#nothing is ever extensive or accurate when it comes to human experience and inclination. we are ultimately fickle beings
wickershells · 7 months
One of the attitudes that frustrates me most about the mainstream response to art these days is the general insistence that it must impart some grand moral lesson or enlighten you to something you did not already know. Art can and very often does exist merely as a reflection or portrayal or expression of something otherwise unseen. You write a poem about grief not to illustrate how to cope with it but to write about grief. To embody the disembodied and make it solid, tangible, palpable
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I saw your post about how Xianity is not essential to Judaism and and I don't want to derail it it but one particular thing really struck me while reading it; the concept of teshuva compared to Xian forgiveness, particularly how those differences really reflect how I've seen both religious cultures (???) handle person-to-person forgiveness. Judaism (at least from what I've seen) has actual steps for apologising, and they're all really good common-sense rules like 'don't do it again'. (1/3)
(cont.) The burden is on the offender to make things right, they’re the active party. In contrast, in Xianity you don’t have to do anything to make it up to the person you hurt. In fact, in Xian communities there’s usually a burden on the /hurt/ party to forgive and it’s seen as really cruel and a sign of moral weakness that you won’t let them feel better about what they did, even (sometimes /especially/) when they’re not sorry and intend to keep hurting you. (2/3)
(cont.) To me these two things feel like extensions of the attitude towards divine forgiveness and repentance. In Xianity receiving forgiveness feels like a very passive thing that’s all centred on your own guilt, your own inherent sin, and an attitude of ‘I said sorry so my hands are clean and now you have to make it up to me for making me feel bad for what I did’, etc. Judaism, on the other hand, seems to take a very pro-active, balanced approach of doing better for yourself and others. (3/3)
Hi Sarahsyna, 
The differences between xian and Jewish understandings of what forgiveness is and how we should go about it are interesting, no? 
I would say this is a pretty accurate analysis of the differences and where they come from. However, I would like to expand on this and add a bit of nuance to it, if I may. 
There are different levels and types of wrongs to be forgiven, and the responses to them should be different. 
Wrongs that are relatively minor, are fixable, and/or that are relatively common amongst otherwise decent people; 
Wrongs that major, unfixable, and/or that are criminal/violent in nature; 
Wrongs committed against oneself
Wrongs committed against others (usually in your sphere of influence, such as to your family members, but not necessarily) 
In my experience, Judaism does a much better job of making these distinctions than xianity. 
Minor Wrongs vs. Major Wrongs
Xian forgiveness is really appropriate for minor wrongs (with proportionately minor consequences.) Things like: someone took your lunch once, which creates an annoying but temporary problem. We shouldn’t sweat the small stuff, and as frustrating as that situation is, it’s not worth holding a grudge against someone forever because of a dumb prank. 
Judaism similarly holds that we shouldn’t hang onto a grudge over this, and encourages people to let it go. Give the offender ample chance to apologize, but if they don’t, don’t waste your energy being mad at them. (Have you forgiven them? No. Should you still move on with your life? Yes.) 
Of course, if by taking your lunch, they caused you to be unable to take a vital medicine, which consequently put you in the hospital, it should change the equation, no? 
In xianity as I experienced it (**please insert that caveat throughout this discussion), it actually doesn’t change the equation. The intent of the offender was a dumb prank and so the forgiveness should be equally straightforward, even if the consequences to you are more severe than that person realized they would be when they did it. You should try to put yourself in the prankster’s shoes and imagine how awful you’d feel and how badly you’d want to be forgiven if it were you. 
In Judaism, that person would need to do a lot more to make it right before asking for forgiveness. That might involve helping you pay your hospital bills, picking up your slack at work and/or otherwise trying to help in concrete ways because while their intent was minor, the effect on you was major. They must cope with that reality in the same way that you must. Might their intent factor into how inclined you are to forgive them afterwards? Sure! But they need to show that they realize how serious the consequences of their actions are and seek to remedy it first. 
Fixable vs. Unfixable Wrongs
The consequences of some wrongs are fixable to varying degrees; others are not. If you take five dollars from my bag and then feel bad about it an hour later and put the money back? You’ve totally rectified the situation. 
On the other extreme? While I have put in many, many hours of therapy and self-reflection and healing and therefore have gotten it under control, I will never not have trauma from having been raped and abused. Even if the perps spent the rest of their lives truly regretting what they did and doing hard work on behalf of survivors, they could never undo the damage they caused, even if they subsequently changed their behavior 180 degrees. (Editorial note: unsurprisingly, none of them have actually done any of that.) 
Growing up, I felt an unbearable need to magnanimously forgive the perp despite his refusal to admit to what he did or apologize, and even as a culturally xian adult, I still felt a compulsory need to forgive subsequent offenders at least for my own sake in order to move on. 
Judaism relieved me of any responsibility to forgive any of them, ever, because they have never apologized. I’m not even allowed to forgive them since they’ve never asked for it, but I don’t have to do so in order to heal because nothing they could do could heal me anyway. Them apologizing wouldn’t change the reality of their acts and me forgiving them wouldn’t change their future behavior. My healing is (for better or worse) my problem, and their becoming better people is their problem. 
In a better world where they did hold themselves accountable? That would be stellar, but even in that world my remedy comes from the peace of mind in knowing that they aren’t hurting other people, from them still staying the hell away from me, and the justice in knowing that they have to live with what they did and are truly reckoning with it. 
As a side note, it’s worth noting that this is why lashon hara is compared to murder by the rabbis. Lashon hara literally means “evil speech,” but refers to true statements that did not need to be made for any serious purpose and are malicious in nature. As an example, “Alex has gotten really overweight this year, huh?” might strictly speaking be true, but is nevertheless clearly intended to be mean and gossipy. Why is lashon hara taken so seriously? Because you can’t put that toothpaste back in the tube. You can’t unring that bell. Once those words have left your lips, they’re out there, forever. You can apologize, but you can’t unsay what you already said. 
Grace vs. Accountability
Ultimately, I believe that the foundational difference between how xianity approaches forgiveness and how Judaism approaches forgiveness are how it is defined in each. 
In xianity, forgiveness flows, as you said from the idea that humans were forgiven for our sins by Jesus on his own initiative, and therefore we should replicate that kind of forgiveness in our own lives. Sin is inevitable, and the work of repairing it can be done by the person who was wronged, the same way that Jesus repaired humanity’s relationship with God through his sacrifice. This creates a model that centers grace given by the wronged person. Deservingness on the part of the wrongdoer does not factor into the equation. 
At its best, this gives the person who was wronged the agency to address the problem themselves without waiting around for the wrongdoer to get it together. It has the potential to allow people with pain to let go of that pain. At its worst, it creates a system where victims are pressured (by their communities, spiritual leaders, and/or themselves) to forgive at great cost to themselves with zero accountability on the part of the offender. 
That assumes, as a baseline, that forgiveness is a prerequisite to moving on with your life. In the same way that forgiveness by God/salvation is a prerequisite to eternal life in xianity, so too is forgiveness between individuals a prerequisite to living the rest of your life without that baggage. 
Judaism makes no such assumption. In fact, it comes to rather the opposite conclusion: forgiveness may be necessary for the wrongdoer to move on, but you, the wronged person, should feel no need to provide it unless and until the person has actually rectified the situation and asked for forgiveness. (And even under those circumstances, while forgiving is the morally correct thing to do, you aren’t always actually obligated to do so.) 
Judaism operates on an accountability model that says that if you harm another person, it’s on you to fix it to that person’s satisfaction. If you are harmed by another person, you should do whatever you need to in order to move forward, but you don’t have to say that they’ve met their burden unless and until they actually do. In this view, forgiveness is not defined as grace, but rather as recognition that the person has actually held themselves accountable for their actions. 
This, too, flows from a theological perspective: G-d expects us to constantly be striving to better ourselves, which we can only do by holding ourselves fully accountable for our actions. We are moral creatures, capable of making an active choice between good and evil. While mistakes are inevitable, we elevate ourselves spiritually, not by the grace of G-d or others, but by evaluating and reflecting on our own behavior and then taking active steps towards long-lasting change. 
All of that, however, refers to direct wrongs between the wrongdoer and the wronged. I would be extremely remiss if I didn’t address … … 
Wrongs Committed Against You vs. Wrongs Committed Against Others in Your Vicinity
One of the most serious problems I have with xian theology is the fact that the concept of grace doesn’t just apply between the wrongdoer and the wronged. It also applies between bystanders and the wronged. 
Here is a great example of this: 
Many of you may not know that one of my four children has Down syndrome. Her name is Bekah, and today she is 25. Bekah went to public school in elementary and middle school and was in normal classes and had lots of friends. Later, she attended college.
Many years ago, Bekah wanted to try out for cheer leading. My wife and I were amazed at how she learned the routines – jumping in the air, doing splits, and yelling out the cheers. Unfortunately, she did not make the team which was very disappointing for her and us. She had a really hard time understanding that she could no longer cheer with the other girls.
Soon afterwards, we received a letter from the coach explaining Bekah was not cut from the team because of her disability but because…she kicked, hit, yelled and cussed while in line with the other girls. We were stunned, no shocked, because Bekah had never exhibited any of those behaviors ever in any situation.
At a sleepover a few weeks later, which Bekah hosted in our home, several of the girls who had made the team asked my wife why Bekah had not made the team. My wife gently told them about the letter. They all immediately cried out, “Ms. Ellen, that’s not true at all. Bekah didn’t do any of those things. In fact, she did great in the tryouts.” Ellen called for me and asked me to come hear what the girls were saying. They repeated it all again.
This person had not only lied but had impugned Bekah’s character and we were angry! What had been done to our daughter was dastardly. The question afterwards was, “What are we going to do about this?” We knew we could not pull these girls into a dispute with this coach. So, we had no recourse. This coach had hurt a person who could not speak up for herself due to her disability and there was nothing we could do about it…except forgive.
Did this person deserve to be forgiven? Absolutely not. But we were not going to allow a root of bitterness to grow within us that Hebrews 12:15 warns about. We were not about to give this person power over our lives. We were not about to give Satan power over us. Was it easy? No! Everything in us cried out for justice but there was none to be had.
So, we trusted Christ in us, the greatest “forgiver” of all time, to live through us so we could forgive. We wanted to live like who we are in Christ, “forgivers”, in obedience from the love in our hearts for our Father. We wanted to “forgive one another just as God had forgiven us in Christ” (Ephesians 4:32) So, we sat before the Lord and poured out to Him our anger, our hurt, and our desire for justice. Then, because God had forgiven us for all our sins we did not deserve to be forgiven for, we forgave this person; meaning, we released the person from the debt we believe they owed us. In this case, the debt would have been an admission to us and especially to Bekah of the wrong they had done.
A few weeks later, would you believe that we saw this person at a church we were visiting? We were both so glad we had been honest with God about the hurts we received from the offense and then chose to forgive. We live free today from bitterness, resentment and unforgiveness. Praise God!
[Source: x] 
Okay, so we don’t have time to unpack all of that, but just… sit with the fact, for a moment, that Bekah is utterly silenced by this approach. Did her parents have any right to forgive the coach? No, no they did not. That was Bekah’s right, and Bekah’s alone. 
Compare that to what Rabbi Telushkin relays in his Code of Jewish Ethics: 
”The differing attitudes of Jews and Christians on granting forgiveness for serious, particularly violent, crimes is reflected in an incident that Dr. Solomon Schimmel, a psychologist and a religious Jew, relates in his book, Wounds Not Healed, concerning a Christian woman who nursed back to life a man who had murdered her parents and raped her. The man, shocked by her behavior, asked the woman, “Why didn’t you kill me?” She replied, “I am a follower of him [i.e., Jesus] who says, ‘Love your enemy.’ “A remarkable story, but as Schimmel, writing from a Jewish perspective, asks, “Why, however, is it noble to love and take care of evil people?”
“In contrast to this woman’s attitude, when the Jewish writer Cynthia Ozick was asked if it was morally appropriate to forgive a penitent Nazi SS officer who had participated in the murder of a Jewish community in Poland, she responded: “‘I forgive you,’ we say to the child who has muddied the carpet, ‘but next time don’t do it again.’ Next time, she will leave the muddy boots outside the door; forgiveness, with its enlarging capacity, will have taught her. Forgiveness is an effective teacher. Meanwhile, the spots can be washed away. But murder is irrevocable. Murder is irreversible…. Even if forgiveness restrains one from perpetrating a new batch of corpses, will the last batch come alive again?…Forgiveness is pitiless. It forgets the victim. It cultivates sensitiveness toward the murderer at the price of insensitiveness toward the victim.”
“And what of the penitent SS officer? “Let the SS man die unshriven. Let him go to hell.”
“The Jewish view can be summed up as follows: Forgiveness is almost always a virtue, but the taking of an innocent life is an unforgivable offense.”
[Source: x] 
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alazada · 8 years
Information being objective is preferable by most to its being subjective – we trust objective information more easily because we think it reflects the facts and we want to think that we are getting the real, actual facts to form our own opinion, or to mirror the so called objective fact in our opinion and call it our own. However, true objectivity is impossible to reach in non-numerical data, all information passes through at least one human observer, us ourselves if not any middlemen. Even numbers can be manipulated and presented according to a person’s preexisting opinions, often without noticing. The natural sciences are not objective either: the data is read through the researcher’s lens and usually serves the purposes of a group. Research contains gender, racial, cultural, or other forms of bias. But we still value objectivity and consider it an ideal to strive to in our accounts, and we decide who is objective and who is subjective when acquiring information, and make up our minds accordingly. However, as everything involving human interaction, the way we evaluate objectivity is not neutral; it is political.
We tend to consider ourselves more objective than others if we do not consciously hold a bias, or at least we trust our objectivity easier than the objectivity of others, as we would know if we were not being objective. This leads to two things: first, we are more inclined to believe the words of people similar to us, because they are probably more objective. Second, we tend to disregard the societal influences on our ideas of objectivity.
Let’s explore the example of gender. We associate manhood with objectivity, or rather womanhood with emotional responses and a lack of logical thinking, while it has beenproven scientifically that there is no such thing as a male brain or a female brain, that women are socialized from childhood to be more empathetic and perform emotional labor while men are socialized to avoid displays of emotion and are not taught to perform empathy the same way women are, and that there is no significant difference between logical thinking of men and women. Still, we associate womanhood with emotional responses and second-guess women’s opinions or narratives of women, we do not consider them to be accurate and lived accounts but tainted with emotion and therefore subjective and therefore not worth considering in the so called real world. But the real world (laws, social policies, attitudes towards women) directly impacts the experiences women have navigating the said world, and it is only natural that their voices should be a driving force in shaping it, for example in issues like reproductive health. But then, the issue of subjectivity arises: according to the dominant narrative, a woman (or someone affected directly by a problem) cannot be trusted to opine or legislate on it because they cannot be objective(as it affects them directly).
But then, the dominant narrative of objectivity holds the opposite of this true as well. People outside the dominant narrative, for example, people from outside the Western world, or minorities in a country, or very young people, or very old people, cannot offer an objective account of the dominant narrative and therefore cannot be trusted. To give a concrete example: I cannot be trusted in issues about Turkey because I must be biased, as I am from there and I am a member of the ethnic majority there, and so on. But then, I cannot talk about American politics, because I am not from there, and same goes with Europe. This makes me think that the problem is actually about me, since some people can very well talk about their own countries (I don’t think I ever heard someone be told that they cannot talk about Switzerland since they are Swiss, that is, with conviction and in a serious discussion, as a random example), and then they can use their objective outsider perspectives to make objective and true declarations about countries they have nothing to do with, enlightening locals and other foreigners alike. I am sure the locals appreciate your objective perspective based on a few readings and a week-long trip (or even years of study, as these are not really what we use when classifying narratives), and want to thank you for rescuing them from the crushing subjectivity for spending a lifetime in their own country, from having a complicated and nuanced experience that can only be expressed in a complicated and nuanced narrative, and sometimes being unable to just walk away from the country because of their deep ties. As it seems, voices outside the dominant narrative are subjective no matter what, and voices from within are automatically objective due to the virtue of not being marginalized or holding any actual stake in the conversation. Of course dominance is highly contextual, but in most given discussions it seems to work like this.
To deepen the personal example, I (and when I say I, I don’t mean just I, I know many people experience this, but I will speak for myself for now) am not trusted on many issues about Turkey because I may be subjective about it. Which is, to this day, odd to me because it encompasses several assumptions: it assumes that I am not able to make the correct decision for myself based on the information I encounter, which is infantilizing and condescending in itself. It assumes that I am incapable of reaching accurate information based on the press freedom limitations in my country, which is honestly insulting as I was 8 when I learned how to use anonymous proxy filters to access banned websites, and 12 when I learned to change my DNS settings and use VPN’s – not out of interest but more out of necessity. I think I am capable of using my English skills (I am proficient – I even have IELTS scores to prove it) and my Turkish-citizen-starter-pack tech skills to access information. Moreover, I can access information in Turkish provided by dissidents and independent sources, and even by non-independent sources, so that I have an idea of what all sides are thinking (and somehow not believe everything I see!). I do not have the luxury of considering being available in English as a measure of worth when it comes to information, thankfully. And then the last assumption, or rather conviction is that the direct impact of the issues we are discussing on my life are negligible or somehow a hindrance to a pure logical discussion. The truth is – you can go on with your life without remembering my country exists. There are millions of people who live and die without even learning anything about my country. I cannot do that. I can move away and have a life elsewhere but I will always be carrying the country with me, and I will have a level of attachment to there. This is not necessarily a bad thing, it’s complicated, but it shapes most interactions I have. Additionally, I most probably cannot go on with my life ignoring your country as well, as its policies influence my country and my life.
The next time you feel like telling someone that they’re not capable of talking about their own country because they must be brainwashed, please consider that you’re assuming they’re incapable of assessing their own situation – usually some kind of Orientalist assumption that the Oriental peoples are incapable of self awareness and self determination. You are assuming their critical thinking skills are not as developed as yours. Also, people of all countries may be manipulated and brainwashed to an extent about their country through childhood and education, and most people put effort into unlearning this. I know that I personally had to question and reconsider many things I was taught in school and reached different conclusions, and so did many people I know. This is a real effort one has to make, and it is important to recognize this before writing someone off as being brainwashed. I would not claim to have more insight about the functioning of French society even if I studied France extensively, because I did not grow up here and can only learn about some aspects instead of living through them and observing firsthand. I may have a different perspective based on my own experience and origin, but I would not claim to be more objective and therefore a more reliable source on France.
I’m definitely not saying only the citizens of a country should be able to speak about it, of course not. But the problem begins when we start ascribing this title of “objective” to outsider voices, and “subjective” to insiders, and go on to only considering the objective as legitimate. The insider voice isn’t necessarily subjective, but more importantly, especially in the social sciences, subjective is not inherently less valuable and less valid. A subjective voice is colored by personal experience and even reflects what an (objective!) ethnographic study can reflect. I find it important to listen to a variety of subjective voices and construct a narrative combining them, considering the reasons for differences in these narratives and experiences. The fact of not being from a country can have its own subjectivity, as your information will be either from research that’s been through other people’s lenses already, or what you can observe as an outsider with an inevitable gap in context. We should stop considering objective and subjective as adjectives evaluating the validity of a narrative, or as inherent traits, and start questioning the reasons behind our classifications, and the selectivity in our application of this framework. Let’s learn from subjective insider accounts, and place the outsider accounts in their own context of being an outsider, perhaps being from a globally dominant perspective or having a different worldview. Everyone’s accounts of the same topic will be colored by their individual circumstances, but some colors are considered default while others are marginalized with the title of “subjective” and everything it carries – and we need to change the way we think about objectivity.
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LGBT: Unity in Identity
“In this world of complexity, LGBT people are not excused nor can't they hide from discrimination of demented people."
LGBT people are totally outcast in the society. We have seen this anywhere in the world. In the street, school, or in any establishments they are always the center of criticism. That is the truth, sadly to say and awkwardly to hear, we have to face it on courageously. The fact that it could decrease the morale of the LGBT community and could contribute for the low self-esteem of this particular, complicated yet fabulous group, no one could pull us down. We always experience teasing by other people. Criticizing us and annoying us just because of our identity. The sarcastic words that come out in their mouth, hurts us that it seems we don't have the right to live in this world, a world that is only created for men and women. But isn't right that there are other people in this world aside from them? YES! The so-called LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) are also a human being. However, our identity is different from other. Though it's different, of course, were not abnormal as other people do neither say nor an alien or stranger, this is also our world. Although the people here hated us so much and discriminating us extensively, it's very hard to find a place to live in. Why mind them? We have to look forward, chin-up and walk like a cat; straightly to say we're proud of ourselves. Of course, nobody's would make us proud other than us, exclusively ourselves only.It's hard to be a homosexual. Everything is limited. The fact that we do should conform to the eyes of the other and must be acceptable in society. But it's hard to act or do things in such manner. We are not a puppet or a doll. It's either we follow or do our own. In this case, we will choose the latter, but how if every time we do certain things, they always oppose or contradict us. In our ideas, talents, and skills they don't mind it. Well, going back to the root, it's because were homosexual (gay or lesbian to be more popular for this is the term that they usually used for whatever purposes, judging perhaps). The notion of other or most of the people is that never trusted them because they are just pretending like a man and a woman though they are not. It's possible could not be. They just live in pretension. Their identity is unknown. Why trusted them?However, they cannot use it as a reason solely. It's very unsubstantial and unjustifiable. The fact that we do not break the rules in society and we do not step people around us, we don't have to afraid for and it's time to set aside our worries regarding this.The LGBT community is doing their best to prove to the world that they are not useless people and they still have the purpose in this world. Nowadays they are showcasing their God-given talents and it is worth proven already. Their crafts are now being looked up in any places in the world and their ideas and skills are also recognized by the international community. In other parts of the world, LGBT community is not anymore a problem or an obstacle in the economic development. They accepted it and they received equal rights and treatments from them. Discrimination is not anymore an issue, in fact, they have the law that will protect their civil rights and enjoy their freedom as "Tao".How about in the Philippines? Sad to say, that the scenario in our country is different. Unfortunately, we don't have this liberated mind as another country has with regards to this issue. In the Philippine society, it's hard to accept homosexual because of our cultural and historical inclination. Because of the Christianity that the Spanish missionaries influenced us our society is much secluded on the religious aspect and now we're being tied with the so-called "Conservatism".  It doesn't help on the other hand as a conservative society. Our society is not anymore base on conservatism because of many issues we have, morality to name a few. Also, it doesn't even help our economy to boost up, instead, it decreasingly paralyzing the economic status of our country. Is it because of the homosexual? The fault is nothing to do with them nor does it not contribute for declining the man powers. It is just people making a wall and barring their ideas to help in our little way to bring back the strength of the economy and morality in the Philippines. Moralist contends that being a gay or lesbian is immoral. How could they help bringing back the morality in our society if they, themselves are immoral? Perhaps, not, they cannot use our identity as a base as to whether gay or lesbian is moral or immoral. Morality does not mean that you have to be a man or a woman as stated in the bible and gay/lesbian is not mentioned nor written in the Holy Scripture. Still, we are the human being like a normal man and woman. We have heart, mind, and soul. We can speak, communicate and rationalized because we're human. A human that feels hurt, love, anxiety, desire, and satisfaction. And nobody could change or shift us to what it has to be. It is difficult to go into the other identity as man or woman because we will undergo in a very complicated process. It will take a month or even a year before we develop or come up on this but in the long run, it will just fade away, eventually, the softness of our heart and the desire of being feminine will prevail (in the case of gay).Consequently, homosexual are still not excuse in discrimination. Most of them will test how strong they are in surpassing this nightmare. It's part of our life. We cannot run the reality that we are destined to criticize wrongly by other. That is the sad part; they judge us without investigating of what and who really we are. They criticize and judge us because we're gay or lesbian. Being affiliated with this group is fun but full of travails. To be like this is not a criminal sin for they perceive us that way. They say those homosexuals are double sinners for they have sinned already which is the original sin and being a homosexual. But we do not choose to be like this. Having a woman inside a man's body or vice versa is not easy to carry. We don't have a choice but to accept. And so, acceptance is very important in our part. Every one of us wants to accept by the people and in the society that we live in. If this will happen, it is now easy for us to move freely without hesitation and we could mingle with the people without woe of discrimination. How could it happen and when? Time will come. Time will be the eyewitness and we will wait for that momentous time to happen. Surely not this time; not tomorrow: or even not the next day or next year. No accurate time but hope will be the highest assurance for this. No doubt that everyone will accept us for who we are as HOMOSEXUAL.Apparently, it will be a statement in the water. Flowing and later they will fluff it, nothing happens. The protests of the homosexual about acceptance have been blown up. Since we are not accepted in the society, it doesn't mean that we will stop breathing. Well, it is definitely not the end of our life. Every one of us should have to move on. Just ignore whoever in this selfish and unjust world collates us. The important is we live with confidence and truth. We have to enjoy every single of our lives so when the times come that we will live the world which they pushing us away and rejecting us, we would have happy moments we could share in heaven if that is our destination after we died. Interrogatively, this is the statement that most of us puzzling whether the homosexual could be entered in heaven. Possibly they can if they can do good deeds to other despite their identity. In as much as we do not do wrong in the society that will be the simplest passport, we could ever have. In that way, we could exult the victory among us. If the people could not accept us in their land full of extremist, the angels in heaven will accept us whole heartedly and with their arms accompanying us in the land of paradise. Now, we will have contentment and satisfaction on our part. Nevertheless, it is too vague, because God only created man and woman in His image and the gay/lesbian does not. We could say that it's totally unfair. But we cannot alter the cosmos from the very beginning. Going back into the past is not easy unless we have the time machine to transport us from the previous. Therefore, our existence in the universe is not defined clearly and staying here is just temporary. Temporary or permanent is another issue of the homosexual. Except, the issue of acceptance will not put in court, there will be a rapport in terms of the relationship towards one another. After all, this will be a continuous battle and demonstration in roads. We will not stop fighting for our rights and the freedom to live happily. We will stand in our conviction until we gain the respect and equality in this complex and inhumane world.
by Michael L. Bordeos
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timecrawl-blog1 · 7 years
Get Back In The Sack Review
Get Back In The Sack Review  Your self-esteem can really be a little superior. This will affect every aspect you have ever had, which will help your talent in contacting members in the opposite sex from your existence. Get Back In The Sack We have a home in times of sexual liberty, women do not think they must be less than the best, and they will not be satisfied with a little, lean member. So, even when you can overcome confident issues, being a woman is usually a real dream of being during intercourse. Of course, bad bedroom bad experiences cause you to feel insecure and inadequate – it’s a genuine vicious circle. If the bark has brought a negative impact on your beliefs along with your life, it’s time to control yourself and do something about it. If you can give your confidence, your mum will be encouraged by the natural off shoot system. Simply put, it is of having to manhood. Finally settled here attracted focus on the son of the border east, who settled into a father on the subject of an early training, I claim that studies in science studies are incredibly useful. Scientists make this tactic more accurate, making your ambitions quicker and faster. They have very simple techniques and require external equipment or substances. You need your body and a small amount of time. Get Back In The Sack Review Techniques Begin to grow penis alone. The way to make this happen is by encouraging your body to commence the natural production of the respiratory and also the development and release of our blood. Once they are made, you can also make sure you have a manhood in chemistry chemistry. Do this and you should get big victories. All of us realize how important it is for all those to be in our entire body. In these days, the feeling of the body is very important. Women have a lot of possibilities open with plastic surgery, and this material is utterly open. Women can search pertaining to breast augmentation, nausea, botox and other various techniques, such as plenty of information available very carefully. You possibly can argue with your friends, because do not need change any part of your system. But for a man, Get Back In the sack Book it is very tough. The penis size volume can make a bit of his friends that can seem sensible, the men who can really feel, the synthetic means sold in the Internet are literally this issue pale and do not try them or you do not test by means of consent, talk about it and try to sell it Any man who's not murdered will work on there. There is no need for just about any product to use Natural expansion comes complete information since you also can fully understand all the facts because it permits you to fully understand how to increase your penis by 4 inches width, The best reason I can provide you with a way to use a normal improvement is that it really works and feel the confidence of knowing that you'll be a safe and lasting expansion. There is no other approach to expand that the heart says that the penis aren't going to be at risk, or certainly it will definitely offer you a steady growth. Normal inflation may give you two guarantees. It functions filling your penis by cultivating itself over the monsoon season. That is, the modification with the biomass in the public person is no longer produced. When they are available in, your penis will grow on auto-pilot. Get Back In The Bedroom Scam The nature of nature will disclose how to do it. In a very recent study of 10, 000 adult men, 8, 000 people said it had been best when it came to humans, it was 8 away from 10! Their sexual, self-esteem, self-confidence, need, and ultimately decision-making (beds) could cause disastrous consequences. Recently, one of my friends was discussing with me and said, “He’s nothing like a mature, I feel like he owns 1 / 2 the left, when I’m not necessarily old enough. ” Paul had been the middle of the glitch throughout his life. The girl who smiles having her boyfriend, the psychological impact of my buddy, does not break the center, but it breaks the record. Get Back In The Sack Ingredients In relation to large sex, there are clear facts that apply to almost all couples. It’s the pleasure of having the highest options of pleasure during the intercourse and to own highest levels of pleasure.  The immature ejaculate men can be a common type of malignancy within gender. When a man is affected by these complications, he has found that his ejaculation cannot be properly controlled. Before they can reach an amount of penetration during sexual making love, or immediately find them that they are landing. Generally, this type of situation occurs a little trigger. Get Back In the sack Course It is a very encouraging experience that can bring about dissatisfaction among partners, embarrassment, and also frustration. Here, you will introduce several details of premature ejaculation there are many reasons with regards to premature ejaculation. One of the main reasons behind this situation relates to the mood of the affected men. It has been found that people who are inclined towards depression and excessive anxiety are experiencing difficulties in regulating them. Additionally, many men who do not enjoy enthusiasm for just a certain period, or with a new or partially dominant shareholder, are facing premature sperm. Of course, there are several medical conditions that lead to this particular condition. These include: Early ejaculated men are a disturbing and disturbing situation. Fortunately, I believe that when it is given proper treatment, it are going to be cured. Good news, in many cases of the particular condition, the results occur by itself. Get Back In The Sack System When the situation does not naturally deal with itself, there are some things that your man can do on his own to acheive some kind of design. Like for example ,: Men may also participate in a variety of lifestyle changes, so they can control erection dysfunction. It has been found there are many elements that can affect the chance to control the penis. It involves smoking, peaks, cigarettes, alcohol ingestion, taking some non-prescription drugs and joining illegal drugs. If a man partcipates in these organs and halts these, they will face their dilemma. There are many products and strategies that physician suggests before dealing with drugs for men with this problem. Various types of physiotherapy items, participation in various sexual thinking, and similarities are useful while passing this delusional state. Like a last resort, some drugs help a male to control sperm speed. Although this is a disturbing and confusing situation for several, it is possible to recover the immature sperm with delay premature ejaculation pills. Healthy sexual life relationship is essential. If love relationship is examined, both partners should be enthusiastic about sex. Since many relationships finished, man did not satisfy his wife during intercourse. The reasons for this sexual disappointment are the length of penis size. Women prefer modest penis little. Get Back In The Sack Technique That’s why quite a few males want to get far more penis. There are many products available on the market, so you should only purchase a product that will guarantee your very best self interest. So what exactly is the herbal penis extension pills in addition to what do these tablets say to the users? The use of herbal penis enlargement pills is probably the most popular ways to enhance penis now. The main reason for offering herbal penis enlargement pills might be anonymous to buyers. Viewing online strategies could get honest ideas about these plant based pills, which is a good source because men don't have to worry about identifying their buddies. All herbal penis enlargement tablets that are sold on the internet are not giving positive outcomes. Some pills used some medical problems. Why it’s essential if you intend to buy a high-quality herbal penile tablet, make sure the ingredients are really herbal. VigrxPlus tablets, for case in point, are a good choice because they produce strong herbs in a laboratory certified through the FDA. Get Back In The Sack Program I realize that the products list isn't something you think first, but you should look at this before buying a male organ expansion tablet. Another feature of online reviewers may be to discuss whether they have a warranty of withdrawal. All the best grains on the market are guaranteed without risk several months. Get Back In The Sack PDF Decide whether you choose to test it with the product and fulfill the results.
Get Back In The Sack - Get Back In Sack Review - Does It Really Works?, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxDM6VWxETI
Get Back In The Sack Review - Back Day To Get Them In The Sack, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PETRRfPlNk
Get Back In The Sack Reviews - Get Back In The Sack | Product Review | Does It Works?, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZKGMAa7w1M
0 notes
Get Back In The Sack Review
Get Back In The Sack Review  Your self-esteem can really be considered a little superior. This will affect every aspect you have ever had, which will help your talent in contacting members from the opposite sex from your lifestyle. Get Back In The Sack We reside in times of sexual liberty, women do not think they must be less than the best, and they will not be satisfied with a smaller, lean member. So, even if you possibly could overcome confident issues, being a woman generally is a real dream of being during sex. Of course, bad bedroom bad experiences cause you to be feel insecure and inadequate – it’s an actual vicious circle. If the bark has received a negative impact on your beliefs along with your life, it’s time to control yourself and do something positive about it. If you can allow your confidence, your mum will probably be encouraged by the natural off shoot system. Simply put, it is in order to to manhood. Finally settled here attracted awareness of the son of the border east, who settled into a father with regards to an early training, I declare that studies in science studies are useful. Scientists make this strategy more accurate, making your dreams quicker and faster. They have very simple techniques and require external equipment or chemical substances. You need your body and a little bit of time. Get Back In The Sack Review Techniques Begin to build penis alone. The way to achieve this is by encouraging your body to begin with the natural production of the respiratory and also the development and release of bloodstream. Once they are made, you can also make sure you have a male member in chemistry chemistry. Do this and you will probably get big victories. All of us realize how important it is for all those to be in our human body. In these days, the feeling of the body is very important. Women have a lot of possibilities with plastic surgery, and this material is totally open. Women can search regarding breast augmentation, nausea, botox along with various techniques, such as lots of information available very carefully. You possibly can argue with your friends, because you should not change any part of your system. But for a man, Get Back In the sack Book it is very complicated. The penis size volume can make a little bit of his friends that can sound right, the men who can feel, the synthetic means sold inside the Internet are literally this issue pale and do not try them or you do not test through consent, talk about it and attempt to sell it Any man that's not murdered will work on it. There is no need for virtually every product to use Natural expansion comes complete information because you can fully understand all the facts because it permits you to fully understand how to boost your penis by 4 inches wide, The best reason I can give you a way to use a regular improvement is that it really works and feel the confidence of knowing that you will be a safe and lasting growth. There is no other procedure for expand that the heart says that the penis won't be at risk, or certainly it will definitely provide you with a steady growth. Normal inflation can provide you two guarantees. It functions filling your penis by cultivating itself in the monsoon season. That is, the modification with the biomass in the public is no longer produced. When they can be found in, your penis will grow routinely. Get Back In The Bag Scam The nature of nature will show you how to do it. Within a recent study of 10, 000 men, 8, 000 people said it had been best when it came for you to humans, it was 8 away from 10! Their sexual, self-esteem, self-confidence, wish, and ultimately decision-making (beds) might cause disastrous consequences. Recently, one of my friends was speaking with me and said, “He’s nothing like a mature, I feel like he owns 1 / 2 of the left, when I’m not old enough. ” Paul had been center of the glitch throughout his life. The girl who smiles using her boyfriend, the psychological impact of my friend, does not break the cardiovascular, but it breaks the heritage. Get Back In The Sack Ingredients When it comes to large sex, there are clear facts that apply to almost all couples. It’s the pleasure of having the highest options of pleasure during the intercourse and to offer the highest levels of pleasure.  The immature ejaculate men can be a common type of malignancy throughout gender. When a man is afflicted with these complications, he has found that his ejaculation cannot be properly controlled. Before they can reach a quantity of penetration during sexual making love, or immediately find them actually landing. Generally, this type of situation occurs just a little trigger. Get Back In the bed room Course It is a very encouraging experience that may result in dissatisfaction among partners, embarrassment, and also frustration. Here, you will introduce several info about premature ejaculation there are many reasons with regards to premature ejaculation. One of the main reasons behind this situation is related to the mood of the impacted men. It has been found that people who are inclined towards depression and excessive anxiety are experiencing difficulties in regulating them. Additionally, many men who do not enjoy enthusiasm for a certain period, or with the latest or partially dominant shareholder, are facing premature sperm. Of course, there are many medical conditions that lead to this condition. These include: Early ejaculated men are an uncomfortable and disturbing situation. Fortunately, I believe that if it's given proper treatment, it are going to be cured. Good news, in many cases of this particular condition, the results occur alone. Get Back In The Sack System If your situation does not naturally solve itself, there are some things that a man can do on his own to acheive some kind of design. Such as: Men may also participate in various lifestyle changes, so they can control erectile dysfunction. It has been found that you have many elements that can affect the chance to control the penis. It consists of smoking, peaks, cigarettes, alcohol use, taking some non-prescription drugs and participating in illegal drugs. If a man engages in these organs and halts all of them, they will face their trouble. There are many products and strategies that physician suggests before dealing with drugs for men using this problem. Various types of physiotherapy merchandise, participation in various sexual perceptions, and similarities are useful as soon as passing this delusional state. To be a last resort, some drugs help a man to control sperm speed. Although it is a disturbing and confusing situation for a lot of, it is possible to treat the immature sperm with medicine. Healthy sexual life relationship is important. If love relationship is analyzed, both partners should be enthusiastic about sex. Since many relationships concluded, man did not satisfy his wife during sex. The reasons for this sexual disappointment are how big penis size. Women prefer smaller penis little. Get Back In The Sack Technique That’s why quite a few males want to get a lot more penis. There are many products out there, so you should only pick a product that will guarantee your very best interest. So what exactly is the herbal penis extension pills and also what do these tablets say to the users? The use of herbal penis enlargement pills is amongst the most popular ways to raise penis now. The main reason for marketing herbal penis enlargement pills will probably be anonymous to buyers. Viewing online strategies might get honest ideas about these natural pills, which is a good source because men don't need to worry about identifying their buddies. All herbal penis enlargement tablets that are sold on the web are not giving positive results. Some pills used some medical problems. Why it’s essential if you intend to buy a high-quality herbal manhood tablet, make sure the ingredients are actually herbal. VigrxPlus tablets, for example, are a good choice because they produce strong herbs in a laboratory certified by the FDA. Get Back In The Sack Program I know that the products list seriously isn't something you think first, but you must think of this before buying a male member expansion tablet. Another feature of online reviewers would be to discuss whether they have security of withdrawal. All the best grains already in the market are guaranteed without risk several months. Get Back In The Sack PDF Decide whether you determine to test it with the product and match the results.
Get Back In The Sack - Get Back In Sack Review - Does It Really Works?, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxDM6VWxETI
Get Back In The Sack Review - Back Day To Get Them In The Sack, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PETRRfPlNk
Get Back In The Sack Reviews - Get Back In The Sack | Product Review | Does It Works?, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZKGMAa7w1M
0 notes
Get Back In The Sack Review
Get Back In The Sack Review  Your self-esteem can really be a little superior. This will affect every aspect you have ever had, which will help your talent in contacting members with the opposite sex from your living. Get Back In The Sack We reside in times of sexual liberty, women do not think they should be less than the best, and they're going to not be satisfied with a smaller, lean member. So, even if you can overcome confident issues, being a woman generally is a real dream of being in bed. Of course, bad bedroom bad experiences make you feel insecure and inadequate – it’s an actual vicious circle. If the bark has received a negative impact on your beliefs as well as your life, it’s time to control yourself and do something positive about it. If you can offer your confidence, your mum are going to be encouraged by the natural file format system. Simply put, it is in order to to manhood. Finally settled here attracted awareness of the son of the nearby east, who settled into a father in relation to an early training, I declare that studies in science studies are very useful. Scientists make this method more accurate, making your goals quicker and faster. They have very simple techniques and don't require external equipment or chemical compounds. You need your body and a small amount of time. Get Back In The Sack Review Techniques Begin to build penis alone. The way to achieve this is by encouraging your body to begin the natural production of the respiratory and also the development and release of bloodstream. Once they are made, you can create sure you have a penis in chemistry chemistry. Do this and you will get big victories. All of us realize how important it is for individuals to be in our human body. In these days, the feeling of the body is vital. Women have a lot of possibilities open with plastic surgery, and this material is utterly open. Women can search regarding breast augmentation, nausea, botox along with other various techniques, such as a lot of information available very carefully. It is possible to argue with your friends, because no requirement to change any part of your system. But for a man, Get Back In the bed room Book it is very difficult. The penis size volume can make a small amount of his friends that can be the better choice, the men who can feel, the synthetic means sold inside Internet are literally this issue pale and don't try them or you do not test by means of consent, talk about it and attempt to sell it Any man who's going to be not murdered will work into it. There is no need for almost any product to use Natural expansion comes complete information since you also can fully understand all the facts because it means that you can fully understand how to boost your penis by 4 inches width, The best reason I can provide you with a way to use a typical improvement is that it really works and you will feel the confidence of knowing that you're a safe and lasting development. There is no other way of expand that the heart says that the penis won't be at risk, or certainly it will definitely give you a steady growth. Normal inflation can grant you two guarantees. It sticks to filling your penis by cultivating itself throughout the monsoon season. That is, the modification from the biomass in the public person is no longer produced. When they come in, your penis will grow automatically. Get Back In The Carrier Scam The nature of nature will reveal how to do it. In a recent study of 10, 000 males, 8, 000 people said it had been best when it came in order to humans, it was 8 beyond 10! Their sexual, self-esteem, self-confidence, need, and ultimately decision-making (beds) can cause disastrous consequences. Recently, one of my friends was speaking with me and said, “He’s nothing beats a mature, I feel like he owns half of the left, when I’m not necessarily old enough. ” Paul had been the center of the glitch throughout his lifestyle. The girl who smiles using her boyfriend, the psychological impact of my buddy, does not break the heart, but it breaks the history. Get Back In The Sack Ingredients In relation to large sex, there are clear facts that apply to almost all couples. It’s the pleasure of having the highest options of pleasure during the intercourse and to offer the highest levels of pleasure.  The immature ejaculate men are a common type of malignancy in gender. When a man is afflicted with these complications, he has found that his ejaculation cannot be correctly controlled. Before they can reach a quantity of penetration during sexual love-making, or immediately find them likely landing. Generally, this type of situation occurs only a little trigger. Get Back Between the sheets Course It is a very encouraging experience that can cause dissatisfaction among partners, embarrassment, and frustration. Here, you will introduce several info about premature ejaculation there are many reasons on the subject of premature ejaculation. One of the main reasons behind this situation is related to the mood of the influenced men. It has been found that people who are inclined towards depression and excessive anxiety are experiencing difficulties in regulating them. Furthermore, many men who do not enjoy enthusiasm for the certain period, or with a fresh or partially dominant shareholder, are facing premature sperm. Of course, there are some medical conditions that lead to this particular condition. These include: Early ejaculated men are an embarrassing and disturbing situation. Fortunately, I believe that when it is given proper treatment, it is going to be cured. Good news, in many cases on this particular condition, the results occur alone. Get Back In The Sack System When the situation does not naturally solve itself, there are some things that the man can do on his own to obtain some kind of design. These include: Men may also participate in various lifestyle changes, so they can control impotence. It has been found there are many elements that can affect the ability to control the penis. It requires smoking, peaks, cigarettes, alcohol usage, taking some non-prescription drugs and joining illegal drugs. If a man partcipates in these organs and halts these, they will face their trouble. There are many products and strategies that physician suggests before dealing with drugs for men with this problem. Various types of physiotherapy products, participation in various sexual thought patterns, and similarities are useful while passing this delusional state. Like a last resort, some drugs help a guy to control sperm speed. Although it is just a disturbing and confusing situation for most, it is possible to mend the immature sperm with medicine. Healthy sexual life relationship is important. If love relationship is examined, both partners should be enthusiastic about sex. Since many relationships broken, man did not satisfy his wife during sexual intercourse. The reasons for this sexual disappointment are the size of penis size. Women prefer smaller penis little. Get Back In The Sack Technique That’s why many males want to get far more penis. There are many products out there, so you should only go with a product that will guarantee your better interest. So what exactly is the herbal penis extension pills in addition to what do these tablets say to the users? The use of herbal penis enlargement pills is among the most popular ways to raise penis now. The main reason for offering herbal penis enlargement pills may just be anonymous to buyers. Viewing online strategies could possibly get honest ideas about these natural and organic pills, which is a good source because men do not need to worry about identifying their close friends. All herbal penis enlargement tablets that are sold online are not giving positive benefits. Some pills used some medical problems. Why it’s essential if you wish to buy a high-quality herbal manhood tablet, make sure the ingredients are actually herbal. VigrxPlus tablets, for illustration, are a good choice since they produce strong herbs in a laboratory certified by the FDA. Get Back In The Sack Program I'm sure that the products list seriously isn't something you think first, but you should look at this before buying a male member expansion tablet. Another feature of online reviewers would be to discuss whether they have amount of protection of withdrawal. All the best grains already in the market are guaranteed without risk 4 months. Get Back In The Sack PDF Decide whether you choosed to test it with the product and fulfill the results.
Get Back In The Sack - Get Back In Sack Review - Does It Really Works?, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxDM6VWxETI
Get Back In The Sack Review - Back Day To Get Them In The Sack, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PETRRfPlNk
Get Back In The Sack Reviews - Get Back In The Sack | Product Review | Does It Works?, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZKGMAa7w1M
0 notes