#that would suck hahah. hah.
amaraudermind · 1 year
It is a common internet phenomenon for characters to be baby-talked and uwu'd about, only to find out they are horrific war criminals who are mean to everyone. However, when said characters being uwu'd are children, there is often an assumed doublecross in the online narrative, where everyone adds more depth to the characters only to uwu them again online. This thereby affects the online presence of child war criminals such as Young Justice, and in this essay I will--
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aquaquadrant · 1 month
SO-- OBVIOUSLY, the ending to the main htp au fic was beautiful. Amazing perfect 100000/10 no notes i could gush about it for ages buuuut-- I have to scream about Instinct. I HAVE to. YEAAAAH THATS RIGHT BRAVO'S NEW SPONSORRRRR that investment in bravo paying BIG DIVIDENDS-- AND INSTINCT BIT AT THE END- AHAHAHA ohhhh yes look like the sleazy salesman you are atlas... gold tooth and shitty suit and all... and he has to suck up to ibstinct omg I looooove it HAHAH sorry not sorry atlas but ur the boot licker forever now. OH AND BRAVO'S YELLOW SHULKERS hahaha I know he had to work hard to earn those... 😈 and of course instinct made sure they were yellow. And OF COURSE Bravo COULD have re dyed them another color... but he didn't >:) aaaaahhh I love it so much thabk u aqua for my life
HEHEH I KNEW U WOULD LIKE THAT PART i wanted to do a solid for u and all the impulse girlies out there 🫶
also BONUS i went back thru my dms w mel and found that i plotted atlas’s ending almost exactly one year ago HAH goes to show just how big of a delay there was in planning vs writing this story ⚰️🏃‍♂️‍➡️
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(BTW i can’t remember how much i’ve talked abt this but instinct’s defining traits are based off impulse’s work ethic and friendliness: hyper-efficiency and ‘fakeness’- y’know, the type that will smile to your face while hating ur guts? that almost cloying false sincerity? he also IS a very talented and accomplished redstoner in his own right, just as capable as atlas, but his focus lies on the logistics of scaling and profitability. again, hyper-efficiency is his priority.)
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lovelynim · 2 years
HI congrats on your milestone!!!! I don't send requests often because I suck at choosing and my brain just short-circuits but I was looking at your list aaaand durarara is bold?👀 would it be okay to request (if still possible) a little sequel to your tktober fic where Shizuo gets revenge on the flea? No pressure tho!! Love your writing~~
Yes, Drrr is bold because i love this duo so f*cking much that i might explode hahah and that fic was so fun to write that i nearly collapsed when i got this request
Anyway, hope you like this!
To anyone who may need this, here is the link to Part 1
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”We should do this more often, do you think, Shizu-chan?” Izaya spoke cheerfully, tilting his head to the side to look at his boyfriend.
Shizuo looked at him with the corner of his eyes. Letting out a chuckle, he began to speak, “yeah, we should, but not this late,” he added, taking his eyes back to the hallway they were walking on.
“Well, we wouldn’t be so late if a certain Shizu-chan didn’t get himself stuck in his own clothes,” the ravenhead teased with a giggle, stopping in front of one of the doors and reaching for the keys inside his pocket, “if it weren’t for me, we wouldn’t have made it in time.”
As Izaya walked inside the apartament, Shizuo stood outside for a moment, taking a deep breath to calm down as those words reached him like needles poking his nerves. Alright, be it then, he thought.
“Flea,” he called, walking inside and closing the door behind him, cornering Izaya against the wall. The man eyed Shizuo from head to toe, raising his eyebrows in a defiant manner when he noticed how serious the blonde looked. 
“Hm? What is it, Shizu-chan,” he said, placing his hand on the man’s chest and going up his neck, undoing his bow tie as he tugged at it teasingly, “was the dinner not enough for you? Should I get a dessert for you?” Izaya suggested, grinning.
“Ah, there is no need. I have one right in front of me,” Shizuo spoke, grabbing the other by his clothes and hanging him over his shoulder before kicking his shoes off and walking in.
Izaya faked a gasp in surprise, already waiting for something like that. It was Shizuo, after all. But then, a sudden pinch on the back of his thigh made him clench his hands, sinking his fingers into the blonde’s clothes. 
“What is it, flea? You look like a scared cat,” he teased, amused by the reaction. Shizuo started wiggling his fingers right above the back of Izaya’s knee.
“S-Shihizu-chahan, q-quihi- AH! QuihIHiht it, yohOhou jehehEHerk!” Izaya protested, letting out a loud squeal when the blonde suddenly moved his hand up, pinching his thigh again. 
“Oi, you shouldn’t be squirming this much. How can I take you to the bedroom like this? I might even drop you,” Shizuo warned playfully, straining from the actual path to their room and wandering around the apartment. 
“StahaAhahap f-foolihihing around, you beheAHast! AhahAhah!, n-not thehEHere,” he pleaded, banging his fist against his boyfriend’s back when Shizuo scribbled right over the spot between his thighs and his butt.
“Hm? Hah, don’t tell me you are ticklish here, flea? You didn’t complain last time I grabbed your ass,” Shizuo teased him, making Izaya blush as his laughter kept coming out.
“Shihiht- just stahAhahap it!” The man cried out softly, giggling while Shizuo poked at random spots, trying to squirm away.
“What? Can’t a man carry his boyfriend inside home? I thought it would be romantic.”
“It’s nohOHohot, y-yohou ahahare just tihihickling mehehe!”
“Am I? I didn’t notice,” Shizuo spoke, quickly wiggling his fingers all the way from Izaya’s kneepit to his asscheek, making him let out an embarrassed whine between cackles.
When they finally got to their bedroom, Shizuo used his feet to push the door open. “Alright, here we are,” he said, carrying Izaya inside.
“F-fucking finally…” he wheezed, trying to catch up his breath. Izaya let out a loud gasp when Shizuo suddenly dropped him on their bed.
“I don’t know what you are complaining about,” Shizuo said, taking off his suit, “if it weren’t for me, we wouldn’t have made it here this fast.”
Izaya widened his eyes, staring at his boyfriend in disbelief before breaking into a fit of giggles, “you’re such a jerk, Shizu-chan.”
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p0cket-watxh · 5 months
((note: alex doesn't know or hasn't interacted with any if the canon characters. this is jusy how I think Alex would interact with them, like a headcannon))
both of them are math teachers, one just hates ignorance while the other one hates time
both hate their supid students, though both try their best ti teach their students and give them room for improvement (alex gives up midway however)
both will just talk about math with ratio also adding more knowledge on the medical field (hes a doctor too)
alex from time to time would mention raphael and how he was the best student to him and ratio could see how dear raphael was to alex
[Audio Record]
"My students are idiots, they can't grasp the topic no matter how many times I repeated it! I even dumbed it down for them!" (R)
"Same for me! My students are in tenth grade, and yet they don't know what a polygon is! Grading their papers gives me a headache!" (A)
"Even if I'm giving them all the things they need, they irritate me to the point I throw chalk at them!" (R)
"You throw chalk at them?" (A)
"Yes, and?" (R)
"Honestly, I should too." (A)
both are old (alex is "old" in a sense that he goes back in time a lot)
both will talk and joke about march dan heng and stelle/caelus being kids (from time to time, alex sees raphael in one of the three and occasionally tears up but stops himself)
welt tells dad jokes and alex laughs at it
[Audio Record]
"Did you hear about the walnut at the cashew party?" (W)
"No? What about it?" (A)
"It was nuts!" (W)
"What's so funny about it?" (M7)
"Ah, leave them be. They're having their time of their lives." (H)
i headcannon these two just randomly met at a street or even a cafe and just chatted how being immortal sucks
"i cant fucking die and it sucks" buddies. both want to die so badly but one has a teeny bit motivation of living
these two rant out to each other about how nit being able to die sucks
while ranting, alex breaks down, goes crazy and acts emotionless after his breakdown and blade acts like its nothing
in return, when blade's mara takes over, he laughs crazily while talking to alex
from time to time, they'll both laugh crazily while kafka, firefly/sam and silverwolf stands by the side, scared (kafka is more of intrigued)
[Audio Record]
"Ah.. hahahahah.. Ahahahahahahaha!" (B)
"Uh, oh.. Blade's mara is on the run.." (F/S)
"That Alexander guy is crying though.. He's probably scared." (K)
"Hah.. Aha.. Hahah.. Hahahhaha!" (A)
"He's not scared, I think they're both mentally unstable." (SW)
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
Uh oh, seems like somebody doesn't like Spanner very much.
...I'm, so shocked, he seems like such a friendly and personable fellow. He's probably just shy, y'know~?
Spoilers, I guess...
-TV as a whole peaked last week, idk where we're going from here.
-Lachesis, hello~! Good to see you again, queen.
-"How do you feel now, bestie? :c"
-Nooooo, poor pepper boy!
-Spanner with the save!
-"Who are you, dweebo boy?"
-Wow, that was easy. I can't believe she fucking died.
-Walking out like an absolute chad.
-"Ohhhhhh~! This guy sucks~! He'll be perfect!"
-I really hope the constant memory wipes aren't scrambling poor Kajiki's brain. Or anybody's, for that matter.
-The male Spanner has entered the male Hotaro's territory.
-"Show me your cooking skill."
-Oh that's mean.
-Oh he loves it.
-At least wash your hands first
-Ourple egg
-Did you lay that?
-"Please sample my cuisine."
-Shown up at his own work.
-Even paid for his own cooking.
-This is some petty-as-hell bullshit, I love it.
-This guy looks familiar
-I think he was a Hitotsu-ki in an episode of Donbros.
-"How about you get lost?"
-Time for Valvarad.
-These Wild Forms simply boggle the mind.
-"I have no idea who that moron is." Spanner lied.
Renge: Y'know, I reckon that guy was just a jealous little bitch who couldn't stand the fact somebody showed him up at something. Hotaro: Hahah, hah... :)
-Super A-Rank?
-I suppose they haven't invented the S-Rank yet.
-Oh, there's a whole process.
-"You suck."
-I wonder how often the Alchemists' Academy would come into conflict with the Sword of Logos if they coexisted.
-Boruto, I dodn't think you're doing.
-I see Clotho prefers her Malgams put together.
-I'm calling it now, Lachesis is gonna try to supplant Atropos.
-Aww, Rinne :(
-Purin~! Purin~! Purin~!
-No need to bug her, man.
-Oh never mind, apparently Kurogane with the rare card to add to her collection.
-"Yeah thanks, whatever man."
-Here comes Boruto, bringing peak mid once more.
-That was cheap, I'm sorry
-Here comes the boy~!
-Oh, that's a sexy-ass bike.
-Together at last!
-Welcome to the quarry, motherfuckers.
-"Get on your knees and beg!" Y'know I'm starting to get what Clotho means.
-"First off, my Jordans are fake. Secondly, I have no maidens. And third, I haven't even thought of buying Spotify Premium. None of that matters though, because you will always be lesser than me."
-Nice catch!
-This is so inventive I absolutely love it
-"Can I ask... why tho?"
-Cheer up, Hotaro. At least he knows who you are~!
-Oh hi sensei.
-Not even their own are safe.
-"You two just keep doing whatever. These guys're all gonna die soon."
-I really hope that kid gets told how good a job she does, she's clearly giving it her all.
-Ohhhhh, cactus...
-More conflict with the folks in charge, I presume.
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cyclonesyndicate · 2 years
Once a villain | Elegante 6.1 | Re: Ragnarok
Elegante is absolutely not ready to admit that she's too dumb for this shit. She doesn't know how to decipher the evidence put in front of them and she hasn't bothered to learn enough about those around her to put the pieces together. As annoying as it is to not be the centre of attention, again, it's difficult to do anything but sit and wait. The great Elegante will strike at the opportune moment. A fearsome predator will not act prematurely.
...Him? This fucking puppy??? Okay, sure, this might as well happen. Listen to him go on and on about how terrible and unforgivable he is for his big evil plan which sucked and didn't even work. Imagine thinking you could eliminate evil from the world. Eliminate her. Preposterous.
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"...Hmph!" is how she finally breaks her silence. "Hahah! Hahahah!! You fool! You brainless, fuzzy imbecile spewing nothing but hot steam from your mouth! You truly think yourself different from those you invited here, do you? You think yourself a fallen hero, hmm? Some kind of martyr, perhaps?? Hah! A notion as poetic as it is pathetic!"
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"You are a VILLAIN! You are an evil, despicable, despisable villain!!! Call it as it is! Own up to the gravity of your crimes, futile as they were, or I might be tempted to drain all the moisture from that tacky floral garland you call a costume! Is this truly the best you could come up with for your dramatic reveal?? Hmph! You clearly still have some ways to go when it comes to villainy. But my point still stands!"
Yes, her point, her brilliant point that she made because she is brilliant. Treizieme is so fucking right about her. What a genius of a supervillian she is. She grins smugly.
"Now, cease all this blubbering about whether you deserve to die by my hand. I care not either way, to be frank. I'm sure that jittery little rabbit would be happy to restore you back to life even should you meet your gruesome end, so," she waves her hand dismissively, "I suppose you could at least put on a show for us, but it hardly matters."
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"Perhaps instead I should simply give you that shameful scritchie-scratchie behind those fluffy ears for all in the room to see as your repentance! Hmmm? Could you possibly bear being subject to such a demeaning display, wolfboy??"
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miki-tortelini · 6 years
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jinkicake · 3 years
suck his dick and hear him whimper as he bucks his hips. ride him and hear him gasp as his hands grab your hips. This man is NOISY. And Yaku tries to degrade you but it’s hard to take him seriously when he’s near tears as he humps you
// NSFW (I had to crop bc I -ofc- had to add my own two cents HAH)
I KNOW YAKU WOULD BE THE TYPE OF MAN WHO DOES NOT MAKE YOU LIFT A SINGLE FINGER IN BED -unless hes being a brat-. Even when you're on top he is going to fuck up into you like gawd... he is probably going to ruin one of his expensive ass suit he got but he doesn't care because he can easily buy another one.... See,,, whiny Yaku is so good... why would we want anything less?? Like he's SO easy to ruin...
No, because I'll eat his ass idc!! I'm a sub!Yaku bitch till I d!e,, HAHAH how can't I be a sub!yaku enthusiast when I know he would make the prettiest noises~~~ just taunting this bitch to the point of tears and then mocking him would be so.... omg- HAHAHAH wait a min... I'm gonna write that
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whumpasaurus101 · 3 years
Arthropod Day
Did I say I was going on a posting break? Yes. Am I using my poor bebe Asher and writing him more than any other of my oc’s? Yes. So, in conclusion, I couldn't resist Nemi’s ( @brutal-nemesis ) Arthropod Day and decided to write this EHE.
(also i would like my medal for barnacle whump tyvm (-even….. Even though it's not the focus….but uhh.. shhhhh)
CW death mention / worms.. Idk if that's a warning but you're getting one anyway XD / alcohol / drowning / past death mention / emeto mentioned / cursing
Asher sat up with a fright as he was awoken once more by a nightmare. He rubbed his eyes as he yawned and stood up. As he washed his face in the bathroom, he heard the bedroom door being opened. The minute Asher saw Rodger, he started to chortle, “HAH!!! Oh my- oh my god!!! You look like an- HAHAH you look like an idiot oh my god!”
Rodger scowled, “What are you talking about?! This is my fishing outfit!”
“FISHING?!?” Asher howled from laughter, “Oh Rodger…. Rodger, honey, you look….” Asher burst out laughing. “Hey! That's enough from you!” As Rodger pointed his finger, his yellow, rubber dungarees squeaked, making Asher snort as he laughed more.
Rodger was quick to slap Asher across the face, “Shut up!!! Now get dressed, you're coming fishing with me.” Asher rolled his eyes, “Oh fuck no, not happening, nuh uh.” “Asher if you don't get dressed right now, I swear to god I will drown you in the fucking lake when we get there.” Asher knew that he would actually do it. “I'm not going fishing with you.”
“Pass me another worm, will ya?” Asher grumbled and silently passed a worm over to Rodger, “This is dumb.” “Well so are you, now shut up before you scare away the fishies!” Asher rolled his eyes and sighed, sitting back in the small wooden boat. They were in some sort of lake, a big one. There were stones and rocks at the bottom, some closer to the horizon than others.
Asher watched as Rodger sipped at a beer, “Isn't it a bit too early for that?” Rodger looked at him with an eyebrow raised, “No, not today.” Asher’s eyebrows furrowed, “What do you mean?”
“You know, for a person who asks a shit ton of questions, you never ask the right ones.” Asher was now doubly confused, “Wh-what?”
Rodger scoffed and chugged the rest of his beer, shaking his head, “Never mind.”
“No, no, if you feel so strongly about it, do tell.” Rodger crushed his beer can in his fist and growled, “Just drop it.”
Asher grumbled but didn't push Rodger. Not yet.
Rodger felt a tug on the fishing rod and he started reeling it in. Asher watched -secretly intrigued- as a fish suddenly splashed out of the water. It danced around, desperate to be put back in the water. Asher watched as Rodger smiled at how desperate to fish was. “Sicko,” Asher grumbled. “What did you say?” Asher gulped, “N-nothing.”
“No, no, if you thought you were so funny, please, be my guest!” “Rodger, it's fine, just leave it.”
“No! You wanted to say something, say it louder!”
Asher was scared, his heart was pounding and a sudden ringing in his ears appeared, “Rodger, please, just drop it!” The fish was soon forgotten as Rodger lunged forward and dunked Asher’s head into the water. Asher was caught in surprise as he was only allowed a quick gasp before his head was plunged in the water.
Asher heaved in breaths as his head was lifted out of the water “R-Rodger please! What the fuck is wrong with y-” His head was shoved straight back into the water. He made the mistake of inhaling as he was underwater. Big mistake.
His arm quickly rushed behind him to slap Rodger, desperate for any air. He coughed under water, making his lungs weaker. He couldn’t breathe. He was going to die. And what a fucking way to go. A fishing trip. Wow-ee…
Rodger finally lifted him up and threw him across the boat. Asher coughed up water and groaned. He had whacked his head off of the wooden boat. He still heaved in breaths, coughing and spluttering -those didn’t really help with getting his breath back.
When he looked up, he saw Rodger sitting back down and fucking fishing again, as if that whole scene hadn’t just happened. Asher lay there for a moment, feeling weak. He took in several more gulps of air, trying to relax himself. He then clutched his stomach and slowly stood up, using the boat as a support. His weight affected nothing of the boat, he tried to ignore that.
He silently sat beside Rodger, watching the fishing rod’s line bob up and down in the water. He reached into the cooler and handed a beer to Rodger. He chuckled and took it, “Thanks.” He looked at it for a few minutes before sighing, “My uh, my dad passed away. Today…-” He sighed, “Today’s his anniversary.” Asher sucked his teeth, keeping his eyes glued to the water, “I’m uhm, I’m sorry to hear that I-”
“Oh shut up. I don't want your fucking sympathy!” Asher instantly shut his mouth, “Sorry.” There was silence. The boat softly rocked in the water, the sound of the water hitting against it. Birds flew up in the blue sky. There were tall dark trees that loomed over the water. Causing a cold breeze to appear. Asher shivered.
“You know, we weren't even that close. He barely spoke to me even. But somehow I miss that fucker. He’d go for ages not talking to me and then he’d bring me out fishing. I never understood him.” Asher didn't know what to say. Last time he opened his mouth, Rodger shouted at him. He decided to stay quiet.
Rodger looked at Asher, “What? You finished talking suddenly? Finally decided to shut up for fucking once?” Asher gulped, not knowing what to do. “Nothing?”
“I-I don't know what you want me to say!” Asher whined. “For fuck sake, you truly are useless! You know, I'm sick of you! I really am. You know what?” He quickly grabbed Asher by two fistfulls of his shirt and threw him into the lake, “You can make your own fucking way home.”
So the rocks that were mentioned earlier… yeah, turns out they were closer to the surface than they looked. And guess what else had decided to cling onto them, fucking barnicles. His head whacked against one of the rocks, the barnacles cutting his head along with the injury. He tried his best to kick himself up to the shore but he couldn’t see anything. The water was a mucky brown.
As he kicked more helplessly, dirt filled his vision. That’s when he felt something on his leg. Something sharp. He let out a cry underwater and used his arms to help him up.
Once his head went above water he gasped, “R-RODGER!” The world was spinning, his leg was on fire. “R-rodger -FUCK!” His head went underwater as his arms couldn't keep him up. Rodger cursed under his breath,he grabbed Asher by the shirt once more and hauled him into the boat.
Blood trickled down his leg which caught Rodger’s attention, “Let me see your leg.” “Well there’s not much to fucking see with all the blood,” Asher snapped through clenched teeth. Rodger rolled his eyes and grabbed Asher’s leg, lying it on his lap. He then looked to his side and saw his beer can.
He quickly poured it over Asher's leg, keeping a tight grip on it, knowing full well how much Asher would fight him. “OWWWW!! WHAT THE FUCK?!”
“Oh, would you calm down! It's just as good as rubbing alcohol, now let me have a look.” He used an old rag to wipe clean Asher’s leg and chuckled, “Blue crab.” Asher’s eyebrows furrowed, “What?” Rodger sighed as if it was obvious, “You got pinched by a blue crab.” Asher took a few breaths before yanking his leg back and sitting up quickly -instantly regretting it as the world spun for a few moments. “B-but why does it hurt so much? How did it even pinch me? I-”
“You must have angered it when you were kicking your legs like an idiot.” Then Rodger saw the blood on Asher’s shoulders and sighed, “You know what? I cant put up with you. Especially today out of all the days. I'm dropping you to Alicia’s” “But-!”
“Ap-bap-bap-bap. I don't wanna hear it.”
Asher slumped and folded his arms as Rodger turned the boat’s engine back on and the boat smoothly travelled across the lake. Rodger saw Asher shivering and silently handed him the oversized hoodie Asher liked. “There’s uhm, there should be a bandage roll in the bag if you wanna put it on your head until Jack can patch you up.”
Once Asher put on the hoodie, he quietly opened the bag and took out the bandage. He wrapped it around his head, making sure it was tight enough to help.
He sat back once more and closed his eyes. “Hey, I need you to keep your eyes open, alright? Just in case you have a concussion.” Asher groaned but nodded. He lay on his stomach and looked at the water which shot out from the motor of the boat.
That night, Asher and Jack were cuddling on Jack’s bed. Jack softly combed his hand through Asher’s hair as he slowly nodded off to sleep. Alicia came in, making Jack’s heart jump. “Please, let him sleep.” He was shocked when Alicia nodded, “Just wanted to check up on you guys.” Another shock. What was going on with her?
“Uhm, we’re good.” Alicia smiled, “Good. Here are some painkillers if he wakes up in pain. And Jack?” Jack looked up. “Love you.” Jack gulped, “L-love you t-too.”
Taglist: @likeit-or-whumpit @milk-carton-whump @appy-polly-loggies @yesthisiswhump @as-a-matter-of-whump @happy-whumper @myst-in-the-mirror @tears-and-lilies @heathenwhump
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cheemken · 3 years
Hello! I'm sorry for bothering, but is it okay to ask for your side on your and Pandora's love story? You guys are so sweet! I wish the best for you guys!
Well hello to you too hahah
And my side, ghm? Well,,, it's gonna be a trip since I just woke up and I'm doing this all in one go so I hope it makes sense at the end hahahah
Anyways owo
Twas a fine, lovely afternoon—
No really, it was. Like... I was scrolling through the comments of my old fics and I saw,, Bella commented hahah
And I was all "oh cool :3"
Then a lil skip and I saw her, pandora-dusk, commenting on the post I have of the fic and I was all "huh.. is this the same person??" I thought it was, she's all "I found it!" Or smth, and hey said the fic was dope and I was all "omf is this secretly a famous person—"
So I checked her blog, and I was all, "yeah okay I feel this person is famous so why is she talking to me cjskcbskdn"
But like,, yeah,, twas dope hahah
And we only get to talk in the replies because I refuse to talk to someone famous cause I'd embarrass myself owo
But then, in one of our chats in the notes and such, she mentioned how she draws and such and I was all "NFKSNDKSN YOU DRAW :D" and hey, I told her that people would absolutely love her art and such and yeah, surprise surprise, she posted her drawings and I was all ":0!!!! YO DAS SO COOL!" And then I remember reblogging it and had some on my save tag hahaha
It's so dope hahah
But y'know what happened next? The lil shit Tumblrbot messaged me and I low-key panicked cause "omf did I do smth wrong am I getting kicked out of Tumblr???" You can tell my mind was racing, but when I saw their message and they just "hey, you liked pandora-dusk's post, you should try talking to her owo" and I was all "hahah w h a t—"
Legit it took me a while to actually try to message her cause I was just "hhhHhnnn okay but what if she's busy and she finds it annoying omfs cjsmxjsm"
But hey I just up and "fuck it, if I managed to message Dee despite them being famous too, why not her?" So I sucked it up and yeah, messaged her hahaha
If you saw Pan's post, then yeah, you'd see how it went down
Anyways yeah, after that, we didn't talk much and every time I check my notifs, my thumb just hovers over her icon cause I still wanna talk to her and such, but I feel like I'm annoying her, so I just wait for replies and such hahah
Tis sad, but hey
Then that thing with Jane Angst™ happened, and good lord the reblogs jcsmjdks hahahaha
It escalated to the point we made the Knight and the Princess and we finally took it to the DM's cause hah, the reblogs were getting long hahah
Okay so we made progress with the lil story of the Knight and Princess, yeah? I fucking shit you not, I did not sleep because of that hahahah
I think yesterday, yeah, we were talking about this ask and it went to that thing of us with the Princess and Knight, and I told her that I didn't sleep for her just to try to finish that, that's how special she was and I didn't even know her yet–
But hey yeah, another mini skip
Then more shit happened to me, I didn't sleep and twas already two, and then.. she messaged me hahah
And then told me so many things and I discovered more about her too
And I could feel myself falling for her
Do you know how scary that was hahaha
She's so amazing.. no chance, yeah? I convinced myself that there's no chance. As if we'd meet. As it she'd like me. No one likes me like that irl, so why would she like me? She doesn't even know me.
But,,, ehhh,,, idk man. Couldn't stop myself hahah
She's just so nice and so dope and so understanding. She's so caring, so talented, and just.. she's amazing in general. And that scared me so much hahaha
Cause I'm nothing owo
I always like people with no chance of liking me back and I've been hurt so much hahah
But did I continue liking her anyways? Yep.
It didn't help that after drawing human Tumblrbot, Al— well,, star anon during that time, sent asks how Pan and I are kinda T's parents and oh my god I was all "that's so fucking adorable but hhHhhH is she comfortable with this cjskjdk" then I saw her actually draw shit for T too and I was just ":'0!!" And yeah, I started falling more and more hahah
Everyday I couldn't stop thinking about her, but I keep telling myself to just forget her cause "there's no chance. No one likes you irl, why expect she'd like you? Once she sees what you look like, she's gonna be disgusted. Disgusted probably like everyone else." And that broke me.. cause hah.. I really did like her, but yeah, we don't talk much so I just "ehh.. sure.."
But did I really stop? Nah.
Look I fell hard jcksjxksns
And hey I kept gushing about her to the GC and to my best friend hahaha
Dee actually thought Pan and I were dating and I was all "hah, I wish—"
And then my best friend was all "omf you have a gf na without telling me—" but hey I told her we weren't together and she was all "WHAT??? BUT?? YOU TWO ARE SO SWEET???"
And yeah hahaha
Another timeskip
Like,, Halloween?? Yeah hahah
Halloween onwards
We started talking more and more and oh my god I fell h a r d
I get to know more about her and the more she shared the more I fell and like,,, the more I see her as herself hahah
And god, she's so amazing
She might not believe it, but she is
And everyday I keep telling her how she's so great, basically, I was trying to flirt with her hahahahah
Cause like,, there might be a small ass chance yeah? Yeah hahah
And hey,, we talked and such, and,, hahah it seems like we were together but not. I told her that when we finally meet, I'm taking her out on a date hahah
And yeaahhhhh,,,
Another mini skip, now it's November, and hah, the eleventh came and on the twelfth, we had like this swab test and such and I was scared af and I just "hhhnnn might as well"
So take note, in my part it's like?? What?? Twelve? Eleven going on twelve am
But in hers it's the afternoon still
So yeah, I confessed to her hahah
And yeah owo
I messaged my bestfriend first about it cause she was still online and yeah we celebrated hahahaha
But yeah, then we talked more, we saw what each other looked like (y'all she's so fucking pretty cjskjdks like goddamn) and surprisingly, she doesn't think I look like shit, then we called, and hcksjdksjs
It was just so great hahaha
And hey, yeah, we got to know more about each other and boom, we be here now owo
I hope that suffices cause my memory be shit and I probably missed a few but hey hahah
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kounfetti · 4 years
[Diabolik Lovers: Paraselene] Vol. 3: Kou Mukami Translation
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Happy Halloween everyone! 🎃 😼 I impulsively wanted to do something for halloween so, here’s this translation! I’m the least confident in my audio translation skills so excuse any errors there might be!  As always, please no reposting onto other sites, just link back to this post-and ask me before translating this into other languages!
The audio is from here: ☆
Track 1: “Our Time Together”
Thank you so much everyone! I feel really good about this new song! 
Aah, I’m beat. Aah, M Neko-chan! Hey, hey~ You listened to my song, right? How was it? I did really well, didn’t I? Haha, really? Aww, thank you! *he hugs you* Come on, I just want to unwind after working so hard.
I feel like I haven’t seen M Neko-chan in a really long time. I feel so tired. My manager is really awful, you know? Because of that song, my schedule got all taken up. So, I didn’t get to see you for so long. But, I understand. Of course I think idol work is important too. 
But, you know whats the most important to me? *he kisses you*  It’s you, M Neko-chan. It’s fine! Since I said my girlfriend would be coming, my manager made sure there wouldn’t be anyone backstage. So~ Won’t you give me a reward for working so hard? Your blood~ You’ll give me some, right? 
It’s fine~ No one is going to come in here and find us. There’s no way they’ll interrupt us. And, you know, it’s inevitable that I’ll suck your blood. I’ll make you feel real~ good, just be obedient. Now say, “I want you to suck my blood”, okay? I want to hear it from you~ 
Eh? You’re not gonna say it? You really think so? It’s easy, isn’t it? You just have to say “suck my blood.” Right? *you say it* Well said~ Now, as you wish, I’ll suck lots of your blood. 
You look so happy right now. You’re that happy that I’m sucking your blood? Your neck is getting red. There’s no need to be embarassed, you know? Hey, don’t look away. Look at me. Aren’t you stubborn? 
What a nice scent~ Smells tasty. Hey, It’s fine if I eat you all up like this, right? Hahah, I’m kidding. I can’t flirt around with M Neko-chan like that right now. So, instead I’ll take lots of your blood. Hey, don’t move your head away. If you don’t look at me properly, I’ll have to give you a punishment, okay? But, you like being punished, don’t you? 
I’m wrong? You heard what I said. Make sure to look at me. This time, I’ll take some from here. No? But, I haven’t had my fill yet. I still need more. Hey, you don’t hate me, do you? 
I haven’t seen you that much recently, so I felt bad. Since you didn’t get to see that often, I was starting to think that you’d prefer some other guy over me. I thought maybe you wouldn’t come today. Nevermind, I’m sorry you had to hear that. 
Really? That’s a relief. I really~ like you too, okay? You’re the one I love the most in the world. 
Okay, M Neko-chan, you first. Glad to have seen you today, see you later! *closes the door* Alright, let’s go, okay? What’s wrong? There’s a mist, and...Huh, the moon...It looks really strange? It looks like there’s two of them? I don’t think you’re doing so well. Let’s hurry and go inside. M Neko-chan, why are you so dizzy all of a sudden? 
What’s happening? All of a sudden, my head...agh.
Track 2: “Valuable Memories”
Huh? Is this my room? When did I get here? I remember my head started hurting outside of the house, but then... M Neko-chan, did my brothers carry me here? M Neko-chan? What’s wrong? You look dizzy.
*sighs* Hey, what were you saying before? Not knowing who I am, or remembering where you are? Cut it out. I’m the super popular idol, Mukami Kou! This is our house, and before now I was recording my new song. Okay? You’re not mad, are you? You got annoyed because you weren’t seeing me because of my job, right? So, you’re pretending as if you don’t remember me. I’m sorry. I’ll try not to make you so lonely. Forgive me, please? 
Maybe I have to prove it with my actions? *kisses you* Maybe I have to do it again? *you push him* Huh, what are you doing? You’re still mad? Hey, don’t don’t talk to me like that! It’s “Kou”, okay? Cut it out, I’m not some stranger.  [TN: You call him あなた/“you” because you don’t know who he is, and he thinks that’s rude.]
I told you to cut it out! You’re really gonna piss me off at this rate. Stop struggling and be obedient! You couldn’t have just forgotten me! If you keep acting like this I’ll make it hurt. Like this! Huh? Because I’m a vampire. I just decided I wanted some blood. 
Why are you so surprised? Your expression... Hurry up and tell me that you’re lying! Huh. You’re still gonna act like you don’t know me? Guess I have no other options then, huh. I know I said I wouldn’t use this eye anymore but, since you’re not gonna tell me then...! *uses his eye* Huh, what’s this? You really don’t remember me? 
This can’t be...Why? How? But you said we’d always be together! How could’ve you forgotten? Stop messing around! You’ve forgotten everything we’ve done together? What do you mean by that? I don’t get it. Was it really that easy to forget you loved me?
I won’t forgive you! I can’t forgive that. *bites you* At all costs, I’ll make you remember. Your strongest memory has to be the pain I make you feel, so, I’ll suck your blood. Surely, soon you’ll...What are you saying? I’m trying to make you remember. So, just be obedient. Hurry and remember! *buzzing sound* I’ll make you remember... I’ll do whatever I have to! 
Track 3: “Rejection”
Huh, this is... The living room? When did I...Right, M Neko-chan! Where are you? They aren’t here? Maybe I overdid it. But, she really didn’t end up remembering. Even though, just a moment ago we were backstage. How did this happen? I need to make her remember soon. This is really grossing me out. 
I finally found you. You were hanging out here? Wait, don’t run away! Really, I don’t know what got into me! I’m really sorry. I’m more calm now. I don’t want you to be scared of me, okay? Have your memories come back? Not yet.. Don’t run away! I won’t do anything. I know that’s hard to believe because of what happened earlier. 
Right! ...How about we eat together? Now that we’ve made up, I could really go for some of your vongole bianco right now. Right, you don’t remember. It’s my favorite, and you used to make it really well. Normal;y I could ask Ruki to make it but he’s not here, or anyone else for that matter. They didn’t tell me they were going anywhere tonight... Anyways, if you forget how to make it, there should be a recipe around here somewhere. Maybe you’ll be able to remember something if you make it, so, please! 
Your expression...You’re still pretty guarded right now, aren’t you? You feel as if you could set me off at any moment, right? Well, we don’t need to worry about that right now, let’s just focus on eating something. Hmm...Ruki’s recipe should be somewhere around...Found it! Here you go~ Hey, I’ll just stay over here so I won’t bother you. Thanks! Make some tasty vongole bianco, okay? 
I feel like it’s been a long time since I’ve seen you cook. I’ve been so busy that I haven’t come home to eat. Hey, I can help, you know. I can cut the ingredients. If you say so. 
Hey, have you remembered anything? Not yet...Let’s see...*he hugs you* Don’t be so surprised, it’s just for a little bit. I won’t interfere with your cooking. Hey, move your hands. You have to move around to cook, you know. Hah? Maybe what I’m doing is making you nervous? M Neko-chan is so cute~ 
But, we’ve done this many times before. You really like my hugs, don’t you? Have you remembered anything yet? You still haven’t been able to remember any strong memories. 
Hey, if pain won’t work, what about I try something else? This time, I’ll sweetly suck you blood~ *he kisses you* From here. It’ll be fine. I’ll make you feel real good~ Besides, what if you end up remembering. *he bites* Your blood still tastes the same, and it’s still you. How come your memories haven’t returned yet? 
Hey, why did you forget? You don’t know either? Well, it won’t matter once you get your memories back. Hey, before I sucked a lot of blood from your neck, so, maybe I should try somewhere else? Maybe your shoulder? *he bites* Wait, stop moving, it’ll hurt more if you do that. I’m trying to make you feel good. You still don’t remember? You like when I do this, don’t you? 
You’re crying, M Neko-chan. Is it that good? It’s not? It’s weird? Even though I was trying to do it nicely...Your body is stiff, so it’s not my fault it hurts. Calm down, I want to make you enjoy this. 
*you push him* That’s why I’m telling you to stop moving! Why? I’m trying to give you your desired sweet pain.Why don’t you like it? Ow! My hand...It’s okay, my hand will heal quickly. M Neko-chan, you really don’t like my touch that much? You’re scared? I guess that’s because I’m a stranger to you still, right? You’re not the same person who loved me. *buzzing sound* Again? Don’t come near me! I don’t need your sympathy! What's going on? *he falls down*
Track 4: “Unchangeable”
Eh? I’m in my room? Why? The window is open, so it’s cold in here. It still looks like there’s two moons. And, the night doesn’t seem to be getting any shorter either. I want to see the blue sky...! Why did something like this have to happen? I didn’t think being forgotten would affect me so much. 
What should I do to bring the memories back? I don’t want to stay with this feeling...! If the memories never come back, then... If that happens...I would have to give up at that point...
Who is it? Ruki, is it you? M Neko-chan? Why are you here? Eh? Were you looking for me? You’re still a bit scared of me, though. The injury from before? You’re worried about it? You don’t need to apologize. I’m a vampire, so I can heal quickly. So, everything’s fine. 
And, my body is littered with other injuries, so. Right. You don’t remember. It’s nothing! You don’t need to worry about that. It’s fine, really! I’ve already given up. You won’t remember anything. There’s nothing else I could do at this point. You don’t like me, so, there’s no point in it. You know I told you that you can leave aready. Why aren’t you moving? 
I’m telling you its fine! I don’t care about what you do anymore. Now, hurry and go. Why? You were pushing me away so much before. I could go without your sympathy. Huh? Even though your memories are gone...you can tell I look sad? 
I just decided to give up... Don’t get so close, I could suck your blood at any moment. Don’t do that. You want to know more about me? Why? Right, well we were boyfriend and girlfriend. But, it looks like you’ve truly forgotten about that. The person who you love forgetting about you, is sad for anyone. 
But, I’m just a stranger to you now. So you shouldn’t care about whether you’re hurting me or not. M Neko-chan...you really care about people, you know? You don’t need to worry about hurting me. You don’t have your memories back, so... But, it’s fine if you don’t remember. I told you before, I’ve given up. 
There’s no guarantee that I’ll be able to get your memories back, so. And, this would be your chance to find someone new. I’m just some vampire that grew up alone. I’m sure you can find someone who’s kinder and will treat you well. 
Why? After I did all those awful things to you? I scared you...What do you mean? Even though you don’t have your memories you know I’m not a bad person? ...I don’t need your sympathy. ...Really? If you really want me to then, I’ll tell you. I’m a vampire now, but I used to be a human. I didn’t grow up with a mother, so I lived in a manhole. 
It was a horrible place. I couldn’t eat because I had no money, so I had to look through trash. If I had money, I would go buy something sweet like bread. ...But food wasn’t enough to satisfy me. I always felt as if I would die this way. One day, some people found me and brought me to the orphanage. 
In that orphanage...it was just as bad as the manhole. Aristocrats would give us money if we were beautiful. I was super popular back then, and because of that I got beat often. I thought that if I made myself ugly that they would let me go, but it didn’t work. But, later on I met Ruki and the others. And I became who I am now. Do you get the type of person I am now? I do awful things, and on top of that I’m a vampire. 
If you were to remember me, I’m not sure that you would find any nice memories. And you would end up regretting remembering anything at all. Hey, you’re not... Lift your face. Even though you don’t remember me, you’re crying. Those tears...they’re out of pity, right? 
I’m right, aren’t I? Why, all of a sudden...Eh? No, I’m not gonna cry. It’s enough if you’re crying for the both of us. Hey, your eyes are getting red. If you cry too much, then your face will get irritated. I usually like when you cry, but... not right now. Eh? I’m crying? Really? I’m actually crying... I guess anything’s possible when I’m around you, but...
I’m glad. Even though you don’t remember me, you’re still the person I fell in love with. You’re kind...
I’ve decided I can’t give up yet. I can’t let you forget about me, because I still love you...Okay, let’s start over. Nice to meet you, M Neko-chan. Hey, can I kiss you? Thanks! *he kisses you* I love you. 
It still doesn’t look like dawn will come soon. It’s not that I hate the night time, but, I want to see the blue sky soon. I like looking at the sky. But, it hasn’t seem to change a bit. So, I was thinking that I wanted to look at the sky with you, but... Eh? Thanks. It makes me happy that you think the same way. That rose...
*he picks the rose* Here, M Neko-chan, this is for you. I don’t want you to have that sad expression. Here you go~ You’re welcome! I finally got your spirits up for a bit. Hey, I’m sorry for doing all those awful things. I love you, and the thought that you could’ve forgotten about me...I just couldn’t believe it. But, let’s not think about that! We can make new memories together. 
Thank you! I like you and  I love you, M Neko-chan. Hey, if you let me suck your blood it shouldn’t hurt. *he bites* It’s warm...I want more. Do you feel good? I’ll suck lots of your blood...
This time, I’ll take some from here...You;re not resisting like before. Hm? What is it? Don’t be quiet, tell me. Do you not like the way I’m sucking your blood?  So, what do you think? Tell me? Don’t be embarassed, it’s just me. 
Tell me you feel good. It’s easy, okay? Please? What is it, just say it. I can’t hear you. Heh, well said. As your reward, I’ll make you feel even better. I want to suck some blood from your arm, it’s okay right? *he bites*
Huh? I’m starting to get all dizzy...But I can’t stop yet. You think so too, right, M Neko-chan? You want more of my fangs. Your expression is so cute... As you wish, I’ll suck some more. Leave it all to me. *buzzing sound* Right now? Still? I’m fine... It’ll pass. Thank you...
Track 5: “Dawn”
Huh? M Neko-chan, are you okay? What’s wrong? You’re not in pain, are you? Where does it hurt? Eh? You remember now? Really? You remember everything now? I’m so happy! I was starting to think you’d never get your memories back, but they did. I’m so happy! You don’t need to apologize. I’m happy enough with you remembering me. 
Eh? What? Oh, it is starting to get brighter outside. I can finally see the sky. It’s so pretty...maybe our wishes have been heard. Let’s go look up close. I’ll take you out to fly. *he grabs you* Hold on tight, okay? I feel as if it’s the first time I’ve seen the sky. This is the biggest happiness I’ve felt! I love you. 
I’m so tired today too. Just when your memories come back, I get overloaded with work. It’s not fair! “It can’t be helped”? It’s not good to accept that so easily. I know it’s my job, but I don’t want to leave my girlfriend alone. Maybe I’ll quit being an idol? Kidding. But, I don’t like not being able to see you. What about you? 
You feel the same way? I’m glad. Just let me know if you’re feeling lonely, and I’ll rush back. Of course, let’s do some more fun things. You’re blushing! That’s so cute~ Eh? The sky? The stars sure are pretty, but you said that to change the conversation, didn’t you? You’re easy to figure out, M Neko-chan. Besides, the sky we saw the other day was still prettier. I don’t like looking at the night sky ever since you lost your memories that day. That moon grossed me out. 
Right, I asked Ruki about the memory loss thing earlier. If we don’t know the cause, then it could happen again, and that would be troublesome. Ruki said that it could be the “paraselene syndrome.” It’s basically where you see illusions. Remember before you lost your memory, you saw that mist and the moon? It’s that.
When demons see that moon, that’s how they can get infected with the paraselene syndrome. It’s supposed to affect only demons, but because of your blood it could have been that. It’s crazy that the moon was the cause of all this. But, thankfully, you were able to go back to your normal self. If you had completely forgotten about me, that would’ve been horrible. In that moment, I said that we should distance ourselves. But, as I thought, it’s impossible for me to forget about you. 
I love you more than anyone else. I want to be with you forever. You think so too? I’m glad...I’ll never let you go...We’ll be together forever. 
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hermionegranger56 · 4 years
a v late recap of evermore
so i think Taylor Swift sensed that i was Going Through It and was like here you sad bitch, here’s another surprise album to help fix all that. cause good lord evermore is just what i (and i think we all) needed. i truly TRULY can’t believe we’re lucky enough to get a sister album to folklore, i love it so much. the first day it was out i drove myself 2 hours to the very end of the Cape and sat on an empty beach and cried to it and honestly??? magical. here are my thoughts on it that no one asked for:
first, as an overall here, this album complements folklore so well. it’s the spring to folklore’s autumn, it’s self-assured and warm and beautiful. each album shows off her lyrical genius so well and she only grows stronger here. when folklore came out, i was floored because the music was so different for her and so up my alley. each song’s production sucked me in and it was like she was confidently telling us “here is another genre i can work with” (masterfully at that). evermore feels different. it feels like Taylor is so comfortable in this creative space, she isn’t trying to fit into any new molds or expectations, she is just HERE, now, saying “this is who i am and this is my craft”. it’s really been a privilege to watch her grow as an artist. ok. here we go
god the video was so beautiful, a really good continuation of cardigan. the chorus is so so delicate and prettyyy, thats MY MAN ughhh its so good. it reminds me a lot of invisible string tbh, or if betty from cardigan grew up and found love. this is really one of my favorites, she starts so strong
fave lines: “the more that you say, the less i know/ wherever you stray I follow/ i’m begging for you to take my hand/ wreck my plans, that’s my man”; “life was a willow and it bent right to your wind”
champagne problems:
oh dear god, it’s if all too well and new years day had a baby and it is a MASTERPIECE. i can picture it all, college sweethearts, broken hearts, i feel like its new england at christmas, ivy league old money…its cinematic. and it gets at the feeling like you’ll never be good enough so you leave before that happens (basically before you get to the tolerate it stage??) and OOF. AND GODDAMN THE RANTING BRIDGE (illicit affairs came close on folklore but i think THIS might be the best bridge since All Too Well). I’ve screamed it a lot tbh
gold rush:
this one is bright and lovely and catchy!! it reminds me a lot of mirrorball tbh, all like swirly and magical. i can’t even put it into words but i can see this one so clearly. its all rosy and golden
fave lines: “eyes like sinking ships on waters/ so inviting, i almost jump in”; “what must it be like to grow up that beautiful?/with your hair falling into place like dominoes/ I see me padding across your wooden floors/ with my Eagles t-shirt hanging from your door”; “the coastal town we wandered round/ had never seen a love as pure as it”; “my mind turns your life into folklore”
’tis the damn season:
UGH I FUCKING LOVE THIS ONE EVEN THOUGH IT MAKES ME WANNA TEXT MY EX. the melody is SOOOO satisfying, the progression to “write this down”, i’m obsessed. the idea of being home for the holidays and feeling a little lost and tired and nostalgic for what could have been is something superrrr relatable. this song reminds me of snowy drives around my hometown in the best/worst possible way hahah. one of my top 5 for sure.
fave lines: “we could call it even/ you could call me babe for the weekend/ tis the damn season, write this down/i’m staying at my parents house/ and the road not taken looks real good now”; “and wonder about the only soul/ who can tell which smiles i’m faking”
tolerate it:
oh honeyyyyy this track 5 packs a punch, i mean the lyrics are absolutely BRUTAL in the best way. it’s just so sad, and encompasses a lot of my own insecurity about always feeling like you’re more invested in a relationship and watching someone fall out of love or just stop caring. i LOVE the “my love should be celebrated, but you tolerate it”, like bitch YES your love should be celebrated. also taylor sounds angelic on the “I” at the start of the chorus
fave lines: “i know my love should be celebrated/ but you tolerate it”; “i made you my temple, my mural, my sky/ now i’m begging for footnotes in the story of your life”; “what would you do if I/break free and leave us in ruins/ took this dagger in me and removed it”
no body, no crime:
YESSSSSSSSS I LOVE THE SUBGENRE OF COUNTRY ABOUT WOMEN KILLING SHITTY HUSBANDS AND THIS SONG IS SO FUCKING GOOD AHHHHH!! I LOVE the beat, i love country taylor, i love the addition of HAIM. UGH ITS SO CATCHYYYY, like i’m obsessed with the slide from “i think he did it but i just. can’t. prove itttttt NOOO no body no crime” UGHHH this is without a doubt in my top five
fave lines: “she thinks i did it but she just can’t prove it”
I heard this one described as an emotional marathon and holy shit it is, each line is a sucker punch. i really like how it feels like a conversation and looks at the acceptance and pain that mingle together when a relationship just…ends. her lyrics are unmatched on this album but this is a particularly strong track
fave lines: “i haven’t met the new me yet”; “when did all our lessons start to look like weapons/ pointed at my deepest hurt”; “there is a glorious sunrise/ dappled with the flickers of light/ from the dress i wore at midnight”
this one feels like Betty 2.0 and its so sweet and bright and also kinda sad. it’s wistful!! that’s the word i want, wistful! the vibe is gives off reminds me of Red, like musically. it’s home-y. idk if that makes sense but i like it a lot
fave lines: and if you’re ever tired of being known for who you know/ you know, you’ll always know me”
coney island:
ugh this one is magical, i honestly really love the instrumental to this one, it’s so soothing. the lyrics to me feel like you’re in some dream state, going through every heartbreak you’ve ever been through. I love the addition of The National, the vocals fit together so well (and I like it better than both Bon Iver features i think??)
fave lines: do you miss the rogue/ who coaxed you into paradise and left you there/ will you forgive my soul/ who you’re too wise to trust me and too old to care?”
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (that’s how i feel about this absolute masterpiece oh my GOD) it makes me so incandescently happy, the folk feel, the lyrics that are so cinematic and poetic and paint such a clear picture (to me) of two Victorian lovers who are in unhappy marriages but don’t let that stop their love. the chorus just like….fills my whole chest, the OH GODDAMN hits so different. and i want “my pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand” tattooed on me, that is one of her BEST lines and i will die on that hill. its all so pretty, i can’t deal. the vibe also strongly reminds me of a) invisible string and b) Little Women (2019). i think taylor should do folk and uhhhh only folk please
fave lines: EVERY WORD BUT ESPECIALLY: “i’d meet you where the spirit meets the bone/ in a faith forgotten land”; “oh goddamn/ my pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand/ taking mine, but its been promised to another/ oh, i can’t/ stop you putting roots in my dreamland/ my house of stone, your ivy grows/ and now I’m covered in you”; “he wants what’s only yours”; “clover blooms in the field/ springs breaks loose, time is near“; ”so yeah, it’s a fire/ its a goddamn blaze in the dark and you started it”
cowboy like me:
ALL RIGHT everyone sleeps on this song but oh my GOD its so good!! it’s smooth and dreamy and gives me that old fashioned, bonnie and clyde type love story and some of the lyrics are so poetic. I really love the addition of the Tim McGraw chords too???? BUT DEAR GOD COULD WE HAVE GIVEN MARCUS MUMFORD MORE OF A ROLE HERE??!! HE SOUNDS WONDERFUL, GIVE HIM A FEATURE, GIVE HIM A WHOLE VERSE. THIS IS A FOLK ALBUM TAYLOR, USE FUCKING MUMFORD AHHHH (i fucking love him omg)
fave lines: “dancin’ is a dangerous game”; “you’re a bandit like me/ eyes full of stars”; “now you hang from my lips/ like the Gardens of Babylon/ with your boots beneath my bed/ forever is the sweetest con”
long story short:
A BOP!! GIVE ME SOME HAPPINESS TAYLOR WOO! I really love how catchy this one is. it feels like her introducing the craziness of her life to joe and being like look all of that was tough but here i am now and I couldn’t be happier. It’s refreshing, self-deprecating and endearing. I couldn’t love it more and it is ALWAYS stuck in my head!
fave lines: “and he’s passing by/ rare as the glimmer of a comet in the sky”; “long story short I survived”
ha hahah hah ha this one ENDS me, like dear LORD i need to call my grandma immediately. it is so so GOOD and SAD, like the you don’t know how good something or someone is until they’re gone, but even then, they’re still there with you. I love the grandma wisdom of “never be so clever you forget to be kind” etc. and holy SHIT the addition of Taylor’s grandmother’s opera singing as background vocals is GENIUS AND DEVASTATING, god the part where she goes “i’d think you were singing with me now” and then Marjorie comes in is honestly one of the most beautiful musical moments i’ve heard in a hot minute and it breaks me every time. wow.
fave lines: “never be so polite/ you forget your power/ never wield such power/ you forget to be polite”; “the autumn chill that wakes me up/ you loved the amber sky so much”; “and if i didn’t know better/ i’d think you were singing to me now”
ok i’m sorry, this is my only skip here. I really do love the lyrics and the idea of, yeah no you don’t deserve closure from me. i just can’t get past the pots and pans beginning, its too chaotic. but i’m sure it’ll grow on me! it does feel like finally moving on and i do love that about it
fave lines: “don’t treat me like/ some situation that needs to be handled”; “i know i’m just a/ wrinkle in your new life/ staying friends would/ iron it out so nice”
god her voice is SO soothing in this one, it’s literally hypnotic. the song itself feels wandering and dark at first, like you’re stuck in this depression, and then bon iver comes in and it picks up and it feels like coming out of the trees, into the sunlight and finding your way again. finding that the pain WOULDNT be for evermore like she says. it feels like an ending and a beginning. beautiful
fave lines: “writing letters/ addressed to the fire”; “and when i was shipwrecked/ i thought of you/ in the cracks of light/ i dreamed of you”; “and i was catching my breath/ floors of the cabin creaking under my step/ and i couldn’t be sure/ i had a feeling so peculiar/ this pain wouldn’t be for evermore”
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robodaydreamer · 4 years
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RadioHusk Week - #2 To Love A Dumbass
I meant to write a drabble and my hand slipped.
I’m sorry.
[ EDITED 4/5/20 ]
I want to do a drawing for every fic, it just takes my dumb butt forever to do anything. Forewarning, this was done at 2 am, so it might be a bit jumbled? I edited what I could to fix it. I hope you all enjoy!
To hell’s general population or the few who knew of him, Husk was a lot of things. Temperamental, apathetic, tired of everyone’s shit... the list could go on, but he liked to think he was a pretty simple guy.
Uncomplicated and easy to understand. You leave him alone, he’ll leave you alone. You get on his nerves, he’ll probably claw your eyes out. Maybe. If he actually had the energy for it. A fair trade if you asked him.
And he didn’t ask for much. To most, he didn’t like to be bothered, he enjoyed card games, he depended on alcohol to get him through the day, and he had a fondness for magic tricks.
That last one was a little-known fact to their small group of misfits. The hotel’s residents didn’t need to know about it. The only reason any of them had even found out was because of Angel Dust challenging him to a card game.
He was more than a little drunk at the time. Hah, he’d been fucking plastered.
Kicking that fluffy arachnoids ass was just a bonus. While he never doubted his own hand, being that uncoordinated never usually ended well for him. He tended to keep to himself when he was at his worst.
He was surprised he even agreed to do anything at all instead of telling that perverted walking stick to shove off! Even more surprising was as trashed as he’d been, he was still apparently unbeatable.
Husk wondered if he had an ace up his sleeve… and he didn’t even have sleeves… or wear clothes.
Yikes. Did bow ties and tophats count?
Hmmmm… wait. No. He wasn’t doing this to himself again. It was hard enough accepting he was an overgrown catbird. He’d leave this complicated crap alone. Besides, trying to wear clothes over fur was a pain in the ass. Not to mention extremely uncomfortable...
Lucky streak aside, Husk won whatever bet they’d made. He couldn’t quite remember what it was since he’d been blackout drunk, but he knew Vaggie had enough blackmail on Angel to get about a week’s worth of good behavior out of him.
That alone had made this whole thing an even bigger victory. The only problem was that with his drinking, while his gambling was on point, his mouth… wasn’t. 
Plenty of sinners gave away personal information when they were drunk. People did it while they were alive, so it wasn’t an uncommon thing down in hell. The only problem was where it ended up… or who it ended up with.
Long story short, he’d apparently let Angel Dust in on his appreciation for magic and had even shown him a trick or two with his cards while they were playing. He couldn’t remember jack shit, but it was possible.
How else would Angel have found out? The only other demons who’d know would be Alastor or Niffty and he doubted Alastor would randomly share something as insignificant as this. He may have a thing for pushing Husk’s buttons, but he didn’t think the other would just throw that out into the open without any context.
Actually, he probably would.
Either that or Niffty spilled the beans… she liked his coin behind the ear trick. She made for a great audience, even when she had to stop him to sweep up his stray feathers or dust the furniture in his room. He wasn’t a total slob, but he was rarely in his hotel room to begin with, so it wasn’t really his top priority.
Like right now. He could clean up the broken glass next to the bed, but he wasn’t going to. He drank often enough, so hangovers rarely bothered him, but sometimes even he overdid it.
His tolerance was absolutely phenomenal. A blessing and a curse. On the one hand, he could enjoy his booze and watch his drinking buddies fall over after a few shots of the hard stuff. On the other hand, it was tougher to get buzzed or even just flat out drunk if he wanted a quick way to escape his own mind.
Last night had been one of those times and he absolutely went overboard. The hangover he was nursing could definitely attest to that. If the pounding in his head grew any worse he’d probably die. Again.
With a sigh, Husk shifted into a more comfortable position, trying to keep his wings in mind. He didn’t need any other problems right now.
Speaking of problems, he hoped he didn’t do anything too stupid. How did he get back to his room, anyway? He tried to wrack his brain for answers, but all he got was a flash of white-hot pain radiating throughout his skull for his trouble.
This was the beauty of alcohol. It made you forget, even if it was only for a short time. He’d already made that mistake twice in one fucking day… One with Angel Dust, and the other with-
A knock at the door made him tense, the sound not at all helping his headache. Who was bothering him at this hour? Wait, what time was it? Shit… was he late for work? Most likely. He didn’t actually give too much of a shit, seeing as to how he worked seven days a week. 
The only one it would actually bother was-
The sound of the door slamming open and ramming into the wall made him jump so hard his teeth clacked together. 
A loud boisterous voice filled the quiet of his room moments later, “Ohhhhh Husker! Wakey wakey, my darling kitty cat! Your shift started hours ago, and our sour sinners are hankering for your testy temper. And quite possibly a beverage or two, but that is no concern of mine. Hahah!”
Husk groaned, curling into a ball. Maybe if he hid in his wings, the bastard would take the hint and leave. He was too exhausted to deal with this shit.
Of course, he wasn’t that lucky. Give him a deck of cards and you’d see him win the whole pot! But a radio demon that he just so happened to be in a relationship with? Not so much.
Hold on a damn minute… Was it a relationship? It was probably the closest thing to one. They never agreed on an actual title, but Alastor had been pretty pushy about them trying this… whatever it was out.
In fact, if he thought back to it, he hadn’t believed the guy at first, having been pining over said demon for years. Why would he come waltzing over to Husk, demanding him to be his significant other?
He’ll fucking tell you why. His own mouth betrayed him. With Angel Dust, he’d been very loose tongued thanks to his over drinking.
Alastor had come over to watch their game of cards, and by the end of it, had decided to poke fun at his old pal Husker. 
He’d given Husk a round of applause for his card tricks, but it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter that he’d won the game and left Angel Dust flipping the table in despair. None of it mattered because it hadn’t been enough to fill Alastor’s endless need to be entertained.
He just so happened to believe that ‘drunk Husk’ was an absolute riot. He’d told him as much in the past. 
Although, instead of the usual banter or wobbly cat behavior he would have normally provided, Husk decided to share an even more personal secret than his fucking magic tricks.
He’d told the cannibalistic serial killer he was in love with him.
And it didn’t end there. To make it worse, since he’d been three sheets to the wind, he ended up forgetting everything that happened.
Angel Dust finding out about him being a magician was fine.
Alastor finding out about his undying love for him?
Husk would sooner have jumped in front of an Angel on extermination day than to have revealed his feelings to Alastor.
When he’d found out about what he’d done, because of course the insufferable jackass had to bring up his mistake as soon as he was sober, he may or may not have tried to jump out of the nearest window.
That was a tough feat to accomplish considering his bar was on the first floor. Had he done it anyway? Well, he tried to, but the other put a stop to his attempt so he hadn’t gotten very far.
In the end, Alastor had told him he should’ve confessed sooner because they could’ve been spending quality time together. He may have spaced out after that due to his brain short-circuiting.
It was almost too good to be true.
Husk agreed to Alastor’s demands, feeling like he would’ve been an idiot to refuse an opportunity to spend more time with the demon that held his heart in the palm of his hand.
Should he have paid more attention to what those demands were? Hell yes. His impulsive decision left him with more questions than answers.
After all, making deals with demons was a dangerous game.
The lowlifes he used to play poker with regularly would’ve told him to suck it up and take the offer for what it was worth. Taking chances was their shtick. 
Jerry, the cheating piece of shit, would have asked, “Why look a gift horse in the mouth?”
This was why. He had so many regrets. 
Husk heard the tapping of hooved shoes making their way toward him and scowled from beneath his feathery shelter. If Al did what he knew he was absolutely going to freakin’ do, he’d give him the silent treatment for the next three days.
He’d say a week, but Husk would cave long before Alastor… He may like his space, but he liked Alastor more. The guy had a way of making him crave for his attention, even if the radio demon himself didn’t always want it in return.
Hell, Alastor rarely showed any interest in him to begin with. And no, having an interest in causing him constant aggravation did not fucking count. He was busy with the hotel and all of the ragtag tenants he got a sick pleasure tormenting. 
It was hilarious. Honestly, it was, but he wanted more… It was selfish, especially since he fell in love with Alastor for who he was and not for some warped soap opera version of himself that he was sure plenty of demons daydreamed about.
Husk was guilty of daydreaming. He daydreamed plenty when it came to his ‘partner.’ Husk would be the first to admit he was a hopeless romantic… well. Maybe not out loud. 
He liked the thought of tender touches, passionate kisses, and appreciative glances. Did he need them? No. Did the thought of them make his heart race? Fucking Christ, yes they did.
He knew Alastor wasn’t interested in any of that. It wasn’t who he was and Husk could accept that, selfish desires be damned. He just wished someone would give him a hint as to what exactly Alastor was playing at. 
Was this something he actually wanted? What was he getting out of it? Why would he even bother with something he usually thought was so ‘tedious?’ He’d said so plenty of times to Angel and Charlie.
It’s already been a few weeks since they’d made this little agreement. Now that he was thinking back on it, it's almost been a month! You’d think he’d know the answers to all of these questions by now, but he was left in the dark when it came to Alastor’s intentions. 
He was torn from his thoughts when a hand gripped his furry ankle and dragged him to the end of the bed. 
Husk let out a warning growl to try and ward off the other from his oncoming attack, but it was useless.
Alastor only chortled in response and Husk felt the hand wrapped around his ankle tighten briefly before moving away. He knew better than to believe that was it. This was only the beginning.
He was proven right when his wings were forcefully pried apart, revealing him to his attacker who looked way too smug for his own good. “My Dearest Husker, why must you hide from me? You know, while I do love your volatile personality, I’m only here to help!”
Holy shit… 
Had he actually fallen in love with this dumbass?
Husk sneered, the stabbing pain in his head only growing worse as he locked eyes with Alastor. “Help? How is this helping?”
He watched Alastor’s brows furrow for a split second before his grin stretched impossibly wider. “Why, of course it is! You would have missed your shift, otherwise. After all, your job is crucial! You’re the first face our lovely residents see!”
Sitting up, Husk felt his wings fluff up. This was getting ridiculous. He was hungover and more than a little unstable in the feelings department. Alastor was only making things worse, seeing as to how he was the main cause of his emotional turmoil. 
He could start yelling and throwing a tantrum, but that would only amuse the bastard and leave him with an even bigger headache. 
No. He had to catch him off guard.
Maybe he’d try something new… he had nothing to lose except his dignity and he’d lost that years ago.. 
Fuck it.
“I want a divorce.”
He felt a swell of pride at Alastor’s blank stare. So that actually shut him up, eh? Sure, this didn’t at all make any sense, but if he had to deal with Alastor’s bullshit, then the idiot was going to get bullshit thrown right back into his stupidly handsome face.
“I want a divorce.”
Alastor’s smile waned as his brows went back into a furrow, his head tilting to the side. “Husker, my good man… we aren’t married.”
Husk felt himself relax. Al’s voice had quieted immensely from his earlier shouting. He always had to project his voice, no matter where he went. This was a hell of a lot better for his head. He could already feel the pain lessen.
With a distracted nod, Husk huffed out, “I know. I still want a divorce.” He watched as Alastor’s grin strained, eyes narrowing as he studied him. He felt a shiver travel up his spine at the others searching stare.
Unsatisfied with what he seemed to not be able to find, Alastor released the firm grip he had on his feathers only to move those deft clawed hands behind his back. Husk was sure he was clenching them tight with frustration. 
He couldn’t tell if this was funny or sad. He didn’t want to piss off his ‘steady,’ but he also wasn’t in the mood to be pissed off himself.
Looking at Alastor, he had to admit it was actually pretty damn comical.
Husk blinked, feathered brows raising high in confusion. “What?”
Alastor’s expression morphed into a sharp smile, his glowing red eye’s staring unwavering into Husk’s. He seemed to radiate extreme disapproval. “No. We aren’t getting a divorce, Dearest.” His smile gave an irritated twitch.
Holy shit. This was unexpected. He hadn’t actually thought something like this would upset the overlord so much. This should be funny. He should be laughing…
It wasn’t funny. He loved Alastor too much to keep this up, but he also didn’t understand. Why was Al taking this so seriously? The radio host would usually have laughed something like this off or made an even bigger joke out of it… so why wasn’t he doing that now?
He really needed to get answers. If they were going to be anything they needed to start by finding common ground.
Mind made up, Husk stretched. If he was going to do this, he might as well be comfortable. He let out a pleased hum at every pop or crack he worked out of his spine. That felt so much better…
He glanced back up at his uninvited guest, only to pause. Alastor’s previous expression was gone. Husk wasn’t sure if he could put a name to it… but it was softer. Not a word he was used to using when it came to this particular demon. He looked downright distracted as his eyes traveled along the length of Husk’s body…
There was absolutely no fucking way this was happening right now.
He felt hope well into his chest, but he buried it down deep, he had some questions that needed answering. “Okay. We won’t get a divorce… we can still be friend-married or whatever. I didn’t think you’d take what I said so seriously...”
Alastor seemed to tune back in at the sound of his voice, his smile taking on a more satisfied curl. “I’m glad you’ve changed your mind! A divorce, hah! How silly…-” He stilled, a record scratching sound following his abrupt pause as one of his brows raised in question. “Friend-married?” 
He grimaced, “I do believe we have taken the next step in our relationship to a status higher than mere friends. Though I suppose that wouldn’t take away our actual friendship, I was hoping for a more committed type of companionship.”
Husk felt his jaw drop in shock. Hold the fucking phone, what? 
Alastor didn’t seem to notice his surprise, carrying on with a look of distaste. “Honestly, Husker… friend-married? Is that a word young folk are using these days? Taking two separate terms and mashing them together?” 
He let out an exasperated sigh, shaking his head at the thought. “I miss the days where words were used more appropriately.” Another twitch of his wide grin. “Besides, why crush words together when you can crush skulls?”
Husk gave a hard blink, his tail thumping on the sheets behind him. Holding up a clawed paw, he cut off the other’s rambling. “You… Do you seriously want to be in a relationship with me? You’re not just pulling my leg for a laugh?” If he was, he’d kill him. He’d probably be the one killed, but he would die trying.
Alastor’s confusion was palpable at this point as he tilted his head for a second time. “... I do believe I asked this of you before we began our partnership, yes. Besides, I may have just literally pulled your leg a short while ago, but that doesn’t necessarily mean I would spend so much time doing all of this just to cure my boredom..."
Husk felt like he was going to pass out. His heart was hammering so hard he thought it was going to beat right out of his chest. 
He was serious. Alastor wasn’t doing this for a laugh. He was actually interested in some form of relationship with him that wasn’t just friendly or work-based. 
Holy fucking shit what the fuck?
Husk’s ears were swiveling about, his fur was bristling, his tail was curling, and his wings were poofing out. He wasn’t sure what kind of fucking response his body was having to this unexpected situation. 
Was he confused? Was he flustered? Was he offended? He had no clue because he was feeling too much at once to comprehend a single thing.
He was able to stutter out a rushed, “Me? You want to be with me? Of all the demons in hell, you chose me?” 
Alastor gave a slow nod, regarding him with a curious gaze. “Why waste my time lavishing affection on just anyone when I can focus my attention on one demon in particular?” 
His hand rose from behind his back, cautiously reaching out towards Husk only to let it hover in the air between them as if he were worried about spooking him. He continued, “And who better than one whose company I enjoy… and one who I am so very fond of?”
Husk couldn’t fucking believe this. Alastor liked him. Alastor liked him to the point of wanting to be with him. Not just to terrorize him to get a reaction out of him. This whole time. This whole god damned time he could have been getting to know this crazy sonofabitch and here he was, wasting his only chance to do exactly what he’s wanted to for fucking years because he couldn’t just get over himself.
Husk shrunk in on himself with a horrified gasp, “Oh no. I’m the dumbass.” Before Alastor could question him, he ran his paw down his face, groaning out, “This whole time I thought you were just doing this because you were bored. You like pissing me off to the point of me ripping my own fur out!” 
His wings moved to cover him back up, he couldn’t bear to look at the demon in front of him anymore. This was too embarrassing. “I’m a fucking dumbass.” he muttered dejectedly.
The room was quiet for a few moments. Hell, Alastor could have vanished and he wouldn’t have been able to tell from beneath his feathery cocoon. This was amazing and awful all at once. He was an idiot, but he was a happy idiot.
He jumped at the feeling of gentle hands resting against his wings. He felt them hesitate before they began to caress him, palms moving in long even strokes. When Husk didn’t move to pull away or stop him, Alastor began to alternate between petting and running his claws soothingly through his feathers.
It felt nice… 
Husk felt himself begin to relax, not at all realizing how wound up he’d actually been. This was ridiculous. He needed to get a hold of himself… well. Maybe after a few more minutes of Alastor touching him like this... Alastor was comforting him. Would this ever happen again?
He really hoped so.
“Husk?” He felt his eyes snap open at the other’s hushed voice. He’s never heard Alastor so quiet before. They’d known each other for decades and not once has Alastor gotten even close to speaking in a volume this low that wasn’t a sinister threat. This was a soft plea for his attention.
Well, if he hadn’t had it before, he certainly had it now. He mentally prepared himself as best as he could before he shifted, immediately mourning the loss of the other’s hands as they retreated from his wings to give him space. 
Crossing his arms, he sat up and allowed his wings to part open, folding them down to rest over his legs and along the bedspread. Seeing as to how he’d let them drag across the floor plenty of times in the past, letting them hang off of the bed wouldn’t hurt them.
He glanced up toward Alastor, taking in his surprisingly patient smile and couldn’t help returning it with a smile of his own. Husk’s smile only widened as he grumbled, “You’re stuck with a dumbass for a partner. Hope you’re happy, ya wiseguy.”
Blinking owlishly, Alastor took on a more bemused grin. “Well… while there are several names I could call you, that one definitely wouldn’t have been my first choice. I prefer goofball!” He leaned down to get into Husk’s space, their faces only a few inches apart. “You’re a goofball, my Dear! But you’re my goofball.” 
Husk was glad he had fur because he felt his whole body heat up at just how close their faces were. It was harder to deal with his feelings when he was able to see Alastor up close. And this was really fucking close.
Alastor took notice of the change and seemed to study him, though he’d probably been doing that the whole damned time with how stupid Husk had been acting. Embarrassing. Absolutely humiliating. He was going to pretend this never happened. 
He was hungover. That was his excuse and... why was Alastor giving him that look?
Said overlord was giving him a large smirk, eyes lidded and teeth glinting from the minuscule light coming in from under his hotel’s door. His expression was one that told him he was about to get on Husk’s last nerve… he wanted to kiss that look right off his face.
Alastor closed the gap between them, purposely bumping their noses together. “My Dear sweet Husker. There’s no need to be shy! I had no idea you were so insecure. I’ll make sure to be more considerate of your feelings in the future.”
That little shit. He was teasing him! He had some fucking nerve.
Husk wasn’t about to let Alastor make fun of him. He was purposely trying to rile him up because he went all googly-eyed over him. It wasn’t his fault he fell in love with the guy! What right did he have to take advantage of that?
He made sure to give Alastor the stink eye and a very displeased noise that was definitely threatening and not at all pathetic. Okay, it was kind of pathetic. He was flustered, okay? It was tough to control his body when his instincts had a mind of their own!
Alastor beat him to the punch, making any thought of retaliation fly right out the window by gently nudging their noses together. “My Darling, don’t look so cross. I’m only teasing you!” 
Hah, Husk fucking knew it! The bastard.
The radio demon moved to press his face into Husk’s neck, his shoulders shaking with his laughter. 
Husk would have throttled him if he wasn’t currently trying not to combust. He was used to Alastor touching him, but this felt different. They were dating. It felt intimate when it really wasn’t. Was it? Oh shit… 
Normally he’d push him away, but it suddenly felt like the wrong thing to do. As if this was a moment he shouldn’t… couldn’t ruin. 
It was getting increasingly hard to not do anything, especially when the huffing breath against his neck was making him twitch. He was ticklish, and if Alastor ever found out he’d be screwed.
Okay, he had to move. He didn’t have to stop touching him, but he did have to stop chuckling into his neck. “Al, buddy. Don’t take this the wrong way, but you gotta stop.” He leaned back, arms moving behind him to support his weight. 
Alastor let him go, laughter dying out as soon as Husk had distanced himself. “Oh? Have I gone too far? Did I offend you?” 
Husk shook his head, “Nah, not that you’d give two shits about offending anybody. Too far is never far enough for you. I’m just gonna have to get used to all of this…” He quickly cut the other off when he saw his mouth open to question him. “I’m not used to all this touchy-feely crap!”
Alastor gave him a wide-eyed stare. “I’m quite certain I touch you very often, my fine feathered feline. I’ve always been very affectionate with you. What is making this so difficult for you?” 
Well, he had a point. “Okay, look. I know nothings actually changed. It just feels different now that we’re together. I don’t know how else to explain it… Like I said. I just have to get over it.”
“Hmmmmm… Righto! Then I suppose we’ll just have to get you used to it!” Alastor leaned forward, his knee coming up to rest on the mattress between Husk's legs. The mattress dipped at the added weight, bringing Husk up slightly.
Husk blanched, too startled to question what Alastor was doing as the overlord wrapped an arm around his waist. “Stay still, my Dear. We’ll solve this little dilemma of yours in no time at all!” As he spoke, his head came down to nuzzle his face into Husk’s chest fur. 
This resulted in Husk arching his back to better accommodate for the body suddenly clinging to him.
Why was this happening to him? Was he being blessed or punished? 
This felt an awful lot like a fucking punishment. 
Is this what he got for being a dumbass?
Alastor's free hand moved to rest on top of his own. “Husker, my Darling… your heart is beating very fast.”  He could practically hear the smug smirk in his sweetheart's tone.
He could live with it...
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vocalyunho · 5 years
Warm Sunset
Pairing: Hongjoong x Female Reader Genre: fluff, smut Word Count: 2.3k Warnings: explicit unprotected sex
Anon who requested this, I hope it’s okay that the reader doesn’t paint a portrait of Hongjoong, but smth that reminds her of him.
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Hongjoong’s birthday is next week and he’s always talked about how he’d love to have one of your paintings in his apartment...to admire it whenever he wanted, to always remember how talented of a girlfriend he has, to have it on the wall so everyone can see it and, maybe, now it’s time to create something absolutely and only for him.
Since you’re living alone in an apartment that’s more than enough for one person, you’ve turned one of the biggest rooms into your personal atelier. It’s not a massive workplace, it’s just a little bigger than a normal bedroom, but it fits all your art belongings perfectly. However, it’s not the cleanest place someone would lay eyes on...paint has gotten everywhere through the years and canvases lie here and there on every corner of the room. The tools are, also, soiled with paint because most of them have been with you since when you started painting but, truth is, you love seeing them like this...they show the hard work you’ve put into all your paintings even if they turned out to be beautiful in your eyes or not.
Being a Sunday today, you had the entire day to yourself...Hongjoong would probably come over during the evening to spend the night there, but you will have already stopped working on the painting by then. You started working on his painting last week and, even if you don’t work on it every single day, you’re on a good path and it’ll probably be ready by the day you’ll give it to him.
The painting is a landscape, a landscape of an- untouched by humanity- island. With its crystal waters shining and the sun setting and colouring the sky with millions of different hues of orange and yellow. The flora is rich with many trees and some flowers here and there that create a beautiful contrast with the colours of the sky. This landscape is him. He’s colourful and beautiful inside and out. He’s a peaceful place that you always wish to be around. He’s so pure, like he’s never been touched by the seaminess of the world. He’s a warm sunset in the middle of the summer, with a slight breeze that smoothly touches your face and gives you the feeling of a beautiful dizziness.
You were painting a number of trees when the door of the atelier opened and you turned around to face Hongjoong.
“I knew you’d be in here” he says and the corners of his lips curl up.
“I- yeah...I’m painting” you laugh, kind of nervously.
You had forgotten you had given each other a second key to your apartments and he could come in anytime with it, but you thought he’d come over much later.
“I thought you’d come over in the evening”
“yeah, that’s what I did”
“it’s 6:30 Y/N” he said laughing “look at the clock”
“OH hahah, I lost track of time” you set the brush and paints down slowly and make your way towards him so that you’ll both leave the room without him asking about your painting, but that failed.
“what are you painting today?”
“oh it’s just...a present for a friend”
“it must be a dear friend...you have paint all over your clothes and face, baby” he laughed.
“really? I didn’t realise” you tried wiping your face while standing on the door.
“wait...is that sea I see? Is that an island?” he walks towards the canvas.
“hah yes...my friend reminds me of...pretty islands and warm sunsets”
“that’s cute”
“why don’t we go now?”
“no, keep painting...I didn’t wanna distract you”
“you already did though”
“oh I’m sorry, do you want me to leave?”
“nonono I didn’t mean it like that...uh fine sit on the couch and I’ll go back to the painting, you might get bored though”
“there’s no way I’ll get bored of seeing you creating”
You felt a burn in your stomach, he’s so cute...
At least he didn’t ask anything else about the painting, but you didn’t wanna seem suspicious so inviting him to just stay there was the best option now...
You went back to the canvas, brush and paints in your hands again and kept creating tiny trees, but without even realising you kept looking back at Hongjoong...it must have been instinctive, since this is for him.
“what?” he laughed at some point.
“I’m sorry...you just inspire me” you said facing the canvas again.
“aww my baby is getting inspired by me”
He got up and walked up to you to give you a back hug.
“has anyone ever told you how cute and hot you look all concentrated?” he kissed your neck and you shivered.
“well, I am telling you right now”
“thank you”
“that’s all? not a kiss, not a lil grind, no nothing?” he lowered his hands to your sides.
“I’m trying not to get distracted, like you said Hongjoong”
“I did? A little break is never bad, then” he said and started kissing the place under your ear as his hands caressed your sides slowly. You let your head fall on his shoulder and your eyes fell shut.
He hadn’t realised that you still had the paints and brush on your hands and when he turned you around to get you closer, the palette got squeezed between your bodies and colours darted on both the floor and your faces and clothes.
“I’ll clean that later” he said and took the palette and brush off you hands fast and placed them on your desk. You checked the canvas to make sure paint wasn’t thrown on it, but before you were even 100% sure, Hongjoong cupped your cheeks and smashed his lips on yours. He didn’t hesitate a bit and turned the kiss into a sloppy make out session. He’s giving open mouthed kisses and so are you, giving him the chance to slip his tongue in your mouth. He didn’t stay there for long though and the moment he bit on your lower lip, a moan escaped from your lips, making him smile against you.
“that’s exactly what I wanted to hear” he said and slightly, but forcefully, pulled your hair back to expose your neck to him.
“fuck” you exhaled and when you felt his lips on your neck, you knew he would try to hold back his bites and that’s what he did. Every time he’d bite with a little more pressure, he’d instantly stop at the best part, but you were not having it.
“It’s okay Hongjoong, I can cover it”
“Are you sure?”
He bit on the side of your neck and you felt your knees weaken, but tried to hold onto his shirt for support. He harshly sucked on the place, making your eyes fall shut and driving moans out of you, which got mixed with his sounds against your neck. You really needed some support right now, something you can lean on because his shirt wasn’t enough. So, when he nibbled on your skin and you felt your head fall all the way back, you guided him backwards till his back touched the wall, where the canvas stood on the left and a big window on the right.
He drew his head back to admire his own canvas and your eyes snapped open, only to see him smiling at his creation. He looks so pure, like he didn't just mark your neck or like his boner isn't brushing against your thigh in need of friction.
"lie on the sofa" you told him and the smile on his face turned into a smirk, like he knew he was about to have a good time.
He immediately did as you told him and after pulling his and your own pants off, you climbed on the free place between his legs.
"look, I've never sucked someone off on my workplace and you know that..." you said as you pulled his underwear down, freeing his member and letting it hit against his stomach.
"...but there's always a first time for everything, I guess" you tapped his tip on the last words and started pumping him slowly, adding more and more pressure on each pump, until you took him in your mouth.
He inhaled loudly and supported his body on his elbows to watch your every move, as you twirled your tongue around his width. You didn't force yourself to take him all in, your hand can do just fine on the part that won't be in your mouth, so you started blowing him. Your head is moving fast in all directions on his shaft and his head fell back as a loud moan left his lips. You leave him just for a second to get the wetness all over his dick, but as you pump him, pre-cum leaks from his tip.
"oof baby, why are you so quick today?"
He didn't have the time to answer as you took him in your mouth again, bobbing faster now while your hand is massaging the lower part of his member.
"fuuck, just like that baby" he groaned and his eyebrows furrowed.
You kept going, bobbing faster and faster and your hand squeezed on his base, until a wave of praises mixed with curses fell from his lips and his legs started trembling. When he throbbed in your mouth and gasped, you stopped, trying to prevent his orgasm. He let his body fall on the sofa as his chest is rising and falling fast.
"why are you so good at this?" he said through sharp breaths and with a quick move, he pulled your legs making you lie down this time.
"I'm good too, though", he's hovering above you.
"I know-" his hand flew to your clothed centre and you gasped as he started massaging your clit with his thumb. His left hand lifted your shirt and you took it off, letting him caress your lower stomach. The bundle of nerves on your clit is going crazy and you can feel your thighs starting to slightly tremble as low moans are leaving your lips.
"Hongjoong n-no...I dont wanna come yet" you whisper, grabbing his wrist to stop him and keep him in place.
"don't worry babygirl, I'd stop anyways" he said and before you could even come down, he slid your panties to the side as he smoothly pushed in without warning. Your eyes widened and your breath got caught in your throat at the sudden stretch, but his eyebrows also furrowed at the feeling.
"ffu-uck" you cried and he kept pushing in, slowly and steadily until he bottomed out.
When he did, he came close to your face brushing his lips on yours “I won’t be gentle, princess” and pulled almost all the way out to thrust in fast.
A whimper found its way out of your throat and his hand travelled up to wrap around your neck. This made a smile appear on your lips and you felt your core getting wetter. He started thrusting slow but hard and the force of his hips could be heard on the way your skin slapped against each other.
“a-ahh, yess”
He moved faster without pulling out more than halfway before he thrusted back in again. His fingers around your throat tighten with every louder groan he lets out and his pace is fast enough to make you see stars. The blood runs fast through your brain and your moans have turned into a distant echo in your ears.
“Hongjoong, fasterr-” he shoved himself into you harder and your cries got mixed with high-pitched moans. You couldn’t control your vocals, it’s like every thrust pushed a louder moan out of you and every whimper of his got you closer and closer.
“do you- like this-?” His fingers on your neck tighten.
The sofa moves along with his movements, his grunts are strained and his dick starts twitching unexpectedly. He’s pounding into you and you can feel your walls clenching leading you to feeling every ridge of his cock drag along. Your cries and his moans are in unison and fill the silent room, but when you let your orgasm get over you, he quiets himself down. It’s like he’s pressing himself not to make any loud noises, just to hear yours. He’s heaving through his nose, as your colours get all over his size and before you were done, he reaches his own climax, throbbing uncontrollably and mixing your liquids together. Incoherent syllables leave his mouth and his hold around your throat gets loose, while the orgasm washes over him. Your cries stopped getting louder as you’re panting now and when he slowly pulls out, the sudden emptiness feels weird. He lies on you, with his head buried in your shoulder, still breathing fast.
“I’ve never done this in here” you say.
“I know, baby”
“By the way, thank you in advance for this beautiful painting” he smiles and gives a kiss on your shoulder.
“w-what painting?” your eyes widen and you’re glad he’s facing the other way.
“you’ve told me before that I’m your warm sunset and that’s what you said when I asked you about the painting too”
“It’s really pretty, really...but not as pretty as your eyes” he said and faced you. Your heart skipped a beat, but you laughed it off.
He’s still so pure...like he didn’t just fuck you on the sofa of your workplace, with paint on your clothes and faces as the sun is setting. Maybe he really is your warm sunset...
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rosmarinys · 5 years
soft hearts, electric souls
read on ao3
Dotty Cotton to martin>>>kush: who left their fuckin socks in my room
Ash Panesar: someone change the chat name or im going to riot
Bex Fowler: pls that’s my father
Bobby Beale changed the group chat name to kush>>>martin
Habiba Ahmed: LOL
Iqra Ahmed: Despicable. All of you.
Iqra: Besides we all know the real truth.
Iqra Ahmed changed the group chat name to ash>>>
Ash: babe 🥰😍🥰
Jay Brown to Ben Mitchell: As your brother, I have to tell you that Lola can’t pick up Lexi from school today so you have to do it
Ben: stop starting every sentence with as your brother youre so annoying
Jay: As your brother, no
Ben Mitchell to Callum Highway: babe do you like drive by by train? will determine the rest of our relationship so be warned
Callum: Um. No?
Ben: im divorcing you
Callum: Ben.
Callum: Ben, we’re not married.
Callum: Ben.
Lexi Pearce to Lola Pearce: 🧚🦄🦄🦄🦄🐢🦋🐞🧜♀️🧝♀️💋💋🥰🥰🦄🦄🌈🌈🌈⭐️🌟✨💞❣️💝💘❗️❗️🔆🧜♀️🧜♀️🧚🌟🦄🦄
Lola: Thanks darling love you!
Habiba Ahmed to Iqra Ahmed: IQS!!!!
Habiba: We have a PROBLEM!!!
Iqra: What???
Habiba: Karen stretched out my leather jumpsuit and now I look FRUMPY in it!!!
Habiba: Iqra!!!!!
Habiba: Iqra I can see you reading these!!!
Ben Mitchell to oh god we’re adults: damn callum is thique ;)))))
Callum: Christ
Jay Brown has left the chat.
Lola: ahaha
Jay Brown was added into the chat by Callum Highway.
Jay: shut up ben
Lola: HAH
Bex Fowler to Bobby Beale: sorry but can you pick up some tampons for me ive ran out sorry its just ur out already and idk where iqs and habs are if u cant its fine!!
Bobby: It’s cool I’ll grab some when I pass the shop!
Bex: thanks bobby ur a lifesaver
Bex: love u!!
Bobby: :DD I love you too!!
Ben Mitchell to Phil Mitchell: Hey, text me when you’ve landed.
Ben: Also, is Louise doing better?
Bobby Beale to there should be more gays in this chat smh: was thinking about that one 5SOS song and it came on the radio. creepy
Dotty: why the FUCK are u listening to the radio
Bex: im with Dotty on this one we have spotify premium bro
Habiba: the family package!!!
Habiba: omg we’re a FAMILY
Dotty: gross i take it back bob keep listening to the radio
Bobby Beale sent a video to there should be more gays in this chat smh.
Bex: this is a spit in the face to our family account…
Ash: lmaoo
Iqra: Bobby has surprisingly good dance moves considering he’s dancing with our cleaning sponge
Bobby: I have many talents 😎
Dotty: terrible
Callum Highway to Ben Mitchell: Hypothetically, if someone left rose petals all over your bed, would you be happy or mad about that?
Ben: heading home RIGHT now ;)
Callum: Excellent because I should have gotten fake ones, these are definitely dying. Please hurry.
Ash Panesar to boobs backwards is sboobs,,,much to ponder: is it my turn to pick a movie for movie night tonight?
Iqra: Yes x
Ash: ok we’re watching the bee movie :)
Dotty: im not coming
Bex: never felt betrayal like this
Bobby: Nice!
Habiba: Yeah the bee movie is so good from what I remember!!
Iqra: I’m moving out and I’m breaking up with you
Ash: :(((((
Iqra: I take it back I love you
Habiba: how come ash gets an ‘I love you’ when she sends sad faces but I get a ‘then persish’ ??
Bex: bc iqra and ash are in luuurve
Dotty: we’re getting off topic. im not watching the bee movie. ill sue u all
Ash Panesar changed the group chat name to lets do it babey I know the law
Callum Highway to Unknown Number: Stop texting me. Leave me alone.
Vinny Panesar to Ash Panesar: I have chips. if you come outside I promise I wont talk family stuff at all, just want to show u Instagram memes.
Ash: Fine. But if you bring up anything serious I will leave.
Vinny: Deal.
Ash: Be down in five.
Vinny: 👍🏽💞
Ben Mitchell to Callum Highway: babe u want chinese for dinner???
Callum: Hell yeah!
Ben: great ill grab some after work, meet at urs?
Callum: Yeah, thanks! Love you!
Ben Mitchell to Callum Highway: ly2
Lola Pearce to Ben stop hating yourself you shit: ok who’s picking Lexi up today?? I just picked up an extra shift at the salon
Jay: me and Callum are working till 5 sorry
Ben: im working till 6 and I cant get off
Ben: because callum isn’t here ;)
Jay: :/
Callum: Jay just agreed to let me off early so I can get her??
Lola: great thanks!!
Ben Mitchell to Callum Highway: Hey are you sure youre up for this I can find a way to get someone to cover for me its all good
Callum: Ben it’s fine. I love Lexi, we get on it’ll be fine, ok? See you later for dinner?
Ben: yeah
Callum: Great!
Lexi Pearce to Ben Mitchell: 👨‍👨‍👧😻
Ben: yeah I like him too darling x
Iqra Ahmed to Dotty Cotton: Tell Bobby I’m not speaking to him.
Dotty: why
Iqra: he said that pac-man is ‘‘‘over-rated’’’
Dotty: no why are you telling me this
Dotty: also what the fuck pacman is Great
Iqra: Don’t know, you were the first contact I saw
Iqra: And right!
Ash Panesar to Stop texting d*ck jokes at 3am ALL OF YOU: what are we doing?
Bobby: Our best!
Dotty: speak for urself
Bex Fowler to Iqra Ahmed: can I get a bird?
Iqra: Why are you asking me and not the group chat?
Bex: should I not be asking you?
Iqra: Oh no, you should. And no you can’t.
Bex: :((((((
Iqra: Perish
Habiba Ahmed to dogs are better than people facts ONLY: how does dotty keep getting in she doesn’t have a key
Dotty: you’ve been hacked
Iqra: it’s a PHYSICAL key
Habiba: hackers are getting scarier these days :////
Bex Fowler to boobys are superior sorry bobby: did I waste my teenage years not pulling pranks?
Dotty: they’re not that much fun tbh like one time I broke into my school and covered the entire ground floor in those red solo cups filled with water, like wall to wall, its not that big a deal
Bobby: Are you kidding that sounds hilarious
Dotty: yeah ur right sucks to be yall >:))))))
Ash: hahah
Iqra: You are all awful why are you texting the chat a movie is on!!
Dotty Cotton changed the chat name to silence during the bee movie pls, it’s a cinematic masterpiece
Habiba: 😂😂😂
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Chapter 4
(Wigfrid notices something amiss and Winona agrees, but Wolfgang be the big trusting teadybear he is :3c kind long )
“That is an unusual sight!” Wigfrid stated quite loudly, but Winona just hummed and continued tinkering with the gears from a bishop and a rook they took down earlier that day, already used to her outburst, “What is?” “Where Wilsön and Maxwell always that clöse??” This caught Winona's attention immediately, whipping her head up she saw Maxwell and Wilson talking while walking up to Wilsons work tent, even pulling up the flap and letting him enter first. What. Winona looked at Wigfrid and shared a look of ‘ Did we seriously just see that’, “Maxwell isn’t known to be kind unless he wants something….” Wigfrid nodded her head in agreement, “ I don’t trust it either, but it dösen’t löök like they were arguing?” Winona shook her head” Well whatever it is, I am sure Wilson can handle it, he dealt with him before”
“Who dealt with who before?”
Winona and Wigfrid looked over to see Wolfgang, Winona speaked up” We were just talking about how Wilson and Maxwell have seem to gotten closer the past few days”, The burly man put on a thinking gesture with his hand brushing his mustache, “ Tiny man talk to Tall man quite much, I saw them doing chores together, unusual indeed” He still had an accent but his english was better nowadays due to Wickerbottom helping him out, she somehow knew a bit of Russian, she always seemed to know almost everything. “ No need worry of little man, he is strong in mind, and in body, Ms. Wickerbottom said no worry, he is not to harm tiny man, he is friend”, and with that he walked off to put down the logs he was carrying next to Wickerbottom who was busy weaving. “Odd” Winona stated, but if Wickerbottom was ok with it, then she would be ok, if not a bit wary, she was fond of WIlson and didn’t want him to get hurt in any way. Wigfrid had thought it over “ Wickerböttöm can be as wise as Ödin at times, I trust her, but let's keep an eye ön him at least '' They both nodded and got back to work on tearing up the mechanical beasts for parts.
Maxwell and Wilson were in the tent looking over the sketches of the guitar Wilson was doing “ No- that doesn't look right, you have to put the strings into a wooden block at the bottom, and the proportions are a bit wrong on the strings, each one is a different thickness”, Wilson nodded looking at the sketches and added notes to the side of the paper, “ Oh! I was thinking that the steel wool we can get from the Ewecus can be unravelled and straightened into the strings!” Maxwell hummed in agreement, this.. Was oddly nice, Maxwell had thought to himself, watching as Wilson was talking about ways to put things together and whatnot. Really it was endearing watching this in person rather than from the throne, he really liked to watch Wilson survive, it was quite funny, he had to comment on everything, and get into everything, he had really felt sorry for Wilson to take over the throne but he was too selfish, ‘better him than me’, was the last thought he had before he turned to dust, only to be brought right back to him. He would have believed it was fate, but in a place like this, there wasn’t really any mistake, after all the slap fight they had when they first saw each other outside of the throne room probably gave the shadows something to laugh about-”Um Maxwell, did you hear my other suggestion?” Maxwell a bit startled, straightened up, forgetting there was a lantern hanging just above his head,Thunk! He sucked in a breath between teeth in a low hiss as he pushed the lantern out of the way, glaring as if it personally offended him (which it did I might add) he heard loud boyish laughter and looked down to see Wilson practically dying in his laughter “HahHAHhahah!O-*giggles*-Oh my god, hah!’ Maxwell grumbled, “Find something funny PAL?” Maxwell basically hissed at the shorter man, who was still laughing hard, flushed and eyes pricked with tears,”I-HAhah-I am so-sorry but that, t-that was too funny” Maxwell then sneered,” Ha ha ha, laugh it up now, but you realize I have seen many more embarrassing things from you on the throne, what about that incident with the honey? ripped out a few hairs didn’t it?” That shut Wilson up real quick, he gaped like a fish up at Maxwell, red as the salmon in the salt ponds” Y-you!-good heavens you saw THAT!?” Wilson buried his face in his hands,” T-that was one time...and it was an a-accident!” Maxwell smirked,” Honey isn’t the substitute for lube here pal, there are better options” Wilson looked positively mortified, then curious in a second, what did Maxwell mean by-” ‘better options’? What does that mean?
“Exactly what it means Higgsbury, would you like a few tips?” Wilson looked at him skeptically, up then down, then up again,” How old are you?” ...Ow, Maxwell thought, Well to be fair he did look.. A bit old, he was around 50 when he came to this world, and that certainly wasn’t that old (It certainly was),” I am 50 Higsbury, not 100, despite how many years go by, we will never age here”, Higgsbury considered this for a moment, then turned back to his work shaking his head,” Alright Maxy, but don’t think I will forget about your little incident, so what would wood should we use?”Maxwell was taken aback by how the man was switching topics so quickly that he couldn’t keep up at times, maybe it was some form of ADHD? He shook his head. It was better than going back to the topic of his age,” Hm I was thinking of Birchwood? It is softer and easier to bend and carve” Taking his place behind Higgsbury, not seeing the little smirk Wilson had,”Softer and easier to bend huh?”Maxwell scowled,” I do hope you are talking about the wood Higgsbury ”,Wilson let out another laugh at Maxwell's expense, and it is to say that evening was filled with large amounts of arguing and laughing alike.
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