#not to mention some really shitty stuff happened at work and I've been slammed with trying to fix that
bi-bard · 2 years
The Trials - Winchester Brothers Imagine (Supernatural)
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Title: The Trials
Pairing: Winchesters X Child!Reader (14)
Requested: nope
Word Count: 1,477 words
Warning(s): violence, blood, mention of how shitty the Winchesters treated Kevin.
Summary: (Season 8) After learning about the trials that could close the gates of hell, (Y/n) and the Winchesters are ready to get started. However, they know that nothing can go to plan.
Author's Note: I have been thinking about this for months because I really wanted to give this original character an over-arching storyline that was already part of the show, but I couldn't decide on which one would work.
Also, I'm sorry for that hiatus there. I had a lot going on and felt that it was easier to take a step back than start working on new stuff.
Hey! I did a rewrite of the ending of Supernatural. It took a really long time to complete, so it would mean a lot to me if you check it out. Here’s a link! (it’s on my personal account)
The phone call from Kevin was simultaneously great and terrible.
The phone call meant that there was a step forward in deciphering the God tablet. That was great. But it also came with an inherent sense of fear because none of us had any real idea about what the tablet could possibly say.
The key to closing the gates of hell could involve anything. None of us truly knew what could happen.
When we got to Garth's houseboat to check on Kevin, we were pretty shocked to find the state that he was in. Barely sleeping, eating complete crap, and he hadn't showered in God knows how long.
He didn't really talk much about his current state of being. He decided to jump into what he had found instead.
The key to closing the gates of hell was a spell. A few words of Enochian that needed to be repeated after each of the three trials.
Once the trials are done, the gates can be slammed closed.
The first trial was to kill a hellhound and bathe in its blood.
The very idea made me feel a little bit sick.
But not as sick as the feeling in my gut when Dean insisted that he was going to go through the trials.
"What," I snapped. The boat was suddenly far more tense than it had been. "You can't do that. You just back from purgatory."
"This could save millions of people, (Y/n)," Dean said. "We have to think of the bigger picture."
"Screw that," I replied. "We just got you back. We just found a home. And you want to throw it away like that. Let some other hunter do the job-"
"No," he cut me off. "This is our responsibility. I have to do this. You don't have to help, but you aren't going to stop me."
I clenched my jaw and crossed my arms over my chest. I never signed up for this life. Why the hell was I paying for it?
After a few moments of silence, the attention in the room shifted away from me.
Sam had managed to track down a family that was a definite candidate for a crossroad demon's deal. The family was on land with no trace of oil and then suddenly struck gold.
Now, we were on our way to Idaho with the hopes of catching the hellhound before it could take a snap at the family.
"So, do either of you have a real plan on how to get the family to listen to us," I asked.
"Well," Dean said. He trailed off for a moment. "Not really."
"Nice," I replied, chuckling to myself.
"I've been kinda focused on other things."
"Like keeping a college kid locked on a boat," I asked.
He looked at me through the rearview mirror, "That's not fair."
"You're volunteering to throw yourself into the pit... again," I leaned my head on the window. "Don't talk to me about fair."
The rest of the drive was relatively silent. Sam tried to give us some notes, but no one was really communicating.
I was angry. Of course, I was angry. But I was more scared than anything. I was scared of losing everything yet again. I couldn't do anything else like this again. But now I had to accept it without any argument. It was ridiculous.
--time skip--
Sam was right about the oil family.
Their deal was about to run out and Crowley had sicked his hellhounds on them.
Dean and I had run out to a barn nearby. We were both wearing glasses meant to spot the hellhound and Dean had a blade ready to kill it.
The hellhound jumped out and shoved Dean into the far wall. The blade went flying to the side and his glasses had been knocked from his face.
I panicked.
"Hey," I yelled.
The hellhound froze over Dean before looking at me. It growled at me. I pointed my gun at it, hoping to distract it long enough for Dean to get away.
I barely registered Dean yelling as the hellhound jumped on me.
I knew that Dean was the one that was supposed to kill the hellhound. Kill the hellhound, start the trials to close the gates of hell.
In the moment, I didn't care.
Once I got my hand around the handle of the blade that he had dropped, I slammed it up into the stomach of the hellhound. I dragged my hand up and pulled the blade out.
I was shaking as I pulled myself out from under the hellhound. I dropped the blade and threw the glasses away from me, staring at the spot where the hound had been.
I looked down at my body.
So much blood.
"No," Dean muttered, standing up and walking over to me.
"I-I'm sorry," I replied, tears in my eyes as I looked at my bloodstained hands. "I'm so sorry."
"This can't be happening," Sam whispered before coming over. He knelt next to me and grabbed my upper arms, helping me stand up.
I could barely hold my own weight up.
"I messed everything up," I mumbled. "I ruined everything."
"Hey, hey," Sam ignored the blood and hugged me to his side. "It's okay. You're alright. We'll figure this out."
"(Y/n)," Dean said. He placed a hand on my shoulder so he could look at me. "Are you alright?"
"I ruined the plan," I muttered.
"No, you didn't," he brought me into a hug.
Sam picked up the glasses and the weapon.
"We'll get this sorted out," Dean promised quietly. "We can solve this."
I nodded as he led me back to the impala. He and Sam went to talk with the surviving member of the family as I tried to find a way to sit without the blood-soaked clothes sticking to me.
"Are they gonna be alright," I could hear the woman through the door.
"(Y/n)'s tough," Dean replied.
"That doesn't answer the question," she said.
"We'll keep an eye on them," Sam promised.
"Good luck," she nodded before Sam and Dean got in the car.
I looked out the window and tried to calm myself down. I didn't want them to spend the entire drive worrying about me.
When we made it to a nearby motel, I noticed Dean grabbing a bowl out of the trunk and a few materials. The spell. He was going to attempt the spell.
Sam led me inside.
"The spell won't work," I said as Dean set up the bowl on the table nearby. "Not for you, anyway."
There was a moment of silence as he finished setting up the spell, "I'm not letting you go through this."
"I'm the only option," I replied. "What are the odds of us finding another crossroads deal about to meet its end?"
"You are not going to do this."
"Dean, I've spent the last however many years feeling like I have no choice in what happens to me or around me," I held my hand out for the spell. "Let me choose this."
"Sam," Dean looked at his brother for help.
"(Y/n), we need to think about this," Sam stepped forward. "We can't put you in that much danger."
I saw that Dean wasn't focused on the spell in his hand. I reached forward and snatched it from him.
"(Y/n), no!"
"Stop," I yelled. "I passed the test. It's my job now. You two have saved me countless times. It's my turn. You guys have family up here. Friends. A home now. There's an ending in sight. This is my job in bringing the end to us."
"You could die-"
"So could you."
Everything went silent between us. I looked at Sam. He looked down for a moment before looking back at me and nodding at me. Dean looked between the two of us. With a sigh, he walked over and kissed y forehead before stepping back and nodding to me.
I read the spell off of the paper.
A burning sensation was sent up my arm and I yelled, clutching my arm to my chest. As the wave of pain went through the rest of my body, I doubled over. Dean helped me sit down before he just stepped back. I looked at my arm, which had a bright light shining beneath the skin.
After a few moments, the pain subsided. I took a few deep breaths before looking back up at Sam and Dean.
"You alright," Dean asked, kneeling next to me. I nodded, clenching and unclenching my hand a few times.
Sam kneeled on the other side of me, "You sure?"
"Yeah, yeah," I nodded again. "I'm okay."
Dean pulled me into a tight hug. I wrapped my arms around him.
All I could think of was one thing, I hope I know what I've gotten myself into.
What I Write For
Some Original Characters
folklore/evermore Writing Challenge (and Masterlist)
Maisie Peters - “You Signed Up for This” Writing Challenge Masterlist
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