#not to worry about the pokes btw my friend is letting me borrow hers to do the transfer :)
kyatra · 2 years
just dug up my old 3ds that i retired upon getting my switch in late 2019 to transfer my ‘mons over to home and the thing is completely fucking dead. and there’s something so surreal about it all… through hell and high water this damn purple brick of a device was with me. literally thousands of hours of my life, my miserable teenage years culminated in this now busted hardware i hold in my hands… where my switch has still barely seen enough games to count on two hands she has seen enough games to count like the stars. i bid her goodnight so long ago but didn’t know it was goodbye. and under all the dust still rests the old fingerprints of the hands that held her from thirteen to nineteen, middle school to college. godspeed… and thank you.
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thatsjustsupergirl · 6 years
Cookie Girl was a nice fakeout for the people who didn’t get spoiled on Pestilence’s identity, RIP Cookie Girl
Imra is borrowing Alex’s murder eyes in this episode and boy oh boy do I love a good ideological conflict
I give Imra major props for pushing back against Kara since we know she admires her a lot
“That’s not normally how I operate, either.” ... oh look, foreshadowing
Brainy’s sad little admission about how he had to hide so he wouldn’t scare people, and Kara’s bemused “huh” in response, was a subtle touch on the passing/not-passing topic that’s come up repeatedly since S1
Lena just casually has equipment for electroshock therapy laying around in her lab and I have so many questions
🎵 hello darkness my old friend... 🎵
Nice detail with having Kara not wear a respiratory mask and J’onn choosing to hold one to blend in with the humans
Mean Doctor never actually touched Winn???
“You, I believe.” Thus continues the trend of very powerful aliens correctly assessing Alex Danvers as either an equal or a threat
Way to not incite a panic, Imra
I give both Sam and Lena lots of points for their determination, but I take points off for how VERY FUCKING SKETCHY this all is
Imra after she finishes her transfusion before Mon-El: “You always were a little bit slow” WAY HARSH TAI 😂😂😂
Look at this nice Danvers sisters scene talking about how Imra’s being irrational, it’s like they want us to make some kind of connection here 🤔
Alex to J’onn and Kara after they realize they haven’t found the suspect: “It’s Winn.” POOR CHOICE OF WORDS, KIDDO
oh my god the part where Winn messes with Brainy while Kara and Alex go along with it and giggle in the background is my new favorite thing 😍😍😍
and then Alex steps in like the responsible big sister she is and puts an end to the joke before it can turn mean, what a good
And here we have another episode poking at the "surrender” theme, which also came up in 3x14
oh look, the plotline with J’onn and his father is still relevant
“You break through the impossible every day.” SPACE DAD IS THE BEST DAD AND I LOVE HIM
um, I also love this marital spat that is both about Mon-El’s feelings and not about him at all? This argument was nicely set up and actually shows not only how well Mon-El and Imra know each other, but how much they genuinely care about each other too
Why is Brainy wearing his disguise on the Legion ship
ALEX!!! 😱
btw J’onn did you really have to say “keep holding on”
This conversation between James and Winn both hurts me and makes me love it because how often do you get to see dudes express sad emotions and talk about their friendship and cry like this on an action show
I have watched this phone call between James and Lena three times now and I still can’t decide if she actually knows that “sick” means "dying of alien plague,” because she sure didn’t seem too concerned
Sam believes in Supergirl toooooooooo 😭😭
Whoa there, Ms. Only-I-Can-Save-You
Like, her fear about people going all Cadmus on Sam is reasonable, but the fact that she won’t even trust her own friends is a little worrying
Social media is a short-lived trend, say our aliens from the future, to which I say: SURE HOPE SO
ngl, when I realized Pestilence was planning to take down insurance company executives I was about 54% willing to let her
Also this surgeon god complex does not bode well for Lena’s attitude earlier in the episode, whoops
Imra’s powers are pretty darn cool
“Stronger together” clearly setting up to be our theme of the season
That Space Dad hug and adorable kiss on the head plus tucking Alex’s head under his chin OMGGGG 😍😭😍😭😍😭
lack of J’onn and Alex scenes was like #1 on my list of criticisms from last year and if this was not among your favorite moments in the episode why are you even here get out
The scene with Kara and Imra discussing whether or not Kara’s taking the right approach here is fab and sowing the seeds for Kara to experience the self-doubt that Jindah prophesied in 3x11
which was intentional, since Imra specifically brings that episode up when she explains what she saw when Psi got into her head
“I would probably do the same thing if Alex were gone.” “No, you wouldn’t.”
I love that this comes right on the heels of Kara saying that she always follows her instincts, and yet *SOME PEOPLE* don’t believe that she means what she says here... 👀🤔
Kara could see the funky invisible forcefield thing! NICE DETAIL
Uhhhh, how exactly does Lena have liquid kryptonite to just run into Sam via special IV and why is she not concerned about the potential toxicity of it?
All the people whining about Mon-El being “too powerful” or whatever bullshit should really either watch the show properly or shut up, because they deliberately showed him being knocked down by the Worldkillers multiple times in this episode while Kara and/or J’onn were perfectly fine.
Huh, so Purity doesn’t really hurt J’onn, but Reign does. Interesting...
Oh, look, this whole screw-up with Lena, Sam, and Kara is exactly what I said would happen because it’s the plot of Wicked and they’ve been running Wizard of Oz parallels this entire season
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bitemestaff · 7 years
Monsterclive - V2; Drabble 1
Okay so I’m exhausted so this description won’t be long. This is in the second version of my Monsterclive verse - I’ve restarted the whole thing because I wrote myself into a corner, inspirationally, with the last one, and came up with a few more ideas with a friend about what sort of monster Clive could be (it’s Wendigo btw)
This fic is probably the closest I’ve ever come to writing Actual S.e.x without getting myself flustered beyond belief and while it doesn’t contain the actual act of interc.ourse, it does contain vore/gore of a manner, and is plenty suggestive enough to earn a good, healthy NSFW slapped onto it.
Yeah so... enjoy? Again I’m sorry but I am goddamn exhausted.
If there was one thing that always, no matter what, came in handy, it was his ability to alter his form. His best, most convincing shapes were the 'Clive' that everybody knew, and his normal, taller, skinny inhuman one – but the lady that he'd started playing with the last few years... Now she definitely had earned her keep, so to speak.
With golden eyes and long, semi-curly brown hair, she was always a hit with most men; them being more eager for a night copulating with a pretty girl than paying attention to whether or not she was a good, safe person. A little danger seemed if anything to entice them, drawing them in so close that Clive barely had to work at all to eat them – they were so eager for it at that point that the effort needed was minimal.
Seedy bars turned out to be the best place to pick up prey, for her. Clive's common forms took more planning, more effort, but The Lady With The Golden Eyes needed no such care and caution. She was a common sight in bars – a mystery woman that came, enticed a man away, and returned a few weeks later to do it all again. She had a reputation as a maneater – in the way that referred to her having multiple sexual partners, of course, but in the other way it was just as accurate. Not that anyone was aware.
He – or rather, she, was in one such bar again tonight. With Hershel working late – another night spent in his office grading papers and such – Clive was able to stay out, able to don his oh-so-popular Lady shape and sashay into the latest seedy bar that he hadn't been seen in for ages.
The reactions upon him – her – entering the bar never ceased to please him.
The moment she walked in, she had attention. More than a few men had their attention held by something else, to be sure, but a good, easy number were focused on her. The first one brave enough to approach, was the one he decided to take that night. He was a fair size, shaggy copper-blond hair, dark eyes, and a build that wasn't actually half bad. Perhaps he just liked this bar. The company, the drinks, the atmosphere – she didn't care. All that mattered was getting him alone.
“Pretty thing like you don't often come to a place like this. You're not lost, are you?” The words sounded concerned but his tone sounded eager. Hopeful. He wanted her alone. She did too, but in an entirely different, more bloody way.
“I'm not lost. I know exactly where I am, and what I'm looking for.” She eyed him, then, half-smirking in that way that rarely failed to hook them in. “I can take care of myself, don't worry. You don't come to a place like this without knowing what to expect.” Layering it just right. The personality had to be just so, had to be tempting enough, or they'd wriggle free like a fish trying to loose itself from a hook.
He always hated the conversation. Comparatively, the Lady had it easy; all she had to do was sound enticing and as though she'd only come for a night in somebody else's bed – but he still hated having to wear the personality. It was much more fun as Clive, stalking through the night, keeping pace with their steps until they went somewhere quiet and alone, at which point he could strike and gobble them down, leaving nothing but a few bloodstains behind.
Still though – the Lady was made sure to sound convincing. Too shallow, and they'd lose interest and leave. It was like fishing, in that respect.
If you didn't hold the fish's interest, it would leave without biting. And he needed them to bite, so very badly.
He needed them to bite the Lady's hooks in the same way most fishermen did – to reel them in, and eat them.
It had taken longer than usual – the time always varied, always changed from person to person in regards to how long they had to be teased and tempted before an offer was made, but eventually, offer they did. At first they'd clearly thought to get the Lady intoxicated, but a simple tease and quip was all that was needed to make them think that what they wanted, was all she'd come around for.
They wanted her in their bed, naked and all to themselves for a night of pleasure. Clive wanted something in a similar vein, except not in such a pleasant, consensual, erotic fashion.
“Mmh, now you are beautiful. Hard to believe that a girl like you ain't taken already.” The man lay in bed – his own bed in his own room he'd escorted the Lady there after they'd both decided to go somewhere more private – the Lady swaying about the room as she teased him with the notion of undressing.
“Well, I don't like being tied down. It's no fun to be trapped together with only one person. But tonight, that one person is gonna be you~” The Lady was good at what she did. The perfect tone, the perfect  words, the perfect teasing to get them all hot and bothered. All that was needed was a simple poke of magic and they all but begged to have her on top of them.
She moved slowly, shedding a few layers until she was in only her underclothes. The man was already ridding himself of layers himself – not completely, he was being some manner of gentlemanly and clearly letting the Lady lead. How nice of him~
“You have no idea how much I want you inside me~” She said, sliding up to rest on top of him – but the words were not meant in the manner the man would understand them. Here he was being completely, wholly honest. He very much wanted this man inside him. Literally. “I'm aching, and you're the one I picked to help me~” Soft words, trailing off – the man beneath not saying anything.
The Lady closed in, cuddling up against him. Clive wouldn't go too far, but he liked the foreplay of teasing his meals and winding them up before eating. It was just too much fun – he loved to play with his food.
Hands running up the ladies back, playing with a bra that wasn't technically there – a poke of magic made him stop, the hands remained but that was all that she wanted. Bodies running up against each other, warm skin against warm skin as they writhed together atop the bedsheets. Hands trailing over each other's bodies, tracing the curves and taking in the forms. It was little more than just playtime for Clive, but he could see the man winding – up and up and almost entirely away.
“I need you inside me, I need you to fill me up and make the aching go away~” Leaning away, guiding his hands to her belly and making them rub gently – the man didn't understand and at this juncture was too wound up to catch the true meaning. The man's reply was an affirmation, yes, yes, he would fill her up like no other man ever had, and internally Clive was laughing. This sort of play was his absolute favorite – he could never get this kind of hunting as his regular self.
It was always fun to let the Lady take the reins for a night.
The Lady leaned back in, the man's hands returning to their roaming and shifting across her form as she pulled in closer and closer – nipping at his neck, a simple burst of magic to muffle any sounds that might be louder than the room could hide and a bit into the man himself to make him feel like heaven itself had blossomed within his form; and Clive bit down.
The noise was fantastic – pain into pleasure; a spell that was always fun to let the Lady use; it kept struggling down and made his prey so eager to slip down his throat and coalesce as a quivering mass in his empty, waiting, aching belly.
“I need you inside of me so badly...” A voice that was still feminine, but now more monster than man. Clive's prey was in no state to respond beyond moaning in pleasure; every bite, every additional stripping of flesh making the man feel as though he was ascending. “Do you feel it? Every bite of flesh filling me up so perfectly?” One of the man's hands that was still intact, still able to feel – Clive pressed it against the belly that was slowly stretching taut, holding it there even as he continued to feed. His stomach was groaning and shifting inside him – eternally eager for more and more, happy to take this man's entire mass and hold it within itself. Belly stretched and soft and pressing against his prey, groaning and shifting with each additional mote of flesh that slipped inside – it wasn't long before blood loss took the man beneath the Lady, and Clive gave in to the eternal aching hunger. Sharp teeth tore into the body left behind, no longer a romantic partner and now simply a meal – mouthfuls of meat sliding down his throat to join the rest of him in Clive's stomach, swollen and groaning.
Bones gulped down too – his system that was capable of digesting every part of a body more than happy to be filled even more. The sheets were bloody, but if he wasn't feeling too bad the next morning he could simply wash it away with a good dose of magic.
For now, he simply lay back, curling up on the nice soft bed, hands rubbing gently up and down, back and forth, against the churning, gurgling stomach full to bursting with the man the Lady had just devoured.
“Look at that, you kept your promise... You said you'd fill me up, and you have – maybe not like no man ever has, but you're definitely worth a note. I hope you don't mind me borrowing your house, I-” A particularly loud gurgle from his stomach, and Clive brightened. “No? Good~ I need a shower before I go home, I think. Can't let Hershel catch wind of anything – clever clever man. I'd send him down to you, but well... I'm afraid he's too busy to make an appointment with me~” Quiet groaning of a stomach that was eager to work on it's contents, and Clive rubbed it more, before rolling onto his back, giving a yawn. “Maybe a rest first, though. You've gone and made me tired. Enjoy yourself in there – I certainly am~”
He would have to come up with an excuse about where he'd been all night, normally – but Hershel would have another class that morning, and wouldn't be home until that afternoon. Clive had more than enough time to rest off his most recent meal – the Lady would have to create her alibi, and without any trace of foul play, it would be as simple as just leaving and going someplace else for a while.
But for now... sleep. He could think more in the morning.
Another yawn, a healthy pat and rubbing of his stomach, and Clive was out like a light. It had been a good night – hopefully the next night he went hunting would be just as easy, and just as filling.
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winterheart17 · 7 years
You are so sweet
Which is a lie btw because my sister chipped in and said that she dm-ed more of my mates on instagram. And then my mother keeps blaming it on me and asking me why I'm annoyed with her. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the worry and concern but I'm old enough and it's barely even half an hour. And I just realised that my mother dictates whatever I do, micromanages my life and controls everything. So at the end of the whole fiasco, I took a cab home and just slept for 6 hours. 
And I understand that's not necessarily the most healthy of coping mechanisms but it's how I cope, I avoid or repress my feelings. My mother always asks me why I sleep so late or why I take so long to shower and my answer to her is usually the same: just a slow poke. But truly I do that as a form of escapism from life and my family (not just her). And honestly the only time I have the courage to talk about my feelings are when I'm slightly tipsy (like now when there's vodka in my coffee cup). 
And I'm just tired and I don't know whether my sentiments are justified logically. Being a rational person, it's pretty hard to draw the line between rational and irrational feelings. And I'm usually the friend to find solutions to peoples problems (helped 4 people with their stress related mental breakdowns in the past week) but I can't seem to solve my own problems. I'll usually just make a joke and change the subject when something bothers me.
Hihi there, 
Okay, so first up, I’m so sorry about thefiasco that happened with your mum. It was a crappy situation to be caught inand I know exactly where you’recoming from because I was raised by a very strict mother who used tomicromanage my life (she still tries to at times). It was difficult growing upwith her at times, I admit, especially when I felt so distrusted when I hadnever done anything to make her think I was anything other than responsible. Ithink part of it also stems from the fact that we (me and you) generally don’trebel as well, so, our mothers sort of think it’s okay to carry on doing whatthey’ve done all along.
I’m not saying that it was right of her andI agree that calling so many of your friends when you were just 10 minutes latefor lunch was an overreaction – perhaps she was genuinely concerned and worriedespecially if you’re the sort of person who’s never late to a meet-up and Godknows with all that’s been flooding the news recently, that may have been hertiger mum instincts kicking into gear!
All that said and done, I do think it’ssomething you should talk to her about. Again, easier said than done –sometimes, talking may not resolve anything. But if you’ve not tried this as anoption, I’d advise picking another time and place when things have calmed downto bring the topic up. You can casually open with: “Mum, you do realise that I’m18 now and I appreciate your concern and worry, but I’d also appreciate it ifyou could trust me a little bit more and let me find my footing.” Just makesure to state really clearly that youunderstand her good intentions and that this is in no way a form of youattacking her – but that you’ve realised you’ve been nothing but responsibleand you hope she can show some good faith in you – even though relinquishing controlover her “little girl” can be hard. Don’t expect major changes right away asthese things take time – it will take small nudges and casual reminders if youcatch her micromanaging you again.
Aww honey, I’m so sorry to hear thatbecause to be honest, it sounds like it has been weighing on your mind for along time now – this coping mechanism. I’ve personally never been one to shyaway from acknowledging my emotions – I love digging and sifting through thedirt and I could most probably sit and cry for a good hour if that’s what Iwanted to do to feel better about a situation!
First up, I want you to know that you areallowed to feel however it is the way you want to feel. You don’t need to feelas if your sentiments are justified logically or not – if you feel it, it iswhat it is. What is ‘wrong’ (if I could just borrow the slightest connotationthis word brings) is if you react immediately to how you feel and lash out in away that people don’t deserve. So, take the time to acknowledge and embracewhat it is you’re feeling – ask yourself, what is the worst that could happenwhen you do that? That it will hurt? That you will feel angry? That you’ll havea good cry, a good talk, a good scream – which could potentially make you feelbetter? Once you’ve come to terms with that, then only can you figure out whatyour next course of action should be and how you should handle the people whoare involved in the situation.
You probably find it really easy to helppeople with their problems because you’re very rational and you want to help “solve”things, or at least suggest solutions. It’s easier when you’re the third partylooking in with clear eyes and a clear mind. But when it comes to you, you don’teven know where to begin – everything becomes so overwhelming, you just shutdown. I don’t think you need me to tell you that it can potentially be a hugeproblem – the fact that it’s at the back of your mind is already a tell-talesign.
I’ve been reading a lot of Cheryl Strayed’sDear Sugar advice column pieces lately (they are seriously so insightful,tender, and beautiful, I swear) – but something she said now comes to mind.Sometimes, we like to say that we can’t bear to go through things or bear tosurvive situations. It’s not that we can’t – we are fully equipped to do so –but rather, we don’t want to because it’s painful. We don’t say “I hope I won’thave to endure this”. What I want to tell you now is that you have it in you –the very fact that you know exactly what it is you are repressing shows thatyou have insight to yourself.
There’s nothing wrong with trying to finddifferent ways to relax and forms of escapism can work at times, but rememberthat in the long run, if nothing comes out in the clear – you’re just going tobottle everything up until one day you explode. Perhaps you could start withasking yourself why do you joke and change the subject when something bothersyou? Is it because you’re afraid that speaking out will cause offence? Will itdisplease the people around you? If the reasons are external, I’d like to tellyou that I’ve met a number of people who have no qualms about entering adebate/discussion that would challenge their own views (if indeed it is acertain viewpoint that bothers you). Especially if they are your friends, it’seven more important that you are able to talk with them about things that youare uncomfortable with.
If it’s internal in that you just don’twant to deal with it – ask yourself why? As you’ve mentioned that you’re arational person, why not ask yourself questions so that you can find the rootcause of the issue? If it’s hard for you to just talk it out internally, I’vefound writing to be terribly therapeutic – maybe you could try your hand atthat?
All I’m saying is that you have nothing tolose by confronting your own emotions within yourself. Confronting them doesn’tmean you have to resolve the issues right here, right now with theperson/people in question. It’s acknowledging that something is the matter anddoing so will give you peace of mind.
I’m sorry this turned out to be so long andif I was just rambling throughout it all – but I hope they’ve managed to helpin a way or that you’ve managed to find some measure of comfort in them. Justknow that it takes time and it’s going to be a long and hard journey, but I’mrooting for you and you know where to find me if you ever need an ear (or pairof eyes in this case). You can do this – I really do believe you can
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thecrownpetone · 6 years
MonsterClive V2 - 1
Okay so I’m exhausted so this description won’t be long. This is in the second version of my Monsterclive verse - I’ve restarted the whole thing because I wrote myself into a corner, inspirationally, with the last one, and came up with a few more ideas with a friend about what sort of monster Clive could be (it’s Wendigo btw)
This fic is probably the closest I’ve ever come to writing Actual S.e.x without getting myself flustered beyond belief and while it doesn’t contain the actual act of interc.ourse, it does contain vore/gore of a manner, and is plenty suggestive enough to earn a good, healthy NSFW slapped onto it.
Yeah so… enjoy? Again I’m sorry but I am goddamn exhausted.
If there was one thing that always, no matter what, came in handy, it was his ability to alter his form. His best, most convincing shapes were the ‘Clive’ that everybody knew, and his normal, taller, skinny inhuman one – but the lady that he’d started playing with the last few years… Now she definitely had earned her keep, so to speak.
With golden eyes and long, semi-curly brown hair, she was always a hit with most men; them being more eager for a night copulating with a pretty girl than paying attention to whether or not she was a good, safe person. A little danger seemed if anything to entice them, drawing them in so close that Clive barely had to work at all to eat them – they were so eager for it at that point that the effort needed was minimal.
Seedy bars turned out to be the best place to pick up prey, for her. Clive’s common forms took more planning, more effort, but The Lady With The Golden Eyes needed no such care and caution. She was a common sight in bars – a mystery woman that came, enticed a man away, and returned a few weeks later to do it all again. She had a reputation as a maneater – in the way that referred to her having multiple sexual partners, of course, but in the other way it was just as accurate. Not that anyone was aware.
He – or rather, she, was in one such bar again tonight. With Hershel working late – another night spent in his office grading papers and such – Clive was able to stay out, able to don his oh-so-popular Lady shape and sashay into the latest seedy bar that he hadn’t been seen in for ages.
The reactions upon him – her – entering the bar never ceased to please him.
The moment she walked in, she had attention. More than a few men had their attention held by something else, to be sure, but a good, easy number were focused on her. The first one brave enough to approach, was the one he decided to take that night. He was a fair size, shaggy copper-blond hair, dark eyes, and a build that wasn’t actually half bad. Perhaps he just liked this bar. The company, the drinks, the atmosphere – she didn’t care. All that mattered was getting him alone.
“Pretty thing like you don’t often come to a place like this. You’re not lost, are you?” The words sounded concerned but his tone sounded eager. Hopeful. He wanted her alone. She did too, but in an entirely different, more bloody way.
“I’m not lost. I know exactly where I am, and what I’m looking for.” She eyed him, then, half-smirking in that way that rarely failed to hook them in. “I can take care of myself, don’t worry. You don’t come to a place like this without knowing what to expect.” Layering it just right. The personality had to be just so, had to be tempting enough, or they’d wriggle free like a fish trying to loose itself from a hook.
He always hated the conversation. Comparatively, the Lady had it easy; all she had to do was sound enticing and as though she’d only come for a night in somebody else’s bed – but he still hated having to wear the personality. It was much more fun as Clive, stalking through the night, keeping pace with their steps until they went somewhere quiet and alone, at which point he could strike and gobble them down, leaving nothing but a few bloodstains behind.
Still though – the Lady was made sure to sound convincing. Too shallow, and they’d lose interest and leave. It was like fishing, in that respect.
If you didn’t hold the fish’s interest, it would leave without biting. And he needed them to bite, so very badly.
He needed them to bite the Lady’s hooks in the same way most fishermen did – to reel them in, and eat them.
It had taken longer than usual – the time always varied, always changed from person to person in regards to how long they had to be teased and tempted before an offer was made, but eventually, offer they did. At first they’d clearly thought to get the Lady intoxicated, but a simple tease and quip was all that was needed to make them think that what they wanted, was all she’d come around for.
They wanted her in their bed, naked and all to themselves for a night of pleasure. Clive wanted something in a similar vein, except not in such a pleasant, consensual, erotic fashion.
“Mmh, now you are beautiful. Hard to believe that a girl like you ain’t taken already.” The man lay in bed – his own bed in his own room he’d escorted the Lady there after they’d both decided to go somewhere more private – the Lady swaying about the room as she teased him with the notion of undressing.
“Well, I don’t like being tied down. It’s no fun to be trapped together with only one person. But tonight, that one person is gonna be you~” The Lady was good at what she did. The perfect tone, the perfect  words, the perfect teasing to get them all hot and bothered. All that was needed was a simple poke of magic and they all but begged to have her on top of them.
She moved slowly, shedding a few layers until she was in only her underclothes. The man was already ridding himself of layers himself – not completely, he was being some manner of gentlemanly and clearly letting the Lady lead. How nice of him~
“You have no idea how much I want you inside me~” She said, sliding up to rest on top of him – but the words were not meant in the manner the man would understand them. Here he was being completely, wholly honest. He very much wanted this man inside him. Literally. “I’m aching, and you’re the one I picked to help me~” Soft words, trailing off – the man beneath not saying anything.
The Lady closed in, cuddling up against him. Clive wouldn’t go too far, but he liked the foreplay of teasing his meals and winding them up before eating. It was just too much fun – he loved to play with his food.
Hands running up the ladies back, playing with a bra that wasn’t technically there – a poke of magic made him stop, the hands remained but that was all that she wanted. Bodies running up against each other, warm skin against warm skin as they writhed together atop the bedsheets. Hands trailing over each other’s bodies, tracing the curves and taking in the forms. It was little more than just playtime for Clive, but he could see the man winding – up and up and almost entirely away.
“I need you inside me, I need you to fill me up and make the aching go away~” Leaning away, guiding his hands to her belly and making them rub gently – the man didn’t understand and at this juncture was too wound up to catch the true meaning. The man’s reply was an affirmation, yes, yes, he would fill her up like no other man ever had, and internally Clive was laughing. This sort of play was his absolute favorite – he could never get this kind of hunting as his regular self.
It was always fun to let the Lady take the reins for a night.
The Lady leaned back in, the man’s hands returning to their roaming and shifting across her form as she pulled in closer and closer – nipping at his neck, a simple burst of magic to muffle any sounds that might be louder than the room could hide and a bit into the man himself to make him feel like heaven itself had blossomed within his form; and Clive bit down.
The noise was fantastic – pain into pleasure; a spell that was always fun to let the Lady use; it kept struggling down and made his prey so eager to slip down his throat and coalesce as a quivering mass in his empty, waiting, aching belly.
“I need you inside of me so badly…” A voice that was still feminine, but now more monster than man. Clive’s prey was in no state to respond beyond moaning in pleasure; every bite, every additional stripping of flesh making the man feel as though he was ascending. “Do you feel it? Every bite of flesh filling me up so perfectly?” One of the man’s hands that was still intact, still able to feel – Clive pressed it against the belly that was slowly stretching taut, holding it there even as he continued to feed. His stomach was groaning and shifting inside him – eternally eager for more and more, happy to take this man’s entire mass and hold it within itself. Belly stretched and soft and pressing against his prey, groaning and shifting with each additional mote of flesh that slipped inside – it wasn’t long before blood loss took the man beneath the Lady, and Clive gave in to the eternal aching hunger. Sharp teeth tore into the body left behind, no longer a romantic partner and now simply a meal – mouthfuls of meat sliding down his throat to join the rest of him in Clive’s stomach, swollen and groaning.
Bones gulped down too – his system that was capable of digesting every part of a body more than happy to be filled even more. The sheets were bloody, but if he wasn’t feeling too bad the next morning he could simply wash it away with a good dose of magic.
For now, he simply lay back, curling up on the nice soft bed, hands rubbing gently up and down, back and forth, against the churning, gurgling stomach full to bursting with the man the Lady had just devoured.
“Look at that, you kept your promise… You said you’d fill me up, and you have – maybe not like no man ever has, but you’re definitely worth a note. I hope you don’t mind me borrowing your house, I-” A particularly loud gurgle from his stomach, and Clive brightened. “No? Good~ I need a shower before I go home, I think. Can’t let Hershel catch wind of anything – clever clever man. I’d send him down to you, but well… I’m afraid he’s too busy to make an appointment with me~” Quiet groaning of a stomach that was eager to work on it’s contents, and Clive rubbed it more, before rolling onto his back, giving a yawn. “Maybe a rest first, though. You’ve gone and made me tired. Enjoy yourself in there – I certainly am~”
He would have to come up with an excuse about where he’d been all night, normally – but Hershel would have another class that morning, and wouldn’t be home until that afternoon. Clive had more than enough time to rest off his most recent meal – the Lady would have to create her alibi, and without any trace of foul play, it would be as simple as just leaving and going someplace else for a while.
But for now… sleep. He could think more in the morning.
Another yawn, a healthy pat and rubbing of his stomach, and Clive was out like a light. It had been a good night – hopefully the next night he went hunting would be just as easy, and just as filling.
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