#not when it happened and not even now. poor quinn i love to torment her
timeofjuly · 9 months
(not so sure if this counts as a story spoiler ask so you can pick any of my questions or ignore until the time comes.¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯)
in what order would the characters fall in love for mc?(e.g. 1.quinn 2.red ect.[or if mc falls for them first?])we already know the flashbacks of quinn and MC but not when they confessed/caught feelings, who did what first in what place and environment? these questions also involves the skeletons too if you don't mind us having a peek at future events. XP
although i am not the most observant of readers, your work is so interesting to read that I would put it on a petri dish to understand it more thoroughly if I can hahah, maybe even a piece of your brain too./hj
Thank you so much!!! My brain is pretty smooth most of the time so I'm not sure how much you'd get out of it, but I'm very flattered!! If there's anything in the fic you (or anyone else) wants clarification or my in-depth thoughts on, I'm always very very happy to give my commentary :)
I won't answer in terms of order, because it'd be a little spoilery (and my planning is not that detailed lol) BUT, if you'd like, I can tell you what traits MC/the skeletons have that'll make things work? I put A LOT of thought into it when writing MC's personality because I wanted her to be a good fit for all of them plus Quinn whilst still maintaining an actual coherent personality, which was a challenge lemme tell you! If you want to see that, let me know and I'll pop it into a separate post because it'll be LONG.
But I will say that one big, overarching thing that'll make all this work is that MC reads as really genuine. Her intent matches her actions. I actually go into this in the next chapter in relation to Quinn, but it applies to MC too. I think this would be a super important part of attraction for monsters.
Anyway! Onto the Quinn and MC backstory. I'm happy to answer this because it's not really a spoiler and I don't (yet) have plans to actually write it (it may come up at some point tho). I will put it under the cut, though, if anyone would rather learn this as I drip feed it into the story you won't be spoiled.
MC fell for Quinn first, or at least was able to identify her feelings as romantic, much earlier. They become friends at 15 and it takes MC like, a week, to realise that she's attracted to Quinn physically and then another one to work out that she's interested romantically too. MC is into a lot of people, so this isn't particularly groundbreaking or intense at first, but when her feelings start to grow beyond casual attraction, things get more serious.
Teenage Quinn was hella repressed (in soft, as it began, she's having some serious Gay Panic but doesn't have the emotional framework to describe it) and also didn't have a bunch of friends, so didn't actually understand that her feelings for MC were romantic. She just Really Likes this girl and has funny feelings around her, so what? They're just besties. Besides, MC could have anyone she wanted and if she was into Quinn, surely she would've said something, right? Right?!?
Meanwhile, MC thinks that Quinn wouldn't be interested and that she has wayyyy too much to deal with already without adding her best friend having a crush on her on top of it all (this is the beginning of MC acting in what she thinks are Quinn's best interests and trying to spare her feelings), so she doesn't say anything. She thinks can read Quinn pretty well at this point, surely she'd be able to tell if Quinn was into her because she'd start acting differently, right? Right?!?
This all comes to a head in MC's bedroom when they're both 16, so a year into the friendship. It is not very romantic - they're passing a bottle of chambord stolen from MC's parents between them and simultaneously feeling very drunk from the alcohol and very sick from all of the sugar, they've just finished trying to scrub said liqueur from the carpet because Quinn accidently knocked it over and now there's a stain in the pile, it's a school night, the second Twilight movie is playing on MC's TV and Bella is October, November, December-ing, and MC just looks at Quinn, in ratty pajamas and hair greasy, lips stained purple and eyebags dark under the harsh yellow glow of the ceiling light and just... blurts it all out.
Quinn doesn't get to respond until the next morning, though, because MC follows the confession up by vomiting all over the carpet and the caretaking and clean-up that follows takes at least half an hour, and then MC falls asleep.
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idk much about swtor but i look at ur channel for it like 👀 all the time. swtor for the ask meme 💖
Help you have no idea how hard I laughed trying to type out “eeby deeby” and not immediately say Corso Riggs- BUT ALAS
- blorbo: Call me cheesy for fan content but @ Georgi GS (on YouTube) has a Light-sided Sith Pureblood playing Sith Marauder and man. Man when I tell you I think I fell in love with Xi’thari :notlikerift: I would not be lying. Here’s a link to his master playlist of LS Sith Warrior vids because AAAAAAAAAAAAA — but on that note, looking at my own roster. Methinks that my sniper Darrash Nealev is my current and forever brainrot blorbo because the more I unfold his story the more I (a) make him suffer and (b) make him even cooler!!! It’s a win-win!! Orrrrr we can look at my mercenary Twi’lek dad Unihmawa who immediately adopts Mako because he’s not letting another kid fall into the wrong hands on Hutta the same way he did on Corellia. And the best way he knows to make sure it doesn’t happen is by keeping her close :sniffle:
- scrunkly: oh fuck um. I would have to say Vector Hyllus (Imperial Agent storyline companion) or Vette (Sith Warrior storyline) as far as it goes for NPCs. For my own characters, my Jedi Sage Iminaran is certainly very big and strong and EXTREMELY shaped like a she/he bisexual king so
- scrimblo bimblo: BOY IF I TELL YOU VECTOR SURE IS A SCRIMBLO BIMBLO IF I’VE EVER SEEN ONE but then again I am . largely not apart of the fandom I just sit in the corner with Jesse and Nick and Ollo and Brett and play with my funky little ocs- but “Chance” who is also from the Imperial Agent storyline… he’s got potential. I’ll be nice to this little scrimblo <3
- glup shitto: Chance yet again, Ona Querit or Ta Tigal or Anspi’shel because because because I think they deserve nice lives and second chances and prosperity and and and and and
- poor little meow meow: Malavai Quinn. I haven’t even gotten far enough in the storyline to deal with him but I’ve watched Georgi GS’s playthroughs with Xi’thari and oh my fuck he’s so pathetic. I’m gonna torment him so much.
- horse plinko: Kaliyo Djannis (Imperial Agent storyline companion). Man. She gets on my nerves 98% of the time but I’ll give her credit for introducing me to Anspi’shel, Ta Tigal, “The Menace”/Ona Querit, and probably others I’m missing, because I’m stealing them now >:) uhhhh for other storylines, I already
- eeby deeby: Corso Riggs. Absolutely. 100% go directly to jail do not pass go and do not collect $200. And it’s even funnier because I just KNOW someone out there is gonna be like “oh he’s not that baaaaad” no he absolutely is. He’s a white man w dreads who was sexist to me (my smuggler char, Cathar Darira Tasha, is fem) within the short amount of time I even worked w him aND HE HAD THE NERVE TO COME ON MY SHIP AND SEE MY ACHIEVEMENTS AND ALL OF MY CARGO AND STILL ASK ME “OH DO YOU EVER WANT TO SETTLE DOWN? WHAT’S A PRETTY GIRL LIKE YOU DOING IN THIS BUSINESS? DON’T YOU WANT TO SETTLE DOWN WITH A HUSBAND AND CHILDREN” NO CORSO!!! Darira has enough trying to “win over” her ex wife again whom she was so suddenly reunited with- yes I’m salty abt this
So I’m still!! Very much new to everything and I’m SEEEEEEING so much. I just think very many things. It was so hard not putting like all of the swtor ocs Jesse and I pair off because IT JUST MAKES THE STORYLINES SO COOL WHEN RELATIONSHIPS ARE ADDED YOU KNOW?
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phantomchick · 3 years
Hello darling Phantom!! <3 It's been a while, I hope you are happy and healthy ^_^ If you're still up to that last ask game, for the DC fandom? Take care of yourself and have a lovely week <3 <3 <3
Oh wow hey het, it sure has and likewise <3
Thanks for the ask, because you chose one of the fandoms I'm most into, be excited for a detailed response! <3 Hope you have a great week as well.
Blorbo: Jason Todd my beloved
Scrunkly: Jason Todd again, because on every level except physical he is baby. But also Captain Atom because that is a whole traumatised lump of silver who just wants to be free and cheer up those around him. Supergirl because holy fuck she lost a whole planet when old enough to remember it and I have feelings about that that I want to explore, her poking out from under Superman's cape is an experience in cuteness only equalled by the robins doing it with Batman. Speaking of Batman, him too but like Batman from b:tas and legend of the dark knight not the gross mean one. Well written batman who needs to be protected from writers who think he's coolest when he's unkind and controlling, I mean the one who's just a shadow with pointy ears who shows up to help people, that guy. He's a scrunkly, must protect.
scrimblo bimblo: Lady Blackhawk because she has all the flavour of Steve Rogers being displaced in time to another era of superheroes (with the blackhawks being her version of the howling commandos) but none of the distraction from it, she's all of the sass and ten times the style. Also she's air force which is cooler (I don't make the rules it just is). I want to angst about her but there are no fics. Also her only run worth mentioning is birds of prey by gail simone and since flashpoint she like most of the older gen heroes has been scrubbed from existence as far as I can tell so that makes her even more worthy of the category. And Wildcat. I'm gonna put Black Orchid down too because I've never seen much with her in fandom despite Neil Gaiman's famous work on her title.
glup shitto: Dawnstar, Static Shock, Alan Scott
poor little meow meow: Jason Todd - I spend an unreasonable amount of time reading h/c fic with him so yes can confirm HE IS THE POOREST OF LITTLE MEOWS! Also he gets labelled as the violent dumbass of the robins who comes from crook stock and is now just a crook in a vigilante way, it's awful and I want to help him, in both a meta and textual way. But he murders people so I can't deny the fact he's a problematic fave. Batman being a pathetic fan favourite is basically canon but also he's here because he is being written as a domestic abuser a lot lately and that hurts as someone who wants to like the character. Fond distant memories of the times he's written as a likeable hero worthy of admiration. That time he adopted an alien starfish recently was neat. Captain Atom because again traumatised lump of silver just trying his best to exist but the man is keeping him down, he is like wolverine if wolverine was more pathetic and had no way out of the military who experimented on him enslaving him and also no support system. Free him. Problematic because he blew up bludhaven that one time. Still king though.
horse plinko: basically any character I fixate on is on the table here, I have needs and they involve my favourites being tormented and patched back together more whole than before
eeby deeby: Amanda Waller, Anton Arcane, Black Mask, and Joker are all going straight down the tube to eeby deeby long may they suffer, but like - with regards to Joker I wish he was a better written villain? Miss the days when he made sense, getting labelled batman's nemesis was the worst thing to ever happen to this character but I'm prepared to punish him with superhell for it anyway. And lastly Harley Quinn because she's annoying and being bi doesn't change that in fact it makes it worse that she's a redeemed anti hero now when she spent ages murdering people - being in a relationship with an eco terrorist doesn't make her or the eco terrorist less guilty of mass murder even if she has the excuse of an abusive relationship with the joker for some of it and actually I would like better representation instead of a flat redemption of zany clown girl. Like Poison Ivy grew plants out of random civilians intestines to make cool trees but is that retconned now? No? Redeeming a character takes an actual redemption arc not a relationship one and even if she had one she would still be annoying as a character and would still be guilty of the birds of prey movie being all about her when she was never a part of BoP. Superhell the moment she's done making out with Poison Ivy so we can have an accurate rendition of the supernatural scene. Also double pisses me off because it means batman now has no super evil female villains left, they've all been through villain decay and Selina wasn't a villain villain to start with. Bah humbug.
Alright I had a lot of fun doing that hope my answers were fun to read.
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gustafsnightangel · 4 years
Shattered Lives Ch 5 Pt 2
“I’m sorry.” She said again and watched him go and change Lily.
She’d forgotten how sensitive he was under all the bravado, all the goofiness, all the humor. She had hurt him last night. Not from what she said but by her actions.
She was standing in the kitchen when he came out. He slipped a hand around her hip and pressed a kiss to the nape of her neck.
“I’m sorry I hurt you.” She said again and turned to face him.
“Let it go now, it’s done.” He said and held her briefly before Lily wanted to go to Sildie. “I’m not angry at you ok?” She nodded and smiled at Lily.
They talked some more while the boys enjoyed their movie. Lily was happy to sit with Gustaf.
At six there was a knock at the door and Gustaf watched Sildie frown. She answered it to find pizza and drinks. She turned and leveled a state at Gustaf. He just grinned. What was she going to do he thought?
The boys whooped and hollered thanking Gustaf for the pizza as they chowed down sitting on the couch.
“Pizza? Really?” She said as she sat down.
“Dinner solved, no prep time, no dishes, and you get a night off too.” He said and watched as she accepted it and shook her head.
“You waste way too much money on us.” She said.
“My money to waste and I’d rather see you and the kids happy and smiling. It was a rough start to the day. I wanted an easier end to it for you.”
“Well you’ve done that.” She chuckled. “And it’s appreciated. She’s happy with you.” She said watching Lily.
“I’ve had practice.” He said and saw her confusion.
“When my parents split, my mother was diagnosed with cancer shortly after, she beat it, she’s still with us. Dad was off with work and his soon to be new wife and my brother Alex had left for the USA. I was the eldest at home. I practically raised my siblings and believe me there were times I wanted to murder them in their sleep too. But I love them, I’m proud of them, even though I had to endure diapers.” He said softly.
“That must have been rough, how old were you?”
“Sixteen going on thirty.” He grinned. He hesitated, he had to come clean with her.
“Can I be honest with you a moment?” He asked.
“Best way to be.” She said and knew something was up.
“What I’m going to tell you is in the past and has stayed there for the last five years. It’s not who I am now.” He looked at her and saw the lawyer surface. Just like her he had a past and they needed to get it all out before diving into a relationship.
“I’m a recovering alcoholic and drug user. I haven’t done drugs since I was twenty three and I haven’t had alcohol for five years and I plan to stay that way.” He said and looked at her. The hard lawyer was looking back. Fuck! He thought I’m so fucked.
“It’s the past and as long as it stays there I have no problem with it or you. But.” She said gently and he knew what was coming.
“Any part of that life touches me or the four kids in this room, we won’t just be done, I’ll end you. To be fair that’s part of the issues I have to deal with Dana’s family and I will protect them at all costs, even from you.” She said bluntly. No matter how much it will break my heart she added silently.
“Fair enough.” He looked down at the baby cradled in his arms. “I’m not that person anymore.”
“I know you’re not.” She smiled.
“You know.” He said leaning close to her. “You’re beautiful when you let the lawyer shine through.” He said and grinned.
She sipped her tea and almost choked.
“I think you need your eyes checked.” She whispered.
“Nope, still beautiful.” He said in that tone. He knew it made her want him. He could see her body vibrate with need when he said it.
“Even Lily thinks so.” With that Lily squealed and pat a hand on Sildies cheek. “See. You’re outvoted.”
She gave the kids an extra hour before bed to play games with Gustaf and so she could shower in peace.
She put Lily down and got the kids squared away and spent some time with the twins leaving Brendan and Gustaf to talk. She had a book to read to them anyway and it was getting to the good bits.
“I’m sorry for saying that stuff to you today.” Brendan said standing next to Gustaf in the kitchen.
“It’s in the past, let it be, it’s ok. We all grieve differently.”
“No I meant about you not being my dad.” He mumbled.
“Oh.” Gustaf said and it dawned on him. “Brendan we only get one mum, one dad, once they’re gone they’re gone. Yours went way before their time. I can’t replace your father, just like Sildie, although family, can’t replace your mother, no one can. But I can be like one if you want? Or just a friend. Or nothing at all. Ons totally up to you and I’m not going to get all butt hurt with whatever you choose.” He shrugged.
“Either way you slice it I get to hang out with you, it’s all good. I like Sildie. I like the four of you. Let it see where it ends up.” He left it at that. He didn’t want to add to the baggage as Sildie put it.
Brendan nodded. “Thanks for the mask.”
“You like it?”
Brendan looked over to make sure Sildie was in the other room.
“It’s fucking awesome.” He grinned. “She doesn’t like me swearing.”
“Don’t let her catch you then.” And he winked.
The kid caught him off guard and hugged him, tight. Gustaf wrapped his arms around him and held the kid close. He needed a dad like hug, an older male that ’got it’.
“Goodnight.” He said and went to bed.
“Night and happy birthday.”
Gustaf made tea and sat it on the coffee table and waited for Sildie. He wanted to snuggle with her and watch a movie. He wanted to kiss her and make love to her but that wasn’t happening tonight like he’d planned.
It was going to kill him to wait that long he thought because it wasn’t happening here on her couch rushed. He would seduce her, take his time with her. Make her tremble for him.
“You look like you’re lost in thought there.” She said sitting beside him.
“Yeah I was sorry.” He laughed. Lost in thought about how he was going to make this stunning woman scream his name all night long.
“Hey, I’m sorry about last night and offering you a drink.” She said hastily.
“Sildie don’t. It’s fine. You didn’t know anyway.’ He said pouring the tea. “Besides it’s good for me. I’m in control. Sometimes I need a reminder that everything good in my life can be fucked up and ruined beyond repair with one decision.”
“Can I ask what’s drugs you did?” She was a little nervous at asking but she had to know what she was getting into.
“Pot when I was twelve, harder stuff when I was sixteen. Alcohol as well until I was thirty three and called it quits on all of it before it ruined my life.” He wasn’t ashamed to talk about it and he actually found it took a weight off him to tell her.
“Thank you.” She said. “For being honest with me about it.”
“Always. There’s one other thing, non addiction thing I want to get out in the open.” He said. “I was married before. Young and stupid.” He chuckled. “Not married now.”
She smiled at him. “We’re all young and stupid at some point in our lives.”
“I would wager you’re the young and not so stupid type. Bookworm.” He said studying her.
It was that look that made her melt.
“Young and stupid with a twin.” She smiled. Twice the fun, twice the stupid.”
“Tell me about him?” He asked and saw her smile faulted a little but she went on.
“We were hellish until our parents passed. That wised us up a little, we were nine. My brother was the rebel, I was, as you say, bookish. I mean take a look around and the profession I went into. Books, notes, study, and research galore.”
“We used to prank the old lady next door. Poor thing. I bet she was happy when we eventually went to stay with my grandfather. Quinn was a prankster, a goofball, but one of the kindest, gentlest souls around. You remind me of him sometimes.” She smiled.
“He used to always sneak into my room and use my window to escape out of when he wanted to hang with his buddies at night because my room wasn’t next to gramps room. Or when we were the twins age he would sneak into my room and sleep next to me and hold my hand. It’s a closeness I can’t explain and now that he’s gone it feels like a part of me went with him. It’ll like I’m missing a limb sometimes.”
“I wish I could bring him back for you.” He said and played with the stray strands at her jaw.
“Me too.”
“Want to watch a movie?”
“Sure. Let me get the hall door real quick and the monitor.” She got up and Gustaf chose a movie on her watch list. He’d seen it before but that was fine. He was more interested in seducing her while she tried to watch it.
She sat the monitor on the table and sat close to Gustaf while they drank the rest of their tea. The kids were asleep, she’d checked and those butterflies had come to sit in her belly again. He’d been touching her all day and wondered if he’d kiss her.
With tea finished and the movie underway he pulled her against him and lay back.
“You realize I’m liable to fall asleep like this.” She said quietly.
“Then fall asleep.” He kissed the top of her head. “It’s not like I have far to go to get home.”
She would have fallen asleep except for the one finger trailing her body. It excited her, aroused her, tormented her. There were times when he’d hesitate to make her think he was going to take it one step further and then back off. His game of seduction was ecstasy and driving her to insanity.
By the time the movie ended she wanted him to touch her in those places he hadn’t gone to. That wasn’t going to happen though. Their night had come to an end and she was emotionally exhausted.
Once against she stood in the doorway and he was going home alone. Fate had decided they had to wait.
“Can I see you tomorrow?” He asked leaning his forearm on the door frame.
She shook her head. “We’re out tomorrow at soccer for the twins and then school Monday.” She said and bit her bottom lip because he was so close to her she wanted to pull him closer and kiss him.
“Dinner in three weeks then?” He smiled.
“Hopefully we can make that one happen.” Her heart rate had soared.
“It’s going to happen.” He said seductively and kissed her temple.
“I’m out of town for a few weeks. I’ll be back for our dinner.” He said softly. “And tea the Friday night before.”
He let his finger trail her jaw as his lips brushed her neck. He could tell she was aroused as her breath hitched as he kissed the one spot on a woman’s neck that drove them wild.
“I don’t want to leave.” He whispered. “Because I want to do more than touch you.”
“I don’t want you to leave.” Her voice wasn’t steady. “But we can’t.”
“I understand, but know that when I get you alone I’m not going to stop until I have you.” He said in that low tone that made her quiver.
“Shall I give you a preview?” He murmured against her ear grinning.
She chuckled. “I think you’ve been giving me a preview all day.”
He lifted her chin and looked at her. Those ice blue eyes looked back and he drowned in them. Cupping his hand at the back of her neck he kissed her. He gently pressed her against the doorframe and had to contain the urge to deepen it and devour that mouth.
One kiss, light, but seductive and it almost made her pass out as he stole her breath.
“To be continued.” He murmured against her mouth.
She looked at him. She wanted more, he could see it.
“That’s not playing fair.” She said with a smirk and let her fingers toy with the fabric of his shirt. They itched to dive under and touch him more.
“If I kiss you like I want to.” He growled nipping her jaw lightly. “I’ll do more than just kiss you.” He kissed her temple. “I want you Sildie, but I want it to be right.” His fingers played with her hair. “For you and the kids.”
“You’re in for a long night when we have our dinner then.” She said softly as he brushed his lips over her neck again.
“Count on it.” He said. “Goodnight Sildie. Inside lock the door.” He smiled.
“Night.” She said not really breathing steadily yet.
She went inside, shut and locked the door and grinned. He’d kissed her. He’d kissed her and she felt giddy. She wasn’t going to be able to keep the grin from her face for the next few weeks.
The weeks away from her and the kids dragged. He couldn’t wait to get home and prepare for their dinner. He thought of her often and realized that he’s fallen for her. For her and the kids.
The weeks Gustaf was away went like lightning. Thank God she thought. Because she was crawling out of her own skin to be with him.
Between her case load and the kids she was heading into Friday and looking forward to their tea date. Question was could they keep their hand off each other until Saturday she thought smiling to herself.
She dropped Brendan off at hockey camp. The kid almost peed his pants with excitement. It was good to see him happy and getting some normality back into his life.
The twins got some rare time with the Xbox, just them, and Lily helped her with some notes and went down without any fuss. She got the boys to bed without incident and settled with some reading for work.
The light knock at her door snapped her out of it and she grinned. Opening the door she had to bite her bottom lip and stifle the groan at seeing him in suit pants and dress shirt.
“You look as if you just stepped off a plane.” She said and invited him in.
“That’s because I have.” He said and as soon as she’d shut the door he cupped a hand behind her neck, pulled her to him and devoured that mouth he spent the last few weeks craving.
“I’ve thought of nothing but that moment for weeks now.” He said, breaking the kiss and stepping back.
She rested her hand on his chest. “Give me a moment ok?” Her head was swimming. The guy knew how to kiss a girl.
She went and checked on the kids and shut the hall door. Somewhat private at least she thought because she wanted to kiss him more tonight.
“I’m sorry Sildie.” He said as she came into the kitchen. “I shouldn’t have don...”
She pressed herself against him, wrapped an arm around his waist, a hand at his cheek, and kissed him. His hands found her hips and held her to him as he deepened it.
“I couldn’t wait until tomorrow.” She said breathlessly and his smile was as big as hers.
“I’ve missed you.” He kissed her again. “And the kids. My world has been very quiet.”
“I’ve missed you too. My world not as quiet but It’s been a hectic few weeks.”
“You know.” He said slyly. “I like it when you’re all lawyered up.” He flipped the top button of her shirt open and let his finger wander. “Especially this shirt.”
“And whys that?” She chuckled but let him have his fun.
“Because it’s see-through and I get glimpses of the black lace you have on under it and it drives me crazy. You do that deliberately don’t you?” His lips brushed her neck.
“Of course.” She chuckled and turned the kettle off before it broke into full song and woke the kids.
She turned and made tea and his hand encircled her waist pressing him against her.
“Can you make it over earlier tomorrow?” He asked brushing his lips over the nape of her neck.
“I’ll be over as soon as I get the kids squared away. One down three to go.” And good lord could the man reduce her to goo when he put his mind to it, and his hands on her.
“Hockey camp right?” He kissed the nape of her neck down her shoulder where he’d pulled the fabric of her shirt aside to give him access.
“For two glorious weeks. The twins are at a sleep over tomorrow and not back until late Monday and Lily bear gets to hang out here with the sitter. Which thank you by the way. She’s awesome.” She had to keep talking because his fingers and mouth were making her rethink her decision of waiting until they were away from the kids.
“My agent found her, completely vetted.” His said and nipped her ear. “Turn around.” He whispered and she did without his hands leaving her.
“I like you in heels, you’re the same height as me.” He flipped open the next button down and let his finger graze the rise of her breasts. “I want to peel you out of this.” He growled. “Slowly.”
“We can’t Gustaf.” She warned softly and her voice faltered. “As much as I’d love you to.” She was less than steady at the sensations he was inflicting on her.
“That’s the last button I promise.” He kissed her tenderly. “For now.”
“I’ll wear it tomorrow.” She whispered and trailed her finger down his chin and kissed him.
“Wear something comfortable. I can peel you out of your suit another time.” He winked. “Gives me something else to think about when I’m away from you.”
They sat on the couch so she didn’t have to tidy up her work.
Tea in hand, curled up next to him, she rested her head on his arm that ran along the back of the couch. His hand played with the strands of hair that had escaped her hair clip. He’d never seen her with her hair down, something he’d remedy tomorrow. He wanted to run his fingers through it.
“You’re exhausted.” She said softly. “Where did you fly in from?”
“The US. It’s been a long couple of weeks. Busy too.”
“You should go and sleep after this cup.” She said and leaned forward to kiss him gently. “You’re going to need your energy.”
That sly smile had him growling against her lips and he devoured her mouth again.
His eyes searched hers. “You’re beautiful Sildie. I don’t say that enough to you.”
She looked at him and that slight smile touched her lips before she kissed him with a tenderness he’d never felt from her before.
“Go sleep. I’ll be over as soon as I can tomorrow.” She kissed him again softly. “See what you’ve started. Now I can’t stop.”
“I don’t ever want you to stop.” He murmured.
“The sitter is over at nine so I don’t have to drag Lily out in the weather. I might even make it over for lunch.” It was her turn to let her fingers wander. She loved the feel of his chest under her fingers. Defined and strong.
“Lunch and dinner. When does the sitter leave?”
“Not until I come home.” She said and looked at him.
“Well obviously but... oh.” He grinned as it dawned on him. “Ama gets her own sleepover. Damn I must be tired of it took me that long to click.”
“Only if you want me to stay.”
“Oh I want you to stay.” He kissed her so she couldn’t think.
“Go and sleep. You’re nearly there as it is.” She said and got up. She wanted to get an early night too.
They stood in the doorway like normal and he kissed her again.
“I love it when you kiss me like that.” She said softly.
“I’ll remember to do it more often.” He smiled and kissed her again.
“Go and sleep.” She laughed. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
He kissed her again. “Inside.”
“Lock the door. I know.” She chuckled.
How had she fallen for him so hard she thought.
The sitter was early which thrilled Sildie. She had the twins packed off to their friends for sleepover on the dot of nine which made the boys happy from both families as they were spending the day fishing at the lake.
She had enough time to get back home, shower, and find the matching black lace set she planned to have Gustaf peel her out of. She had a casual shirt that was more see through than her work shirt and decided on that and a lightweight pair of jeans. Probably less dressy than she would have worn going out but he said be comfortable. She’d still make him lose his mind.
It was 10:45am by the time she was standing at his door and hesitated. Should she wait until lunch time? Was it too early. The nervousness was back and she almost chickened out.
“Don’t be an idiot.” She mumbled and knocked quietly.
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tessatechaitea · 7 years
DC House of Horror #1, Part Three
How is Wonder Woman playing the fiddle horrific?
Please nobody masturbate to this.
The story is about a guy from the pre-Comics Code Authority days who murders the fuck out of his girlfriend and probably cuts up her eyes in some really graphic close-ups. They loved that shit back then! After he's done it, he begins to hallucinate Harley Quinn and her sexy euphemisms. She's all, "Whose beaver did she stuff to get your Mike Cock in a ruffle?!" Then she scissors Poison Ivy for three pages straight.
The implication that vanilla is boring is bullshit. Has she ever tasted vanilla?! I rest my case!
I've been rewatching The Flight of the Conchords recently and I think Jemaine Clement might be my most favorite person in the world. He's just adorable. Also, that bit where Bret goes into the Boom song and he tells Koko that she's so hot she's making him sexist? Fucking brilliant. Instead of reviewing comic books, I should just remind people of moments in television shows that I really loved. Like that time the Native American kid was impressed that Bobby Brady put beans in a flashlight? Fucking awesome. Chuck, the guy who killed his wife, remembers how he met the ghost of Harley Quinn. He saw her naked in the shower which caused Harley Quinn to fall in love with him. I wish a hot naked ghost would fall in love with me. But no! I just get ugly, half-decomposed monsters. There's only so many times you can jerk off to one of those doing a sexy dance in the living room. The story ends with the reader realizing that poor Chuck is going to be tormented by sexy Harley Quinn's ghost for the rest of his life. And he's upset by this! What is wrong with him? Harley offered to strip for him right in this comic book and he flips the fuck out. I guess he's gay. That's probably why he killed his wife. What a totally gay thing to do. The next story is called "Last Laugh." It stars Batman and, presumably (judging by the title), The Joker. I hope it ends with somebody sucking somebody else's you-know-what. I meant for that to represent the butthole but I just realized most of you probably thought penis. I'll be more clear in the future. The story begins with Bruce Wayne thinking about that Confucius saying about a man seeking revenge needing to dig two graves. Bruce concludes with "So that man with revenge on his mind...what does he do? He gets himself a big shovel." Spoken like a guy whose never done any physical labor in his life! He thinks a regular shovel is only good for digging one grave! Bruce is loading a gun when The Joker's voice begins tormenting him. I'm suspecting that the revelation will be that The Joker was always just another side of Bruce Wayne and Bruce finally realized it. So now he has to eat a bullet to save Gotham. I just finished the story and that's it exactly. When was the last time I called myself a Grandmaster Comic Book Reader? Why doesn't anybody else call me that? Don't they see my greatness?! Fucking peons! I'll ruin you all! Starting with the peasants at Weird Science! Bwa ha ha ha ha! Whoa. What just happened? I hope this doesn't mean I have to eat a bullet now too? Crazy For You and Last Laugh Ratings: These two stories were better than the previous two stories. At least the Batman one took a premise and made a pretty nice little tale out of it. It's not like we haven't seen that premise before. I think Buffy did one where some demon tried to convince her she was crazy and just fantasizing about being a vampire slayer. And I can't remember the other times we've seen this but I've mentioned them before when my mind worked better. Back in the mid-90s, I began a book about Christopher Robin in a mental institution and all of his stuffed animals were also inmates. You know what I'd like to see? A dark version of H.R. Pufnstuf. H.R. Giger Pufnstuf! Anyway, the Harley story was pretty good because it made me imagine having a sexy ghost around all the time. But it sort of ended like the writer didn't know how to end it. It was less a story and more a moment in the life of Chuck's spiral into madness.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Strike: Lethal White Episode 4 Review: a Tangled Ending Saved by Cast Chemistry
This Strike: Lethal White review contains spoilers.
Put your hand up if the conclusion to Lethal White’s investigation left you nonplussed and the killer revelation felt by-the-by. Now put your other hand up if that’s basically fine because you couldn’t give a McVitie’s fig roll who murdered Jasper Chiswell, or why, or by what means. 
Finally, take both hands down, make loose fists and draw a scruffy Cornish beard on one and the face of an English rose on the other, then smoosh them together while making kissy noises. Until the Troubled Blood adaptation arrives, that’s as good as we’re going to get. 
There were plenty of high points in the Lethal White finale. There was the pained expression on Robin’s face as she watched Strike and Charlotte walk away while assuring her mum on the other end of the phone that yes, she’s left Matthew and that no, she’s not with anyone else. There was the longing look Strike gave Robin as they sat drinking whisky in the office after hours. There was Strike touching his mouth to catch the feel of Robin on his lips after that awkward hug-kiss. There was an arm around shoulders, a confession, a heart-felt compliment and a smile. There was a question about the future and the promise of curry and beer.
All of the above, thanks to the magnetic power of Tom Burke and Holliday Grainger, were a delight to watch. The tangled case however, with its two horse paintings, Zimbabwean gallows, beastly aristos, inheritance scheming and narrowboat stand-off? Whatever. It happened.
Given my druthers, the finale would have lost Henry Drummond, Jimmy Knight, Tegan the horse lady, the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker, and in its place given us a silent 20-minute cut of the scene where a pissed Strike gazes across the desk at Robin like she’s water in the desert. Admittedly, such a change to the format would have forced Strike to move to BBC Four before being immediately cancelled, so really, it’s for the best I’m not allowed to decide this stuff.
The people who do decide this stuff – screenwriter Tom Edge and director Sue Tully – did a good job condensing a long and complicated book plot into just four episodes. Whatever plot threads are left dangling from the case (what happened to Jimmy Knight and Flick? Is anybody investigating the disappearance of Suki from the children’s home? Where was Raff’s probation officer in all this?), Lethal White never lost sight of the characters’ emotions. In particular, one character’s emotions: this was Robin’s series through and through. She even got its last word, striding off purposefully into the London skyline to a song by The Verve. (Hear those lyrics, Robin? Yes, there’s love if you want it).
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Strike: Lethal White Episode 3 Review – an Overstuffed Case and a Personal Breakthrough
By Louisa Mellor
Strike: Lethal White Episode 2 Review – I Love You’s and Historical Clues
By Louisa Mellor
Until the finale, Cormoran had been a closed book – a pity because, as that restaurant scene with Charlotte showed, Tom Burke is thrilling when Strike’s exercised about something. A tremendous amount of ‘YES, SON!’ energy is manufactured every time an expletive falls from his mouth. “Look me in the eye and tell me that you haven’t loved anyone since, the way you loved me,” begged Charlotte. “I haven’t,” said Strike, “Thank fuck for that. I’m off.” YES. SON. The moment he popped up on the boat to spark Raff out and call him a cowardly little fuck should be commemorated on a limited edition tea towel. 
Needs must mention the case (if you’re still scratching your head, the plot is untangled here). In summary: Billy’s strangled-to-death-little-girl turned out to be neither strangled-to-death nor a little girl. She was in fact little illegitimate Raff, being brutalised by his horrid bully of a step-brother, Freddie. As revenge for a lifetime of their father worshipping the ground Freddie walked on and cutting Raff out of his will, as well as a scheme to get his hands on what nobody else in the family had realised was a rare Stubbs painting worth £20 million, Raff killed Jasper. He didn’t act alone, but manipulated Kinvara into aiding and abetting as part of his long game to get the painting. Raff was also behind Geraint Winn and Jimmy Knight’s blackmail of his father, tipping them off about the illegal gallows export that stiffed the Knight boys of their £40 grand share. Top anti-capitalism, there, Jimmy.
On first watch, it all seemed to make about as much sense as it did to a drugged-up Billy. Very useful of Robin on the boat, wasn’t it, to provide that blow-by-blow summary so that anyone dozing at the back could keep up. (Speaking of the dozy, I was dead wrong about that cab driver prediction in episode three, but side note to casting directors: hire Annette Badland for proper roles!)
Billy’s vindication was satisfying and easy to invest in thanks to Joseph Quinn’s vulnerable performance. Poor Izzy’s lament on the fallen Chiswell men, however, was hard to feel anything much about – good riddance, love, you’re better off without them. The most touching case scene belonged to Robert Pugh as Geraint Winn, whose grief and torment over his daughter’s suicide was movingly conveyed. 
When it comes to satisfaction, nothing in the case could top Robin finally confiding in Strike after a year plus of the pair moving in awkward circles around each other. Thanks to Jimmy Knight’s vile threats, she could no longer hide her panic attacks, and the roadside heart-to-heart released the pressure valve that’s been tightening with every episode this year.
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Robin clearly felt the benefit and closed the series on a high. She’s dealing with her anxiety, free of “Matt the accountant who’s a bit of a prick” (his full title henceforth), and setting up the next case for the Strike Ellacott Detective Agency. As long as Burke and Grainger are at its centre, whatever comes next, we’ll be watching. 
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