#note: zena is also my friend :3 and sadly is getting harassed too :(
night-wyld-system · 1 month
Kiera Abused Me
So some of you may know another person who's a part of everything my friends have been going through. Kiera. She started being a bit creepy to some of my friends and I called out her pretending she wasn't. When I found out she had been making contact with my friends abusers since January but didn't fuck off and stop manipulating my friends into thinking she cared about them until March. From what people had said about her the way she acts now is completely out of character she did 180. So going into our conversations I had thought Kiera was a victim of Milena's manipulation. I was wrong and I'm sorry for not speaking up sooner. I'm sorry to myself for not stopping trying to see what kind of person she was sooner. Every time she messaged me I would feel physically ill. But this was a form of self harm I indulged in. Going to someone I knew was abusing me in some dumb hope I'd fix them and lessen the harassment my friends went through. I was a fool.
More info in my screenshots of my Twitter (sorry no alt text for now will fix soon)
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Stuff I still need to add to my public thread on Twitter
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This link leads to the logs of every conversation I had with her minus the commission stuff on my main discord I forgot to add.
I got myself stuck in a cycle of abuse hoping something would change that Kiera would turn out to be a good person and I could help people that I cared about by getting rid of a massive thorn in their side. But no. I was stupid. I'm not easy to manipulate in the sense of changing everything I hold dear. I'm easy to be abused though because I will put up with things I shouldn't. Even though I knew it was hurting me and I chose to stay I didn't deserve the amount of verbal and emotional abuse as well as gaslighting that she did to me.
These are the people harassing my friend. If this is what was done to me when I was willing to push back and not lose my morality- what do you think happened to the people who broke under Kiera or Milena or Noeh's weight? What about the people who broke under GayFesh's? What about the people who broke under a variety of others?
I am terrified for the people they are abusing currently. I went into this thinking Kiera would be able to change and was a victim. I left with horrific amounts of distress, letting myself be abused again, and a fear of opening up my Tumblr messages. I had to walk on eggshells around her to make sure she wouldn't fly into a rage and verbally abuse me. I had to pretend I liked her and be docile (what she wanted I never fully became docile) or she would lose her shit but the whole time she got to repost things bullying and harassing me, talk shit about me publicly, and like posts mocking me, my trauma, and my race.
I'm tired of this. These people aren't leftists they're liberal at best.
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