#notice all the POWER memes for the vergil one xD
tricksheart · 4 years
QUOTES / PHRASES said by Akira in his Devil May Cry verse when with certain party members.
Lavender’s blue. Lavender’s green. Couldn’t they come up with a better word to rhyme with Queen? Like Lavender is supposed to be Seen?
You really don’t think I’m like Lord Byron right? Just the giant demonic raven thinks that, I hope.
Don’t worry, it’s nothing personal. I don’t trust anyone, not just you. So you’re cool.
So you’re like a HUMANsona then?
The damn squawker bird sure loves calling me Casanova. I hate it.
Ten guesses that you are connected to the big bad who is doing all this weird ass tree shit huh? This isn’t my first time with the demon worlds and those that live in it. You fit the troupe.
You ain’t the only mysterious one around here. Don’t worry about fitting in.
Me read poetry? Nah, not really. I just write them cause Mom likes to read them. Nothing more, nothing less.
Don’t you go flaking out on me. Didn’t you say you wanted to see this through? Ain’t no way in hell that you are escaping this.
Power courses through me!
Power of the Wildcard.
What a stylish Power.
With this Power....
Wish I could do a Judgement Cut.......
You gotta play Catherine. Bunch of classical music in that game. Tests your patience though so I might not really recommend it now...
Show me your Motivation.....I mean True Form!!
Nice to see the Cain Instinct even in demon brothers. Never fails.
The puppet master concretes all the masses.
It’s strange actually being the more talkative one for once. Even my voice sounds odd.
I know I way to mess with that brother of yours. And it involves eating pizza...with a knife & fork!! It will piss him off for sure.
One more God Rejected!
Just because I dressed up like the DemiFiend once in a dancing game does not mean I am him!! Stop chasing me!!
Shouldn’t you retire already old man?
Pizza? What’s next you talking about DELICIOUS PANCAKES?
Your gun skills are cool but can it summon a lot of them and unleash bullet hail? Cuz I can. And also down shots.
These demons are even weaker than a Jack-o-Lantern and that’s saying something.
Looking cool me!!
That dark knight Sparda isn’t all that great just like you had said. Didn’t let humans rule themselves even though he was awoken to justice....Forget about it. Let’s go.
Glad I don’t have to talk that much. You say things for the whole group and for that, you have my thanks. And also being the leader. I hate being that, honestly.
Jackpot, I mean, Checkmate!
Let’s go Ryuji.....I mean Nero!
Credo huh? Sounds like he was a good man that had good intentions. But the road to hell is paved with those. I should know.
You look like an older Jack Frost from Rise of Guardians. It’s fucking weird.
So Kyrie eh? She a redhead? Is that why you like her? It’s okay I like redheads too. Even designed an AI to have red hair a year or so ago.
God, I hate Nico’s smoke just as much as you do. Although, the smoking reminds me of my father so it’s not really a health thing. More psychological.
If you ever had the thought if cats could talk, then just don’t. You really don’t wanna let those feline’s out of the bag with that one. Trust me.
If they are really are getting the band back together, do you think I can be the lead singer? I got some mean pipes.
You aren’t the only one who’s got a somewhat cursed family. Mine is always being harassed by Lovecraftian Aliens who want the world to end or to have it never change.
It’s Showtime!!
Just lead the way. I’m tired of being the only one that gets called reckless.
I will steal everyone’s hearts!!
Hi Deadwieght, I’m Attic Trash.
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