#not to visit Kilvas unless he paid to visit specifically bc they don't rly want beorc there
dimiclaudeblaigan · 8 months
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we all clear on that point now? yeah? yeah??? good.
#DCB RD Run#bitches be pretending a tellius character can't and won't get development#there's a difference between “i don't like this character” and “this character is objectively xyz and never gets development”#y'all's memes and “jokes” are so ANNOOOOOYING#unless y'all are gonna start using those jokes for soren jill tibarn reyson janaff ulki naesala etc#it's to time to shut up and accept that character development doesn't just apply to characters you like#like y'all don't know how annoying it is to find good art of a fave and see them pull the ''bigot'' or ''racist'' jokes constantly#y'all are either gonna call reyson racist and not pull the ''but he developed!!!'' card#or y'all are gonna stop whining about another character being racist and conveniently ignore the blatant development he has#just bc it's small and takes times - like you know real people and how they grow and change out of habits slowly -#doesn't mean it's not there and that it's not very direct. having some instant immediate change in perspective#is not only unrealistic and boring but when you're dealing with an adult who is used to old habits and generally set in their ways#changing their entire mindset (not just behavior but their actual manner of thinking abt smth) takes TIME#I can absolutely see 27 years of belief and habits being difficult to get out of and change#I can absolutely see that taking three+ years to worm out of and come out a better person for it#I can absolutely see trying to be better and still slipping up sometimes. Naesala similarly took over an entire game to get better#in that exact same regard. he put up with beorc as long as he had to then outright told Ike#not to visit Kilvas unless he paid to visit specifically bc they don't rly want beorc there#the pace in change and changed mindset took time and gave him a character arc spanning both games#it wasn't a one and done there you go he's fully developed after one game with a planned sequel#it was a longer and more interesting experience and a few others got that too#it's always also wild to me how ppl absolutely refuse to go from hating a character's guts to actually loving them or even just liking them#there's a character in another series I used to /hate/. got development and she became one of my faves#like my top fave alongside someone else#and again: disliking a character doesn't mean denying them development even if you still don't like them post development#they still got it. pretending they didn't just to keep hating them is stupid
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