#nothing cassie has done could possibly look even semi bad when compared to joanne.
livvyofthelake · 11 months
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crazy to me that this person called the mortal instruments published harry potter fanfic and then in replies to a comment clarifies that they know it’s not actually published harry potter fanfiction. taking inspiration and elements from a fanfiction you wrote and dropping them into an original work you created is not “published fanfiction” babe you sound fucking ridiculous. you cannot discount the care and thought and work cassandra clare has put into the shadowhunter universe for almost 20 years as “just harry potter fanfiction” because you heard some idiot that doesn’t know how genre works say it five years ago. “steles are just wands it’s hp fanfic!” what are you talking about… steles are actually not wands and they serve a whole other purpose than wands. also wands we’re not invented by jkr for harry potter. you know that right. it’s important to me that you know that. i’m not trying to defend everything cassandra has ever done and say she didn’t take a lot from her harry potter fanfic and put it in her books, i know she did that, i know all about her problematic harry potter fanfictions. i’m saying it’s so fucking rude and disrespectful to try to write off all of the original work she’s done and the expansive universe she created as fanfiction. no it’s not, you will just make up reasons to discredit her because you think she’s hashtag problematic and deserves it. and baby i stand with my problematic wife. she only did some of that!!! you can’t say she’s a freak with an incest fetish when that’s only a subplot in ONE book series she wrote and the only character she was actually an incestuous weirdo was the bad guy. yeah it was WEIRD that clary and jace thought they were siblings for two books. WE THE AUDIENCE knew they weren’t. ok it wasn’t explicit that we were supposed to know they weren’t but anyone with sense would read the end of city of bones and go “well that’s not true lol” and even if you didn’t she only wrote that “twist” because it was 2006 and she was trying to be edgy and challenge people’s perceptions. she would never do that now be serious. i know she wrote weird ass fanfiction, she’s a weirdo and it’s fanfiction and she (and society) was stupider back then and she would not do any of that now. and trying to use a couple semi-related things about her life before she was a famous published author to try to make her original work look lesser, is insane. also half the things people point at when trying to “prove” tmi is harry potter fanfic are just like. public domain concepts and character archetypes. because harry potter fans aren’t actually fans of the fantasy genre and don’t understand that 70% of the “world” jkr created is just. public domain fantasy concepts and character archetypes. remember the time my sister (harry potter fan. not a fantasy genre fan) found out about griffins (mythical creature that has existed in the genre for like. centuries) and she thought the concept of a griffin was taken from harry potter’s hippogriff. i’m never letting her live that down btw i lost like. 40% of my respect for her that day. and the context in which she found out about griffins makes her look even worse. we don’t have to get into it. anyway. i just can’t stand it when people say stupid stuff about cassandra clare because they’re purposefully looking at her and her body of work with the most bad faith perspective imaginable. also if you’re a harry potter fan i don’t think you can really justify hating cassandra clare because she’s “problematic”. like ok…. look inside.
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