it for a beach day."
That's all he needs to hear. If she is all for it, then he's equally on board. Now all that stands in between the party and their excursion up to the next village over is the remaining hours of daylight they have to explore the Mist more thoroughly. The promise to see the memorial stone is perfect motivation to focus on the here and now rather than just resigning and accepting the rest of their first vacation day is going to be a drag. Chojuuro surely has plenty of sights left to show them and they both want to see everyone one. When tomorrow comes they'll revel in the sea air, but for now they have four rowdy children to entertain as well as their own curiosities to sate.
"I know just the place I want you guys to try tonight when we go get dinner. Just trust me, the eel is to die for." Hiroki rambles a little. His mouth is already watering.
Even though he seems jazzed on it, his guests seem a little hesitant. But they smile and nod along with him anyway because they're quite willing to try new things. Especially things that get the seal of approval from someone who seems to be enjoying life here this much. Itachi lets his eyes wander then, from the grown Anbu to the gaggle of children damn near ready to wander off, and considers himself a very fortunate man. Getting this chance to be here with his family and with good company will do him a lot of good. He feels almost zero stress and his relaxed body posture reflects it well. His wife notices it quickly, and thanks her lucky stars that her beloved seems to be enjoying himself so much.
"We should get going so Mikoto and Shisui don't get too far ahead of us." He leans to whisper in Haruka's ear. She laughs at the way his breath tickles and sees that he's wearing a small smile as he speaks. "I want to see everything they see."
Her laughing tapers to a little chuckle as she responds to him. "We better not lag behind, then, love. Especially with Hiroki's oldest leading the way."
So the little sight seeing party takes off on the direction that Ikada and Mikoto have darted off. Kagura sticks closer to the adults and eventually Shisui sees fit to copy him. The rush of an unfamiliar place eventually turns into the wonder of passing through a land so very different from back home. It's an enjoyable evening that is capped off with food that is indeed surprisingly delicious. Hiroki is a weird and wild man but his suggestions are far more spot on than they have any right to be. And luckily by the time that all is said and done, the children are all quite worn out from the flurry of activity of the day. There will be no running up and down the halls like demons tonight.
Hiroki and Chojuuro secure a suite just five doors down from the one Itachi and Haruka are staying in. In the morning, Itachi will go over and knock on their door to let them know everyone is ready. But until then it is time to rest for the night and get some good sleep. Haruka makes sure he takes his medicine a little earlier than usual and that his reading glasses are put where he can easily find them before he turns in for the night. He thanks her for her diligence and thoroughness.
When he slides in bed beside her, she quickly sidles right up to him and takes him in her embrace. Her ear presses to his chest to get a good listen of his lungs for her peace of mind. It takes a few deep breaths, but eventually she is satisfied with what she hears and she settles in with him, eyes slowly closing and tiredness starting to claim her. Itachi manages to find sleep before his wife and she spends her final moments hanging on the edges of consciousness thanking the gods for the opportunity to take her family out for a much needed break from the Leaf. Tomorrow would be amazing, just like today had been. She knew this in her soul. And with that mantra in her head, she let sleep take over, sinking into dreamland.
The plan for the morning had been that Itachi would have gone five doors down to let his escorts know when his family was up and ready to leave on the two hour long trek north out of Kiri. What actually happened was that a knock had been heard at the door to the suite Itachi's family was staying in, somewhere around seven am, and Shisui had bolted to the door to answer it. It was unfortunate for the boy that he had been far too short to undo the locks that were eye level with his adults. So he had to improvise in order to see who it was that was standing outside the room apparently looking for them. Itachi himself watched his son from afar, prepared to step in at any time in case something was amiss, but allowing his youngest to get to the bottom of the issue first until it proved to be over his head.
The surprise came when the voice calling from the other side of the door had belonged to Chojuuro's youngest, the adopted Funato boy Ikada. Apparently he had gotten too impatient and had too much energy so Hiroki must have let him go see if the Uchihas were at least awake at that time. It was just their luck that they were indeed up and getting ready for the day. Once it became clear that the child standing outside was no trouble, Itachi got up and undid the locks, opening the door and allowing the light eyed boy inside. Shisui was pleased with his father's actions but it was Mikoto who showed even more enthusiasm when she caught sight of their visitor.
For a good half an hour the Uchiha family entertained the stray Funato as they finished showering and dressing and packing what they needed for the day. Mikoto and Shisui had no problems keeping Ikada busy the entire time, though one at a time they had to join their mother in the bathroom so she could get them cleaned and dressed in fresh clothes ahead of their journey. By the time everyone was all set, Itachi had gone to uphold the end of his bargain by knocking on the door five rooms down the hallway from his own. Chojuuro opened it to reveal his charge for the three days the four of them were in Kiri and flashed a small smile of acknowledgement. Behind his father, Kagura stood and watched the conversation. He wasn't as overtly outgoing as his brother but he sure was a good kid and it was a joy to have him around while out and about.
At roughly 8:30 in the morning, the group of eight finally made their departure from the very lovely inn to head two hours north. The Land of Lures, somewhere Hiroki seemed to know well and yet he had never taken his own children there. It would be a collective new experience for all four of them. Surely when the Uchihas made their return to Konoha, their son and daughter would have plenty of stories to tell their friends and memories that would last them a lifetime. Good memories they could keep with them always. Haruka was thankful for such a serendipitous outcome that sprang from her arrangements to go to Water Country. The more of the world her children saw, the more they would appreciate life outside of their immediate bubble.
Horses were proposed by Hiroki both back in Mei's office and once again before his troupe officially hit the road. Itachi paused to consider it seriously, weighing the pros and cons in his head in order to be thorough, and made sure to ask his children what their thoughts were on the matter. Mikoto readily said she would be okay to travel even though it was pretty far. Shisui was a little unsure at first but upon seeing his big sister's reaction was quick to take her side. This was good enough for their father. If it really came down to it, he had no trouble carrying one of them on his shoulders. And Haruka surely would help in the case that both of them needed to be carried for some of the distance. It was Shisui who took that offer the last 20 minutes of the trip. He enjoyed the view from his newly acquired "height" as their destination came into view.
"Told ya you'd like it." Hiroki dons quite a smug smirk. "A nice little coastal village famous for its fresh seafood dishes and very chill atmosphere. Just wait till you see where we're headed."
Not wanting to waste any more time, the Anbu guard picks up his pace with longer strides. Ikada scurries to follow in his father's wake, not wanting to be left behind, being probably the most excited to see the realms beyond the Hidden Mist. The boy had metaphorical stars in his eyes as he took in the lay of this new land. All of the low rise housing with flat roofs perfect for standing on to look out at the horizon. Stone pathways that served as the main roads. Barrels of fish and pots of crabs that must have just been caught that day lining the outside of a few of the homes. In the short distance there were several docks and one long pier that jutted out over the sea which rolled in little waves back and forth. And, by that deeply blue ocean, was a structure much larger than any of the houses they could see around them.
"Pops? What's that building out there?" Ikada looks up at Hiroki with big, curious light eyes when he's finally able to tear his gaze away from the scenery out in front of him.
Hiroki, in turn, turns his yellow gaze down at his six year old son and speaks with a sort of reverence the boy cannot yet understand. "That's where we're going today. Gonna spend all day out on the beach out there next to that little school. All the classes are held in that building, the teachers think it's good for the kids to learn by the sea. And I think they're right."
Haruka watches the exchange happening before her eyes and feels just a little pang of envy for the fact that this little town can hold their schooling in such a unique spot. Konoha was landlocked and therefore the ocean was too far away to go and see regularly. Any time any of the children in the village wanted to go, their parents had to take them to the eastern edge of Fire Country in order to get a glimpse of the expansive blue waters. Kirigakure got to see it every day. And this village did, too. They even took it to the next level. Holding classes in the school building situated right on the beach. It sounded like something from a dream.
She was brought gently down from cloud nine when her daughter tugged on her sleeve. Focusing her attention on Mikoto, Haruka inquired about what might be on her mind. "What is it, my little magpie?"
"How come they get to have such a cool school here? Our academy isn't like that at all." Mikoto puffed out her cheeks just a little as she spoke. Clearly her mother wasn't the only jealous one.
"We're in Water Country, honey. It's called that because it's an island nation surrounded by the ocean. So places like this that see the sea get the chance to be near it more often. Unfortunately we back in the Leaf do not live by the sea." Her heart went out to her daughter's plight in that moment. It would be wonderful if she had the chance to show Mikoto more of the world beyond the forested village they called home. Maybe someday there would be an opportunity.
"You never know, maybe you can come study in Kiri with us someday." Hiroki flashes the yearning child a hopeful grin. He had been listening to the conversation and didn't want the girl to get too discouraged. "I'll put in a good word with Ma for ya. If you ever wanna come see the ocean more often, you're always welcome in the Mist."
These words seem to lift her spirits a little and she bids him a thank you. Haruka, equally grateful, knows she has find a way to make it up to the man before she leaves. But there is no time for the group to fool around anymore as it is Chojuuro who begins walking towards the school building with his day bag in hand. Kagura follows after him wordlessly and it leaves the other half of their family a bit scatterbrained for a moment. Ikada quickly gets his bearings back and skips ahead to catch up to his father and brother. Itachi takes that as his cue to herd his family in the same direction so they don't fall behind. Bringing up the rear, to the surprise of everyone, is Hiroki. He and Mikoto share a hush-hush conversation about the sea and her mother is just amazed at how enraptured her daughter is by all of it.
The band of eight make it down safely to the seaside beach and it's even more beautiful than it looked from a distance. The actual sand is so soft under feet. Shisui is the first to fling his shoes off in order to bury his toes in the sand, enamored with the feel of the grains on his bare feet. Ikada and Mikoto are not far behind in copying him. Kagura, of course, chooses to wait until their little area is all set up and he can take a minute to sit and look out at the water. He does not have the same almost fish-like draw to the water as Ikada does, but both of his fathers know before too long he'll join the light eyed boy for a swim all the same.
Itachi is the one to unfurl the oversized blanket before asking his wife to help him set it down and stretch it out. There are no trees and no one has brought an umbrella so there will be no shade to sit under, but thankfully the sun is not beating down directly on everyone in the first place. Even up here there is a cloudy sort of haze lingering in the air to protect the citizens from harshly direct sunlight, but not enough to cause too much of a chill. Perfect conditions for enjoying an extended period of time outside. He sits on the blanket beside his wife, legs loosely crossed, and witnesses the spectacle that is the future Sixth Mizukage prepping his husband and two children for the day. The second that the cold sunscreen hits Hiroki's naked back is the second the fierce Anbu guard yelps in surprise. It's funny only until it dawns on the dark haired Uchiha that it will be his turn soon.
"Dear." Haruka begins, sweetly. Here it comes. He gulps a little and hopes she doesn't see. "Would you please remove your shirt so I can make sure you've got enough sunscreen too?"
The former Akatsuki member sighs in resignation because he knows it's for the best. Still, it's going to make him shiver. At least his lovely wife won't just him. Too hard. "All right, I will just need a moment."
The "moment" in reality is him needing to prepare for warm skin to meet cold cream. Maybe they should have bought the spray on stuff instead, maybe if wouldn't have been so cool to the touch. Too late now. He carefully hooks two fingers under the bottom edge on his shirt and lifts it over his head in one fluid motion. The newly shed garment is set down next to him rather than chucked away to gather sand and get stepped on. Haruka takes the bottle from Chojuuro as soon as he's done and kneels in front of her waiting husband. He looks at her with almost pleading eyes but she is quite immune to the trickery. Not even Genjutsu could throw her off this trail. It's for the best, he just has to tell himself, it'll assure that sun burns won't make his life hell for the next week.
She dabs a little bit onto her two first fingers and motions for him to uncross his legs and stay still. At least it's a better place to start than his torso. Ease him into the temperature difference, yes that was good logic to go with. And it actually pays off when he feels her start to slather the off-white cream onto the skin of his very pale legs. She has to hike up his shorts just a little bit to make sure maximum coverage is achieved but it's easy work so she doesn't think anything of it. He will surely get some of it rubbed off on the towel but not enough to be a concern. Satisfied with the first stage of her work, she instructs him to hold out his arms in front of him next. One by one she gingerly holds them up with one hand while applying the sunscreen diligently with the other. It's a funky wet feeling, the cream on skin, but he'll be thanking her later for protecting him.
"Now comes the hard part. I'm sorry in advance, beloved." She really is sorry for what she has to do but both of them know it's better to be safe than take a chance. Especially when it comes to his chest. His scars may be fading with the years but he knows he has to take extra care of them when it involves being exposed to sunlight.
She reaches for the bottle that has been set down beside her and takes a generous helping into one hand. Itachi figures that he'd rather her get his back first, and then finish with his chest and face, so he swivels around to face away from her. She spreads the sunscreen evenly as she can into her other hand and then presses both palms to the slightly marked up skin of his lower back. He only shovers a fraction because the warmth of her hands manages to bleed through the temperature of the cream and it reminds him of all the hours she's spent mending him over the years. Soon he's relaxing into her work and it's almost like getting a massage. Haruka works the cream up along his back and the rear side of his neck because it's a spot frequently missed by most people, exacting in her work, and then pulls back when she's satisfied with the coverage. As she inspects her efforts he's left missing her touch already.
"Looking good." There is a smile threaded into her voice, he may not see her face in that moment but he can still tell. "Now turn around to face me again. I have to get the rest of you."
He finds that he's no longer opposed to her ministrations as the feeling of her hands on his back had been so soothing it took away his inhibitions. It takes all of three seconds for him to swivel back around and almost puff out his chest a little in order to give her the best access. Haruka giggles a little to herself as she watches her husband. She's not a fool, she sees the little ways that he leans into her actions. It's very very cute and she'll never get tired of it. But right now she has to focus on protecting him from the sun's rays rather than loving up on him. But she WILL make time for it later and that is very much a threat.
"It's nice to see you so eager." She keeps her voice low but the tenderness in it is still very present. "Thank you for cooperating with me."
"Anything you could ever ask of me. I will do it for you without question." She can see the mirrored tenderness written all over his face. If she's not careful it will distract her too much.
More of the sunscreen is squeezed out onto her hands and she is quick to press her palms flush up against his chest to apply it. She moves each hand in slow circular motions, making sure not to miss even a centimeter of his sensitive skin, paying extra attention to the areas where his mastectomy scars rest. The feel of the post-surgical skin has become much less pronounced as a different texture as the years have gone on. Itachi is healing, slowly but surely, and he is comfortable in his skin. It's all she could ever wish for him. Her skill hands continue to work in the cream over the rest of his front until he's got decent coverage and she can pull back once more. Just his face is left now.
"You're going to look a little silly after this. But it's okay, I think silly is a good look for you." She laughs again. But instead of grabbing the same bottle of sunscreen, she reaches for the pack that's just barely within reach and pulls out a smaller tube. Ahh yes, this is the variety better suited for facial application. Much gentler if it happens to get in one's eyes as well as tasteless in the case of it being snorted or licked. "Just this last bit and then you'll be all set, I promise."
He hums a little to confirm he understands what she's telling him and then is perfectly still once more. Haruka dabs just a little of the cream on her two first fingers of one hand and then brings them up to his cheek. Slowly the cream is worked into his skin, across his nose and into his other cheek. His temples and chin and the little bit of exposed forehead are also given careful attention. And with that, she is happy with her finished work, and pulls back for the final time. He does indeed look silly. Silly but guarded against burns and worse. Now he can lay back and bask and relax while the kids accompany Hiroki in the depths. She thinks she'll join them in due time, but not just yet.
A joyful shriek reaches her ears in that moment and she turns her head like an owl scoping out prey. It came from her son, who had already managed to follow Ikada into the water in what felt like record time. She must have been so focused on her husband that she entirely missed both her children booking it down the sand towards the water. But, of course, she knew Hiroki was with them. And he was a Kiri nin through and through so his swimming skills were on parr with that of the gods themselves. Mikoto and Shisui were in damn good hands.
"It sounds like he's having a wonderful time." Itachi observes, casually picking up the conversation.
Haruka settle into a sitting position beside her man and begins working the sunscreen all over her own self. "Time of his life, even. And Mikoto too."
Their daughter was currently standing on the long pier that reached out across a good portion of the water. It was a good perch to observe and plan from. And plan she was, because even from here her body language told all. She was looking for the perfect opening to drop in on her baby brother from. Ikada better watch out or he too risked being divebombed by a flying Uchiha. Thankfully he seemed to catch onto her plans quickly from just a glance up at her and ducked fully under the water without another word. Shisui looked down to where he vanished, entirely baffled, and was none the wiser when his older sister put her plan into motion. Mikoto leapt like a frog and landed a few feet from where he was and splashed a good sized wave all over the unsuspecting boy.
"Hey, that's not fair!" He squeals, indignant. But his sister only laughs. Mission accomplished.
That's when Ikada chooses to come back up for air. He manages to get a nice yelp out of Mikoto, too, as she has forgotten for a moment that he was still down below. "How's it feel!" He wears the biggest grin in his face while holding out one hand and pointing at her.
Before she can respond to save her dignity, though, Shisui gasps out loud. His eyes are laser focused on the finger Ikada is pointing at his sister. "Your hands!"
Hiroki, who had been treading water not far from the scene at hand, chose then to swim up to his gaggle of ducklings. First he looked at Shisui staring in wonder and then followed the boy's like of sight to find it fixated on Ikada's outstretched hand. Or, rather, his fingers and the *webbing* between each of them. That was new. That was crazy. He wracked his brain to try and figure out what could have caused such a thing and when nothing came up his used his last ditch effort. Calling for his husband. Yes, Chojuuro would know.
"Babe, c'mere, it's urgent!" Hiroki waves his arms over his head as he beckons his love to him.
Chojuuro sighs through his nose, not unkindly so much as unsure of what's going on, and wades into the water himself. Kagura remains on the edge and still seems to be contemplating if he wants to finally enter or not. Eventually he's persuaded mentally and slowly eases himself in bit by bit until he has to do a doggie paddle in order to stay afloat. Meanwhile, his dads have convened around his brother and he has to swim the best he can in order to get closer so he can hear the commotion. Shimizu Hiroki, thank the gods, makes it easy for him though because that man sure knows how to speak up.
"Babe, do you know what's making his hands webbed like that? I've never seen that before. It's pretty fuckin cool." Without watching his language around the kids, the yellow eyed man begins interrogating his husband.
"Yes, in fact, I do know the answer." Chojuuro is much calmer with the way he speaks. "He's from the Funato clan originally. And it is well known that members of that family carry a blessing from the sea dragon god. One part of that blessing is hands they become webbed when they enter water so that they may better navigate and swim under said water."
"Wow, holy crap." This time he *does* tone his language down just a notch. "That is cooler than I thought. Little man, I didn't know you could do that!"
Kagura, now floating lazily on his back, has drifted up beside the rest of his family and the Uchiha kids. He too had never bothered to ask his dad about what was up with his little brother. Sure he'd seen the webbing when Ikada would spray him with a hose or when he'd drink water from his cupped hands instead a glass. But it never occurred to him to ask about that little detail. Perhaps he was so used to it by now that he simply thought it was the most normal thing in the world. Either way, he had just learned something. And it was very impressive of Ikada Nii-san to have such a neat ability.
That's when Hiroki steered the subject into another direction. It seemed he had gotten an idea as everyone was basking in the marvel that was his youngest. "Hey, would you all like to join me up on the pier over there? I have an idea. I'll explain when we get up there."
"We'll pass, but thank you." Chojuuro spoke on behalf of himself and Kagura, knowing the boy would not be interested in whatever antics his other father was surely cooking up. "Please try not to lose any of them." And he accented the last words with a laugh, enjoying even the thought that his goofy husband could misplace a whole child let alone three.
The Anbu agent shrugs his broad shoulders and considers it his husband's loss. Oh well, can't waste time dwelling on minds that don't want to be changed. He makes a beeline for the shore then and looks over his shoulder to watch as two of the four gathered children make to follow him. Shisui hangs back with Chojuuro and Kagura rather than tailing his sister this time. This is okay too, he was the youngest of the group and probably was far safer staying right here while his big sister and new Funato friend followed Hiroki to hell and back.
Both land-bound parents continue to monitor the scene from their spot on the laid out blanket. The heat of the day had been increasing little by little as they sat and observed. Haruka shielded her eyes with her forearm as she quickly tipped her head up to look at the expansive sky overhead. Some of the oddly hazy mist had dissipated with time and made it easier for the sun to beat down harsher on those just trying to watch their children have a good time from afar. Haruka internally considered that maybe this was her cue to get up and go swimming herself finally. Maybe, just maybe, she could even convince her husband to come with her. It *was* a better idea than cooking in the sun, after all, even with skin protection.
She slowly stood up to her full height and stretched her arms out in front of her to bring back proper feeling into them before daring to head out towards the water. As soon as she got her bearings, she reached down to her still seated husband to offer him a hand up. He took it readily and held on tight as she carefully pulled him to his feet. Turns out he really needed the movement because his legs now felt like they had been trying to fall asleep.
"Would you like to join me for a swim, love?" It was an innocent question. Sure she also wanted a closer seat to watch what boisterous Hiroki was planning to do with Mikoto and Ikada, but she also just wanted to get in the water herself. Two birds with one stone.
"I would love to. Please, lead the way." He doesn't let go of her hand as he responds. In fact, she grips his just a bit tighter as she begins to lead him down to where the sand meets the sea.
Mikoto and Ikada have made it up into the impressively sized pier by the time Haruka and Itachi have entered the shallows. Hiroki is not far behind the children, shaking all the salt water out of his hair briefly before making any other moves. He watched as the two little hellions looked over the sides of the wooden pier to gaze into the water below them. They'd walked out farther onto it than they had been while still in the water so the ocean floor was not visible from this high up. It should have made them nervous. Instead, their excitement only heightened. It was a fun sort of danger. Though, honestly, it could barely be called danger because they had a watchful eye with them.
Said watchful eye strides up behind them, looming above them like an observant hawk, and opens his mouth to speak. "Who wants to take a dive into this deeper water? I'll be with you the whole time, I promise. And if you say no I will understand."
The suggestion he puts forward seemed to him like it could easily be turned down. But, between the two children with him now, he was quickly proven wrong. The duo chorused ME ME ME and that was all Hiroki needed to hear to confirm that his idea hadn't been such a long shot after all. He laughed off his uncertainty after that and began to step back away from the kids. Ikada looked back at his father with his head cocked in confusion but was far more eager to see what was coming next to bother to question him. Mikoto eventually turned herself around just enough as well so that she could keep the Kiri nin within her line of sight. All three of them seemed to be on the same page. So it was now or never.
"Are you two ready? It's gonna come at ya fast so make sure you hold your breaths." He calls over to them. Already he's rolling his shoulders and making sure his aim is true.
"Get on with it already, pops, I don't like waiting." Ikada gives him a challenging tone. He really is so like his father.
"How about you, little lady? Are you ready?" He covers all of his ground just in case.
Mikoto nods readily and flashes him her best imitation of his sharp toothed grin. "Yes I am! Bring it on!" Her arms raise over her head as she pumps her fists in the air. Ahh, the fearless nature of a baby Uchiha. It never disappoints.
Without another word, Hiroki digs in his heels and springs forward like a bullet. On his way to the water he scoops up both children, one in each arm, and flings the three of them off the side of the pier. Peels of laughter sound from all three of them as they plunge into the depths below before resurfacing mere moments later. Mikoto looks like she had never had such fun in her entire life. Without saying a word, one could tell her entire being was screaming AGAIN! AGAIN! with just one look in those adorable dark eyes. She wraps her arms around Hiroki's neck to cling to him since the water is so deep. Ikada, on the other hand holds on to his father from the front. Hiroki has him carefully balanced in his arms because all the needs to stay afloat is his powerfully kicking legs.
Itachi comes up for air, breaking the surface of the water, right then. He had bore witness to the shenanigans of his oldest as she allowed Lord Sixth's personal guard to take her for a wild ride into the sea. The sight of her feeling so overjoyed with the day's activities did wonders of good for him. He so badly wanted his children to grow up enjoying their lives to the fullest and being able to be bold without fear. This was certainly the best possible outcome. And then he looks over to where his son is still hanging with Chojuuro, this time taking tips from Kagura on how to float effortlessly on his back, and is thankful the boy doesn't feel left out. He had been given a choice and didn't seem to regret it one bit.
His wife swam up to him as he was thinking through all of this. She quickly dove under water and came back up in front of him, searching his eyes to gauge how he was handling all of this. And she truly liked what she saw. There was nothing but gratitude and tenderness as he observed his children feeling carefree and emotionally fulfilled. Hiroki had already brought the two back up onto the pier as they were being watched, no doubt planning another stunt like the last one. She almost felt another wave of envy. Oh, to be so fearless. Shisui and Mikoto would never grow up wanting.
There was a slight change up this time as Hiroki asked each of the children what they wanted to do. Ikada, without one second of hesitation, told his dear old dad he could handle being tossed into the waiting sea below them without holding onto anyone. He was a strong swimmer. Besides, *dear old dad* would obviously be right behind him in case anything were to happen. Mikoto opted to stick with the same process as last time. She wasn't yet ready to fly solo, and that was okay. Hiroki could work with both things. So he flexed all of his fingers and took a deep breath, steeling himself for the task ahead, and scooped up his son in his arms. Ikada only kept a loose grip on his father. One swing, two swing, and on the third swing he was released back into the ocean like a too small fish being out back where it came from. Everyone waited to see him come back up for air and felt utter relief when it only took a moment. And as soon as that event had finished, Hiroki had once more gotten a running start, picking up Mikoto as he went and leaping into the water. Both of them came back up without delay. The trio were all smiles and laughter and energy as they reveled in the little bit of chaos they shared.
"Maybe we should take her to the beach more often. She seems so happy." Itachi's words had an almost wistful quality to them. As if he was daydreaming of distant places.
"I think it would be good for them." Haruka swam back up to him again and placed a quick kiss on his wet cheek. "And I think it would be good for us, too."
How very like how considerate soulmate. Always thinking of the whole family. She had a point and he found himself already wishing for the next time they could travel somewhere together. Where he could watch his family enjoy life to the fullest extent and not have a single worry of any kind. Where he could let go, unwind, and just let himself exist without expectations. It felt wonderful to have these moments where the only things on his mind were the happiness of his wife and children, and how beautiful the lands beyond Fire Country truly were now that he could venture out to see them.
"I hope our next destination is as beautiful and enjoyable as this one has already been." He returns her kiss, this time pressing his lips to her forehead, before finishing his thought. "No matter where it is that we will go."
The two spend the next hour talking, floating, treading water, and watching their son and daughter fool around with one of their escorts and his son. After that the lot of them opt to take a little break back on shore in order to rest up just a little. There is just enough time for one more quick dip before the subject of dinner becomes the topic of interest. Haruka towels off her wet and happy son as she listens to Hiroki go on and on about the food that his favorite place around here serves. Again with the eel, but even she had to admit by now it has her more curious than wary. Itachi was working on packing in all of their supplies as she moved to dry off Mikoto. To the surprise of everyone it was Kagura who spoke up I'm the next moment. He confirmed that what his dad said about eel was true, they it really was so good, and they should all try it when they went to get dinner. Chojuuro was the only one who declined.
Dinner went exceedingly well. The eel, as highly spoken of as it was, actually lived up to much of the hype. And there were plenty of sweets on the dessert menu so Itachi took the chance to treat himself to a few before they knew they had to head back to Kiri. He looked around the table at each person in his company that evening and marveled at how easy the atmosphere was. Sure, he knew already he'd be carrying his son home most of the way because the boy was tired, but this was the most togetherness he had felt in so long with anyone outside of his family. Hopefully this would not be the last time the four adults and their collective brood could gather and enjoy some time off as one happy pack. Chojuuro would be busy when he took the hat, but hopefully not too busy they he couldn't take a couple days off to bring the hellions northward with him and Haruka again.
Their trek back to the Hidden Mist sure is a long one indeed. Shisui, as it turns out, wasn't the only one who was feeling the tiredness from expending so much energy that day. Kagura asked Hiroki halfway home if he could have a piggyback and promptly fell asleep as he was carried back into familiar territory. How Ikada and Mikoto had not also collapsed yet was a mystery, but surely they would be out like lights the second they got back to their suites. Because yes, Chojuuro and his group would be taking their room for another night. It was a good idea as they still had an entire day to spend with their new friends.
Even Hiroki was dog tired when his body finally had a chance to lay out on his extra large long sized bed. After laying Kagura down in the bed beside it, and after watching Ikada join his brother then pass out in record time, the Anbu agent was able to allow himself to relax. His husband joined him not long after and the two spent a little time cuddled up together as Chojuuro discussed how he felt about the day they'd had. Though his mind was hazed over with the desire for sleep, Hiroki happily listened to his love recount everything they had seen and done and how it would be enjoyable to return at some point. And when the conversation was over, and the two laid down together to give in to sleep, both knew damn well there wasn't a thing they would have done to change how it all went even if they were given a chance.
The future Water Shadow and his husband weren't the only ones basking in the company of each other as they reflected on the day. Itachi was laid out on his back with his wife pressed up close to him. They had both taken a very quick shower as soon as the kids were sound asleep, preferring not to go to bed smelling like salt water, before getting into their own bed. Neither of them could really encompass quite how they felt about today with words. What little words they did get out were simple, easy, and sweet. Eventually those tapered off into equally sweet silence. Sleep tugged at both of them slowly and they gave in little by little. One more day, they had just one more day here. What was to come was still partly unknown. But regardless of the agenda, it surely would be great. This was their mutual thought before allowing themselves to give in to the call of the sandman. One day left and it would definitely be unforgettable.
Everyone enjoyed the luxury of being able to sleep in on the morning of the final day. Not having to rouse early, especially after such an eventful day as yesterday had been, was exactly what the proverbial doctor ordered. Both Shisui and Mikoto managed to stay soundly asleep for a couple of hours longer than usual due to how worn out they had been from the flurry of activity they'd enjoyed previously. Their parents were up before each of the children and got plenty of private time to cuddle and doze before they had to worry about what the plan for the day was. Itachi was perhaps the most thankful for this outcome. He truly enjoyed everything that they had done so far but it was also taking a toll on him. Haruka, after hearing him describe how he'd been feeling, took the time to apply a little medical Ninjutsu to his chest and aching muscles for a little relief. It provided him with just enough restored energy to get out of bed later and prepare for the day.
He was grateful to have received the energy boost from his wife's attention because by the time his children were awake he'd cleaned up all the wet clothes and taken a better shower than he was able to last night. Haruka took it upon herself to get first her son and then her daughter cleaned up just as their father had now that they had the time and energy for it. Mikoto even managed to sit still to allow her father to brush her freshly washed hair as her mother packed away the belongings Itachi had gathered up from the floor. It felt damn good to approach the day well rested, thoroughly clean, and excited for what the trip still had in store.
It isn't until 11 am that there comes s knock at the door. This time, it's Itachi who gets up to answer it. Just like yesterday the party who has come to greet them in the younger of Chojuuro's two boys. Ikada wears a big smile on his face and happily bounds into the room as soon as he's formally invited. The three children are joined shortly by Kagura, who seems less shy than usual but still as respectful as ever. Mikoto talks his ear off the second he gives her his attention and it allows her parents to discuss what the plan actually is before they decide to set out. Today is the final leg of their vacation, but there will still be one more sleep spent here in the inn room. And then in the morning the four of them will get on the ferry that will take them back to Fire Country, then catch the connecting Thunder Train into Konoha proper. Until then the first order of business was definitely food.
It's a wonder that the children had not bugged their parents for something to eat earlier. They must have been so exhausted that it overrode any other feeling or desire. But they sure were hungry now. And so we're Haruka and her husband. When they followed the two Kiri boys to where their dads were, this time Chojuuro made a suggestion for a restaurant before Hiroki could say anything. Details and nitpicking we t out the window immediately because everyone was plenty hungry enough to be down with anything. Like before, the entire tab was picked up by the escorts. They were thanked deeply and praised for having such intimate knowledge of the best places for visitors to visit to get a real taste of Kiri cuisine.
Conversation across the lunch table consisted mainly of questioning Haruka as to how she envisioned spending her final day in the Mist. Immediately she made it clear that there were some things she wanted to buy and bring home with her, and after that it would be nice to walk to the shore and see the jellyfish even if there would not be another repeat day full of swimming. She also made sure to mention a desire to go back to the memorial stone with fresh incense to burn. It would be a good way to cap off the day before retiring to their final overnight stay in the gorgeous inn in the heart of the village. Everyone else was asked if anything else sounded interesting to them, and of course Mikoto asked to see the Academy again. She really wanted to watch another class to see what it was like. The request was very reasonable so Chojuuro nodded his head and told her they definitely could make time for that. Haruka then informed her family that they would be choosing their destination for dinner that night, to which no one objected. Mom always had good ideas.
So Hiroki led the way to the best wing of the shopping district when lunch was officially over. He wasn't too knowledgeable about the finer points of the best shops but he had gotten enough advice in the past about where to go if one needed general types of items so he relied on that intel. Thankfully, Haruka did not have any complaints and even managed to find her way to other places that caught her attention once the suggestions ran out. She picked up a few informative texts on medical techniques and aids specific to Water Country, some extra sharp handmade kunai for the personal family arsenal, a couple of outfits for the kids in gorgeous cold color palettes, and a certain item she had been aiming to procure all along. Water cinnamon sweets. The little sweets shop that sold them had an abundance of supply so she made sure to snap up four boxes in the event they really were that good. Even if they somehow managed to not meet her hopes, they would all definitely get eaten. Between her and her husband the lifespan any sweet thing enjoyed in their household was always laughably short.
Every item the family had managed to buy took up a lot of arm space so the call was made to drop it all off back at the inn before they could continue on their way. By the time all of that was said and done, the nearest clock was showing a time of three in the afternoon. Perfect to catch the last Kenjutsu class of the day. And after that it would be time to head to the shore to see what the seabirds and aquatic dwellers were up to. Kagura seemed just as enthusiastic to head back to the Academy as Mikoto had been so the two of them led the charge. Perhaps it was because he would soon be enrolled himself, just as how Mikoto was already enrolled in basic studies back home, and neither could wait to take the next steps in their education. It did their parents' hearts good to know their children were so eager to learn.
The class that was in session were just as surprised to see the future Mizukage as his charges were to be watching the clashing of wooden swords as the children stood on top of the shallow water. He had graced the halls of the academy twice in just three days now. The observing senseis monitoring their students thought it good luck, a good omen, and hoped it would motivate the class as a whole to keep improving by leaps and bounds. Mikoto and Kagura, just as jazzed as before, decided between them that they should take a chance and ask Chojuuro or Hiroki to take them down closer to where there students were practicing. Hiroki confirmed with his husband that it was indeed okay and brought the two to the ground floor where the class gathered round the new faces.
"If you ever wanna study here with us, don't hesitate to ask." Hiroki repeated his sentiment from the other day. He genuinely meant it when he had extended the offer. Kirigakure prided itself in how it brought up its next generation now that it was safe to be a young Shinobi here, so Mikoto and her parents would have no cause for concern.
"I would love to have you as a classmate someday." Kagura spoke softly, his words accompanied by a shy little grin. He was such an easy to get along with and sweet boy. That made it even more tempting to take up the offer in the future.
Hiroki got permission from the highest ranked teacher sitting in on the lesson to allow the outsiders to handle their practice weaponry. As soon as that wooden sword passed to Mikoto's hands, her eyes lit up like bright stars. She was not ready yet to stand on the water with the other students but she had plenty of room on the sidelines to swing the sword up and down to get a feel for it. Shisui, watching his sister down there, found himself wishing he wasn't there years her junior so he could hold a sword too. Itachi saw the little pang of jealousy in his son's eyes and lifted the boy to sit on his shoulders. The cool new view helped him forget about how he wanted to touch a sword too. And as they watched her get a feel for the tool, Itachi promised his dear son to teach him how to hold a sword too someday.
A good 45 minutes was spent observing the class and having a close up with their ninja tools before Chojuuro brought them all back outside. The sun was just starting its descent down towards the horizon then and that meant they should make for the shore right away. A setting sun meant more manageable temperatures but it also meant fading daylight. And once they'd had their fill of watching the local wildlife in their natural habitat, it would be time to make one more trip out to burn incense at the memorial. Luckily Haruka had not left said incense behind when they made their rest stop at the inn. She had it tucked away in her hip pouch for safekeeping and hoped it would be an acceptable final offering for the beloved dead of Kirigakure.
As the troupe headed down to the nearest shore just beyond the urban reach of the village, Hiroki caught sight of someone standing out on one of the docks reaching out onto the water. He bounded ahead of the group to meet this person and everyone else kept their normal pace, simply watching him as he skidded to a halt then padded out onto the dock. He and his apparent acquaintance wasted not time in poking fun at each other at a volume that was impossible to hear from a distance. But as soon as his crew got near enough, Shisui was the one who had a lightbulb moment. The person who was speaking with the Anbu of their group was the same almost-grey haired man that was back at the office two days ago.
That is how Mangetsu joined up briefly with the party of eight. He informed Hiroki that Ao had finally returned so Mei had given him the day off since he'd been on duty for several days in a row by himself. Naturally his first instinct had been to come look out at the sea. He made sure the child he recognized was made aware of the jellyfish he'd seen here just the other day. A colorful swarm floated lazily beneath the surface of the water below the dock upon which they all perched. Shisui laid on his stomach to watch them pass, marveling at how carefree they seemed. Overhead the sound of gulls could be heard as they swooped across the waves fishing for dinner. It was a different sort of noisy than what could be found back home, but that was all part of experiencing new things.
Every member of the gang enjoyed their time idly walking along the water's edge as they spent time out next to the sea. Haruka watched as small vessels skates across the deeper ocean farther out and wondered what they carried on each of the boats. Fishermen with the daily catch, traders from Lightning Country here to do business, residents who wanted to get off land for a little while. All of them cruising on the relatively calm waters as the evening went on. She would miss these kinds of sights for a while. But all things had to come to an end, and when Hiroki began to herd them in the direction of the stone, she quietly said her goodbyes to the beautiful view.
The sun was working its way down down down the horizon on both the walk to where the stone sat and as the incense burned little by little as they sat and looked over the engraved names. Someday, just as Chojuuro promised, hopefully the Hoshigaki clan would see their family name restored here. Or at the very least, be given the dignity of a separate space for those families who deserved to be honored but still carried some heady stigma. Itachi had to keep the faith that it would be taken care of down the line. He had to believe that someday he would be able to return to this beautiful place and run his fingers over the name engraved in marble once more. It seemed like a far off dream, but he was a patient man and knew it would not remain a dream forever.
Colorful cirrus clouds littered the sky, highlighting the setting sun magnificently, by the time they were all ready to head back. Mangetsu took his leave first and departed with a casual wave that turned into a flipping of the bird when turned towards Hiroki. Naturally the yellow eyed Shimizu yelled at obscenity back at his Hozuki friend. Fondly, menacingly, portraying the friendly rivalry for the world to judge. And then it soon came time to bid farewell to Chojuuro's family. The next time they would see the four of them is right before boarding the ferry home. It was tough, all four of the assembled children had grown close, but promises to do this again someday soon helped soothe the parting. Mikoto in particular felt the loss of her new companions as she watches their retreating backs. Her father smoothed his hand gently over her hair, gently reassuring her that it would not be long before she could come here again and enjoy the company of both boys. They would miss her. Just as she missed them.
Their final leg of the trek back to the inn was met with a quick detour to pick up some food from a place Haruka had scoped out earlier. It was a take out sort of night, she reasoned, and neither her husband nor her beloved son and daughter could disagree. They would be able to enjoy their meal as a family in their comfortable suite together and then wind down a little before taking one last rest in those beds. In the morning it was homeward bound. But for now, it was dinner and conversation. They even ordered extra Kiri specialty dango for Itachi to try as a sort of farewell to the nuance of being able to try so many new foods several days in a row. He would go to bed fully satisfied that night. That was for sure.
Itachi and Haruka made quicker work of their dinner than their children did. Shisui seemed determined to play with his food a little, inspecting every angle of it before putting it in his mouth. His sister thought it was amusing and made to copy his actions like it was a game. To the delight of their parents, both seemed to have had a wonderful day. That was all they could really ask for. Unless... That was when the mental gears began to turn for Haruka. She had an idea, and leaned over to her husband to whisper it in his ear.
"Would you like to join me for a little swim in the inn's pool while the kids enjoy the rest of their dinner?" She is giddy just thinking about it. What's gotten into her, he wonders?
Itachi blinks a couple of times before making to respond. "Do you think they'll be all right on their own?"
"Of course." She nods. "I will instruct them not to open the door for anyone and then lock up behind us. We will have a key card with us so we can get back in later."
His uncertainty morphs to agreement before her eyes. "Then, yes, I would love to join you for that."
She kisses his cheek appreciatively and springs up to her feet next to the bed. Turning towards the children, she addresses them without missing a beat. "Shisui. Mikoto. Dears, would you both be okay if your father and I went to enjoy a swim together at the pool? The door will be locked and you will not be alone for too long."
It's Shisui who pipes up before he even swallows the bite he'd been chewing. "Yes, we will be okay." He wipes his mouth with the back of his sleeve when some of his food threatens to fall out. An 'eww' from his sister has their mother chuckling.
In a couple of bounds she comes to stand next to the bed her babies share, placing a kiss to each of their foreheads as a token of thanks that they feel safe enough to let their folks enjoy some time alone. Their father, meanwhile, rises and grabs some clothing much better suited to a dip in the pool. He hands his wife her change as well when he passes her by. It only takes him two minutes to change in the bathroom and even less for her. Clearly she's looking forward to this very much. He wants to ask why. But something tells him he'll find out that answer when they get there. One last thing is picked up by her before the two make their way to the door and he wonders exactly what it is.
"Remember. Don't open this door for anyone. We will not be out terribly long and will have a key to get in with. If you two are in bed by the time we return, we promise not to make too much noise and wake you." She goes over the rules and regulations with them to make sure everyone is clear on what's happening.
"Seeya later mommy." Mikoto waves. "And daddy." She's too engrossed in her dinner to display an elaborate goodbye. That's okay, both of her parents understand.
And just like that they slip out the door and down the stairs to where they know the pool is. In the lobby is a beautiful fountain that had impressed the children earlier. Following the signs, they found what they were looking for and felt a sense of gratitude when no one else has been present at the time. That meant they had it all to themselves unless anyone else were to come in after them. Haruka could work with that. She placed their towels down on a pair of chairs off to the side as well as the other few things she'd brought with them. The key card, his medication in case of an emergency, and an odd scroll he did not recognize.
"What did you bring the scroll for?" He questions. There's no accusations hidden in his words. He's just genuinely unsure of what it's for.
"You'll see, I promise." She uses a very sweet voice when she answers. Then, without waiting any longer, she finds one of the ladders into the water and descends it until she's immersed we deep as she currently wants to be.
Not one to be left behind, Itachi takes the stairs in the shallow end in order to be extra careful. He wades slowly deeper until his feet barely touch the floor anymore and treads water over to where his wife is happily floating. She dives completely under in that moment, coming back up for air beside him, smoothing down her now long wet hair behind her so it's not in her eyes. He quietly observes her, thankful for the view for which he can watch the love of his life enjoy her swim, and wonders how she got the idea to come down here in the first place. At least they had the energy for it tonight. After yesterday, all the four of them wanted to do was pass out when they got back to the suite. Now they had both the energy and the alone time to enjoy a quick little night dip together. With no one else currently around to invade their space.
After circling him a few times while swimming on her back she comes back up to him and rights her body so they would be standing if there was any reachable floor under their feet. Both tread water in place to stay still and stay afloat. He enjoys the sight of her with her hair loose, smile stretched across both purple marked cheeks, zero signs of worry or stress in those beautiful brown eyes. And he's not the only one taking in the damn good view. Haruka looks her man up and down and marvels at the way his mastectomy scars look on his chest. They're fading, little by little, the scarred skin tone integrating once again with the rest of him. He's beautiful. He's happy. He's all she could want.
She closes the distance a little more when he puts his arms around her waist and tugs her close ever so carefully. Both of her palms rest on his chest and he touches his forehead to hers. This woman in his arms is his world. She's so beautiful, she's so wonderful, she always puts him and their children first. Uchiha-Nohara Haruka had cared for him diligently over the years when he struggled the most and kept him from slipping to the point of no return. All of what he owed her could not be paid back in a dozen lifetimes. It is nothing short of incredible how lucky they both feel they are to have each other. Forever, even long after their lives were gone from this world.
Haruka presses a kiss to his lips and he feels the flame of desire begin to flood his chest. It was just them, alone, without prying eyes. "Thank you for bringing us out here tonight."
"Thank you for coming out with me. I'm glad we got this chance." She whispers to him, kissing along his jawline more. That fire blazing in his ribcage clearly has spread to hers as well. "I brought something just for the two of us tonight, if you are up for it."
Each of his senses perks up when she admits this to him. All the can do is nod a little, too curious about what exactly she means, and she takes that cue to quickly slip from his hold and go to the place she had set down her things. The scroll in her hands is unfurled and she gets back into the water while the item is held firmly in her hands. Without revealing anything to him yet, keeping her prize hidden from view down in the pool, she swims back up to him with a smile edged with mischief.
"What do you have there, love?" He tries to dial up the sweet tone in order to get her to show him what she's holding.
With one finger, she motions for him to come in close so that she may whisper in his ear. The words uttered then turn his quaint little soul flame into a wildfire of desire. She has his attention fully and she knows it. So she chooses then to bring up her held item above the surface to confirm what she had told him. The leather harness was one he knew so well and hoped it would not need new adjustments since the last time he'd worn it a week ago. Never did he imagine that this much needed vacation would include such a private treat. Much less that it would be offered to him during a night swim in a fancy inn's pool.
Haruka holds it out for him to take and slip into without further words. Just the thought of sharing this with him has her laser focused, it's a thrill to get this kind of alone time without prior planning. He wasted no time in carefully slipping out of his clothing and replacing it with the harness, not bothering to mind the way the shorts seem to lazily float away from him. His wife gawks at him as she watches him change and has to be brought back down to earth by a gentle touch on the shoulder from him because it is now her turn to undress so he may have access to all of her sensitive spots.
First she pulls her top over her head to free her breasts, and then slowly the matching set's bottoms are stripped away. They too are set to float out of reach, to be fished back up when the two have finished having their way with each other. She wastes no more time in pressing against him once the boundaries have all been peeled away. He enjoys the feel of her flush against his chest, the feel of her breasts against his pecs, working one of his hands down lower and lower on her in order to find that sweet spot.
This was their first attempt at having sex while in a body of water, admittedly. The feeling of the water against their naked bodies was a new and fascinating sensation. Haruka enjoyed the weightless feeling it provided her as she let his skilled fingers wind her up on the way only he could. She grinded down on him, enjoying the way he applied just the right pressured with the pad of his thumb circling her clit, feeling two other fingers exploring her internal walls. There was no surprise to be had when she came with a little cry, holding tight to him, keeping afloat with her now slightly erratic treading of water with her legs. She was already panting and feeling lighter than air after one round. And it was far from over.
Itachi allows himself a little devilish smile as he swims up behind her. He knows all of her most sensitive spots, exactly what angles she loves to be fucked from, how to have her begging him for more. And he intends to use all of that knowledge again tonight. Tonight she will let him take her from behind before she returns the favor and brings him to his most deserved peak. The gradient red silicone dick attached to the harness he wears quickly lines up between her legs and she grinds on it a little, savoring the sensations it brings, before he can properly claim her.
"Does that feel good?" He speaks with a husky whisper into her ear, possessive edge peaking through, and she shudders. Fuck. "Allow me to make you feel even better."
"Please." Is all she can get out at first. "I need you. Please, Itachi, let me ride you."
"With pleasure." And his guides the light red tip of his piece to her pussy, teasing the entrance, slowly allowing it to sneak in. She wishes she had the side of the pool to hold onto right now.
He allows the length of the toy to slide up comfortably into her and then lets her settle around it before he even tries to get a rhythm going. It doesn't take long, but she is thankful that he gives her that adjustment period. Because when he does pick up the pace she's already seeing stars. The two of them should definitely try something like this more often because it really is working for them surprisingly well. Haruka rides his strap for an intense few minutes while he also makes sure to reach around and stroke her clit slowly once again with one hand as the other holds tight to her ass. She comes undone with an even louder cry this time and her bones need a moment to tune back solid after becoming jello temporarily.
When the two catch their breath, she leads him to the wall of the pool slowly and undoes the harness on him, setting it up on dry land so she may have better access to him without also losing their toy. His back is to the tiled wall as she wastes no time in working her healer's hands up and down the length of his T enhanced clit. He's really quite beautiful, more so than usual, when he's lost to the ecstasy she brings him. And he comes even quicker than she had during his first round touching her. It's okay, she forgives him, he is impossible to chastise when he's so beautiful. Her lips find his once more when their minds unfog and their wits return.
Eventually the two realize they really do need to make their way back to their room so the kids don't wonder why they've been gone so long, and of course so they can get a good night of sleep ahead of their departure for home. First comes the part where the have to find their discarded clothing. Haruka dives to the bottom of the pool and retrieves all three articles so the two of them can dress quickly and then get out of the water. The toy is safely stowed in the scroll once more than they wrap their wet bodies in the towels they had brought. And they leave, hand in hand, bound for the suite that had been their temporary abode for the past three days. Back to the kids and the comfortable bed and the mess they'd surely have to clean up before turning in for the night.
It's just their luck that both children are indeed passed out when they step back into the room. Being as quiet as they can, the two throw out the now empty food containers left on the floor and organize the other miscellaneous items strewn about the place. A quick shower is in order next to help wash off the pool chemicals. It's short and sweet, but it's warm and it's together, so neither can complain. They slip into bed one after another and pull the covers up without hesitation. She lets him be the big spoon again and simply enjoys the feeling of relaxing into his arms. His face presses against her neck and his mind drifts, slowly letting sleep take him, until only soft breathing can be heard. She's not far behind. It has been a wonderful day and the end could not have gone better if they'd planned it.
Tragedy is a parting that is too soon and too sudden. This, thank the gods, was as far from a tragedy as humanly possible. It sure is sad all the same but that sadness is also layered with fulfillment and excitement at the idea of returning one day. The good trumps the bad and Haruka feels her zest for life beat out any melancholy she might have picked up while having to say farewell to the village and their escorts that had shown them the beauty of the world beyond Fire Country. Hiroki, Chojuuro, and their boys meet them at the exit to the inn as they carry all of their bags (now extra stuffed with what had been bought the day before) so they may all go to the ferry docking station together. At the end of the line they will go their separate ways but each of them will have the memories made here over the past three days to look back on fondly.
Shisui enjoys a lively conversation with Ikada about the jellyfish they saw yesterday, the school on the beach in the Land of Lures, and how cool webbed hands look. Their friendship will surely stay with them for a very long time and with any luck the two would be able to reunite and swap new stories within the next couple of years. Mikoto, meanwhile, watches Kagura like a crow that has something shiny in its sights. He's fidgety and extra nervous and she wants to know why. But when she looks to his parents for answers, each of them tell her to ask the boy instead. She will find a way to. If it's the last thing she does.
Their ferry comes into view before long and that means it is truly time to say goodbye. Haruka steps forward first and is treated to a wide grin from Hiroki as well as a more humble smile from Chojuuro. They tell her, we loved having you with us. We will see you again someday soon. Thank you for coming out to see the way Kirigakure has changed and we promise it will only keep getting better. Then, to Itachi, there is a quiet reassuring whisper. We swore that we would fix this ordeal and we meant it. One day you will see the name back where it belongs. Count on it, and take care of yourself in the meantime. He nods deeply to the future Lord Sixth and silently vows to hold him to that promise. One day, soon, he will come back to pay respects to his departed former teammate properly. Until then, he will hope for the best as the Mist changes with the times.
Mikoto has finally taken her chance to step up and ask Kagura why he seems so nervous, why he can't sit still. He swallows hard before daring to make a move to match her. It is hell to wait to see what will happen but she knows it is better not to rush a friend that is trying to communicate something important. And the payoff, she finds, is more than anything she could have guessed in a zillion years. As he holds out his hands there is something resting in them that he offers to her. Shaking a little, she reaches out to touch the item to make sure it's real. She looks up at her parents once to ask silent permission, and is grateful when they each nod wordlessly. The wooden sword passed to her then has her stunned into silence.
"Come back and train with me someday." Kagura says, quiet but fond, and those big pink eyes of his tell her that he really wants to see her again
"I promise I will. I can't wait." Small tears come to the corners of her eyes as she notices his hand outstretched for a shake. Forgoing the shake, and careful not to drop her new gift, she hugs the boy tightly.
The family settle into their temporary cabin, after they say their final goodbyes, with relative ease. Both children will go up later onto the deck to look out at the water that they have come to truly appreciate. Both of their parents are grateful to have given them the chance to see the world outside of Konoha, and know this won't be the last time they come here. For now they must go home. But down the line they will be able to walk the streets of Kiri again, head up to the Land of Lures again, will be able to eat the delicious food that this village is well known for again. Chojuuro, Hiroki, Kagura, and Ikada will all be there waiting for them. The next time the eight of them see each other, it will be like seeing family that has been away at sea for so long.
Haruka casts a loving glance over to her husband as he folds clothes to rearrange one of their packed bags. His dark eyes lock with hers, quickly shifting to a captivating red so he can savor the moment forever. She crosses the room to embrace him and thank him for having as much fun these three days as she has, as their children have. He holds her close, kissing her forehead once more, and whispers low enough so that only she could hear.
"Anytime, anywhere, with you, my love."
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winterdebts · 3 years
For the ask game talk abt ur funny little fma guy <3
EDWARD my beloved <3 favorite thing about them: he is a little shit and i love him least favorite thing about them: idk?? this is hard im not good at things like this :/ favorite line: less of a line but uh . whenever he screams. it entertains me greatly brOTP: HIM AND AL. GOD I love their relationship so much its so clear that they care deeply about eachother and i CRY OTP: ed/ling/winry/lan fan. they're all bi trans and poly and i love them nOTP: f,,fucking roy/ed. that shit is NASTY random headcanon: edward bi & trans icon. unpopular opinion: another thing i dont really have? probably since im not in the fandom and dont know all the takes song i associate with them: top of the world by greek fire favorite picture of them:
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[img id: a screenshot of edward Elric from fullmetal alchemist. He is a blonde boy with pale skin and brown eyes. he is winking at the camera and holding one thumb up. the photo is captioned with "i see no difference, love is love" in white text. End Id]
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