bob-diver · 4 years
Mastodon とは
twitterのようなマイクロブログサービスです。 2020年の米国大統領選でGAFA(Google,Apple,Facebook,Amazon)に代表されるプラットフォーマーによる言論統制や、一方の主義主張のみを良しとし、他の意見や仕組みを封殺するということが起きており、これらに変わるサービスが期待されていますが、Mastodonはtwitter代替になり得るサービスです。
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itonlyhappenstome · 4 years
My latest blog....
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schawaynaraie · 6 years
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@jaybo_blac found another one. Excuse the curse word Saints. 😂😂😂 #NotFacebook https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsu5hfGnCV8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1wqd75rjyayg1
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anniebergin · 6 years
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So there’s a fake @facebook message that almost got me good. Told me my page was being suspended. Asked me to prove ownership. I almost fell for it. Stay vigilant, people. And spread the word. #publicserviceannouncement #psa #warning #fake #fakemessage #facebook #notfacebook #fakefacebook #scam #scamalert #scammer #warning #tellyourfriends #hoax #hoaxalert #hoaxwarning https://www.instagram.com/p/BsYiSj_Fiem/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6yzymhgkhp33
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morechalk · 7 years
Getting there.
I’m ready to hear from developers with some really basic stuff that doesn’t know who I am, where I’m standing, what I ate today and doesn’t even care about any of that shit.
I’m ready to pay a reasonable fee for a perpetual license including essential updates.
I’m ready.
It’s time.
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eleanor-tombs · 4 years
Come join me on MeWe! It's the only social network built on trust, control and love. https://mewe.com/i/eleanortombs
I'm giving this a try. Do you have it?
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freedomfaucet-blog · 6 years
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The search for a replacement for Facebook Markethive enters the race Dave Fanger, CEO, and founder, Swell Investing, back in April 2018 says “Facebook shares are not as 'socially responsible' as many investors thought…A company that enabled the manipulation of data from up...
The Search For A Social Conscience Not Facebook
The search for a replacement for Facebook
Markethive enters the race
Dave Fanger, CEO, and founder, Swell Investing, back in April 2018 says “Facebook shares are not as 'socially responsible' as many investors thought…A company that enabled the manipulation of data from up to 87 million people couldn't possibly be considered responsible, could it?”
Jessica Guynn of USA TODAY in her article titled, Facebook is making a big change to your news feed, stated, “ Facebook is radically altering the formula that determines what bubbles to the top of people's news feed…”
Elon Musk deletes own and his company’s Facebook pages along with; Will Farrell, Cher, Jim Carrey,  director/actor Farhan Akhtar, Steve Wozniak, Susan Sarandon, Rosie O’Donald and about  219M other Facebook users.  The #DELETEFACEBOOK hashtag is trending all over the world. 
Angel investor Jason Calacanis of the Launch Fund states, “Facebook is a destructive force in our society.”
From Social Network To Market Network
Markethive The Dream Machine
Reid Hoffman (founder LinkedIn), states “Everyone is now an entrepreneur, whether they recognize it or not.”
The rise of the entrepreneur and the fall of destructive forces in our social platforms is here now.  Markethive is creating a “Universal Income” for entrepreneurs. Using our state-of-the-art integrated inbound marketing platform, social network, artificial intelligence, business services, ewallet, coin exchange, mining datacenter, incubator and blockchain income platforms for success in the cryptopreneurial and entrepreneurial markets.
Markethive is the next generation Market Network.  Market networks bring a career's worth of professional connections online and make them more useful. For years, social networks like LinkedIn and Facebook have helped build long-term relationships. However, until market networks, they hadn't been used for commerce and transactions.
Referrals and valued content flow freely.  All community and social platforms on the internet have had their era, from AOL to MySpace, and typically they’re not shut down by the government — they’re quickly replaced by better platforms.
Market Networks are coming
Techcrunch: From Social Networks To Market Networks
Forbes: Moving From Mass Production Supply Chains To Market Networks
Quora: What are examples of market networks?
Markethive is the key to having the SaaS and the Marketplace be addictive to each other and software that increases the efficiency of the work in the marketplace Markethive.  You will prefer working with our tools vs working with other tools.  Markethive benefits both the buyers and sellers on the platform.
Markethive: The Replacement For Facebook (and LinkedIn too)
This better platform is here now, it's not just an idea, its here, living, open for business.  Thomas Prendergast said, “After 27 years in development and 4 years in beta testing, the dream machine, called Markethive is here now and here to stay”.
Utilizing the New Revolution of the Blockchain, Markethive's AI and innovation brings financial liquidity to the concept of the Universal Income and totally delivers the entire package of three pillars of Viability (Community, Technology, and Liquidity)
Markethive exceeds the Viability 3 pillars model in qualifications.
Jason Calacanis. is a serial entrepreneur, angel investor, podcaster and writer and has put out a challenge; for purpose-driven teams that want to build a billion-user social network to replace Facebook.  A new social network would:
Respect and protect consumer’s privacy
Respect and protect our democracy from bad actors
Respect and protect the truth, by stopping the spread of misinformation
Not try and manipulate people by making them addicted to the service
Protect freedom of speech, while curbing abuse (not easy!)
Let it be known Mr. Calacanis, that team has been assembled by Thomas Prendergast, CEO of Markethive and that social network is here now.  Those 5 points and MANY MORE.. are available today within Markethive.
Markethive is the new social market network based upon blockchain technology. Markethive's cutting-edge robotics will also be responsible for delivering Universal Income to entrepreneurs. Markethive qualifies as 10x better and more advanced than the closest competitors, LinkedIn and (#notfacebook). Markethivre enjoys a 100% viability rating. Markethive is a disruption, a category changer! Markethive is open for business: http://markethive.com 
  Douglas Yates CTO Founding Partner Markethive.com
Susan Bennett
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jr11550jr · 6 years
via Twitter https://twitter.com/RonKish4
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Lots more fun to play on here than on Facebook....
Not everything on here is serious, for example....And I’m so tired of looking at kitten/cat pictures. I have three cats, but I don’t need to post about them all the time.
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😂😂😂 #try #anewme #notfacebook #justinstagram hahaha
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jr11550jr · 6 years
via Twitter https://twitter.com/RonKish4
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nerdy-writer-girl · 9 years
Me: I actually used my tumblr.
Friend: woah
Me: yea I needed to... I came up with a joke that wasn't facebook quality
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We are not facebook...
We are not Facebook and the only very thin connection we have with FB is that you can use FB to quick log into your account with us. That’s it.  No shared content, no posting, no cross over of games we may both host.
Some guy kept writing in about his purchasing problems in bad English (I really wanted to tell him to just write in his native language and I’ll translate it).  Finally sends me a screen shot and it turns out that he’s playing the game on Facebook.
I was like, “sorry dude, not our site, you’re going to need to contact someone from the game’s support for the FB version or FB or someone not me ‘cause I can’t do anything.”
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ghost-of-you-my-love · 10 years
Grams: You facebooking?
Me: No Im tumbling.
Poppop: Well dont hurt yourself.
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