#notice:contains awesome content and outstanding vocabularly
lord-dusk · 5 years
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Jurassic Emblem-Chapter 5
Kyaaah~!! The first boss fight in this fanfiction! Aren’t you guys excited! For a particularly special treat, listen to this while reading this chapter! (>w <)
 “What are you two dragonskin doing here at this hour?” The velociraptor named Lucina questioned. She and her bretheren weren’t pleased to see these intruders stepping out the cryogenics lab.
Teba sighed. “If you would like us to spill the honest cake with tea, we are employed by Dr.Henry-”
Warbler grabbed the wine bottle from her partner’s garments and presented it to the raptors. “We’re taking these babies with us! Pull anything outta your asses and I’ll happily dice you all up! Kehahahahaha!”
Suddenly a wave of epiphany flooded over the Exalted princess.”When I consoled that poor, unfortunate mother whose child was eaten,”Lucina said. “Was a purple-white saurian responsible for the incident?”
“So what if I was? You and me are exactly alike! After all, we both prevented great catastrophes. You killed the wo-man-man who jizzed all over your daddy’s carcass while I saved that baby’s descendant from being hung on Valm’s gates-”
“Don’t you DARE compare me to the likes of you!” Lucina was about to dive-bomb Warbler, but her amber-eyed self caught her in her arms. “Stop Future Witness. We can eviscerate these bitches AFTER we find out more about them.”
“I agree with Blue,” the green-blue raptor named Delta said. “We may be dinosaurs, but we mustn’t be so hasty.”
“I don’t know who you two bitches are, but you smell like a certain goddamn geneticist,” the brown raptor Echo growled.
“Hey Red-Blue Fish! Can I piggyback on you?” The young jungle-green dromaeosaur Charlie chippered. Despite the tense situation she was very enthusiastic.
 Teba took back the wine bottle from Warbler’s hands and placed it back in his garments. “t’would appear that no matter what era they’re in, children are very rash and impulsive.” He unfastened the pair of katana blades hung on his waist and striked them at the raptors.
Well, almost anyway. Lucina blocked the katanas with her Falchion sword with a klink! “I guess words just won’t cut it,” she muttered. “Whoever said that the pen is mightier than the sword is a giant, obese, liar.”
“Good, because I’m starting to feel a tad-little blood-thirsty,” Blue said. She and her sisters held up aqua-blue pebbles with ouroboro-fossils on them and they immediately morphed into their six-foot tall lizard forms.
Likewise, Warbler took out a similar stone, and she too transformed. But she didn’t turn into a Velociraptor nublarensis, oh no. Rather, Warbler morphed into an eight-foot all dinosaur, white and purple. She had purple V-shaped crests on her beak-like snout and similarly hued quills and spots on her tail and neck.
And indeed, Warbler puffed out her neck revealing an expansive frill ornated with purple and blood-warning patterns. Patterns that Lucina knew all two well since she was sixty days old.
“You....GGGGGRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIMMMMMMAAA~!!!!” The blue raptor(not Sole-Survivor, mind you.) had totally lost her head. “I’m going to send you back to the Permo-Triassic Extinction Event 3.5 billion times if necessary!”
KLINK! Teba had blocked Lucina’s sword attacks again but this time he wasn’t holding his weapons in his hands. They were spinning in a shield-like circle, held in place by special electro-magnetic fields produced by the samurai.
“Listen,” Teba calmly reprimanded Lucina. “I don’t particularly like hurting children; in fact, I am one to protect children. And out of all these raptors I’m facing off against, you are the most youngest and the most rash.”
“Yeah, Luci-Loosey,” Warbler taunted in a harsh sing-song tone. “You got to loose up! Kehahah! Get it, loose up? Because no matter how many times you try, your stupid family always die! KAHAHAHAHAAH!!”
More sword-on sword fighting. The other raptors were watching closely, but they would’t dare get any closer to Teba’s shīrudo-gatana lest they got blended up up like a fruit smoothie.
“This is for Chrom and Emmeryn, bastard!” Lucina eventually smashed through Teba’s defense-move and was about to chop him up into sashimi and something wet and hot smacked against her eyes, and before she knew it, an immense burning pain had coursed through her central nervous system and Lucina collasped on the floor, Falchion and all, wriggling in screaming agony from what feels like searing knives slicing her brain and eyes.
“KEHAHAHAAHAHAHAH~!! What’s wrong, Future Witness? I thought you said you were going to kill me!?” The raptors wasted no time rushing to their comrade’s aide. "Oh yes, of course! I’m a dilophosaur, and dilos puke out a painful neurotoxin that blinds the eye and numbs the muscle! Don’t worry, I’ll end you and your bloodline’s pain!”
Dismayed that his swords were shattered by the couch-shredder that was Luci’s Falchion, Teba took out an aqua-blue stone from his kimono. Shaking and holding the stone, he had morphed into what appeared to be a deep-red salamander the size of an alligator, the snout black with an iridescent-blue chin. His dorsal fin was not unlike that of a lionfish, and the limbs were not-quite legs but not traditional fins either(think of the limbs of a Queensland Lungfish). They were a marvelous light-blue color and so was his caudal fin, embellished even further with red outlines and an eye-spot. As lavish his form was, Teba reluctantly transformed into this state due to the fact that though he can breathe atmospheric air, terrestrial locomotion was a massive pain in the ass, slithering deliberately and dragging the belly with stubby limbs that didn’t had fingers. 
At least I’m quipped with sharp piercing spines and predatory teeth, Teba thought to himself as the reptilian birds of prey leaped on to him and Warber. Echo just narrowly missed the dorsal spines and bit down unto the amphibian’s flanks, which as starting to tear, albeit with great tediousness from the ganoid scales enveloping Teba’s body. Delta had landed to the opposite side and attempted to rip off Teba’s right forelimb. The salamnder tried to turn his head to bite unto Delta, but the light-green raptor quickly jabbed her claws into the tetrapod’s gills, a waterfall of dark blood pouring out like some dead Kool-Aid Man. Teba had gagged and sputtered and soon, he passed out.
Blue and Charlie faced Warbler. The purple-white dilophosaur had tried spitting her venom at the two raptors, but they were too quick and the dark goo simply flew straight out the window(and unto Byleth’s eyes below) or smacked right into a portrait of the late King Gustav. Blue landed just beneath Warbler’s neck, grabbed her frill, and started to pull. Charlie landed on the dilo’s back, and sank her sickle-talons and teeth into her flesh, the entire sensation of ripping flesh too much for Warbler to bear. 
And things just keep getting better. Noticing the Midnight Merlot bottle containing the embryos on its side next to Teba’s unconscious body, Delta picked the bottle up and thrust it into Warbler’s mouth.
“-!AHP-AH uh ooi-!?” Warbler gibbered. And with Charlie noticing the grand opportunity-
She closed Warbler’s beak onto the glass, the bottle shattering apart alongside the embryos and coolant gas seeped out in a thick, ghostly smoke as Warbler’s beak started to frostbite.
“B-Bitches...” The dilophosaur glared at the raptors now menacingly, “bitches like you deserve to have their stomachs pumped full of  Duma’s semen! You just murdered 12 babies of 12 Heroes!”
“That’s the worse joke I’ve ever heard in my life,” Blue said, tightly pulling at Warbler’s frill now. “Isn’t that coming from a someone who just ate a newborn like BBQ bacon-burger dipped in wine?”
With that line, there was loud SHHRRRIIIP! as the non-Lucina raptor tore off Warbler’s frill and thick gushes of dark crimson had flowed out, Warbler collapsed on the ground, and much like her fell comrade Teba, sputtered and gagged before spewing out a sweet-smelling pool of digested meat, cartilage, and oozy organs from her stomach. 
Blue walked over to a heavily panting Lucina. “C’mon, Future Witness, let’s patch you up and flush that disgustingly foul-venom from your eyes.” She picked her up bridal-style and that’s when she and her sisters noticed that they were surrounded by Heroes who were groggy and stirred from the boss fight earlier.
Horn Skuld and Chrom were one of them.
Charlie tried to ease the situation.” Umm, what’s up, fellow mammals? Any of you fellows want some Reese’s Banana sliders?”
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