#nova you gremlin (affectionate)
the-force-awakens · 2 years
*cracks knuckles* let’s do this. Husband, best friend, one night stand……..Poe Dameron, Michael Perry, and Steven Grant 👀
*shocked gasp* Nova, how could you???? She asks in abject horror despite having been an absolute menace in your inbox too.
husband: it has to be poe. honestly I guarantee every one of these that have poe, he's automatically getting tossed into the husband category. I've been hopelessly in love with him for almost a decade now, I'm fully committed. And tbh once you have Poe in your life, you really don't ever want him to leave. besides I already call him my husband more often than not.
one night stand: now this one was a bit of a toss-up (if only because I waffled over who to be best friends with for a while), but honestly probably Michael. He's wonderfully blunt but sweet and charming and he likes music and yeah, I can more easily see having a one-night stand with him than I could with Steven (I think he's more of a dinner and a movie kind of guy so sex would come later). But I'm gonna cheat and say we'd probably stay in contact w each other after, if only to talk about music.
best friend: I WANT TO BE BEST FRIENDS WITH STEVEN GRANT SO BADLY. Autistics, we flock together. It would just be an absolute riot to be best friends with him, I think, getting to hear his infodumps all the time (& he'd encourage all mine I just know it tho I doubt he'd have a lot of love for mine being in the paranormal but is he gonna be rude and ask me not to talk abt it? No). Also I'd be lying if I said this decision was not influenced by the fact that I'd have access to his flat. I wanna go through all those pretty pretty books and snuggle up under one of the quilts and take a naaaap.
torment me a little (husband, one night stand, or best friend?)
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berri-hopefulspouse · 4 years
Okokokay. So I nEED to go on a tangent in regards to this post because I have a lOT TO SAY that the tags cannot contain. Because most of my main f/o's are super insecure abt one thing or another, and goddamnit if that post isn't the sweetest fucking thing ever-
If y'all have any other of my f/i'd you want me to answer,,, lmk.
So with Shane particularly, hes generally pretty self conscious because depression sUCKS and what is self esteem.
But I'd say the likelihood is it's mostly in regards to his weight and how it's distributed- mainly around his stomach (Beer belly.png)
To be fair this is a somewhat more intimate spot, but goddamnit my s/i will still do it even in less intimate moments.
Especially when cuddling. Which is a good 85% of the day as it is.
At first he'd get extremely flustered by it, and thrown off guard. But overtime just calm down- probably laugh about it a bit, and continue with whatever he was doing prior.
There's also likely a few instances where he mistook what they were doing for something else. Which can go one of two ways depending on the day. I'll let you figure out the rest.
That isnt to say Shane doesn't get back at them though. Particularly with my SDV s/i- around their s/h scars & stretchmarks.
Despite their self esteem issues; that's more around their personality than their body- they're quite confident no matter what they particularly wear. If there IS one thing they're self conscious about though, it's those two things.
The one for obvious reasons; but regarding the stretchmarks... It's just a reminder to them of who they used to be- despite how much more fit they'd get in later years due to their line of work.
Especially after they have their daughter, Nova.
So Shane isnt a particular stranger to his partner's self conscious things. And he absolutely uses it to get revenge because- unlike him- they always have the same flustered reaction as if it's the first time he did this.
It's a good ego booster, flustering them in general. Even if it's way-too-easy to do so.
...Not that he'll ever admit that though.
Makoto's particular self-hated thing was always his freckles. He was made fun of them a lot growing up, ontop of being a more ""boring"" person- so many people have said.
His mother had always tried to reassure him that it's natural to have freckles- after all, they came from her side- but when freckles aren't a prominent thing in many famous people due to a lack of diversity...what's he supposed to do?
At least he always thought of his freckles as a blemish sort of feature until he met them.
I haven't mentioned this a lot yet because it's gonna be brought up in a later story I have yet to post- but he has a LOT of freckles.
Ones that dot across his cheeks and nose, go around his shoulders and the back of his neck, and mostly down his back. There's also freckles along his sides and stomach. But none along his chest, arms, or legs- but some on the knees.
It was this reason- among another, slightly less impromptu reason- that he wore multiple jackets. Why his clothes were always bulky and didn't show much skin aside from his face.
But they always loved his freckles. It wasn't really a talked about thing persay- but they always said at the time they first became an actual couple that they adored him. all of him.
So you best believe any given chance they get they're going to kiss those freckles.
Smooch the face freckles while passing at work. (Or during meetings, which usually gets them both in trouble but. Not like they care-)
Smooch shoulder freckles when getting ready to sleep.
Smooch tummy freckles for other reasons.
They're not gonna let him feel self conscious about one of the things they love about him. Not on their fuckin' watch.
Of course, this is also very much a double edged sword.
Because best believe when he starts returning the favor for all the little things they hate about their body they're going to MELT.
They can't help it. They just love him too much.
If this boy even REMOTELY detects that they're insecure about something that day?
Its like releasing a storm unto itself. He will NOT stop giving them little kisses here and there until they're smiling again.
Besides. It's almost addicting to give them kisses anyway because they always giggle about it.
This- very often- ends up at the end of the day with little play fights as they try to shove him off of them out of shyness. It doesn't work usually because they're too weak from laughing and giggling so hard.
It at least makes him happier to see them smile like that.
With Shuichi, while he is self conscious about his freckles- although they are few, just a bit along his nose, elbows, and knees- he's moreso self conscious about his body type.
Because let's face it... the boy is absOLUTELY a stick.
But this very much gives the gremlin s/i plenty of room to play with and help him with that.
The amount of times hes had to shove them off of him because they were fiddling with his shirt to kiss at his shoulder blades due to the fact they're in public eye is frankly, probably a mix of horrifying but amusing.
He's also pretty self conscious about his hair, so they take way too much time to play with it and ruffle it up and kiss his head.
He's never quite sure how to feel about having them be so affectionate, given their chaotic nature.
...He also hasn't figured out that it's a double edged sword, even if they have very few body insecurities.
Despite how Mammon's pride is; he's super self conscious about a lot of things. His body, his personality, his behavior- practically everything.
So there's a lot for them to work with.
Usually though- due to constant exhaustion and such- they stick with just his face. Usually around his eyes. Gentle leedol kisses around his eyes and reassuring him with gentle words and hugs that he's much better than how everyone perceived him to be.
Mammon is much more.. Active in his approach though when it's vice versa.
He'll buy them clothes that show off more skin, he'll have them as a partner in modeling gigs- he'll do practically anything to help their self esteem go up a few notches. They always say his ego needs to be shot down a few pegs; but he KNOWS their ego needs to be raised up a bit too.
Of course, when they're in a much more depressed state than their usual exhausted state- he'll slow down a bit for them and just be there to reassure them. Sometimes he asks what they want from him, so he can help, but sometimes it's not the... best answers.
"Please just... tell me you're tired of me already. I'm just a fucking idiot..." "Uh... Ren, you're really not-"
He's never QUITE sure how to handle it, due to how he was raised but... he's learning. Slowly but surely he's learning to TRULY love himself and to be there so they can love themselves too.
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ticklish-touch · 4 years
Re-Introducing my OCs
SO then, before I start doing some meme and chart stuff with my babs, I figured it’s a good time to give you all a refresher on them. As it stands, all of my OC profiles can be found on my DeviantArt. https://www.deviantart.com/ticklishtouch/gallery/67142956/character-profiles My harpy boi Colby is on my non-TK account: https://www.deviantart.com/satin-bowerbird/art/Character-Profile-Colby-803304183 And a quick ref of everyone’s appearance is here: https://ticklish-touch.tumblr.com/post/616447513414811648/heres-a-look-at-all-of-my-ocs-to-date-im-glad-i BUT, there are a few OCs that I haven’t yet posted a profile for, mostly because I just haven’t had the chance yet, or haven’t fully finished their profile drawings. So I’ll give the rundown on those guys here and just let y’all know when I get their profiles added. Aeternius/Terry:
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A Nephilim that was handed off to a Catholic family in his early childhood, and had most of his memories erased, to keep his birthplace a secret. Has very strong ESP and Divine abilities, which he uses to be a paranormal investigator and spirit medium to lost souls. Tall Gothic drink of water at 7'2". In his late 20s, but has stopped aging physically, and is very likely going to live centuries longer than most humans. Has resting bitch face and biting sarcasm, but otherwise is very kind and empathetic. Extremely ticklish wings and he loves hates it. Also very interested in meeting Incubi, even though he'd never openly admit it.
Seth (and Nova):
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A Tortured Soul™ musician in his early 20s, also raised by a Catholic family, but an abusive one that mocked his dreams of becoming an electric violinist. His inner anguish drew the attention of an angel that made a deal with him: He would be a vessel for the angel (who told him to call them Nova), and in return Nova would protect him and give him counseling and encouragement. Now Seth experiences intense visions from various realities, and has gained the ability to sense auras and see paranormal entities. Nova has also taught him that the truth about angels and demons isn’t all black and white. An anxious bundle of nerves that is still overcoming the consequences of being sheltered for so long, but still a very kind soul that wants to improve himself. His worst spots corellate to Nova's extra eyes and their wings - Nova can't feel it but it translates to intense ticklishness on Seth's body.
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Cecaelia (Octopus merman); appears to be in mid 20s; close to 400. A highly adept potion-maker, with mild psychic, hypnotic and premonition abilities. Extremely persuasive and flirtatious to get what he wants; makes ‘deals’ with other merfolk - but unlike Ursula he’s pretty true to his word and doesn’t really want to hurt anyone. He mostly just likes intimidating people. He’s also just horny on main and likes Master/slave play as payment, or having his clients allow him to test some of his more ‘fun’ potions on them. Lito is his favorite customer. Adores making people succumb to his tentacles and making them laugh for him. 
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Spotted hyena hybrid with a gruff exterior. In his mid 20s. Comes off as a delinquent, but a lot of it just comes from being brought up in a tough neighborhood; he’s actually a big softie underneath. He loves to laugh and make other people laugh, and provokes people into ‘punishing’ him with his own ticklishness (or other steamy activities). Despite having The Kink™ and being pretty shameless about it, he inherited a tic from his animal counterpart: He bursts into nervous, eager giggles the moment someone does as much as wiggle their fingers at him. I can’t take full credit for him;  A close friend of mine came up with his name, personality and a couple aspects of his appearance. Carver:
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Shark boi, mid 20s. Haven’t really decided on a solid backstory for him yet but I see him being a lot like Lee, in that he comes off as a tough guy because of a rough upbringing, but is a sweetie deep down. Easily flustered by being tickled but gets into a very affectionate mood from it. LOVES FOOD and enjoys preparing meals for fellow carnivorous/omnivorous mers. Has a frenemy relationship with Lito, because dolphins vs. sharks, and because both of them are muscleheads that like to one-up each other. Yes, he has two dicks. Fritz:
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An Alp - aka, the German origins of ‘Elf.’ Physically in his early 20s, but probably a few centuries old. An absolute gremlin and only 3ft tall. Has a tarnkappe, aka invisibility cloak, which he uses to sneak into homes and pretend to be a poltergeist, steal snacks and raid junk drawers. Not inherently mean-spirited (unless he thinks you deserve it), but not the easiest to get along with unless you embrace his feral personality. Will watch or sit on people as they sleep and sometimes snuggle up to them if he’s feeling lonely, often leading to “sleep paralysis demon” hallucinations. Absolutely loves wrecking ticklish people, but will screech and cuss you out in German if you manage to turn the tides on him - while secretly enjoying the thrill and the challenge. @shunfluff​ suggested Fritz for his name!
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