#nothing better than writing an accurate depiction of a married couple who are clearly not perfect
boowhumps · 1 year
Whumptober 2023
Day 6
By - B.W
~ Swearing
~ Mentions of Death
~ Mentions of Suicide
~ Mentions of Injury
“..yes.. I understand..”
“..Thank you, keep us updated on his recovery.”
“Yes, thank you..”
Kaiden hangs up the phone, rubbing his eyes with a sigh. He walks to a closed door, and opens it a bit, peeking inside.
He smiles a bit seeing his daughter, Astrid, asleep and safe. He slowly closes the door as to not wake her, and walks towards his bedroom.
In the bedroom, Karyme sits on the edge of the bed, hands together in prayer. Her eyes are shut tightly together as she mumbles small prayers.
Kaiden walks into the bedroom, stopping at the doorway. Karyme looks over to him instantly.
“Any news.?” She mumbles.
“He’s okay right now, the surgery went fine.. but..” He says slowly.
“..but.?” She asks.
“..he isn’t waking up..” He replies.
Karyme drops her head, shaking.
“..they don’t know for sure if he’s.. in a coma.. they’ll run more tests tomorrow.” Kaiden mumbles, arms crossed.
Karyme does not respond. Her body shakes as she sits.
Kaiden approaches her, taking a seat next to her. He pulls her into a hug, sighing.
“Don’t say it.”
Karyme takes a quivering breath. “..but-..”
“No, don’t.” He replies. “Not now, not ever.”
Karyme shakes her head. “..I won’t..”
He squeezes her tightly. “I wont say it’ll be fine.. because frankly I don’t fucking know if it will.. but we’ll get through this..”
Karyme grips onto him. “..why him..? Why our son..?”
“I don’t know..” He mumbles back.
Karyme narrows her eyes. “..this won’t be left unsolved.”
Kaiden pulls away from her, looking into her eyes. “Karyme-“
“No, we have to find out who did this.” She says, standing up abruptly.
Kaiden stays sitting. “..Karyme.. whatever you’re implying.. stop. This won’t solve anything-“
“No, you don’t understand. Whoever is responsible for this will pay.” She says coldly.
Kaiden frowns. “Listen to me-“
“Elliot is assigned to the case. He’s helping me find data the police may have missed. I’ll find who did this, and when I get my hands on that person-“
“Karyme!” Kaiden shouts.
She turns to him, eyes widened.
He takes a deep breath and stands up. “Fuck.. I don’t mean to yell.. but I need you to listen to me.” He says, grabbing Karyme by the shoulders.
“But first, breathe. You’re tense.”
Karyme takes a deep breath, leaning into him. “..sorry..”
Kaiden sighs. “I know.. you’re grieving, I don’t blame you.”
She shakes her head. “Why can’t I be calm like you..”
“I’m not calm right now..” Kaiden responds. “I’m breaking, Karyme. The difference between you and me is I don’t act on those negative emotions.”
Karyme looks away in shame.
“Believe me, if I saw who did that to Ashton.. I would do as much as you.. but that won’t make our son better..” He says.
Karyme looks at the floor. “I’m fucking losing it.. I can’t be strong right now..”
Kaiden holds her close. “..I’m not asking you to be.. just don’t do something you’ll regret.”
“I’ll fucking die if Ashton dies..” Karyme whispers.
Kaiden shakes his head. “Don’t say things like that.. you won’t..”
There’s a silence as Karyme composes herself.
Karyme sighs deeply. “..What about Astrid..?”
Kaiden raises an eyebrow. ‘What about her.?”
“How are we gonna keep her safe..?” Karyme asks.
“Hun, she’s fine-“
“We thought Ashton was too..”
“..what are you thinking.?”
“She needs to stay home, until we find out who did that to Ashton..”
“Karyme, that’s drastic, we can’t keep her here locked up all day-“
“How else will we make sure she doesn’t end up with a bullet through her head like her brother!?” Karyme shouts.
Kaiden shushes her. “You’ll wake her up.”
Karyme takes a deep breath. “I’m scared, Kaiden. I failed once already, and I’ll be damned if I let the same happen to Astrid.”
Kaiden crosses his arms. “I know you mean well, but she has school, friends, a life. I don’t want to take that away from her.”
“Either we take her life temporarily, or someone else will take her life, permanently.” Karyme replies.
“Ashton isn’t dead-“
“He’s damn close to it, isn’t he?”
Kaiden shakes his head. “Look, we can’t come to any conclusions now, like this. We can discuss more in the morning, when we’re all more calm-“
Both Karyme and Kaiden turn their heads to the doorway where their daughter, Astrid, stands.
“Astri, sweetie, what are you doing up.?” Kaiden asks, suddenly changing his tone.
“I heard yelling..” She mumbles, arms crossed.
Karyme sighs. “..we didn’t mean to wake you, Astrid-“
“You guys were fighting..” Astrid says softly.
Both Karyme and Kaiden shake their heads.
“We weren’t fighting-“ Kaiden starts.
“You’re fighting over me and Ash.. right.?”
Karyme frowns. “..It’s nothing, we just had a disagreement..”
Astrid frowns. “..it didn’t sound like that..”
Karyme sighs. “Me and your father don’t always see eye to eye, Astrid. We aren’t mad at each other, we just have different ways of thinking.”
Astrid looks back and forth between her parents. “You guys never yell though..”
“Come here, Astri.” Kaiden says.
She walks into the room, and Kaiden pulls her into a hug.
“We’re sorry for waking you, sweetie. I promise, no more yelling, okay?” He tells her.
Astrid nods slowly. “Okay..”
Karyme feels guilty as she watches Kaiden take Astrid back to her room. She sits on the side of the bed again, fighting back tears. The last thing she wanted was to fight with Kaiden, but she was breaking inside..
She doesn’t look up, even when Kaiden walks in again. He doesn’t say anything, just walks up to her.
“Hun..” He starts. “Look at me..”
Karyme shakes her head.
He lifts her head up. “C’mon, we’re fine, yeah? No more fighting.”
Karyme holds back a sob. “Kaiden..”
She hugs him tightly, catching him by surprise. He doesn’t waste time and holds her, his head resting on hers.
“Let it out." He says. “I know you’re hurting, just cry, yeah?”
Karyme holds back from making noise, only letting tears fall.
He sighs. “There you go.. easy now.. we’ll get through this, just like we’ve gotten through everything else..”
Karyme takes a quivering breath. “..together.?”
Kaiden smiles.
“Exactly, together.”
0 notes
ordinaryschmuck · 4 years
Top 10 Favorite Fictional Couples
Happy Valentines Day, people on the internet who probably won't read this! I'm an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons. And even though I'm a lonely bastard who will absolutely die alone one day, I am also a sucker for romance. If a story decides to include a cute couple in it, then you better believe I'm going to gush over them for an unhealthy amount of time for a man my age. Even more so if they answer the three most essential questions that I think applies to every romantic couple in fiction:
Why do they like each other? (Looks don't count. It can be an option, but it shouldn't be the only option.)
Would it make sense for them to be together? (Like, if this couple would exist in real life, would you expect them to last.)
Do they have chemistry? (This is the most important one as a couple can dominate just by the chemistry alone.)
So today, I am going to rank my top ten favorite couples in fiction, who just so happen to answer most, if not all, of these questions. Now, I could be cute and make a top fourteen list...but not too long ago, I just listed off the twenty best-animated series of the 2010s, so I think it's best if I stick to the basics. Also, I should make a few things clear:
A. These are couples, not ships. The pairing has to have a canon kiss, or at the very least, a canon confession to be on the list. This means sorry, Lumity fans, but Luz and Amity are not going to be on this list...even though they would absolutely be #1 if they could be!
B. The couple has to at least spend an entire episode being together, which means no last-minute hookups because the writers wanted to drag out the romantic tension. (Sorry, Catradora fans)
With that out of the way, let's get started with--
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10. Laura Hollis and Carmilla Kernstien from Carmilla (Web Series)
The chemistry between these two is on point. Laura’s and Carmilla's actors Elise Bauman and Natasha Negovanlis are so convincing when acting like a couple that I am honestly shocked to find out they never actually dated. This is good because everything else about Laura and Carmilla's relationship is...kind of the worst. Don't get me wrong, as a couple, these two are fantastic, adorable, well-written, and well-performed. But the writers seem very fond of keeping them bickering and broken up rather than actually having them together. And that is where the issue lies. If the writers committed to Laura and Carmilla being together instead of doing this whole "will they or won't they" crap, on top of them being selfish idiots in season two, then you better believe they would be in the top three, at least. As they are, they at least act adorable enough to make the top ten.
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9. Gregg and Angus from Night in the Woods
Ok, I'm gonna level with you: I just wanted to put an mlm relationship on this list, and this was the best I can come up with (I haven't seen Good Omens, nor have I finished Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts yet to see Benson's relationship with Troy. Leave me alone). As a male bisexual, I'm kind of disappointed. I know that male pairings exist in media, but for the life of me, I don't think they are as celebrated as much, or as frequent, as female pairings have been. This is sad because I would honestly love to see how more couples like Gregg and Angus.
These two act so much like a real couple. Gregg and Angus care and support each other so much, yet they still have big arguments as any couple would. They clearly love each other but still have issues they both need to deal with if they want to grow. Plus, I'm just a sucker for opposites attract. And you can't get more opposite than the loud and bombastic Gregg and his quiet and serious boyfriend Angus. There are probably better mlm pairings than these two (And if there are, then let me know. I'd love to check them out), but Gregg and Angus prove that any relationship, no matter the gender, can be the same as any other. Both the wholesomeness and the faults.
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8. Peter Parker and Michelle Jones from the Marvel Cinematic Universe
I put these two a little low because we barely see them spend time as a couple. Peter and Michelle got together at the end of Spider-Man: Far From Home, and we only get a glimpse of how their relationship works in the last few minutes. However, I'm willing to argue that they count because they are guaranteed to be a couple in the sequels, and we'll be allowed to see them grow. How often do you get to say that for other fictional couples who get together at the end of a long story? Plus, Peter and Michelle earn extra bonus points for being the best couple in a Spider-Man movie. Michelle is a league's better character than the MJ in the Sam Rami trilogy, and the chemistry is still adorable but not overtly cutesy like it was in The Amazing Spider-Man movies. So even though Peter and Michelle just got together, they show a lot of promise, if you ask me. Their interactions are adorable, you can tell that Michelle likes Peter for Peter, and they are the most accurate depictions of young love you’ll ever see. Just look at that first kiss. It was one filled with inexperience and awkwardness and I just love it! I’m already interested in what these two have to offer and I can’t wait to see what happens next with them.
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7. Andy Dwyer and April Ludgate from Parks and Recreation
The best description you'll ever hear about this couple is that they are what happens when a dog and a cat fall in love. Andy is dopey, happy, and loyal to no end. April is intimidating, cynical, and is already plotting your murder as we speak. What I'm saying is that these two shouldn't work...but they do. Somehow, by every leap of logic, Andy and April complete each other. They are both so far gone from reality, yet at the same time, both keep each other grounded in more ways than one. It's a weird paradox that never ceases to amaze, nor does it cease to be adorable. They do go through bullcrap love triangles and a "will they or won't they scenario" in seasons two and three, but once that crap is over, the writers lean into the potential these two have as a great couple. And trust me when I say that it is all lovely to watch.
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6. Rapunzel and Eugene from Tangled: The Series
Huh. I guess romance really does exist after Happily Ever After.
Joking aside, I was surprised by how well these two work as a pairing. Usually, when the Disney Prince and Princess get together in the end, there is nothing more to the relationship. And even if their movie gets a spin-off series, the dynamic is as generic and forgettable as it can be. For Rapunzel and Eugene, it is different. Their chemistry is top-notch, their constant love and support for each other are admirable/adorable, and the complete trust they have for one another is absolute perfection. I was already surprised by how good Tangled: The Series was, but the fact that the main couple is somehow better here than they were in their own movie is something I would have never expected.
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5. Rigby and Eileen from Regular Show
And seeing how we're talking about surprises, who saw these two being the best couple in the series? With the number of times that the writers focussed on Mordecai's romantic hang-ups and how often Muscle Man and Starla were considered the only canon couple, I was shocked when it turned out Rigby and Eileen have the best loving relationship in Regular Show. Even crazier, their relationship is built entirely in the background of the first six seasons. Since her introduction, Eileen has been head over heels for Rigby since the beginning (for reasons I'll never understand), and Rigby slowly reciprocated. Until the big reveal in the season six finale, there was nothing but implications as they were trying to hide their relationship and not rub how perfect it is in Mordecai's face (no matter how much Rigby wants to). But once we get to see them as an official couple, it all becomes clear why they work so well. Eileen loves Rigby for Rigby, and will always support him, faults and all. Rigby pays it all back in spades, wanting to be a better person, as well as a better boyfriend, for the one person who always believes there was something good inside. Not even his own best friend had that much faith in him. And on top of all of that, they're just cute. They may not have been the central hook in the series, but they are definitely much appreciated.
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4. Chris and Elise from Dan Vs./Millie and Moxxie from Helluva Boss
These four are tied because they pretty much have the same dynamic. Chris and Moxxie are these pathetic losers who somehow managed to marry Elise and Millie: Badass assassins who could effortlessly marry any man they want. And what they want are their pathetic losers. It's extra wholesome for Chris and Elise, as Chris really can't do that much right, especially in comparison to the ever-perfect Elise. Yet, she still cares deeply for Chris and will promptly destroy anyone or anything that causes him harm. That being said, while Millie and Moxxie are both equally deadly, there is an odd hilarity to the fact that these literal demons from hell are so gosh darn wholesome. Seriously, their literal job is to kill people who screw over those who went to hell, and I'm always going "D'aww" when M and M always do something cute. Explain that logic to me!
There's nothing more I can say about these four, as they're adorable couples that prove love comes in the most impossible circumstances and the unlikeliest places.
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3. Ruby and Sapphire from Steven Universe
I'll always remember that Ruby and Sapphire are the first couple that proved to me that there is nothing wrong with a same-sex pairing, especially in children's media. Before Steven Universe, I wasn't necessarily told that same-sex couples are wrong, but they're not meant for kids. Then I found out that these two girls, on a kids show of all places, we're madly in love and my first response was: "...Huh." And this was before I knew I was bisexual, so I wasn't even that obsessed about it at the time. But the more I saw Ruby and Sapphire, and the more I learned about how starved the LGBTQ+ was for representation, the more I really appreciated them. Ruby and Sapphire never fail to be precious, and the fact that they barely spend any longer than a few minutes apart is downright heartwarming (and incredibly literal if you've seen the show). They also broke a ton of barriers to proper representation. Not only were Ruby and Sapphire one of the first explicit lesbian couples in children's animation, but they're also the first ones to actually get married. Because of such a power move, many networks and shows make it less of a challenge for writers to include more gay characters in their stories. There is still a lot of hard work that those writers face, but it certainly seems it's less of a challenge than it would be before Steven Universe came out (Ha!). Ruby and Saphire are the first fictional gay couple I have been introduced to and have made an incredible impression ever since.
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2. Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum and Marcelene Abadeer from Adventure Time
But while it's Ruby and Sapphire that introduced me to the concept of a same-sex couple, it's Princess Bubblegum and Marceline that made me root for one. In (I want to say) 2017, I started rewatching Adventure Time, knowing that queer relationships were indeed a thing. This means that not only did I finally caught the INCREDIBLY noticeable subtext in "What Was Missing," but I was legitimately chanting, "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" when I got to the episode "Varmints." And when they finally did kiss in the series finale, I full-on jumped out of my chair and screamed, "YES!" That never happens. Not even for the straight couples that I've obsessed over before this. Either I coo at how adorable they are, or just smile a warm and gentle smile. But letting out a very audible cheer that my college roommates definitely heard? That shows how deeply I cared for these two. And can you really blame me?
Not only is the chemistry on point with Bubblegum and Marceline, but it's interesting getting to see their relationship evolve through the course of the series. They have a dynamic of a couple who broke up on bad terms (long before "Obsidian" confirmed this), and you slowly get to see them reconnect to that spark they lost long ago. Plus, the more you see them interact, the more of their history is revealed, and thus it becomes clear why they fell for each other in the first place. Bubblegum keeps Marceline responsible, while Marceline helps Bubblegum learn how to loosen up. They balance each other nicely, and after some much needed growing up from the both of them, that spark returns. And they're much more of a loving unit than they were years ago. It's incredible to watch, and I would honestly see an entire spin-off series about them. But, as great as Bubblegum and Marceline are, there is a reason they are not my number one.
(There’s no art for this one because they’re characters from a book and I don’t want to steal someone else’s fanart for the sake of my crappy Tumblr post)
1. Percy Jackson/Annabeth Chase from Percy Jackson and the Olympians/Heroes of Olympus
And that reason is that I can't resist the first-ever pairing that I obsessed over. Percy and Annabeth might just be the example I live by for how couples should be written in media. Dynamic wise, of course. In terms of telling a story, their relationship was handled poorly in Percy Jackson and the Olympians. It was filled with agonizing love-triangles, a very long wait, and they were one of those couples who didn't get together until the end of the series. Which is a major no-no, in my opinion. But, when they finally get to be a couple in Heroes of Olympus, it is downright perfection. Percy and Annabeth are what happens if these two badass warrior heroes fell in love. They worry about each other and are willing to die for each other (if need be) but still have an intense amount of faith and trust for one another. The number of times Percy or Annabeth knew they would be alright because they have each other is incredibly high, no matter what series of books they appear in. They work well together, as well as off each other. Percy is this bumbling idiot who wins his battles through a mix of luck and skill, where Annabeth is this intelligent warrior who has trained since the age of seven. They compliment each other perfectly, and their constant playful bickering is always fun. I love these two, I love their love, and they will always be one of my favorite fictional couples in media.
(That is until Luz and Amity from The Owl House become cannon. In which case, you better believe they'll be number one.)
And those are my favorite couples. Out of curiosity, what are yours? Or, at least, what are your top five? Don't feel afraid to let me know or even make a list of your own.
Have a happy Valentine's Day, with whoever you want to celebrate it with and however you want to do it.
Now, if you don't excuse me, I have an entire to-do list of s**t I have to do, and I gotta figure out which to work on first.
(Should I review Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles next, or do that scene breakdown for Amphibia? Oh, the possibilities are killing me...)
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v-thinks-on · 5 years
A Scandal on Baker Street - Day 3
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The next morning we met Professor Moriarty in his office. It was well kept and just shy of opulent, decorated with a few paintings and an abundance of curiosities and trinkets collected from a long life of study. The walls were lined with full bookshelves, bearing an eclectic assortment of tomes.
He greeted us at the door and ushered us into a pair of comfortable chairs in front of his desk. “So kind of you to join me. My apologies for the early hour, but I am a busy man.”
“Of course,” Irene replied with a dismissive wave. “Have you received any more information from your client or any of your other associates that may be of use to us?”
He shook his head. “The investigation is entirely in your hands. I see that you have not solved it, but you have not been idle. What have you uncovered thus far?”
“We have hardly scratched the surface,” Irene protested, a little too politely. “I’m afraid what we have so far will be of little use to you.”
“That is for me to determine,” Professor Moriarty said, and curtly settled the matter.
Still, Irene seemed to pause to consider for a moment before she acquiesced, “Very well. Dr. Watson’s depiction of Mr. Holmes seems to be largely accurate. Mr. Holmes appears to be a solitary man, with a limited collection of acquaintances who he meets with some frequency in the course of his work. He has a variety of clients from all walks of life - among them assorted constables and detectives - who visit him at varying intervals for consultations, but according to the landlady they only interact with Mr. Holmes as he pertains to their cases.
“As you suggested, we found that Dr. Watson is the only probable accomplice. He and Mr. Holmes were very close until the doctor’s marriage. As happens when a man marries, they have begun to see each other less frequently of late. It has not occurred rapidly enough for the taste of Mrs. Watson, whose husband still abandons her to aid Mr. Holmes with his work and is despondent in Mr. Holmes’s absence. However, all the evidence we can find is of a close friendship. We do not dare speculate about such a delicate matter.”
“I would have expected you to get a little farther in the time you have had, but this will have to do,” Professor Moriarty said.
“Pardon me,” Irene protested.
He ignored her. “You are invited to join me for tea in three days time. I hope that you will have resolved the matter by then.”
“That’s hardly enough time for a thorough investigation,” Irene exclaimed. “It takes time to build a rapport - I can only hear things that people are willing to say to me.”
“I am certain that you will find a way to manage.”
Irene stood and I followed her out the door, onto the street.
“He clearly has no time to spare,” Irene remarked as she led the way with a purposeful air in the opposite direction from what I had expected.
“He did seem rushed,” I acknowledged. “Do you have any thoughts as to why?”
She ignored my question. “Did you notice that painting in his office - of a woman with her head in her hands? You hardly could have missed it, we were nearly staring at it for the whole interview.”
I nodded.
“It’s a Greuze. He’s very fashionable these days - Marianne acquired one recently. It can’t have been cheap. I doubt he could afford it with his salary. That was the most glaring example, but the whole study spoke of barely disguised luxury. And think how he has spent money as though it was nothing in ensuring our services. I wonder...”
I waited for her to continue, but she would say no more on the matter.
Finally, I asked, “We have a whole day ahead of us, what now?”
It was still mid-morning; our talk with our enigmatic employer had not taken long.
“First,” Irene replied, “I believe an early lunch is in order. Then, I suggest we go and speak with Inspector Lestrade, which should give us some time before dinner.”
“You have a destination in mind?”
“But of course. It’s a lovely restaurant that just happens to fit the theme of our little vacation.” she said with a grin.
I gave her a wary glance, but her expression only said she was up to no good, which was no news to me. Thankfully, as we wound through the city, strolling alongside the great river Thames, it appeared that our destination had perfectly decent neighbors, at the very least. To my surprise, I found us nearing the grand residence of Her Majesty, Queen Victoria herself.
At last we came upon the Criterion. Embedded in the ornate stone facade were two wooden doors beneath a circular overhang bearing the restaurant’s name. Irene and I stepped into a rich, gilded dining hall, with a bar embedded into one wall between twin columns. A crowd of men of all ages stood about the tables, talking among themselves in a cacophonous buzz.
We passed deeper into the restaurant to find a table for two, where we could sit and eat as an innocuous pair of tourists. In the second hall, there were many others of our ilk, who had come to lunch amidst the extraordinary opulence of the British Empire. Perhaps they had been drawn there, as we had been, by its notoriety as the place where Dr. Watson met the friend who introduced him to Mr. Holmes.
As we waited at our table, I asked, “What do you expect to learn from the Inspector?”
“It is his job to notice criminal activities,” Irene replied wryly. “He may also be able to provide us with some insight into our mysterious employer.”
We approached the sturdy building of the Metropolitan Police Force, better known as Scotland Yard, again in the guise of two reporters. This time Irene had even given herself a shadow of stubble on her chin, and from the way she carried herself she looked like a wiry young man.
I fidgeted uncomfortably with my coarse suit. “Are you sure about this? If we’re caught sneaking around here in disguise-”
“Do you think they would hear us out if we came as ourselves? No, we won’t be caught,” Irene answered with an air of unshakable confidence, “So long as we play our parts. People are blind to that which they don’t expect to see. We dress as reporters, so why would we be anything but?”
I nodded in reply and let her take the lead; this time she was playing the more experienced reporter.
“Excuse me, sir,” Irene stopped one of the men on the stairs - presumably returning from lunch. She spoke in short, rough phrases, “Do you know where we can find Inspector Lestrade?”
“What do you need him for?” the man replied, obviously in a sour mood.
“We’re reporters with Accounts of Fact and Fiction,” Irene answered without skipping a beat. “We have a few questions for him.”
A somewhat malicious smile crossed the man’s tired face and he led us inside. “Of course, right this way.”
“And your name is?” I piped up.
“Inspector Gregson at your service.” He took off his hat to us in a little bow.
Irene gave me an appreciative glance before turning back to the Inspector. “Inspector Gregson, you said? You’ve worked with Mr. Sherlock Holmes?”
“On one or two cases,” he said evasively, “Inspector Lestrade has needed to call upon him many more times than I have over the years. I’m only barely acquainted with Mr. Holmes myself.”
Irene persisted, “What’s it’s like working with him?”
We followed Inspector Gregson down a busy corridor. At first his tone was awkward, but gradually he seemed to become more comfortable as he spoke, “He’s not the easiest man to work with, a bit full of himself, if you know what I mean, a bit of a showman, keeping his observations to himself until he can put it all together in one grand reveal. He likes the spotlight. But he does know his stuff,” he admitted reluctantly. “There’s not a man in the Yard - not a man who’s worked with him that is - who wouldn’t mind taking him down a peg if he had the chance.”
“Still,” Gregson continued as we stopped at an office door, “I can’t deny that he’s a good man to have on call. He’s helpful in a pinch, if he feels like it.”
With that, Inspector Gregson knocked at the door.
A man who must have been Inspector Lestrade answered through the door, “Come in.”
Gregson pulled the door open and waved us inside with a smile. “Reporters; they’ve got a few questions for you.”
Inspector Lestrade shot his colleague a glare before letting out a sigh. “Very well, I don’t have much time, but go ahead- ask away.”
Inspector Gregson hastily excused himself and left us with Inspector Lestrade behind the closed office door.
“So what’s this all about?” Inspector Lestrade asked, already impatient.
“I’m Nathaniel Clapham,” Irene explained, with a gruff, yet casual air that made her seem larger somehow, “And this is my associate, Mr. Theodore Powell - please excuse him, he’s a bit new to the business. We’re with Accounts of Fact and Fiction-”
Inspector Lestrade grumbled in response.
‘Mr. Clapham’ ignored him and forged on; “We’re aware of your connection to Mr. Sherlock Holmes. What’s it like working with the consulting detective of literary fame?”
“Mr. Holmes is away, last I heard in France,” Inspector Lestrade answered a tad sharply. “It’s been weeks since anyone here has seen him.”
“But you’ve worked with him before,” Mr. Clapham insisted. “How far back have you known him?”
Inspector Lestrade resigned himself to answering her questions and forced himself to think back. “It’s been what? Over ten years now? Dr. Watson asked me the same thing a couple years back for his writing - trying to reconstruct Mr. Holmes’ history, I think. I couldn’t tell him either, not even after he suggested a few years.”
“What years did he give you?” Mr. Clapham pressed.
“Lets see… Well, he met Mr. Holmes in ‘81, and of course his own marriage to Mrs. Watson in ‘88, that’s all I remember. You’d have to ask Dr. Watson himself for more details. I honestly don’t know why you’re coming to me. Dr. Watson lived with Mr. Holmes; if you want information on him, Dr. Watson is the man to ask. Though, now that I think of it, I haven’t seen Dr. Watson around in a while. He is a married man now. I hear he even has his own medical practice.”
“But you knew Mr. Holmes before he met Dr. Watson?” Mr. Clapham asked.
The inspector nodded. “That’s how I know it’s been a long time.”
“What do you know about his history?”
Inspector Lestrade shook his head in exasperation. “I’ve only worked with him, asked him to help out with the finer points on a few cases, that’s all. He’s not a very communicative man when it doesn’t suit him, and all he likes talking about is how we’re wrong and he’s right.”
“What was he like when you met him?”
The inspector thought back again. “He was a young man, not long out of university, as far as I could tell. Said he’d solved a few cases before and thought he could help with one I was working on at the time. I was a rookie and the case was a real doozy - it’d been months and no leads. He solved it in a matter of days. Didn’t ask much pay, just that we remember him next time we were having trouble with a case, said it’d save us both some trouble - according to him a lot of the evidence had gone dry while we’d been trying to sort it out,” Inspector Lestrade concluded with a scoff at the amateur’s arrogance.
“According to Dr. Watson’s account, Mr. Holmes is and has always been a largely friendless man. Can you attest to that?”
“As I said before, I’m not a personal friend of the man, I just know him through business. For a little while there - before Dr. Watson showed up - as far as I could tell I was his only connection, but even then, I didn’t see him much. He could have been an extraordinarily social man, and I wouldn’t have known the half of it. I wouldn’t know now.”
Mr. Clapham refused to let him get out of answering that easily. “But you’re a man of the Yard; you’re used to making quick judgements about people and figuring out a lot from a little. Detectives and reporters are alike in that sense. Do you think he was an ‘extraordinarily social man’?”
Inspector Lestrade hesitated before shaking his head. “No, I don’t think so. As I said, far as I could tell, Mr. Holmes hasn’t had any friends aside from Dr. Watson for all the time I’ve known him, and now even they don’t seem so close any more. It happens when a man gets married.”
“What about Mr. Holmes?” I put in. “Has he had any suitors?”
“Not that I’m aware of. Mr. Holmes has never seemed the type for marrying,” Inspector Lestrade said with half a smile.
“What about Irene Adler?” Mr. Clapham suggested.
Inspector Lestrade let out a sharp laugh. “I doubt it, though, I assure you, you’re not the first to ask.”
“Why not?” Mr. Clapham insisted.
“I’ve never seen him so much as look at a woman if it wasn’t for a case,” Inspector Lestrade said, “and I can’t imagine he’d find one who would put up with him. I can hardly fathom why Dr. Watson puts up with him.”
“Why does someone as brilliant as Mr. Holmes put up with Dr. Watson?” Mr. Clapham asked.
“Dr. Watson has the patience of a saint,” the inspector began, until he abruptly realized he was answering the wrong question. Instead he shrugged and said, “Maybe Dr. Watson is just the only one who will put up with him. And the doctor does admire him; Mr. Holmes is never one to shy away from applause. Not that he doesn’t care for Dr. Watson, that is - he does, more than he cares for any of the rest of us, at least.”
“But you couldn’t say why?” Mr. Clapham pressed.
Inspector Lestrade hesitated. “There’s no use in speculating.”
“Speculation from a detective-” Mr. Clapham began.
“Excuse me,” Inspector Lestrade interrupted, “It’s getting late, and I’ve got work to do. If you’ve got no further questions-”
“Just one more,” Mr. Clapham said. “Is Mr. Holmes truly the world’s only consulting detective, or are there other consultants who compete with him for the Yard’s ear?”
“Our own men are usually sufficient,” the inspector said. “We don’t make a habit of bringing in outside ‘experts.’”
“Of course,” Mr. Clapham said. “But you must get a lot of difficult cases. If Mr. Holmes isn’t available or-”
Inspector Lestrade shook his head. “Despite what Mr. Holmes may believe, we’re perfectly capable of taking care of things without him - or anyone else’s help.”
“That’s all, thank you.” Mr. Clapham stood to leave with a shallow bow.
“Yes, thank you very much,” I said, and hastily followed after.
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chiyalawritesrewind · 8 years
Rewind, Chapter 14
Fanfic: [ch1] [ch2] [ch3] [ch4] [ch5] [ch6] [ch7] [ch8] [ch9] [ch10] [ch11] [ch12] [ch13] [ch14 on AO3] [ch14 on ffn]
Podfic: [ch1] [ch2] (Rest coming soon)
Pairing: Gratsu - Gray Fullbuster / Natsu Dragneel
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Major Character Death; Graphic Depiction of Violence
Summary: When a mission turns out to be fatal for one of the team members, Natsu finds himself being given another chance to change the events.
Additional information: weekly updates; every Sunday.
Beta by @serpenttailedangel and @wildrhov <333
Tagging list: @f-r-f-t @truedreamchasing @mushi0131 @eitomagical @thatartcorner @eternalsterekbitches @becausewhenyoupracticeyouimprove @oliversantics @nekodemon73 @moonlustelara (if somebody else wants to be tagged [or not tagged anymore] in the future, please let me know!)
Day 8 Part 1
When Natsu awoke, he needed to make a run for the toilet immediately. He barely made it there before puking.
Going through his morning routine proved to be difficult as his body wouldn't stop trembling. It took him twice as long to take a shower, but at least that left him enough time to come up with a plan for the day.
Since the theory that having sex would prevent Gray's death wasn't correct, it would be advisable to figure out what else 'forming a bond' could mean, just like Gray suggested. Natsu was sure that if he threw the question to everybody around, then he'd probably only receive one or two different answers and a big discussion afterwards, so it would be better to ask everyone privately.
He also needed to think of a good excuse to ask them such a question. Would it be odd if he said that he was just curious? Or better, he could say that he'd made a bet with Happy, that they guessed their answers and would get a point for each correct guess. Whoever won would have to do the winner a favor, no matter what it was. Yeah, that sounded great. The others would think that Happy was trying to get more fish out of Natsu, knowing full well that he wasn't as dumb as Natsu when it came to relationships and feelings, and that he could probably win easily.
And why only pretend? He could challenge Happy for real.
By the time he was fully dressed, Natsu was in high spirits again, his worries and nausea forgotten.
Happy liked the idea of the bet very much. He surely thought that his victory was guaranteed, and he was probably right. With a huge grin on his face, he listened to Natsu's guesses.
The question they agreed upon was the following: 'What do you consider a strong bond between lovers?'
"Hmmm, let's see. Gajeel will probably say 'eating iron created by Levy'. Erza... 'eating strawberry cake'? Lucy will probably say 'spend a romantic evening together where one reads out a book to the other'. Or better yet, a candlelight dinner!"
"You have to decide on one."
"Then I'll take the candlelight dinner for Lucy. Wendy... probably a kiss."
Natsu knew that he was probably far off, and the confident grin on Happy's face as he listened to the rest of his guesses didn't do much to shatter that idea. Natsu purposely omitted Gray until the very end, as Gray was the only one he didn't want to be wrong about, and yet he had no clue what it could be. What would come to Gray's mind first when he asked for a 'strong bond between lovers'?
Natsu was disappointed in himself that even though they'd confessed so many times and gotten intimate already, he didn't know what Gray's heart truly desired, other than being close to the one he loved. He'd been talking about a life together with Natsu and Happy, so it had to be that, right?
"Gray will probably say 'moving in together'."
Happy nodded. His announcement that he thought everybody would say 'marriage' staggered Natsu. The option of marriage hadn't even crossed his mind.
Natsu nearly stumbled over his feet when the realization of what this theory would entail sunk in. Marry Gray? How the hell was he supposed to realize that? He had a timespan of exactly twelve hours until Gray lost his memories again. How the fuck was he supposed to go from being rivals to getting married within twelve hours?
More importantly, was Natsu even ready for such a thing? If by some miracle he managed to get Gray to marry him, and the marriage ended up saving Gray's life, would Natsu be ready to lead a life as Gray's husband? He'd never seriously thought about getting married. He was still nineteen, for god's sake! People didn't think about marriage at such a young age, did they?
However, Natsu was sure of one thing: He wanted to spend his life with Gray by his side, and nobody else. Then what harm could a marriage do? A ceremony and a formal recognition of the fact that they belonged to each other wouldn't change their feelings, after all.
"Natsu? Everything alright? Worried that you'll lose?"
"No way! Let's do this!"
It turned out that Happy's guess had been a very clever one, since he got almost fifty percent—mostly because of the girls—right, which earned him a decisive victory. The only time Natsu guessed accurately was when Erza answered that 'eating a strawberry cake together' was the first thing that came to her mind.
The only one Natsu hadn't asked yet was Gray, who was still unaware of what was going on around him. Natsu had kept the whole thing as subtle as possible, keeping his voice low and such. Truth be told, he was anxious. Because whatever Gray would answer, Natsu was almost a hundred percent sure that he was going to be determined to make it happen.
So, when he flopped down opposite of Gray, he tried real hard to keep his nervousness in check. Gray eyed him warily through many seconds of tense silence. Finally, he averted his gaze and resumed playing with his glass of water.
Natsu cleared his throat. "I have a bet with Happy. We guessed the answers of all our friends to a certain question, and the one whose guesses turn out to be more accurate wins."
Gray lifted his eyebrows. "Oh? Let's hear it then."
"What do you consider a strong bond... between lovers?"
"What kind of dumb question is that? The strongest bond between lovers is obviously marriage."
Natsu just gaped at Gray, unable to process the answer. He ignored Happy's wide grin in favor of dwelling on his spinning thoughts.
'Dumb... Obviously... Is he ready to get married? Has he thought about it?'
His curiosity got the better of him, and before he could think about his wording, he blurted out, "Do you want to get married?"
Gray jumped to his feet, letting out a startled "what the hell?" and staring at Natsu with his mouth wide open.
Why did he react that harshly when all Natsu wanted to know was if Gray would want to get married someday? Gray had been the one to bring up marriage in the first place, so why was he so shocked when being asked another question on the topic?
Happy shoved Natsu's arm and regarded him with a suggestive wink. "You're not wasting time, are you? Well, good luck." With that, he flew off towards the bar, where a red-faced Wendy was trying to distract Carla and Mirajane.
What had he done wrong? Gray was clearly expecting an answer, but what should he say?
'I only asked him if he wants to get married. I mentioned neither a time nor a partner, so why is he freaking out? Unless... wait. WAIT. Oh shit. Oh my god. No, no, nonono!'
Had he just accidentally proposed to Gray? This couldn't be true!
However, on second thought, there was nothing wrong with marrying Gray. After they spent some years in a stable relationship and both wanted to take things to the next level.
'Shit. What should I do?'
Gray still stood there, growing more and more baffled as the seconds ticked by. Looking around, Natsu noticed that they held the attention of nearly all their friends. As much as Natsu loved public displays of affection, and as much as he didn't mind letting their guild mates in on their relationship, this was off limits. So, he grabbed Gray's wrist and dragged him out of the guild, ignoring his protests.
They'd just closed the door when a furious Lucy walked up to them. "Which of you sneaked into my apartment while I was taking a shower? And what's the meaning of this?"
She raised the snippet for Natsu and Gray to see, and Natsu was startled when he recognized the text Gray had written on a torn-out piece of Natsu's diary the previous time. He would have to look into that, too, but right then with his mind already reeling he just wasn't capable of thinking about yet another issue.
"I'll explain everything later, I promise, so could you please give us some privacy right now?"
Lucy's eyes widened, but then she took in Natsu's hand around Gray's wrist, blushed, nodded, and entered the guild.
Gray shouted, "What the hell is this about? That was my handwriting, but I don't recall writing anything like that. And you're behaving strangely."
Natsu bit his lip. "Let's go somewhere more private. I'll explain."
Gray nodded, and Natsu let go of his hand, leading him to the backside of the guild hall.
His thoughts were in total disarray, and when he tried to figure out a way to explain the current situation to Gray without having to include the information of his death, he came up empty.
Plus, Gray should have all the details before he decided on something important like their wedding.
Natsu took a deep breath, mentally apologized to Gray for putting him through this yet again, and then told Gray everything, from the very beginning until the current day. It took him nearly an hour to explain the whole thing and answer Gray's questions. His nerves were raw by the end—the memories were just too painful. Gray holding him close during the last half was soothing, but it didn't make the pain go away completely.
"So... you want us to marry because you think that would prevent my death?"
"I'm... not sure about that, to be honest. I mean, I've never thought about getting married before today. It's a huge step, one I'd only be willing to take after years of being a couple. Well, under normal circumstances at least. If it can save your life, I'd do anything, including this. But we don't know if it can save you... it's just a guess."
Gray tightened his grip around Natsu and let some moments of silence pass by before he answered.
"I honestly don't know what to do. If the assumption turns out to be correct, then I'll live and we're married at the age of nineteen. I'm not sure what to think of that. If it turns out to be wrong, I'll die on the day we marry, everyone but you will forget it ever happened, and you'll probably go through much more pain than you already are."
Gray sighed, and then added in a much lower voice, "And I'm afraid you'll never want to get married again because you're traumatized..."
Natsu hadn't thought about any of the things Gray just said. He wasn't usually one for thinking about consequences of his actions, but in this case, he really should. A wedding would change their lives, regardless of the outcome, because Gray was right. There was no way Natsu wouldn't be affected by it if the assumption turned out to be wrong. He couldn't even begin to imagine how painful it must be to have his husband die in his arms.
A shudder ran through his body, and as a reaction, Gray ran soothing circles over his shoulder blades.
"Natsu... I'm sorry, but I'd prefer to search for another solution. I love you, and I don't want to fuck this up. I know it's already messed up because I don't even remember the first time we kissed or had sex, and I know that you're already scarred... For one, I don't believe in this theory, and two, I don't want to take the risk. If I knew that it would work, I'd do it."
Natsu pushed Gray away so that they could look each other in the eyes. Gray's brows were tense, yet there was an understanding softness in his eyes. This wasn't easy for him. And Natsu knew that what he was going to say wasn't fair, but he couldn't suppress the thought.
"Don't you care that you could possibly end my suffering if you just accepted?"
Gray took a step back, looking shocked, but also angry.
"You know that's not true, and you can't guilt-trip me into marrying you."
"I'm not guilt-tripping you, I'm just saying that it's an option, and it could work!"
Maybe Natsu was letting himself being deluded by the possibility, however low it might be, of saving Gray's life with this, but right then he didn't care. That Gray absolutely refused to consider it unless it was proven to work made him furious.
Because what was there to lose, really? Them being married at the young age of nineteen... well, who cared? They loved each other, and Natsu was sure they'd figure things out. It wasn't like the fact that they were legally married would change their relationship, right? If it didn't prevent Gray's death, so what? Natsu was already suffering as it was.
"Whatever you're thinking right now, you need to knock it off."
"Why? Why can't we just try, and if it doesn't work, you'll forget anywa—"
"Haven't you listened to what I said? I don't want to get married because of a theory that doesn't sound convincing at all!"
"How is it not convincing? The prophecy says we need to 'form a bond', and half the guild said that the first thing that came to their mind when hearing of a 'bond' was marrying. Even you said the same thing."
"I recall you asking me for a 'strong bond between lovers', not just a 'bond'. A bond could be anything, from laughing together to buying a friendship bracelet to kissing or holding hands. The options are endless, and they don't need to be romantic at all. Or did Lydia say it was a romantic bond?"
Gray let out a sigh, took a tentative step forwards, and put his hands on Natsu's shoulders.
"I can understand that you're desperate and already at a point where you're willing to try anything as long as it seems like it could help. That's exactly why you should rely on me now. Organizing and executing a wedding usually takes months, and we have half a day. Even if I accepted right away without any further explanation, we'd still have to at least buy rings. We'd have to get an appointment for the same day with the marriage registrar, or convince Makarov to—"
"Alright, alright, it would probably be very difficult to arrange, I get it. But aren't you just searching for excuses?"
Gray's brow tensed. "I'm not. I'm trying to explain why I think that this assumption isn't correct. You're free to believe me or not, but you have to stop what you're doing. I know you can make it happen anyway if you really want to. You could just invent something and make me marry you because I believe your lies. But that wouldn't be a loving th—"
Natsu slapped Gray's hands away and glared at him, because what the hell?
"Do you really think I'd ever do such a thing? Just how low is your opinion of me?"
"This has nothing to do with my opinion of you. You're growing more and more desperate, and I think I know best what somebody who thinks he has nothing to lose can cause..."
Natsu gritted his teeth. "Don't you compare your tragic childhood to this situation! Those two are totally unrelated!"
Gray let out an unhappy sigh and hung his head low.
"Sorry... I'm just... worried about you. About your... state of mind."
"If you're that worried, you would try to help me and just say y—ugh!"
Gray's fist hit hard, causing Natsu to sink to his knees while clutching his stomach. It wasn't only the fist that had hit him hard, but with it also the realization of what he'd been about to say, about to do. Just a few minutes ago, he'd said that he wasn't trying to guilt-trip Gray...
'And here I am, doing exactly that... Shit!'
"You're overstepping boundaries. I said 'no'. I know I could be wrong, and if I am, I'll hate myself for it forever, for putting you through even more pain. But right now, I'm convinced that my decision is the right one, and you have to respect that."
Why was Gray still that calm? He had every right to freak out, yet there he was, only giving Natsu a punch, raising his voice a bit, but otherwise being calm and reasonable. How could he still think straight when he was supposed to be angry? Natsu deserved far more than a punch.
"Why... aren't you beating me into a pulp? I... was about to do something... bad."
"I don't beat up somebody who's not fighting back. If you feel the need to be punished for what you did, then stand, promise you won't bring up the issue again unless it's confirmed that it'll solve the problem, and kiss me."
Natsu's head bobbed up. "How is kissing you a punishment?"
The faint blush on Gray's face was just too adorable, and it brought out fond memories which overshadowed Natsu's gloomy thoughts for the moment.
"It's not a punishment per se, but it's something I want right now, and I thought I could just slip it in..."
There was no way Natsu could deny Gray his wish, so he got up and took a step forward.
"I won't bring it up again. Sorry."
Gray nodded approvingly, and then he tilted up Natsu's head so he could seal their lips. It was their first kiss of that day, and thus started out as a hesitant and careful one. Natsu let Gray take the lead, relaxing into the gentle touches that accompanied it. It took Gray a while to grow confident enough to poke his tongue at Natsu's lips, demanding to be let in. Natsu happily welcomed the intruder, and soon the kiss grew hot and needy, their hands roving all over each other's bodies.
When they parted, a string of saliva stretched out between them, which Gray hastily broke, looking flustered. The last time this happened, Gray had been flustered as well—was it something that embarrassed him?
"L-let's go back inside. We still owe Lucy an explanation," Gray muttered.
"No need to be that flustered. I've already seen you in all kinds of intimate situations."
"Sh-shut up! This is new to me."
The blush on Gray's face intensified, and Natsu couldn't resist.
"I've already heard you moaning, seen how your face looks like when you're experiencing sexual plea—"
"Yes, okay, thank you for pointing that out! Now, how about we go back inside?"
Natsu only managed to wipe the smug grin off his face when they entered the guild.
Please let me know you’re out there (like/reblog/tags on the reblog/comment/kudos at AO3/private message/ask on tumblr/etc). Thanks to all the people who are continuously supporting me <3
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