#nothing to do with the book series that Goncharov was based on
soft-and-exhausted · 2 years
fancast for a potential remake of Goncharov (1973)
i know the original is perfect, but if they did a remake (in true 2020s fashion) it could be EVEN FRUITIER?? so I’m totally here for it! 
here’s my fancast 
Oscar Isaac as Goncharov!!
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Andrew Garfield as Andrey 
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Charlize Theron as Katya 
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Mila Kunis as Sofia 
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Jeff Goldblum as Joseph “Ice Pick Joe” Morelli  
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 Michael Sheen as Valery
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(obviously the remake should have as many cameos as possible)
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mylittlesecrethaven · 5 months
Bsd Is Kinda A Genius Anime: Pt 7
It's finally time.
It's the last part.
It's time for the Rats in the House of the Dead. (minus Fyodor)
Are y'all ready?
(I guess also minus Nathanial cause I did him in the last part)
Alexander Pushkin
Ability: A Feast in Time of Plague
Let's get this mf out of the way first. So.... I think I've actually heard of this guy's RLC. I don't know much about him, but apparently he was a Russian poet who wrote "Ode to Liberty," one of many controversial poems that got him exiled. (If you ask me, Pushkin's the exact opposite, the little asshole) Uhhh.... Oof.... Pushkin's ability is based on a play translation from "John Wilson"'s "The City of the Plague." It's a real dark play, which is what Pushkin's RLC did a lot. It's basically a small play about a dinner party, and during the dinner party, the host announces that a friend of the guests died from the plague, and then they wheel in the body of the dead friend. And that's it. That's how it ends. I can see where the base of the ability came from, that being a virus (aka a sickness) and all. A good connection for the ability, but not much for the actual character. (But Pushkin can freaking die.)
Ivan Goncharov
Ability: The Precipice
And now for the half-brained freak. Man, Fyodor fucked this guy up. Anyway! Apparently, Fyodor's RLC held Ivan's RLC in high regard, which is the exact opposite as in the series. (There seems to be a lot of that) Uhh.... wow. Ivan's RLC was from an extremely noble family and held a shit ton of higher up jobs. Not much of a connection though.... The book "The Precipice" is not much of a connection either. It's about these three guys pining after this one really independent and smart woman. Each of the guys has a very specific description. One of them is pretending to be an artist, another is a nihilist (for those who are about to look that up, it basically means they think values are dumb, life is meaningless, and/or that knowledge is impossible. Dazai would kinda be considered a nihilist for the "life is meaningless" part), and the last one is a traditional but progressive landowner. It also has a lot of philosophical stuff in it, but besides that, there's not really a connection to anything with Ivan. Maybe the landowner since his ability has to do with the ground, but that's way too big of a stretch. *sigh* Any ideas?
Mushitarō Oguri
Ability: The Perfect Crime
Ok hair helmet man, what do you got for me? Hm hm hm.... His RLC wrote mystery novels, that fits. He also died young, which could be a connection to Mushitaro's friend (who's name I can't remember....) The book is also a simple connection, since it's a "locked-room mystery novel." Sound familiar? Besides that, nothing really else. His connections are simple and easy.
And that's the last part.
I'm a little happy I don't have to do any more research.
But now I have all this knowledge in my head about these characters.
What good is that gonna do me?
Unless I can find a trivia BSD thing at a convention (unlikely), this info shall go unused.
I just hope y'all liked this series.
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