#not tagging that other ship cause it’ll ruin my feed
It’s pretty funny narratively that Poseidon doesn’t approve of Percy’s relationship with Luke in the same way Athena doesn’t approve of Annabeth’s relationship with Percy.
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occasionalfics · 7 years
The Arrow and the Flame, xvii
part xvi
Summary: Now that you’ve been promoted, you’ve got a few ideas. Other Captains are looking out for you, but you’ve still got work to do.
A/N: So as I’m getting ready to finish writing this story (I’m far enough ahead in writing it that I’ll still be posting long after it ends), I’m thinking of the next multi-chapter fic I’m gonna write. It’ll be Kraglin x Reader (upon request, but I love one of the ideas that was submitted by overwatchemporium) which I’ve never done before, and I just want to know what anyone thinks about this particular idea I have. It’ll be post-GOTGv2, and I’m wondering whether or not I should keep Yondu in a fix-it style, or go with a more canon approach? Drama either way, basically. Thoughts?
Tags: @thewildomega @pitrymcbride @overwatchemporium
Words: 2,573
It took a few months for you to get used to being an Advisor and an Officer, but eventually, you made it work. And you liked having more power. You learned when to bring up issues and when to shelve them for the next meeting, and you learned to listen to all points of view before diving into a decision.
When you asked Yondu if there was something he wanted to see the Arcturian faction do, he immediately gave you an answer: “Free more slaves.”
It was coming up on the anniversary of his liberation, so that made sense to you. You could hardly believe you’d known him for almost a year - it felt like you’d always known him, and maybe you had in some way. Maybe the stars really did leave a bit of one another with each of you when they chose you. The thought flattered you, and it reminded you that you’d do anything to see him happy.
Even if it meant convincing your father and the rest of the crew that saving more Centauri slaves would be a worthy cause. When you brought it up at the next Alliance meeting, most of the captains gave you blank or even malevolent stares.
“We have enough recruits,” one of them said. You couldn’t remember her name. She was tall, lanky, and had remarkable grey skin that almost glowed. “How many more people should we take on before the Alliance is overflowing and can’t afford to feed its people?”
“We don’t need to keep them all,” you said. “We could start acclimation centers where they could learn the common tongue and vocational skills. Maybe they’d rebuild Centauri IV.”
“On the Alliance’s dime?” your mother asked, Reyus standing behind her. You’d tried to forget she was there, but that was almost impossible. She had an opinion on everything.
“You want to do this because of that...Officer Udonta, don’t you?” another captain asked.
“The Alliance could have a stationary headquarters,” you offered. “Maybe new recruits could run the offices, create some kind of corporation-”
Your father stood from his seat across the table. “(Y/N), the Alliance is a direct response to greedy, self-serving corporations that profit off of the poor and outnumbered.”
“Then, at its core, the Alliance must also be a direct response to slavery, Captain,” you said. “This isn’t about Officer Udonta. The Alliance saved one ship of Kree slaves and then forgot about the rest - did we not?” you asked. No one answered. “One ship of slaves could not possibly be enough to ensure growth for the Alliance. Are we just going to sit back and watch Centaurians suffer and die off when we have the chance to make a difference?”
“This is not the Ravager way,” another captain said.
“The Ravager way is not charitable,” your mother agreed. “We don’t do things for free. We didn’t free the one ship for free, either.”
“We did it to better the Alliance,” you said.
“We did it because we were paid handsomely,” the grey captain said. She turned to your parents, who were sitting near one another but not like they used to. “Did she not know?”
You stared at your father, then your mother, then back again. “No,” you said. “I did not.”
“Officer, remember your place,” your father said.
You looked over his shoulder at Martinex, who was just as stoic as your father. “Fine,” you said, closing your notes on the halo pad you had in front of you. You stood from your seat and said. “I’m requesting permission to take fifteen officers and see this plan through, Captain.”
“Fifteen officers against an army of Kree soldiers?” your mother asked. “That’s a suicide mission. It took most of the Arcturian faction to successfully carry out the mission last year.”
You kept your father’s gaze. You wanted this. You wanted to prove that you were right, and that you could lead a squad on a rescue mission - which, you knew, was not generally something Ravagers did. Only when it benefited them.
“You’re not taking anyone anywhere, Officer. Sit. Down,” your father said.
Anger and embarrassment surged through you, but you followed orders.
“Alright,” your father said. “The next item of business-”
“Captain Ogord,” someone said. A large, bulky black man in a yellow jumpsuit stood from across the room. Captain Charlie-27, a Jovian captain, used to be a member of your father’s faction, you knew. He’d climbed the ranks and started his own faction years ago - and he was an excellent captain with a large following now. “We want to help Officer Ogord. Many Centaurians overlooked our faction last year, so we could stand to gain a few more crew members.”
“This mission isn’t funded, Captain Charlie,” your mother said. “We can’t approve it.”
“We have enough internal funding,” Captain Charlie responded. “And a generous benefactor that’s taken a particular liking to my First Mate.” He looked over his shoulder at a short, muscular black woman, her tight kinky curls hanging down around her face. She blushed behind her Captain, but made no other move.
“Why is this the first we’re hearing of this, Captain Charlie?” your father asked.
“It’s a new development,” he responded, an almost smug smile on his face. “In any case, we want to help. The Jovian faction strongly believes that there should be no slavery.”
“How do you plan on protecting all Centauri people from the Kree once they’re freed?” someone asked. “If we free every Kree slave, what’s to stop them from coming back to reclaim what’s not really theirs?”
“Perhaps the acclimation center is not such a bad idea after all,” Captain Charlie said, turning to glance at you. “We’ll consider it. In the meantime, Captain Ogord, if you allow your Officer to gather a team of fifty or so, we’ll bring justice to the Centauri people together.”
You reminded yourself to breathe as you looked at your father. He stood and stared at Captain Charlie, his face unreadable. And then he shook his head, just slightly, as if to remind himself where he was.
“Fine,” he said. He looked at you. “Fifty. You get fifty troops, and I approve of them first.”
You nodded and forced yourself not to smile.
He stood taller and addressed the room. “I hope we all understand that nepotism is not at play here. There will be consequences if the mission is not completed.”
Kraglin helped you write up a list of potential troops in the weapons room. You originally went to write Reyus down, then remembered, again, that they wouldn’t be approved. They wouldn’t be able to leave your mother long enough for the mission, nor did you think they’d want to.
“How many people this Captain Charlie got?” Yondu asked, whistling afterwards to watch his arrow fly.
“Almost as many as we do,” you said. “He’s a good ally to have, from what I hear. He used to be papa’s First Mate.”
“Now he’s got his own faction?” Yondu asked.
Kraglin nodded. “Aleta didn’t like havin’ him around so much,” he said.
You realized it really hadn’t been that long since Captain Charlie left. Kraglin hadn’t been with the Arcturian faction for too many years, but he’d been here long enough to remember Captain Charlie being around.
“She was the one that approved his request to start his own faction, actually,” you said. “I guess he’s done well for himself and the Alliance since.”
“So it really can happen, then?” Yondu asked.
You nodded. “The Alliance probably wouldn’t exist if it didn’t,” you said. You smiled at him gently and said, “Why? Thinking of starting your own faction?”
He shrugged and whistled, making the arrow zoom around you so fast it left a red trail in its wake. “Maybe not now,” he said. “I know you’d stay. Maybe someday.”
You got up off the floor and went over to him, momentarily forgetting Kraglin behind you and Dunker, who was probably off in his shop fixing a blaster or something. You stepped right up to Yondu and mirrored his smirk. “We’d make it work if that’s what you want,” you said, biting your lip. “I kinda like the idea of Captain Udonta, don’t you, Kraglin?” you asked, throwing your voice over your shoulder.
“Sure, but he ain’t gonna help us get the slaves out by flirtin’,” he said.
Yondu rolled his eyes, but never lost his smirk. He put his hand on your hip and pulled you close, despite Kraglin’s disgusted groan behind you. Maybe even in spite of it. “Captains Udonta and Ogord. Has a nice ring to it, ya think?” he asked.
You shrugged. “Maybe a little.”
“Guys, we gotta deadline to meet,” Kraglin said, ruining all your fun.
You really did like to imagine Yondu as a Captain. Men behind him, following his orders, living a life he could only ever have dreamed of under the Kree. Maybe he’d use his power for good, like you wanted to and like Captain Charlie wanted to. Yeah, heading up two separate factions and living on two separate ships would suck, but you’d make it work. You had to. You wouldn’t do what your parents did just to lose him.
But Kraglin was right. You turned back to him and nodded, then tried to march across to him. Yondu, however, had other plans. His hands tightened on your hips and kept you against him. He leaned his head forward and growled in your ear.
“Deadline can wait,” he said.
You giggled and said, “Actually, that defeats the point of a deadline.”
“Can you two not be gross in my workshop?” Kraglin asked.
You smirked and crossed your arms. “Your workshop?” you asked, throwing your gaze to the door that led to Dunker’s office.
Kraglin rolled his eyes. “I’m just sayin’ now ain’t the time to go all goo-goo eyed,” he said. “People’s lives are at stake - your people, Yondu. Cap’n Ogord’s waitin’ on our list before he gets in contact with Cap’n Charlie again.”
You sighed and felt Yondu droop behind you.
“You can have him when you’re Captain,” you said, turning your head slightly. “All business and no fun makes Kraglin an overworked, irritable killjoy.”
“Could ya take this seriously, please?” he asked.
You looked back at him and saw something in his eyes you hadn’t in awhile. It took you back to the day you’d rescued Yondu, when you’d come here to stash a few weapons before going out to the slaveship. It was Kraglin that reminded you that Centaurians were people, not just slaves. They were suffering, and it was your idea to end that suffering in the first place. They deserved your focus, you knew.
So you nodded and put your hands on Yondu’s, pushing them off slowly. “He’s right,” you said over your shoulder. “We’ll have fun later. Right now, we’ve got to plan to save more Centaurians.”
He let you go, then followed you across the room to sit with Kraglin again. The three of you went over the list of fifty troops once, twice, and three times before deciding you’d picked the right people. You hoped your father would approve them all for the mission; you weren’t sure who you’d pick to replace any one person.
When Kraglin was rolling the list up, you looked at Yondu, grabbed his hand, and asked, “You’re sure you want to be there?” You knew he wanted to help. He wanted to see his people free again. But did he want to subject himself to being on a Kree slaveship again, even if he wasn’t a prisoner anymore?
He nodded, but his face was flat. His eyes were on the brink of going glassy. “It’d be better if they have someone to explain what’s goin’ on. We didn’t, and we thought y’all was comin’ to make our lives worse at first.”
“How could we have done that?” you asked, only slightly offended. You tried not to show it, though, since you knew it wasn’t a personal attack. You were proud of being a Ravager, and that was all that was wounded, really.
Yondu shrugged. “We didn’ know nothing, Darlin’,” he said. “None’a y’all spoke our language and we didn’ speak yours. We didn’ know who y’all were, just intruders without clear intentions. Personally, I knew y’all were savin’ us when you and Reyus came back for me. What kinda kidnappers’d come back for a slave with a broken leg in the middle of a battle?”
You turned your lips in and shrugged. “Fair enough,” you said. “I just want you to be sure you’re ready to get back on one of those ships. For you, not just for them.”
He gave you a small smile and said, “I am, Darlin’. I’d tell ya if I wasn’.” He squeezed your hand to support his words.
You brought the list to your father the next day. Yondu and Kraglin came with you, standing off toward the door while you approached the captain’s chair. Your father read the list for a few minutes, making no sign of approval or disapproval in his silence. You started to roll on your feet, from toes to heel, to relieve some of the anxiety you felt.
After a few tense minutes, he put the list on his lap and looked at you. “Fine,” he sighed. “Your list is approved, Officers. And Kraglin.”
You looked over your shoulder to see Kraglin wave once before Yondu forced his hand down. When you turned back to your father, he had a serious, stern face on.
“If any of our troops get hurt, it’s on you, (Y/N). They’re your responsibility, understood?” he asked.
You nodded. “Yes, Captain. Thank you.” You paused for a moment, then asked, “Should we let Captain Charlie know?”
“I’ll confrence him later,” he said. “I have other matters to attend to first, but I’ll call for you when we’re ready.” He handed you the list back and said, “Tell the troops to prepare. Otherwise, you’re dismissed.”
With one more nod, you took the list and turned back to Yondu and Kraglin, a huge smile taking hold of your face. When you left the cockpit, you jumped into Yondu’s arms and let him turn you around a few times before letting you down.
“We did it!” you said, throwing your arms around Kraglin, too. He chuckled and returned the hug quickly, then nodded as he backed up.
“Well, you did a lot of the work, (Y/N),” he said.
“I wouldn’t’ve gotten it done without you, though,” you said, pushing his shoulder gently. “You better treat this kid right when you’ve got your own faction,” you said, looking at Yondu. “Or I’ll have to steal him back.”
Yondu shook his head. “Ain’t happenin’, Darlin’.” He headed for the stairs to the second deck, so you followed him. “Krag’s comin’ with me and he ain’t comin’ back. ‘Cept for Alliance meetings’n stuff.” You watched him wink at Kraglin as you made your way down.
“Just sucks we’ll all be apart,” Kraglin said.
You rolled your eyes as you rounded the stairwell to the next flight down. “Come on, kid. Lighten up. You’re making a difference, you’re gonna get a promotion one day, and right now, we’re all here,” you said. “We’re gonna be fine.” You smiled at him, believing your own words as you made your way to dinner.
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hhemeraa-a · 7 years
shipping meme !
tagged by: stole from like... 4 different people  @dcsidcrium​ / @portalipsis​ (I think?) / @celestialspitfire​ (I think???) / @lunaciies​ (I think?????) tagging: follow ur heart
         A kick to the nuts. HA - I’m kidding.  I currently do not... have... an otp for Myles... I mean, don’t get me wrong, I ship Troy and Myles harder than I ever want to admit, but it’s no fun playing in a sandbox all by myself, so I try not to think about it too hard.             But my OTP would probably be anything that involves Myles and happiness. I actually want him to admit that he loves someone and my life will be complete. 
        ¯\_(ツ)_/¯            What won’t I RP is a shorter list, but because of how.... emotionally difficult Myles is, a majority of any ship needs to be plotted to some extent or else you are at his mercy which means that any ship success rate goes down to about 2% unless the planets are perfectly aligned. With that said, I’m pretty open to all the genres, even those taboo ones you don’t think I’d be into but I am. 
         I refuse to (romantic) ship with anyone under 18 (muns or muses) and Myles very rarely will ever be interested in anyone between 18 - 21. With that, so long as everyone is a consenting adult, age ain’t nothing but a number. Plus Myles likes ‘em older. He won’t make age an issue if your muse doesn’t make age an issue.             Some of you have muses that are hundreds and thousands of years old, so? It’s a non-issue.
        Myles? Hell yes.           I said prior, but Myles is extremely difficult to ship with unless it’s plotted and there’s chemistry involved. 90% of the time, he is playing to emotions that benefit him in a situation, but doesn’t actually feel romantic inclinations towards someone.  He can be friendly and have one night stands, but if someone asked to be his boyfriend, he’d mean laugh in their face and walk away.             But to answer this question - yes, I am. Only because it takes a lot for Myles become attached and actually have feelings that aren’t just surface value. If he’s gotten to this point (unless it’s the rare 1% where he just instantly clicks), we’ve probably RP’d or plotted a lot and I’m starting to get real fuckin annoyed when people drop the muse or disappear right after all the work we’ve done. I’m tired of it, Myles is tried of it, and [we] I’ve become much more weary about being the one to commit when someone else hasn’t. 
         Idk, usually if there’s a peen out, I’m pretty sure that counts as nsfw. I’m bad at tagging things and 50% of the time my written nsfw isn’t tagged, but that’s only because 1) my blog is tagged as nsfw so browse at your discretion, 2) all images will always be tagged with nsfw, 3) this thread isn’t for you, so why are you reading it lol (I’m half joking, half not) 4) I’m pretty sure my partner knows that it is nsfw.             Unless my partner wants things under a read more or has specific things they want, I sin proudly and openly. 
@portalipsis​  - this has been a real slow burn and probably the only healthy thing Myles has in his life that doesn’t involve explicit fighting or manipulation on Myles’ part. I think it’s very cute in that Myles is kind of aware how Chris feels and is being Extra patient with him because he likes to watch the boy squirm. ALSO Porthos writes smut fanfiction of Hemera and mails it out to people.  Don’t think he forgot. @heavensson​​ - Sorry Spike, but you’re trapped with Myles’ gross ugly affections because no matter what you do to try and get rid of him, you know it’ll just turn him on. Semi-complicated considering Troy is involved in this odd companionship and they can’t really get rid of each other.  @etlascivus​ -  >:3c   Demon’s sneaking into Myles’ room at night claiming him as their own only for Myles to get a boy crush on him. Another complicated and involved relationship considering Myles hasn’t really put together what he feels for Asmo. While I wouldn’t say it’s love, Myles’ attachment quirks are starting to come in strong and Asmo tends to do or say the right thing at the right time to put this uptight bundle of emotion at ease to the point where he doesn’t mind (or has completely forgotten) about the mark on his arm. @corpusdxlicti​ - You mean Myles’ future husband?? Myles will end up feeding off this relationship because of how emotionally detached Vincent appears to be as Myles is 99% more inclined to let himself like someone when they don’t like him back.  Not that this is the case here, but Vincent’s seemingly complete emotional detachment gives Myles the room to dance around in his own emotions - little does he know that Vincent is low key (high key?) possessive/jealous and I AM READY FOR THIS.  @dcsidcrium​​ - the first girl Myles probably ever kissed. Dating his best friend and secret unrequited love. Nikki is the sister Myles never asked for and will defend her to the death all the while cussing her out in the same breath.  He’s also probably shot her more than a few times. A++ friendship. @kashiings​ - Archer you little shit. A verse of its own, Archer is (was) Myles’ best friend in childhood and also first (boyfriend?) although there were clear miscommunications about what they were and it really tore a hole in Myles after Archer went off and got married. Despite all this, Myles is teetering on the edge of loyalty and abandonment, remaining by his side even after he comes back in Myles’ mid-twenties.   @inionnaforaoise​ - Started off as purely professional - these two are frienemies to a fault. The type to drive by and flip the other off under the table while at a very professional meeting or “accidentally” shoot the other in the arm in the middle a fire fight and shrug like ‘oops’. At the same time, they’ll share a drink together and mean laugh about people they hate. If we’re not counting demons with lady bits, she will probably be the first (and only) girl Myles ever sleeps with.  @whiteliily​ - Ash is a national treasure and these two has this weird high school boy crush going on where they just... nervously laugh around each other. I honestly think that Ash is the only muse that has made Myles openly blush without trying.  Even considering Myles’ emotional stuntedness, Ash has been real forward?? Which is pretty disarming for Myles and it’s weird because Myles is like??? Happiness??? Without?? someone??? suffering?? idk man, Ash is great, Jazz is great. This whole thing makes me happy inside.  @bestiadeluna​ - Mally is that friend that Myles flinches around all the time because she’s probably punched him in the arm so many times out of playfulness that it bruised because she’s so much strong than he is.  She’s the drinking friend that shows up on his couch once a month and eats all his pie, or brings someone over so that he can explain what a cuck is much to his dismay.  They don’t hang out often, but when they do, it’s like they saw each other yesterday and someone is bound to either get hurt or in trouble.  @fluffmiester​ - Space Papa. Apparently Rrii has taken Myles in as his son and while Myles is ok with it, he’s going to take every chance he gets to twist Rrii’s words into something gross.  It’s how he shows his affection Rrii, I swear.  @svagefaith​ - Myles’ bitter ass soulmate from hell. The only way these two are going to get on the same page is if some outside event forces them to admit their feelings, but so far the universe is just staring at them like “y i k e s”. They would make amazing friends, but being bound to each other is causing more tension than it’s worth and both are too stubborn to back down, even though they’re both quietly attentive their needs, their emotional connection keeps missing. They’ll get there.  @carnivorarium​ - ZIP because Myles needs more strong independent wolf ladies in his life, although he will always bother her about why she’s single. He’s going to be that annoying younger brother that digs through her stuff and leaves all her tampons out on the curb because he was feeling annoying and she will probably be that older sister that drop kicks into his room while he’s making out with someone so that she can scare the shit out of them in her final form. 
         Yes, although if we have a thread going/there’s chemistry, I’m sure we’ll both reach out to each other about it naturally. 
         I love it!  But I don’t believe shipping is purely romantic and includes platonic things and enemies.   I have very few romantic ships and that’s often up to Myles to decide that. Friends and enemies are great though, so I’m always down to talk about different possible relationships. 
         Yes! And multi-verse unless it’s discussed. 
        Meh - romantic things are nice, but like I’ve been saying, this is completely up to Myles and he’s not inclined for romance. So I’m a ‘more or less’ kind of person. If I really like a ship we have going, I’ll be very obsessed hahaha
         Fandom? Don’t know her.            HA. ok. Um.... well, I used to be really into Deimos and happiness.  I’m still committed to this, but some people within the fandom really ruined the character for me to the point where even after I tried to make a blog to save my feelings, all I see is bitterness and disdain. They say time heals all wounds buT HERE I AM.  STILL BROKEN. Sometimes I write on his blog and I’m filled with such nostalgia... but I hate shipping him with Cain which is my ultimate nOTP but since the fandom is made up of pretty much Cain’s and Helio’s, my time on that blog is.... minimal. 
        My favorite ships always start as an accident - either though starters where we just see something click, or an ask where something funny happens.  Just write with me or approach me about it!  Chances are if you want to ship, you’re going to know something about Myles’ personality that you/your muse likes. If you come to me in hopes to finding a ship without any prior knowledge of him, you might have a bad time.             It’s really easy for things with Myles to get toxic fast, so unless you’re prepared for a slow burn, idk if this is the right place? But again! Just reach out, I absolutely love discussing relationships and plotting, it keeps me alive in my waking hours. 
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