#not sure why I decided on inexplicable violence and whump today but here we are
avirxy · 5 months
Five headcanons for the Arcane Blight au
1. Once Jim fully becomes a troll, due to the amulet, it’s permanent, he won’t be able to change back, there’s nothing on earth that could undo the curse. That’s exactly why he’s been warned so many times against using it to its fullest abilities.
2. Mary hasn’t told anyone, because they’d probably take it from her, but the longer she keeps the Shadowstaff close the clearer the whispers become, leading her, encouraging. She also has barely any experience dealing with grief, especially of this magnitude, so if this can make her feel a smidge better what’s the harm?
3. Aja’s lost pretty much every scrap of motivation she ever had, with her aunts and Krel though she’s eventually coaxed to meet with a therapist, Mandy is very familiar with everything going on in Arcadia and magic so none of what Aja could tell her would seem outlandish. It takes a few sessions to get words from Aja, and she slowly begins to open up and inch toward a better state of mind, but she’ll never be the same again, the grief won’t ever leave her entirely.
4. Darci and Toby often find comfort in the quiet together, they’ll sit in the graveyard or if Morgana isn’t home they’ll go to Claire’s room, someone has to keep it tidy after all. It’s gotten so terribly dusty from not being lived in, that’s alright though, they’ll keep it clean for her.
5. After Eli is released from the hospital, in much better condition than when he arrived the other four steer clear, not out malice or uncaring but because he’s quite literally unnerving to be around. He’s got this twitchy glint in his fully exposed eye, always watching, always listening. Still under the spell.
6. The infamous pit, like Lazarus, Arthur was talking about is under his manor in a crypt like structure, after Merlin was killed he raided the wizards workshop and combined a bunch of the elixirs into the natural pool, it bubbles and froths black liquid, anyone, dead or alive, thrown in there comes out extremely wrong.
7. In chapter 40 the ‘I don’t—‘ that Claire never finished wasn’t I don’t want to die, it was ‘I don’t, want to be brought back’ more than anything she didn’t want to be a puppet and if that meant staying gone she was okay with the possibility, after all she thought she was going to see Enrique and her parents again.
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