#poseidons really like .son don’t you fucking dare.
It’s pretty funny narratively that Poseidon doesn’t approve of Percy’s relationship with Luke in the same way Athena doesn’t approve of Annabeth’s relationship with Percy.
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sbhelarctos · 3 years
I cant stop thinking about @caffeinatedflumadiddlebutpjo AU where Percy pretends to be Aphrodites son. So here’s some fun headcanons and random bullshit
— Aphrodite straight knowing Percy aint her kid from the get go but thinks this is the funniest shit thats happened in centuries and also she like bullying Poseidon about it
Poseidon: *boasting about some bullshit*
Aphrodite: Omg! Look Percy sent me a picture of him and his siblings winning capture the flag and said “We did it Mom!!!”. Isn’t that just darling Poseidon?
— Also, PERCY IN A DRESS! A SKIRT! A CROPTOP! Him throwing the concept of gendered clothing out the fucking window!
Aphrodite: Your son’s gnc as fuck
— Percy keeps using his powers and everyone’s like “Aphrodite wtf is up with this one kid of yours” and she’s just like “Oh he takes after is grandmother is all.”
— SIREN PERCY! Its like charmspeak but way stronger. When he sings, people are drawn in and completely ignore whatever was going on before—they just want to get closer and hear more of his voice. Also he doesn’t need to sing, he can still use it while talking; lace his words with power, getting anyone to listen to him, drop their guard, and agree with whatever he’s saying. His voice tends to catch attention
— Percy worried that he isn’t enough of a child of Aphrodite and that people are going to figure him out. His solution: flirt like his life depends on it. Hes very bad at first but that doesn’t stop him and its just becomes his natural instinct. In danger? try flirting!
When he start to really develop his skills rip to everyone
— I hc that Aphrodite is a pretty decent parent, mainly bc she doesn’t give a shit about the ancient laws or whatever and regularly visits her kids and helps them out. Also when she gets angry she tends to shift back to a war goddess. So…
Aphrodite Areia on her way to the underworld to beat Hades whole shit in after hearing he trapped her son in a dungeon:
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Hades: You dare come into MY domain and—
Aphrodite: And YOU dare use a potential love interest of my son’s to threw him in your freaky damp ass dungeon!
Persephone: How’d you even get in here anyway?
Aphrodite: Huh? Oh this isn’t my first time breaking into an underworld, though this one was way easier
Hades: What? When did you break in before?
Aphrodite: Ugh I hate talking to you so much I almost wish I never left the cradle. ANYWAY, I cursed you with ED until you apologize to Percy so have fun with that loser
— Post Reveal whenever camp has any games Percy always goes with Cabin 10, much to everyone’s dismay
Frank, who wants Percy on his team: Its not fair that you always get him, hes not even your real brother
Drew: Wow, just because Percy’s adopted he’s not our “real” brother? That’s seriously fucked up Zhang.
Lacy: Y-Yeah! Percy’s the best big brother!
Percy: 🥺
— Poseidon trying to appeal to Percy via his adoptive siblings. Whenever someone from Cabin 10 is on a quest they almost always get some watery help at some point
Drew: Best part of having Percy as a brother is that Sea Beard keeps helping us on our quests to get Percy to love him, like if I need to got anywhere all I need to do is go to a river and say how much Percy must be so worried about me, his beloved sister, and then suddenly a very convenient boat drifts a shore
Lacy: Oh he helped me get across a lake by giving me a hippocampus!
Mitchell: One time my group was being chased by a monster by a river and an huge sea serpent jumped out, ate it, then disappeared
Valentina: Apollo gave us a ride to California
Mitchell: Whats that gotta do with anything?
Valentina: I don’t know, he just said to tell people especially Percy, and was all “Oh and tell him how handsome and awesome I looked saving you” it was weird
Drew:…Anyway so yeah we got it pretty easy
— Pre-Reveal, Annabeth taking Percy aside after seeing the way Poseidon’s focus is almost always on him:
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Okay thats it, thats all my bullshit for now. Go check out @caffeinatedflumadiddlebutpjo who first came up with this AU
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Happy birthday to @biracialpercy, my dear feral child! 💕
Percy was a Null.
While it was not an uncommon occurrence, as the different aspects of one's personality were sometimes so balanced in some people that their biology could hardly decide on one gender, it was still a shock for the campers.
Their hero was not an Alpha, but a Null? That was just not done.
All of the Greek and Roman heroes in history were Alphas or high Betas, so to think that their hero’s Alpha and Omega aspects were so balanced that his biology couldn't decide on one was unthinkable.
Because while Percy Jackson was a momma's boy, who was too caring sometimes, he was definitely an Alpha material.
Not an Omega.
Never an Omega.
He fought bravely to defend those who were not capable of doing it - like an Alpha. He took care of bullies to protect the weak - like an Alpha. He was strong, powerful, and attractive - like an Alpha. He sparred regularly to assert his dominance over the others, who would dare to question him - like an Alpha. Right?
Everybody was sure of it.
They just forgot one tiny little thing: to ask Percy what /he/ thought about it.
Because if they would have taken the time and effort to ask him what he thought and wanted, they might have been not that sure of their reasonings.
Percy just wanted to be left alone.
His father expected him to be an Alpha, just as his other sons were; the whole camp was convinced that he was this strong hero who was, /of course/, an Alpha. Annabeth (and the other campers) was sure he would mate with her because the Omega daughter of Athena and the Alpha son of Poseidon were /obviously/ soulmates.
But the most painful was Luke. The son of Hermes (who had been on probation after the Titan War and got pardoned after the Gigant War) was avoiding him because as the previous Alpha of Camp Half-Blood, he didn't want to get into a territory fight with the /real/ Alpha of Camp Half-Blood.
The only person who loved him unconditionally, and who really knew him was his mother. She always knew his biggest wish:
He wanted to be an Omega.
He had enough of fighting, of saving the world; he wanted to be taken care of, he wanted to be loved.
To have /his/ Alpha care for him, love him, do everything for him.
He hated people and their assumptions.
He hated to be regarded as a "late-bloomer" Alpha. He hated that the gods and the other demigods basically planned out his whole life.
Like they had any rights to do it.
Like anyone but Percy had the right to decide who and what he should be.
Luke was in pain.
It was nothing new as he has been in pain since he first noticed the little Null hero as a potential mate, but it was worse than ever.
While the two wars were good reasons for not presenting, now that everything was calm, the pressure on Percy to present as an Alpha became even more pronounced.
It was painful.
Painful to watch the poor boy being harassed by horny Omegas panting to become his mate, painful to see the little girl he thought of as his sister plan out their upcoming wedding.
Painful to feel hopeless, rejected. He knew Percy was assumed to be a hiding Alpha, but he always carried a tiny hope that in the end, he would present as an Omega.
Percy Jackson, the Hero of Olympus was basically his obsession. First, his enemy, then a reluctant ally, then… he fell under his spell, like many other demigods before and after him. 
But, unlike the Omegas, he had no hope to be with the Null demigod-
Until he miraculously did.
When a pissed-off hero rushed into his room in the Big House, ready to tear somebody's head off, he didn’t anticipate what was going to happen. (That was not new. Being around Percy Jackson, was never predictable.)
Luke was unsure what to do, what to say to calm the enraged Null down, but because he was an unquestionable masochist, he broached a topic /he/ wanted to talk about.
"So… Annie visited me," he said to the pacing Null. Percy stilled, breathing heavily as if he competed in a marathon.
"She did?" he asked in a misleadingly calm tone, avoiding Luke's eye contact.
"Hm," the Alpha nodded, thinking quickly how to proceed. When Percy was like this… He was the most unpredictable when he was like this - like the ocean, ready to strike at any time. "She was telling me about your date," he finished, gritting his teeth.
"That wasn't a date!" Percy snapped, irritated, and continued pacing.
"Would it be so bad if it was?" Luke asked gently, even if he dreaded the answer. Annie was an amazing girl, so talented, driven, powerful, and they were the perfect partners on and off the battlefield. The perfect Omega heroine and the amazing Alpha hero - a true Greek love story.
Percy went quiet, rigid.
"Yes," he said but did not elaborate. Annabeth was a wonderful person, his best friend, but just that - a friend.
"But you two are the perfect couple. Aren't you? She is a good Omega, she would make sure you would present an A-.” Before Luke could finish his sentence, Percy snapped.
Almost everybody in his life said almost exactly this, even his /father/, who hated Athena, wanted him to mate with Annabeth, but this was different.
This came from Luke.
Luke, his first crush, his enemy, his friend, his love.
"Have you thought that maybe /I/ don't want to mate with her?! That maybe, just maybe, I don't want to be a fucking Alpha?!" Percy practically roared it into Luke's face. "Maybe I don't care about what others want, and /maybe/ what I want is to be an Omega!"
The water in the pipes worked to escape from its confines; they rattled, hissed, and answering the tumultuous emotions of its lord, the tap burst open.
But Luke didn't pay any attention to it. How could he, when Percy Jackson, the presumed Alpha just confessed that he wanted to become an Omega?
"Well, then," the son of Hades commented lightly, with a determined gleam in his eyes. "I wanted to be nice, to let Annabeth, the perfect Omega have you, but not anymore. It's time to be selfish," he growled, moving, stalking towards his prey.
And as he pulled Percy close to him, kissing him thoroughly, Percy couldn't help, but agree with him: It was time to be selfish.
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Elder Olympians Outtakes
*Disclaimer: Please be aware that a significant portion of this is indisputable crack. Prehistoric curses have been translated into vaguely similar modern swear words.*
[Rated Teen and Up for Swearing and Blood]
Hestia (Present Day)
She was a bit excited to have one-upped the twin archers. Anyone could have a heartfelt conversation in the middle of the woods. But sanctifying a soulless Olympian terrace with sisterly love? That was something else. Home and Hearth was her dominion. Obviously, she should be the best at it.
When the rain was truly pouring, she brought her brother back inside so they could chat by the fire. She tried to shove in a few more life lessons into the process.
"You know, to quote the ancient monk from that Doctor Strange film—we don't get to choose our time. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."
". . . Tolkien."
"And that ancient monk from Doctor Strange. Credit where credit is deserved."
Zeus frowned. "When did you have time to go watch Doctor Strange?"
"I enjoy my material comforts. Don't interrupt me, or I will set your bed on fire."
"You wouldn't."
"Wouldn't I?" Hestia grinned, mischievous—do you still know me, after five thousand years?
“You wouldn’t,” Zeus repeated, and Hestia had to admit to herself: either she hadn’t changed as much as she’d thought, or her youngest brother had a peculiar knack of seeing through her.
“Well, you always did know me best,” she sighed, somewhat surprised at the comfort that this knowledge brought her.
Hades (5000 years ago, give or take)
“Fuck you,” Hades muttered, swiping away the gold dripping down his brows—his sleeve was sodden with it and crusting over—“fuck you, I hope your shitheel entrails are shat on by demonfuckers—“
“Insolent child,” boomed the Titan, his teeth flashing white in a grin that split his grisly mouth. “Tell me where your younger brother is, and I will grant you a faster death!”
Hades dug the tip of his spear into the earth and flung dirt into the Titan’s face. 
Fuck! Hera’s voice echoed in his head. Poseidon got his arm ripped off!
Hades gritted his teeth and muttered under his breath, “Hera, I am literally about to die, please stop telling me terrible news.”
Demeter (2000 years ago, give or take)
“Shut up,” said Demeter, standing barefoot in a barren field heavily blanketed with snowdrifts that reached her thighs. 
“I didn’t say anything,” said Hestia.
“I know you’re judging. I know this looks strange to you. You don’t understand my choices. Don’t judge.”
“I wouldn’t dare.” Hestia rummaged through her cloth knapsack and pulled out a pomegranate. “Fruit?”
Demeter stared. “That is a pomegranate.”
“Yes, it is.”
“It grows in fucking Hades’s garden.”
“It does. I couldn’t find any other type of natural-grown fruit.”
“I don’t want your fruit!” Demeter scrubbed a frustrated hand over her face. “Hestia, it is winter. I hate Hades.”
Hestia nodded. “I understand. Would you mind if I ate this, then?”
“Styx, I don’t care! Go away! I’m brooding!”
“So you are aware you’re brooding!”
“Nyx and Tartarus—”
Poseidon (Present Day)
Percy Jackson was a bit of a dilemma.
The first time Poseidon’s siblings saw the child, they were taken aback. Tousled black hair framed a face that was too mortal, too fragile.
He looks like Poseidon, they thought, unwillingly transported back to a time of storm clouds and blood and a sunrise above a battlefield of carnage.
The first time Poseidon saw Percy, the child was unafraid to demand answers from the gods.
He is nothing like me, thought Poseidon, and was painfully relieved.
Hera (5000 years ago, give or take)
Poseidon was laughing, and it sounded wrong, unhinged, desperate—
“Keep your head, you idiot!” Hera yelled, grabbing his shoulder.
“I will bind you in chains,” the Titan was promising, “I will carve out your insides and poison your blood, you will beg me for death at the foot of my throne for eternity as my trophy for the coming ages—“
“Shut up, we’re taking a minute!” Hera screamed. She lobbed a dagger at the bastard. The Titan batted it aside.
“No one will put chains on me again,” Poseidon said, shaking with laughter, “I will not go back to imprisonment, Hera, you said—“
“I promised you, I know! We can pick this up after we kill the son of a bitch, yes? Don’t go away on me now, save it for later—”
Zeus (more than 5000 years ago)
The hags screamed their mirth. “Oh, child,” one managed, gasping with laughter. “There is no peace in your future. There will be no respite. Your eternity will be that of constant battle, and sooner or later you will tire of it. Nothing will sate you, be it sweet company or thick wine. There will come a time when you would rather turn a blind eye to hints of oncoming war than go out and meet them, steel against steel.” She cocked her head. “Are you sure you want this? If you return to your mountains, none of this will come to pass. Reconsider. Are they really worth the price?”
He didn’t understand. They were talking in riddles. He’d never been that clever. Even the ladies who had raised him and loved him very much (they said so all the time: we love you very much, sweet child—) had giggled as they outsmarted him in games of chase and mock battle.
He wasn’t smart, it was true. But he didn’t have to be smart to know that he wanted to meet his siblings for the first time. He didn’t have to be smart to understand that he wanted to find his mother and tell her, I came to save you, just like you saved me.
Zeus clenched his fists. “I am not here to listen to your meaningless drivel. Tell me how I may defeat my father.”
Their cackles rose anew. “My, the newborn has fire to him! Very well, little king.”
The laughter was unsettling. “I’m not a king.”
The hags ignored him. “So you chose—so it shall be.”
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chironshorseass · 4 years
angst number 5 for percabeth?
“What’s the point?”
Dear anon, I am sorry that I got a but carried away. Just a teeny bit. 
Read on ao3.
Au in which Percy killed the Goddess of Misery, back in Tartarus.
tw: drowning, implied abuse, mental health issues, mild blood
Percy woke up drowning.
In the back of his mind, he knew that that was not possible. In the back of his mind, he could hear the running water. Water from the shower faucet.
He’s floating, maybe. In the tub.
But that’s not what was going through his mind at the moment. All he felt was breathlessness. And water. But it wasn’t the good kind. This water, cold and dark, did not want him.
No, it wanted to destroy him.
Like Misery.
He’d killed that goddess, once upon a time. Made her choke on her tears, turned her blood to dust.
The running water sounded like her, that wretched being. She was laughing at him.
He forgot why and where he was in the first place. That laugh was the only thing that was certain at the moment. And the water—with its icy breath—filled up his mouth and lungs.
Where was he in his dreams?
Hopefully not here.
His arms reached out, searching for something—anything—that could pull him out of this hell. They could’ve been nonexistent, for all the help they managed to achieve. He felt as if his own body couldn’t even move an inch. He wanted someone to save him.
Maybe you don’t deserve to be saved.
The memory gushed around Percy, resurfacing from the deepest parts of his mind—well, to be honest, it had always been there, gnawing at him.
Tartarus always came back to haunt him, one way or another.
He was there, right next to the inky abyss, surrounded on all sides by the liquid poison and its fumes. It crawled slowly but surely toward him like liquid honey. He backed away but knew it was no use. He’d die one way or another.
Annabeth screamed at Akhlys, trying to get the goddess’ attention away from him. She had the likeness of one of the corpses that Nico liked to sprout from the ground, not at all looking like that beautiful and vibrant girl he had once known.
Percy lifted his head to look at Misery, the mastermind behind it all. She grinned at him, flashing her golden fangs. Her cheeks were rivers of blood, like the blood he tasted in his mouth as he bit his tongue so he wouldn’t cry out from the sudden pain.
He glared at the poison, its small lakes pooling around him.
Maybe he was mad. But maybe he didn’t have to die right now. The ringing in his ears grew louder; Annabeth’s shouts sounded further away. But he could stop this, he had to try.
He concentrated, feeling the familiar tug in his gut. The poison paused in its tracks.
“What is this?” Ackhlyss’ voice bordered on manic.
“Poison,” Percy rasped, standing up with shaking legs. His motive, however, didn’t falter. “That’s your specialty, right?”
He watched as the toxic liquid retreated farther from him and toward Akhlyss’ feet as if she were a magnet and the poison was metal. It sizzled against her toes, and she jumped, shrieking. She swiped at it, but more came.
“You dare go against me, boy?” But as she said it, tears flooded her eyes; her knees buckled. After many futile attempts, she screeched, “Stop this!”
But he was just getting started.
Her control over her own creation was over, dominated by someone else.
The goddess shrunk into herself, tears flowing like rivers down her cheeks.
Oh, good. More water.
He had the urge to laugh. How foolish of her.
Percy concentrated, searching deeper and deeper into the root of his powers. Soon enough, he had Akhlyss choking on her own tears; it engulfed her mouth and eyes. She clutched her throat, poison burning her legs as it climbed into her as well.
He was dimly aware of Annabeth calling to him—begging, but she didn’t understand this feeling that Percy felt. This glass-shattering sensation against his stomach. How good it felt, to finally control what could never be controlled.
So he didn’t listen. Instead, he clenched his fists and kept it up. See how much misery Misery could take.
He pushed further into him, and Akhlyss’ blood boiled.
Minutes or hours or days passed before her wailing sounds and anguished cries stopped for good. The poison finally encased her entire body, and she lay on the ground, motionless. In the blink of an eye, her remains were turned to dust.
It is done.
Annabeth walked up to him, taking her time. The look on her face was enough for him to stagger, clutching his stomach.
“Percy?” she whispered, now closer to him.
His name lingered in his mind, a chanting that never seemed to stop. But through the agony in his gut and Annabeth’s muffled sobs into his shirt, her expression afterwards was what haunted him most.
It is done.
Something broke inside him that day, he knew. Just like right now, when his powers and his heritage served him no purpose.
It was as if he were trapped in an eternal void. His hands, finally able to do something, clawed at his throat, willing his lungs to work.
Why can’t I breathe?
Why can’t I breathe .
He was the hero, the son of Poseidon; this wasn’t supposed to be happening.
What an ironic way to die , don’t you think?
The laughter kept invading his thoughts, ringing across his brain just as horribly as the water.
He gasped out, scouring for any oxygen he could steal.
Water in my lungs.
Had he always been drowning? Or was this a nightmare?
Perhaps he should just give up. Perhaps the water wouldn’t feel so cold if that were to happen.
But if he listened closely to the chaos, he could make out a muffled scream. Someone crying out, pronouncing his name.
Arms grabbed him by the shoulders, and suddenly he’s sitting up, leaning into someone else. Hands grasped his face, soft and tender. Sobs echoed across the room. His eyes were shut tight, but he’s sure that he’s in some kind of room.
Right, the bathroom.
The laughter stopped.
He tried to breathe again, but he found that he still couldn’t, the door of his lungs yet to unlock. Panic seized into him once more. He tried to open his eyes, but they felt like lead weights.
Annabeth. He realized now, that she’d been the one to pull him out. She was here, shaking him, crying, letting the water pour down the drain.
If I could only breathe.
He faintly registered the way she gently pushed him down, making him lie on the cool tub, now free of the water. He felt pressure on his chest. Her hands, compressing and releasing.  
And then, maybe, he could breathe again. His world was still tinted in balck around the edges, though.
Annabeth had her arms wrapped around him, both of them lying on their sides in the comfort of his bed. She protected his Achilles’ spot, a habit she never could break. As much as her doing this filled Percy with ease and calmness, he knew the truth: she couldn’t protect him. Not really. His true war was with himself.
Her warmth didn’t seem to suffice, either. Or the snug pajamas that she had given him to wear.
He could still remember the bathtub’s chill, after all. And Tartarus.
Annabeth snuggled closer to him. He felt her breathing against his neck, real and alive. She threaded her fingers through his and kissed the nape of his neck.
“I’m sorry,” she said, voice breaking. “I’m sorry I didn’t come sooner. That I didn’t realize—”
“S’not your fault. I just...” A lump formed in his throat. He swallowed it down. “I don’t know why. Why was I fucking drowning, ‘Beth? Why?”
His eyes bored into the dusty bookshelf in his room, but soon his sight blurred. A tear fell down his cheek and into his mouth. It tasted like the sea. The sea that betrayed him.
“Maybe, maybe you’re just scared.”
“Like you were of me?” He shut his eyes tight. “When I killed her?”
Her curls tickled his face as she shook her head.
“No,” she whispered. “I could never be scared of you.”
“But you were. I know you, Annabeth. And I know you’re scared, even now. And the worst thing? You’re scared of me.”
“No.” Her tone took a hard edge. “I’m not scared of you. Gods you’re the person I love most in this fucked up world. Why would I be scared of you?” Her hand unclasped from his, moving it to his damp hair, combing through the dark curls. “No, I’m scared of what you could do to yourself.
“Especially when Sally’s not here, and we’re alone and I, I assume you’re fine. But I’m not even fine, so it makes no fucking sense that I didn’t try to see what was wrong earlier, and...and…” She broke down into sobs, face smothered into the crook of his neck as he lay there, unmoving. His eyelids were closed, but tears escaped them anyway.
She pressed her damp nose against his skin and took a shaky breath.
“I never…” She lifted her face and swept back some of the hair that stuck to his forehead.
He opened his eyes, and finally looked at her, craning his neck to do so. Her cheeks glistened with tears and her hair was a tangled mess, but he took in her image, gazing at her with new vision.
It hit him—that this girl would forever be his anchor, his haven. This complicated, sweet and amazing girl, with eyes akin to the storm inside him. That she was protecting him. That she wanted him to heal. She reclined on her elbows, softly caressing his exposed cheek with her thumb. Then, she leaned down and kissed his tears away.
“I never—and I thought you were going to die,” she said in a small voice. “...I never knew how powerful you could be.”
He stiffened under her touch.
“What’s the point, anyway? It’s not like my powers work anymore.”
He didn’t dare admit what he yearned to say, that he deserved every last breath of pain. That Gabe, that sorry excuse of a stepfather, had been right. That Percy would amount to nothing, and in the end, he’d end up just like that horrible man. He already felt it inside of him, settling comfortably as if reuniting with an old friend.
“But they do work, Perce.”
“How would you know?” His tone sounded accusatory, but Annabeth didn’t seem to mind. “I was drowning, just like in that prophecy. In Alaska.”
“I know you still have them, because I feel it in you. And now you’re letting it consume you instead of controlling it. What happened down there...you can’t change what you did.”
He exhaled, “I wish I was sorry.”
She didn’t respond, only settled back into him.
After a few minutes of staring at the heaps of comics and the little night light, she murmured, “You’ll be alright. We can work through this. Together. I know we can.”
He could only wish he felt the same way.
Nearing to the edge of dreams in his sleep, he felt the water once again. At first, he realized that it was the same way as in the bathtub. Darkness and cold. Jagged ice.That horrible sensation of panic and helplessness.
Images flashed through the currents. Teeth and golden eyes and blood and choking. Voices whispered to him.
Let go.
What is life, anyway?
It’s useless. That’s what life was.
The water wouldn’t let him breath, anyway, so he sunk into the depths. He was used to this. It didn’t matter.
As he drifted away, a voice came to his mind, so startling and out of place in the coldness that it felt like someone had suddenly spoken right into his ear.  
Remember your lifeline, dummy.
Annabeth had said that, hadn’t she? He wasn’t so sure; he couldn’t remember much about anything.
What was it?
Something pulled him upright. It was a tug, coming from the small of his back. And then the darkness didn’t seem as imposing. The whispers and wailing stopped. A smile came to his mind. A face hallowed in a crown of golden hair. She was by the sea, splashing salty water with foam and laughing.
No, Annabeth wouldn’t want this for him; he could fight to live. He could get better. The water turned blue and warm, like drinking a mug of hot cocoa. He gasped, letting his tired lungs have what they wanted from the start.
She was right, gods, was she always right. Hiis powers still worked. And clearing his mind, he remembered the breathing methods they’d practiced, him and Annabeth.
One in, two out, three in, four out.
Up on the surface, the sun gleamed, sending golden ripples all around.
A hand appeared from the outside, cutting into the water. There was a canoe; he could see the dark silhouette. This time, his limbs moved with ease.
One in, two out, three in, four out.
The currents guided him up, up into the world. When he drew nearer to the person on the other side, he looked up, only to be blinded by the sun. But movement from above blocked the light like an eclipse.
Always Annabeth.
She beamed, seemingly annoyed and amused at the same time, her yankees cap tucked over her hair. Her arm extended toward him, and she laughed. The echoes rippled even in the water.
“Hold on, Seaweed Brain. You’re not getting away from me that easily.”
He felt it now. It wasn’t the currents moving him toward the sound of her voice, but a cord. A single golden thread.
“Come on. Take my hand.”
And so he did.
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Let. Him. Go.
Nobody is surprised that i have another dark jercy fic. This struck me out of nowhere, so i had to rush into my phone’s notes app to get it down. I hope you enjoy young ones :)
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Percy's wrists were bleeding. The rope burning into his skin; it felt like fire. He smirked at his captor.
"Is this the best you got?"
His words slurred, a product of a swollen jaw and a broken nose.
"You really have a death wish son of Poseidon?" The stranger spat.
"The universe has been trying to kill me since the day I was born. You do not scare me." He scoffed, wincing at the motion.
"You are tied up, bleeding out, and there is no-one coming to rescue you," Silver eyes glittered with arrogance, "And you are not even a little scared?"
Percy rolled his eyes, "Do you think you're special? Because so far you haven't given me any reason to be scared."
"Conceited child!" The stranger roared, slapping him. The crack echoed around the room.
"Are you done?" He deigned to laugh.
"Give me the key Percy Jackson,"
"I mean I don't really know why you think my answer would have changed since the last time you asked me. I. Don't. Have. It."
"You were the last one with it, you insolent fool. Don't you dare lie to me."
"What are you gonna do?" He smirked, "Kill me?"
The stranger cocked their gun, put the cool metal to Percy's forehead.
"Okay," He shrugged.
They clicked back the safety, pressing the weapon further into his skin, "Are you sure you don't know where the key is?"
"You know, I recall something about it." His lips twitched, holding back a smile.
The stranger pushed into his space, their noses brushing, "Where. Is. It?"
"Mhm no i was talking about my mom's apartment key. She lost it the other day and I think I remember where she put it."
The last thing Percy saw was a flash of silver before something slammed into the back of his skull.
He blinked, squinting at the harsh light over him.
"Ah you're awake,"
"You still haven't killed me?" He frowned, "Wow they really don't make villains like they used to."
"You think you're so funny half-blood," The stranger smiled, "But let's see who will be laughing now."
Before he had time to ask what was happening the door slammed open and a body was being thrown into the room.
He squinted trying to make out the figure in the darkness.
The person groaned, and then cursed as the silver-eyed stranger grabbed their hair and yanked them into the light.
Percy's body went still. The world narrowed, blurred, morphed.
His voice was made from malice and violence, "What the fuck is he doing here?"
"You do not want to tell me where the key is, so I thought i’d provide a little motivation."
"Let him go."
"No I don't think I will half-blood." And the stranger yanked harder at that beautiful blonde hair.
"Fucker," Percy spat, "Leave him out of this."
"Jason," He rasped, pulling at the ropes around his wrists. He needed to get to him, needed to touch him, hold him, make sure he was—
"Are you going to tell me where the key is Son of Poseidon?"
"Don't do it Percy," Jason Grace finally broke.
"Nobody asked for you opinion," The stranger wrapped a hand around the blonde's throat.
Percy let loose a broken scream.
"If I had known this would work I would have brought him in much sooner," The stranger grinned.
"Stop this Corrin, let him go. He doesn't have the key." Jason gasped, clawing at the hand still strangling him.
"No, don't you dare Grace," Percy's blood went cold.
"I'm sorry," Blue eyes blurred with tears, "I'm so sorry Pers,"
"I swear to the gods," His voice caught with fear, "Let him go!"
"Did Jason ever tell you how we met?" That smile was made of broken lies, and destruction.
"Let him go please," Percy's voice cracked, eyes still locked with that lightning gaze.
"We dated for a year," Corrin smirked, "I helped Krios rise, and I asked Jason to follow me. We could have had the world." He turned to face the blonde again, stroking a hand down his cheek, "We could have been unstoppable, my hero."
"I didn't want the world," Jason hissed, "I was happy with you and the legion."
"Liar, you were made for so much more. You know it and I know it." Silver eyes sparkled and it would have been beautiful if it did not mean death. "It's a pity really that I have to kill you."
A flash of bronze pressed against Jason's neck, blood already dripping slowly down that beautiful golden skin.
Percy smiled, slow and wicked. The earth shattered.
There was a bloodcurling scream, a flash of gold and then Percy Jackson was standing in front of a stranger with eyes of silver, impaled to the wall with pieces of concrete.
"I would have let you kill me, I would have let you torture me till I was begging for death. I would have signed on to be your slave if that's what you asked. But you decided to bring someone I love into this. And there are no lines, Corrin," He grinned, the name rolling off his tongue, "There are no lines I wouldn't cross to keep the people I love safe."
The stranger gurgled, blood leaking from his arms, his legs, his throat.
Percy stepped to him, put full lips to his ear, "The key," He whispered, "Is underneath the mountain I blew up when I was fifteen."
"Why are you telling me?" Corrin managed to gasp.
His smile was beautiful in its savagery, "Because you will not live to find it."
And with a single flick of his wrist Percy sliced those pieces of concrete through his pale throat.
Those silver eyes widened, hate flashing in them. Corrin did not move again.
"Percy," Jason groaned from the corner where he had been flung in the chaos.
"Are you okay?" He tried to hold in a sob as he pulled the blonde to him.
"I'm fine, are you okay? Oh gods you look horrible."
He laughed, "I've seen better days. I thought he was going to kill you," Long, dark eyelashes fluttered as he surveyed the boy before him.
"I thought he was going to kill you," Jason mumbled, pulling them together.
"He would have, i—" Percy breathed, "I would have let him. But you oh gods, he made you bleed and I saw red."
"I would have slaughtered him, burned the world if he killed you." Jason's voice scorched with fury.
"We are together now, my love." He whispered.
"Let's go home."
They each grabbed the chain that dangled elegantly around their necks, and watched as the metal molded, the glow giving away to reveal a key.
Percy Jackson and Jason Grace intertwined their fingers, stepped past the artwork of death mounted to the wall by jagged concrete pins, and walked into Olympus.
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thebigqueer · 4 years
This isn't necessarily pernico cus uhhh weird age gap but since we never really got to see things from Nico's perspective, I always wondered what Percy was like in his eyes. Like what were the specific things that made him fall so devastatingly hard?
anon, you are so correct about literally everything (i mean everything) you said.
i think that is such an important thing to think about, especially considering that nico is from a different time period and, as sad as it is, he probably absolutely hated himself for loving percy. he hasn’t ever really seen two guys be allowed to fall in love with each other. and i’m definitely sure that he probably could not sleep at night knowing that if he had been living in italy during that time, if anyone had known about his attraction for guys, he could have been given a death sentence.
that must weigh on him a lot. 
TW: homophobia & internalized homophobia ahead
i don’t think he entirely realizes he’s gay until he meets percy (just cuz he’s a little young when we meet him, but of course that is NOT to say that you can’t know you’re queer when you’re 10/11 years old. some people do, and i am absolutely not trying to invalidate anyone. also, if you don’t know you’re queer at a young age, that is absolutely valid as well. identity can be really fluid; are we ever one thing for our whole life? would we even be considered human if we never changed?).
when he does figure it out though, he’s just. shell-shocked. how dare he think this way? doesn’t he know how disgusting he is?
i think nico really really hated percy for making him feel this way. but at the same time, he hated himself, too. because how could he like a boy?
but it didn’t really matter to his heart, did it? because here is this boy, eyes as riotous as the ocean, an unstable force completely able to destroy anything in his path. headstrong. has anger issues but loyal to the end. gorgeous, graceful. 
Percy Jackson. Son of Poseidon. How could he not fall in love?
i’m about to project a little here, because i have also fallen in love with presumably-straight people (lmao they’re not so straight anymore LKSNDFLKJSDLFJK [they know who they are] but the point still stands) and i have also had a bout of internalized homophobia, so just bare with me because i think this is one place where i really deeply can relate to with nico. i’m probably gonna just assume some things because of things that i’ve personally felt when i was in love with my crush at the time i liked them. this is not to say that everything i’ve felt is absolutely universal for every queer person, of course.
nico saw percy stay loyal to his friends. i think something to consider is how nico has had most of his family members gone. he’s alone. and here he sees percy, pushing his friends aside and taking the pain for them. 
nico wants that. he wants to feel protected, to have someone have his back like that. he wants percy to be that person for him. he just wants his attention, to feel like he’s worthwhile to someone. he’s lost so many people already. can’t he just have percy? why must he be so out of nico’s grasp?
he doesn’t even need to like nico. he just... nico just wants percy to be his friend. it’s going to hurt a lot, but in the end, all nico wants from percy is his attention and his friendship.
he just needs someone. and percy is older than nico. he can protect nico, can’t he? he can tell nico that it’ll turn out alright.
because percy is a magnetic force. he draws people into him, like moths to a light, and he doesn’t even realize. he plays with people’s feelings, and he doesn’t even realize. he’s a gorgeous being in this universe, and he has no idea what kind of earthquakes he creates in people’s lives.
and the fact that percy is self-conscious about himself as well. that makes him human. that makes him a little more like nico. because at first, nico sees him as some kind of absolute god - but when he remembers that percy is insecure, tired, mentally exhausted... well, nico just basks in the idea that they are alike in this way.
nico wants to be as cool as percy is. he wants to attract the same attention. 
fuck, nico just wants to be percy. the son of poseidon is everything he’s always wanted to be. maybe that’s why he loves him so.
and this leads to hate towards percy, too. not just because nico hates himself for loving percy, but also because he’s so much more liked. he steals people’s attention with just a word, just a touch, just a movement. he hates him he hates him he hates him. 
but are love and hate so different?
i think the worst part about nico’s feelings for percy, though, is that percy never really even looks at him. so why does nico keep insisting on doing these favors for that asshole that’s stolen his heart? why does he insist on breaking himself up to pieces just so he can get a little attention from percy?
maybe because that little sliver of attention means absolutely everything to nico. even a little slice of percy’s gaze, of his acknowledgement of nico sends nico in a frenzy. because there’s a chance that if he keeps doing percy favors, maybe he’ll pay more attention. maybe he’ll hang around nico a little longer. maybe he’ll start being friendly with him. 
every piece of kindness nico gives him is another chance for nico to get closer to percy. 
he has no one. but if he has just a little bit of percy... just a little bit of his time... maybe that’s what nico needs.
now, in no way is this post saying that love is what would fix nico. i absolutely do not like percico, either. i just think that this is something that nico was thinking as a young kid. he was lonely. he just wanted someone. 
percy would definitely not fix nico. but nico could fool himself into thinking that maybe percy could have. because, again, nico is young. he was lonely. he just wanted to feel something stable in his life. he didn’t know any better than to think that just maybe a little love, a little affection could fix him. i know i felt like that at some points in my life.
i think a lot of his attraction towards percy was a result of a sense of vulnerable dependence.
but nico grows. he falls out of love with percy. and he learns that no one can fix him for him - only he is in charge of making things better for himself.
slowly, he lets go. he doesn’t need percy. 
letting go of him is probably the best thing he’s ever done for himself. 
thank you so MUCH for this ask!!! as you can see i went on like a huge-ass rampage over this (most of it being projection oOPS) but like. i don’t know. i have a lot of feelings about this. so thank you so much again. 
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simply-ellas-stuff · 4 years
My thoughts on Zack Snyder's Justice League because I watched it
The opening sequence, bc even tho the repeated scream audio was stuipid this opening was better
The new meeting between batman and Aquaman - that drawing on the wall in the og was unnecessary
Diana's extra badassery
The design of Stephen Wolf, because now he actually looks scaryish
THE BIGGER WITH IN THEMYSCIRA WHY THE FUCK DID THEY CUT THAT OUT?! - oh right, its because the previous director is sexist as fuck,
Stephen Wolf's Daddy Issues because that's fucking hilarious
Bruce explaining his want to find everyone bc of his promise
The close up on the fly things because that actually made it scary
Diana's extra badassery after getting the Arrow because WHY THE FUCK WAS THAT CUT?! This explains SO MUCH about how Diana knows SO MUCH about a time she wasn't alive in and I have NO FUCKING CLUE why it was cut!?
Arthur Curry is a Stripper - Confirmed!
Arthur and his trainer talking, but idfk why they kept the bubble thing Although I do like that they clarify that it's not just Mera who can do that bubble thingy
The scene between Stephen Wolf and the stone-wall dude person was cool and it explained why Stephen Wolf was so desperate
Zeus, Ares, and Artemis prepped for battle along with Poseidon in the flashback was FUCKING AWESOME!!! Diana's Aunt as well, the shows of the Green Lanterns, and the ring returning to the planet [Although they should've named Artemis, bc she can easily be mistaken for Athena - Also; Artemis' roman equivalent in the goddess Diana ]
Darkseid being in the flashback, which explains a lot
The Gods vs Darkseid was FUCKING AWESOME
Barry's awkward rambling after running into Iris
The Big Belly Burger Reference, nicely done
My dad says Iris' car is beautiful
The slow-mo crash gave me anxiety
My dad says, "I know you got all the time in the world but c'mon this is ridiculous" about that scene then "That beautiful car..."
Do. Not. Make. Diana. And. Bruce. Romantic. Don't. Fucking. Do. It.
The use of slow-mo is kind of redundant
Victor being fucking AMAZING even tho he's getting in trouble at school
Victor and Mama's discussion gives some life to the 2-Dlike Cyborg from the og movie, WHY THE FUCK WAS IT CUT?!
Victor's inner-world where he's still fully human
Barry being sarcastic as fuck towards his father lmfao
"Very attractive Jewish boy"
The reference to Grodd YAAAAAAAS
I still hate that Barry's lightning is blue and not red
The explanation of the Speedforce and Snacks
"What are your super powers again?" "I'm Rich" Still one of the best lines
I love Diana's shirt in the scene with Alfred
"Looks like you have a date, Ms. Prince" lmfao - Unless his name is Steve, I doubt it
I feel like Victor and Diana would be a good brother/sister duo, ngl
Burying the fucking box at your mothers grave was the stupidest shit I have ever fucking seen Victor.
Barry's utter fail at being normal around Diana
The underwater click-like dolphin speak was cool, but still kinda dumb knowing that later Aquaman speaks underwater just fine - ngl
Nice Liquidkinetics, Mera. Amber you're still a cunt.
Also, Mera says her parents died - Wasn't her father alive in Aquaman??
Victor seeing the bat-signal explains how he knew how to find them, honest
The badass entry of Bruce, Diana, and Barry makes me laugh
Barry is far too close to Bruce
Victor scared Barry LMFAOOOO
If Victor's father is the head of STAR Labs where the fuck is Harrison Wells?????
Diana's annoyance at Barry running ahead is such a Mom thing
Stephen using the bug thing makes SO MUCH MORE SENSE
Diana trying to make a plan and it getting ruined fits with the exasperated Mom theme she's got going on.
"I Belong To No One" I FUCKING LOVE IT
HEEEEEEEEELL of a push Barry lmfaooo
"Thank you Alfred" "Don't mention it" Mans is bored of your shit
Diana's x-move thing against Stephen Wolf YAAAAAAAAS BITCH
Diana saving Barry's ass - Accurate!
Victor taking over the Crawler makes more sense this way, honest
That jump onto the crawler was smooth as fuck Diana!
Stephen Wolf getting visions from the boxes also explains a lot about some shit
"I know the requirements, I wrote them" Suuuuuuubtle lmfaoo
Victor brining the box them also fits better
Why is this Stone looking mother fucker speaking Latin?
Hello Darkseid, you look particularly dramatic this evening
Victor's explaining how he knows about the box makes a lot of sense, why was this cut again??
Actually explaining the fucking Mother Box was Helpful
Mrs. Kent and Lois having a heart to heart holy shiiiit
Martha talking about how Clark's death was drowned out by Superman's - wooow
Ironic that Ezra-Flash's hero is Superman while Grant Gustin's hero is superman lmfao
Diana and Arthur chatting was cute, the quote was awesome and the Atlantians totally copped that quote from the Amazonians
Alfred being a sarcastic fuck is my favorite
Alfred being the voice of reason, as always
Arthur helping Barry pick a hat is AMAZING
Diana telling the boys to change, mom or big sister?? lmfaoo
Barry's social awkwardness gives me second hand embarrassment
This little infiltration arc makes SO MUCH more fucking sense
Every one being suited up and triggering the alarm is amazing
Mr. Stone fucking trusting his son is my faaaaaavorite
Barry looks like he's about to throw up
Arthur being antsy about not doing the resurrection makes so much sense
I love vision-Diana's Norse burial
The Military arriving was a sensible addition
The fancy ass dramatic ass arrival of Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Flash, and Cyborg when Superman gets to the monument is hilarious
Victor loosing control is the woooooorst
The Lasso of Truth almost got through to him but he's a stubborn fuck
Superman functioning in Flashtime is something I will never understand
Yeah lets shoot at the guy whose indestructible, right
"you should probably move" LMFAOOOO
Batman v. Superman part 2 insert eye roll here
headbutts like children - and that's cheating on the playground Clark.
Heat vision makes so much more sense than "do you bleed?"
Lois coming in cluuuuutch
I like Lois' appearance better than Alfred bringing her, it fits Lois better
Arthur and Barry now have rivalry lmfaooo
Mr. Stone being obsessed with the mother box is annoying as fuck
Mr. Stone is an idiot and he should've fucking left the box alone
That was a horrible death why was that necessary?!
Arthur being a pessimist in this movie is honestly hilarious, tho why is he anti-love??
Barry being surprised at Batman's richness is never not funny
"I'll take that as a yes" okay Clark, don't show off
"Its really me Ma" Best scene of the whole fucking movie
Barry and Arthur heart-to -heart "I thought you didn't car" "I never said that" BUILD THIS FRIENDSHIP
Bruce talking about faith never bodes well
"uh with the power of love" "Barry" LMFAOOOOOO
Since when does Superman have Geokinesis??
"just have to knock a little louder" Well, that's one way to knock Bruce
Nice crash boy
Straight up sounded like "Loud and queer" lmfaoooo
Diana leading the teeeeeeeaaaam Hell Yes!
I do miss the "I think we're all gonna die" lasso-Arthur scene tho. it was stupid - but funny.
THE TEAM SHOOOOT YES totally taken from Marvel but fuck did it look good
"you really are out of your mind" says the idiot who talks to fish
"not done yet" vs "your welcome" I like the second one better
Glorious hair Arthur lmfaoo
Fucking chair eject
Alfred doesn't even fucking blink when Clark arrives
Oh yeah, step back for the demi-god princess
The familiar flash buildup power ring will never not make me happy
Daaaaaayum Diana!!
Nice catch Arthur
Diana knows her mother and sisters are alive bc they sent the arrow to her, so why is he even trying it??
"Not impressed" Smooooooth
You sent Today at 5:44 PM
Them all standing there was straight up "Fuck with us, I dare you"
The epilogue was great but that dream was confusing, are we doing Alt-universe shit??
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edream93 · 4 years
You’re a Gryffindor, Hook: Year 2, Part 2
Finally got around to updating this! Here’s part 1 of Year 2 of “You’re a Gryffindor, Hook” . You can also read it on AO3. Enjoy!
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Harry paused in the doorway, eyes narrowed at the sight of a familiar head of black and white. “What are you doing here, DeVil?”
He took some pleasure in the way the small first year Ravenclaw jumped, looking like a startled pup. “Detention. Same as you I’m guessing,” Carlos frowned, going from startled to cautious in the blink of an eye, watching Harry wearily.
“Now why would a wee pup like you ye be in detention? Get caught reading one of yer fancy books after curfew?” Harry mockingly pouted.  
Carlos moved aside an old chest of broken broom parts between them so nonchalantly that Harry almost believed that the boy wasn’t shaking in his scuffed boots at the sight of him. Afterall, it wasn’t that many years ago that Harry, thanks to some accidental magic, turned one of the younger boy’s book into a barking little mutt that had the youngest DeVil hiding out in a tree at one of Madame Mim’s many granddaughters’ birthday. (In Harry’s defense, as he told a furious Harriet later, it was the younger boy’s fault. Who did Carlos DeVil think he was, with his baby cheeks and freckles taking away the attention of Harry’s best friend at one of these dull parties to “ooo” and “ah” over the mechanics of some stupid little muggle music box in Mim’s parlor?)
“I was late for class,” a bright flush covered the younger boy’s cheeks.
Harry snorted, rolling his eyes. That was a bald face lie. But Harry wasn’t in the mood to pursue that thought. Seven seas, he just wanted to go out and fly around on his broom to get the pent up tension that coiled in his body tightly out.
“You look horrible,” the Ravenclaw commented when Harry stepped more into the room, a large bruise on his left cheek that was already starting to turn. “Who did you get into a fight over Uma with this time?”
“Aw. Didn’t know ye cared, pup,” Harry smirked, leaning into the other’s boy space.
Carlos shifted uncomfortably. “I don’t,” he shuffled awkwardly from one foot to the other, rubbing his arm. Harry raised, a brow, puzzled over the boy’s sudden switch to shyness, unable to look in his direction as an even deeper blush began to paint his freckled cheeks. 
Before Harry could comment further, Uma stormed into the room with the presence of a hurricane. Harry didn’t even realize how he shifted to give her his full attention. Her eyes took in Carlos for a moment before Harry found himself at the end of a glare that, if it was possible, would have had him petrified ten times over. It made a fond grin grace his lips.
“Out DeVil,” she said, not breaking her glare.  “I’ll make sure he covers your punishment.”
Carlos nodded as if Uma had presented him a second chance at life. “Uh. Yeah. I’ll, uh...see ya in History of Magic.” And then he was gone. 
“What, in Poseidon’s name, did you think you were doing, Hook?” she snarled, her whole body wound tight as if to snap at the drop of a wand. 
Harry opened his mouth, an undoubtedly smart (and if he dare say, witty) remark snatched from his tongue as he released a startled painful howl. He reached back to cover where her stinging hex had landed before she could get another strike in.
“Careful! I bruise easily, lass!” 
“Oh shut it!” Uma growled, already raising her wand to throw another hex at him. “You. Weren’t. Thinking! Again! Are you trying to throw away all of your hard work and get kicked off the quidditch team? Huh? I thought you wanted to go pro! HUH? Are you gonna answer me Hook?” she asked, emphasizing each question with another hex.
Biting his lip against the pain, Harry couldn’t stop a chuckle from escaping. “Well yer not really giving me much space to talk, lass.” 
That was the wrong thing to say. He knew it was the wrong thing to say but he couldn’t help the excited little giggle that managed to escape his lips when Uma’s braids began moving with her anger as if they were in water. The smart thing to do would have been to get on his knees and beg for forgiveness. Instead he reached out and took her hand, hers so much smaller in his.
“They were talking about me Da,” he sighed, his playful facade wiped away with the last word. 
Uma paused, hair and body frozen before turning quickly on her heel. 
“I’m gonna fucking kill them.” 
Harry sighed, tugging her back with the hand that he was still holding. The corner of his lips twitched upwards at the pout on her face. She always made that face in the rare occasions that he had to stop her from getting into a fight.
“Then you’ll get in trouble and we can’t have Miss Top of Her Class ruin her chances of being Head Girl,” he said, giving her hand a squeeze before letting go. “Besides, I think those upperclassmen Gryffindors got the message to be more careful with what they say.”
Uma snorted, crossing her arms over her chest. “Yeah because you threatened them with a freaking hook! How the hell did you even get that through the wards Professor Godmother made last year after you were waving it around?”
Leaning forward into her personal space, cheshire grin growing wider when she didn’t move back but merely raised a brow at his antics. “Tis an old pirate secret, lass. Maybe I’ll tell you after our wedding.”
Tossing her braids over her shoulder, Uma spun on her heel again to exit. “Who said I wanted to marry you?” she stuck her tongue out at him, falling into their usual, much safer teasing before leaving.
“That wasn’t a no!” Harry yelled after her retreating back, receiving a few stares from a few Ravenclaws who had been passing by. “What?” he asked them. “Want an invite to the wedding?” 
They looked at him, shocked before quickly making their way to wherever they were going, Harry swearing he heard one of them say something not so polite about outdated pureblood traditions. Harry ignored them.
Instead, the grin he wore slipped off, and he found himself leaning against the wall and sliding down to the floor, pulling at his hair.
“Heard your father went crazy and tried to kill muggleborn sons.”
“I heard that the Aurors who found him didn’t know whether they should take him to Azkaban or the mind ward at St. Mungo’s because he was that out of his bloody mind.”
“You going to saw off your own hand too like him?”
“Are you going to be obsessed over that little Slytherin witch of yours like he was over that boy that he killed? Huh? Are you? Are you!”
“Harry. Listen to me. You need to breathe,” he was commanded and like someone had switched on the “On” switch, Harry inhaled, taking in a large breath of air. He was instructed to do it several more times until his breathing was even again. 
How long ago had it been since his last panic attack? The muggle-born mind healer, that Mr. Smee had forced Harry and his sisters to go after moving in with the jovial man, had told him stress could trigger these attacks. Thinking about James Hook was very stressful.
Harry looked up, startled to see the brown hair and the always too kind brown eyes of his housemate, Ben. “What are you doing here?” he growled, though panic attacks were always tiring so it sounded more like a pout. 
“I heard about what happened the other day,” Ben explained. Though it didn’t really explain much to Harry. The “Prince of Gryffindor” with his too kind smiles and too friendly demeanor always set Harry on edge.
“And lookey!” Harry snipped. “Yer right on time for the after show. What were you expectin’, lad? A bunch of laughs?” He attempted to push himself to his feet. Ben reached out to help but withdrew due to Harry’s weak glare.
“I didn’t-”
“Don’t,” Harry cut him off. “Take yer goody-two shoe act and save it for someone who gives a rats ass. And if I hear a word of what you just saw being gossip about,” Harry threatened, crowding into his housemates personal space, the air around them ripe with Harry’s rage. “I’ll hook ya and feed you to the giant squid myself!”
He expected the boy to be scared. Maybe even cry for his mommy. But Ben just looked at him with what Harry saw as pity before shaking his head and began walking away. 
Before he left  Harry watched as he left the room though, he turned around and said, “I know you have Uma, but it doesn’t just have to be you two against the world,” before continuing walking.  
Harry fumed quietly. The teasing mood that he had had with Uma gone. Only when he was sure that he wasn once again alone, Harry quickly reached for an empty glass bottle that was on a shelf next to him and threw it at the wall with a frustrated roar.
He breathed heavily, running his hands through his hair, once, twice, three times before straightening, taking a deep breath as he took out his wand. With a well practiced swoop and a flick, the smashed bottle was whole again and back on the shelf. 
No point making even a bigger mess, Harry thought. His life was a mess enough...
A few weeks later, Harry waited exactly ten minutes before he was sure that old Professor Porter was actually well off to the land of dreams before deciding to ditch another detention. He got up with a lazy stretch, swiping his things into his satchel with a careless ease that couldn’t be practiced. He paused at the door to the classroom, glancing over his shoulder expectantly.
“You coming, lad?”
The blonde Hufflepuff looked surprised. Seven seas, even Harry was surprised though he acted with his usual devil may care attitude. He watched as the Hufflepuff looked around the otherwise empty classroom before pointing to himself with the most stunned look on his face. “Are you, are you talking to me?” he asked uncertainly. 
The Gyrffindor huffed dramatically. A voice that sounded a lot like Uma’s reminded him to be patient. “Ye see anyone else here in detention with us? Yes! Of course you!” The blonde paused, still unsure. “NOW!” Harry hissed before both boys froze as Professor Porter snorted in his sleep. The old man’s big white mustache wiggled on his face as he curled further into the large armchair that he liked to lecture from at the front of the room. Once the sounds of uninterrupted snoring continued, both boys let out relieved sighs.
The blonde quietly got up with his things and made his way towards Harry. The dark haired wizard did a double take, having severely underestimated how hulking the Hufflepuff was. “Won’t we get in more trouble?”
“First time in detention with Porter?” Harry asked, already walking out the room. He wasn’t even sure what the seven seas he was doing. Harriet always said impulse control was one of his weaker points. That he didn’t think things through and acted on instinct too much. But instinct was what led him to befriend a girl with the force of ten storms in her small body when she forced him to share his chocolate frog with her on his own birthday. And instinct was what led him to be interested in the towering blonde Hufflepuff who always seemed to want to curl into himself and who had whispers of someone else’s dark legacy trailing after him. Professor Godmother had said once to Harry that like minded souls called out to each other (though he’s pretty sure that when she said that, after he had got caught trying to sneak into the Slytherin common room, it hadn’t been a good thing.) 
But there was no chance to pause and over analyze instincts and motives. Harry didn’t even pause, already knowing the other boy was following. He only paused when his stomach growled loudly. “Wonder if Uma saved me something from dinner,” he thought aloud before frowning. Probably not. She had not been happy when his little prank on Chad Charming’s potion in class had backfired and exploded onto everything and everyone within its radius, including Uma. 
Harry definitely wasn’t looking forward to the howler that Harriet was going to send once Uma tattled on him. Bloody girls and their damn girl code. What happened to blood being thick? What happened to loyalty? Merlin, Uma was pissed when that foul smelling potion got into her hair. Harry was sorry. Truly, he was. Well at least in regards to Uma. No one was supposed to get hurt, least of all Uma. She had to know that...right? Right. They were best friends. She couldn’t stay mad at him for too long. (He hoped…He didn’t know what he’d do without her...)
“Are you hungry? I know where we can get some food even though dinner is over,” the Hufflepuff eagerly shared, pulling Harry out of his thoughts.
A loud growl came from Harry’s stomach again, making the boy’s decision for him.
“Lead the way,” Harry said sweeping into an over exaggerated bow before pausing, turning to the blonde with a thoughtful look. “What’s your name, mate?” 
He knew he should know. Uma would know. But it was only because Rick Ratcliffe had taunted the boy mercilessly asking about someone named Gaston who was in Azkaban that Harry’s instinct had led him to punching the the snot nosed poser in the face, just as Professor Merryweather had been rounding the corner. Ratcliffe had cried like a baby and both Harry and the unfortunate Hufflepuff had landed in detention. 
Harry was given a long name that sounded French like that goody Prince of Gryffindor’s. The thought of his housemate must have made a nasty scowl find its way on his face because the other boy began to shrink even further in himself. Quite a feat since the Hufflepuff looked like he could easily wrestle a basilisk. Harry tried to smooth out his features. He didn’t want to scare the other boy with his temper after all.
Harry frowned. “Gilly?” he asked catching on to something about a nickname.
“Oh!” the Hufflepuff blushed. “Uh, it’s really just something my mom called me. Gillyweed. I’m...uh...a really good swimmer?” he questioned more than stated as he rubbed the back of his neck. “And fish have, you know, gils. My friends call me Gil. Well, one of them does. My only one actually,” the boy said, looking like ol’ Tic-Toc did when Ettie had accidentally thrown away the reptilian familiar’s favorite chew toy.
“Oh, Davy Jones,” Harry sighed, something that felt strangely like a damn conscious twisting inside.
The next day during breakfast, Uma plopped herself across at the Gryffindor table across from Harry, like she usually did, hair unbraided and brushed into a poof on the top of her head, no longer smelling like shrimp and no longer looking like she would ring his neck. Tension released from his shoulders that he hadn’t even been aware that he was holding until she reached over to stab her fork into a piece of crepe on his plate. Just like she did with his food every morning despite the plate of fresh crepes right in front of her.
 “When did they start making crepes for breakfast?” she asked before again bypassing the plate of delicious looking crepes that was for anyone at the table to take to take another piece from Harry’s plate.
“Gil is on friendly terms with the house elves in the kitchens,” Harry explained reaching over to take a sip of the juice that Uma had poured for herself. 
Uma turned towards the Hufflepuff sitting next to Harry who looked terrified to be the focus of her attention. “Gil?” she raised a brow, Harry knowing she was confused because that was obviously not the name she knew him by. 
“Gil is what friends can call him,” Harry explained in the other boy’s stead who was turning red under Uma’s heavy gaze. 
She was quiet for a second before blinking and stabbing some of the Hufflepuff's crepes. “Gil’s a good name,” she said simply. “It reminds me of gillyweed. I think the last Triwizard Tournament winner used it for one of the challenges.”
For a moment, Gil looked dazed before smiling brightly, before launching into a very enthusiastic description of the properties and uses of gillyweed and other aquatic plants. Every now and then, Uma would comment and Gil would pause, listening intently like she was telling him the secrets of the universe. (It was a look that Harry was very used to wearing in her presence.)
And when Gil reached over, without hesitating with his own fork to take some of Harry's, and then Uma’s, eggs, the reluctant Gryffindor supposed he was okay if he had just one more person fighting against the world with him. 
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sereisstuff · 5 years
𝕎𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕓𝕠𝕪
Demi god Jungkook x chubby reader
Summary of the tale - after being kicked out of the kingdom again, leaves the young price stranded on a beach to which where Jungkook runs into a sarcastic witty teen.
genres - fiction, humor, sarcasm
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The tender sound of the water crashing against the sand soothing your intense battle of mind, occurrences of the past slowly easing from your image, embracing the intense energy of the moon relishing in the beach breeze that brushed through your locks, carefully dragging in a long sigh, tilting your head back to relax the rising tension in your shoulders with eyes closed tuning in with the sound, the endless battle of sand and the ocean was something you were used to.
How soft the ocean could make you feel, the relieved feeling of being free from the caged you fought to unlock all your life. the profound scenes you would imagine in any moment given time, cliches being played out when you would no longer cage your imagination.
The stars blanketing the sky blessing you with an unconscious smile, a genuine smile. You carelessly picked up a shell from its place using the light emitting from the moon to analyze its beauty for yourself before blowing the sand from beneath its floor to inspect what type you’ve found this time, not truly knowing the type but it surely wasn’t the same as your last finding.
You enjoyed the presence of the water, coming here in times of need or times of longing, lips trembling with a wave of sadness that only the view could comfort, a place where you write novels with your eyes and a mind full of curiosities reside, you had always been utterly fascinated with the idea of gods wanting to be one yourself as a child but that was only playful banter.
You set the shell down, sighing once again, digging your palms into the soft undertone of the damp sand that began flowing from your hand in small groups, throwing it towards the ocean before cheering like you had won the war.
Your train of thoughts quickly came to an end, stuck to the sound of choking more so the sound of a male choking, scared, you didn’t look afraid of what’s to be seen if you dared to look towards the presence, but eavesdropping wasn’t so bad.
“Not again” you heard the male groan before choking back another liter of water drowning his throat but unknowingly it wasn’t the water choking him but the unfrequented use of air he was only coming in contact with now “what the absolute fuck” you unintelligibly shouted, wide-eyed as you stared mouth gaped towards the naked man.
His eyes meet your own causing him to scream as well “pervert” he shouted back clothing his parts, you threw your head to the side covering your eyes with your visibly shaking hand “am not” you replied, angered at his assumption. “I feel absolutely violated” the brunette hissed in pain, cracking his bones as he got used to the feeling of gravity.
He sighed limping your way, his toes curling around the sand as every step he took pained his legs “You weird perverted human”  you heard him grumble under his breath, his steps coming closer to your body every few seconds, you stood up quickly, dusting the excess sand of your pants before running off leaving the male cursing under his breath.
“get back here” without you noticing he immersed himself in water, changing clothes as he chased after you tripping once or twice along the way, Jungkook tensed before letting a smirk conquer his lips, he rolled his eyes back relaxing his fingers before curling them as the tides lifted.
the wind strengthened causing you to stumble on your feet, unaware of what was going on behind you, Jungkook thrusted his arms forward advancing the cold water to wrap around your body, forcing you back to which you struggled to release yourself from his tight hold.
“finally” he huffed, a piece of his dark blue hair flicking back “what’s your name, human” he asked as if he didn’t look just like on, you frowned keeping your head strong and persisted to not utter..one..word.
“don’t be so difficult” he trudged around you with his hands behind his back, examining your now soaked hoodie picking at the fabric as he hissed of distaste “stranger danger” you screamed pathetically as he panicked, tackling you over as you now both layed sprawl on the sand, Jungkook covered your mouth gulping in fear.
“do you not know who I am?” he whispered, nostrils flaring in anger, you replied shaking your head “Jesus, is that you?” you replied snorting to yourself earning a slam of his fist on the side of your head “of course I don’t know who you are idiot” you spat.
“I’m Poseidon’s son, prince of the sea, doesn’t ring a bell” his eyes narrowed searching for an answer as you thinned your lips pursuing them in a straight line of thought “clearly my first guess to seeing a naked stranger on the beach is oh look it’s Poseidon son a mythical god who’s only portrayed in movies like Percy Jackson and books I will never read” you sarcastically remarked.
“now can you please get off me, I can feel everything” you shifted uncomfortable glancing down to which Jungkook did the same, Jumping up quicker then ever after seeing his slightly hard erection that had no place being there “you should probably go sort that out, Poseidon's son” you rubbed your sore bottom as you brushed of some more sand.
“I have a name you know”
“wow, really so do I” 
Jungkook tilted his head, feeling exhilarated to every odd comment you made with no shame whatsoever, some how you seemed alluring, your aura drawing him nearer as he glanced at your for longer then supposed “I’m just gonna head out” you mumbled frowning as you began to leave, Jungkook reacted fast, grabbing your wrist in his own.
“I’m coming with you” your eyes shot wide, shaking your head “ah, no you don’t” you tried pulling your wrist from his only for it to be tightened “take me with you or-”
you paused momentarily “or what” you raised your brows awaiting his answer, he stumbled over his words as you began to slowly drift from reality “Or I’ll cause a tsunami” although Jungkook could barely do that, the truth was far from you as you shook your head “What no, you can’t”
“oh, but I can” you grimaced as you processed the thought of this stranger coming with you 
“fine, hurry up my dear prince”
(this was literally written while I was half asleep, and in need of some humor to lighten my life)
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Chapter 3 - Welcome to Ilvermorny
Fic series: The Final Straw (HP/PJO Crossover)
Premise: The Welcome Feast causes a rocky start to the year.
Taglist: @ilvermornymascot, @lukecastellandeservedbetter
Word count: 1,652
A/N: I feel it's important to mention that I wrote this at 2AM (lmao shocker) and accidentally called the dorms lodges because I pictured them as such. After consulting the group chat I always consult, it's staying that way because why not. And yes, I absolutely used combination knocks because of Wizards of Waverly Place (S4 E21 if you don't know what I'm talking about). Please let me know if you want to be on the taglist, and please comment as it helps keep me motivated! Hope you enjoy the chapter, it ended up being fun to write!
The room buzzed with excitement as the students watched the first years get sorted into their houses. Nova stood next to the Head Boy, Lucas Hoffman, and tried to seem interested in the sorting. The nerves she felt were hard to hide, with the threat of a Prophecy being revealed tonight. Rachel Dare had collapsed on the way up to the school with the rest of the transfers, and Nova couldn't help but notice a flicker of a green glow in her eyes.  
She could only hope that nothing would happen while the mortal girl waited with her friends to be sorted into a house like everyone else. The last thing that was needed was to provoke a group of demigods with quick access to their weapons and already felt suspicious of the place. “You okay?" 
 "What?" Nova looked up at her friend. "Oh yeah, just tired and hungry." 
"Are you sure that's it?"  
"Lucas, I'm fine," Nova insisted. The Head Boy opened his mouth to speak but ultimately let it go, knowing how stubborn his friend could be. They turned back to watch the sorting, and Nova cheered with the rest of her house whenever someone got sorted into Pukwudgie. Still, she didn't seem to have her heart in the sorting like she did every year.  
When the ceremony ended, the student body moved into The Great Hall. Nova relaxed a bit entering the familiar surroundings and smiled. The staff table was at the very end of the hall and faced the door that led into the room. A bear lectern was placed in front of the Headmasters seat, which sat in the middle of the long table.  
Unlike Hogwarts, Ilvermorny had over one hundred circular tables for the students, and students from every house were free to sit together. The American Wizarding school prided itself on their inclusivity, part of that being the inter-house relationships.  
The Hall was decorated with Indigenous artwork, representing the founders of the school. Paintings on the walls told the story of Ilvermorny, and how it was founded. The ceiling was reflective of the night sky. Thousands of candles were floating in mid-air, lighting up the room. Ilvermorny had brought some of Hogwarts' famous features to The Great Hall as a way to help the European students feel more at home.
Ghosts floated around and interacted with the students, startling the demigods that were already distracted by the interior. When the witch took a seat next to Cree, she couldn't help but notice a particularly familiar face within the ghosts. Peeves the Poltergeist had decided to tag along, likely eager to terrorize a new group of students. Harry Potter, who was at the same table, followed her eye line and looked even more displeased than she felt. "Blimey, I thought he was joking." 
"I'm sorry, what?" 
"To our new students, welcome," Headmaster Tahamente greeted everyone. "And to our upper years welcome back. We have much to discuss this evening, but for now please enjoy the feast." 
Food appeared at the table, and students immediately began piling their plates. Ron Weasley was one of the first to dig in, stuffing his face with shepherd's pie. Hermione scoffed at her friend's lack of proper etiquette. "Honestly Ronald, do you have any manners?" 
"What? I'm hungry," he said between mouthfuls. Nova laughed as Harry rolled his eyes at Hermione chastising Ron.  
"Um... can I help you?" Harry asked, uncomfortable. Nova followed his eye line to Cree, who was staring at The Chosen One in disbelief.  
"You're Harry Potter," his jaw dropped. "As in the Harry Potter." 
"Cree, we talked about this." 
"Can you blame me?" 
"I'm sorry, Harry," she sighed. "I requested my friend here do the exact opposite of that. Cree is clearly a big fan of yours." 
"It's nice to meet you, Cree." he smiled. Harry hated attention because of his fame, but he was kind nonetheless. That was something Nova liked about her friend and made a mental note to talk to Cree about dialling down the fanboy attitude after tonight. 
All the boy could do was stare open-mouthed, still starstruck. "Potter has a whole fan club here, too?" 
"Malfoy, are you really failing to consider the fact that our friend here is world famous?" Nova sassed. She had only known Draco during her transfer year at Hogwarts during the Triwizard Tournament and was still skeptical of the Slytherin. Despite choosing to go against Voldemort during the war, he was going to have to put in a lot of effort to gain the trust of everyone he had bullied these past few years. 
"I don't need-" 
"Hey," Harry put a hand on Malfoy's shoulder. "You said you wanted our forgiveness. That means not lashing out." 
Draco relaxed at Harry's touch and went back to his food while he tried to hide the blush forming on his face. The meal consisted of Cree overwhelming Harry with questions, and Nova constantly apologizing for her friends' behaviour. It went on until after dessert when the Headmaster approached the lectern once again. A hush fell over the crowd as he began to speak.  
"I hope that was a satisfying meal," he smiled at everyone. "First, a few housekeeping rules. Students must not leave their lodges after ten pm on weekdays, and midnight on weekends. Students under year five are not to leave campus on weekends. The forest is off-limits, as the Party Ponies do not take kindly to unwelcome visitors-" 
"Party Ponies?" Ron whispered. 
"I'll explain later," Nova responded.  
"Finally, if you haven't already," Professor Tahamente continued. "Please come see me, or your Head of House to state your pronouns and preferred name." 
Nova glanced around, watching all the confused expressions from the Hogwarts students. She remembered when she first learned what pronouns meant, and hoped the European wizards complied without issue. "As you all know, we are joined this year by students from Hogwarts, and Demigods from Camp Half-Blood-" 
Whispers filled the halls, many of which speculated why Demigods were at the school.  
"Settle down," Tahamente gently commanded. "Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has found itself in need of repairs that may take the whole year. Headmistress McGonagall has asked me and President Olivier to host her students while their school is under construction. As for the Demigods, we feel that the divide between us needs come to an end. Chiron and Mr. D have gladly set up a program in hopes of creating a bond certain to help in the future."
"Mr. D can’t even be bothered to remember our names," Nova overheard Percy's comment. She made eye contact with him as she stifled a laugh, and the boy smirked at her and winked.  
"Finally, we have new additions to our staff," the Headmaster turned slightly, gesturing to the staff table. Tahamente began with Chiron and Mr. D, then introduced the professors that had joined the staff for the demigod program, as well as the new Gamekeeper. "Now that introduction is out of the way, we will end the night-" 
The headmaster's speech was interrupted when a girl with fiery red hair stood up abruptly. Rachel's eyes glowed bright green, and a mist the same colour poured out of her mouth as she made her way to the front of the Hall. The wizards looked terrified, and most of the demigods were annoyed. 
"Demigod and wizard come together,  
Find the bridge and break the tether.  
The heroes combined,  
Shall face the unkind.  
In order to preserve their days,  
They must find the one in which betrays."  
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Percy shouted angrily.
The son of Poseidon stormed out of The Great Hall, and Annabeth stood up to follow. Nova rushed to the demigoddess and stopped her before she continued on. "Take Percy to the lodges. A Pukwudgie will be able to guide you there if you ask politely." 
"Thank you," Annabeth rushed to catch up with her best friend, and Nova went to help Rachel for the second time that day.  
"Are you alright, dear?" Nurse Hawkins helped Rachel to her feet.  
"Yes, thank you," she responded tiredly. 
"She's in my house, I'll get her to the dorms immediately," Nova put an arm around the mortal to support her. After some protest, the Nurse allowed Nova to take Rachel to the dorms. All she needed was a small amount of Wiggenweld potion. She led Rachel out of the Great Hall, trying to ignore the stares and whispers as she passed. The girls didn't speak until they got to the entrance of the Pukwudgie building, passing Annabeth and Percy as they sat at the campfire the school had set up for the Demigods.  
"Our lodge has a small infirmary, we'll stop there first." Nova led them to the infirmary and helped Rachel onto a bed. The Head Girl went into the cabinets to find Wiggenweld, then poured a small amount into a Dixie Cup, and handed it to the Priestess. "It's just a basic healing potion, it won't harm you." 
Rachel took the cup and hesitated before downing the liquid. She winced at the taste but looked a lot better instantly. Since Python took over the Oracle of Delphi, readjusting to the oracle's magic was taxing on Rachel. Nova couldn't imagine what it was like and felt for the mortal girl.  
When they left the infirmary, Nova brought Rachel over to the group of new students that had just arrived with the sixth year prefects and began the trek up eight flights of stairs to get to her new room.  
The room was easy to find, it is the first door in the corridor on her left. The Head Girl was about to open the door with her new combination knock when she noticed the name plaque under her own. She was sharing her room with Payton Wills, a Gryffindor that she didn’t get along with at Hogwarts.
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lunanight2012 · 4 years
A Whole New World Chapter 1 Part 1
{Y/N} = Your Name
{E/C} = Eye Color
{H/L} = Hair Length
{H/C} = Hair Color
{S/C} = Skin Color
{N/N} = Nickname
{L/N} = Last Name
1 year later
(1st person pov)
A whole year has passed since I came to this world and you know what. I love it!
Harry and I have been paired together, and well. We kinda have a thing. I have long since gotten rid of my old clothes and became a full fledged pirate. Oh and Harry and I live together in his apartment.
He's become my best friend, I've never had a best friend so this was nice.
"{Y/N}! Hello? Ya coming?" Harry exclaimed from the hall.
"I'm comin!" I exclaimed, getting my bandana and tying it around my head, keeping my {H/C} {H/L} out of my face.
I headed out of the bedroom and over to where Harry was waiting for me at the door. I smirked, a very mischievous idea coming to mind. I grabbed his hook from him and bolted out the door, giggling like crazy.
"Get back 'ere!" Harry shouted, chasing after me, though I could hear the laughter in his voice.
I laughed as I dodged residents in the market, making my way towards Ursula's Chip Shop. 
Making it inside I placed his hook on the sword check barrel, placing my sword inside before I scampered off towards Uma.
"Bout time Ya showed up… where's Harry?" Uma questioned as I got on my apron to help out at the shop. 
I didn't even answer, just gestured at the door as Harry ran through, grabbing his hook off the barrel and placing his sword in the barrel.
"Ye little brat!" Harry exclaimed, though it was easy to see he wasn't angry, with that goofy smile on his face.
Yea I may or may not do this to him regularly, i perked up as Uma started to swear at the tv.
I walked over to the tiny television and watched with Harry, Uma, and Gil.
I held Harry's left hand, we just stood there watching a limo pull up to the Auradon school and there they were. A bunch of scary idiots, Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay. Harry knew how much I wanted to get all the kids off the Isle, but we were Uma's crew so to Uma we wanted to get off the Isle ourselves.
Harry squeezed my hand, knowing what we were seeing was really bugging me.
"Uma! Imma take {Y/N} to the beach. She's not doin good." Harry explained untying my apron and dragging me out of the shop and down to the small littered beach.
"Come on {N/N} what's wrong? I know ye don't like that they got chosen to go to Auradon but what's really botherin ya?" Harry asked me, crossing his arms over his chest. 
I stared at the ground, not saying anything. I just wanted to tell him I like as more than a friend but I'm scared.
"I just feel horrible that those jerks get to go to Auradon and you guys don't. Why can't you guys have a nice life with those goody two shoes. I mean heck there's a lot of gorgeous girls in Auradon. I mean have you seen Prince Ben's girlfriend? What was her name???" I rambled on, trying to remember Aurora's daughter's name.
Harry lifted an eyebrow but went along with it. "Audrey? Yea she's alright. I ain't really the princess type if ye haven't noticed {N/N}." Harry stated, showing off his hook.
I chuckled, rubbing the back of my neck. Suddenly a clinking bottle drew us away. Of course Captain Hook would find us here on this spot of the beach.
"Boy! Where the hell have ye been!! And who is this pretty thing?" Hook held out his hook, brushing some of my hair back. 
I cringed and backed away, only for him to grab my wrist with his non-hook hand, rather tightly might I add.
"Where do ye think yer goin? Yer coming with me!" Hook exclaime, a VERY creepy grin on his face.
Harry grabbed his fathers hand and ripped it off my wrist, pulling me behind him and glaring at his dad.
"She's mine pops. Fuck off and be pissed somewhere else!" And as soon as those words left Harry's mouth a loud smack could be heard, followed by me gasping.
Yeah, Captain Hook bitch slapped his son across the face. "How dare you talk to me like that you lowly punk! You sir are coming with me." Hook grabbed Harry's left wrist and dragged him away. 
Harry turned back to me, mouthing ‘get back to Umas now’
I whimpered, watching helplessly as harry was dragged away by Hook ‘im sorry’
~back at Ursula's Chip Shop~
I walked back into the shop, head hung low, trying to not cry.
"Where the hell have you bee- where's Harry?" Uma asked looking around.
"His father tried to take me away, so Harry stepped in and his father slapped him and took him away, it's all my fault…" I explained, a sadness to my tone.
Uma dropped whatever she was holding. "Dammit! That bastard is an abusive fuck! {Y/N} go find some bandages, and some needle and thread. Gil, go boil some water! It is gonna be a long day." Uma ordered.
I nodded and ran towards the stalls. Stealing everything Uma asked of me. Running back towards the Chip Shop all I could think of was what was gonna happen to Harry. Is he gonna be ok? This is all my fault. If we had just stayed at the shop-
"{Y/N}! Did you find everything?" Uma exclaimed, drawing me out of my mental breakdown.
I nodded and handed her everything. She nodded in approval and placed them behind the counter in a safe place.
And so while we waited for Harry to return, I helped out Uma at the Shop. It was a rough time helping out without Harry. Mostly because grown men were hitting on me and ugh!! I just want Harry to come back safe and sound.
2 hours later~~~~
I groaned as I held my head, tired of the drunken whistles and catcalls coming from the older male customers. And yes I've been grabbed a couple of times already. My butt, my wrists, my waist… need I go on?
I slumped against the bar as Uma pushed a plate towards me, with fish and eggs and oh!
Harry came in right then, his hook on his belt, hugging his right arm. I ran to him, tears in my eyes.
"Harry!!! I'm so glad you're back!! Wait what's wrong with your arm?" I asked, about to hug him but stopped as I noticed blood dripping down to the floor from his right arm.
"Dad fucked up my arm" Harry explained, wincing as he walked over to the bar.
Uma saw Harry and ran over to him. "I swear to Poseidon, I will kill that fucker dad of yours once and for all for what he's done to you! The bastard doesn't deserve to live!" Uma raged, her shell necklace glowing from beneath her shirt, trying to unleash umas anger, but to no avail.
Uma took Harry over behind the bar counter and got out the medical supplies and, Gil and I’s help, stitched the slice on his arm back up and created a sling for his arm. Uma ordered me to take harry home and make sure the cut didn’t get infected.
I sniffed as I eyed Harry’s arm, seeing blood splotches blooming beneath the white of the sling.
“Harry?” I whispered, he hummed, wincing as he turned to look at me “why did you do that for me? Protect me from your dad? It only caused you harm” he stopped walking, stared at me for a moment, that’s when I finally noticed his face, littered with bruises and cuts, his lip busted and scabbed, a blackening eye.
“I” he started, closing his eyes, taking a deep breath, “I care about yeh lassie, I couldn’t let him do tha’ ta yeh, not on my watch”
I felt my eyes tear up. "N-no- no one has ever cared about me that much." I whispered, rubbing the tears from my {E/C} eyes.
Harry was surprised by that. "Really? Now tha' is surprisin'. Yer very special, don' ever let anyone tell ya differently." Harry stated, pulling me to his chest, I began to cry.
We stood like this for only a moment longer before people started noticing us. Harry grabbed my hand with his good one and we ran to the apartment. Ducking, jumping, squeezing past all the people in the marketplace was a task but we were both laughing by the time we got to the apartment.
I placed my palm on the door to open it, slightly wincing. But hey what can you expect from permanent scars on both of my palms, that still hurt even after a year.
Harry frowned. "Scars hurtin?" He asked me once we were inside.
"Yea. But it's alright." I smiled as I closed the door behind Harry.
"Let meh see 'em." He stated, holding out his good hand. 
I sighed and placed both of my hands in his hand. He pulled my hands up to his face and kissed them. My face turning bright red.
He smirked. "Ok lass. Now I've waited a year but I've got two questions for ye." Harry stated, sitting down on our rundown couch.
"Ok." I remarked, raising an eyebrow.
"First off. You mentioned you had an affinity for water. What do ye mean by that?" Harry asked me.
I sighed, sitting on the stool across from him. 
"Alright, guess I should expect this. When I was very young, really my entire life, my mom didn't really like me. And now that I think about it, no one in my family liked me. I never got what I wanted for my birthday. My mom kept me inside as much as possible. But when I was young, on rainy days I would sneak out to the backyard and sit on a big log that laid in the back of our backyard and would just giggle as the rain wouldn't touch me but would lightly swirl around me. Of course when my mom saw me she'd scream bloody murder and drag me back inside. Granted the minute she would grab me the rain would hit me. As I got older I learned that being "special" was not something people should know. I needed to keep it locked away. But that didn't make my relationship with my family any better. Actually 6 months before I arrived here I was kicked out of my parents house. I was only 14. I have my own small apartment. Actually, your apartment here is bigger than the one I had back on my world. And I had to lie about my age to get a job, AND I'm still in High School. So yea. Maybe coming here was the world's way of saying I needed a fresh start." I rambled on.
Harry chuckled. "Outside of this barrier is magic. And now I understand why you and Uma get along like sisters." Harry stated, leaning back.
"Har. You said you had two questions. What is the second question?" I asked, becoming curious.
"O-oh… *swallows* Well lass. Ye know I really like ye. And I was wonderin' would ye want to be meh gurl?" Harry asked, his face heating up.
I blushed but smiled, getting up and sitting next to Harry's good side. 
"I like you too harry, and yes i'll be yer gurl" I mocked his accent with a big smile on my face.
Harry smiled and leaned closer to my face. I smirked and grabbed his shirt and pulled him in for a kiss. Harry hummed into the kiss, pushing his passion into it. I felt his good hand cup my cheek. After a moment we broke apart, our breaths ragged.
I brushed his cheek with my thumb. "Well, you just had the honor of being my first kiss!" I giggled with a blush.
Harry smirkes. "Well I'm very much honored lassie~!" Harry winked at me. My face turned bright red in embarrassment.
I looked over at the cracked clock. 12:30pm.
Good thing it's saturday… wait it's thursday!
"Harry we've missed half of school. But with how hurt you are we'll skip today." I stated, standing up. Harry shrugged “eh, missing school is a good thing ‘ere remember? If every vk went to school everyday we would lose all our rep”
"I'm going to grab us some food from the mart. I'll be right back." I said smiling down at him. 
Before Harry could say anything I nicked his hook and left the apartment. Tying my bandana around my head I headed out to the market. Holding Harry's hook in my {dominant} hand.
I got to the market, scouring the stalls, I spotted a stall with semi-fresh fruit. Waiting till the owner wasn't looking, I snuck over and stole two apples, and two peaches. 
"Hey! What do you think your doing missy?" 
I smirked, hiding the fruit in my bag and holding up the hook. 
"What did ye say?" I asked, mimicking Harry's voice.
The stall owner held up their hands. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't realize you were one of Uma's crew! Please t-take this." The owner handed me a bag of money.
I smirked. "Thank ye very much. Uma will be very happy." I thanked and left. Of course I hit a few stands too, getting eggs, fabrics, and even some potatoes that didn't look too bad.
As I walked back into the apartment I began to sing a song from my world. 
"I need another story. Something to get off my chest. My life is kind of boring. Need something that I can confess." I sing as I set the fruit in a basket that was on the cracked kitchen counter.
"'Til all my sleeves are stained red. From all the truth that I've said. Come by it honestly I swear. Thought you saw me wink, no. I've been on the brink, so." I twirled, putting the eggs in the fridge.
Harry watched me with his brow raised, clearly confused by me.
"Tell me what you want to hear! Something that will light those ears! Sick of all the insincere! So I'm gunna give all my secrets away!" I sang smiling like an idiot.
"Lass. Whatcha singin? Never hear'd that song before." Harry questioned, taking his hook back.
"Its a song from my world." I explained, something I hadn't noticed was that the gold ring around my pupils was getting bigger, slowly covering up my {E/C} eyes.
"Hmm sounds interestin'. Although I much prefer yer voice over everythin'." Harry stated, pulling me close.
I giggled. "Come on Harry. If your feeling well enough to cuddle then you can come with me while I take the money I got to Uma." I stated, holding up the bag of money.
"How'd ya get that?" 
"The stall owners saw yer hook and got scared shitless." I admitted, smiling.
Harry smirked and pulled me close, kissing my head. "I love ye so much lass!" He said into my hair.
I giggled. "Come on my pirate. Let's go see Uma." I smiled.
We left the apartment and headed for Uma's place. The Chip Shop to be exact.
As we get closer I hear singing. 
"What's my name? What's my name?" 
"Not again." I groan.
"Hmm? What's up lass?" Harry asked, curious.
"Uma's singing her what's my name song again." I explained standing outside of the shop. Harry's eyes dilated and he almost seemed like a different person.
He walked right into the shop and started singing. Great. I walked in after him. Not paying any attention to Uma, Harry, or the crew. I sat with my back facing them and ordered a plate of fish. Gil was sitting next to me, clearly too busy eating his eggs to participate in the singing. 
"Gil. Why do you eat so much eggs? Don't you get sick of them?" I asked him as my food arrived.
"No! I gotta eat lots to be like my dad!" He said with his mouth full.
I rolled my eyes, then I noticed that Gil's blonde hair was getting in his eyes. I stole a brown bandana off of a patron and handed it to him. 
"Here Gil. Use this. It'll help you match with the rest of the crew, and you'll be able to eat, walk, fight, talk, etc without having your hair in your eyes." I smiled.
Gil smiled and proceeded to tie the bandana around his head. As he did this I smiled, eating my fish.
"So how is Harry? I heard his dad did that to him. Glad my dad isn't that abusive." Gil stated. His hair looking more "piratey".
I nodded, glancing over my shoulder for a second to see Uma giving the crew commands on how to do the moves properly to her song.
"It's my fault he got hurt tho. His dad saw me and Harry protected me." I explained, sighing a bit.
I pulled on my necklace. This was something I had from my world. The only family member that cared about me was my grandma. But she died when I was 6. The necklace was from her. I never understood why the charm was important,  I can't read the engraving on it, but it was a large coin shaped charm that was smaller than the size of my palm on a sturdy string necklace.. But I don't take it off. The engraving on it was something I gave up on decoding when I was 12.
"{Y/N}?" Gil asked, getting me out of my thoughts.
"Yes Gil?" I asked.
"Why are you playing with your necklace?" He asked me with a slight tilt to his head.
"Oh. This was a gift from my grandma, she was the last person to ever actually care about me in my world. I can't understand the engraving though." I admitted, feeling the text again.
"Oh? Maybe Harry can help. He's really good at deciphering stuff." Gil stated eating another egg.
 "Oh? He never told me that." I said as I looked over at Harry and Uma who were chatting about work and stuff. "I'm not going to bother him with it though." I muttered, before looking back at Gil.
"How have you been today Gil? I haven't seen you all day." I asked, tucking my necklace back under my shirt.
"Been fine. My brothers were jerks today. I got a couple of bruises on my back from them. But I managed to get this bandanna from a stall today! Thank you for helping me!" Gil exclaimed with an innocent smile.
This child doesn't deserve to be on this wretched island.
"Your brothers' are horrible. They are just AHHHHHH--!" I screamed, gripping my head as my eyes turned golden, such a bad headache.
"{Y/N}!!" Harry exclaimed, rushing over to me. 
I groaned. "I-I'm fine. Bad headache." I groaned out, looking up at Harry.
"Yer eyes, ther' golden." Harry exclaimed, amazed.
I frowned and rubbed at my eyes. Why are they fully golden? That never happens. I groaned again and squinted up at Harry, Gil, and Uma. When did I get on the ground.
"How'd I get down here?" I asked, the headache finally disappearing.
Gil's face got closer to mine. "Her eyes are back to normal!" Gil exclaimed.
Of course more crew members started gathering around. And I became flustered.
"I-I'm f-fine." I stuttered, my face turning red from embarrassment.
"Alright everyone back to work!" Uma commanded.
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spunky-89 · 4 years
Sneak Peek
A/N: Okay, so I saw that at least some people were interested so I am going to go ahead and publish my Titans!Jason work. I am going to make it a reader insert, but there are elements that give the ‘reader’ certain features. I know that’s a big no-no, and I do hate to do it, but it just makes this story work a bit better :/ Also it is somewhat a crossover. In this particular section, it isn’t super important, but it makes the backstory juicier IMO. So I’m doing the crossover with Percy Jackson. But this story takes place after the end of Blood of Olympus. You don’t need prior knowledge of the series to understand the story, but like I said, the ‘reader’ being part of the PJ world makes the whole story *chef’s kiss*
I’m going to give a quick sneak peek of the story as well as the little bit of background I feel you need for this story to make sense :) (background will be at the bottom if you want to read it)
“It's been years, you've changed a lot since then. Maybe he has too.” Nico tried to gently explain. 
“Why are you pushing me about this? Just take me home and let me forget this place and the people in it.” (Y/N) exclaimed, sitting up and glaring at him.
“Because I care.” He started. He knew he had to be careful with his approach or she would clam up and he would lose the opportunity to talk some sense into her. “You're my best friend and you pushed me when I was scared to give Will a shot. And look how good that turned out. I'm just returning the favor.” He said gently, squatting next to her.
She covered her face and let out a frustrated “Uuuuhhhhgggggg”
Nico laughed at how dramatic she was being. She always said Percy was the dramatic one but at that moment, she easily matched him. But he did his best to calm himself fast, knowing the consequences of laughing for too long (last time he ended up in the lake, it sucked).
“Look, take the evening to decide. I'll be here at noon to get you tomorrow.” He said finally. 
“That seems unnecessary. Give me five minutes to grab my shit.” She said, her words begging him to take her away, but her eyes conflicted with a need to stay. 
Nico sighed and added, “I'm serious. He seems like he really cares.”
“Just because he's listening in doesn't mean he cares. It actually is kinda stalkerish.” (Y/N) pointed out.
Nico rolled his eyes and got up. “Well, you do you. But in my opinion, it’s stupid to sink a repairable ship.”
She gave him a glare and flipped him off as he walked into a shadow on the wall. Once Nico vanished, she got up from the floor and turned towards the door to see Jason step out of the shadows he thought he was hidden in.
“What the fuck was that?” 
She ignored him and pushed him aside to head back through the door.
“Hey! Don’t ignore me!” he said grabbing her arm in an attempt to stop her.
She yanked her arm free and growled, “Fuck off”
He chased her down the stairs back into the main floor. 
“I’m not just gonna let you leave!” He yelled as he grabbed her arm “I care about you too much to just let you walk away without trying to fix us”. 
She growled and went to punch him, but he blocked her. She started talking as she attempted to land a hit on him. 
“You don’t get to stand there and tell me you care! I know you saw me when I came looking for you and you know I saw you. I tried everything to get you to talk to me.” She landed a hit to his side and shoved him into the wall behind him. “So don’t you fucking dare tell me that you fucking care because if you did we wouldn't be having this conversation!”
He righted himself and went on the defense, not wanting to hurt the girl in front of him. He was damn glad the team was out or this would have made this confrontation worse. He steeled himself and started to argue with (Y/N). “Of course I care! Don’t ever fucking tell me I don’t. I stayed away to pro-”
“Don’t you dare feed me that bullshit!” She yelled as she threw another punch to his face, “You know I can take care of myself. So you need a better goddamn excuse if you want me to believe your FUCKING LIES!!!!!”
He caught both her hands and pushed her back to try and put distance between them, even though every cell in his body was screaming at him to hold her close. 
To Be Continued.....
A/N: It’s not much, but it’s a small look into an almost 10k fic.... Which after thinking about it, I might split it into two, just so they’re a bit easier to read 🤔
Background: ‘Reader’ is a demigod, full blood twin of Percy Jackson. The two were separated at birth, their mom only being able to handle one powerful half-blood. So Percy stays with their mom and the ‘reader’ is sent away. She ends up in Gotham. She’s in the system for a while, but ditches pretty young. This is how she met Jason. The two were best friends from the day they met (both being 8ish years-old). When crazy things started happening when she was getting ready to turn 12, she met her brother. When she found out that she was the daughter of Poseidon, a lot of things suddenly made more sense to her. Naturally, Jason was the first person she told. After spending her summer with Percy and in the world of the mythological, she decided to return to Gotham, feeling that it was more her home than living with a mother and a brother who she didn’t know. It was around this time Jason got adopted by Bruce. They stayed friends up until she left to go on a quest during winter break. When she came back, Jason had disappeared. She looked and waited on him, but he never came back. So the next summer, after she was going to head back to Gotham, she stopped herself. Jason had ghosted her, so she decided to stay in New York with her new family. 
Four years have passed and both Jason and she are 17/18 yrs old.
P.S. Nico is mentioned a lot... he is the son of Hades and can disappear into shadows and reappear in a different shadow he chooses.
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harley-style · 4 years
this is a klance au BUT ITS LONG SO BUCKLE UP
i keep thinking about that hades/persephone klance au but like
since keith is hades and lance is persephone, there is no conceivable way they can make children normally
lance turned into a female a few times and does not particularly like the experience
this is where they discuss hades having demigod children
and lance just wanting that demigod child to be willing and able to handle parts of the underworld properly
they have several, they’re still ashamed of the Hitler debacle
can you see where im going with this
eventually one of the potential ‘carrier’ candidates lead them to an expedition in Italy
no really can you see where im going with this
they meet this lovely lady called maria who is an awesome singer and dancer and ironically enough it is lance (persephone) who likes her first
keith’s just “...oh okay”
so they go talk to this lady because she’s awesome and after some time agrees to have hades/keith’s kids
they like her so much they have a round two
maria’s super chill about two gods asking her to carry their babies for her. like what is she going to do? say no? they’re like the only two men who would even treat her with any amount of respect
and like they fund her secretly which she simultaneously hates and is grateful for
during her pregnancy months lance went full overprotective over her and her first kid and paraded around as her lover at the time while keith distracted zeus, who was shiro (this makes sense i swear)
maria gives birth to a girl.
they all collectively decide to name her bianca.
a few years later when tiny bianca looks really lonely keith just absentmindedly suggests they do it again
maria agrees
this time, she gives birth to a baby boy
they call him nico
okay so shiro finds out and kind of scolds lance and keith about the whole thing so they have to go away for a few years
in those years maria dies sorry maria we love you
keith makes an executive dumbass decision and decides to drop them in the lotus casino
lance, equally a dumbass, lets him
thanatos and the furies have definitely chatted about this and have come to the conclusion that the king and queen of the underworld are going to regret this decision someday
fastforward to the future
same shit happens, only this time hades is just a super grumpy dude who likes being addressed as keith and an uber sassy husband who is as overdramatic as possible
percy actually LIKES these two, to grover and annabeth’s insane confusion
but percy thinks theyre the weird ones because it looks like only hades and persephone give a damn about demigod children
keith stealing zeus’ lightning bolt was supposed to be a fucking prank so he’s very confused as to where this luke castellan’s betrayal is coming from
as an apology he goes to percy’s apartment and pays him like, money for his trouble, and some flowers for his mom
percy is confused by the flowers, but when sally sees them she rolls her eyes and snorts “well its nice to put a face to the weirdo who kept sending me non-romantic flowers every now and then.”
sally tells percy a funny story about a person who kept sending her flowers sending messages like “im done with the world this is bullshit” “you’re doing amazing, woman, keep being you” and “this isn’t romantic at all please don’t get the wrong idea”
turns out that was lance giving keith a dare
so keith and percy are bros,,,, kinda,,,
keith asks percy two years later to fetch his kids, man doesnt thalia get a kick out of a god politely/famililarly telling a kid he needs a favor, do this thing for me and ill sponsor your school
its grabbing bianca and nico from the lotus casino
grover is mega unsure about the two kids of hades but percy’s like no theyre cool
percy’s like “hey you guys are my cousins you can bunk in with me”
annabeth’s like “no they have to stay at hermes’”
“no??? they’re kids of keith- i mean lord hades he said they could bunk at mine so its okay”
poseidon makes a snit but percy basically brushes him off like damn son who hurt you
okay but really zeus being a large dickbag doesnt work here, he’s SHIRO here come ON
its just that hilariously enough he was cursed REALLY long ago by this uber powerful being (not from greek bc its canon to have multiple mythos here yay) cast a curse on him and basically literally a lot of people fall in bed with him with fucking babies as a result of that. keith pissed himself laughing when it happened, adam, hera, just shakes his head and calls shiro an idiot
basically its PJATO but keith as hades, lance as persephone, shiro as zeus and adam as hera and the subsequent consequences of that tiny little detail. hope you enjoyed ;)
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A Ridiculous Plan (pt 5)
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
on AO3 here
Nico, dressed in a black button down, black tie, black skinny jeans, and of course topped with his aviator jacket (damn the formal attire, I dare someone to call me out), did indeed accept his sister’s offer to dance. She was sweet to come visit him and he didn’t want to upset her.
She took him out just to the edge of the makeshift dancefloor. Nico was not comfortable dancing and Hazel hadn’t gotten used to modern casual dance yet, so they just kind of lightly held on to each other, one hand on waist and one hand clasped to the other’s, and swayed simply to the beat. Hazel started up a quiet conversation on how things were going for her brother being a full-time camper for the first time.
But someone interrupted their conversation.
“Sorry, Hazel,” Grover cut in. “The horses are going wild from the music. I could really use your help,” he pleaded helplessly.
“Of course,” Hazel consoled. “Sorry, Neeks. Give me a minute.” He brushed away her apology.
“Not a problem.”
“Here,” she grabbed after someone walking by and dragged them by the hand over to Nico. “Cut in for me while I help Grover? Thanks!” She shoved a hand into Nico’s and left before anyone could protest.
Nico stared after his sister until he heard an awkward grumble from his new partner. He turned his head and almost fainted.
“Percy, uh, you don’t have-“ Nico started.
“Well, Hazel specifically asked me to,” Percy cut him off.
As if on some cue from the evilest of gods, the music changed to a terribly sappy slow song. Percy cleared his throat uncomfortably, but put his hand loosely on Nico’s waste all the same, leaving Nico to take his shoulder. The swaying resumed and Nico ducked his head to hide his deep blush.
It didn’t help Percy smelled amazing. Even with all the distance he was trying to keep between them, the dancing brought them quite close and the way his cologne mixed with his natural salty breeze scent made Percy’s presence intoxicating. The son of Poseidon had also stuck with dark jeans, but no tie. The sleeves of his white dress shirt were rolled up, exposing the veins in his arms and the Roman tattoo. Looking down was not going to work for Nico either.
He slowly pulled his eyes back up from Percy’s forearms to find that Percy had been staring intently at the top of his head. He looked away quickly when he caught Nico’s eye.
Shit, c’mon, Percy. Don’t be weird. Percy cleared his throat again.
“Uh, maybe… I need some air.” Nico finally said, breaking the awkward silence.
“We can take a walk?” Percy was nervous. Though he hadn’t been prepared to be dancing with Nico to the love song, he didn’t want to leave Nico’s side now that he was there.
“Yeah.” Nico was glad Percy was coming along, though he also kind of wanted to bury himself in his covers back in the Hades cabin.
“Shit, they’re leaving!” Leo hissed, running up to Jason. “They’re not supposed to leave.”
“Wait a minute, this might actually work out in our favor.” Jason thought for a moment. “Get Grover and meet me outside.”
Nico and Percy had taken the path behind the cabins to the strawberry fields. Grover was quietly playing “So Yesterday” on his pipes to make the blooms smell extra sweet. Jason ensured a cloudless sky, stars winking at the wandering teens.
“It’s actually really nice out,” Percy breathed, taking in the beautiful sight of camp at night.
“Mm,” Nico agreed. “And much better out here than with all the noise and people. Too much body heat.”
“Ha! Nico, always the agoraphobic,” Percy laughed. Nico hit his arm but couldn’t help but laugh back. They locked eyes for a moment and the Percico Crew hiding in the bushes held their breath.
But Percy just cleared his throat and kept walking.
“Fuck,” Jason swore under his breath. “What’s it going to take?”
“What I keep telling you! Adrenaline!” and Leo ran forward before the others could stop him.
“Shit.” Grover turned to Jason and shook his head before the two stumbled after their friend.
Leo pulled scrap metal out of his tool belt as he ran (I’m like Batman and Robin, never leave home without my utility belt!). He knew the Cabin 9 defenses in the forest well and triggered the boarder, shooting projectiles into the woods.
It wouldn’t do anything to the couple, but it would make some noise.
“What was that?” Percy whispered. He peered into the dark. “Ugh, the forest is creepy at night.”
“Olympus’s greatest hero afraid of the dark?” Nico teased.
Percy blushed at the praise and flirting and tried to hide it, but the stars and moon were too bright.
The sight sent Nico’s mind reeling.
Meanwhile, in the woods, Leo had finally finished tinkering. Scattered around him was a tiny army of automated mosquitoes.
“Alright, little Leo-Lice. Drive these love birds to the water,” he commanded.
“Wha-? Shit! I’m getting bit!”
Percy jumped at the sudden shout.
“What are you-? Fuck, ow. What are these?!”
“They’re everywhere! Let’s get away from here!”
“The water. Mosquitoes hate water,” Percy offered.
“Do they though? Also, I’m not sure that’s what these are.” Nico swiped at his ankles, attracting the bugs to his arms.
“Do you have a better plan, ghost king? C’mon,” Percy grabbed Nico’s hand and pulled him towards the bay.
“Shit, faster. They’re following us!”
“What is up with these bugs?!”
“They’re listening to papa,” Leo chuckled quietly as Jason and Grover finally were able to slip through the shadows to meet him.
The boys reached the water and Percy immediately jumped in. Nico hesitated, but Leo’s bug bots were persistent. He followed Percy into the bay. But in typical Nico fashion, he was wearing far too many layers for swimming and immediately began to sink.
“Fuck- Percy!”
The son of Poseidon turned to see Nico struggling with his jacket, splashing and sinking, barely able to keep his head above water.
“Neeks!” He swam to him quickly and grabbed hold, controlling the water to keep them afloat.
Nico’s arms were pinned to him, stuck in the sleeves of his coat. Percy’s arms were wrapped around him, too, to keep him above the water.
Their faces were inches from each other.
“… thanks,” Nico whispered, breathless. Percy was far too close. His eyes were shining in the moonlight and he was looking intently at his … lips?
Percy had lost all sense of focus. Nico was so close to him. When he had spoken, Percy’s attention had gone to his mouth, lips trembling a little from the cold of the water.
“Percy?” Nico whispered again. Percy’s eyes shot up to Nico’s.
“Sorry, I-“ but then Nico was leaning in and their lips met. And nothing else mattered.
Percy’s hand went to Nico’s neck and fingers tangled into his hair. Nico cursed his jacket that was forcing him to keep his hands to himself.
He was kissing Percy. And Percy was kissing back.
Percy pulled back a little, still holding Nico close.
“Neeks… shit. That was-“
“Yeah,” Nico breathed, nose brushing against Percy’s. He had to stop himself from giggling.
“Fuck yeah!!”
Percy released Nico as his head whipped around, battle ready. Poor Nico resumed drowning.
“Leo?! Fuck, sorry Neeks.” Percy grabbed the younger boy and swam them both to shore as Leo stepped out from the shadows.
“I told you! Adrenaline!” His face shown with annoying satisfaction.
Nico shivered, but Percy wasn’t sure if he was cold or angry. He reached out a hand to help dry him, but Nico flinched away.
Percy’s brow furrowed in concern and hurt.
“The strawberries would’ve worked eventually,” came a whine to the side. Jason and Grover came out of the trees as well.
“What the actual fuck?!” Percy growled, still thrown by Nico pulling away.
Grover cowered, but Jason didn’t notice the threat.
“Well, Grover and I were trying- we should’ve known not to get Leo involved, but admittedly-“
“My idea worked!” Leo finished.
“Oh, fuck off, Valdez!” Nico snarled and stormed between them, pushing both him and Jason aside.
“Nico! Fuck.” Percy ran a hand over his face and into his hair.
“What’s his problem?” Leo grumbled.
“He’s still not comfortable with his sexuality and definitely doesn’t like being put on display. Especially since you all plotting means-“
“Means we had to know what he might’ve been feeling,” finished Jason. “I should’ve thought of that. He was adamant that I not tell anyone. But I didn’t think it would matter if we got you together.”
“You two have talked about it?” Percy’s curiosity got the better of him. “How long have you- wait, not important. I have to go see if he’s alright. Should be enough time for him to have cooled down a bit by now.”
“Yeah,” Jason clapped his friend’s shoulder. “We can talk about it later,” he said, softer so only Percy could hear and winked. Percy fought down a small smile as he struck up a jog towards Cabin 13.
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strongheartmaid · 5 years
::bats away the cobwebs::
suddenly, fic. Nutcracker, to be accurate. Slowly getting my bunnies back.
It was slow - the return to consciousness. There was a certain stiffness to him that hadn't been there the night before but he did justify that as probably having fallen asleep in an awkward position after celebrating their victory over the forces of darkness - again.
'Call me the force of darkness just one more time.. just one more time..' came a snarl from a voice in his mind that he hadn't planned on ever hearing again.
'Hades?' he asked, or attempted to - his voice failing him for whatever reason.
'Yes,' came the wearied answer. 'And no I'm not the result of you drinking that vodka that blond haired swan was passing around. That stuff is vile. Why would you want to suffer like that?'
'Okay, so you're in my head, why? I thought Athena got rid of you,' Shun responded, already wary. Okay, so he couldn't vocally answer but mentally, well that worked. Still, it did unnerve him that Athena's enemy still lingered within him - especially after everything they had gone through. And he wasn't going to rise to the bait regarding Hyoga and that vodka he was sharing as part of the victory celebration.
'Because I am you,' Hades retorted. 'And I'm far too old and far too tired to have you drag me into a quote off from that bloody show Athena took you to on her last birthday. Fucking earworms, I'm never going to not hear that 'Murder, Murder' song.'
Shun couldn't help the strained laugh that escaped him that response. Who would have thought he'd be having a, dare he even say it, dare he even think it, pleasant conversation with Athena's mortal enemy? Certainly not him, that was sure - this would be the last thing he would have thought he'd be doing in this lifetime. 'Okay, getting back on to topic, so you and I can't be separated because we're the same person like Athena is Miss Saori?'
'Correct,' Hades said, settling down on the ground in an attempt to get comfortable. 'As for what happened,' he let out a disgusted huff as if he wasn't eager to share this tidbit of information, 'our nephew happened.'
'Nephew?' Shun asked, confused. What nephew? Better yet, which nephew - Hades had at least four that he knew about, it could have been any of them.
'Apollo,' Hades hissed, his temper fraying just a little more at the thought of that particular godling - having yet to forgive him for that stunt of his son's. 'I don't know what his game is, but I will get even with him for this.'
Shun nodded and looked at Hades. 'Okay, so, what do we know? Besides you're still here and it's nigh impossible to move. Did Shaka do something to us?'
Hades was silent as he willed himself to take a brief accounting of what had happened. 'So..' he began slowly, 'what do you know about nutcrackers?' he asked in a tone reserved for discussing the weather.
Shun sputtered a moment before groaning. 'Can we feed Apollo to Cerberus?' he asked, settling down on the ground next to Hades.
'I'm glad we're on the same page,' Hades said, a smile slipping across his pale features. 'As for the feeding, I'm not sure our darling brother will allow us to do it - especially after we tried to do it to Demeter.'
'Why did we feed Demeter to Cerberus?' Shun asked, more curious than he wanted to admit to being.
'Well, she pissed us off for starters, that and,' he paused, a dark chuckle escaping him, 'Poseidon and I wanted to know if there was anything Cerberus wouldn't eat. Turns out she's too bitter.'
Shun struggled to keep from laughing, he really did - but the mental images that his immortal self was providing him were just that amusing. 'Okay, so we're on good terms with Poseidon, good to know,' he said. He let out a sigh. Now, if he could figure out what the next step would be, that would be wonderful. He wasn't sure he wanted to spend the rest of his life (however long that would be) trapped as a little wooden toy and with only Hades as company. 'So, what do we do now?' he asked.
'Rest for the moment,' Hades said quietly. 'Nothing we can do until the story of the nutcracker begins.'
Julian stood in the toy shoppe,  wondering not for the first time this evening why exactly he was there. Wait, now he recalled - it was getting close to Christmas time and he was holding his first Christmas party as an adult (or well, as close as to adult as he would be - he wouldn't be reaching the proper age of majority for some time but his father did insist on it being his turn to host - to prepare him for the social aspect of the family's business - at least, that's what he recalled, he tended to tune out his father once he began his speech-making regarding what a proper Solo heir should be doing at his age). He sighed quietly and glanced over at his companions - each one browsing the variety of choices. Hopefully this wouldn't be an expensive trip but one never knew, especially with Canon currently eying several of the more expensive toys. "Even though I am the sole heir to my family's name, please don't break the bank, Canon," Julian called over to his primary guardian.
"Wouldn't dream of it," he chuckled, slanting a glance over to Julian before returning his attention to the display he had been looking at. "I was planning on picking up a few things for the orphanage you were sponsoring this year. A few learning tablets are hardly too much of an expense and something that would please your father by the same token."
"Ah," Julian said, before he turned his attention to the wall of nutcrackers that Thetis had pointed out to him the moment they had entered the shop. An old childhood friend of his had always expressed a fondness for these old things and it would be a good present for her. His eyes scanned the shelves, trying to find something that captured his eye before he froze, his gaze fixed on a particular one.
"See something you like?" Thetis asked as she appeared by his left shoulder, lightly placing a kiss to his cheek.
Julian didn't answer as he picked the nutcracker up off the shelf, carefully examining the figure. The nutcracker had a fine mane of green hair and brilliant green eyes. But it was the outfit - one that had him intrigued. For the nutcracker wasn't clad in the usual outfit one associated with nutcrackers - no, this one was clad in something that looked like a combination of both Holy Cloth of Andromeda and the Sacred Kamui of Hades, right down to the miniature chains of Andromeda on the gauntlets and the sword of hatred that Hades wielded strapped to his waist. "Thetis?" he asked, a note of confusion in his voice. "Tell me this isn't what I think it is...?"
Thetis took the nutcracker from her lord and husband, allowing her Cosmos to better examine the small figure. She let out a soft groan - clearly not pleased with the results of her examination. "Hades is going to murder our nephew at this rate," she groaned.
"More so than when his son disrupted his realm?" Julian asked, easily sliding into his role of Poseidon without batting an eye. "Well, I better buy this nutcracker and get my brother to safety," he muttered under his breath. "Damn it, Hades, why can't you make things easy for me for once? I don't ask for much from you, just one year without you giving me grief."
Thetis chuckled low in her throat. "He probably feels the same way about you," she teased.
Julian just gave her a Look, one tinged with vague irritation. "Thank you for the reminder, dear wife," he drawled, watching her cheeks pink at the use of her title. He made his way over to the counter to pay before approaching his Mariners and tapping their shoulders, telling them quietly to start wrapping up their shopping because they had to get back to the estate.
Canon looked over at Julian. "Something's troubling you," he said as he walked next to him on the right (the left was always reserved for Thetis - that was decided on years ago).
"My brother is currently a nutcracker and I'm at a loss for why," Julian said.
Sorrento perked up at the mention of a nutcracker. The young Austrian mariner had a strong fondness for the old story and peered over Canon's shoulder to look at the figure since Julian still had it out. "There was an old magician back home in Austria," he began, his accent soft. "Herr Drosselmeyer,. If anyone would know how to help Lord Hades, Lord Poseidon, it would be him."
"I'll see to the traveling arrangements," Canon said, already feeling exhausted at the thought of the logistics nightmare this was going to be. "Do you wish to go to him or do you wish me to have him brought to you?"
Isaak frowned from his spot next to Thetis. "One problem with all this," he said. "The timing. Why would Apollo choose now to play matchmaker?"
Julian stared down at the figure of his cursed brother. "I am unsure, Isaak. When we return to the estate, would you fetch me a large bowl of water?"
"Going scrying?" Isaak asked.
"Not so much scrying as using it to contact Apollo and find out what his game is," Julian sighed. "Hopefully Apollo is in an answering mood."
"If not, we could always make him," Baian said. "I have always wanted to kick a god's ass."
"Down boy," Julian sighed again. He loved Baian, he really did - but there were times when that boy just managed to exhaust him.
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