#not-really-a-character kon. obsessed-with-the-boys-and-the-responsible-one cassie.
amaraudermind · 1 year
It is a common internet phenomenon for characters to be baby-talked and uwu'd about, only to find out they are horrific war criminals who are mean to everyone. However, when said characters being uwu'd are children, there is often an assumed doublecross in the online narrative, where everyone adds more depth to the characters only to uwu them again online. This thereby affects the online presence of child war criminals such as Young Justice, and in this essay I will--
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thattimdrakeguy · 3 years
Started thinking about the idea of swapping Kon and Cassie for the formation of YJ, which leads me to two questions for you: 1) Do you have a 90s Cassie Recommended Reading List? Want to do a little research first. 2) Do you have any ideas yourself? (I’m just curious) Thanks for your time!
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I read all of these, but--
Use this to fill in the gaps, and stop at Wonder Woman #136. Because that'll be all the ones written by her creator. I just went past to see if I could learn more about her school life, but it just wasn't happening.
The one issue that focused on it was absolutely terrible. They got Mark Millar, for only one issue, and he made Cassie the most generic typical teenage girl character ever, obsessed over a boy and changing how she looks to impress him, just for it all to be okay by just being herself.
She didn't act anything like Cassie. They made fun of her physical appearance. Put her in a mini-skirt, and had her and Cissie talk about if they should make Cassie's boobs look bigger.
And while I'm sure real girls are like, that and do that sort of stuff, it's not who Cassie was. Which is the problem--beyond a grown man writing about teenage girl’s boobs.
I greatly question the choice on hiring a 30 something year old man to write a singular issue of Wonder Woman focusing on the life of a teenage girl still in High School with a crush.
After reading it I straight up stopped reading any farther because I thought it was absolutely ridiculous.
And as far as the starting members of Young Justice being Bart, Cassie, and Timmy? Hmmm.
I'm going to say going with the characterization going with what their creators intended. Cause I do think Young Justice, characterization wise, was pretty freaking shabby. Which sucks, because it really is super funny.
But I think--hmmm.
I think the dynamics would be more like this.
Cause Tim was intended to be this morally innocent, very naïve little boy, who was pretty oblivious. And I keep saying socially oblivious with him, because that's part of it. But I should specify that he isn't a social mess. He can talk just fine, and can even be a great talker. He's just very obviously oblivious of a lot of stuff people his age and older are aware of.
Cassie's a wild-child who stays out past her curfew to party, thinks fights and battles are extremely cool, and while clever herself like Timmy, she gets ahead of herself often and ends up getting hurt. She's head-strong before anything else and doesn't like having to be protected. But she still does her best and shows that by baby sitting kids, and still being very quick-witted.
Bart is a total airhead, who quite literally doesn't know how the world works. Not in the Timmy way, but in a "I was literally raised in a video game" way. He's ill-tempered, can't relate to anyone, but loves doing Super Hero stuff and playing video games.
So I feel like their whole vibe would be like--sleepover time.
And the first issue of the actual series they're literally having a sleepover and stuff, but I mean, because I don't actually think Tim would be this Batman-esque figure, and try to act like him to be leader. I think it would be that without any sense of responsibility until they try to solve a crime.
Tim was made to be a positive-thinking, grounded person. Not a grump.
But if anyone was going to be trying to keep a lid on things it would still be Tim. He's the most level-headed one of the group so he'd have to be or else they'd all be running face first into walls.
At the same time though, I think, cause of Tim being the youngest looking, the most innocent minded, and well, literally being the youngest kid. He's have more of a little brotherly role despite being the one that keeps the lid on things. Like he'd naturally be the one that gets teased the most in that vein, and probably be protected more--Not cause he can't help himself, but I just think that because the others are both Super Powered, it'd be a reflex, and Young Justice itself originally portrayed Tim as being way more talented than he actually is. His whole thing was not being the best, but trying his best.
I think by default Cassie might have that sort of--older sister power, though. Mainly cause she's a babysitter and she's used to having to deal with brats. Just not ones closer to her own age. Even though Bart is actually the oldest of the three.
Bart's probably just a chill middle child that still gets into trouble a freaking lot, which freaks out baby brother, and makes older sister sigh, while they gotta bail him out.
Cause Tim's more prone to anxiety than Cassie is. Cassie just gets freaking annoyed over worried lol.
Also with Tim and Bart on two totally different sides of the responsibility spectrum, Cassie who's right in the middle sort of has to be the one to keep the oil in the machine or else they'd never get anything done. She's the deciding factor, and it's like flipping a coin if she's going to wanna do what Tim wants or what Bart once.
Timmy just has to deal with it and hopefully him and Cassie will be clever enough to keep them out of too much trouble.
And I feel like there'd be them mostly just playing around as kids and just talking about their interests. Because they can relate to each other a lot more, especially Tim and Cassie interest wise.
So more chaos, more kids being kids, and it being a lot more dorkier.
They'd probably just hang around Cassie's place all the time being partially babysat by Diana I imagine. Because they'd be less of a young Super Hero team, and more of just friends being friends, and they all happen to be Super Heroes.
No real leader role. Cassie and Tim both serving functions of a leader, but ultimately not a straight up leader. Tim's just the most grounded, morally innocent, and intuitive one, while Cassie I think would have the actual role of authority over them all. Her boys just following her around.
Cassie's also the most socially normal one. Bart literally doesn't know a freaking thing. Tim's not good at realizing how others will feel, and will actually break into your house with the most innocent of intentions, but still, that's wrong and creepy.
So she'd be there to reel the boys back from their weirdness. Someone's gotta pull Tim out of the trash cans looking through people’s garbage trying to solve mysteries.
I'm not sure if I explained any of that well, but that's the basics of what's in my head when I try to picture what they'd be like together.
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