#not to complain about grace and Frankie again btw but we could have had it ALL
adamarks · 11 months
i love the dedication lesbians have to middle age man yuri. we are the strongest soldiers in the fight for cringe fail relationships for middle age men. they deserve to flounder and fail so the dykes can yuck it up <3
EXACTLY BABE it’s good to be crazy about old fart yuri again feels good feels natural. I will admit tho if someone gave me some real solid old women morons to go crazy over I’d never be the same. A real honest wet meow meow princess dykey 55+ year old woman would change me on a molecular level.
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Grace and Frankie, 6.05-6.08
More thoughts from, this, a season six watch that isn’t technically very slow, but sure is by my standards!
That scene where Grace and Frankie were sitting on the patio and Grace kept insisting that she wasn’t leaving to go see Nick until Frankie was okay and they were both tenderly lamenting that Grace didn’t live at the beach house, i was like, “iT’S HERE! IT’S FINALLY HAPPENING!!!! THIS IS NOT A DRILL!!! (michael scott style yelling)” ... and then in walks Sergeant Shadwell to crush all my dreams! Go back to Madame Tracy, Sergeant! Where’s your terrible accent, eh??
I also felt a pure surge of “The fanfic is happening!” joy when Nick was waiting at home with the chef and the fancy dinner when Grace rolled in way late from an adventure with Frankie. Yes, Nick! You are the third wheel! You!!! Also, I’m going to be worried about what happened for Frankiefest 2020 now forever. Grace and her party planning hat!!! It is really extremely moving the extent to which Frankie has opened up Grace’s whole heart.
(And the way Grace keeps saying stuff like that to Nick RANKLES. Really, Grace! You’ve never looked forward to coming home and just hanging out with someone before? Huh? Huh????? I cannot tell if the show is as aware of this as I am.)
I do continue to enjoy Nicholas, though. He’s as good an egg as a rich white dude can be. Who would have thought such a thing could be possible a few seasons ago??
Relatedly: Grace and Frankie being so thrilled at the thought of their bfs being best friends so they never have to choose between hanging out with their men and each other again??? KINDA SOUNDS LIKE YOU ALREADY KNOW WHAT YOU WANNA CHOOSE, LADIES.
When Frankie was complaining about Grace never allowing her to watch her perform sexually, my boyfriend was like, “Wow, she’s really trying to make that happen.” Frankie Bergstein: Really Trying To Make That Happen Since At Least 2017.
Another thing I loved: Grace’s face when Frankie was delivering that powerful breakup speech to Sergeant Shadwell in the doorway at Sol and Robert’s. Like, Grace didn’t necessarily have to be doing anything in particular with her face in that scene, and yet Jane Fonda made it such a quiet face journey of sheer adoration and I really value that with all my heart. THANK YOU, JANE. THANK YOU FOR THE GIFT THAT IS GRACE HANSON’S SPARKLY-WITH-FRANCES-LOVE EYES.
Hi Jacob!!!!! That bit where he gazed in anguish out the window and talked about being angry with God while Nick and the Sergeant (no, I will never call him by his actual name of Jack) looked on like “...???” was amazing. Also, I’m glad that this is finally the season of Frankie being showered with love by multiple admirers. Because DUH.
Also, I thought the way that Facebook plot was woven in was pretty funny. It also filled my heart with great horror that Sol’s post about Frankie dying ... had only four comments?!?!?!
This is random, but I love Joan Margaret and her general energy and her purple hair.
I feel like they are not tying the kids’ storylines nearly enough to their parents’ this season, which has been a problem for me for awhile now but feels especially pronounced here. Like, how do Bud and Coyote feel about Sol having cancer? I feel like that would have been explored poignantly in the fist few seasons of the show, but instead ... we get “the brothers fight over a girl and then find out Bud had sex with a couch”?
(A mostly-terrible storyline that was only worth it for Allison’s reaction, btw.)
I also feel like Brianna and Mallory have been just, like, banished to that Say Grace office like Grendel was banished from the society of man or whatever. I want to see them doing other stuff instead! I want to see them actually interact with their parents!
I did, however, enjoy Mallory’s boyfriend punching the short rib, mostly due to Brianna’s absolutely amazing reaction. Poor Barry, though. I can only imagine the pain of looking forward to a meal that long and then having it get punched into inedibility ...
That storyline with Robert and Sol at the funeral was mostly the most standard sitcom fare imaginable (second only to a lesbian couple needing their male friend to be a sperm donor!), but I did really like the end when they spoke to the widow -- that scene had such a nice energy!
Carl the dog is so cute. I know I also said that in my last reaction post, but it is worthy of infinite saying.
Five more episodes to go!
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