#not to say they're completely independent but the angels generally make their own choices
journey-to-the-attic · 6 months
Holy shit that chronodae lore drop just made God so much more sinister. Why is he pretending to be an overseer? What did he do to the proto-angels? Is he FEEDING on the angels somehow?? What's his plan here?!?!?
hahaha.... well who knows :)
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paragonrobits · 22 days
i've seen some joking takes on the possibility of Hunter the Parenting being some kind of stealth prequel to Warhammer 40k and at the risk of sounding a bit like a killjoy (but I'm an old WoD fan, its sort of expected probably), I have to say that if you're actually serious about that, I have to say that if you go to the mental brain-break of trying to combine the respective and almost completely incompatible metaphysics/cosmology of all the different WoD gameline, the circumstances of Warhammer 40k happening within WoD is categorically impossible
a few reasons why:
What to know the weirdest thing? The absolute weirdest bit of WoD lore? Okay, get ready for it; space, as we know it, does not technically have an objective reality within the context of WoD. The planets are generally depicted as being spirit realms in their own right. Alien life does not exist, except as weird spirits probably born from ideas until they achieve a retroactive existence. This is related to the fact that science is not an objective facet of reality, but a specific magical paradigm enforced by the Technocracy, the assumed default antagonists of the Mage line, and that includes planets, which technically only exist in a scientific context because people think it does. (If enough people sincerely 'knew' that the planets are crystal spheres pushed by angels, that would retroactively become reality.) So that essentially means that a lot of Warhammer's basic physics, goofy and over the top as they are, can't really exist in the setting in an objective sense. (In theory you COULD, if you got all humanity to believe there's orks and elves in space, but in practice that would be a lot of work without much to show for it, and again, in 40k they just exist. Humanity's opinion on them is irrelevant. In WoD, Earth is the only functional planet for all intents and purposes.)
The Warp is... not exactly the same thing as the Umbra, or the spirit world. In fact, there's several aspects of the Warp (it as a realm of ideas and dreams/nightmares, where faith takes on a form, and so on) that are similar to aspects of the Umbra, but not in the same precise region, and a lot of them have their own existence independent from anyone's belief. Mortal life is, paradoxically, both a largely irrelevant aspect of existence to spirits and the source of what we think of as reality, but that means that not only do equivalents to the Chaos Gods not exist, they probably wouldn't be able to materialize in the 40k way. The Triat, the cosmic forces of the Wyrm and Wyld and Weaver, MIGHT be assumed to be equivalent, but no; they're bigger than the Chaos gods, and sort of in a 'thrashing cosmic force that can be read as not actually being sapient'. That last point is a bit foggy to be honest, since the Wyrm is often described as being driven mad and THAT'S why the force of balance has become malicious corruption, but they are often implied to be cosmic forces that do not and CANNOT make moral choices, but simply do what is in their nature. Tzeentch may make schemes, but he is still shaped by forces and making his decisions, in his own way; the Weaver does not, and when she strives to define all reality into absolute stasis, it is simpler her doing what she IS. But anyway the point is that the Umbra isn't really analogous to the Warp, and its the closest thing in the setting. 3. A lot of 40k's aspects are integral, inalterable parts of the setting that have their own objective reality; psykers exist and pull power from the Warp. WoD is not like this, it is weird and chaotic and a mash up of cosmologies that make no sense in full context, half the time things only exist because people think they do and at the exact same time half the spirits and spirit realms we see are KIND OF like mythologies but also not. Everything is weird and full of secrets and also the world was supposed to have been destroyed several years before the events of WoD, but a big part of the setting is that everyone is facing down one apocalypse or another. 4. If you do obvious magic that people think isn't possible (in terms of what the local paradigm concludes is impossible; time travel machines have the same effect even in places where science is a dominant paradigm because EVERYONE KNOWS TIME TRAVEL ISNT POSSIBLE), you tend to explode. Or get retconned out of reality. Not in the same way as demons being drawn by psykers, but... look, its called Paradox and it gets weird, and reality doesn't like getting bent out of shape. This also means that the kind of impossible feats and blasting attacks typical for 40k Psykers would be EVEN MORE DESTRUCTIVE to them, personally. So the kinds of thing the Emperor is known to do isn't something that could generally happen in the setting of WoD.
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news-ase · 4 years
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