#not that i dont like hlithvida....oh dear
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[ID: The cover of the podcast Welcome to Night Vale and a pencil drawing of a city skyline morphing into a large, tentacle-y shape, with the letters "VS." between them. End ID.]
On the one side, we have THE Night Vale, home to Patron Sexyman Of Tumblr Cecil Gershwin Palmer, who also acts as its Voice. Night Vale is a city that either rejects you violently and calls you interloper or loves you and changes you and refuses to let you go! Its sentience is not quite canon but there's undertones. And on the other side...it's big! It's a city! It's a playable character in an rpg! It's Hlithvida Upon the Western Sea, by far the hardest to spell out of any of the cities in this bracket!! The image for this one comes from here, and you can see more information here: it's very cool, I highly encourage you check this handmade metropolis out.
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