#not tagging her because i feel guilty 😭😭💔
milimeters-morales · 2 months
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the guy who destroyed the cure that was supposed to keep you alive/stable and ultimately kind of caused the deaths of your two brothers when maybe there was a chance they could’ve had at least a tense but less-evil life if the cure wasn’t ruined and you don’t really know who ms marvel is but she’s your new friend and she also looks annoyed with him so he must have done something: have i ever let you down? 😉😏
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owliellder · 9 months
Loving Takes Time
Leon Kennedy x afab Satyr Hybrid! Reader
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MDNI 18+
Trigger Warning for the nature of the content
Description: Leon goes with Chris to just look at hybrids up for adoption, not really expecting to bring such a strange one home.
Warnings: Not proofread, Dub-Con, Unprotected Sex, Major Size Difference and 5-Year Age Difference, Leon is a PERVERT but he's still gentle 🫶
Tags: One-shot, Female Reader uses she/her, No use of y/n, Leon is 5'11", Reader is 4'0", Virgin Reader, Smut, Somnophilia, Picture Taking, Lactation, Fingering, Cunnilingus, Cowgirl Position, Belly Bulge, Dirty Talk, Ass Play
Words: 8.9k
Author's Note: Okay now I know this is a pretty strange/questionable one, but I've had this idea in my pocket for awhile and, once again, this is pure self-indulgence because if I could be ANYTHING in the world I would be a satyr 😭 They're the cutest little scampers!!!
Please forgive me for my transgressions 💔 I honestly felt so guilty writing this even though a lot of these tags reflect me (please don't hate me)
Cross-posted onto AO3
"I'm serious, we're just going to look!"
"Chris, 'just looking' always leads to either you or me getting something." Leon emphasized with hand quotes, giving Chris an incredulous look.
Both men were sitting in Chris' car that was parked in the relatively empty parking lot for the Hybrid Adoption Center. Leon had expressed *once* that he thought having a pet would be fun, but he knew a pet would be hard to manage with his field of work. He'd been partially aware of hybrids, yet he was less than convinced on the idea of having what was essentially a pet person.
"Look, I know. I get it-" "I don't wanna hear it. We're just here to look." Leon cut Chris off, waving his hand dismissively before opening the passenger door. "Even on the off chance I find one that I like, I'm in no way prepared to bring them home." He slid out of the car, Chris following suit. The older man followed Leon around the front of the car, shaking his head with a small chuckle. "Alright, alright.. Whatever you say, ya big grouch."
If Chris hadn't had to make an appointment to see the hybrids, then Leon would've found any excuse not to come. He did try, don't get him wrong, but Chris is notoriously persistent. A worm in his ear.
Once the two had made their way inside the adoption center, Chris confirmed his appointment to visit with the hybrids with a nice old lady who happily greeted them from the front desk. "There's still a couple in the back looking, but I'll let them know their time is up. Give me just a minute-" she quickly stood up and walked out from the front desk and into the back kennels.
Good. A little time to look around. Leon thought to himself with a small hum, moseying around the front room. He carefully looked at the various items; clothes, leashes, collars, bags of food, toys, treats, everything. He had a feeling that he was going to end up with some random puppy hybrid today, so it was worth it to look at all this ahead of time.
After only a few minutes, the old lady returned with the couple, nodding with a smile as they promised to come back once they'd made up their mind. Leon silently wishes Chris would give him the luxury of choice like they had.
"Leon! C'mon, let's go!" Chris happily exclaimed, only to be shushed by the lady. Apparently most of the hybrids are pretty sensitive to the sound as it echoes back in the kennels. At least the older man listened to someone here. "Lead the way." Leon held his hand up, letting Chris walk in front of him through the door to the kennels.
What they walked through were the puppy hybrids first, probably the most popular. And the noisiest. They were super excitable, which was undeniably cute, but at the end of the day Leon wasn't looking for a high-maintenance pet. He needed one with self-sustainability, and preferably one that wouldn't smother him either. The last thing he wants is to feel guilty every morning leaving for work. So a puppy hybrid? Out of the question.
Chris was quietly ooging out over every single hybrid they past, all the way through to the quieter kitty and bunny section. All cute, a cat hybrid seemed to be most aligned with what Leon wanted. None of them really caught his eye, though.
Near the end of their little walkthrough, Leon decided to look through the puppy kennels one last time, furrowing his brow when he noticed an empty kennel in the back. It being empty isn't what confused him, it was the kennel card still hanging on the chainlink fence that did it.
Making his way over, he carefully studied the card. No picture and a pretty vague description was provided. A... goat? They have a goat with the puppies back here? Reading on, he noticed that it said you were twenty-five years old, five years younger than he was. Guess you'd been there at the shelter for awhile too.
You weren't in the main kennel area, though. Probably hiding in the back. It was strange they had you with the puppies, they were so barky, but maybe they had no other place to put you? That's the most reasonable explanation.
Chris noticed Leon looking at the empty kennel with pursed lips, walking up behind him with crossed arms. "Out of everything here, you zero in on the kennel that has nothing in it?" Leon turned to face Chris, responding with a simple "... there's a goat in there" before going back to trying to see through the small square hole at the back of your kennel that led to the employee-only side, hoping to catch a glimpse of you.
"You're joking. A goat?" Chris raised an eyebrow, pushing Leon over to the side a bit so he could read your kennel card as well. "Aren't those for farms or something?"
"Yeah, I thought so too.." Leon hummed, crouching down next to Chris' legs as he continued to try and look through the hole. The old lady from the front desk soon made her way back to tell the two men that their time was almost up, only to find them studying your kennel.
"She's a shy one." She spoke up with a smile, alerting both men of her presence. "Hides when people come through the door, but she is easy to entice with a little snack?" The old lady noticed Leon seemed most interested and decided to bend down as best as she could to hand him a small peppermint candy.
"Okay..." Leon seemed a bit confused yet accepted the peppermint anyways, tossing it in his hand a couple times before slotting it through the fence. It didn't take long for you to appear, poking your head out through the square hole with your nose sniffing away. Perky goat ears and small curled horns, seemed standard enough.
It wasn't until you very cautiously stepped out, eyes on the three standing in front of her kennel that Leon seemed more interested than before. From your hips down you had fur, full blown goat legs that ended with the daintiest little hooves. He noticed your tail once it wagged a couple times at the scent of the peppermint. It made him crack a smile. Now that's interesting!
"Oh wow, she's..." Leon started to speak, his voice quickly trailing off as the suddenness must've started you. "Yes, she's a bit more 'animal' than the rest. The livestock usually are." The old lady seemed to know what he was going to say. It must be confusing to a lot of people.
"Small, too." Chris chimed in, arms still crossed as he looked down at you, watching you crouch low and stretch your arm to reach for the peppermint to avoid getting any closer to the chainlink fence.
"A pygmy goat. Regular goat hybrids tend to be a foot taller, but she's only about 4 feet. Very small little lady." The old lady chuckled softly, watching you scurry back through the hole to hide after successfully grabbing the peppermint. "I can take you into one of our meeting rooms if you'd like to get a better look?"
Before Leon could respond, Chris decided to just accept the offer for him, laughing as he watched the other man's face fall with annoyance. "Oh come on, don't be so sour." Chris firmly grabbed Leon's arm and hoisted him up from his crouched position before nudging his forward. "Lead the way, miss."
The colorfully painted walls of the meeting room were rather welcoming as both men wandered in. On the back wall sat a bench with some old cushions and blankets sitting on the seat. Chris took the liberty to sit down while Leon leaned against the wall next to it, grumbling quiet nonsense to himself.
The old lady excused herself to go retrieve you from your kennel, leaving Chris to poke fun at Leon for his sudden interest for only a moment before she returned with you on a lead.
She was right, you were small. "Alright, sugar, easy now." You were also very obviously nervous, hiding behind the elder woman's legs as she walked into the room with you. She gently pet the top of your head, fixing a few strands of your hair that got stuck wrapped around your tiny horns. "Just remember to move slow with her and you'll have the perfect little lap pet."
The old lady's voice was soft as she slowly made her way over to Chris, handing him the end of your lead as he nodded in agreement. You tried to follow the lady as she walked back out of the room only to be stopped by the lead, causing you to start whining with your ears pinned to the sides of your head as you stared at the now closed door.
"Hey," Leon was crouched down again, clicking his tongue to try and get your attention, "hey it's okay, she'll be back soon." You whipped your head around to look at him, freezing where you stood as you watched Leon reach a hand out. You sniffed the air a bit, staring both men down, almost as if you were sizing them up.
"Pretty cute, huh Leon?" Chris whispered. He was really laying it on thick and as much as Leon hated to admit it, you were growing on him. "Here, sit down on the bench and I'll give you her leash." As he spoke, Chris scooted to the side more to make room for the other man.
After carefully standing up to not scare you, he sat down on the bench next to Chris, taking the loop on the end of the lead as it was offered to him. Leon was a little nervous only because you were nervous, what if you bite?
It took some time, but with a lot of gentle coaxing and few extra peppermints provided by the old lady, you were soon standing in front of Leon's legs, chin resting on his knees as he scratched behind your left ear. During that time Leon had introduced himself to you, and though you didn't respond, your ears perking up to listen was enough confirmation that you heard him.
"You're breaking." Leon frowned at Chris' remark, eyes locked on your relaxed face. He could just barely see your fluffy tail wagging, moving his hand around to lift your head up as to scratch underneath your chin. The second he heard that happy little chitter from the back of your throat he knew it was over.
Chris gave a small 'oh' when he noticed Leon's smile forming. "You broke." The younger man only sighed in response, now using both hands to massage your furry ears. "I'll go get that lady." You jumped slightly when Chris suddenly stood, but Leon was quick to distract you with another peppermint.
The paperwork to take you home was relatively simple, thankfully. Leon took every recommendation from the elder lady about what items to buy, along with taking the blanket that was kept in your kennel. Something that already smelled like you would help ease you into a new home, or so he was told.
You were surprisingly easy on the ride home, both men staying quiet with the radio playing low just in case you panicked. Chris helped Leon set up all your stuff before bringing you inside, leading you over to where your blanket was laid out in the medium sized cage now set up in the corner of Leon's living room. You stayed in the cage as the men said their goodbyes, now left alone with Leon.
He gave you time to settle, only choosing to react to you once he noticed you quietly crawl out from the cage and begin surveying the living room from where he sat on the couch. "Hey there, little lamb."
His voice startled you slightly, making eye contact with him for a brief moment before offering him a shy smile. "Hi.." You whispered back in response, looking around as you slowly stepped over to Leon. He hadn't heard you speak until now, so this hopefully meant you were growing more relaxed around him.
"Quite the change." Leon hummed and you only nodded, looking off to the side as you rested your chin on one of his knees again. "It's a lot quieter here though, yeah?"
"Yeah..." Your voice was so sweet, even if just a whisper right now.
"Good." Leon cooed, reaching down to rub your ears. "How ya feeling?"
You shrugged, eyes still darting around the room even as they became lidded with the gentle caresses on your ears.
"What about a bath?" You looked back up into his eyes at the suggestion, eyebrows raising up. It had been awhile since you were given a bath..
Your reaction must've been enough as it prompted Leon to stand up, bending down a bit to hold onto your hand before leading you up the stairs and to the bathroom attached to his bedroom.
Luckily most of his living room and the bedrooms were carpeted, so he didn't have to worry about you slipping there. The tiled kitchen and bathrooms were another story as you immediately slipped with a yipe once stepping into the bathroom, furry legs shaking as you held yourself still as best as you could in an awkward half-splits position.
The man lifted your arm up above your head by your hand, lifting you up a bit in the process so you could reach the rug in front of the bathtub without anymore risk. "I gotcha, kiddo. Don't panic."
He kept one hand on the top of your head as a single to stay where you were while he turned the bathtub faucet on, plugging the drain once the water was warm enough. He was directed to buy a specific soap for you, so he used that to create some bubbles in the bath in hopes of giving you a little bit of fun.
You were carefully lifted up and into the water as soon as it was ready and the faucet was turned off, sighing softly at the warmth. You were always so anxious in the shelter which meant your muscles were always stiff. This was a nice change of pace.
"Wash off that shelter stink." Leon chuckled when you closed your eyes, sitting down on his legs before grabbing an empty cup to scoop and pour the soapy water over your head.
The attention you were receiving was unfamiliar, but definitely not unwelcome. His fingernails scratching your scalp was heavenly and you couldn't help but coo at the feeling.
"That good?" The man asked, smiling as you tilted your head towards his hands whenever he moved them.
"Mhm." You tilted your head back as he massaged his hands down your neck, using a clean washrag that he grabbed from underneath the sink not too long ago. He was able to get away with washing your whole upper body before asking you to stand up, offering his hand to you to use for balance. Along with the soap he bought for you, he also got a short bristled comb for your fur.
He kept his hand up for you, countering your pressure with a bit of his own so you felt steady while he began to lightly comb out the fur that started below your navel. What was once a dingy grey was now the cutest white fur on your belly and on the inside of your thighs, it was even on your butt and the underside of your tail.
While combing out your soggy fur, Leon had started to grow curious. All the other hybrids were just naked humans with a few specific animalistic features, yet your entire lower body was just goat.
He slowly spun you around at some point to comb your backside. "I need both my hands for this, love. Can you put your hands on the edge of the tub for me?"
You were reluctant to let go of his hand but agreed anyways, shakily placing your hands on the slippery white porcelain. It bent you over just slightly, which is what Leon needed to reach the rest of everything.
Unbeknownst to both you and Leon, your tail was quite sensitive at the base. He paused at the small gasp you let out when he grabbed your tail, giving you a worried look. "Are you okay? Did that hurt?"
"Uh-.. oh uh.. no it didn't hurt..." You weren't quite sure how to respond. That was a new feeling. It didn't hurt, though, that you knew.
Leon rationalized the reaction as him just startling you with the sudden grab. But then your tail wiggled faintly in his grasp as he slowly began to comb out your fur again, only leading him to wonder further.
He'd get the fur on the lower end of your legs last since you had to balance more for that, but right now he needed to worry about the thick patch of fur covering your genitals. Your little puckered hole was already on display for him which definitely didn't have him half-hard in his jeans since he had to lift your tail to comb the fur around it and you didn't seem too bothered by the exposure.
He let go of your tail, which stayed up, to pour another cup of water over your furry backside after noticing you begin to shiver, moving his hands lower to part the fur covering your pussy so he could comb that out as well. Unfortunately was a bit more tangled down there, probably due to the movement of your legs, and with it being denser fur, Leon had to take extra precaution when getting the tangles out.
He wasn't complaining though, your cute little pussy was definite eye-candy to the man. The bath was an easy excuse to touch it a bit, running the tip of his index finger through your folds a couple times before refocusing on detangling the fur around it. The little gasp you made mimicked the one you let out when he grabbed your tail. Interesting.
"Mr- uh.. Mr. Kennedy?" His eyes slowly drifted up to your face, noticing you were looking back at him from over your shoulder. "Don't worry, we're almost done, okay? You were pretty tangled down here, didn't wanna hurt ya."
Leon's words eased you some, finally letting your tail rest against your ass again as he moved down to the backs of your thighs. Not wanting to keep you in the cooling water much longer, the man hurried the rest of the bath up before rising you off with a detachable shower head.
It was amazing to him just how much water you held onto. He had to squeeze out the entirely of your legs, your tail, even your ears before he could wring out your hair. Seeing your perky nipples made it worth his while, however.
By now you were a shivering mess wrapped in two towels, standing on the rug as you would for sure slip on the tile when you were dripping water like this. Leon was so nice to you, setting up a small desktop space heater he had bought some years ago for you in front of your cage. He even carried you downstairs to the carpet.
The second the towels were taken from you, you immediately began to shake off the water, causing Leon to laugh.
"Hey, hey!" He held up the towels in front of his body as protection from your misting, laugh falling to a giggle when your tail vigorously wiggled. "Didn't know I took home a sprinkler system."
"Sorry-" You were still shaking off when you started to speak, so you waiting until you were done to continue talking. "Sorry, Mr. Kennedy. It's habit."
He folded the towel and draped it over his arm before patting your head. "Nah don't worry about it, sugar."
You leaned up into his touch, letting out a giggle of your own as he hooked a finger around the curl of your horn to move your head side to side playfully.
It was, again, surprising just how quickly you warmed up to the man. After you were mostly dried off from sitting in front of the small space heater, you started to follow Leon around as he moved about the house. Though you stopped on the edge of the carpet whenever he walked into the kitchen, he'll have to get some rugs for you, you were close behind him everywhere else.
Leon took a week off of work to allow you time to fully get to know your surroundings. He could more than afford the time off and it was nice to have a mini vacation away from work. Besides, you were fun to watch.
Just like he'd wanted, you were mostly self-sustainable, able to get your own food and go to the bathroom once he added rugs to tiled areas. He also bought a couple step-stools that had rails you could hold onto, one placed in the kitchen so you could move it about and the other in the master bathroom for you to reach the sink.
Leon did also buy a couple indoor cameras to keep an eye on you when he went back to work. You quickly learned where they were so you could ask him questions throughout the day seeing as he could talk through the camera back to you. You always made sure to ask if you could have a specific snack to eat, sometimes even telling him where you were going in the house if there wasn't a camera able to see you.
A few months in had lead to a very comfortable routine between you two; Leon would leave before you were awake, come home around 6-7pm, you would come running from wherever you were to hug his waist, he would make dinner while you two talked, the both of you would sit on the couch and watch a movie if it was a day he didn't come home exhausted, you and him would go to bed, and the cycle would repeat. At some point you even started sleeping in his bed with him, curling up towards the foot end of the bed next to his legs.
The weekends were spent going on walks to exercise your legs. You liked climbing and jumping around on big rocks, so hiking was always a good option. He also spent extra time cuddling you, massaging your little legs, playing with the split in your hooves, even experimenting with a gentle tug on your tail every so often. You always got so embarrassed with his teasing, it made him laugh.
When Leon had to leave for a mission, he would have Chris come and stay at his place. You didn't like this at first, it threw off the delicate balance between you and Leon, but just like with everything else, you settled after the first couple times he had to go on a mission. You were never told the nature of his missions, he didn't want you to worry or be upset if he never came back. This also kept you decently happy when he was away.
You really bonded with Leon and he bonded with you. How could he not? You were adorable.
As previously mentioned, you would always come running to greet him when he got home from work, which is why he was a little off-put not seeing you after getting home one day. It was the middle of the week and it had been a normal working day. You seemed alright on the cameras a few hours ago, having told him before he went on lunch that you were going to take a nap on his bed. It's been longer than your normal naps, so he was hoping you didn't get stuck somewhere and hurt yourself.
"I'm home, little lamb! Where are ya?" Leon yelled out, pausing to listen for any sign of movement before making his way back to his bedroom, but not before giving the guest bathroom and bedroom a quick glance on the way.
You had obviously been on his bed, given the sheets were all messed up, but where the hell were you?
It wasn't until he strode into his bathroom that he noticed his tall laundry basket was tipped over, some clothes pushed out the top which held the attached lid open a crack. He knelt down on one knee and knocked on the lid with his knuckle before lifting the lid up, eyes landing on you curled up in the bottom. Your eyes met his and you frowned, ears lowered as you turned your eyes down.
"Hey kiddo, what're ya doing in there?" Leon made sure his voice was anything but accusatory. "Did you get stuck?"
He glanced up a bit to make sure your horn wasn't hooked in one of the holes, and it wasn't.
"No..." You muttered, pulling one of his dirty shirts over your face. Oh now you were hiding from him, that won't do.
"C'mon, out with ya." His voice was gravelly as he lifted the lid up all the way and reached in, putting his hands under your armpits to pull you out along with the shirt you kept in front of your face. He held you so you were sitting on his forearm snuggled up to his stomach, reaching a hand up to pull the shirt away from you before tucking his other arm underneath your fluffy butt.
The position had you at eye level with him. He noticed your face was a little flushed, so he reached a hand back and pressed the back of it to your forehead. You didn't have a fever, that's good at least.
"You gonna tell me what's up?" Leon asked, scoffing playfully when you shook your head no and covered your face with your arms. "You'll be mad at me."
Leon's eyebrows furrowed with concern, carefully peeling your arms away from your face so you could look at him. "I would never get mad at you. You know that." He whispered, moving his hand around to support your back, thumbing rubbing soothingly at your skin.
It was true, he'd never gotten mad at you before. But this was different, you felt different. You were acting different and you didn't know why. You couldn't explain to him what was wrong even if you wanted to.
The dejected look that fell across your face as you averted your gaze was telling enough. He couldn't drag that information out of you, but he could hopefully make you feel better in the meantime.
Leon smiled and leaned forward to kiss your forehead, beginning the short walk back to the bed as he muttered against your skin. "Ya hungry? You've been back here awhile.."
He felt you nod, smiling as he gently placed you down on the bed. "Lay down and I'll bring you a snack. I'll even lay with you."
Your tummy fluttered at the idea of Leon cuddling with you, so you nodded again, much more enthusiastically this time. Your tail was wagging when he returned, quickly moving to press up to his side when he sat down next to you on the bed and handed you a sliced apple and some water.
It was little things like the laundry that Leon began to notice more and more over the next couple weeks. He would come home and have to go on what was essentially a hunt to find you because your cute ass was always hiding somewhere different; under his bed, in his closet, in the laundry basket again, and even right by the front door, somehow managing to pull down a couple of his jackets from the coat rack and make a little nest to curl up in.
Leon asked Chris about it one day at work while watching you pace around in the living room from one of the cameras, worried there was some lack of enrichment that he was somehow failing to provide. You were so happy before, but now you were right back to being the same anxious mess he saw at the adoption center all those months ago.
"You should call and ask that lady. She might know something." Chris shrugged, taking a sip from a can of soda. "I don't know much about goat hybrids, let alone females hybrids." He huffed out through his nose with a smile, but Leon only tightened his lips in response. Chris did have a point though, it could be something to do with your specific breed and gender.
Once Leon got home, he quickly found you with some of his dirty clothes under the bed again before giving the old lady at the adoption center at the call. The one thought he was avoiding was the possibility of you being sick to some degree. You were part prey animal, and those types of animals tended to hide their sickness. He learned this from trying to research what was wrong with you himself.
He stepped out of the bedroom and closed the door behind himself. You would sometimes skitter off to hide somewhere else after he'd already found you once that day, so he didn't want you disappearing while he was on the phone.
It was hard for Leon to explain over the phone what you'd been doing, but once he mentioned you making a nest out of his jackets did the lady know what the problem was. You were going into heat soon.
"Heat? The hell is that?" He scratched the side of his face, turning to look at the bedroom door to make sure it was still closed. Having that whole ordeal explained to him had him running a slow hand down the entirety of his face. Guess they can kick in for farm hybrids anywhere between 21-28 years old.
Of course. You were a girl. He really should've known all this when he first got you.
He had to help you manage it too. From what the lady said, you'd be a complete mess soon since you'd already been acting strange like that for a couple weeks now.
However, Leon wasn't completely opposed to the idea of *helping* you. In fact, he was a bit excited at the prospect of getting to explore you a bit more intimately. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he liked you. Liked you. Always so cute bounding around the house, snuggling up to him at night, giving him little pecks on his cheek when he picked you up. You were so hard to resist.
Not to mention that he couldn't keep his hands from straying whenever he helped you bathe. He would spread your pussy lips apart and use the excuse of making sure everything was clean to get a better view. Your little ass wasn't any safer with his thumb rubbing circles on it whenever he had to hold your tail up. You made the most precious noises when he touched you.
Alright, he could do this. Helping you with your heat seemed easy enough. All he needed to do was just take a week or two off of work again to tend to your needs. He definitely wasn't going to turn down getting to spend extra time with you. His little lamb.
About three days into his time off from work was when your heat fully started to kick in. You woke up in the middle of the panting, sweating, and restless, helping yourself out of the bed and down the stairs into the kitchen to drink some water. It helped for a short period, but when you woke up again, you were laying in a small wet puddle on the bed.
You started to cry because you thought you'd wet yourself, waking Leon in the process. He seemed confused, trying to make out what you were babbling about until you pulled the blankets back. Seeing the puddle made you cry more and Leon had to reassure you multiple times that everything was alright.
He sat up with his back up against the headboard and pulled you onto his lap, letting you weep into his bare chest. You were clearly a bit more emotional than usual, but Leon didn't mind, especially when he could feel a small wet spot forming on his boxers from you. He just whispered sweet nothings to you while rubbing your back, silently relishing in the feeling of your wet little cunt pressing on him.
Leon kept you up on his chest even once you calmed down, explaining your predicament the same way to you as the old lady had explained to him over the phone, faintly ghosting his fingers over the wet fur surrounding your crotch all the while.
He occasionally moved his hand around to pet and squeeze your fluffy ass cheeks, rub his thumb over your asshole again, or to stroke your tail, gauging your reactions. More emotional, even more sensitive.
You sighed and gasped at every touch, eyes having closed at some point during his explanation. Leon seemed to understand what was going on with you, so you didn't see much reason to worry. He'd make sure you were okay.
"You just need a little extra loving this week. That seem okay?" Leon hummed when you nodded, bringing his hand back down to part the fur covering your pussy. "Good. Who doesn't want some extra love, right?"
You jolted a bit when his index finger began to run up and down through your dripping folds, only relaxing again once his other hand came up to rub between your shoulder blades. "Easy, girl, easy..."
Your legs naturally parted further for him, tail staying lifted. "That feel good, little lamb?" Leon whispered, adding his middle finger to continue stroking your folds when you gave him a small moan in response.
"Yeah it does.. yeah..." A groan rumbled deep in Leon's chest, rubbing the tips of his fingers over your slit as slick consistently leaked from it. It had already started to drip down past your clit, saturating the fur on your stomach before eventually dripping onto his boxers, right above his bulge. It was wet from before, but feeling the new spot form was driving him insane.
Despite not being able to see it, the man spread your outer lips apart. He groaned when you whined and lifted your hips slightly, eyebrows furrowing again when your tail wagged a couple times.
"You like that?" Leon breathed out a low chuckle as he moved his fingers down to stroke your wet clit. "Like when Mr. Kennedy plays with you like this?"
"I-oh-.. yes, sir.." Leon paused to pull you up a bit further on his chest to kiss you, fingers quickly returning to massage your clit. You didn't quite know how to kiss back, so you just did your best to follow his lead. The kisses on your lips made you feel warmer than you already were.
His free hand had moved down your back to your tail, grabbing it firmly to so he could lightly tug on it. Your moans only increased in volume at that, panting with your lips still pressed on his. You were steadily leaking now, the combined feeling of his fingers on your clit while he stroked your tail causing you to gush. His fingers and the top of his palm were completely drenched.
"Such a good girl~..." Leon sighed, moving his fingers off your clit so he could pet the fur around your pussy. "You're so soft here, baby.."
You'd been blushing already, but his sweet words were only making it worse. Your pussy was aching now, hips jerking back subconsciously for his touch.
"Hmm? What is it, sugar?" He knew what you wanted, he just wanted to hear your delicate voice again. "P-please-.. keep playing with me, Mr. Kennedy..."
Oh, you were just darling. "Atta girl, using your big girl words.." Leon smirked, moving his index and middle fingers back to rub your clit. Your head was growing foggy now, face buried in the juncture of his neck to breathe in his scent. It was so strong there, musky and warm, reminded you of cinnamon.
He dipped his middle finger into your wet hole down to the first knuckle accompanied by a particularly rough tug to your tail, pulling a squeal from you in the process.
"I know, oh, I know~..." Leon cooed quietly into your right ear. His hot breath tickled, making your ear flick forward. "You're so tight, baby.. Squeezing around my big finger..."
He slowly sunk his finger into you further. Your legs were trembling on either side of his waist, small hands grasping onto his pecs as breathy moans and whimpers poured from your lips. Once he curled his finger, you came, whole body shaking as you let out a cry.
Such a pretty sight for Leon, watching you drool onto his chest, all dumb from just a finger. He could get used to this.
With lots of encouraging words and caresses to your tail he was eventually able to get two fingers into you, pumping them in and out of you, curling them every so often just to hear you whine for him.
The fullness was so new to you, and with the man filling your senses combined with the sensitivity your heat provided, it wasn't long before you were clamping down on his fingers again, cumming for the second time with a weak gasp that fell into whimpering and panting.
"There ya go.. easy, girl.." Leon moved his hand away from your tail to push your ear closer to his lips, kissing the soft inside as he whispered into it. He carefully removed his fingers from you to bring into his mouth, swapping his hands so the other was now flat on your lower back. Your slick tasted so sweet, like honey on his tongue. He'll be tasting more of that later.
He planted one last kiss to your lips before shifting down on the bed so he could lay back down, arms tightly wrapped around you as he rolled onto his side.
You fell asleep in no time, the sound of Leon's steady heartbeat soothing your fast one back to a regular pace.
You must've been feeling the effects of your heat come the next morning, considering you slept until the late afternoon. You just seemed more fatigued, totally understandable.
Before you'd woken up, Leon managed to do a bit more research of his own. He wanted to stay informed on how this whole heat thing would go, taking note of the various effects; hypersensitivity to touch and sound, fatigue, cravings, increased libido, lactation?, clinginess, flushed skin, and that excessive slick would last throughout the whole heat. Everything else would come and go in waves, apparently.
He was sitting on the couch, phone in his hands when you emerged from the bedroom, rubbing at your eyes with a small yawn. Without saying a word, you walked over and stood in front of his legs up. Leon could only smile as you crawled up onto his lap, pushing yourself underneath his arms.
You had your back flush against him, leaning your head back so it was resting between his pecs. Thankfully your horns were short enough that they didn't poke him.
Your furry legs were parted around his, arms hanging loosely at your sides with your tail tucked beneath your butt. There, you fell asleep again.
The man placed one hand on your leg to play with your soft fur, turning his attention back to his phone as he continued to read. Soon he was looking down at you, an idea in mind. He shook your leg a bit to see if you would wake up and you didn't even stir. Fantastic.
Smirking, Leon opened the camera on his phone and flipped it so it was front-facing. He'd gotten pictures of you in the past, usually more candid photos of you cuddling with him, but nothing like this.
He moved his hand from your leg to your crotch, parting the fur with his fingers to reveal your still dripping pussy. It was always nice to look at the cute pictures he'd gotten of you when he's at work or on a mission, so what's the harm in getting just a few more? He already knew he'd be missing this when he had to return to work.
Leon made sure to get the wet spot you were forming on his sweatpants in view, taking some pictures with and without his fingers caressing your glistening folds. He brought the phone up to give the photos a good look, smirk widening before bringing it back down to focus more on your breasts.
Lactation. They did seem a bit more pronounced than usual. Taking a simple video wouldn't hurt, right?
Once pressing record, Leon rubbed his free hand across your chest, gently massaging one breast at a time. He circled his index finger around one of your nipples before giving it an experimental pinch, his breath hitching when couple droplets of milk beaded from it. Oh wow.
He massaged the one breast a bit more firmly before moving to pinch your nipple again, groaning to himself as a few more droplets beaded and collected on his thumb.
Leon placed the phone down after ending the recording, hurriedly placing both hands on your breasts as he began to massage both of them a bit more firmly. Pinching both your nipples made you whimper in your sleep, though he barely registered it when his eyes were flooded with the sight of more milk droplets falling onto his fingers.
Jesus, thats amazing. He swallowed dryly, only continuing for a minute more until deciding to give your probably very sensitive breasts a break and let you sleep.
You woke up when Leon had to move you off of his lap, whining as you watched him stand up from the couch. "I'll be right back, little lamb." He shushed you, placing you on your side with your head on one of the plush decorative pillows. He needed to take care of his hard-on before he exploded and he can't really do that with your hot and wet little cunt pressing right on it.
The rest of the day was spent with Leon holding you up with one arm while he did chores, your head on his shoulder. You whined and complained and cried until he picked you up, wanting to stay as close as possible to the man.
Something about your heat must kick in at night because you were more awake after the sun had set, clinging to Leon like your life depended on it. You didn't understand, but something in you ached, you *needed* him. It was hard convey, so you just went back to whining and complaining as he got ready for bed.
"Baby, you gotta let me brush my teeth I-" he was cut off when you suddenly fondled him through his sweatpants. His scent was strong down here, you really liked it. The man spit into the sink before reaching down to place a firm hand atop your head. "Hey hey, careful with the equipment."
You giggled and wrapped your arms around his waist, the side of your face squished against his stomach with your tail wagging happily. He hummed and finished brushing his teeth. "Alright, go and hop in bed. Go on." He shooed you away with a playful grin, giving your ass a gentle smack when you turned to trot off.
Reaching around, you rubbed over the spot where he smacked your butt, looking over your shoulder at him for a brief moment. It made your tummy flutter like before.
You crawled into the bed and watched the bathroom door until Leon walked out, smile immediately returning as he walked over to his side of the bed. He got in next to you and sighed, laying with his arms behind his head. His eyes were closed but he could just tell you were leaning over him.
"What's up, love?" Leon hummed, peaking one eye open to look up at you. You weren't tired, you were achey. You can't sleep when you were achey. "D'ya need somethin'?"
You thought for a moment before nodding. "Yes-.. yeah.."
"Whaddya need then? You know how to use your words." Leon closed the one eye, a smug smirk tugging at the corner of his lips as he felt you move to sit on his chest.
"Will you-... uh.. will you play with me again, Mr. Kennedy?" He could feel your tail wagging, soft white fur rubbing side to side across his skin.
He raised an eyebrow, yet his eyes remained closed. "Ask nicely, sugar."
You groaned, eyebrows furrowing with frustration. You wanted him to look at you but his eyes were closed, now he was making you repeat yourself. So mean. "Please, Mr. Kennedy..."
"Please what?" Leon's laugh only frustrated you more, tears threatening to spill from your eyes as you struggled to think. "Please play with me!"
Noticing your shaky tone, Leon opened one eye again, smirk falling to a kind smile. "Okay, alright, don't get your panties in a bunch."
"...my what?" You sniffled, blinking away your tears as he sat up onto his elbows. "Don't worry about it. Can you hop off for just a second, sweets?"
You nodded and slid off to the right, watching him shimmy off his sweatpants, left fully naked with a semi. He rolled onto his side and moved closer to you, pressing his hand to your chest to gently guide you to lay down.
"I'll play with ya real nice.." He grunted, watching your legs part for him as he slotted his head between them. He was craving the taste of that honey-sweet slick on his tongue, and after placing his left hand around the inside of your thigh, right hand spreading you open, he dove in.
Not wanting to waste a single second, he began to greedily lap at your folds, moaning in tandem with you as he swallowed every drop of slick you were oh so graciously offering to him. Your soft fur tickling his face was the last thing he was thinking about, tongue tracing every perfect inch of your cunt.
Your moans and gasps were music to his ears, chuckling into your cunt as he looked up to your face. So blissed out already. You'd be the death of him, though he'd die a happy man.
Leon wrapped his lips around your clit, swirling his tongue around it as he gently sucked. You were wiggling a lot, you needed to stay still.
Pulling away with a growl, he sat up on his knees and grabbed both your ankles with his hand. He lifted them up so your ass was lifted slightly from the bed before diving back down into your cunt. That was way better.
While his right hand held your legs up, his left hand wandered down to your puckered hole, occasionally dipping the tip of his thumb into it following a few circles around the rim. It was already wet enough from the mixture of your slick and his spit. Plus, it was right there just waiting to be toyed with.
His cock was throbbing for you, desperate to feel your tight, silky walls wrapped around him. He pulled his mouth away from you after a minute with a gravelly laugh, taking a moment to enjoy the sight of you with your legs held up, crossed at the ankles, along with your weeping pussy.
He was smart enough to leave his phone close by on the nightstand, so he was able to reach over and grab it without jostling you too much. This picture was going in his wallet, that's for sure.
"Mr. Kennedyyy..." you whined, weakly attempting to pull your legs from his grasp.
"Relax," Leon tapped the bottom of your hooves with his thumb before slowly letting your legs fall back to the bed. "Mr. Kennedy just wanted to savor the view."
He sat up against the headboard, patting his lap with a smile. It took you a second to recollect yourself enough to crawl onto him, Leon helping you by offering a hand for you to balance with.
"Perfect, riiiight there.." He sat you just right so his dick settled into the part in your fur that he made, then placing his hands on the point of your hips to begin leisurely grinding you down on him. The wet shlick from his dick gliding through your folds was absolutely divine. He had to keep himself from plunging into you.
"Pl-ease, sir..." you brokenly whined as his tip caught your clit, causing you to jerk your hips forward.
"No need to beg, my lamb. You'll get just what you need.." He moved one hand to grab your bicep to help keep you lifted up as he positioned his cock at your hole. "I'll be so careful, as gentle as I can..."
Your face contorted in a silent cry as he began to push you down onto him, rubbing soothing circles into your hips. "You're doing so well, sugar" He grunted, "my big, strong girl~.."
Leon was so careful, just like he promised you, giving you all the time you needed to adjust and stretch to his length. Your eyes were shut tight, ears pressed back against your head as you whimpered. He made you feel so full, it really did satisfied that achey feeling you had.
"God that's so hot.." The man whispered to himself, grabbing his phone again to take a picture of the obvious bulge in your tummy from his cock, putting his hand next to it for reference. He moved his hand over it and pressed gently, listening to your drawn out whimper.
"Oh I bet you're- fuck- just loving that, huh baby girl?" Leon growled at the feeling of your walls wrapped around him, slick started to leak down his shaft and to his balls.
Wanting to give you a bit more time, he started to grind you on him again. "Gah- noo, too- ngh~.. too full, Mr. Kennedy.."
"Yeah?" Leon purred, swiping his tongue across his bottom lip as he watched your face. "Too full?"
You nodded with a whimpered out "yes", hands clenched in fists at your sides, unsure of where to put them.
"But you're making Mr. Kennedy feel so good, sweetheart.." He barely lifted you up before letting you slide back down to the base, hands hovering close to your waist.
"...yeah..?" You panted, body starting tremble with adrenaline, nipples perked up. "Soooo good.." Leon responded, hunching over to pull one of your nipples into his mouth. Your hands flew to his arms, digging your nails into his skin as you gasped.
The man growled again at the taste of what little milk he got, furrowing his brow as he started to lift you up and down on his cock by holding onto your sides.
Your pussy squelched and dripped around his cock, dragging moan after moan from your beautiful lips. All he could do was focus on bouncing you now, leaning back to watch his cock disappear into your fur-covered cunt each time he dropped you down onto it.
He almost laughed when he saw your ears bouncing with you, but he didn't want to make you feel embarrassed. No, he'll save that for later when he shows Chris the pretty pictures and video he took of you.
Your walls quivered and clenched around him, tip bumping into your cervix, leaving him grunting as he neared his own high. Pulling out was going to be a difficult task, you cradled his cock so well.
He couldn't get you pregnant, right? No, surely not.
"Mr- ah! Mr. Kennedy..!" Your voice warbled, crying out for him as your tensed up with your orgasm.
"Oh shit.. yeah, yeahhhhh~..." Leon let out a strained groan as you tightened around him like a vice, rutting into you a few more times before spilling his load.
Most of it spilled out and around his cock since he continued to bounce you shallowly on it for a few seconds longer.
You breathed heavily as you tried to catch your breath, leaning forward to fall against his chest with a whine.
The two of you sat for awhile, Leon just soaking in the euphoria of it all. Soon, he delicately lifted you off and laid you next to him, brushing a couple stray strands of hair from your sweaty forehead.
He cleaned you off, but not before getting one last picture of your spent cunt dripping with his cum.
The man'll wait until tomorrow morning to get you in the shower with him. For now, he'll just pull you closer to him, pet the back of your hair while you sleep.
There's still about a week more of this heat of yours, then he'll have to head back to work. He'd stay home forever if it meant taking care of you.
Thinking back, that old lady from the adoption center was right. You did end up being the perfect little lap pet.
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Uncle Wayne comforts you after a nightmare (e.m. x gn!reader, Y/N thinks of Uncle Wayne as their dad)
A/N: I had a night of nightmares, the first of which left me sweaty and shaking for about an hour before I felt brave enough to try sleeping again. And then I had another nightmare. And then I had to go to work. I was writing this in my head all day until I finally got to come home and type it up. I should be studying right now but I haven't written in WEEKS and it's slowly rotting me from the inside out, so here we go.
Dedicated this fic to @badgirlforeddiemunson because she left me a note from Uncle Wayne in my inbox which was exactly what I needed, it made me cry and I wanted to leave this little dedication as a thank you to her! 🙏❤️
A massive thank you as well to @fandomohana for helping me with Uncle Wayne's characterisation in this; this fic wouldn't be what it is without you!💗😍🙏
Aaaand a big big thank you to @ilovecupcakesandtea , who stopped me from deleting this fic because I felt like I'd forgotten how to write our beloved and bestest dad Uncle Wayne buuuut it turns out I was just being mean towards myself... There's a surprise😂💀thank you for reading this for me and validating my characterisation choices!💕💕💕
Tw; nightmare (not described so it can fit any nightmare you may have had), crying (reader), reader wakes up afraid, general anxiety (not wanting to wake a sleeping Munson and then feeling guilty for doing it accidentally despite best efforts not to), Uncle Wayne and Eddie are both absolute sweethearts, as aforementioned, Y/N sees Uncle Wayne as being like a parent to them & this is explicit in the narrative (totally not me showing my own feelings👀🥺), brief allusion to marrying Eddie one day throuhg Uncle Wayne's narration.
People who asked to be tagged in this: @pandawithprobs @arianatheangel-girl @ali-r3n @sagaonpandora @digital-charlie @tracymbcm @cherrycolas-things @simping-over-boys-with-trauma @stevesmunsons @esme-viridian @eddiemunsonsgf2 @browneyes8288 @allthefandomstogether @robinsbuckleys
Word count: 4, 197 (this took TWO MONTHS of grabbing ten minutes here and there every day where I could🥺🥺🥺)
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You awake with a start, your heart pounding in your head, nerves ablaze, body trembling. Sweat drenches your body. You feel cold, sticky. Disgusting.
The remnants of your nightmare cling to you as surely as the twisted sheets beneath you, your body writhing uncontrollably in the face of your terror.
You lay there in the dark, trying desperately to reorient yourself.
You can see Eddie’s beautiful guitar, looking like she was made for another dimension, hanging up on the mirror. You can see Eddie’s handmade Corroded Coffin banner (and you know what the secret is; that Uncle Wayne had stencilled the logo on prior to Eddie painting his band’s name on the old bedsheet - Eddie had been so excited that his hands were shaking too badly for him to do it on his own), you can see the way Eddie’s blinds never close all the way, letting the moonlight spill into the room.
You turn your head, your breathing still erratic, that lump in your throat growing more pronounced as the seconds tick past, and you see the one person in the world who fills your lungs with oxygen, your heart with rainbows, and your soul with reminders of all your reasons why.
You want so very badly to wake up the sleeping man, but you feel guilty at even the thought of doing that. Why should you disturb his sleep just because you had a nightmare? It would have been more than fine if the shoe was on the other foot, you would have wanted Eddie to wake you up so that he didn’t have to calm himself down alone, but for you to wake him up in the same situation, even knowing as you do that Eddie would want to be woken up so he could comfort you? No way, you won’t do that to him.
In the end, this thought is what breaks you: you're suffering but you're not allowing yourself Eddie because you want him to rest.
A sob rips out of your throat and you quickly muffle it with a hand, not wanting to accidentally wake him up either, stumbling out of Eddie's bed. You make your way down the narrow hall to come into the living room, eyes darting around nervously, looking for something to ground you; something to make you finally and fully realise that you're awake, you're safe, it's over. And then your eyes land on something - someone - which makes all the bad stuff not seem so scary anymore.
You see dearest Uncle Wayne asleep on the pullout bed.
And then you cry harder.
On shaky legs do you come to stand beside the bed, looking down at the human sized lump underneath the worn duvet. You bend down at the waist and lightly shake Uncle Wayne. In reality, you don't even shake him, you just half-heartedly wiggle your hand back and forth across the soft expanse of duvet. It is too gentle a movement for Uncle Wayne to be able to feel it, especially through the duvet. You don't want to wake him up, not really, but you also don't want to be alone in your fear, you want someone to comfort you.
But you don't want to wake anyone up just because you had a nightmare. You are a person grown, you can handle a nightmare without waking someone, right?
You wince against the tiny voice in your head, and partially give yourself what you want by sitting down on the floor beside Uncle Wayne's bed, leaning your head against what you figure is his shoulder. Your tears fall easily, your bottom lip starting to become sore with how hard you are biting down on it to keep yourself from making a sound. You are surprised that even walking into the living room hasn't woken Uncle Wayne up; he's a heavy sleeper unless one of his kids need him, unless you or Eddie need him.
"Uncle Wayne," you whisper as quietly as possible, one of your hands creeping under the duvet as you search for one of his; you know how he lays, you know roughly where his hands are basing on how he's laying, and indeed do you find one of his hands. You curl your fingers loosely around his as slowly and as carefully as you can, trying so hard not to wake him up even though you're desperately looking for comfort. "I'm really sorry. I had a nightmare and I - I need you but I don't wanna wake you up because you'll get mad at me." At this thought do you cry harder still, and the secretly awake Uncle Wayne's heart bleeds at all of the pain in your voice, barely audible even in the stillness of the room. "That's why I'm out here, I didn't even wanna wake up our Eddie but you're both all I want right now... but I can't because I'm an adult and I shouldn't be crying here over a nightmare and you're - you don't need me waking you up and - "
The only reason Uncle Wayne can still make your words out is because he knows you, he knows you, but as tears drip sore with audible plinks on the duvet and as you bend over his hand, pressing your forehead against his palm, you're practically incoherent. Uncle Wayne decides that it is time to come clean and 'wake up'.
When you start to repeat yourself, it means that your cycle of anxiety is starting, and he wants to quell it immediately. One of his kids need him, so who the fuck cares that he's just worked a twelve hour shift?
One of his kids needs him.
The hand which is pressing against your forehead twitches as Uncle Wayne splays his fingers, the pads rubbing lightly against your hairline. You start, not expecting the 'sleepy' touch of a man who has actually been awake since the moment you woke up; you had almost screamed. He knows you well enough to know that you don't ever want to bother him, and that's why you haven't woken him up this night, so he had decided to feign sleep so that he could pretend to wake up on his own; hoping to alleviate the guilt if you had woken him up. Uncle Wayne doesn't know if you know about this, but that's a conversation for when you're calmer and he is more 'awake'.
Fingers slide further across your scalp and begin to lightly smooth over your hair, the rustling of bedsheets tells you that your Uncle Wayne is rolling over, bringing himself closer to you as he gives up the game.
"Hey now, sweetpea," Uncle Wayne's voice is deeper than usual with sleep but just as gruff, and it is at perfect odds with the sheer kindness you see in his eyes, all the little night lights and lamps around the trailer creating a warm ambience in an already warm and loving home. "What monsters you been tryna' fight, darlin'?"
All at once, you feel like a small child standing at the foot of your parents’ bed. Distantly, you realise that you are, and tears drip anew down your face, faster and harder than before. You woke him up you woke him up stupid stupid you woke him up - you inhale shakily and two words rip out of your throat like they are terrified they'll be swallowed if they don't jump off the tip of your tongue right now.
Uncle Wayne always manages to make you realise how not okay you are; you fool the world easily and sometimes even Eddie has to squint at you to decide for himself, but Uncle Wayne? No wool fits over his eyes, no matter how well it's knitted.
“Nightmare. Bad.”
The hand on your hair stills at the tremble in your voice and the way your bottom lip wobbles. You bite down on it hard to keep from making a sound, feeling awful about the fact that you have woken Uncle Wayne up. The pullout bed is small but Uncle Wayne shuffles back as far as he can and pats the slim vacant space.
"C'mon, in y'get."
At your blank expression, Uncle Wayne smiles with all the patience of the world. He has been through so much and he carries daily with him a great deal of anger due to how the world has treated him his whole damn life, not to mention what it's doing to his boy, and yet he's still so kind. You never fail to be able to draw strength from the inspiration he gives you. "You really think my boy hasn't crawled into bed with me after a nightmare? He might be twenty, but he's still my baby. You don't have to, darlin', but I know that look on your face. I seen it on my boy's so many times right before he crawls in." A pause, a wry smile as if he knows how to really convince you, then, "he did it just last week, last I can remember."
Uncle Wayne sees the second he manages to coax you into it, and it makes him smile. You're careful as you ease into his bed, not wanting to get in his way or be intrusive, but Uncle Wayne makes no fuss about it and simply lays there until you're comfortable. He lets you wrap an arm around him, he lets you nuzzle into that red and blue flannel you love so well, and then he holds you too, his grip tight, firm, his hands hot on your upper arm. He wonders where his baby is, but he knows that you haven't woken him up. The chainsaw snore coming from just down the hall gives you away and you and Uncle Wayne laugh quietly together. Somewhere in the back of your mind, your brain presses record on the sound, wanting to cherish it forevermore.
"Do you think if we ripped an actual chainsaw next to his window he'd sleep through it?"
Uncle Wayne chuckles, fondness saturating his voice, "Far as I know, he still can. Did it when he was fourteen; had to cut a tree back near his window. Was worried I'd wake him, but he slept right through." A smile soaked Uncle Wayne's next words in sunshine, "My boy's grown into himself but his nature ain't changed back from when he was a kid." My Eddie's forever, he thinks.
The humour, always in the serious if one tilts their head, fades away and you're once again left with the fact that Uncle Wayne has selflessly stepped up for someone yet again. You wonder who steps up for him when the time comes. Between you and Eddie, Uncle Wayne's chances are golden.
"You never answered my question, sweetpea," Uncle Wayne dropped a kiss to your forehead. It was more like the press of facial hair to your skin than anything else, but it warmed you from the inside out all the same. "What monsters you been tryna' fight'?" Despite the way he words it, you hear the underlying message immediately:
Talk to me.
You draw in a shuddering breath but Uncle Wayne, who is secretly more of a parental figure to you than either of your parents put together, doesn't try to soothe you beyond how he already is. He lets you cry, he lets you curl into him like he's your protection from the world (he is, even when everything is okay), he lets you take your time in telling him everything, and the entire time he has you wrapped in his arms, pressed tight into his chest. When the nightmare is relived and you're still crying, he addresses his main concern.
"You wanna go back to Eddie, darlin'?" You freeze, thinking that perhaps this is Uncle Wayne's gentle attempt to get rid of you, but he shakes his head when he feels you tense up. "Easy, sweetpea, I ain't meanin' it like that," He squeezes his arms around you and drops a proper kiss to your forehead. "But my boy is gonna' be missin' you. You know he wakes up at the drop of a hat if either of us ain't there with him."
"No," your bottom lip wobbles and more tears drip down your face. Uncle Wayne's calloused thumb wipes them away gently. "I mean... I want Eddie but... Don't wanna leave you." The last four words are quieter than the rest, broken, your bottom lip and chin trembling. You feel sick at the thought of having to pull away from Uncle Wayne, even though you really want Eddie too. But you want Uncle Wayne. "Please don't make me go, please. Don't wanna leave you." You hold onto Uncle Wayne even tighter, crying harder now than you have done ever since you jolted awake, and Uncle Wayne is quick to soothe you.
"Hey, now," Uncle Wayne hushed, hugging you somehow even more securely to him so that you can feel his heart, slow and steady, thumping deep within his chest. It's in the Munson Doctrine that if Uncle Wayne isn't worrying, then everything is okay. His heart is steady, he is okay, and so shall you be. You take an instinctive deep breath and melt. "I said nothin' about leavin'. But you need Eddie, sweetheart. C'mon, I'll go too."
You shake your head again, "N-no, I woke you up. You need sleep. M'okay." Your cheeks burn as Uncle Wayne gives you The Look™️, which always brings you and Eddie to a grinding halt. This is in the Munson Doctrine too; never tell Uncle Wayne that you're fine if you're not. He knows. He always knows.
"I'm coming with you, darlin'. I ain't sleepin' 'til I know you're okay. It ain't a discussion, Y/N."
He pats your shoulder gently and you very reluctantly untangle yourself from him, the urge to cry still very much with you even as your tears start to slow. Uncle Wayne sees your face begin to crumple, ready are you to cry anew, and he stands up with an exaggerated groan, making you giggle. Only a Munson could make you smile while you're crying. Already can you feel the remnants of the nightmare beginning to dissipate and you lean into Uncle Wayne's side as he slots your hands together, walking with you through the trailer into Eddie's bedroom.
Your home away from home.
Uncle Wayne raises a hand and raps on the door three times with the knuckle of his littlest finger and there's a sleepy groan from within which is so perfectly Eddie that it makes the two of you huff laughter. "Y'decent, boy?"
A louder, slightly more exaggerated groan has Uncle Wayne's shoulders shaking with laughter as he pushes the door open, stepping into Eddie's room and pulling you along behind him. You keep your hand tight in his, eyes roaming over the bed as you try to figure out if three adults could fit comfortably onto one bed.
You do not want to let go of Uncle Wayne.
You don't know why. You don't care why. You just want him to stay.
"E-Eddie?" Your voice is thick with all the tears you have shed thus far, and all the tears you have yet to let go of. He doesn't answer you right away and you whimper, which makes both Munsons freeze.
Eddie sits upright like he's on a spring, arms already reaching for you just as Uncle Wayne walks with you across the room, making a beeline for his son and the love of your life.
"Whoa whoa, hey,"
"Hush now, darlin',"
The Munsons simultaneously speak at a level volume to each other so it's a symphony of empathy and love and it triggers a third crying spell within you.
"Get up on the bed, sweetpea, that's it," Uncle Wayne guides you through glassy vision to sit beside Eddie on the bed. Eddie is brushing sleep out of his gorgeous chocolate brown eyes with one hand and he reaches for you with the other, trying to physically wake himself up and comfort you at the same time. "You got 'em, Eddie?"
He speaks the word like a vow and it makes you smile.
The expression on your face dies as quickly as it is born, for Uncle Wayne slides his fingers out from between yours and pats your shoulder in a parting gesture. Panic seizes your heart and you grab at him, your fingers finding purchase in the sleeve of that flannel you love so much. "No!!!!" Yet again, the noise you make causes both Munsons to freeze. "No, please don't go! Please don't leave me, Uncle Wayne. Please stay, pl - " You're incoherent in your physical exhaustion and in the remnants of your fear, as well as your physical need for Uncle Wayne.
You're wrapped up in Eddie's arms, his lips at your hairline and his hands rubbing up and down wherever he can reach but even here, you are still shaking like a leaf, one hand holding Eddie in a death grip and the other still holding onto Uncle Wayne's sleeve. When he doesn't move away, your fingers spider down to grip onto his fingers, locking your hands together like you did before. Uncle Wayne blinks hard - a gesture Eddie recognises as his trying not to cry - and something slides into place for the younger Munson.
All at once, around his horrified curiosity about what you had been dreaming about to render you into a shaking crying wreck, Eddie knows exactly what you need to get you feeling safe and secure.
"Dad." His voice is quiet, more serious than you've heard him in a long time, "Can't you stay, just for tonight?"
The thought of this makes you smile even as a few more tears slip down your cheeks, and tender blues and chocolate browns zero in on the expression.
"Is that - "
"Did you just - "
" - a smile?"
The Munson men almost speak over each other in exaggerated tones of surprise and it makes you giggle, a wet yet very welcome sound. In turn, this makes Eddie smile, and seeing both of his kids at once expressing happiness? Why, how can Uncle Wayne deny either of you anything, even when he's tired as all hell from his twelve hour shift and interrupted night of sleep? There are many things lacking in the Munson household but the one thing they have always had in abundance is love. And if what you both want right now is for him to stay with you, then who is he to say no? The fact that something as simple as his presence is enough to chase your fears away warms Uncle Wayne's heart right to its centre, and he feels deep within him that you're gonna be an official Munson one day. You're honourary for now, but he knows what's coming, and he's so excited.
"I think it is, son, clear as day after all them tears," Uncle Wayne carefully pulls his hand away from you as Eddie scoots across the bed towards the side closest to the window. "I ain't gonna say no to that."
You push up closer to Eddie as Uncle Wayne sits down and then eases himself down onto the mattress, getting comfortable. You have a playfully wriggly Munson either side of you and you know they're playing up to make you feel better, to keep you smiling, but you also see now where Eddie gets his dramatics from. All of Eddie really has come from Uncle Wayne, hasn't it?
Eddie wraps his arms around you, pulling you tight into him, and Uncle Wayne remains where he is on the side of the bed closest to the door; he doesn't move much in his sleep, his body used to the slim pull-out bed he's been sleeping on since he legally adoped Eddie well over a decade ago.
"Aren't you gonna come closer to us, dad?"
"How close is closer?" Uncle Wayne tilts his head at Eddie, who only grins and looks at you, effectively putting you on the spot as they allow you to decide what kind of cuddle you want.
You pause and listen to yourself, your eyes closing as you try to get that little voice in the back of your head to tell you what you want. One word drifts across the front of your mind and it jumps off the tip of your tongue, as if it's afraid it will be swallowed if it doesn't voice itself now.
"Sandwich." A pause and then, "wait, no. Toastie." Your words are strange but you are understood; hold me so tight that if you are bread and I am cheese, I will melt between you.
Uncle Wayne smiles and scoots closer to you and to Eddie, wrapping an arm around you. His hand rests on Eddie's wrist as the two of them surround you. "Come on, then, butter up."
His chuckle punctuates Eddie's drawn out groan; only a good pun is met with that kind of reaction. "Of all the puns available, you go with butter? Really?"
Uncle Wayne shrugs, a mischievous glint in his eyes. It makes him look younger and you melt; the Munsons have both had such difficult lives, and where Uncle Wayne is full of anger, he is only ever kind... life lessons he has imparted onto Eddie, whom makes his dad proud every single day. You had told Eddie once that he was living up to the Munson name, and before that flash of indignation and confusion turned into hurt, you had listed all the ways you see Uncle Wayne in him, and Eddie had lit up like a Christmas tree. It is one of your most treasured memories.
You take advantage of the rare moment offered to you by the world after such an awful nightmare and cuddle into Uncle Wayne, pressing your face into that red and blue flannel you love so well. He hums and presses his lips to your forehead, not exactly giving you a kiss but the sentiment is the same. Eddie rolls so that he is cuddled into your back, his nose pressed into the nape of your neck. Uncle Wayne's hand spiders across Eddie's wrist more firmly, grasping his boy to him, and Eddie tilts that same hand palm up so that he can hold his Uncle's wrist, too. The Munsons feel each other's heartbeats pounding firmly underneath skin and it soothes the both of them more than anything else in the world ever will.
You smile into the articial darkness afforded to you by Uncle Wayne's chest. "Ask your dad when I'm asleep, Eddie. Don't wanna relive a third time."
"Wh - how did - I didn't even say anything, sweetheart." Eddie's voice was bemused and you grin, somehow managing to cuddle into Uncle Wayne and pull backwards into Eddie at the same time.
"Didn't have to - I can hear you thinking over there."
"Wondered what that burning smell was," Uncle Wayne playfully wrinkles his nose and the three of you share quiet laughter, marvelling at the power of being able to laugh even when one of you is coming down from an experience of visceral terror.
You burrow down once more, nosing into Uncle Wayne's flannel to get as close to him as you physically can, and Eddie follows you across the minute space left between you so that you become the cheese toastie you have mentioned wanting to become this night and, truthfully, every night. The two people you love most of all surround you now, keep you safe from harm even and especially from your own mind, and you fall asleep to the persistent but gentle vibration of Uncle Wayne's voice through his chest as he begins to tell Eddie all about your nightmare, four arms tightly around you. The scruff of Uncle Wayne's facial hair tickles the top of your head and you feel Eddie pressed tightly against your neck, his heart pounding there. You feel Uncle Wayne's slower and steadier one against your front and you emit a sleepy sound which gives both Munsons pause, one look of fondness and one look of nothing but love on their faces as they look down at you.
Uncle Wayne finishes relaying your nightmare to Eddie and the younger Munson winces with a muttered, "jesus christ" as he presses a kiss to the top of your head, "no wonder they couldn't calm down."
"Sure as hell seems like they found peace now, son," Uncle Wayne's tone is gruff, his words, tender heart and eyes kind, "how about we join 'em?"
Eddie nods and squeezes Uncle Wayne's hand; this is not the first night the two Munsons have fallen asleep holding hands and it sure as shit won't be the last. Oceanic blues and chocolate browns blink tiredly at one another and then close as all three Munsons find comfort, safety, security and love with one another.
Just as it's meant to be; the three Munsons against the rest of the world.
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daegall · 1 year
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I posted 1,941 times in 2022
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My Top Posts in 2022:
no bc Imagine that haechan have so much confidence in you that he asks you to pick up their little brothers from school because he’s busy, and when they see you they are super excited because they love their brother’s girlfriend and want to play with u :(
no bc .
pairing: bf!hyuck x (fem!) reader ft. hyucks brothers who don't have names LOOOL
genre: fluff, established relationship! AU
warnings: none i think
word count: 652 words
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662 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
Say it again.
pairing: boyfriend!hyuck x reader
genre: fluff, established relationship!AU, slight roadtrip!AU
warnings: is mentions of being pushed into the sea a warning also this is super cheesy idk
word count: 1k words
a/n: monch cronch im in love with black hair hyuck
networks/taglist: @neoturtles @knet-bakery @kflixnet @nct-writers @k-radio + @soobin-chois @markhyuckselca @jaehunnyy &lt;3
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675 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
Tell me everything.
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↳ Best friends are supposed to tell each other everything, but Donghyuck isn't all that sure if he can tell you about his feelings. (He obviously also doesn't know that you have a big fat crush on him too)
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pairing: best friend!hyuck x reader
genre: fluff, crack, slight angst, best friends to lovers!AU
warnings: um parties, mentions of alcohol, reader and hyuck are so fucking oblivious, bro idk i dont rmember writing this fic im so sorry
word count: 8.8k words
a/n: oh my fucking god the rollercoaster this fic has been to me. i swear to god i have never ever been so blocked EVER im sos ososososoooo sorry this is SO overdue man i feel so guilty and at the same time i feel so disappointed in this fic but its ok ^^ i'll just grow out of it in the future and look back and laugh (with tears &lt;/3)
anw BIG HUGE thank you to the godess of editing herself, @jenotapes ! thank you so so sooo much aisha for the beautiful header, i cannot express how much i love it and how thankful i am, it's so gorgeous it's liek theonly good thing about this whole thing HAHA
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865 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
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↳ Lee Donghyuck is great at baseball, and absolute shit at love.
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pairing: baseball player! hyuck x reader
genre: baseball!AU, fluff, slight angst, slight crack, slow burn, bff2l!AU, some pining i think?
warnings: injuries, much swearing, pining and obliviousness, lots of food, alcohol, someone gets drunk, parties, drunk kisses , reader is very light weight, more to be added if found
word count: 15.5k words (edited and updated on 15/04/22)
a/n: hmhmhmmm yes yet another bff2l sport au fic for hyuck >:) this was originally for (yet another) sports!AU collab before the host (i-m4rk) deactivated :( i would still like to thank aleina nonetheless for the collab, it really motivated me to write &lt;3
thank you @byeolhyesisi for the beautiful header!!!! its stunning i wouldnt have it any other way <33 and another thanks to @hirokari !!!!!!! tysm for being my first official beta reader and for helping me wiht the fic like 2 days before the release!!!!
and with lots of consideration, i've decided to make a playlist for this fic! songs were chosen by mari (once again, @hirokari ) and it's on her acc since my acc has my personal friends and i dont want them to see my fics HAHA
thank you so much for being here, now enjoy the fic my loves!!!!
playlist here !
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1,399 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
# TRUTH OR DARE? - l.dh
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↳ Truth. Would you be my fake girlfriend for 2 weeks? Dare. Be my fake girlfriend for 2 weeks.
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pairing: Lee Donghyuck x reader
genre: fluff, crack, angst, friends to lovers! AU, roadtrip! AU, fake dating! AU
warnings: mentions of mental breakdowns, swearing, lots of food, mentions of violence, but no actual action of it, more to be added if found
word count: 18.1k words
a/n: hey this is my 5th time changing the a/n because just as i thought the fic would be over, it isnt. but hey!! its finally done right? anyways, please please pleasssee tolerate the messy writing my mind was in so many places when writing this fic. In the beginning, i had a completely different plot, but it eventually evolved to how it is now so i know it's gonna be messy at some parts (the beginning <;3)
also note that i know Haechan has siblings, but I didn't want to assume things about them or anyhting, so i made my own oc as his little sister
series masterlist
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1,483 notes - Posted February 22, 2022
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