#only calmed down when i remembered the thing about my sister and griffins because it’s so funny
lesbiancressidacowper · 11 months
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crazy to me that this person called the mortal instruments published harry potter fanfic and then in replies to a comment clarifies that they know it’s not actually published harry potter fanfiction. taking inspiration and elements from a fanfiction you wrote and dropping them into an original work you created is not “published fanfiction” babe you sound fucking ridiculous. you cannot discount the care and thought and work cassandra clare has put into the shadowhunter universe for almost 20 years as “just harry potter fanfiction” because you heard some idiot that doesn’t know how genre works say it five years ago. “steles are just wands it’s hp fanfic!” what are you talking about… steles are actually not wands and they serve a whole other purpose than wands. also wands we’re not invented by jkr for harry potter. you know that right. it’s important to me that you know that. i’m not trying to defend everything cassandra has ever done and say she didn’t take a lot from her harry potter fanfic and put it in her books, i know she did that, i know all about her problematic harry potter fanfictions. i’m saying it’s so fucking rude and disrespectful to try to write off all of the original work she’s done and the expansive universe she created as fanfiction. no it’s not, you will just make up reasons to discredit her because you think she’s hashtag problematic and deserves it. and baby i stand with my problematic wife. she only did some of that!!! you can’t say she’s a freak with an incest fetish when that’s only a subplot in ONE book series she wrote and the only character she was actually an incestuous weirdo was the bad guy. yeah it was WEIRD that clary and jace thought they were siblings for two books. WE THE AUDIENCE knew they weren’t. ok it wasn’t explicit that we were supposed to know they weren’t but anyone with sense would read the end of city of bones and go “well that’s not true lol” and even if you didn’t she only wrote that “twist” because it was 2006 and she was trying to be edgy and challenge people’s perceptions. she would never do that now be serious. i know she wrote weird ass fanfiction, she’s a weirdo and it’s fanfiction and she (and society) was stupider back then and she would not do any of that now. and trying to use a couple semi-related things about her life before she was a famous published author to try to make her original work look lesser, is insane. also half the things people point at when trying to “prove” tmi is harry potter fanfic are just like. public domain concepts and character archetypes. because harry potter fans aren’t actually fans of the fantasy genre and don’t understand that 70% of the “world” jkr created is just. public domain fantasy concepts and character archetypes. remember the time my sister (harry potter fan. not a fantasy genre fan) found out about griffins (mythical creature that has existed in the genre for like. centuries) and she thought the concept of a griffin was taken from harry potter’s hippogriff. i’m never letting her live that down btw i lost like. 40% of my respect for her that day. and the context in which she found out about griffins makes her look even worse. we don’t have to get into it. anyway. i just can’t stand it when people say stupid stuff about cassandra clare because they’re purposefully looking at her and her body of work with the most bad faith perspective imaginable. also if you’re a harry potter fan i don’t think you can really justify hating cassandra clare because she’s “problematic”. like ok…. look inside.
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bellarkeselection · 3 years
13th Clan's Ascend - Sky-ground treaty part 2.
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Days later I'm escorted on horseback with Lincoln who climbs off when we reach a large metal gate. A bunch of voices are on the otherside, guns aimed out to us. Lincoln tell me you didn't send me into a trap. "Open the gate!" Bellamy's voices called out with the large gate opening. He lowers his gun coming to escort us inside. He called over his shoulder to some guards. "Close it up!" Lincoln rests a hand on my shoulder as two people approached. "They're the leaders, trust them." A woman with light brown hair with a taller guy that has dark brown hair with a beard. "Welcome to Arkadia princess. My name is Marcus Kane and this is Abby Griffin." The man known as Kane introduces himself pointing to the woman who I shake hands with. "You don't need to address me as princess, Y/n is just fine." People start to gather around muttering that 'grounders shouldn't be here' type thing.
Abby takes my hand leading me inside their space station with the three boys following behind. "I'm sorry honey. Our people have had a lot of bad history with your people. But we hope that this treaty will fix all that." Kane nods his head in agreement with the woman. "I totally agree Abby. Bloodshed is wrong and I'm not like my mother, Bellamy knows..." I trailed off eyeing him out of the corner of my eye. He smiles weakly at me remembering our first meeting two days ago.
Bellamy sat his gun down to sit by the rivers edge watching me with a look of scepticism. "Can you please stop giving me that look?" I question wrapping my arms around myself. "Like I said I only trust one grounder. Plus I'm not happy about this arrangement either." He grumbles arms crossed over his legs.
"I don't want to wipe out your people. Bloodshed is wrong..." Running a hand through my hair I mumbled out watching the wind blow leaves freely. "Although I should thank you, Bellamy."
Bellamy wiped his head up to me quickly. "Thank me for what?" I take a seat beside him staring at his face. "For destroy the Mountain Men. They - uh - killed my parents. That's why Lexa took me in as her daughter." His large hand takes mine in his to whisper. "I'm sorry. I lost my mom too, all because my sister wasn't supposed to be born." I squeeze his hand in mine. "That's horrible.."
Bellamy reached into his guard jacket revealing a light grey ring. "This is my mother's. She raised me to be good, but I'm not sure if I'll love you by the time the wedding comes around." My eyes go from the ring then locked with his brown ones. "This treaty is to prevent war. But I don't think our leaders expected us to have love at first sight....although I do hope one day, we can love."
"You're not like the rest of your people, Y/n." Bellamy turned to fully face me, slipping the ring on my left hand. "I hope we can learn to trust and love one another in the future."
A smile meets my lips as one forms on his face. Bellamy's smile is as unique as he is. "Peace is possible with you, Bellamy Blake."
The twelve clans have assembled in the commander's throne room as sunset arrived over the city. Bellamy's small group of leaders are here to represent their clan. Abby's daughter Clarke or Wanheda is here to face my mother for the truce. I finished twisting some of my hair back into a ponytail, leaving the rest loose. Picking up my crown off my bed I gently place it ontop my head. The crown is different trees twisted together with red and orange colored leaves attached for design. The doors slowly open for all heads to watch me enter wearing a long golden dress with our clan symbols drawn on the train. I kneel before my mother just as I catch Bellamy watching me. The doors open again for a blonde hair girl in a black dress to enter, I'm assuming it's Clarke because she kneels beside me to my mother. Everyone from the clans bow before mom spoke. "Rise."
"Hail warriors of the twelve clans. We welcome Skaikru to our halls in the spirit of friendship and harmony. And we welcome Clarke kom Skaikru, legendary Wanheda mountain slayer. The reason for this summit is to discuss the negotiation with Skaikru, bare witness to the wedding of Bellamy kom Skaikru and my daughter Y/n kom princess of Polis. Along with initiating them into the coalition." My mother spoke proudly even though hearing the counsel of the twelve clans muttering.
Bellamy and I share the same look of concern causing ne to spin his mother's ring on my finger to calm my nerves. "To symbolize this union, the leader of Skaikru must bare our mark." Mother's voice trails off. Abby and Kane look at one another before she replied. "The honor should be yours." Kane slowly stepped forward for a grounder guard to press a hot metal rod to his arm, creating the coalition symbol. "Let it be known today Marcus kom Skaikru has represented his clan to become apart of the coalition!" Mother declared to the room as he bows to her.
"Step forward Bellamy kom Skaikru." She glances around the room until Bellamy slowly comes to stand by my side, replacing where Clarke was momentarily. "Intertwine hands and say your chosen vow."
Bellamy and I turned our heads to see one another and I feel all my nerves disappear instantly holding a deep gaze with him. "I am hers until our final journey to the ground." I repeat his words back to him. "I am his until our final journey to the ground."
"Arise. Let it known that today grounders and sky people formed peace." Bellamy and I rose to our feet turning to face the members of the coalition. "I the commander of the thirteen clans, hereby present Bellamy and Y/n kom Skaikru."
Part 3 will be written if requested.
Also if you have a Wattpad account please go read and give comments on my Bellamy Blake x reader. It's called "Kane and Griffin Blood."
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inmyownlaine · 3 years
Cages: John Murphy x OC Fanfiction
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SPOILERS: If you have not finished the series proceed with caution!
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1664
Chapter: Two
Summary: After falling asleep, Aerie wakes up to a foreign source of light. The sudden disturbance of peace causes underlying issues to come to the surface. Murphy steps in, making matters worse.
Aerie didn’t remember falling asleep. Murphy was rolled up in a ball, turned away from her. She rubbed her eyes carefully, trying her best to keep the sand out. It was still dark, the sun nowhere in sight.
She loved mornings like these. The ones where it seemed like everything was asleep, even the earth itself. Where she could disconnect from reality and imagine herself in another universe. Aerie could encounter a million mornings like this and still feel the same exact way: completely at peace.
Aerie began to stretch out, her back craned with her chest pushing towards the stars. As she tilted her neck back, preparing to loosen the cramped muscles, a sudden flash of light exploded against the indigo sky. She straightened herself immediately, leaning forwards and scrambling to her knees.
She was no astronomer. She wouldn’t even consider herself knowledgeable about space. But she knew enough to reasonably conclude that this was no shooting star. It’s lasting glow remained in the sky as it slowly traveled to the ground, dipping and diving over the uneven terrain.
It was something foreign. Maybe even magic.
Eyes wide with horror and mouth clamped with fear, she nudged Murphy awake.. He groaned aloud and flopped on his back, sticking his arms straight up in the air. “What?” he grumbled, sounding eerily similar to a moody teenager.
Aerie didn’t even have to reply. Through closed eyelids, Murphy saw the incoming brightness. He threw his arm over his face, providing very little shade from the beam. “Aerie?” he yelled, almost as if he expected her to have any answers.
Of course, she didn’t. Rooted to her spot, she squinted in the light’s direction, curiosity taking over her better instincts. Though she had never seen anything like this, it felt familiar to her. As if she had experienced this herself.
“What are you doing?” Murphy’s arm latched onto her forearm, tugging with enough force to move her a couple inches in the sand. It was then she realized how dire the situation was, clambering to her feet and retreating with Murphy back to the huts.
The commotion caused the rest of the group to come outside. They were clearly feeling the same way as Aerie: frightened, yet curious. Just as things were feeling safe, another freak phenomenon had to ruin what they were building.
“What’s going on?” Raven questioned, ponytail swinging from side to side as she frantically tried to look at everyone at once.
“Run!” Clarke replied, ignoring Raven completely and entering survival mode.
They had only gotten to the edge of the sand when the light stopped above the sea foam. It levitated before slowly descending to the ground. Everyone stopped, clinging onto one another for support. If this was going to end in war, they were going to fight it together.
The beam started to dissipate, resembling that of a tamed firework. Sparkles of gold and yellow swirled in a cylindrical pattern before finally coming together to form a silhouette. They started disappearing at the top, moving downwards as a body took its place. First a mop of curly brown hair, then a dark pair of eyes, warm enough to thaw the heart of any villain, outsider, or wrongdoer.
Aerie watched in awe as a man with a white robe stood in front of them, seemingly calm and inquisitive. It was a look she didn’t get to see much. He was always worried about protecting his friends and being the perfect leader. It was nice, for a change, to see him in a state of tranquility. No matter how anyone felt about his newfound beliefs.
“Bellamy,” Octavia whispered, face contorting into disbelief and sadness. Echo took a step towards him, but stopped herself after the first one.
He gave a small smile, nodding in her direction. It had been a long time since any of them had seen Bellamy. Aerie could sense the tension radiating from Clarke. The last time she was with Bellamy, she tried to kill him. Aerie questioned why he would return to a group of people that was so hostile towards him.
“Why did you come back?” Echo asked.
“Now you can’t transcend,” Aerie added. She knew that he wanted it more than anything. She remembered the look in his eyes when she left him last. It was full of hope that had been drained from his body long ago. Aerie was one of few that decided not to take that away from him.
“You can’t,” he corrected, hands folded patiently in front of his stomach. “You were saved by grace. But I believed.”
“So, what? You’re going to come here and rub it in our face?” Clarke retorted, arms crossed across her chest.
Bellamy wasn’t fazed. Instead, he stared at her deeply with his dark brown eyes. Lips pursed together calmly, studying the nature of a person that had lost everything. He knew it wasn’t personal.
“Madi is fine.”
Clarke’s lower lip began to tremble as she fell backwards, grabbing onto Murphy’s shoulder. He placed his arm around her lower back, eyes wide with surprise. Carefully, Murphy lowered Clarke to the ground as tears fell from her eyes.
“In fact, I would say she’s thriving. No more war. No more fear. It’s the perfect place for her.”
Aerie knew Clarke disagreed. The perfect place for Madi, in Clarke’s eyes, was with her. Yetshe couldn’t afford to be selfish. Madi didn’t have a life on Earth. There were no children for her to socialize with. There was nothing to help her grow. She would be the only human her age in a world of terror.
“And I forgive you,” Bellamy spoke, nodding towards Clarke.
“I don’t need your forgiveness,” she spat, the corners of her mouth pulling down towards her chin. “If anything, you are the one that needs redemption. I lost everything because of you. Everything!”
The birds scattered from the trees as she wailed aloud. Everyone standing had a story to tell. No one’s life was easy. But Clarke’s seemed to trump them all.
Aerie lost her parents in seconds, along with most of Skaikru when the Ark fell from orbit. She still wasn’t over it, and never truly would be, but at least her father wasn’t floated. And at least her partner wasn’t murdered. And at least her mother’s body wasn’t stolen. And at least she was able to transcend. The atrocities continued on for Clarke Griffin.
“Whether you do or don’t, just know you have it.”
“Out of all the things I want to have,” Clarke scoffed, “your good graces are not on my list.”
With that, she pushed herself off the sand and headed towards the forest line. Bellamy’s fingertips pulled towards her, but the rest of him remained. Raven chased after Clarke, calling her name as they disappeared into the trees. Silence fell as the rest of the group shared awkward glances with one another.
“Why are you here?” Echo finally asked. The sockets of her eyes were flushed pink, holding back a flurry of emotions. She made it perfectly clear how upset she was with Bellamy the first week Skaikru spent together. She couldn’t believe how he could betray the people loved.
But beneath all that rage, she was mostly hurt. Hurt that he chose faith over her. That she wasn’t his main priority in a world where everything was uncertain. In a time where everyone needed each other to get through. She felt used.
“I have unfinished business,” he stated simply. Bellamy’s head dropped, but beneath hooded lids, his eyes fixated on Aerie. Octavia noticed this immediately, a cackle escaping her lips.
“Of course,” she jaunted, throwing her hands in the air. “You came for your savior. Not your sister. Not your girlfriend. Her.”
Aerie scoffed in response, insulted by the obvious venom Octavia was spitting. She had every right to feel upset, but not at Aerie’s expense.
A tear trickled down Echo’s cheek as she bit the inside of her cheek. Fearing loss of control, she spun around and ran to her hut. Bellamy’s mouth opened, a silent battle raging in his head. He wasn’t allowed to love. It made him weak. It clouded his judgement.
It didn’t matter. The door slammed behind her, shutting him out for the time being.
“Save it, big brother,” Octavia grumbled.
“Knock it off, Octavia,” Murphy spoke up. It caused Aerie to tense up. She forgot he was standing beside her. Come to think of it, she forgot there was a whole crowd of people watching the dramatic scene.
“What? My own brother comes back to earth and instead of wanting to see me, he wants Aerie.”
“Well if I were Bellamy I would probably avoid you, too,” Murphy countered. “Who was the one that supported Clarke’s decision?”
She charged at him, but Levitt wrapped his arms around her torso, pulling her back as she yelled profanities at Murphy. He wasn’t the least bit fazed. Instead, he stood in front of her, arms crossed defiantly across his chest. Octavia continued to kick around in an attempt to free herself.
“Are you done yet?” Murphy asked, unamused.
Octavia let out a blood-curdling scream. It was something she had gotten particularly good at after becoming Bloodreina. There were a lot of awful events that spawned from that moment in time, but she did learn how to let out a gruesome battle cry.
Indra stepped in between the two, signalling for Gaia to help Levitt take her away. She did so immediately, trying to comfort her in the process. “It doesn’t matter!” Octavia yelled. “Bellamy died a long time ago! He died!”
Bellamy’s face scrunched together, an expression of anguish easy to see. He didn’t let it linger, relaxing his muscles quickly before addressing Aerie. “Is there somewhere we can go? To talk?”
“Yeah,” Aerie answered, already leading the way. Bellamy trailed behind, leaving the others to gossip among themselves.
“You and I have a lot to discuss.”
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slafkovskys · 4 years
Hi could you please write some soft and cuddly Trevor. Like it’s just a movie day with his family or hanging out with his siblings and he won’t leave you side
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combined these two :) also i do not watch romance movies and i only know one so that’s why i keep using it :/
“mom says that we have to decide, so,” ava walks into the living room holding two boxes. “do you want cookies or a cake? griffin?”
“cookies,” he mumbles, not looking up from his phone. ava turns to where you and trevor were on the couch about to ask you, but griffin stops her, “you don’t even have to ask him. just ask y/n and count it as two. he always agrees with her.”
“no he doesn’t,” trevor mumbled, lifting his head up from your chest. your hand drops from his hair to his shoulder as he looks at his younger brother who now has a smirk on his lips, “i don’t always agree with her.”
“yes you do,” you all three say in unison. you lock eyes with ava and you both burst into a fit of giggles while trevor huffs, relaxing against you and burying his face in your neck. you run your hand down his back soothingly. “it’s okay trev,” you coo.
he pinches the skin of your thigh in retaliation for your teasing and you squeal, shoving his hand away. he grunts and wraps his arms around your waist to keep you pressed against him as he’d done all day. you rest your hand on the back of his head and look up at ava who was still awaiting an answer, “it honestly doesn’t matter to me. you choose and i’ll help decorate?”
“sounds like a plan,” she nods, turning around and walking back into the kitchen. fifteen minutes went by before she called your name, “can you come help me make the frosting?”
“sure!” you respond, nudging trevor who only grips onto you tighter. you sigh, squeezing his bicep through the hoodie he was wearing, “trev, baby, you’ve kept me trapped here all day. you need to let me get up so that i can help your sister. i’ll be twenty minutes tops and i’ll be back.”
“that’s too long,” he huffs, pressing a kiss to the side of your neck. “ava’s capable of doing it herself.”
you look towards griffin who’s not looking at you two but is no doubt eavesdropping. you bend down just a little so that you’re beside his ear, “if you don’t let me go, i’m gonna move into ava’s room for the rest of quarantine.”
he perks his head up, eyes scanning your face to see the seriousness of your threat. the look on your face proved that you were indeed very serious and he rolls over so that you can get up. you press your lips to his cheek.
“twenty minutes,” you repeat.
you walk into the kitchen to find julie and ava with five separate bowls. julie smiles, “he finally set you free?”
“i had to threaten him with moving in with ava, but he finally let me loose,” you grin, taking a seat at the counter. “so what’re we doing?”
“we’re doing sugar cookies and we decided to ice them. here’s some food coloring and any mess you make, you clean up,” she wags a finger at you both and you nod in understanding.
you rip open the box while ava scoots the bowls closer to you. she rounds the counter and takes the seat beside you, picking up a bottle. “do you remember mixing what colors gives you other colors?”
“i did not pay attention in art class,” you respond as you set all the little bottles in a row. you grab the orange one and twist off the cap, “i guess we’re gonna have to wing it.”
“are you gonna poison us?” griffin asks, strolling in in front of trevor. while griffin heads for the fridge, trevor scoots the empty stool on the opposite side of you closer and rests his head on your shoulder. “wow. you two are just inseparable aren’t you?”
“leave them alone griffin. they’re in love,” ava says.
you flush, tilting your head to press a kiss on the top of trevor’s hair. “what’s up with you today?” you finally ask, voice dropping to a mumble as ava and griffin bicker back and forth.
“just don’t wanna be away from you s’all,” he says and you take that as a clue to drop the subject. he’s quiet as you mix your assigned bowls and you even offer him a taste when you're done. he lifts up his head and eats it off the spoon you offered. he looks at you and gestures to your cheek, “you’ve got some- i’ll get it.”
“trevor!” you squeal as his tongue licks over your cheek. you shove him away from you and grimace. “you’re disgusting!”
“tastes good though babe.”
it was later that night when you were full of dinner and sugar cookies that you found yourself in trevor’s bed scrolling through your phone as you waited for him to get out of the shower so you could pick a movie to watch. you already had netflix pulled up on his tv and his profile ready to be selected when he walked in.
he had a towel wrapped around his waist and he shut the door behind him. he moved over to his dresser and pulled out a pair of sweatpants, quickly switching out his towel for them. he looked at you with a smirk, “like what you see?”
“i’ve seen it every night for almost two months. i’m used to it by now,” you shrug and look back down at your phone. once your attention was no longer on him, he threw his towel at you and you shove it off the bed, “you get on my nerves i swear.”
“yeah, yeah,” he mumbled with a fond smile, walking over to plant a kiss on your lips. he runs the towel over his wet hair and grabs his phone from where it was on his pillow. “i’m going downstairs. do you want something?”
“some water please,” you bat your eyelashes and he nods, leaving his room once again. when he gets back, instead of walking in, he just pokes his head through the door. you raise an eyebrow, “what?”
“do you want louie?” he asks even though he already knew the answer. your face lights up as you sit upright quickly. he chuckles and pushes open the door to allow the black and white dog to dart through the door. he jumps on the bed and immediately attacks you with kisses. trevor shuts the door behind him, “watch it lou. she’s mine.”
“he’s just being sweet,” you argue, scratching at the pomsky’s sides. he calms down after you show him some attention and moves to the foot of the bed. you knew that at some point he would probably squeeze in between you both, however.
“my turn,” trevor grins, pulling you over to him. you roll your eyes but you can’t help the fond smile on your lips. you turn on your side and throw your leg of his hips and rest your head on his chest. he grabs the remote, “what are we watching tonight, your highness?”
“forever my girl?” you ask, tracing your finger over his bare chest.
“you’re such a sap,” he says, switching from netflix to prime to find the movie. it’s not hard because it’s one of the last things you two watched so he just clicks restart and relaxes into the bed. his hand comes to rest on your thigh under his comforter as the movie starts at the scene in front of the church.
“don’t think i didn’t find out about you watching the second to all the boys without me and then lie about it,” you grumble, watching as louie twitches in his sleep.
“how did you find out about that?”
“i have my sources in boston.”
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Virago 05. Red Rockets
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Summary: Y/N was sent to the ground after spending five years in the Skybox for stealing medical supplies and murder. How will she deal with her new environment and learn to survive on earth? Will she crack under the pressure of becoming a leader of the 100 or will she embrace it. 
Post Date: 05.29.20
Word count: 2.1k
Pairing: Bellamy Blake x Reader
Based off: 01x05 “Twilight’s Last Gleaming”
You were about to go to sleep when you heard shouts from outside your tent. Curious about what got everyone so excited, you make your way outside. You greet Octavia and a shirtless Bellamy outside of your tents, “There!” Octavia points to the sky at something with a parachute on it.
“They’re coming to help us. Now we can kick some grounder ass.” Jones says confidently while others around us agree.
“Please tell me they brought down some shampoo,” Roma says from beside Bellamy.
The other kids around us dispersed while Bellamy, Octavia, and I go to talk about the pod that fell out of the sky. Octavia and I walk into a tent while a kid explains where the pod possibly landed to Bellamy.
“We should get moving. Everyone’s ready.” Octavia adds.
“No one’s going anywhere. Not while it’s dark. It isn’t safe.” Bellamy rebuttals.
“We’ll head out at first light. Pass the word.” Bellamy decides for us and the three other kids make their way out of the tent.
“Everyone for 100 miles saw this thing come down. What if the grounders get to it first? Bell, we should go now.” Octavia stops her older brother.
“I said we wait until sunrise.” Bellamy sternly responds before heading out again.
“I’m sorry Bellamy. But I agree with O on this one. If we don’t go now, we could lose the chance to get the help or supplies that might be in that pod.” You stop him from continuing. He only responds with the same thing he said to Octavia and makes his way outside.
You and Octavia make your way back to your tents. You were about to go back to sleep when Octavia bursts in, “Y/N, I saw Bellamy take off. I’m gonna go find him. Wanna come?” She asks you. You don’t respond and grab your jacket following Octavia out of your tent. 
You and Octavia run through the woods in the direction she saw him go. The sun starts to come up as you finally catch up to him, “Bellamy! What are you doing?” Octavia asks as you guys make your way to him.
“Go back to camp guys. It isn’t safe.” He responds.
“You lied to everyone.” You say catching your breath.
“You lied to me. You just want whatever’s in that pod.” Octavia adds.
“Just go home!” Bellamy shoves his little sister.
“What the hell Bellamy? What’s your problem?” You ask.
“You too Y/N.”
“You always want to play the big brother, huh? Well, guess what? Joke’s on me. You’re just a selfish dick,” Octavia walks back up to Bellamy as you step back not wanting to get between the siblings.
“I did this for you, to protect you. If the Ark finds out we’re alive, they’ll come down. And when they do, I’m dead,” Bellamy says. You look at him confused as he looks from Octavia to you.
“What did you do?” Octavia asks.
“I shot him.” Bellamy states.
“Shot who?” You ask making your way back up to the siblings.
“I shot Jaha,” Bellamy confesses.
“What?” Octavia whispers just loud enough for us to hear.
“I found out they were sending you to earth. I couldn’t let you go alone. Someone came to me with a deal-- Do this. Kill him, and they’d get me on the dropship. And I did it.” Bellamy explains.
“You killed the Chancellor?” You ask slightly hurt because he was close to your parents but also slightly relieved because he floated your dad and imprisoned you.
“He floated your dad and our mother. He locked you guys up. He deserved it.” Bellamy shifts his gaze between you and his sister.
“I didn’t ask you to do that,” Octavia states upset.
“You’re right. I made the choice. This is on me. Whatever they sent down, I’ll take care of it.” Bellamy says not being able to set his on on his sister anymore.
“I didn’t ask for any of this,” Octavia says and walks away. You fight yourself on who to follow. But decide to stay Bellamy and see if you can reason with him and to find out what’s in the pod. You know Octavia is better off alone when she’s upset and will come to you when she needs to. 
“Go back to camp with Octavia.” Bellamy turns to you before running off.
“I’m coming with you. I wanna know what’s in that pod too,” You run to catch up with him. Bellamy stops again to give you a stern look to go back to camp.
“We’re helping each other, remember?” You give a stern look back and walk ahead of him.
“I can see why you didn’t go down easy,” Bellamy states before catching up to you. 
You and Bellamy make your way through the forest, “So you really did all that so you could protect O?” You ask Bellamy after a few minutes of silent trekking.
“Yeh, she’s my sister. She’s my responsibility.” He responds.
“I mean I get it. I did what I needed, to save my mom. But you need to ease up on her, Bell. Give her some breathing room. Let her learn how to handle things herself. You being protective is only pushing her away.” You explain to him.
“I can’t if I let down my guard for even one moment. She could get hurt or even killed. Like I said, my sister my responsibility.” He explains. You don’t get to respond as you come upon the pod. You hear a voice on the radio, one that almost sounds like Clarke’s mom, Abby Griffin, but you weren’t entirely sure.
“Careful,” You say as he opens the door. Bellamy takes out his knife and cuts the wires to the radio before you could even say anything. He takes it with him and closes the door.
“Bellamy. You know if Clarke finds this pod too, she’s going to be looking for that and know you’re the one who cut it out.” You say as you watch him close the door. He walks right past you and you follow him to the river, only for him to toss it into the river.
“Come on. Let’s go before anyone else gets here.” He says and pulls you with him back towards the camp. You guys walk towards camp for a little bit until you hear a familiar voice behind you.
“Hey! Where is it?” Clarke runs up between you two.
“Hey, Princess. You taking a walk in the woods?” Bellamy snarkily asks and you shake your head at him.
“They’re getting ready to kill 300 people up there to save oxygen. And I can guarantee you it won’t be council members. It’ll be working people. Your people.” Clarke pokes his chest.
“Bellamy. Where’s the radio?” Finn comes up and pushes Bellamy.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Bellamy pushes him back.
“Ok. Ok. Let’s just all calm down.” You say but no one listens to you.
“Bellamy Blake? They’re looking everywhere for you.” Some new random girl says snarkily.
“Shut up,” Bellamy responds quickly.
“Looking for him why?” Clarke asks. Bellamy shifts his gaze to you, hoping that you won’t say anything.
“He shot Chancellor Jaha,” The girl responds quicker than you could respond anyways. Finn and Clarke just shoot mad glances back to him.
“That’s why you took the wristbands. Needed everyone to think we’re dead.” Clarke deciphers.
“All that ‘whatever the hell we want’? You just care about saving your own skin. So then what’s your deal with them up there Y/N?” Finn asks turning to you.
“You really want to know? Fine. Five years ago, I was one of you Clarke, privileged. You know that, right? Well, the moment the council, your mother, didn’t fight for my mother. Floated my father and imprisoned me, for trying to save someone not only important to me but the Ark. Is the moment I cut all ties with people like you. I could care less about the people up there. They betrayed my family, they tore my family apart. I just want to live my life, free from all the rules and shit show the Ark is. And that’s why.” You explain and start to walk away. You see Bellamy turn with you.
“Hey! Shooter! Where’s my radio?” The girl runs up and gets in front of you and Bellamy.
“Get out of my way,” Bellamy responds without batting an eye.
“Where is it?” The girl looks between you and Bellamy.
“I should’ve killed you when I had the chance.” Bellamy finally stops and acknowledges her in front of us.
“Really? Well, I’m right here.” She says softer before Bellamy takes her by the neck and pushes her up against a tree. She takes a knife out as Finn and Clarke prepare to handle the situation.
“Where’s my radio? I’m sure one of the two of you know” She repeats and looks at you from behind Bellamy then back to him.
“Ok. Stop it.” Clarke tries to deescalate the situation. They have a little stare down before letting their guards down.
“Jaha deserved to die. You all know that.” Bellamy begins to walk away again.
“Yeah, he’s not my favorite person, either. But he isn’t dead.” The girl states.
“What?” You and Bellamy both say caught off guard.
“You’re a lousy shot.” She looks at Bellamy.
Clarke runs up to him, “Bellamy, don’t you see what this means? You’re not a murderer. You always did what you had to do to protect your sister, that’s who you are. And you can do it again, by protecting 300 of your people. Where’s the radio?” She asks once more.
“It’s too late,” Bellamy confesses.
“It’s in the river. That’s where, he threw it there. Now, I’m wondering. Who the hell are you?” You turn towards the new girl.
“My name Raven. I was sent by Clarke’s mom, Abby.” She responds.
“Y/N,” You say back.
“Now that introductions are over. Let’s get back to camp and gather a group to go look in the river for that radio.” Finn says and starts to walk towards camp as you all follow.
You guys gather a group of kids and head to the river. You have people search along the river where Bellamy threw the radio, as well as a bit farther down, in case it drifted. After a few moments, you hear Jones announce something, “Hey! I found it.”
You make your way over to Raven as she inspects it and drains it of water, “ Can you fix it?” Clarke asks.
“Maybe. But it’ll take half a day. Just to dry out the components to see what’s broken,” Raven explains.
“Like I said, It’s too late,” Bellamy repeats from what he said earlier.
“Do you have any idea what you did? Both of you? I mean you could’ve at least stopped him Y/N. Do you guys even care?” Clarke rushes up to you and Bellamy.
“Well, I’m sorry he threw it in the river before I could say anything or stop him.” You scoff.
“You asked me to help. I helped.” Bellamy says without batting an eye.
“300 people are gonna die today because of you,” Clarke says sternly.
“Hold up. We don’t have to talk to the Ark. We just have to let them know we’re down here, right?” Raven asks the group.
“Yeh, but how do we do that with no radio?” Finn asks as Raven smiles widely. She clearly has something up her sleeve.
We all make our way back to the camp as Raven explains her idea to the group. She explains how she was an engineer on the Ark and her plan is to send rockets big enough for the people on the Ark to see. You make your way to your tent to destress, not wanting to deal with anyone else.
“Hey, you good?” You notice Bellamy enters your tent.
“Uhhh, yeh.” You say trying to get him to leave.
“You sure?” He asks once more.
“Yeh. Today was just a lot, well for me. I don’t care about anyone up there but I can’t help but think I’m killing the 300 people up there.” You reluctantly explain.
“If this rocket plan Raven came up with doesn’t work, it’s my fault, not yours. I’m the one who threw that radio into the river.” You just sigh in response. “Anyways, they’re almost done with them, I’ll meet you out there.” He says and leaves your tent.”
You wait a few more moments to gather yourself before you head outside. You make your way to Bellamy and Clarke. As soon as the three red lights are sent soaring through the sky as few cheers and whoops come from the group. Two more rockets are sent off and more kids cheer. Everyone continues to stare up at the sky hoping that the Ark saw our message to them. 
A/N: Hey guys! This part was really just a filler to obviously introduce Raven. And TBH I also wrote this kinda last minute so, I didn’t have tome to figure out whether to skip this ep or not. But it worked out since there’s really no better way to introduce Raven. Thank you for reading and I hope your guys enjoy it. 
P.S. for anyone interested/reading my TVD series “Caught in Between” I will have a part out this Sunday. I’m still working on it but I promise I will have it ready by then. I’m sorry I’ve been lacking on it, Thanks for being patient.
Taglist: @im-a-writer-right​ @marsbar-inspace32​ @zestylemon99​
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beastlywritings · 3 years
Pairing: Eskel/OC (Lae’elan) AFAB NB (but gender doesn’t come into it until later)
Summary: Eskel comes across a shapeshifter (Or she comes across him) and they make nice. 
Rating for this chapter: PG-13 for sexual innuendo and suggested sexual acts, as well as talk of masturbation
TW (this chapter): stalking (kind of), manipulation, injuring another on purpose, mention of dissociation and the feeling of it, mentions of orphanage, mention of lost love, selfconsciousness about scars and appearance, gratuitous use of italics for thoughts
AN: Unbeta-ed. If you wanna beta just ask lol (help me). If you wanna gimme some concrit, I’d be grateful; this is my first time posting fic in years and I’m rusty as hell. Gonna be a long fic.
This chapter is mostly just intro to Lan, who is quite literally me if my kintype was a reality. She comes with much of my baggage and personality.
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From her perch in the tree opposite the witcher, the apparent chickadee watched the man as he went about building his fire, placing each branch and split wood neatly and setting it ablaze with a quick hand motion. She’d followed him all day, in various forms, from the moment she’d spotted his cat-like amber eyes across the market. A witcher could have access to information she didn’t. A chance to finally find out what she was. Following him had been easy for her. No one expects a quiet but friendly dog, a flighty squirrel, or a singing songbird of malice, not even a witcher; and no one expects all those creatures to be one and the same. And, she knew from past experience, her powers only set off their medallions if she touched them while shifting. So reconnaissance? Recon was child’s play. 
She worked through the questions that mattered. 
What school is he from? Cats and vipers were dangerous, both schools cut-throat havens, less likely to help a sentient magical creature and more likely to kill first and ask questions later at the first signs of non-human traits. Wolves and griffins tended to be more code-bound and willing to listen. Her eyes narrowed in on his chest. She was in luck-- a wolf medallion peeked out of the collar of his open gambeson, laying on the cream of his shirt. I won’t even have to bother with proper manners, she thought to herself, remembering the last time she’d dealt with a witcher from the school of the griffin. 
What’s his personality; which method would work best to get what she wanted? She knew that Kaer Morhen had been sacked, had heard rumors of who and when, even out in the wilderness. But surely some books had survived. She hadn’t been successful in gaining entry to the keep proper in her youth, but this could be her second chance. What sequence of events would more likely get her invited to Kaer Morhen and access to the library there? 
The man seemed soft spoken; his voice could easily be a booming baritone, but he kept his voice quiet and calm to not spook the women in the town square. He was kind and friendly and polite, even smiling and saying ‘thank you,’ when he bought supplies in the open market. He tried to be as non-threatening as possible, as well, trying to make himself less of an obstruction in the throngs of people in town and pulling his large arms to himself instead of letting them hang loosely by his sides. He’d even stooped to help a woman pick up her fallen goods, though it had gotten him a scowl and a barked ‘hands off!’ Perhaps a spot of friendliness to warm him up to her, break down the walls that no doubt he had constructed over the years, then switch to some seduction. 
Her eyes roamed over him, eyeing up the deep facial scars, the bit of white tooth visible where the scar tissue pulled (adorable); to his strong forearms of corded muscle, bare to the elbow with veins snaking along his golden skin; up to his silky, dark hair that ruffled in the breeze; and finally to the crotch of his pants, where there were little red bows keeping a codpiece in place. Seducing him,  she thought to herself with a purr, poofing up her feathers and preening them some, would be no hardship. A handsome lay and the knowledge she’d been seeking since she was young? No better deal would ever come her way. Just keep the long game in mind, Lae’elan, and this could be it. Finally feeling she had enough information and having made up her mind, Lae’elan fluttered down to land quietly among the leaf litter behind the tree the witcher sat propped up against, her tiny feet making a bit of a ruckus. Muscles popping and bones creaking, she shifted into her true form. Or, well, most of it. She’d need to know him a bit better before she deigned to show him her wings. She pulled clothes out of the ether of her pocket dimension and over her head with less than half a thought. Vulpine legs peeked out beneath a woad-blue dress, as did her long succubus-like tail. Before she’d even taken a full step to the side, she heard the witcher reaching for his swords and decided she’d best show herself before he put one of them through her. Just because it wouldn’t kill her didn’t mean it wouldn’t hurt.
“That spot taken?” Lae’elan asked as she rounded the tree, her hands visible in the air beside her head, one clawed finger pointing to the space on the other side of the fire. There was indeed a sword leveled at her, a cross witcher standing at the other end. She hadn’t even registered the sounds of him getting up. Looking down at the sword, she found he got more interesting. Steel. He assumed human or common beast. Huh.
“How did you-!” His eyes darted around behind her for a flash second. 
“Sneak up? Shapeshifter. I was a bird a few minutes ago,” she said breezily, even pointing to the branch she’d been perched upon. Smartly, he did not look. Well trained. Eyeing the blade poised at her neck, she continued, “Could you put the blade away from my neck? Don’t need you to put it away, just… preferably not immediately pointed at my jugular would be lovely,” She smiled kindly. 
He eyed her warily, but lowered the blade a fraction. This close she realized his eyes were actually just a shade or two deeper than her own. They looked into each other’s eyes for a moment. He seemed to not hate what he saw because the sword lowered another few inches. 
“Just want to sit, maybe chat.”
His eyes narrowed warily and his gaze wandered over her. The horns atop her head, the long ears, her golden eyes, sharp canid-like teeth, fingers ending in curved claws instead of human fingernails. The gears working in his head, trying to make sense of what she was, were visible in his expression. Wouldn’t we all like to know, she thought. 
“Why?” he asked, finally.
“Why wha-at?” 
“Why chat,” he buried the tip of his sword in the dirt, acquiescing, and sat. She stepped around the fire and settled herself on the other side.
“Why does anyone chat?” She asked, but quickly followed, “Because it’s exceedingly rare to find someone I can be myself around in these times. Humans can be decent conversation, but they tend to be sticklers for shoes,” she looked to her feet-- her paws-- and wiggled her toes, “and too often make remarks I’m not fond of. Same ones you no doubt prefer not to hear as well.” He just looked at her over the fire. 
“I’ll be honest, I’ve spent half my day following you today, trying to figure out if you were safe or not,”
“And you’ve decided…?”
“That you’re safe enough,” she chuckled. She’d get a proper conversation out of him yet. 
“Never known a wolf to attack on sight,” she nodded to his medallion, “and you were kind and gracious to each person I saw you interact with,” she continued. Waiting for a response, but not wanting to push, she looked into the fire and drew her legs to the side, leaning her weight on one hip.
“I would have noticed if a single bird had followed me all day,” he grunted. That wasn’t quite what she expected as a reply, but it showed intelligence and caution. 
“A dog, two birds, and a squirrel” she replied.
“I was a dog in the market, a sparrow in the town square, a squirrel on your way out of town and into the forest, and a chickadee for the past hour,” she looked to his eyes to gauge his reaction, “I’m no spring chicken. Reconnaissance is important to my staying alive, let alone having fulfilling conversations.” He paused after that, seemingly looking at the fire, but she knew that he was watching her in the edge of his vision. He was chewing over the fact that she had so many forms. Not many things could change into even three forms, let alone potentially the five he’d have been able to spot today. 
“And what, little stalker, do you propose we talk about?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back on the tree. She ignored the jab. 
“Pretty much anything other than children-” she spotted the minute twitch of his eye, “Whatever you want to talk about, really, as long as I can keep my tail out,” she flicked her hairless, red-black tail for emphasis, “Gets itchy if I’m in this form for long without it,” 
“Don’t know of any kind of shapeshifter that can do that many forms in such a short period,” he squinted at her. She tried to hide that that made her crestfallen. His eyes darting around her face said she hadn’t done a very good job. Just because he doesn’t know off the top of his head doesn’t mean the library doesn’t have something, she reminded herself. Sighing, she replied honestly,
“Other than me, neither have I,”
“What are you?” he asked, not unkindly, losing the wary, almost clinical tone he’d had. Of course honesty would be what got him. She should have predicted that. 
“I’ve no idea,” she answered, a bit quietly, surprising herself at the admission. He scratched his scar absentmindedly. Lae’elan wondered if it was terribly itchy or if his scratching was just a nervous tic.
“Don’t know, or won’t tell?”
“Don’t know. Honestly. Earliest memory is at a temple of Melitele for children, the office specifically, but the sisters told me I’d been left on the front stoop in the night,” Again, she was spilling truths freely. If it gets you closer to him, what’s it matter? Gets you closer to that library? He raised his eyebrows, but shrugged. 
“And you can just…”
“If I can figure out how it works, or might work, I can turn into it,”
“And that’s your face?” She rolled her eyes at the question. 
“Not a doppler. Here, I’ll prove it,” she said, sitting up straighter so she could reach around the fire, hand out loosely, palm towards the ground. As if she were a maiden offering her hand to a suitor to kiss. Nodding to his sword in its sheath at his side, she continued “Touch your silver to my hand,” When he didn’t do it immediately, she nudged her hand forward again and tilted her head to the sword, looking him dead in the eye, urging him to just do it. He tilted his head curiously, but unsheathed it. Moving slowly, he placed the flat of the blade on her hand without hesitation. There was, as she knew there would be, no sizzling of flesh. Just cool metal on a dainty, pale hand. Slowly, he turned the blade so that the edge sat atop her hand, but not enough pressure to cut. He piqued one eyebrow in askance. Lae’elan sighed, but nodded, and he immediately made a shallow slice. Her nose wrinkled a bit at the sting, but nothing happened. No hissing of melting doppler flesh. He wiped the blood off the blade onto his pants and replaced it in its sheath. 
“I can do faces, but to do so makes me… uneasy. Like an out of body experience, but the bad kind a human might have as a poor reaction to some drug. Ah, there’s a word for it…” she trailed off before licking at the cut on her hand to get rid of the blood and watching the sliced flesh knit itself back together. 
“Dissociation?” the witcher filled in before she had to think much. He eyed her hand curiously. 
“That’s it exactly!” she nodded, “Most I ever change is my nose. Other than, you know, making myself look human,” she circled her face with a finger, drawing attention to the obvious non-human features. He snorted at the obvious gesture. She huffed a chuckle back.
“Eskel,” he said, suddenly.
“My name. I’m Eskel,”
“Oh!” she said, pleased, “Lae’elan,” she stuck out a hand to shake. He gently took the hand in his and shook it once. His hands are so much bigger than mine, she thought briefly before-
“Odd name. It’s not a-”
“It’s a bastardized attempt at a human making up an elven name. The sisters thought I was an elf,” she said, flicking one of her long ears, “They were shorter then, and I hadn’t grown a tail or horns or paws or wings at that point. Those didn’t come till later,”
“You looked-? Wait. Wings?” He looked at her shoulder, as if trying to see if he had missed something on her back. He was tilting his head to the side again, like a puppy. Melitele it’s more endearing every time he does it. 
“I have wings as well, but I don’t show those off until I really trust someone,” she explained, looking around the tiny clearing, “Besides, it’s a wee bit cramped for them to stretch out here.” The witcher-- Eskel, she corrected herself-- looked about the patch of dirt.
“They must be quite big, then,” 
“Big, unwieldy, and very sensitive to curious hands if you get my meaning.” He made an ‘ah, I see’ face and seemed a tad embarrassed. She wondered if the old tales of witchers not being able to blush was true, and if it wasn’t, would he be blushing now? Ah shit, maybe we do need to be less crass with this one afterall, she scolded herself. 
“But enough about what I can and can’t do, Eskel,” she laughed, and found she rather liked the sound of his name on her tongue, “Surely there’s something more interesting to talk about. Witcher like you must have some good stories or unique interests to talk about,”
“What are you, my brother’s bard?” He griped, smiling ever so slightly. The shapeshifter just raised an eyebrow. 
“Ah, my brother’s the White Wolf, Geralt of Rivia.” Another blank stare. 
“The famous witcher? The bard Jaskier, his songs, they’re all about him?”
“You’ll have to forgive me,” she began, “I.. don’t come out into human society very often, and when I do I tend to stay away from the more gossipy crowds. I’m afraid I have no idea who or what you’re talking about,”
“Oh,” he looked a bit startled at the fact she was so out of the loop, but the look melded into a bit of bashfulness, “Well then I suppose I feel a bit honored to have been your choice of companion, then,” he said, smiling lightly before gathering his thoughts.
“My brother, Geralt, has bright white hair and is known for not staying out of the affairs of men as we’re meant to. He met a bard, that’s Jaskier, who latched on to Geralt’s pantleg and became rather famous as his barker. Has an entire song cycle about Geralt,” and, mumbling quieter than a human could hear, “You’d think that it wouldn’t take Ger 20 bloody years to figure out the kid is as in love with him as he Jaskier.” She couldn’t help but snort loudly, surprised at the comment. Eskel’s eyes shot up to her. She flicked her ear again. 
“You’ll have to remember I’m not human. Ears are big for a reason. I can likely hear better than even you,” she laughed again, “20 years?”
“Longer, 20 years of pining before they finally got their heads out of their asses and realized,” 
“Fuck, even I’m not that bad. Longest I’ve lasted is two years before giving in,”
“Yeah, well. It’s different when you're a witcher,” he said, mood souring.
“We live a long time. You watch everyone around you grow old, die, their kids die. Even if you decide watching them die is worth it, being with a witcher is sure death, whether it comes from exposure to the elements, a monster getting them, or a vindictive witcher-hater,” 
“It’s not worth the experience of love? Of companionship?”
“They’ve decided it is,” he said, poking the fire with a stick, “Others? Me? I’m not so sure,”
They sat in silence for a minute, Lae’elan watching him as he moodily poked the sticks around.
“Eskel, how old do you think I am,” She asked, curious. He looked up sharply before looking her up and down. 
“20… 30?” she scratched his scar again, “I have trouble telling with humans,” She laughed softly, thinking of times long, long gone. 
“Try somewhere around 250, my dear,” she smiled and looked him in the eye, her own head tilting to the side now. If she didn’t impart anything on him but this, it might be worth it anyway, “And I have to agree with your brother and his bard. It’s worth it. Even if it kills a part of you when they go, it’s worth it.” He stared into her eyes for a minute, looking for something. 
“I’m… sorry,” he said quietly, turning his head to look at the ground to the side of the fire. 
“It’s ok. 80 years does a lot of healing,” her smile was sad, but brightening as she took up his idle mantle and poked the fire with a stick, prodding to move a bit that had fallen so that the fire could breathe better. 
“250?” he asked, looking her over again, “Really?”
“Somewhere between that and 260, I’d guess. Some bits get hazy on the years what with being a hermit for years at a time, and, well, I don’t know how old I was when I turned up at that orphanage,” she shrugged, “Apparently I looked to be about three, but when I ran away four years later, when I should have been 7, I looked closer to 11. My aging’s rather fucked up. So… my age is a mystery just like the fucking rest of me.” Her stomach chose that moment to growl lightly.
“I’ll go-”
“You can check those snares I saw you set up,” she cut in, rising to her feet and stretching her arms above her, “But I can catch my own food,” 
“I wouldn’t… I mean I didn’t-” He began. She chuckled. 
“I know you wouldn’t try to poison me or assume I can’t hunt for myself, Eskel, I just enjoy catching my own meals too much to let someone else.” With that, she shifted, her bones snapping into new forms, her russet hair turning into pale cream and brown fur, until a wolf wrestled its way out of her dress. She took off like a shot into the undergrowth, but not before noting Eskel’s discomfort at the sight. Have to unpack that later, she thought as she bounded in the direction she’d heard a deer about half an hour ago. 
Taglist: @its--fandom--darling
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bellamyblake · 4 years
imagine griffin-blake jr going through a tough time and how emotionally supportive bellamy and clarke would be sdjfk soft dad bellamy! I cry at the thought
I actually wrote a headcanon about this on twitter, because I tend to write many fluffy stuff with young Gus their son and Bell and Clarke being adorable with him but just…imagine him being like 17-18 years old when he sees and faces death for the first time and no matter how hard Bellamy and Clarke tried to protect him and WANTED to protect him from the world, they couldn’t. 
And he gets really sad and grows kind of quiet. 
Gus has always been a quiet kid even as a baby, he wouldn’t cry in the middle of the night and bother them even if he was awake and sometimes they found him eyes wide open cooing in his crib and only when Bell picked him up he’d rest his little head on his shoulder and fall back.
Bellamy remembers Aurora telling him the same thing about him when he was a baby.
He grows to be a kid who though living a peaceful life still looks like he’s carrying the world on his shoulders. 
He’s quiet and very smart, but also passionate, for their people, for the entire camp, much like Clarke is. 
And yet when his best friend dies out during a hunting trip something in him snaps. Breaks him.
It’s surprisingly Clarke who can’t bear to look at him like that. 
She’s so worried and she cracks one night in bed when Bell’s holding her, her tears spilling on his naked chest, his arms wrapped tightly around her.
“He’s in pain, Bell.” she whispers “I…I never wanted to see him in so much pain. I’ve always thought our kids will have a better life than us but you can’t really escape death…you can’t…spare them those things.”
“I know.” he kisses her forehead “It hurts me too. He won’t eat, I can hear him awake in his room in the middle of the night and he…he won’t talk.”
“He has to talk. He can’t be like us and keep it in or deal with it the wrong way.” she raises herself and leans over him. He cups her cheek and brushes her tears away “I don’t want him to…I don’t want him to be like Jasper. I don’t want to lose him to this.”
“Hey, hey, we won’t. We won’t lose him. I’ll talk to him, I promise.” Bellamy moves up and kisses her soft and sweet. Then moves a strand of hair from her face “I won’t let anything happen to him.”
“You can’t protect him, Bell. Not from this.”
“No, but I can help him.” Bellamy promises with another kiss again.
The next day he finds Gus sitting on the back porch of their cabin, his ten year old sister Rory and the youngest member of their family-four year old Noah, playing in the yard with their dog Ares. 
Gus was looking ahead but his eyes were empty and he jumps when he feels his dad sit by his side.
“Hey, son.” Bellamy grips his shoulder a bit too tightly “How are you doing?” Gus shrugs, tries to give him a weak smile in reassurance but it’s all fake and the sight of his pale face and the dark circles under his eyes makes his heart skip a beat. 
“Wanna take a walk with me?”
“I’m not sure, dad, I’m kind of tired.”
“Just for a moment. I need to stretch my legs, keep that damn knee moving so it doesn’t swell too much” he pats his bad knee that he busted last winter when he went out hunting in the midst of the biggest snow storm they’ve seen in a while. 
Clarke had been nagging him about it for months after and he still hurt when he came home from long shifts by the wall but it’s not really about that. 
He knows the only way he can make his son do something is if it will help someone else.
Gus agrees and Bellamy gives Clarke a slow nod before they head outside the gates and take a path down the fields where the corn and the wheat crops were.
“I know your mom and I…we’re your parents and maybe you wouldn’t want to talk to us if you feel bad.” Bellamy starts tentatively “But we have seen our share of pain and death in our lives and we could actually understand what you’re going through.”
Gus stops abruptly, moving his hand over the growing wheat and squeezing his eyes shut for a moment.
“That’s it really, dad.” he looks up and Bellamy furrows his eyebrows “You and mom have seen so much more death and yet you-” he chokes on the words “You’re so strong and I’m-”
It’s the first time he sees tears spilling down his cheeks and he strides to his side, wrapping his arms around his back and pulling his head to his chest.
“Oh Gus” he whispers “We haven’t always been strong. I don’t think anyone can be strong after seeing all of what we have.” he strokes his head and sways them a bit “The truth is we’ve broken so many times you have no idea.” Gus looks up at him eyes wide and filled with surprise.
“You have?”
“More than you know.” Bellamy reassures.
“But you’re..always so strong.”
“We have to be. You’re our kids and you lean on us but we also lean on each other.” Bellamy explains pulling away but still gripping his arms “We still have bad…moments.” he admits.
“We still wake up from nightmares and hold each other until the sun rises, simply being together in silence or talking quietly about anything insignificant really. Your mom likes me when I tell her stories of the stars, it calms her down.”
“Really?” Gus brushes the tears with the back of his hand.
“Yeah. And if she doesn’t want me to talk, she’d make me braid her hair, then pull it off and do it all over again until she falls on my chest.” he smiles sheepishly “When I feel bad I just want her to hold me. Sometimes she’d cut my hair or force me to go for a walk.”
“Like you did now?”
“Guilty as charged.” Bellamy smiles raising his hands for a moment before going back to being serious “But I mean it Gus. I want you to know you can talk to us. We’re here to listen and help any way we can.”
Gus looks down as if ashamed again, staring at his feet so Bellamy approaches him and lifts his chin up.
“You are allowed to break down, you’re allowed to be angry and scream, you’re allowed to feel hopeless or so tired that you can’t get out of bed. You’re allowed to cry.” Bellamy says looking into his eyes “You’re allowed to be human.”
Gus’ eyes fill with tears again and he’s not ashamed to let them go.
“It hurts.” he admits in a second and his voice breaks. That alone makes Bellamy push his head to his chest again and hold him, kissing his head. “It hurts so much.”
“I know, kid.” he whispers “I know. But it will get better. It won’t always feel like that.”
“How do you know?”
“Because I’m still here. And so is your mom. “ he tightens his grip again refusing to let him go, thinking that if he just keeps him there in his embrace, he’ll somehow piece all the broken parts of him back together “You’re a fighter, my boy. You’ll survive this.”
Gus doesn’t say anything back, maybe because he can’t or maybe because he doesn’t believe Bellamy right now, perhaps he just can’t.
He can’t imagine the pain ever ebbing away but Bellamy knows it will.
The darkness was persistent, the clouds too big for the sky sometimes but no matter what, the sun always came through, spreading its light around, carrying hope pushing through and giving the world its warmth.
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lulucias · 4 years
TIMESTAMP:  tuesday  after  the  party™ TRIGGERS:   mentions  of  sexual  assault,  mentions  of  victim  shaming,  mentions  of  slut  shaming,  carla’s  dad  from  elite  being  the  inspo  for  lucia’s  dad,  mentions  of  a  panic  attack.
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       "world travels fast around here, doesn't it?"
       the tension sits HEAVILY in the living room of the reyes family house, though it's no different than any other time lucia steps foot into this house. the day she moved out, she felt a weight off her shoulders -- wiped her hands clean of anything her father threw at her. she came back like a BOOMERANG, faithfully and obediently. lucia tells herself each time she steps foot into this place it'd be the LAST time, a little voice in her head questioning why she strives for their AFFECTION so much? it's something she can't explain -- the constant need for their approval after practically being born without even a PERCENT of it.
       griffin opened her eyes to the TRUTH. everything falling into place and coming together like missing puzzle pieces. she was a MISTAKE, one they couldn't hide with money yet desperately tried. it was like her worst nightmare come to life, but it explained so much of how she grew up with two parents and felt she had none in her corner. 
       it explained why her mother REFUSES to make eye contact with her, kept conversations short and almost nonexistent. she remembers the first and only time she played with her mother's makeup, giving her little sister the makeover of their dreams, something lucia was so PROUD of. she remembers the grip her mother had around her arm when she dragged lucia out the bathroom, hissing to NOT get her sister in her own mess. it explained the criticism she received daily from her father. nothing she did was ever right, nothing she did was ever good enough. she remembers one of the most difficult beauty pageants she won, the disappointment she felt when she waited outside in the rain for her father to pick her up after being a no show in the audience -- after he PROMISED for once he would be there. she remembers being sent a driver instead, the only person to congratulate her as her trophy collected dust in their attic.
       she was only called around when BUSINESS needed to be taken care of. that's what best summed up the relationship she had with the older reyes, a business transaction. lucia's called when there's a new event the upcoming weekend, when her picturesque presence of the PERFECT daughter is needed to continue the facade the reyes are the family everyone wants to be and be seen with -- a family of no secrets. other times, lucia is called over because she MESSED UP. she didn't smile enough, the dress she picked was too short like she was begging for a different type of attention, she wasn't engaging enough to woo the crowd, she slouched a little too much in her chair. there was moments she was aware of her wrongdoings and other times she was clueless.
       as clueless as she is right now.
       "i'm not following." it's the first thing lucia's said since she stepped into her childhood house, blinking at the older man in front of her in pure confusion. she goes over the thoughts in her head in hopes to figure out what her father is going on about, but comes up EMPTY.
       her father doesn't seem bought with the idea she has no idea what he's speaking on. his mouth set in a thin DISAPPROVING line, eyes narrowed and cold like he wasn't staring at his own daughter. "you attended a party over the weekend... did you not, lucia?"
       "yes." his question does nothing to clear the confusion, though her reply is firm. her chin juts out in fake confidence, still attempting to figure out what the older man is implying.
       "from my understanding... a FIGHT broke out." lucia's father always loved dramatic pauses, believed it would build suspense and cause fear. "you ran off after that. just didn't quite catch the name of who you ran off with."
       "no one. i left the party immediately after. i went home."
       "and why did a fight break out in the first place?"
       lucia bites her bottom lip, going over the idea around in her head that maybe telling the TRUTH would get her father on her side. "a guy i didn't know came up to me. he kept giving me the attention i didn't want... forcefully. he couldn't take a hint."
       "were you drinking then?"
       "no, i wasn't."
       her father seem convinced, features VOID of any emotions. "i've seen the way you dress for parties with your fellow students, lucia. are you sure you weren't asking for some attention?" lucia's mouth falls open slightly, eyebrows furrowing together while trying to process what her father BELIEVES she did. "did you think of what it could do to the reyes family name for causing such a scene like that? DESPERATE for attention and causing a brawl right after? do you know what people are saying? do you know how that makes you look?"
       lucia feels her HEART climb up her throat, fingers clenching into fists in her lap. "it makes it look like it wasn't my FAULT and the only person asking for anything was the guy who got his face beat in."
       "lucia isabella--"
       "you don't even know what NO means, do you?"
       her father blinks at her, finally showing a hint of emotion at the way he was TAKEN BACK by her response, so used to the meek and silent daughter he molded her to be. "you're putting this family's name in jeopardy with your ANTICS. you know better to behave at a party. eyes are always on you, lucia. is this what you want for tour family? do you want this for your SISTER?"
       it's a low blow, one lucia doesn't take LIGHTLY. "imagine what would happen WHEN she finds out the truth about you, about our mother dear." she nods her head in the direction of her mother, though her eyes never stray from her father. "who would really do DAMAGE to the reyes family name, father?"
       when lucia's father pauses this time, it's not because he's got the POWER to make someone tremble in fear. it's because (for once) lucia holds the reign of the conversation. she's not sure what's taking over her currently, something she could possibly REGRET when she lays in bed to think over this exact moment. the rage washing over her is triumph of the usual sadness she feels in the PRESENCE of her father. her heart still lodged in her throat that she believes won't fade away as long as this situation is fresh in her mind. she knew the older man was never on her side, but she thought (just for a MOMENT) he would be understanding.
       the moment at the party still HAUNTS her. lucia thinks about how WEAK she was, how she froze instead of doing anything to handle it. she wanted to present someone so strong, yet underneath she was another rich phony with a chip on her shoulder and the weight of the world crushing heavily on her chest. it's another reason she's kept that night locked away, PRETENDS to everyone she's spoke to that her night was great and fun. would they see her as weak and foolish too if she was HONEST?
       "you'll BEHAVE at the next party." it's a firm order, no room for questions or to take lightly. it doesn't sit well with lucia, feeling her entire body begin to shake with anger and hatred for the man sitting in front of her.
       she gets up off the couch without a word, fists clenched at her side as she makes the move to exit the living room -- though not without turning back to her father. "i'll THINK about it."
       once she's out of sight, lucia practically sprints to the front door. the overwhelming rush of tears glossing her eyes and rolling down her cheeks, her hands trembling when she grips the doorknob and ripping the front door open. she slams it shut behind her, knowing it's immature and a sign of WEAKNESS, but she couldn't be damned right then and there. she needs to hurry out of this house, throat closing up and chest feeling too tight to properly function. she doesn't feel like she can breathe anymore, throwing her car door open once she’s reached it and ignoring the fact she can hear her younger sister CALLING out to her.
       she presses the car to start, making a quick getaway out of the driveway without much thought besides that she was shaking and her vision was blurred with tears. lucia doesn't doubt that in a couple days, her father will call her and she'll STRUT back into the reyes family house like nothing happened. she chokes on a sob at the thought, parking her car on the side of the road while she attempts to calm herself down.
       lucia will ALWAYS be tied to the reyes family despite never being a real reyes in the first place.
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invertedeidolon · 4 years
The Longest Library #3: Griffin & Sabine by Nick Bantock (Or, Eidolon again talks way too much about previous relationships, also, pretty art!)
(This is a series in which I attempt to read and review all (or most of) my library of 297 books.)
Rundown: Postcard artist Griffin Moss gets a weird letter from a weird lady who can apparently see what he's drawing telepathically. They form an ill concieved bond over it. The story is told in colorful postcards and envelopes you can open and then read the mysterious things inside. 4.5/5 for calling me THE FUCK OUT and having some BOMB ASS ART.
I can't give it a full 5 because not everyone is going to have that experience when they read this. It's just going to look very strange and floaty and things won't make very much sense. This book hits close to home with me because it heavily echoes (more like yells about) my first long distance relationship. I'm not really able to see this book through any other lens, so that's what my commentary is mostly about.
So for the part that ISN'T about that stuff though: The art is amazing. Even though it's made by one person technically, both fictional artists have their own, distinct style. Let's be real: The art and the interactivity is the main draw of this book. There are envelopes inside with letters carrying a myriad of little details: Griffin uses a typewriter for his long-form letters, and bits where he's crossed out typos or added in letters with pen, or that Sabine's correspondence is something I now recognize as someone who uses quills or manual dip pens. The inconsistency in the color of her writings suggests she's using a homemade ink, brownish in color, slightly too watery. Maybe it's even watered down watercolor and not even ink at all. They've also made the background of her letters and cards a rich dark gray, while Griffin's is a clean, sterile white.
"Will you explain to me about those geometric paintings you did at Art college? I want to understand their hidden language of color and shape. It's so alien to me."
So this is about the fourth time I'm reading this book since I first got it, and now that I have to write about it, I'm noticing so many more details. Here the line "It's so alien to me."is written in smaller, slightly more rounded letters. The ink is much darker here too, suggesting she wrote this slowly, thoughtfully. What a detail!
Anyway that's it for the objective bits of the book, the rest is entirely subjective from here on out.
"The phenomenon that links us has taught me much about you, yet I am ignorant of your history."
My years and years of suffering emotional abuse set me up to be able to read and predict what was going on in your head perfectly, as well as respond in the most helpful ways with eerie precision, yet I am ignorant of your history, and who you really are (because you use such obtuse floaty language and metaphor. Who were you really? Suffering, but that's about all I could tell.)
"Why doesn't this alarm me as much as it should?"
Because we're already "in". And I "feel safe" to you because I've been trained to be the least offensive, most placating being in the universe. If I could build a business model on conversational comfort, if I could sell my goddamn empathy like the capitalist machine really wants me to, *I'd be so rich*. It would be like, a step down from therapist. Anybody want a virtual friend for like an hour? Gimme 20 and we can watch stupid videos or I can calmly talk you through bread making. It's okay, you can cry. GOD PLEASE LET ME JUST SELL MYSELF SAFELY, I WAS MADE FOR THIS GODDAMNIT.
"I want to hear everything. Write in detail. Tell me all about yourself. I demand to know - please."
This is like fucking CRACK to those with a suppressed self. An unwitnessed self. "Someone who's interested in ME, and won't yell at, ignore, or dismiss me for talking! Holy fuck I love you!"
"Finally I knew who you were. I counselled myself to be cautious and find out what you were like before revealing myself fully."
Sabine at this point is to the reader who I was to Him. A weird mythical creature, the non-human monster of your lonely adolescent imaginings, who is intimately aware of your secrets, "I've been watching you" it says before introducing you to a wondrous world free of the pains of living, where you actually feel loved and all is well forever and ever. Except I wasn't as inhuman as I wished to be.
"Occasionally I'd come home to a re-enactment of The Battle of Britain in the front room. [...] My entrance would make no difference to their dogfight, but when one of them accidentally (and inevitably) knocked over a pile of books, they'd stop instantly and unite to examine the extent of the damage."
The whole 'making light of a not-great home life because it was your normal for so long that you still haven't learned that you need to be horrified about it' thing. As well as passing it off as something funny. Thankfully this character's parents (SPOILER?) get literally run over by a truck and he gets sent to live with his mom's step sister who is really good and lets him ditch school to become a potter's apprentice and eventually go to art college. He never really deals with the grief when the step sister dies, OBVIOUSLY.
"And hearing that my existence eased your pain made my heart race. We have found one another, and I give thanks."
Hearing that my existence wasn't going to be punished but instead, made someone happy? Fucking HEROIN. Downplay it a little with grateful gentleness, I don't want to be punished for being presumptuous or for seeming like I like it too much. If I like things too much they get destroyed, hard.
"My kinsmen are responsive to me - but there is no one to reach my heart, and you who are so far away, have been closer to me than any man on the Islands."
This is something I remember. So far all they've done is shared eachother's life stories and gushed about how close they feel now. She (like my past self), has confused the feeling of 'finally, a witness! they're witnessing me! I've been Seen!' with the feeling of attachment. Of course she would feel infinitely more attached to this man. She's witnessed his most private moments as a creator for a good portion of her life. It's been a mainstay throughout her adolescence through adulthood, so of course an unwarranted sense of intimacy is going to be attached to this mysterious figure. The whole thing wrapped up in a dream like sense of mysticism.
"I remember your first erotic drawing; I was trembling from head to foot by the time you'd finished. Was that Sarah? No don't answer; I'm only teasing."
...Unless? (Man the implications hurt to think about. I REMEMBER THIS FEELING. This author has unintentionally called me out. I wonder how much of Sabine’s writing is actually calm, or if she’s reigning herself in almost constantly?)
"I was finding it hard to get over the idea of there being other men in your life when I reached the part in your letter about my erotic drawings. I stopped being jealous. We were lovers and I hadn't realized it. The drawings weren't of Sarah; they were of you."
ow ow ow ow ow ow JUST SAY IT ow ow ow ow, Also, I REALLY wanted her to be like 'bitch that looks nothing like me, what the fuck', but instead she's all like "So you've been making love to me ten thousand miles away - how tantalizing." URGH. TOO CLOSE, TOO FAST. DISENTANGLE YOURSELVES NOW. GRIFFIN GET HELP.
"I had failed to understand how unhappy you are. You cover up with jokes and a front of being self-contained. I'm worried for you."
"When you found me, I thought my loneliness had gone for good. I was kidding myself. I desperately desire your company. I haven't talked to anyone in three days. I was sure I was going to start seeing your pictures like you see mine. I've tried so hard. [...] How can I miss you this badly when we've never met?"
"Island magic works on island souls. You and I will heal eachother."
"I've started to hate this city, this country, all these stupid fucking people [...] I finally snapped. [...] I want to know what you look like."
"Why, my kindred spirit, are you prepared to settle for a postcard of my face? If you wish to see me, why not come here? What is there to stop you - you're clearly unhappy where you are. Come."
"Foolish man. You cannot turn me into a phantom because you are frightened."
This kind of sentiment is what lead to the breakup. This feeling of being large, and dark, and slighted. Being real and supernatural. Make your choice. Say REAL words instead of just flagellating yourself. Do I exist to you?
"If you will not join me, then I will come to you."
Unfortunately, Sabine has what I definitely did not: Mobility, the ability to make things real. She had a job and money and her own life and the ability to travel. I had a shitty little shared room in my parent's house where I spent most of the time partially starved and dodging devils in one form or another. Many many times I wanted to spontaneously show up and give him the closeness that he needed. But I couldn't. And he wouldn't take my words. He wouldn’t take me.
3 down, 294 to go.
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nuklearis-sutotok · 4 years
Stealing from @mirandasinclairs and I don’t really understand the rules so I guess I’m answering all of these....
1. If you could choose to glimpse the afterlife, would you?
It’s usually nice, but a glimpse is always good.
2. Under what circumstances do you think you past life was lived?
3. What three skills would you instantly master if you had the choice?
... I don’t actually have a good answer because sometimes the experience of gaining the skills is worth more than the skill itself, does that make sense?
4. Would you rather no passion or no pain?
Both are fundamental parts of living and life cannot be understood without either.
5. If you had a chance to leave this world and go to another one, would you take it?
Depends on who was waiting for me.
6. If you could smell like anything in the world, what would it be?
7. Do you feel like common interests or philosophical comparability are not important?
Both are important unless you want to get on like a house on fire.
8. If there was one mystery you alone could learn the answer to, what would it be?
Why this?
9. In your opinion, is there anything more important than love?
10. Describe a new planet you would live on, if you could.
There’s a dimension that already exists that I would be quite at home in, thank you. The Void calls.
Here are mybloodiedvalentine’s questions~
What is an unpopular opinion you hold you about which you feel strongly and with which you seem to notice a lot of people disagree?
Probably most of them.
What is the nicest thing a stranger has ever told you that you can recall?
The man who recognized me from before, who was eager to say hello.
Has a piece of art or music ever made you cry? If so, do you remember a specific moment?
Rarely. The first time was at the first serious concert I attended when I realized I could, in fact, do the thing I wanted to do, it was a performance of the Romeo and Juliet Overture.
What’s your favourite piece of clothing?
I have a hoodie with a goat on it that says “The Goatfather.” It’s comfortable.
What’s a random childhood memory that fills you with a deep sense of comforting nostalgia?
Eh.... Good question... Perhaps sitting and writing with my dad and sister.
What is/was your favourite thing about your mom? If not your mom, your dad? Or best friend?
All questions were fair game.
What’s something you learned on your own of which you’re proud?
I don’t do it well, but, I taught myself how to play the sax. I’m out of practice.
When was a moment in your life you remember laughing the hardest?
I don’t have a specific time for this.
What do you like to do when you’re having a hard time mentally that invariably calms you down?
Meditate or listen to music.
Do you have a favourite holiday memory?
The absolutely insane amount of decorating and baking and cooking mom and dad would do for Christmas.
My questions:
1. What book has had the greatest impact on you?
The Tao.
2. What film has had the greatest impact on you?
Good question. I don’t have any particular one but a lot of different films helped to shape my sense of humor and outlook growing up, from Mel Brooks to Bruce Campbell to Monty Python and on.
3. If you could only listen to one song on repeat for the rest of your days, which one would it be?
I’d rather die.
4. Where is your favorite place that you’ve traveled to?
Does it have to be in this life? Asking because I haven’t been much of anywhere yet.
5. If you could be either a fairy or a siren which would you choose to be?
Siren, I guess.
6. If you could have either a dragon or a griffin as a familiar of sorts which would you choose to have?
7.  Do you have a favorite piece of jewelry?
A set of silver scales.
8. What is your favorite piece of artwork?
https://www.deviantart.com/dantecyberman/art/Famine-Four-Horsemen-of-the-Apocalypse-442320452 Maybe.
9. What is your favorite poem?
Hope - Emily Dickinson
10. I have seen this question before but I liked it so I’ll repeat it here, who would you choose to play yourself in a movie about your life?
What a horrifying thought. I don’t know, whoever they find. If they ever did something like that I’d have to be dead, so, by then, it doesn’t really matter, does it? The mortifying ordeal of being known. 
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coeurdastronaute · 5 years
Essays in Existentialism: Monarchy 5
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Preciously on Monarchy
The morning mist rose quietly over the rolling expanse of the garden. Stately rows of trimmed hedges outlined a path, ordered and neat, not a twig out of place. The mist didn’t care about any of it, disrupting the perfection by obscuring it, making it hazy and unclear. In the cold, even the snow was symmetrical and even, perfectly coiffed and parallel, with level surfaces everywhere. It was a peaceful sight to behold as the sun snuck between the low clouds and the tips of the trees, allowing a bit of red, golden light to welcome the new day.
From her spot by the window, Clarke sighed and watched it all happen from the window in the large dining room that made her feel like an ant in comparison. Ceilings had no right to be so high; walls had no right to be so ornate. But there she stood, in Lexa’s old prep school button up and day-old jeans, looking out onto the property of the most famous house in the nation, a sight so few ever got to cherish.
With a small smile, Clarke clung tighter to her coffee cup and stood so close to the glass that she could feel the chill emanating from it. She wiggled her toes in old wool socks and felt the stately carpet beneath them and very gradually became aware of how absolutely insane her situation had become.
But that was quickly struck down with the knowledge that Lexa was about to go through something even worse, perhaps.
When they were just anonymous idiots in a place that they almost didn’t expect to survive, tucked behind a shelf that once held packaging supplies, Clarke knew how important Lexa’s duty was to her name, to her family. In the dark, the princess told her about it, about her compulsion to hide away, to run from it.
A little guilt snuck in, because Clarke knew that she was the reason Lexa bypassed all of that duty and honor. The only comfort was in the idea that Lexa was secretly eager to finally breathe again, to unburden herself of a secret-- to be herself.
The sun hummed into the day, while the clouds wiggled and moved, rushing along to another world. Twenty-four hours ago, she didn’t exist. She was just a doctor who was trying to find how to come back after feeling like she’d failed to complete her mission. For the first time, she thought about her job and her life and how it was never going ot be the same. Even if she denied everything, even if Lexa claimed fakes and got rid of all evidence, it was out there. Her name would follow. There was no more Clarke Griffin as she knew it.
But feet thudded against the carpet, making their way across the space behind her, and Clarke saw again that the day was settling in, all blue and grey and void of the burst of the sun. Anyone else might not believe her, but she saw it.
Clarke sipped her coffee and looked over her shoulder to catch a brooding Lexa, hair wet from the shower. She hadn’t slept, and Clarke knew that meant she was working out until she couldn’t stand. Clarke woke up alone and wasn’t sure what kind of Lexa she would run into. Now she was seeing it, the entire pacing, distracted mess. The nerves were evident.
Lexa made her way down the hall and disappeared for a moment before returning, unaware that anything had changed in the time she’d huffed and clenched her firsts. Only when she met Clarke’s eyes did she stop and freeze, as if struck by the idea that someone else was awake and had witnessed her frantic pacing and nerves. She relaxed when she realized she was allowed; that it was just Clarke, and therefore safe.
“Did you know that you have a fountain in your backyard that pre-dates America?”
“You should see what we have for dungeons.”
“Did you get much sleep?” Clarke worried as Lexa shoved her hands in her pockets and stood near her, leaning against the corner of the large table. “When I woke up you were gone.”
There was a look to her that betrayed the tired in her bones. The doctor saw it and thought of how to combat it, but she didn’t have a good answer for the potential shunning of an entire country someone loved to their very core.
“A little.”
“It’ll be okay.”
“I know.”
Clarke shook her head and put down her coffee cup. She hugged Lexa tightly, surprising them both as to the extent of her strength. She closed her eyes so hard that stars appeared, but she did her best to transfer her energy and feeling to Lexa in that moment-- if she could give her the strength, the boost, the safety, the anything at all, then she would, and she was going to do it in a hug.
Reluctantly, Lexa pulled her hands out of her pockets and let out a heavy sigh, one she’d been holding for longer than she could remember, and she adjusted her chin on her girlfriend’s shoulder.
“This might be one of our last moments alone for a while.”
Arms constricted around her neck a little tighter and Lexa smiled to herself as she felt Clarke take a deep breath, her nose finding her neck, warm and soft there.
“Nothing else matters. You’re about to do something very important. I’m not going anywhere, tiger.”
“I have to come out to the world today, and my stomach is in knots. I’ve never been in the spotlight before, just off to the side.”
“Hold on one second,” Clarke pulled away slightly. She surveyed Lexa’s face, she smooshed her face around in her hands and furrowed. “You’re the one that can turn into a wolf. Who comes from an unending line of greatness. Who has the blood of kings running through her. You were never made for anything but the spotlight, and you do it nobly.”
All she could do was nod slowly before Clarke decided that was good enough, and she hugged Lexa once again, the length of her frame hunched over to allow for it.
“I’m really happy, I think, deep, deep down.”
“I know.”
“Are you happy?”
It wasn’t until a voice cleared itself that Lexa felt Clarke’s arms slacken their hold. The daylight was already warming the chill on the glass and the clouds were barely hiding the day as grey rose up and illuminated everywhere.
There should have been more words, probably. Clarke wondered why she couldn’t say anything, or why the time spent together felt so short and like Lexa’s words were an omen, that it would be their last time alone for a while. Quickly, the feeling of calm disappeared
“Good morning, girls,” the queen greeted them, reading the paper with her head tilted to see out of her glasses. All business, she held the paper at a distance and read the headlines with interest, afraid to raise her eyes.
Her daughter blushed and sighed again.
“Good morning, Mom,” Lexa smiled softly before kissing her cheek as she took the seat at the head of the table. “How are the headlines?”
“Not bad at all,” she lied before folding it and slapping it on the table. “How did you sleep, Clarke?”
“Oh, fine, yes, fantastic. I slept in a palace.”
“It does have its perks, doesn’t it. Sit, sit. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and you both are going to need your strength today.”
Clarke looked to Lexa, in hopes of escape, but instead just followed her, mimicking her movement on the opposite side of the table. Almost instantly, maids skittered into the dining hall with trays of silver containing delicious smelling food and coffee. The fairy tales had it right, the doctor realized. These things just happened.
Breakfast just started, and before Clarke found refill her coffee cup, Aden made his way to join them, the king shortly after. It turned suddenly busy and loud and fun with the newest additions, that by the time the eldest made her way to meet them, her husband following with their hands linked, the table was laughing at something the king said to his wife about his lunch date with some ambassadors.
The queen sat at the end of the table and opened the news paper, hiding behind it.
Lexa glanced at the large black print and stalled, toast stuck in mid-air between the plate and her mouth. The table was quiet before her sister started laughing uncontrollably which spread to the rest.
The word covered the top half of the paper. Clarke looked at Lexa’s picture beneath it and watched her eyes grow wide.
“At least they used a nice picture,” Alex offered as he took another bite of his grapefruit.
The apartment was far from the hum of the big part of the city. It was far away from her actual apartment, but Clarke looked out of the floor-to-ceiling windows and couldn’t really figure out a way to complain about missing her place. Tucked high in a new building that she thought wasn’t even finished yet, Clarke was greeted by a modest staff of four when she arrived, a bag of her own things packed and waiting in the large bedroom down the hall.
With a sigh, Clarke sat on the couch and watched the late afternoon sunlight wane and doze behind the layer of clouds that never seemed to want to leave. Without Lexa near her, the entirety of the situation felt remarkably real. Suddenly, it wasn’t an abstract, and she wasn’t holding someone’s hand as they came out. Instead, she was alone, in a strange condo, with a security guard at the door.
It was only after being left with her thoughts for a few seconds that she decided she needed more distraction and noise in the quiet, and so Clarke put on the television to see her girlfriend’s face plastered on it.
Four talking heads debated something about Lexa’s coming out, or at least the pictures, and why it was a big deal. It made Clarke slightly sick to her stomach.
If she could have looked away, she would have, but her eyes were permanently glued to the screen for the first few hours of her isolation.
The nerves didn’t start until the time grew closer for Lexa’s address and interview. Everyone speculated as to when it would be, but Clarke actually knew. She spent hours with a trainer as to how to answer questions and what was about to happen. The royal family’s team was thorough, if anything, and it all made sense how secrets never made their way out of the gated palace.
But the nerves did start, and Clarke sat on the edge of her seat and waited as she held her breath.
“Are you ready for this?” Alex asked as he adjusted his collar, smoothing his sleeves in a graceful movement he’d perfected over the years.
“I’m about to come out to the entire planet and disrupt an entire monarchy,” Lexa nodded and tried to swallow away the dryness of her mouth, though that was about impossible.
“You’re not disrupting anything.”
“I’m disrupting your Tuesday.”
“That’s true,” he nodded.
The two stood backstage, amidst the flurry of excitement and eagerness to get the scoop. Everyone on the studio stage was fretting with everything, and the royals remained very still, something they’d learned and perfected across time.
“You are still my daughter. You are still the princess. You are still all of it,” he finally whispered as they found an ease after a few moments. “Show them that.”
“I don’t want to… I couldn’t ever-- I won’t disappoint you.”
“You could never.”
“I’m sorry you have to deal with all of this,” Lexa sighed and adjusted her collar before pressing her hand over her chest and rubbing there for a moment.
“I’d switch places with you if I could, to protect you from all of this. I’m not the one that has to deal with anything.”
“I don’t think Mom would take it very well if you came out to the entire world.”
Alex chuckled and nodded, the smile on his lips fading almost as soon as it came around. The call for the studio began, and it started to filter around.
“At the end of the day, I want you to know that I am your biggest fan, Al,” her father muttered. “Nothing will change that.”
“Thanks, Dad.”
The king watched his daughter out of the corner of his eye, proud of her so utterly and completely, for just a moment, he was not so sure he didn’t have a favorite. With a slight movement, he reached down and held her hand. Lexa didn’t look at him, but she squeezed her father’s hand to find some strength before dropping it as the green light blinked and it was her turn to make her way onto the camera.
She never looked back, and her father remembered all of her firsts-- steps, bike ride, graduation, enlistment, departure for duty-- and each time, she was the kid that never looked back for support or encouragement. Lexa was his daughter who didn’t need it, and he took pride in her assuredness.
But Lexa never looked back, and she didn’t see his teary smile, and so the king radiated all of the love he could for her and hoped it would be enough.
For hours after the broadcast, the news stations talked about Lexa and the monarchy and Clarke and the entire situation that now became a situation. The talking heads chatted, bringing on experts in both things that Lexa now proclaimed to be-- gay and a princess. Legal experts spoke about succession and the implications of a potential gay royal wedding while gay rights activists applauded the visibility and what this meant while lamenting the fact that Lexa existed in the closet for so long.
All of it, Clarke knew, was exhausting to her girlfriend. She was probably hating every minute of the attention and talking about herself.
Clarke spent the evening scrolling through social media and listening to everyone chatting about her and her girlfriend.
So enthralled, she didn’t notice the knocking at her door. She hadn’t expected it, locked up across town amidst the blitz.
As soon as she opened the door, a handful of flowers met her, and Clarke smiled before Lexa appeared behind them, bashful and exhausted and showing every ounce of it.
“Hey,” Clarke smiled.
“I had the roughest day at work,” Lexa sighed. “Can I come in?”
“To the safe house that you have guarded like a vault?”
“Yeah,” she grinned, slightly back to the helo pilot who was so tan her freckles were splattered across her shoulders and approached a girl in a makeshift bar.
Clarke hung on the door and looked past Lexa toward the guards and their burly chests and big guns and roving eyes. She looked back at Lexa’s deep brown ones, warm and gooey and lathering her up. She saw the shadow of the freckles on the bridge of her nose, hidden beneath the bags that were evident when her make up was removed. She nudged her head and welcomed the princess.
“I missed you,” Lexa sighed as she grabbed Clarke into a hug the moment the door was closed.
The flowers crinkled against Clarke’s back, but neither cared. She dug her nose into the princess’ neck and she inhaled and smiled against the skin there.
“I am so proud of you,” Clarke whispered, holding Lexa’s cheeks and wobbling her head slightly to punctuate her point.
“Can you believe I did my best to overturn an entire monarchy, because I like eating you out and it didn’t even budge?”
“I’m so glad you didn’t phrase it like that.”
“The vagina that toppled one of the last breathing monarchies.”
“Put it on my tombstone,” Clarke smiled and played with the hairs at the base of Lexa’s neck. “You had a long day.”
“I had the longest day.”
“It’s going to be a long week.”
“A very long week,” Lexa nodded, settling her hands on her girlfriend’s hips. She leaned her head forward so her forehead rested on Clarke’s shoulder.
“It’s going to be a long month.”
“I came over here to feel better.”
“Do you?”
With a small movement, despite herself, despite her worries and her thoughts, Lexa felt Clarke’s hands around her shoulders and she nodded softly.
“Good. We’ll try again in the morning,” Clarke decided. “Want to go to sleep.”
“For at least three weeks.”
“Three weeks sounds perfect.”
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Godzilla: King of the Monsters or It’s All About That Queen Bee Though
Godzilla: King of the Monsters was a very cool movie. Yes, it was pretty stupid, but was it also a gloriously fun, utterly ridiculous romp? Definitely. Warner Bros. knew we wanted to watch a bunch of massive monsters beat the ever-loving shit out of each other, and they certainly delivered on that front. As with any Godzilla movie, the main problem was that they spent too much time on the tiny, insignificant people and not enough on the aforementioned battling titans. However, there were some notable ladies featured amongst the squishy humans.
*Godzilla: King of the Monsters spoilers follow*
The first on screen conversation takes place between two women, Dr. Emma Russell (Vera Farmiga) and her daughter Madison (Millie Bobby Brown). Dr. Russell is evidently an exceptional scientist, as she has invented a device to communicate with, and to some extent control, the titans. She is also portrayed as brave and compassionate, risking her life to run to the aid of Mothra with her ORCA device. In addition, she wants her daughter to be strong and to experience what life has to offer, helping her to stroke Mothra once it has calmed down. She then guides her through the horrors of being held captive with the advice, “Eyes straight ahead, deep breaths, just like we talked about.” She isn’t shielding Madison from what is happening, but trying to help her to cope with it on her own.
However, it soon turns out that Dr. Russell is one of the villains of the movie, as she approached the eco terrorist Jonah Alan (Charles Dance) rather than being abducted by him, as it first appeared. As such, she is responsible for countless deaths in the movie, regardless of whether or not she is acting for the greater good of the planet. On the other hand, she is unwavering in the defence of her decisions and ethics, and even after the movie has declared her a baddie she is still portrayed as rational and somewhat empathetic.  She justifies her actions as being for the benefit of her daughter, and perhaps her daughter’s whole generation: “I couldn’t be more sane and Madison couldn’t be stronger. At least now she has a fighting chance.” At least Dr. Russell is granted a redemptive end - she dies saving not only her family, but arguably the entire planet, from the destructive forces of Ghidorah. It’s still shitty that she dies, no two ways about it, but at least she is granted some agency. Once a film like this declares you a villain you don’t stand a chance - it’s a noble sacrifice on her part and she isn’t just squashed by a giant monster foot while delivering a monologue about how her plans were right all along.
One of Dr. Russell’s plans does come to fruition, and that is that Madison becomes an incredibly strong young woman. She goes from slyly flipping off Jonah at the start of the movie to literally standing down Ghidorah and screaming right back in his fucking face. Now, it could well be argued that these are not the most considered of actions, but it cannot be denied that Madison has some nerve. In addition to being categorically courageous, Madison is also intelligent and principled. When she sees that Ghidorah’s rampage is becoming uncontrollable, she not only steals the ORCA from under the nose of a group of highly organised armed terrorists and escapes their fortified secret base, taking the time to appropriately supply herself for her journey (like no one in movies ever does!), but she also figures out the most effective location to broadcast from and operates the ORCA independently. Kudos to Madison, she knows what she’s doing. She does end up having to be rescued by her parents but two things are worth remembering at this point: firstly, Madison has just done her bit to save the entire planet and secondly, she is still a child. She’s more than allowed to run scared for a moment when a three-headed, lightning-breathing dragon from space is trying to cause the end of days.
Dr. Vivienne Graham (Sally Hawkins) reprises her role from the first film, and we are treated to a brief reminder of what a competent, intrepid scientist and eloquent, fearless defender of Godzilla she is before she is unceremoniously felled by Ghidorah. I didn’t even notice her death, and while it’s true I might have been taking notes and missed it, I was informed by a small piece of text on a character’s computer screen, which seems like an unnecessarily dismissive way to end the life of such an intrinsic character to the series.
Perhaps in an attempt to compensate for the loss of Dr. Graham, several new named female characters were introduced, and credit where credit’s due, pretty much all of these women are immediately addressed by their name and title. This not only shows them the respect they are due, but saved me the kind of IMDB credits trawling I usually have to do when writing a review. We meet another of Monarch’s top scientists, Dr. Ilene Chen (Ziyi Zhang). She is notable not only for her scientific competency, but also for her heritage, as she reveals she is the direct descendant of one of the female founders of Monarch, and shows a selection of photos of completely badass looking explorers and scientists that make up her family, all of whom are women. Her twin sister, Dr. Ling (also Ziyi Zhang) also briefly features, although she is seemingly working for the terrorists. We don’t see much of her except for an appropriately awed look at the hatching of Mothra, but it’s safe to assume by her presence at the site that she is an equally accomplished scientist. Dr. Chen is also notable for being an advocate of not blowing Godzilla to smithereens, pointing out that, “slaying dragons is a western concept.”
Another new female character is Colonel Diane Foster (Aisha Hinds), an extremely competent officer and woman of colour, who seems to be in charge of the military branch of Monarch’s operations. She continues to excel throughout the movie, surviving the attack that killed Dr. Graham and continuing to lead others safely through danger until the end. Foster is shown to be a strong leader as well as a distinguished field officer - she is a highly skilled sniper who cares deeply about saving innocent lives.
Black women continue to occupy positions of power, if not leading roles, in Godzilla: King of the Monsters, as further exemplified by Senator Williams (CCH Pounder), who presides over the Monarch hearing at the start of the film and appears to have the power to turn the whole organisation over to the military if she so chooses. Women do very much inhabit the world of this movie, with many women being present of all sides of the conflict as scientists, soldiers and terrorists alike. Although I’m not sure we hear all their names, many are credited, including Asaj (Tracy Garrison), one of Jonah’s team, First Lieutenant Griffin (Elizabeth Ludlow), Lieutenant Bottin (Natalie Shaheen), G-Team Officer Harryhausen (Shauna Rappold), Argo Officer Arvin (Skylar Denney), Argo Officer Cross (Kelli Garner) and a news anchor (Fiona Hardingham) who is one of the first voices we hear in the movie. The fact that two of these characters are named for practical effects superstars tells me that they held a special place in the hearts of the movie makers.
However wonderful all of these women are, let’s talk about the real leading lady of this movie - Mothra. Not only is she utterly radiant and resplendent, she can hold her own in a fight -  penetrating Rodan with her stinger - and apparently has the monumental power of the ability to resurrect Godzilla. In short, she’s amazing. She is also the only titan to be named as female, which makes it all the more shitty that she’s the only one - other than the big bad Ghidorah - to die. It seems even female kaiju aren’s safe from the played out and tired fate of dying for the benefit of their male counterparts. Now, my little brother (who is more of a Gozilla expert than me) texted me as soon as he knew I’d seen the movie to tell me not to worry and that Mothra is apparently immortal, because he knew I’d be so cross and sad about this. Thanks, baby bro. However, as this is not addressed in the movie, I have to stand by my initial assessment that Mothra’s death is pure garbage.
Overall, the women in Godzilla: King of the Monsters are incredibly strong and adept in a wide variety of fields ranging from science to combat, are without exception incredibly brave, and most of them hold to a high moral code. Furthermore, for a monster movie where presumably thousands of people are slaughtered, their mortality rate isn’t too bad. I think one more named male character dies than female, but this doesn’t make the loss of talented female scientists on screen any easier to swallow. Also, they killed Mothra, so I can never forgive them. Well, not until she comes back in a sequel and fucks up some even bigger bastards because you know I will watch another Godzilla movie, no hesitation. On balance, this is an absolutely ridiculous movie about giant dragons murdering each other, so I think we’re lucky that so many competent human women were featured at all.
And now for some asides:
Umm, excuse me, was that casually Atlantis? And did you blow it up?
Also did this movie low-key endorse hollow Earth theory?
Thank you, Godzilla: King of the Monsters, for the gift of someone ejector-seating straight into Rodan’s fiery maw. You truly know your audience.
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fanfics4all · 5 years
Not One Of You Anymore: Part 23
Request: Yes / No
Request are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
John Murphy x Griffin!Reader
Word count: 4532
Warnings: Bleeding people from the Ark, and I think that’s it
Y/N: Your Name
Summary: You weren’t meant to be born but you were so when you were ten your mom and the Chancellor sent you to the ground as a test for the 100
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you!
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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Bellamy’s POV
I was inside, they kept me in chains and cleaned me from head to toe along with everyone else. Once they were done with that they injected something into my arm and shot a pill down my throat. They scrubbed us down so hard that I started bleeding, I couldn’t help but scream. I just kept reminding myself that this was for our people. At some point I passed out, maybe that’s because of the pill they shot down my throat. I woke up in a cage and there were so many other people in them around me. Most of them were shouting, some were too weak to. I tried to break the lock on the cage but it wouldn’t budge, not without something to break it open.
“Shof op. Emo teik daun yuj.” (Quiet. They take the strongest.) A girl in the cage next to me said.
“I can’t… I don’t understand you.” I said and she looked over at me pissed.
“Sky person?” She asked and I nodded, then she spit on me.
“I take it no one has told you we’re not enemies anymore.” I said and she just sat back glaring at me.
“I need to get out of this cage.” I whispered.
“And then what?” She asked.
“And then I’ll kill everyone in this mountain.” I said and tried to break the cage open again.
When I woke up Cage wasn’t in the room, I guess he had work early. I got dressed in one of the many dresses Cage picked for me along with a pair of heels.
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I started doing some art but then the door to the room opened maybe an hour later. I expected it to be Cage, but when I turned around it was two guards.
“Miss. Y/N?” One asked.
“Yes?” I asked worriedly.
“Please come with us, the President would like to see you.” The other said and I nodded. I followed them down the halls and to an office.
“Mr. President, we brought the girl.” One said and the elder man walked out from behind his canvas.
“Y/N, come in, thank you for bringing her, that will be all.” He said and the two men nodded. They left the room and shut the door behind them. One walked off and the other stayed by the door.
“Please, take a seat.” He said wiping his hands of paint. I sat down and looked around the room nervously.
“Why am I here?” I asked worried that I did something wrong.
“Relax dear, I simply wanted to know about the girl that peaked my son’s interest.” He said and leaned against his desk.
“So, you’re Clarke’s sister?” He asked and I narrowed my eyes.
“That was a long time ago, I’m not a sky person anymore.” I said with a slight edge to my voice.
“No one is a sky person or grounder here Y/N, you’re finally safe.” He said and I just nodded so we could move on from this. I wasn’t safe, but I wasn’t going to say that to him.
“President Wallace?” Jasper’s voice filled my ears before either of us could say something else.
“Can we talk?” He asked and I turned around.
“Jasper?” I asked and he looked at me shocked.
“Y/N! You’re okay!” He said relieved. I got up and hugged him and he hugged me back.
“Are you really okay?” He whispered in my ear and I nodded.
“Just want to get out of here.” I whispered back.
“What’s on your mind, son?” President Wallace said. The two of us pulled apart and turned to face him.
“My friends.” Jasper said walking closer to him.
“What about them?” Wallace asked and I looked at Jasper confused.
“Two of them are missing.” He said and my eyes widened.
“Who’s missing?” I asked worriedly.
“One of them is Monty. Tell me where they are.” He said.
“Jasper, I don’t know what you’re-”
“Stop lying.” Jasper cut him off.
“Excuse me?” He asked.
“You lied about there not being any survivors from The Ark.” Jasper said and I felt my spirits lift a little, I may not be one of them but if they saved me I could go back to Lexa and John could still be alive.
“You lied about Maya’s accident. I don’t even know how many lies you told about Clarke.” He said and I noticed he was getting worked up.
“Please, sit down and we-”
“No!” Jasper shouted and grabbed the sword on Wallace’s desk.
“Jasper!” I said shocked. He held the sword up to the President’s throat.
“You’re gonna tell me the truth.” He said.
“Jasper. Please, put down the sword.” The President said trying to calm him.
“Why should I?” He asked.
“Jasper, really listen to him.” I said and he glanced at me.
“If we find them Y/N, you can get back to Murphy.” He said and I bit my lip. I wasn’t strong enough to help him and he knew it.
“Are you gonna make us disappear next?” He asked and my heart sank at the thought, Cage wouldn’t let that happen to me right? I can’t believe I’m thinking that…
“Where are they?” He asked again.
“I told you, I don’t know that happened to your friends.” Wallace said. Jasper moved closer to him and I moved behind him, I doubt I’d be able to stop him in the state I was in, but I could try.
“Do I look desperate to you?” He asked.
“Because I’m feeling pretty desperate.” He said and I could tell, honestly I felt the same way. I wanted out of here just as much as everyone else did.
“You’re right. I did lie about Clarke. About the survivors from The Ark. And about what happened to Maya. I’m trying to protect you, Jasper. All of you.” The President said.
“Where are they? Where the hell is Monty?” He shouted and in seconds President Wallace had Jasper against the wall with the sword to his throat.
“Jasper!” I said shocked and worried. I moved next to Jasper and looked at The President.
“Please don’t hurt him.” I begged.
“This is not a toy.” Was all he said to us. He pulled the sword away from Jasper and I moved in front of him, just to check his neck.
“Are you okay?” I asked and he nodded slightly. He pulled me to him in a protective way as the guard from outside came into the room.
“Yes, sir?” He asked.
“Could you please find out where Dr. Tsing and my son are at the moment?” President Wallace asked. I looked up at Jasper and saw a few tears fall down his face.
“Anything else, sir?” The guard asked looking at us.
“Not presently.” He said and the guard nodded then left to do the job he’d been given.
“Let’s take a walk.” The President said putting the sword down and looked at us.
“Where?” Jasper asked as he tightened his grip on me.
“To find your friends.” He said and turned walking away. Jasper looked at me and I bit my lip. We followed after him.
Clarke’s POV
We got back to Camp Jaha and set the two injured men on tables. My mom was working on the Grounder that had been shot while I was with the Mountain Man.
“This guy’s from Mount Weather. We’ll need to keep him alive.” I told the guys that were helping me place him down.
“There was a tear in his suit, but we fixed it in the field.” I told Jackson as Raven walked up.
“Anything from Bellamy?” I asked her.
“No.” She said.
“Then why aren’t you with the radio?” I asked her.
“Octavia just took my place. So how about you back off?” She said to me.
“No. Leave it on. It’s the only thing keeping him alive.” I said stopping Jackson from removing his suit.
“How can we treat a guy if we can’t touch him?” He asked.
“I can rig up some scrubbers in the air lock.” Raven said and we looked at her.
“Give me 20 minutes.” She said then rushed off.
“Damn it!” My mother said and Jackson walked over to her.
“I’m losing him. I need the blood now!” She shouted. I watched as the light left his eyes.
“He’s gone…” My mother said. Indra walked over to him with her dagger out.
“Yu gonplei ste odon.” (Your fight is over.) She said and cut one of his braids. She looked at me and walked over to me.
“A keller lives while a warrior dies? This is your way?” She asked.
“I’m sorry, Indra. But he can help us beat Mount Weather.” I said.
“Then let me make him talk.” She said.
“No. We’re not torturing him.” I said.
“Clarke’s right. He might just talk because we saved his life.” My mother said.
“You people are so weak. It’s a shock that Y/N is from your blood.” She said and walked off.
“Are you okay?” My mother asked coming next to me.
“He’s gonna need a transfusion with our blood.” I said to Jackson.
“I’ll type him as soon as we can take off that suit.” He said and I nodded ready to leave, but my mother stopped me.
“Someone tried to kill you today. It’s okay if you’re upset.” She said.
“Just another day on the ground.” I said and she looked at me shocked.
“I’ll be in Engineering waiting for Bellamy to radio. Let me know when he wakes up.” I said and walked off.
Bellamy’s POV
I kept trying to bust the cage door open, but nothing was happening. I could tell the Grounder girl next to me was growing more and more annoyed, but I had to get out to save everyone.
“They come!” The Grounder girl said scared and tried to make herself look small.
“Quiet!” She growled at me and I stopped. I moved to the back of the cage as two men walked up to us.
“Yep, this one’ll do.” He said unlocking the Grounder girl’s cage. She looked so scared and I knew I had to do something. I kicked the cage door which grabbed their attentions.
“We got us a live on.” The man in a guards uniform said and he stopped unlocking her cage. The other man stuck a rob in my cage and zapped me. They unlocked my cage and I made an attempt to fight them but the man zapped me again. He then injected me with something and that was the last thing I remember. The next thing I knew, I was waking up and hung upside down. A girl crouched down in front of me.
“Who are you?” She asked and I looked around confused.
“You’re from The Ark, aren’t you?” She asked.
“Yeah.” I answered kind of out of breath.
“Do you know Jasper?” She asked.
“Maya?” I asked realizing who she could be and she nodded.
“How about getting me down, Maya?” I asked. She nodded and started pulling wires off my body. I heard the door open and she stopped to look at who entered.
“Lovejoy. Hey.” She said.
“What are you doing here? You’re not cleared for this facility.” The man said, I recognized his voice, he was the one that came in earlier.
“I know. I’m sorry. I just wanted to see what was so special about him. But...he’s dead.” She said and I shut my eyes.
“So he is.” The guy said and a few moments later I felt myself being lowered. He started taking off the cuffs on my ankles.
“You’re a brave girl, coming in here-” He was cut off by me kicking him in the face. I quickly took the other cuff off and he pulled his gun on me.
“Don’t move! Don’t move!” He shouted at me.
“On your feet. On your feet!” He ordered me. Maya stabbed him in the neck and I grabbed for his gun, but he pulled the blade out and slashed my arm before I could get it. The two of us started fighting.
“Stop!” Maya shouted holding the gun at Lovejoy.
“No, don;t! They’ll hear.” I said and punched him in the gut. He kneed me in the stomach and then pulled me back so my chest was exposed. He raised the blade in his hand and was ready to stab me, but the Grounder girl in the cage grabbed his arm and stopped him. I got out of his grip and grabbed his neck squeezing. He was dead within a few minutes.
“Thank you.” I said to the Grounder girl and looked at Maya.
“Are you alright?” I asked her. She was clearly shaken so I walked over to her and gently touched her arm.
“Hey, are you okay?” I asked.
“I’m fine.” She said and I looked at the dead body.
“Help me get him undressed.” I said and walked over to him.
“We need to get rid of the body.” I added.
We got him undressed and I put on his uniform. Best way to blend in is look like the enemy right? Maya showed me the shute they use to get rid of the bodies when they’re done and we sent Lovejoy down it.
“You’ve done enough.” I told Maya.
“You should walk away.” I added.
“You don’t know where you’re going.” She said.
“So draw me a map.” I said.
“No.” She said shaking her head.
“I’m in.” She said holding out a gun and knife.
“Okay.” I said and checked how many bullets I had.
“I need to get to the radio so I can contact Clarke. We heard Jasper’s SOS-”
“I helped them set that up. I know where it is.” She said cutting me off.
“Bellamy...Your people are disappearing. Two so far. Monty and Harper. And Cage took a liking to one of your people too. Y/N.” She said and I looked at her.
“What do you mean took a liking to?” I asked.
“He keeps her locked in his room, doesn’t let her see her friends, and he drugs her to keep her weak.” She answered.
“Okay, well I wanna see the others. Now.” I said.
“The dorm’s on the way to the radio.” She said.
“Okay.” I said and started walking.
“Wait.” She stopped me. She pulled the Lovejoy nametag off the vest.
“Everyone here knows everyone.” She said.
“Put this on and roll up your sleeve.” She said handing me a hat. I did as she told me.
“Tracking chip?” I asked.
“It’ll trip alarms once we start moving. We have to take it out.” She said.
“Do it.” I said.
“How’d you know what my name was before I told you?” She asked slicing into my arm.
“Clarke.” I said unphased by the cutting.
“Clarke said Jasper couldn’t stop talking about someone named Maya. She smiled and took out the chip. I put the bandage she gave me over the cut.
“Put this in your cage.” She said handing me the chip. I did and the Grounder girl looked at me, begging me with her eyes to let me out.
“I’ll come back for you. I promise.” I said.
“Take me to my friends.” I said turning back to Maya.
We followed President Wallace down to an old creepy lab. If I had my strength I wouldn’t be so terrified. Jasper kept me close by just to be safe. As we entered the lab we heard a drill and some screaming.
“Mr. President.” Dr. Tsing said shocked.
“Put that down. Get away from that girl.” He ordered her.
“Jasper! Y/N!” Monty called from the cage he was in.
“Monty!” Jasper said and rushed over to him.
“Release him.” The President ordered and the other doctor in the room did. Jasper helped Monty out of the cage and they hugged. I walked over to them and gave Monty a hug as well.
“The ground is our birthright. You can’t keep us from that.” Dr. Tsing said.
“Watch me. Lock her up.” The President ordered. A guard helped Harper up and another grabbed the doctor.
“Go back to the dorm and tell your friends to pack their things. You’re going home.” He said.
“Thank you.” Jasper said.
“Take me to my son.” President Wallace said.
“Yes sir.” A guard said.
“Are you alright?” Jasper asked Monty and he nodded. I bit my lip.
“I should probably go back to Cage’s room, if he finds out I’m not in there he’ll-”
“No, you’re coming with us.” Jasper said and Monty nodded.
“You can’t go back to him Y/N.” Monty said and I sighed. Jasper grabbed me a dragged me with them.
Bellamy’s POV
I followed Maya down a bunch of halls memorising them for future use. We were making our way to the dorms. I needed to confirm everyone was alright before contacting Clarke.
“There are 382 people inside this mountain. If any of them realize you’re not one of us, you’re dead.” She said pulling out a keycard for the elevator.
“We’re on level two. The dorm’s on five. There’s a camera in the upper right-hand corner. Keep your head down.” She informed me as the elevator opened. We walked in and I kept my head down just as she told me to do.
“Hold the elevator!” A man called out and stopped the doors from closing.
“Hey Maya.” He greeted her walking in.
“You know I missed you in my Expressionist class.” He said.
“Yeah, I… I had some work to do.” She said, I could tell she was nervous.
“Oh, I’ll get you the notes.” He whispered. I placed my hand on the gun and looked at her. She looked at me and shook her head. The elevator stopped and two more people walked in. The elevator stopped again and Maya nodded at me that we needed to leave.
“Hey, you’re bleeding. Are you okay?” The man asked me as I was leaving.
“You’re exposed. We need to retrace your steps and find the breach.” Maya said thinking quick on her feet.
“You better go.” She said and the man started leaving.
“What about you?” He asked.
“This is my job, I’ll be fine.” She said keeping my back to him. Once it was safe, we left the elevator and made our way down the halls. Maya stopped me from turning a corner, I could hear kids.
“Come on.” She said after a minute or two. We started walking again and a sign that said pre-school.
“Mister?” A little boy said and tugged on my hand. I turned and saw him staring up at me.
“Are you on a ground unit?” He asked and he looked excited about it.
“My dad’s training for a ground unit.” He added.
“It’s pretty cool up there. I hope he makes it.” I answered. He smiled and walked off, that when I noticed the name on his backpack. Lovejoy. I killed his father… I took a deep breath trying to stop a tear from falling down my face.
“They’re just kids.” I whispered.
“What’d you expect you’d find here?” Maya asked. I looked at her and then she walked off. I followed behind her.
We made it back to the dorm and Monty and Harper got dressed. Jasper gathered everyone up while Monty kept me close to him. I could tell everyone was worried.
“Alright. Listen up. There’s gonna be questions but there’s no time.” Jasper started.
“We’re getting out of here. So pack your stuff.” He said.
“What are you talking about?” A girl asked.
“They’re letting us go?” Miller asked.
“Yes. Right now, before they change their minds.” He answered.
“Jasper, what the hell’s going on?” The girl asked.
“They lied to us the while time about everything.” Monty said.
“The Ark is on the ground and we’re not safe here. Now do what he says.” He added.
“Now!” Jasper shouted. The two boys grabbed me and pulled me away.
“Is there anything you need to get from Cage’s room?” They asked and I nodded.
“I can get them quickly.” I said and they looked at each other.
“Okay, but hurry.” Jasper said and I rush to go get my things.
Bellamy’s POV
We were finally close to the dorms and I just kept my head down until we got there. Once we did I looked in and saw all my friends inside.
“There they are.” Maya whispered. A second after she did we heard an alarm go off. I looked over and saw the doors close and Jasper’s face appear at the window.
“What’s going on?” I asked Maya.
“I don’t know. It’s not a breach, but it can’t be good.” She said and we looked back at the dorm.
“Get me to that radio.” I said. She nodded and then we were off.
Clarke’s POV
They already started bleeding my friends. Hell my sister too! Y/N could be dead and it doesn’t seem like my mother cares all the much at all. I walked to engineering to tell Raven the bad news.
“We’re too late.” I said walking into the room.
“They’re already bleeding them.” I said and Raven looked at me shocked.
“It’s over.” I said.
“No.” Raven said.
“You don’t get to give up, Clarke. You killed Finn, and I didn’t give up.I’m building a damn tone generator, do your job.” She said with a raised voice.
“What is my job?” I said with the same tone.
“I don’t know. To come up with something.” She said.
“I have tried.” I said.
“Camp Jaha, this is Mount Weather. Anyone read me?” Bellamy’s voice came through on the radio before Raven could say anything more.
“Holy Crap.” She said and I walked over in shock.
“Camp Jaha, this is Mount Weather. Anyone read me?” He said again.
“Bellamy?” I asked.
“Clarke?” He asked.
“Are you alright?” I asked.
“I’m fine. But that’s it for the good news.” He answered.
“We have to talk fast. Something has changed. Jasper, Monty, everyone is locked in the dorm.” He said.
“But they’re alive? All of them? My sister?” I asked.
“I think so. For now. I haven’t seen Y/N yet. Apparently this Cage guy keeps her locked in his room.” He said and I sighed.
“Maya says they’re already using their blood. Things are gonna get ugly in here real fast.” He said.
“Maya’s with you?” I asked.
“She helped me escape. If not for her, I’d be dead.” He paused.
“And Clarke, there are kids in here. We need a plan that doesn’t kill everyone.Please tell me we have one.” He said.
“I hear you. But we can’t do anything until you disable the acid fog. Raven’s gonna help you.” I said.
“Got it. What else?” He asked.
“You have to figure out a way to free the Grounder prisoners. There’s a whole army inside that mountain and they don’t even realize it.” I said.
“Trojan horse. Good plan.” He said.
“What does Maya think? Is it doable?” I asked.
“She says it’s not a problem.” He said and I chuckled a bit.
“Clarke, if I’m gonna pull this off, I need you to buy me some time. It won’t be long before they realize I don’t belong here. And if that happens-”
“That can’t happen. I’ll come up with something.” I said cutting him off.
“Come up with it quick.” He said.
“Copy that. And Bellamy?” I asked.
“Yeah?” He answered.
“You came through. I knew you would.” I said.
“All I’ve done so far is not get killed.” He said.
“Keep doing that. You’re up.” I said and handed Raven the radio.
“What are you gonna do?” She asked me before I could leave.
“Keep on looking outside instead of in.” I said. I went to get Octavia and the Grounders that were with us when we came here. We all walked to where we were keeping Emerson. The guard that was standing in front of the airlock tried to stop us.
“Don’t.” I said to him and he moved to the side.
“Get dressed. You;re coming with me.” I said and he did. The grounders grabbed him and we took him outside.
“Clarke, what are you doing?” Kane asked but I ignored him.
“Clarke, stop.” My mother said and stood in front of us.
“No. I’m letting the prisoner go.” I said.
“Absolutely not.” My mother said.
“He hasn’t told us anything yet.” Kane said.
“He doesn’t have to. He’s gonna tell them something.” I said.
“Get the prisoner back to the airlock. Now.” My mother said.
“Yes, Ma’am.” One of the guards said and a few tried to get to him. The Grounders moved to protect him.
“You may be the Chancellor, but I’m in charge. And I’m getting my sister back.” I said and my mother looked at me shocked.
“Indra, tell your people to stand down before this gets out of hand.“ She said.
“No.” Indra said and there was a bit of a pause.
“People could get hurt.” My mother said.
“Not if you get out of my way. You need to trust that I know what’s right for us.” I said.
“The Grounders trust Clarke. Maybe we should too.” Kane said stepping in.
“Stand down.” My mother ordered and the guards did. We continued walking to the gate.
“Open the gate. Now!” I ordered and they did. The Grounders brought him outside and in front of me.
“Can you hear me alright? Because I need to make sure you get this.” I said.
“Loud and clear.” Emerson said.
“I have a message for your leader. We’re coming for him. You’re watching us, but you haven’t seen a thing. The Grounder army is bigger than you think. And even if you could find it, your acid fog can’t hurt them. And now thanks to you…” I said and pulled out the Tone generator.
“Neither can the Reapers. So you have one last chance. Let our people go, and we’ll let you live. It’s just that simple.” I said with a slight smirk.
“I got it.” He said and I grabbed his pressure regulator to see how much he had left.
“It’s an 8 hour walk back to Mount Weather?” I asked looking at him then opened the valve to let some air out.
“You’re gonna do it in six.” I said.
“Six hours? That’s not enough. How am I supposed to deliver your message?” He asked.
“That’s your problem. Now go.” I said and he started running.
“Clarke. You wanna explain to me how this helps my brother?” Octavia asked.
“I just told them we have a secret army to worry about. The more they’re looking at us, the less they’re looking at him. Bellamy is the key to everything, Octavia. If he dies, we die.” I said and she nodded. I walked away and the Grounders followed me. This better work or we’re screwed.
Tag list: @theschuylersistersss @iamaunicorn4704 @sarasmismyonlydefence @riverdalehoeeeeeee @imaginehuntress @tiannawashere @teenwolfbitches2 @mockinghijack @genius2050 @hollandechart @somethingdawn @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @xrosesareredx @herokyolachan @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs @schisbro87 @lover-of-books-and-teas @nerdygaloresposts @alex--awesome--22 @teenwolfbitches2 @genius2050 @drw0301bieber @pharaoh-of-time-and-space @marveloverdcsstuff @lady-of-lies @simonsbluee @emo-godess-loves-you @now-imagine
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readyourimgaines · 5 years
Good evening. This is something I wrote a while back and was encouraged to post on here. I got the idea from the blog @disabled-queen-hc. I started writing oneshots for a fan-fiction high school AU I want to write at some point about what it would be like if Freddie had Autism and the band met in modern high school. this was beta read by Snafu and my friend @iamnotbrianmay. So thank you to everyone involved. -Freddie 
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Noise was something Freddie could usually handle. The roar of the crowds at their shows, the massive amps, and the drums on stage. He could keep his wits about him with those going on. It didn’t bother him anymore. With the concert racket he could see and trace it back to where it was coming from. With thunderstorm, he couldn’t.
Freddie Mercury was a very verbal person. He was always making sounds. Chirps, trills, squeaks, hums, squeals, ticks, and clicks. So when there was a crush of thunder followed by a near scream and shattering glass, the other three members of Queen knew what was going on. Something was, most definitely, bothering Freddie.
Brian quickly got up from the chair he was in, dropping the newspaper on the living room table as he got up. “Freddie?”
He quickly made his way to the kitchen and wasn’t surprised to see Freddie crouched down, his arms wrapped around his head, his dishtowel still in hand. His feet were bare and a broken cup lay to his left.
“Love?” Brian approached him slowly so he wouldn’t startle him again. “You’re okay.” Brian took his hand and helped him stand up, guiding him around the broken cup so his feet wouldn’t get cut. “Come here. You’re safe.”
Brian wrapped his arms around Freddie and lead him to the living room. As soon as they were out of the kitchen, John set to cleaning up the broken glass while Roger ran to Freddie and Brian’s room to get Freddie’s weighted blanket.
Freddie squeaked and crouched again when another clap of thunder sounded overhead. Brian knelt down with him, still holding him tightly. “Do you want to go to the couch?” Brian cooed. His answer was another squeak. “That’s alright. We’ll stay here.”
Roger returned with the blanket and grabbed Griffin, Freddie’s comfort toy, from the couch on his way to the two.
“Freddie,” Roger got the older’s attention. “I’ll make you a deal, mate. I’ll give you Griffin and you give me the towel, sounds alright?” Roger held the toy out to Freddie and took the towel as he was distracted by it.
Once Freddie had the toy, Brian set to wrapping Freddie up in his blanket, like whenever he got over stimmed and needed to calm down. There was another clap of thunder and Freddie squeaked again, wiggling in the blanket. Brian pulled him into his lap and tightly hugged the singer.
“Thunder isn’t all that bad, Lovie.” Brian said. “It’s pretty interesting, actually.” Another clap and Freddie pressed his face against Brian’s side as tears started coming from his eyes. “Look at it this way. When thunder’s forming—lightning too—”
“Brian,” John cut him short, “if he doesn’t understand how the motum gives the house Wifi, he’s not going to understand how thunderstorms form.”
“He has a point…” Roger nodded. “Got it! Story time.”
Roger and John moved to sit by the other two. Another clap and Freddie squirmed, his squeak muffled in Brian’s side.
“Freddie, you’re familiar with the Greek Gods, right?” Roger asked as he sat across from them.
“He nodded.” Brian said.
“Do you know about the Nordic Gods? Thor, Loki, Odin, Freya, and all them?” Roger went on.
“Alright. So, you know how Thor is god of lightning and how Loki, the trickster god, is his brother? Thunderstorms are the of them playing around and Odin scolding them. Loki brings the rain as a joke to annoy people on Earth.” Freddie peaked out from Brian’s side and the other smiled. “The lightning? That’s caused by Thor bickering with Loki to get him to stop while. And lastly, the thunder is Odin yelling at both of them to leave the other alone.”
Freddie’s tears had stopped and he mutely watched Roger. John nudged him slightly to urge him to keep talking and tell more stories. Roger quickly wracked his brain trying to find another story. He didn’t remember all the ones he used to tell his sister when they were little.
Another clap of thunder sounded and Freddie squeaked, curling back against Brian. John stood. “I’ll call Kash.”
He stepped into his and Roger’s room and dialed the number. “Hey John,” Kash’s voice floated over the line.
“Hi. Uh, quick question pertaining to Freddie and thunderstorms…”
“He’s worked up?”
“Almost in tears, yeah. How do we calm him down? We thought Roger had him relaxed with a story, but when it was over he got worked up again. Do we just read to him?”
“Uh, you can do that. Getting him to sleep is another good one. If getting him to sleep doesn’t work then you could try audio-books or something on YouTube. He really likes guided meditations, there are ones about Tolkien’s middle Earth that he really enjoys and loves.”
“Alright, got it.”
“He’s got his blanket and Griffin?”
“Yeah. Brian’s got him and Griffin all wrapped up.” John thought for a second. “What does Freddie think of pillow forts and that sort of thing?”
“Oh, he loves them. You used to build them all the time in the living room at our parents’ house and watch Disney movies.”
“That’s also noted. I’ve got a plan now. Thank you, so much.”
“Don’t mention it. It means a lot to me—to Freddie too— that you guys are learning so much about his condition and are willing to adapt to him.”
“Of course. He’s one of us now. He’s in the family. We help Brian when he’s depressed, Roger when he gets in his moods. They help me when my anxiety’s up. We’ll help Freddie when we can. It’s like he said. Four misfits who don’t belong together making music for other misfits who are pretty sure they don’t belong either.”
“Roger, help me make a pillow fort.” John said, re-entering the living room and searching something on his phone. He found one that was looked interesting.
“Freddie?” He knelt next to the shaking form that Brian was still trying to comfort. “I talked to Kash, she said that this might help.”
He pressed play on the video he had brought up YouTube and placed the phone on the floor by where Brian and Freddie. As the story started, Brian felt Freddie’s shaking lessen.
“Why are we making pillow fort?” Roger whispered. He had gotten the extra blankets from the ottoman and had them now on the couch.
“Because Kash said that they used to build them and watch Disney movies. Besides, we’ve been talking about binging Disney movies. Now’s the perfect chance.”  
Brian watched Freddie’s face as the older calmed down slowly. His trembling had stopped but it was clear he was still uneasy. Brian kept holding him tightly as the storm went on over head. Freddie cuddled up against Brian a little more and closed his eyes.
Freddie hadn’t realized he’d fallen asleep until he opened his eyes. Going by the time on Brian’s watch, he’d only been asleep for about half an hour. However, that mere 30 minutes was time enough for John and Roger to be almost completed with their blanket and pillow fort. The ones he and Kash used to make took only about ten minutes. It was the size of the fort that had take them so long. It took up most of the living room. Brian had moved them to couch at some point and now the floor was padded with two of their biggest and softest blankets. They were still on couch.
Brian leaned down and kissed Freddie’s forehead, the one still burritoed in the blanket snuggled closer. “Hi, Fred.”
John and Roger grinned. “Ready for some Disney movies, Freddie?” John asked. His laptop was open hooked up to the TV with an HDMI cable. He set up Netflix and figured they’d start there before getting out their DVDs. Freddie nodded eagerly and snuggled against Brian again, burrowing his face into the guitar’s shoulder when thunder sounded once again.
“You’re okay, Lovely.” Brian kissed his forehead, sweeping his bangs gently off his forehead.
John pressed play on Beauty and the Beast, the original of course, Freddie did like the added songs in the live action but the Beast made him a little uneasy sometimes and that’s not what they needed. Roger pulled John to lay with him on the newly padded floor, and the bassist happily laid down for cuddles.
The first couple of movies were like a sing-a-long. It was a funny thing for Freddie to think about. One of the most popular and growing rock bands in England laying in a pillow fort singing along to Disney musicals in four part harmonies.
As the night wore on, however, the four started tapering off into sleep. Roger had gotten the comforter from his and John’s bed to cover them on the floor and Freddie had unwrapped his weighted blanket from around himself so that it would cover Brian too.
John was the first to fall asleep, which didn’t surprise any of them considering the week he’d had at school; Roger was next seeing as he was being lulled to sleep by both the music from the movies and John’s calm breathing. The next was Brian. He fell asleep around one in the morning after having asked Freddie he was alright about 20 times.
Freddie closed his eyes around two, listening to ‘God Help the Outcasts’. A distant roll of thunder could be heard and Freddie opened one eye in annoyance.
“Shh…” he whispered, “you’ll wake them.”
He curled himself around Brian’s side, adjusted one of the weights in the blanket, and fell asleep.
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darkpoisonouslove · 5 years
So I promised @trashcankitty12 a post about my headcanons about Griffin’s friendship with Ediltrude and Zarathustra and I’m delivering.
I’m just going to start with my headcanons for their personalities when they were younger (under a cut because it’s long again):
- She was actually the more aggressive twin when they were students and her first response to everything would be violence. Someone said something bad about her? Spell the bitch. Someone sabotaged a scheme of hers? Get revenge. Someone did something to Zara? Okay, call the police because there will be a murder here.
- She was the “wild” one that always had a new boyfriend (that she’d dump after a while and find herself another victim) and was always at parties getting wasted but then showing up the next day at class in top shape. Nobody knew how she was doing that.
- In that vein, she was at the top of every class, always having the best grades. She had to be better than everyone she hated, you know? It was law! There was no question about it.
- She always wanted attention (but, like, in a cute way and mostly from her sis) and her presence demanded it, really. And she was always “fashionably late” (except for classes).
- Jewelry is her thing! Especially rings and necklaces. She hoards them by the ton.
- She can’t cook for shit. And she doesn’t really eat that much (tbh all the witches are anorexic but that’s not a topic I want to delve into rn because I have STRONG opinions about it that don’t belong here). Zara is kind of worried about her, especially when she knows the only thing in her system is alcohol. But Ediltrude seems to be handling herself (better than Zara is tbh)
- Ediltrude is actually very emotional but she hides that fact behind a cold and unfeeling facade that also conceals her trust issues. You don’t have to be worried about people approaching you if everyone’s scared to approach you, you know?
- She’s independent, you know! Never mind that she wouldn’t last a day without her sis because there’d be no one she could talk to.
- She has a fierce love for animals, especially snakes, and had a shitton of them while they were still living at home before signing up for Cloud Tower. Zara was so done with it. Imagine the following convo:
Zara: I can’t step on the floor because your pets are everywhere. Edi: I’m sorry… that you’re a dumbass who can’t remember she can fly. Zara: I’m not flying in my own home! I want to be able to step on the floor. Edi: And I want to be able to take care of my pets in peace. Zara: Oh, I will give you peace! *death glare*
Ironically, Ediltrude’s cat loves Zara (possibly even more than Ediltrude) and always cuddles into her. Zara is so done with all the cat hair on her clothes. She never shoos the cat away though.
- Her other strength is divination which she mostly uses to mess with people by telling them what will go wrong with their relationships. And if you really piss her off, she might give you a prediction of your death.
- She was a bit more controlled in her temper compared to her sister but you didn’t want to be the target of her words. She was the queen of sass and sarcasm. Her anger was also more insidious and delayed than Ediltrude’s and while Edi would get her revenge on you on the spot and then proceed with her life, Zara would let you stew in anxiety over when she’d get back at you.
- Zara is actually a few minutes older than Ediltrude. She resorts to calling her “baby sister” sometimes to which Ediltrude’s response always is “Talking shit again I see”. And while Zara would tease her with the fact that she’s a bit younger because she knew it annoyed Edi even if she didn’t show it, she still felt kind of responsible for her as she is a little older (which is kind of ridiculous because she can’t handle herself but we give her points for trying).
- Zara was more awkward in social situations or at least so it seemed because she didn’t bother trying to hide her uneasiness around people. But that wouldn’t stop her from blurting out what was on her mind which usually wasn’t very flattering. But hey, people usually deserved it.
- She’s sort of a nihilist (and would totally fit in with Millennials and Gen Z) and can be a bit depressing to be around sometimes. But she’ll send you all the memes (let’s pretend they had memes, okay). That was her primary way of communication at one point and Ediltrude was a little worried (not to mention sick of the damn memes). But they got over it and Zara is more talkative now.
- She has a more instinctual approach when it comes to magic and didn’t spend that much time studying. She preferred to practice instead and have physical, tangible results instead of something she read in a book which often ended up in a spell gone wrong.
- She is always exhausted because she can never sleep. Ediltrude is pretty convinced the cause is in a potion that went wrong when they were 13 but Zara wouldn’t hear a word of it. She blames it on stress and everyone pissing her off which results in restlessness and sleep problems.
- She pretty much runs on coffee since she gets very little sleep and is kinda a mess. But when it comes to insults, her brain is always ready and on the go. You can’t beat her at that no matter how sleep deprived she is. If only that were true when it came to her studies.
- She is actually a big fan of food (she has to get energy somewhere since she can’t sleep) but stays thin no matter how much she eats. She can barely cook, though, although she is better at it than Ediltrude. But not by much.
- Her strength are potions which she always experiments with. That results in utter chaos at her working space since there are ingredients everywhere. Ediltrude was afraid her animals would accidentally eat the wrong thing and either turn into an object or into a demon.
- Which Zara would’ve probably liked because demons have always been of special interest to her. She’s pretty sure she has a few of those trapped in her own soul and that she would be besties with any demons she can summon. Ediltrude had to keep the summoning spells under lock and key to be sure that she won’t find her sister possessed some day.
- Griffin was the quietest of the three, yet, the most menacing. Nobody dared mess with her after she taught some seniors a lesson for calling her pixie because of the whole thing with Faragonda. Well, nobody but Edi and Zara. But that’s stuff for later.
- She was a bookworm and spent a lot of time in the library, always reading about spells and anything else she could get her hands on, really. Books helped her calm down and escape the crushing reality. She was safe between the pages where the world’s resentment for her couldn’t reach her.
- Her strength were her words but she wasn’t afraid to act when the situation called for it. And there was a situation like that any other day tbh. Someone would decide to be an idiot and she’d have to interfere.
- She was clearly a strategist and would think everything through, coming up with the perfect plan to mess with some fairies or get revenge on a witch that crossed her.
- She was religious about her studies, much like Ediltrude, and the two were always competing for the first place at every class while Zara would just roll her eyes at them and try to take a nap. She didn’t get enough sleep for this shit!
- She is the one member of the trio that can actually cook and won’t burn the whole kitchen down in the process. However, she survives mainly on tea. She has all the tea and that’s pretty much her only intake when it comes to food and liquids. Zara was absolutely shocked when she learned that. Even Ediltrude enjoyed a normal, healthy meal once in a while. But not Griffin. Makes you wonder why she’s so good at cooking. She actually enjoys taking care of others by making them meals but she would never admit it.
- She knows everything about plants and is a specialist on herbalism. Have a health problem? She’ll cure you in hours. She has so many plants you feel like you’re in the jungle.
- She’s not that much into animals but crows have always liked her and she - them. They are one of the most intelligent animals and she feels them as companions in a way. Their presence calms her and helps chase away the loneliness.
- She also knows everything about crystals and how to use them in spells. Especially healing spells. She’s always been good at those but all the negativity and hate the world has been giving her for the fact that she’s a witch with dark magic pushed her to seek out the more destructive side of her magic and utilize it instead of what she was naturally good at.
- Her knowledge of astronomy helps her coordinate her spells so that they draw power from the cosmos, making her magic even stronger since she’s using nature in her favor. It gave her a big advantage on all the other witches and she loved showing off with that by challenging seniors to sparring (when she wasn’t one herself) and defeating them.
Now for the friendship:
- Griffin was transferred into the twins’ room after it turned out Faragonda was a fairy. So it was kind of a last minute arrangement and nobody was happy about it. Least of all Griffin and Edi and Zara.
- The three didn’t like each other at first. The twins were hellbent on giving her grief about being a fairy but she quickly managed to “convince” them not to do it. Magic was involved. It wasn’t pretty. They learned not to mess with her though. Still, that only made the relationship between them even more strained. Not to mention that Griffin couldn’t stand the arguments between Zara and Edi and would soon get involved into the mess herself.
- Sharing a dorm room wasn’t easy for the three of them since they practically had no space to move around. Between Griffin’s plants, Zara’s potions and Ediltrude’s clothes the room was packed. Quite a few incidents with Zara’s potions occurred because of the limited space. Not to mention that the tensions always raised through the roof in the matter of seconds thanks to the stuffy atmosphere.
- To add to that, Ediltrude had had the brilliant idea to sneak two of her snakes into the room. Even Zara didn’t know about that so she was quite scandalized when Griffin found the snakes in her bed. Ediltrude begged them both to keep her secret. Zara agreed easier than Griffin who finally gave in on condition that Ediltrude failed that upcoming test they had. It was more of a test of its own, though, since she wanted to see just how much the snakes meant to her. She didn’t let her fail in the end. That was when Ediltrude realized that the two of them may have more in common than originally thought, acting tough but that was actually only a veneer that hid a sensitive soul underneath.
- Zara found out how caring a person Griffin actually was when she blew up one of her plants with a potion gone wrong but instead of getting angry with her, Griffin made her some tea to help her sleep and concentrate to avoid more of those accidents. At first Zara thought she was trying to poison her but when she saw the results, she was grateful to Griffin. That was the first time in years that she actually managed to sleep like a normal person.
- The three soon figured out how well they work as a team and then it was over for all of those other witches. Of course, there was still the problem with the space they were facing but things ran much smoother when they weren’t at each other’s throats all the time. Their energy went into making life miserable for everyone else. And they were too good at it. From hating each other they went to being inseparable.
- So when Ediltrude’s snakes were finally discovered during senior year, Griffin and Zara stood up for her. Which earned them suspension for a month as well. That month was well utilized, though, in wreaking havoc all around their home planets with their friendship going as strong as ever.
- In fact, they only fell out of touch when Griffin joined Valtor and the Ancestral Witches.
That’s all I got for you today! Now I want to make an aesthetic about the three of them! Damn, and I have a lot of other stuff to work on. I’m going out of my mind here with everything I want to get done!
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Only Sinners are Repentance Series
Chapter 10
Story Summary: The gangs in New York have not been getting along as the control of the city is falling apart. Here we follow the story of Viper and Vemon as these girl’s experience heartbreak, drama, and death.  
Chapter Summary: After, Jacks failed to break in Sam now confronts Kayla about their feelings for one another. While Mika looks into the years when Kayla joined, and she learns more about their secretive past.
Vemon – Kayla
Viper – Mika
Word Count: 1504
I was standing outside the door when I heard Kayla give orders to Joe to bring Jack outside. They open the doors as I turn the corner to not be seen. I hear yelling and screaming as I see Joe dragging Jack behind him.
My heart couldn’t stop beating in my chest. I can’t believe that she likes me back! All those years! My whole face glowed when I heard her voice but then I remembered our lives. We could never be together as I am assigned to bring them into the station.
I walk back towards the door as I see Kayla slump into the chair as she tells the men to relax. I see her body shake as her expression dulled. Jack must have said something to have her worried. I see Mika walk towards her as she tries to get some information about what Jack told her.
“What happened during those years? Did he really kill our members just because he didn’t get what he wanted?” she asked.
I see Kayla stand up as she slams her balled up hands on the table. The sudden movement caused Mika to back away from her as her brown eyes went dark and glared with anger.
“It’s none of your business, Viper! Get out of here!”
I see Mika quickly put her gun away as she bolts for the door. We lock eyes as I see her green eyes showing fear as she runs down the white hallway.
I decide to make my presence known, so I push open the doors and walk inside the office. As soon as I open the doors I receive a glare from Kayla, but she sees me, and her gaze softened as she covers her head in her hands.  
“I’ll always be here for you. You don’t have to be scared anymore.” I spoke in the quiet room as Kayla removes her hands as I see her sad brown eyes.
“Sam,” her lower lip trembled, “How much did you hear?”
“Enough to know that you have feelings for me,” I state as her face blushes.
“Oh…” she winced, “Are you ashamed of me now that you know who I truly am?”
I walk closer towards her as one hand is on the black desk chair as our noses are touching.
“I would never be ashamed of you, doofus. I was worried, scared and a tad bit overreactive to when I first found out. I wanted to keep you safe, take you away from all this!”
I pull my face back as my hand still grips the chair. She smiles as she stands up and wraps her arms around my neck as she presses her head into my shoulder. I pull her against me as I whisper sweet nothings into her ear.
She lifts her head up as my arms are on her hip, trapping her as fear crossed her face.
“I don’t want you to get hurt because of me! There are still things I have seen, done that you wouldn’t forgive me. My sister doesn’t even know! Only me, Vic and Jack know and Vicino is dead.”
“I don’t care! I know that I still love you! Doofus, you forget that I am a police officer. I have seen and done many things that I am not proud of. Our relationship is the most important thing to me.” I confess as her face closed up in my embrace.
I pick her up as my one arm goes under her knees as she squeals and grabs onto my shoulder laughing until I reach the couch. I plop her down as I sit and pull her between my open legs. Her back leans against my chest as I wrap my hands around her, interlacing them. I can hear her heartbeat as she has calmed down and her breathing is normal. After a couple of minutes of comfortable silence, she turned her head towards me to look into my mossy green eyes.
“If nothing lasts forever, will you be my nothing?”
I beam down at her smiling face, “I will be your nothing until the end of time.”
I removed my hands from her waist as I pull her up, so she is sitting on my lap. I softly grabbed her chin as I gazed down at her thin pink lips. I pulled her face towards mine as I finally kissed her. Her brown eyes snapped open and then roughly closed as I moved my hands down and rest them on her lower back while her hands rested on my shoulders. I kissed her with all of the pent-up passion that I had for her over the last 6 months.
Slowly, I slowed down the kiss as we needed to breathe. We pull away as our link of mixed saliva broke. She touched her lips as she gave me a smile.
“I love you, Sam.” It was said so quietly that I almost had to ask her to repeat those three little words.
“I love you more, you doofus.”
Mika POV
I never seen Kayla so cross with me before. I shudder before I bolted out of the room but not before I see Sam and he notices my scared face. I slowly started to walk as I have been running for a while. I put my right hand on the white wall as I stop to catch my breath. What I didn’t know is that it opened a secret door that leads into a small concert room with a bunch of filing cabinets placed together and a touch screen computer mounted on the wall with a small clear desk and chair underneath. I looked both ways to make sure no one was coming, and I stepped into the room as the door shut behind me.
I walk up to the computer and sat down at the desk. Before I could access a scanner popped up and asked for my identification. I placed my hand and watched the screen as it analyzed my scanned hand and read out my file. I was in.
“Mika Anderson, identification accepted.” T.H.U.R.S.D.A.Y spoke in the quiet room.
“Search the database for when Kayla Anderson started to work with Vicino and Jack.”
It took a couple of minutes as I saw company files and online newspaper clippings popping up on the screen.
“Kayla Anderson, 24 years old, female. Started in 2011. Worked closely with Jack and Vicino.”
“Can you pull up Jack “Griff” Griffin file. T.H.U.R.S.D.A.Y”
A British voice read his file, “Jack “Griff” Griffin. The Kings Jack gang leader. Was the next in command for Don under Vicino “Vic” Anderson. Killed over 30 workers and one female cop, he presently runs the largest drug trade in lower New York.  He put out a death treat on Venom after the accident..”  
I thanked him as I dug a bit deeper. I wished I never found this in a million years.
It was an old photo back when Kayla was given the next in command for Don. I saw her shaking Vicino’s hand while I saw a pissed off Jack in the distance. A video started to play, it was at our old location and I see Jack walking away as he pressed a button and blew up our old headquarters with Kayla and Vicino still in the building. I pull up the rules the see that if the next in command was killed the original worker who was picked by Vicino, would-be future Don of the Royal Serpents.  
The police told the news that night after the damage they were still looking for a body as they declared her dead on the scene. It wasn’t until 2 years later when I joined that Jack started his drug trade and he wanted to finish what he started.
For those two years it showed that Kayla disappeared with the help of Vic with fake passports and money, while Vicino worked in the shadows to recruit new members and get the company back on its feet.
It wasn’t until 2014 that Kayla made her face known as she was caught on a security camera shopping in another country. I see a police file in 2014 written by Willian Hotch, chief of the New York Police station. ‘Wanted criminal working with the Royal serpents has risen from the dead today as she has been on the run for two years.’
I stood up and backed away from the screen not believing that this was true. All of the dates matched the time frame, my father worked with us, and Kayla was on the run after Jack wanted to kill her to gain his spot back! He still wants to kill her and take command of our gang!
I started to breath heavy as I punched the wall which signaled the door to open as I ran along the hallways looking for Kayla’s office while the other members looking at me as if they saw a ghost.
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