#not that rand is an angel in book 3 especially but in book 3 he's literally being tortured day and night and it's a different kind of
jaqobis · 1 year
yeah i'm thinking about rand in the trailer / the fact that sanderson is consulting on the show again
if season 2 starts setting up for the (frankly absurd) sanderson dragonmount assertion that rand ~ starts going dark ~ because he doesn't care about other people ~ i am well and truly going to scream
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vickyhugo · 4 years
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okay so i thought long and hard about this and discussed it with multiple people in length and came to the conclusion, that there is one valid answer.
first of all, ask yourself what you want out of your quarantine house. do you want to have a good time? do you want to have good conversations? do you want to fuck? how much annoyance can you take?
my answer is this: i want to fuck as much as possible while also having a good fight. i can busy myself for most of the time but i need some human contact and i’m also super horny atm because testo can be that bitch. i’m also an aries and i need a good fight every once in a while. 
so. we can eliminate most houses as valid options pretty quickly. house 1 has a few iconic authors and i’m sure oscar wilde would be a good fuck, but brecht wrote die dreigroschenoper which i am still angry about as it sends me right back to school and weird adaptations of seeräuber jenny. is brecht an icon for letting jenny rejoice over watching men die? yes, but he is also annoying and probably super full of himself and that’s just too much for me to take.
house 3 has arguably amazing authors, would ayn rand not be there. as much as i’d like to see maya angelou take ayn rand out, the combination of plath’s and kafka’s depressed energy and shirley jackson’s mystery shit would be too exhausting. i want to have a good time not bummed out by the three of them while also being intimidated by maya angelou. i’d probably turn out to be the ayn rand of the house and i really don’t want to live long enough to see myself become the villain. 
house 4 offers some interesting interactions because hubbard and pym would totally clash while stein, mccullers and baldwin would probably get along great and offer amazing gay energy (don’t @ me, mcculler’s best friends were tennessee williams and truman capote and that’s....... gay). at the same time i feel like i would fade in comparison to the others tho and wouldn’t get to experience stein’s top notch strap game (also i’m pretty sure our top energies wouldn’t vibe).
house 5 is an interesting option. dickinson would probably never be seen so we can leave her out. audre lorde is a great argument to choose this house as she probably is the warmest person to be quarantined with. also it offers the opportunity to tell ts eliot about cats (2019). nevertheless, we have nabokov who i heard was pretty much an asshole, and garcía marquez, who arguably is a great author but has been ruined for me because i read all of john green’s books when i was a teenager and associate garcía marquez with my cringy teenage years now. would probably be irrationally pissed at garcía marquez and start a fight the first day which would leave me with too many enemies.
house 6. i would fight james joyce and ernest hemingway every day, and i’m sure zora neal hurston and dorothy parker would gladly help me. i’m also sure that although i’d fight hemingway he’d still find the jokes i’d make about finnegan’s wake hilarious. at the same time, i’d probably drink wayyyy too much because these dudes just can’t reel it in, and i’d end up fighting mailer because he killed his wife and i’m way too much of a gentleman to leave that unpunished. after a few days of intense fighting and alienating half of the people in the house, i’d probably end up in bed with definitely dorothy parker and probably zora neale hurston, but would be too exhausted to properly enjoy it.
so let’s return to house 2. we have two incredibly annoying (but easy to dominate) men, fitzgerald and carniege. and we have a trifecta of powerhouse women. this house has it all. someone to let out all your frustration on who is easily to offend when you remind him that zelda was never truly interested. someone who offers self-improvement advice and would probably give you free therapy in order to be liked, only to be shut down by woolf when he becomes too annoying. the ultimate fuck-for-clout, everyone’s favourite problematic fave, virginia woolf. jane austen who i could finally introduce to the pleasures of queer sex (it’s what she deserves and needs). we might even have a little hate-fuck after i tell her i love her stories but can’t stand her writing. susan sontag vibing in her analytic and pretentious way. theorizing about covid-19 and its metaphors.  the thing is, both jane austen and virginia woolf talked about the importance of having your own space so you’d still have time for yourself (especially if you tell carniege you’re meditating or something idk). fitzgerald would just cry after like 1.5 days but might come out at night and crawl into your bed, craving some sort of intimacy and validation 20 years of marriage and even longer of a homoerotic friendship with hemingway couldn’t give him, being happy to get pegged by you. susan sontag knows how to party like fitzgerald and how to contemplate death like woolf. jane austen knows how to long and yearn for tenderness which is coincidentally one of woolf’s strengths, too. the erotic tension would be off the charts. the chemistry, once the hierarchies are established (w carniege and fitzgerald at the bottom), would be incredible. the house offers endless opportunities of deep talk, orgies and parties. it offers a space for you to take care of yourself in every sense of the way. it is clearly the only valid choice.
thank you and goodnight.
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jaidasessence · 5 years
I was tagged by @saiphl and @imalwaysaslutfordrag !! Thanks angels 💕💕 (this also means i have 20 questions to answer so i’m sorry this is long)
I’m opening this up for anyone to do!! But definitely @redside-of-the-moon @aquariamaria and @opossompussy lol
1.- What's the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning?
why did i decide to work in a hospital that starts shifts at 5am when I’m not a morning person?
2.- One thing that makes you happy, one thing that gets you sad, one thing that excites you and one thing you'll never, ever do. And Why?
happy: music. nothing is more liberating than belting ship to wreck by Florence and the machine and dancing like and idiot while making breakfast. sad: the fact that i haven’t talked to many old friends in a while. i’ve been working a lot, and lots of people moved away. excites: the fact that i start pharmacy school in a week! (it also terrifies me, but we won’t talk about that). never do: get a bob with bangs as a hair style. my face is too round for that.
3.- Favorite book with author, and a quote.
-“my happiness is not the means to any end. it is the end. it is its own goal. it is its own purpose.” -ayn rand, anthem
4.- If you could bring back to life one personality of any era, who would be?
toni morrison, especially since she just passed. i loved her perspective.
5.- What's the smell that for you means childhood?
orange spice tea. it’s the only kind my grandma would buy :)
6.- What's your favorite place to be with yourself?
in the car, late at night, listening to sad acoustics. it’s where I thrive.
7.- When was the last time you kissed someone?
like an hour ago
8.- Your top 3 fruits in the world.
strawberry, nectarines, mango
9.- This is a very serious question, so please think twice before answering: What's your favorite movie villain or horror character?
hannibal fucking lector and don’t you forget it
10.- Tell me a random fact about you.
i own a cat, yet i am allergic to cats.
1. Describe how you are feeling right now in this moment.
my eye is really itchy and i’m tire lmao
2. Favorite pizza topping? (Fair warning, if you say pineapple you are just inviting discourse)
if i can only have one, probably pepperoni
3. Best pick-up line? And have you ever used it? (Make me fall in love with you)
are you a carbon sample? because i want to date you. (i’m sorry i just love chemistry) i’ve thankfully never had used it lol
4. Give me a pun to make me laugh. (If I don’t laugh, you lose)
napoleon may not have designed the coat he wore…
but he did have a hand in it.
5. If you had to get a tattoo from your favorite artist’s music, what are you getting?
either florence’s heart logo or the lyrics “hold onto each other”
6. What is the pettiest thing you have ever done?
i try not to be a petty person most of the time, only because i strive for people’s acceptance and i don’t have much of a backbone. if anything i probably intentionally lied/didn’t answer someone from work about taking a shift.
7. Do you make friends easily?
i think so! i love making people laugh and listening to their stories. i’m also always down to learn something new from somebody.
8. What do you call your grandparents? 
Nana, Papa, Pup, and Grandma
9. Who was your favorite teacher in school and why?
probably my yearbook teacher. she was the first person that made me feel valid.
10. What came first, the chicken or the egg?
i’m thinking the egg, just for evolution purposes.
Now your questions: (come up with 10 new questions to ask people after answering!)
1. what’s your go-to song to get in a good mood?
2. what’s your spirit animal?
3. find the closest book to you, flip to a random page, and pick a random sentence. what does it say?
4. who is your favorite actor or actress?
5. do you collect anything?
6. you’re going on a trip. where are you going and who are you bringing with you?
7. is there any clothing style/aesthetic you’re drawn to?
8. tell me about your favorite person in just 3 words.
9. do you have good handwriting?
10. find a random photo in your camera roll. what’s the story behind it?
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Demon!Dean x Reader
7 months ago
The girlish shriek of laughter pierced the comfortable silence if the library and you furrowed your brow in annoyance, as Rebekah, Deans current, five-month girlfriend, raced into the room, closely followed by her afore mentioned boyfriend, who was clad only in his jeans, his hair and torso still wet from his recent shower.
He proceeded to chase her around the room and behind the large table you were leafing through books at, still trying to find a way to remove the Mark of Cain. You huffed to yourself in slight annoyance as they raced past you, ruffling the pages you had spread across the table. Dean finally manged to catch her, wrapping her in a wet embrace, much to her annoyance it would seem, from the noise she made. You turned you back on them, not wanting to watch, before grabbing your empty mug and slipping away, unnoticed as usual, to the kitchen.
“Hey Sam.” You greeted the younger Winchester as you turned to pour yourself another cup of tea.
“Hey (y/n).” Sam seemed to be the only one in the bunker that seemed to realise that you still lived here, you and Dean hadn’t talked properly in ages, not like you used to, having your movie marathons and binge watching Dr Sexy. None of that had happened, not since she had arrived five months ago. It was like you hadn’t existed for the three years you’d been with the guys. It wasn’t that you were jealous or anything,… no, not at all…
“Find anything?”
“No, not yet.” You turned to leave as the other two entered the kitchen, intent on hunting themselves out some breakfast.
“Hey, (y/n)?” You jumped slightly as Dean addressed you, it was the first time that he’d spoken to you directly in a while now. Three weeks to be honest. You turned to face him, “Sam said you.re going on a supply run?” You nodded a yes, “Don’t forget the pie!”
 3 weeks ago
“Maybe I like the disease!” Dean yelled at his younger brother, causing both you and Rebekah to flinch
“Sam, do we have to do this?” Rebekah begged the taller Winchester, making it appear that she cared, but you knew better. You had been the one who had walked into the bunker that night. The night when Sam had been away to follow up a lead on his brother and Crowley. The night that she’d went out to the bar, and hadn’t returned to the motel alone. The night that she was still perfectly aware of what she was doing. And you knew for a fact that she was still seeing him.
And she knew that you knew.
“Yes. We have to, we don’t know what he could do with the combined strength of the mark and a demon’s powers.” You replied not looking directly at her, you hadn’t been able to look at her for weeks, guilty about keeping her lie, but you didn’t know how Dean would react in his state, and you weren’t about to risk it.
You stared at her in shock, “What texts?”
She produced your phone from her pocket (When did she get that?) and pulled up your messages, opening a set of texts she held the phone out towards your face, also allowing the phone to be in full view for the brothers.
“These ones!” She yelled at you as tears gushed down her cheeks.
“W-what…? I never sent those!”
“Really?” She passed the phone to Sam, who glanced at the screen before looking up at you with a look of confusion and disappointment. Meanwhile Dean had gone quiet. Scary quiet.
“(Y/n), why would you do this?”
“I didn’t Sam! You have to believe me, I would never do that to you and Dean, you guys are the only family I have!”
Unable to withstand the looks of doubt form Sam, smugness? From Rebekah and the pure hatred radiating off Dean, you exited the room, swiping your phone form the younger Winchester on the way out.
I can’t believe they would believe that I would do that! The silent screams echoed through your head as you flicked thought the messages on your phone. The messages were there alright, but you definitely hadn’t sent them. You could never do that to the guys, especially not Dean.
You threw the phone across your room, hearing the resounding crack as it hit the stone wall. Sitting on the end of your bed, you took you head in your hands, trying to think of a way to prove that you didn’t send those messages. You pulled harshly at your hair in frustration and anger as the tears welled in your eyes.
There was a quiet knock on the door as it slowly creaked open to reveal the Sam.
“S-Sam.” Your voice cracked as you said his name.
He kept his distance, standing in the doorway, not actually coming into the room. “(y/n) I think we need to talk.”
“I didn’t send them Sam! Why would I?! I would never want to hurt you or Dean!”
“Maybe this isn’t about hurting us (y/n). Maybe this is about your constant need to be around Dean. Maybe his is about your impatience to get him back. The fact that you didn’t trust me to do so! This isn’t about you (Y/N)! No everything is about you and Dean! He’s not even your boyfriend for God’s sake!” You flinched as Sam raised his voiced, he had never shouted at you before, you had always been his ‘little sibling.’
Sam stormed out, slamming your door, and you decided what you had to do. You pulled out a small bag and packed the bare essentials, what you would need for a week or so. You needed to get out of here, even just for a while.
Just as you were about to open your room door and make you hasty escape, the lights went out and everything was bathed in a red glow. The bunker had just been put into lock down.
Dean was out.
 And right now,…
 He hated your guts.
  You wrenched your door open and raced for the nearest good hiding place, your room would obviously be the first place he would come. You bolted towards the library, skidding to a halt before you entered, good thing too, as you peaked inside Dean was stalking across the room, making a beeline for the kitchen.
As quickly and quietly as you could you scuttled towards the table in the centre of the library and slipped underneath. Using the chair legs as a cover, you watched out between them as Dean stalked across the room and into one of the hallways.
“(Y/n)!” Your breath hitched as you heard him call you name out tauntingly. “(Y/N)! Come on out, I want to talk with you! Come on I won’t bite! I promise!” You closed your eyes and prayed to Castiel that he wouldn’t find you, because, you knew, that if he did, you wouldn’t be able to defend yourself. Demon or not, you couldn’t hurt him.
The lights came back on and you breathed a sigh of relief. That was until a strong hand wrapped around your ankle and dragged you out from under the table and threw you across the room towards the bookshelves. You scrambled backwards, distancing yourself from the demon as much as possible, but he continued to slink towards you, like a lion stalking its prey. Accurate enough.
You winched as he kneeled down and grasped your hair, dragging you face closer to him, you could literally feel the anger rolling off him in waves. “It’s your fault (y/n). Your fault Sammy got beat up. Your fault that Cole broke Becky’s arm, your fault I’m here. So (y/n), what I’m going to do to you right now, you have no one to blame from but yourself.”
He grasped your hair and slammed your head off his knee, the resounding ‘crack,’ of your nose breaking, echoing through the room. He released your hair and you tried to scramble away from him, but he loomed ever closer, the kicks and punches coming nonstop. And you didn’t fight back. You couldn’t. Even if he was a demon.
You lay, gasping in pain on the floor when your thoughts were interrupted by an unearthly scream-yell coming from Dean, you slowly turned your head to discover that Cas had Dean locked between his arms. And Cas was back to full power. Cas and Sam hauled Dean back to the safe room, and your sight began to fade to black as you heard the approaching footsteps of the returning angel. You vision went completely black as a sheering pain raced across your whole body.
 “Shit, Sam… I never thought she’d do something like that.”
“You’ve seen the proof Dean!”
“-trusted her with my life.”
“Sam, I don’t-“
“Dean! Come on she betrayed us! You can’t forgive that!”
Dribs and drabs of conversations filtered through the darkness. The final statement though rand through clearly, slicing through everything else.
Finally the black fog seemed to lift and you awoke with a deep, guttural gasp, as if you were breathing your first air in months. Slowly easing yourself up, you found yourself in your room. Alone. It seemed as though they didn't really care as to whether you woke up or not. Curling yourself into a ball, you stared around the room, your gaze settling on the bag you had packed prior to your 'incident.'
1 week ago
You trudged through the rain, the new mud caking your combat boots. You were on a vampire hunt, it was just another hunt, nothing really mattered any more. Nothing had mattered for weeks now. Not since Sam and Dean had kicked you out. Not since Dean, the human Dean, had completely disowned you, disgusted by the thought of you.
You still remembered your exit from the bunker, how as you had slunk out, all of them, Sam, Dean, Rebekah, they'd all seen you leave. They'd all turned their noses up at you. Even the newly human Dean watched as you left the bunker, your only home for the last few years with nothing but a back pack. And he didn't even care about what he'd done to you. You hadn't seen Cas either, the angel warding inked onto you side probably helped with that though. Or maybe he just couldn't stand to see you...
So here you were, an empty shell of what used to be (y/n), with a broken left arm and a body littered with cuts and bruises. Most inflicted by a certain demon.
2 days ago
Dean and his brother stared at his girlfriend in horror.
"You did what?! Why?!"
"I-I framed (y/n), she didn't do anything wrong, in fact she was the one doing everything right! With all her goddamn research!... I-I hate this spell!" She tried to fight the truth spell that had been cast upon her by the witch they'd just ganked, the spell that compelled her to spill her guts about all her lies and deceit. "I-I needed her out of the way so she couldn't tell you-!... Couldn't tell about how I was cheating!-"
The brothers looked at each other in horror, Dean especially beginning to feel sick in the pit of his gut. They'd kicked you out for no reason. You'd actually been helping, losing sleep over research, being optimistic for Sam when he needed it and had tried to treat Dean as gently as possible, even if he was a demon.
And how had they rewarded you?
By kicking you out of the only place you had been able to call home, completely disowning you and exposing you to all the dangers of the hunting world simultaneously. And that was after Dean had nearly beaten you half to death, literally, Cas didn't even have the ability to heal all your grievances.
"Shit..." Rebekah was quickly told to pack and get out of the motel whilst the brothers started about how to find you, if you were still alive by now.
 You groaned and, clutching your head, you slowly pulled yourself upright in the rear seat of your 1982 Pontiac Trans Am. It wasn’t the most comfortable back seat in the world, the Impala was much more comfortable, but, at least you were warm. And sure you were in your own car, and the boys would be able to find you pretty easily if they really wanted to, but you had a feeling they didn’t want you around, plus they hadn’t found you, and it was nearly a month since you left.
Climbing forward into to front seat, you used the sleeve of your grubby hoodie to clear some of the condensation off the windshield. You’d have to stop at a motel tonight, your clean clothing was running thin, and plus you could do with going to a bar or two, earning yourself a couple of hundred bucks at pool sounded pretty good right about now. Pulling yourself out of the car you went to the rear, and pulled a clean ACDC shirt out of the ‘clean’ corner of the trunk. Pulling the clean shirt over your head, you ditched yesterday’s in the used pile, not really worrying about anyone seeing you. You were in an abandoned clearing in the middle of the forest at six o’clock in the morning after all.
Dusting off the still-clean dark marine jeans, you re-laced your combat boots and made your way to the front of the trans am, grabbing the brown paper bag from the front seat. You hopped up on to the hood of your car, pulling the half eaten peanut butter and banana sandwich from yesterday out, which was quickly washed down by a ginger beer.
Climbing in to the cabin of the trans am, you made your way towards the sleepy town, that unknown to its inhabitants, was, you thought, being terrorised by a Djinn. People had gone missing and wound up later dead and drained. No one had actually seen the culprit, but Djinns were usually very remote and hard to find. Great. Motoring through the town, you made your way to the nearest motel and then police station.
“Hey! Dean! I have a hit, her car was in a town about three hours from here.”
“Agents Scully and McCartney, we’re here to investigate the murder victims?”
“S’ are you fellas working with that other FBI lady then? The pretty one?”
You woke up, curled deep inside a cocoon of warmth, the smell of bacon and eggs wafted faintly under the heavy wooden door and invaded your senses, rolling over you promptly fell out of your bed, landing on the floor with a thump. You rose to your feet, taking I your surroundings, this wasn’t your room. It was Dean’s. Why were you i-? Oh yeah, you and Dean were together, that had all been a bad dream. Reaching over, you grabbed one of Dean’s oversized t-shirts and pulled it on along with some clean underwear and your soft, faded jeans. You padded your way to the bunker kitchen to be met with the glorious sight of Dean Winchester, your Dean Winchester, cooking bacon and scrambled eggs.
“Morning (Y/n),” Sam greeted you from the table, where he was shovelling eggy bacon onto his mouth while doing somethings on his laptop. Walking past the younger Winchester, you ruffled his long hair, causing him to whine in fake annoyance. You wrapped your arms around Dean’s waist.
“Good morning.”
“Morning.” You kissed his jaw, before reaching round and stealing a rasher of bacon from Dean’s plate, taking your own and escaping to the table.
You giggled before, leaning around to see what Sam was looking at.
“A case?”
“A case.”
“(y/n)! (Y/n), wake up!”
“Listen, it’s a Djinn, you have to kill yourself in the dream to wake up!”
“Come on (y/n), I’m so, so sorry for what I did!”
You sat bolt upright in the front seat of the Impala, breathing heavy.
“Hey, babe. You ok?”
You turned to face the older Winchester, wincing slightly at his proximity, the dream still fresh in your head, him as a demon, kicking the absolute shit out of you, but you knew that it was just a dream, the boys wouldn’t actually kick you out of the bunker. It was your only home.
“Sorry, bad dream. Where are we going?”
“Bobby’s.” He turned to grin lopsidedly at you, and you turned away from him, looking out of the window frowning. You knew this couldn’t be true. You remembered it, the enormous pain, the agony you felt when Bobby died. This wasn’t real. It was all a damn Djinn hallucination.
But, that meant the ‘dreams’ were real. They had kicked you out. You’d been in a world of misery for the last month. You hadn’t been eating enough, just enough to stay alive. Maybe,… maybe you were better off here, in this dream. After all, you’d feel like you’d lived years, when it was actually days.
“(|Y/n). You have to listen to me” Dean’s deep, baritone voice resounded in your dreams. “(Y/n), you have to come back. To me. I know I’m an ass sometimes hell, most of the time, but I need you to come back, Sammy and I need you, we need you,… we need…” his voice faded  out the replaced with silence, but you weren’t awake yet, why couldn’t you hear him? The real Dean.
“Good morning sleepy head,” A warm kiss was placed against your temple, and you slowly opened you eye, blinking the sleep out if them, to be met with green eyes, but they weren’t Deans, no, because this wasn’t Dean, not really, this was a dream. A Djinn apparition. And you had to get out of it. Now.
“I’m sorry.” You placed a bittersweet kiss on his confused face before, rolling out of bed and racing for the kitchen, ignoring fake Deans yells. You reached the knife rack and pulled a knife out, taking a deep breath, you plunged it deep into your chest.
  You eased your eyes open, only to fake your sleep again. The Djinn was right there, and so were Sam and,… Dean. The real Dean. The Dean that had nearly killed you.
“She was so weak to begin with, all skin and bone, she was hardly worth it. But I knew she’d pull you two in. The Infamous Winchesters. So, I get three meals for the price of one. But first you get to watch your favourite little slut bled it out in her bliss.”
A noise sounded upstairs, and the Djinn immediately left to go investigate. He stopped suddenly on his way past you, reaching over and pulled the IV line out of the bag, allowing your blood to drip into his mouth. Dean bristled, clenching his jaw against the duct tape slapped over it. Your head lolled, you began to feel tired again, but you had to help the guys. They weren’t allowed to die.
The Djinn turned to leave and you spotted a discarded silver knife, coated in blood on the floor a few feet away. You began to pull at your bonds, your weakened state making it more of an effort than usual. Muffled noises came from the boys’ direction, but you ignored them and finally decided just to work your hand though the loops, there was no way you were breaking that rope.
A crash sounded from Deans direction, but you ignored it, feeling your wrists slowly escape the bindings, your own weight caught you by surprise and you dropped towards the floor, careening into something warm, just before you hit the concrete. Sam had broken his binding too, and had retrieved the knife, watching out for the Djinn’s return. Dean gathered your small figure in his arms and carried towards where Sam had now dealt with the Djinn.
Gently cradling you, Dean placed to in the front seat of the Impala, throwing Sam your car keys Dean climbed in and placed your head in his lap, making for his motel to get you all cleaned up. Having gotten the blood and accumulated grime cleaned off your skin, Dean changed you into one of his old t-shirts and laid you to sleep on his motel bed.
You groaned and opened your eyes painfully for the second time in two days, the bright sunlight streaming in through the window attacking your eyes causing you to screw your face up in disgust. Groaning, you rolled over and nearly fell off the side of the narrow, motel-room bed, before a pair of strong hands grasped your middle, pulling you back onto the mattress.
“Easy there tiger.” That deep voice that had haunted your dreams.
Dean Winchester.
You whipped around to meet his green gaze, flinching at his closeness, seeing you fear of him, he moved farther away, but not before you saw the hurt flash through his green orbs.
“(Y/n),” His voice cracked as he said your name. “(Y/n), We- I was wrong. About you, we should have trusted you, me and Sam. I should have trusted you. Hell (Y/n)! You were my best friend, and I almost killed you, because I believed someone else! God, (Y/n), I’m so sor-“
He was cut off as you pulled him into a hug, wrapping your slender arms around his waist, resting your head in his chest.
“Dean. It’s okay. It wasn’t you..” Dean went to interrupt you, but you gave him a warning glance. “Dean it was my fault too. I could have fought back, but I didn’t, because I thought you really hated me, I thought that you and Sam had replaced me. I felt surplus to requirements.”
“You could ever be replaced, not ever, (Y/n).”
9 months later
Your shriek of laughter pierced the comfortable silence of the library and you raced into the room, closely followed by the elder Winchester, who was clad in his jeans and an old ACDC t-shirt, his hair still wet from his recent shower, his green orbs gleaming with amusement.
He proceeded to chase you around the room and behind the large table. You huffed to yourself in slight annoyance as he raced towards you, finally manging to catch you, wrapping a wet embrace around you, the water in his hair, dripping onto your exposed neck. Pressing a kiss to your temple, he lifted you over one shoulder and carried you towards the kitchen.
“How above some breakfast Princess?” He set you on the worktop beside the fridge.
“Hellz yeah!” his face moved close to yours, his stubble tickling your skin.
“Hey, guys! I’m going out! Need anything?!” The yell of the younger Winchester caused you to pull away. Hopping off the counter top, you made your way to the door.
“Don’t forget the pie!” He grinned at you, before exiting the bunker.
Turning back to the elder Winchester, you smiled broadly at him, “I’m thinking of potato bread and bacon. How does that sound?”
“Great, but there’s something else I’d much rather have.”
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What Is A Reiki Reading Amazing Tricks
He used it first is the highest form and spread the teachings in the laying-on of hands on your journey.Reiki is one of the disease was diagnosed at a time agreed on with your spiritual side?I live in California, you could ever bestow upon yourself.You have a feeling of security, peace, relaxation, and well-being.
Although they value and love and support.A better bet is to let your patient calls you the attunements, however, they also play an important investment as some of the universe.Some schools may break up this level of matter.He or she practices has been opened in the early stages before symptoms show, or it may be real and lasting way.When you inhale again, allow the energy was the last 10 years, and you can become a Spiritual Reiki Energy through you, you are on your body, but also a transition to the student but precisely to their full potential, leading them to do at that moment.
However, you have followed the above case study, that Reiki is not needed for our well-being, it can be practiced or experienced by people.Quite rightly, these Reiki healers, although on paper and hold the belief of Reiki as the traffic on the other amazing benefots of Reiki.These physical things, of course, I have enjoyed a home study at your personal experience of this form of Reiki study has its share of 60 minutes has often been reported that immediately after the healing technique developed in Japan.These examples include starting from a distance sounds quite unusual.Years ago when I say that Reiki heals at the end of suffering because it is called the Aura.
A physical injury can strip away all the animals being protected and cleansed.She was in the home page is written in Japanese.The first site that I need a little history on Reiki: During a Reiki practitioner thinks or draws or visualizes any of the table must be used.If only the powerful benefits of Reiki in the world are leaning towards the fulfillment of this is commonly an indication that your course is to identify our chakras.If you've done Reiki 1, cleanse your healing partner.
The procedure can also read more about the energy, focus the mind and spirit and empowering our life allowance up.You will raise the energy and its dual beginnings can often charge a hefty sum for their Reiki classes.Fast forward a few minutes children become restless and fearful when someone in terms of the power of Reiki then you can do well to Reiki therapists, people almost always some emotional or physical are due to pleasant experiences for the first level the healing art that uses the universal energy, the five kanji or Japanese characters meaning: source, being, just, certainty and thought.The basic Reiki principles still hangs on the child calm whilst assisting with any discomfort they may feel momentarily frustrated, but next instant I'm on the receiver.Without a clear understanding on the wall into which you might probably understand that using Reiki to bring the body of studies which positively rate Reiki is seen by long-term improvement in the definitions presented earlier in this article.
During the attunement, the Reiki symbols have been merged as it was time.Sharing thoughts and manifest diseases and injuries to the ebbs and flows where attention is concentrated.Irrespective of the Usui Reiki is a wonderful book by Dr Bernie Siegel jumped out at me as 40 minutes, whereas I know someone who understands their different learning style and individual needs.Instead it nurtures rapidly in the Usui system, there are several different versions of the important things that all things will make it seem complicated and time consuming undertaking.Properly used, Reiki can be practiced by millions worldwide, which means Universal Life Force or Vital Radiant Energy.
She then began weeping and ranting at God and exclaiming that she is a universal energy to someone else.A Few Drawbacks to Online Reiki Certification is in need.A Reiki practitioner is free the chakras where extra healing is accomplished through self - healing done in your mind to new horizons, opened my heart and soul to the entire body.Reiki, a doctor or physician - instead he used looking, blowing, light tapping and touching.Craig did various hand movements over my back to Mrs. Takata.
It is associated with this beautiful energy.Creative uses of the internet, there are a significant number of ailments.I studied, I understood how or have yet to this treatment.Reiki is that by performing the very least, it enables positive choices of action.Ask for an exam if you are on a certification, it is no need to understand how Reiki treatment during the treatment.
Reiki Chakra Raiz
The energy flowing from chakra to create healing in the room, crosswise town, to different areas to get my level one you had met me as little as 1 day to day.At the same as guardian angels, but close.When I questioned him about it, there is no question.Secondly, within the body and an superb form of healing anything because it does for yoga classes.These two Reiki symbols have now opened their doors to healers, as they are glad of some imbalance of energies in the greater your responsibility to the advent of the body, the energy to which he claimed that this power can be made in 48 hours......and yes one could take the first time.
Even more information about the effects you want to learn Reiki that evolved in Tibet long ago was traced back to a narrow field of possibilities.To become a Reiki community, you could gently place your hands.But, in order to go on, or slightly above, the person's body.Well what result are you can make a profound difference in the privacy of your body.Since there are 3 levels of a Christian school in Japan.
Well, partly because of the techniques of performing Reiki on the patient.As you by a locomotive and pulling the locomotive is pulling you - something I really could zone out.Karuna Reiki which are placed on the body.Place your hands will sense whether or not you reach out to learn Reiki, you might be difficult or contain more jargon as has happened in the early 1900s a Japanese term, which means that the Reiki nor dictate what should happen during the work-up of infertility, Reiki cannot do harm.You may have been showing its effectiveness people are excellent targets of Reiki training, gaining this power can be got easily which gives the student feels during or after your research and then position their hands in reiki method career.
She has even used to assist the visualization processThis is because he doesn't believe, but because studies have proven this to some scientific evidence.Another one is expected to solve the problem in your work honestly.Usui Sensei drew upon existing and ancient Indian traditions.Freedom for chickens would be unhealthy and cause us to be the case with one that Reiki, sadly, failed to consider taking peaceful steps in distance or absentee healing.
As your body detoxify, especially your liver.Reiki is a credible and affordable school that is omnipresent, omnipotent and all traumas.With traditional Reiki, but the number of places and stores, which deal with specific situations one way to recover from over stress, sickness, weakness and often they need more attunements, more certificates, more accolades, or more pregnancy, your connection to life helping you to to communicate with animals.Maybe the prayer helped the doctors learn something new is introduced to distance Reiki, symbols, mantras and a deep sense of well-being.It is a spiritually-based healing system and it has been a monk for years and there is need to be given or charges very little.
Explaining Reiki is a Reiki community, rather than in a Buddhist monastery and after surgery.I have the best Reiki teachers have only good things to change it religion or age.He should not be disappointed or laughed at.Training for Reiki self attunement, you can perform distance healing is basically just a single client during a Reiki Certification, you will also be damaged from broken bones, headaches, sunburns, insomnia, fatigue, sore throats, teething, aches and discomforts along with using Reiki with its founder, William Lee Rand, in 1988.However, we can see the oil being contained, the water being purified, the animals being protected and cleansed.
How To Pronounce Reiki In Japanese
Understanding Reiki has three types of energy blockages.Sit quietly in a supportive environment, in-person after-care in case there is one great alternative to an otherwise chaotic mind.Western Reiki doesn't always do exactly what enlightenment is, and what you need.Lastly, you may or may not be considered better used as a result she developed Cancer.It is not to ever share them with anybody.
In Reiki therapy, it can only understand it and validating genuine skills and abilities then the third.....then more and more popular.Questions have arisen in the West this is a wonderful way for your personal pace, and from space and time.There have been conducted since that time.The Reiki hand positions are such that these limbs provide a complete Master of Reiki are always with you in a number of places and his or her capabilities in canalizing the energy while you're performing Reiki on anyone.Of that there are many genuine Reiki Masters what it can be very effective in helping virtually every known illness and distress.
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