#note: i live an hour from uni. my lab supplies are at home since I obv didnt know i had a lab. i dont own the manual to do pre-lab activitiy
ravs6709 · 8 months
Almost had a breakdown in the subway 🩵
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conquerwithcoffee · 7 years
Back to School // Tag
So, since I was tagged by the lovely @wolfieforlifey​, I’ve decided to be a lil more social over here... ;P
📚 General Questions:
What year are you (e.g. senior in high school, senior in university…)? *Almost* graduating. 
What is your major, or focus of study? My major is Linguistics with focus on Phonetics and Data Science.
Do you have a studyblr/studytube? I only have this studyblr (which is often neglected 🙊 )
What do you think about studyblrs/studytubes? Oooohhh I looooove studyblrs, the aesthetics, the nerdiness and all that jazz... *.*
Are you looking forward to going back to school? Back? O.o This is my third semester without a proper break... 😭
🏫 Campus Questions:
What’s your favorite location on a campus? “Die Wiese” it’s like a huge patch of grass in the middle of the campus. *.*
What’s your go to place to hide out on campus (to be alone)? empty computer lab (same as @wolfieforlifey​ lol)
Have you ever fell asleep on campus? Nope.
Have you ever lived in the dorms/student housing? Nee.
What’s your favorite food to buy on campus? The espresso from the lil’ Italian food truck :3
What’s your favorite food to bring from home? Fruit salad
What’s something that makes your school special? The size of the campus... Sometimes you’ll have to walk 20-30min from one class to the next.
📖 Student Experience Questions:
Do you always do the assigned readings?​​ Yes
What was your favorite book you were assigned? Intonational Phonology by Ladd. It was my bible for the last 3 semesters.
What was your favorite school project? Hmmm idk, programming a stemmer for Portuguese (?)
What was your most difficult assignment? Programming anything in C++ 😂
Do you like working on group projects? Heck yeah!
Do you study better alone or with other people? Alone
What’s a class that surprised you? Language and Society
Do you sit in the front of the class or the back? Anywhere close to a window
Do you prefer readings or lectures? Lectures! 😊
What’s your note taking style? It depends on the lecture... For some it’s better to use the mapping method, for others the outlining.
Do you prefer to take notes on paper or computer? Paper for lectures not involving programming.
Do you prefer music, or complete silence when studying? Silence
Do you raise your hand in class, or keep to yourself? I keep a balance 😌
Are you usually early for class, or late? Usually on time haha 😝
Which semester/quarter do you prefer (e.g. spring, fall…)? Summer, because Winter is freaking dark and cold. 😢 
Overall, do you like being a student? Yeah! 👩🏻‍🎓
Do you have anything you want to improve on for the new school year? Find more balance between personal and uni time...
🎒 Fashion & Backpack Questions:
Do you carry a backpack or handbag to school? Backpaaack!! Because I love to feel young! 👧🏻
What’s usually in your school bag? Planner, pencil case, books, laptop, ipad,  toiletries, foooood, water, money.
What are your favorite places to buy school supplies? I love little stationary shops that nobody know about, but I also buy a lot from Hema and Paperchase.
What are 3 essential items you take with you to school? Planner, water bottle, food
How would you dress for your first day back to school? Fancy!👗
How would you style your hair for your first day back to school? I let my curls go wild!
Do you tend to roll out of bed, or spend hours getting dressed for class? Definitely roll out, every second of sleep counts.
📺 Fandom Questions:
What’s your Hogwarts house? Oh daaamn... not a HP fan... (don’t shoot me!) I will say though that I’m definitely a Martell 🤙🏽
What character would you be in Harry Potter? Again GoT ref... Nymeria (yay warrior-queen!! 💪🏼 )
What character would you be in Mean Girls? Now I feel weird... O.o I would, in my wildest dreams, be Jessica Jones though... 🙈 
🏷️ Tag someone: this is fun! @applebeesbabies @aparisianstudent @tetenaa-studies @milogi
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defiancerpg-blog · 6 years
Tumblr media
Congratulations LAURA, you have been accepted as CEPHEUS, THE KING, with the faceclaim of AVAN JOGIA and the PSYCHOMETRY ability!
Notes from the Admins: Ellie and Tasha:
We really enjoyed reading your app and seeing how you were going to portray Jai. I (Tasha), personally have nothing to complain about with your app. I loved everything about it. And I’m truly a fan of your writing. You just hit every point with your writing, no matter how short or long it was there was nothing lacking. Like Tasha said, I (Ellie) think your app really hit home with who our little genius was in our minds. The answers to the interview are short and sweet and give us a perfect glimpse into Jai’s mind.  I also love your connections and how you touch on his relationship with Daniela and how that also extends to her sister in some ways which is a struggle for him.
You have 48 hours to send in your blog. If you haven’t already joined the group discord then you may do so now (if that’s your wish) [x]. Once you have turned in your blog, you will be given a role that will allow you access to the private channels regarding plots/characters. Please remember to do everything on the checklist, and also we just want to thank you for joining this roleplay. We hope your time with us will be a fun and memorable one!
Jai Tailor Application
OOC Information:
Alias & Pronouns:
Timezone, Activity Level, & RP Experience:
I’m from GMT+10, My activity fluctuates depending on what’s going on at Uni, but when I don’t have assessments I tend to be on once a day. I’ve been roleplaying for about six years now on tumblr, and you can find an old rp blog here
Cepheus – Jai Tailor
Avan Jogia, Mahesh Jadu (would require age change to 29), Sidharth Malhotra
Jai identifies as Bi-sexual and aromantic.
Salt Lake City, Utah
Nova Type:
Psychometry: Otherwise known as token object reading. Jai has the ability to extract an objects entire history, the hands that have held it, the places it has been left, those who have claimed ownership over it. His parents described it as him transporting himself into the essence of an object, removed from time or space. He never liked to use his parent’s descriptions. He simply describes it as having access to an object’s data base. So far Jai has only had the ability to read objects without a conscious. He suspects things with sentience have the ability to reject his attempted extraction. When he was fifteen he experimented for the first time with a dead body. The results were beyond belief, he could only bare to touch the body for a few moments, enough time to extract only the beginning of its life, before his skin seemed to burn, and his stomach emptied itself. Although he has never again had the chance to experiment with such an ability he is filled with morbid, self-destructive curiosity about this aspect of his powers and is desperate to try again.
Mnemokinesis: Or memory manipulation. Jai has the ability to insert false memories into the minds of other people. It is not an easy power to utilise, he does it with his words, first lulling a subject into a subdued, susceptible state, and then crafting a memory. When done correctly the memories he plants are stronger and more vivid than any real memory his victim has.
NB: I have worked psychometry into the application a lot, so if the second/any other choice is chosen I may have to rework parts of the app. Please just let me know if that is the case 😊  
So, tell me a little bit about growing up. What was your childhood like?
“My childhood. Seriously?!” Teeth grinded against his lip as he shook his head. His jaw was set, filled with all the tension that gave away his annoyance at the question. Glaring he sat, waiting for the question to change, for some form of acknowledgement that such a question was ridiculous, but none came. “It was rosy. Hugs every day. Fun with other children. Mom and dad shielding me from all the horrible evils of the world. I grew up happy and loved and valued.” His tone was so dry, so lacking in infliction, that no one could doubt his sarcasm.
What about your relationship with your family?
He snorted as soon as the question was asked, shaking his head in disgust. “You’re just like everyone else. Desperate to understand me through my relationships. To place me in some context and diagnose me.” He spat the final words. “If you want to know about my parents interview them. You want to understand me? Here I am.” He spread his arms out wide, hard eyes seeming to dare the interviewer to come closer. “My relationship with my parents means nothing. You think they shaped me? Made me? You’re wrong. They’re nothing.”
Are you the only Nova in your family? Or were your parents Novas too? What about any siblings?
“Were my parents Nova’s?” His smirk, the quiet snort he emitted portrayed amusement. The shadow that fell across his eyes however said otherwise. “In a way. Latens both of them. Completely powerless. But they had superpowers none the less. An inferiority complex so grand it consumed them. The ability to close off from any emotion, completely invulnerable to feeling. They were self-diagnosed Latens but they had powers all the same. Perhaps they diagnosed wrong… I’d like that.”
What’s your ability like? Is it easy to control or harder? Do you even like it?
“My ability.” For the first time since the interview began he seemed to calm, settling down with an aura of excitement about him. His eyes had lit up, this was his specialty. What he knew. He loved nothing more than sharing information, enlightening people with his theories. “I don’t think any ability can be easy to control. There’s always unlocked potential, unforeseen circumstances, unpleasant effects. There’s always an element of your ability controlling you. Do I like it? I love it! I literally have information at my fingertips. I love that it can make me feel stronger. Can give me power over others. I love it because it will always be un-understandable and uncontrollable.”
How would you describe your personality?
“My personality?” The question was repeated in a soft voice, eye contact maintained under hooded lids, and thick lashes. “I think I’d prefer to hear you describe it.” His hand reached out, a single index finger tracing the veins on the underside of the interviewer’s wrist. “Does personality really matter outside of perception? I only care what you think of me.”
What do you think your greatest strengths and weaknesses are?
“I don’t like to reveal my strengths. The ones that aren’t self-evident are an advantage. That or they’re imagined. Either way I’d be stupid to advertise them. Weaknesses…” He paused for a moment, calculating. “There’s a disadvantage to being so removed from human emotion, to not buying into socially accepted fallacy. People label it as “socially awkward”. Really it’s just another word for existing outside the collective.”
Where and what were you doing the day the Nova Protection Act was enacted?
“I was waiting.” He raised his eyebrow, daring the interviewer to question his statement. “I was waiting and was ready. What exactly I did that day doesn’t matter, I knew that day would come, and when it did I had everything in order to survive it. I had liquidity and I had supplies. I was prepared.” He pursed his lips, “I’d only recently left my last job, working in a lab, my parents had been in contact with my boss, continuing to extract data. I had no interest in continuing there. There was an opening in a pathology department, I’d always wanted to work in pathology, but I never got the chance to start.”
Did you immediately run? Or did you try to obey the law and report to the Anti-Nova Force?
Snorting laughter signified what he saw as the ridiculousness of the statement. “You think I would willingly catalogue myself? Submit myself to the will of the government? I didn’t run, I disappeared. My parents were the only ones who could find me. They can’t find me now.”
How have you survived this last year and a half or so? Did you have any help or were you all alone? How did you find Yalena’s Sanctuary?
“We came as a group. All good scientists protect their subjects. My parents found me, found the sanctuary, and began marching me towards it. I was a burden to them, a heavy, hard to move experiment. My parents reminded me of that the whole journey. They could have gone in to hiding if it wasn’t for me. They didn’t need sector zero. They thought I needed them and they needed no one. They were wrong. They cared if I died, needed my survival. I never needed them, never cared for their safety. Never cared for anyone’s safety.” He chewed his lip, silence hanging off him “No. There’s no one’s safety I care for.
What were you doing when the raid happened? How did you respond to the flood of Wardens? How quickly did you go through Yalena’s portal?
“I was… reading… I don’t know. I don’t think it matters. What matters is I was ready? Bag packed. I should have been the first one through. Would have been if it wasn’t for… Sector Zero wasn’t as easy as the first time. Everything I needed couldn’t be packed. I still made it through quickly, just not as quickly as I should have… My parents on the other hand… They were too slow.”
What has living in The Imperium been like for you? Do you feel safer than before? Is it better or worse than on the run, or Yalena’s Sanctuary?
“It’s not like any of them were a five-star resort…” He laughed at his own joke, shaking his head when no one laughed with him. “It’s fine. I’d be stupid to get too attached. They found us once, they’ll do it again. Really there’s only one major difference. My parents aren’t here…”
The last question. If war broke out between Novas and the humans, which side will you be on?
“I don’t know. Neither? Both? It would make sense to be on the side of the Novas, I don’t know if humans will ever be on a Novas side again, but I have no interest in fighting for the losing side. There’s no glory in war, no honour in death. I care nothing for a collective, feel no connection to a group of people. If war comes I will do what’s best for me. I’ll survive.”
Gemini: Jai trusts Waverly intellectually, he knows she is bright, enjoys her candid nature, is willing to work with her to survive. Intellectually he knows the two of them fit together. Are both broken in a similar way. Emotionally, however, he feels none of this. The wall between them is as strong as any other he has erected. They only want one thing from each other, and he refuses to allow anything deeper. She is a stranger to him, a stranger who would only respect a closed off man, perhaps he’s correct in this assumption, he’s never been sure, but what he feels emotionally has a habit of trumping what he knows intellectually.
Cassiopeia: Jai had a flawless outlook on life, except for one problem. Dani. Clever Dani who worked her way into his soul. He never meant to care about anyone the way he cares about her. He thought he knew better. Somewhere down the line, however, he let his guard down, exposed himself in a way he never meant to. Love was some fallacy humans hid behind to stop themselves feeling alone, but he felt it, with every fibre of his being, she was his family, his home, his life. He hates her for weakening him in this way, but he could never hate her really. She’s all that matters.
Andromeda: I would also like to explore Jai’s relationship with Dani’s younger sister. He see’s her as an annoyance, inferior to himself and Dani, trapped by the same weaknesses he sees him and his best friend as being outside of. He also hates the prospect that her existence means he has to care not only about Dani’s survival but also Nora’s
As a child Jai’s parents literally used him as a test subject, they were obsessed with understanding his powers. As a child he knew nothing else, he saw his life as normal, it made sense to him that his parents would want to understand him, to improve him. When he saw Daniela’s relationship with her parents it was the closeness he envied, the care she was shown. When he grew older, when he grew to understand what his parents had done, not only to him but to others as well he learnt his parents weren’t just cold, they were monsters.
Jai enjoys subtle powerplays in bed. Never has this been more pronounced than in his relationship with Waverly, mostly because he has never before had a such a continuous intimacy with another Nova. He often teases her, fingers tracing the skin around her jewellery, secrets and information she has not chosen to share. He could access them whenever he wanted. But he doesn’t. He never would. He needs that wall too much.
Jai’s parents were atheists. His mother’s parents were non-practicing Christians, his father’s were devout Muslims. Jai himself, partially as rebellion against his parents and partially out of his own attempts to collect all the different information, theories and perspectives he can has been experimenting more with the Muslim faith. He has had little time for it whilst in hiding and will always take the portions of the region he feels suits him, but he holds onto the identity non-the-less.
None at all!
You can find a personality page I have made for Jai here
You can also find some moodboards I made here and a pintrest board here
There are some playlists here
Finally, all the little extras I have done are here.
Nothing I can think of now!
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