#octopus merman
The Cove - Part 1 (Male Ceceliae 🐙 x Human Female)
Word Count: 4,610 Warning: Part 1 is SFW but there is some adult language
Summary: Seeking a huge change in life, but ending up in unexpected circumstances, Marisol winds up getting the attention of a somewhat secret admirer. Things don't turn out as planned for either as cultural differences and communication is not their strong suit.
a/n: I'm almost done with part two, which will be absolute filth garbage. Sorry I can't write a one shot. OTZ
She was drowning.
If Marisol was honest, she had been for some time now. Figuratively, of course, not literally. The oppressive demands of adulthood did not live up to the hype that her youth had dreamt up and the promise of what was to come had not been all that it was cracked up to be. She was suffocating under responsibilities, deadlines, demands, life in the rat race with a high pressure job-- It was utter shit.
It had all come to a head. She needed a drastic change. She'd quit her job, sold all of her things and had found work through an agency as a teacher on some remote island in the South Pacific. It was an extreme and unexpected change of pace to be sure. Giving everything up was scary, but it was starting to feel like she could breathe again.
The ferry rocked gently as it made its way through the bay, leaving the docks in its wake. She was on her way to her final destination, a daunting feeling. It was only a few hours ago that she'd landed at the tiny island airport and now all that was left was an overnight ferry ride, then a short water taxi to where she'd start her new life.
Sighing, Marisol looked out the window that sat in front of the small desk, watching the shoreline slip out of view, leaving just the beautiful blue water that surrounded it. In the haze of the distance, tiny islands were barely visible and she wondered exactly what those locations were. But then again, the South Pacific had lots of little keys and atolls. Who's to say it wasn’t an undiscovered place? Maybe she'd Google it later for curiosity's sake. For now, the sun was still shining above, and it was going to be a long, but relaxing ride. The ferry’s website said just as much.
Mari had secured a cabin, a micro suite, for her overnight trip. There was just enough room for her suitcase and bag, the bed of course, and a tiny desk, but was otherwise snug with zero space for anything other than standing and taking the two steps to the toilet or the exit. Fitting two people in this room would have been quite the challenge and maybe part of her was grateful she was making this journey alone.
Fortunately, it was just her. If you could say it was fortunate. She had been single for a few years now, having casually seen some people, but nothing that would have stopped her from uprooting her life in the dramatic fashion she had. A second glance out the window had her questioning her sanity for the millionth time. It still didn't feel real that she'd actually given up everything about her old life and started a new chapter, easily the craziest thing she'd ever done.
Settling in hadn't really taken her long, and this late in the afternoon, she was a little jet lagged from all the traveling, losing count of however many time zones she'd been through. Grabbing her wallet, she headed to the café area to hunt down something to eat and drink. She wasn't starving, so something light would probably hold her over for the rest of the night. Bonus points if she could just take it back to her cabin and eat in peace. Luckily, her cabin was on the same floor as the café, just at the end of the hall, in fact. It was convenient but it also meant she could hear when other passengers walked past her room, coming and going, which was not ideal.
The café, as it was called, was really more of a cafeteria, where it had some tables and seating, a limited offerings coffee bar, a chill case with some premade sandwiches and some lunch boxes with hard boiled eggs and cheese. Nothing to write home about really. There were also some vending machines with packaged snacks and drinks. Strange enough, there was no attendant, instead a note about it being closed in the off-season meant she would have to make due with what was available.
Just her luck. Mari sighed, sparing a glance to the two other passengers who were drinking something from the vending machines. They’d clearly planned ahead because they had take-out food from the restaurant on the docks while they enjoyed the view. The spacious room was all windows, a door on either side leading to the outside deck where there were benches in a few places, nothing extravagant. She could only see a handful of people milling around, enjoying the beginnings of the voyage.
As large as the ferry was, it was rather empty, or at least it felt pretty desolate. There were only a few dozen passengers and minimal crew. It was off-season though, so not a ton of tourists traveled this time of year.
Marisol thought nothing else of it, pausing in front of the vending machines as she considered what she wanted as she glanced out the windows to the horizon for a moment, the sun sitting a bit lower in the sky. The stars out on the open water would be a sight; she'd have to set a reminder to go outside and look. After all, she was under a new sky, with unfamiliar constellations. Smiling to herself, she swiped her card on the machine and treated herself to a soda, chips, and a candy bar. In her opinion, one of the few perks of being an adult is that you’re allowed to eat trash for dinner if you really want to– which she did.
Retreating to her room with the scavenged junk food, she settled in for the night. Kicking her shoes off and flopping onto the bed, Mari reached down and rummaged around her purse, digging out the book she'd been reading. The signal on her phone had been nonexistent since boarding the boat but she honestly was a little relieved to disconnect for a bit. She glanced at the screen, just in case any of her texts to her family had managed to send, but as of right now, she just confirmed the glorified alarm was plugged in before resuming snacks, eager to get to the good part in the current chapter.
It hadn’t taken much for her to doze off to the peaceful rocking of the boat, melting into the soft blankets, book in hand.
The sudden boom of thunder rattled the ship, waking her up with a start, the boat listing with tumultuous tides. Lightning flashed outside the window, lighting up the room in an alarming way, electricity flickering as the boat was rocked so intensely that it nearly tossed her off the bed. Mari's brows knit together as she scrambled to get up and to the window to see what was going on outside.
Her spine prickled with fear, all the hair on her arms and the back of her neck standing up, eyes going wide. A behemoth rogue wave loomed over the boat like an executioner's blade. It easily would have swallowed the moon if not for the pitch black clouds and torrential downpour. Only the lightning bolts racing across the thunderhead behind it gave it shape in the darkness beyond the cabin window.
There was nowhere to run or hide. Her heart stopped and time slowed as the tidal surge grabbed the boat and sent her violently tumbling head over heels. She hit her head on the wall, seeing stars as any loose objects from around the room crashed into her as they all plunged towards their death. Marisol screamed, scared, angry. She was just starting over, and of course this, this would happen. It wasn’t fair.
The ferry itself groaned as it was hit, pulled under and churned in the abyss of the sea. Mari softly gasped as everything slowed and the boat itself finally stopped spinning. The same couldn't be said for her head. Something was wrong, horribly wrong. She found herself buried underneath anything that hadn't been nailed down. The lights were out and she was now in complete darkness, no more lightning flashing outside the room's window. From the feeling of what she was kneeling on, she could tell she was on the ceiling of her cabin.
The boat was upside down.
Adrenaline and dread coursed through her, desperately shoving off the pillows, the desk chair, random contents of her purse, and anything else that had piled on her. Fumbling towards where she thought the door was, knees weak, she stood as she reached for the handle, managing to get it open. The state outside her room was eerily quiet and she could faintly hear some other passengers crying, trapped on lower floors, but her head was ringing and her fear was screaming at her to flee.
It was a nightmare, trying to navigate the ship in complete darkness, crawling along the ceiling as seawater was now rushing in, pooling around her knees and hands as she timidly crawled through the disorder. It hadn't felt this complicated a few hours ago when the boat was sitting on top of the water.
In the hallway, there was some glow-in-the-dark tape that was on the floor, currently above her head. Once more, the metal sides of the boat whined as it continued its slow descent under the waves.
Mari could hardly control her breathing as she finally escaped the long hallway and had made her way to the café where there was nothing but ominous, dark oblivion surrounding the glass walls that should have overlooked a horizon and midnight sea. The faint whisper of crackling glass under pressure was an omen of what was about to come.
"Fuck." The word softly slipped from her lips.
It was like a bomb went off. Water and glass exploded forward, slamming into her body and throwing her back down the hall she'd just escaped from. Like a ragdoll, thrown around and pulled under the saltwater flooding every available space as the ferry continued to sink further down to rest in the soft white sand below.
🌴🐙🌴 It was so warm now. The sun on her skin and wet sand beneath her, the cool breeze rifling her hair. It was all so serene, surely this was a dream… It only took a few moments before dread seeped into every pore of her body.
This couldn’t be real.
Marisol's eyes shot open, her body jerked forward, sitting upright with alarm. The fast motion was a terrible mistake, everything aching.
"Fuck. Shit. Fuuuuck!" She rasped, her throat sore from screaming and swallowing sea water. With trembling hands, she took inventory of herself, her injuries, her surroundings.
Nothing looked or felt horrendously broken on her body. She found that one of her eyes was bruised, the swelling making it hard to see, her lip split, bruises and scrapes all over, but she would live.
Marisol got to her feet, wobbly at best, resembling a newborn deer taking its first few steps. She was so sore and her memory was foggy, the piercing headache she had was not helping anything at all.
Her eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight and she looked around. The Pacific stretched endlessly before her, far past the sandy cove she’d woken up on. Its crystal blue water was pleasant in every way other than the fact that it had almost killed her mere hours before. Very patronizing.
There was no other sign of human life in the immediate area, none of the other passengers or even anything from the shipwreck had washed ashore. That seemed odd, but it was also her first shipwreck. Who’s to say this was abnormal? Mari double checked the horizon for a plume of smoke or something to signal where the boat may have sank? Did sinking ships even catch fire? Would there even be obvious signs? Mari didn't even know how to begin to answer that. There didn't appear to be a clear answer right now. Maybe this was just a bad dream? She could only hope.
Mari paced around the cove, almost scared to move from the shore. She just needed to think, to get a plan together. The island behind her was still daunting, faced with a wall of trees and underbrush. Just past the cove, it was shouldered with mangroves, covered in greenery making it hard to discern the island’s actual size from her location on the beach. Notably, there was something of a peak, but she couldn't really grasp how tall it was. She’d likely need to head up there to gather more information about how stuck she was. Maybe there were even people living on this island?
This was bleak, indeed. She had no clue how to exist out here. Sure, she'd watched plenty of Survivor Man from the comfort of her sofa, but it wasn't like she had her phone to look up edible plants, no skills in starting a fire, no fresh water, and just… how often did people actually get rescued from shipwrecks? She felt in her gut the number was low.
Marisol took the next few minutes to cry, knees to her chest, sobbing. She wasn’t a big crier, but, these were special circumstances and she felt like she was entitled to that much.
Pulling herself together, she brushed the sand from her legs and off her damp clothing. She wasn’t completely without an idea of what to do. She knew she needed a shelter, even just a temporary cover that would protect her from the wind and rain. She wasn’t holding her breath on building anything structurally sound in an afternoon. Though she was definitely noticing her skin was burning where she’d been cut by some of the glass. A miracle that none had nicked an artery. Bleeding out in seconds sounded much better than dying of thirst and exposure on some rock in the middle of the ocean. Only time would tell.
“Happy thoughts only. Happy thoughts. We’re just… having a beach day.” She grit out to herself, her mind reeling from all the things she needed and wanted to do.
Finding some downed palm fronds that she thoroughly shook out for a spider free™ shelter, she piled them up as best she could near the beginnings of the jungle thicket. It took her an hour and she moved slowly from both the pain and needing to conserve energy. Currently, the only water that was available to her was sea water and that just wasn’t going to work. She’d have to go looking for some or this would be a very short stay here.
She decided to walk inland, hoping to find some water to drink and get a better look at the island itself. She was going to need to be careful and not wander around too much or too far. If the island was huge, she could get lost. On the other hand, the island could be host to a resort or something and she could be freaking out for nothing. Best case scenario to be sure.
Hope surged through her and she pulled her damp hair up into a messy bun, feeling blessed that a hair tie had stayed on her wrist through the ordeal. She glanced back to the ocean, doing a double take as something large and dark darted under the surface near the edge of the cove where it opened up to the larger water. Her heart raced, nervous, the thought of there being sharks in the water did not comfort her.
Marisol didn’t consider herself a scaredy cat, but there were a few things she would rather not deal with. For one, being stranded on an island was currently at the top of her list. Followed by giant animals she couldn’t see in the water with her, invertebrates and bugs were all a little much and she would rather avoid them.
She was in so much trouble.
Steeling herself for some jungle island exploration, Marisol headed towards the peak of the island that was nearby. She was a few steps into the woods, when she screamed, a giant slug on the leafy jungle floor. She was barefoot. That could have been terrible had she not been looking down.
“Grossssss.” She hissed and quickly stepped over, shuddering as she was maximally skeeved out. She paused, picking up a stick to fend off spider webs and any other critters that crossed her path. She had to be careful of everything. This was worse than playing Oregon Trail.
“You died of dysentery.” She snorted under her breath.
It was slow moving through the jungle, there weren't any obvious pathways anywhere. Marisol had to squirm through brush to get to a clearing near the base of the island’s summit. While in the cover of the dense canopy, she paused, finding some giant leafed plant that was holding rainwater. She stared at it, leaning in closely. It didn’t appear to be filled with bugs or anything like that. It was her best bet at the moment. She was already thirsty… besides, how long was it a human could go for without water? Something like three days at most?
Mari bit the bullet and leaned in, drinking the water and hoped for the best. Refocusing the task at hand, she started up the rocky slope on her trek to the top. At its peak, she overlooked the island. It was fairly large, but no signs of humans. She couldn’t even see where the ferry might have sank, but who knows how far away it was before she washed up on shore here. Giving pause, the memory of the enormous wave looming over the boat crossed her mind. She doubted she'd ever forget it.
She hadn’t seen much in the way of recognizable fruit on trees, you know, bananas, coconuts, pineapples, while heading to the peak. From the summit, it looked like the island was much larger than she initially thought and there might be some elsewhere around the area. There also appeared to be a large inlet on the other side and maybe something she could explore later on.
Marisol was ready to head back down to the cove where she would stay for the time being. Looking over the edge of the cliff to the water below, she could see the sandy bottom and the reefs that decorated the sea floor. She glanced at the water, something having caught her attention. She watched some large dark shadow moving in the water below the cliff. It moved in such a weird way, her brain didn’t compute what it could have been. It circled a few times before it disappeared from view as it headed further into the reef.
Probably just… a really big fish or something.
The walk back to the cove was uneventful, only stopping to drink water that had collected in another large leaf. She would need to figure out a way to store water, especially when it rained. But finding clean-ish drinking water felt like such a win.
Down at the shore where her lean-to style shelter was located seemed that nothing had changed. At least not at first. Sitting in the sand just past where it was wet from the waves lapping upwards was a dead fish and a suspiciously folded wad of seaweed.
This would have been such a gift if she could have cooked it, but with the sun getting low in the sky, she didn’t think she had any hope of starting a fire. It probably washed up because it was sick. Totally inedible.
Mari shuddered, feeling uneasy as she approached the fish, hesitating as she moved closer to the shoreline. She felt like she was being watched. The fish was intact except for a puncture mark on its head. She couldn’t just leave it to rot in the sand. It could attract predators if there were any. Eating it raw didn’t seem like an option either. Raw ocean creatures had worms and parasites. Memories of a liver fluke video she’d recently seen on social media flashed in her mind.
“Nope, sorry.” She sighed as she picked it up, using extra sand as a buffer and tossed it into the water where it rather grotesquely floated in the cove, the sand making it cloudy as it settled.
“Why can’t a cheeseburger wash up on the beach?” She asked as she stretched and glanced at the pile of seaweed. It was neatly folded into a little square. Quite out of the ordinary.
Well, a lot of seaweed was edible. She thought as she picked it up and rinsed it off in the salt water, inspecting it. Maybe she’d let it dry out first and try it later. Like when she got really hungry.
Carrying the wad of seaweed to the shelter, Mari hung it up on some nearby branches to dry. She hadn’t yet committed to the idea of consuming it, but didn’t want to waste it if maybe she did end up needing to eat it. For now, she planned to explore in the few hours of daylight left. Perhaps she'd find a pineapple or banana.
Mari walked along the sandy shore of the cove, keeping an eye out for anything useful. There were few, if any, places on Earth that hadn’t suffered from humans so she expected to find some trash, even here. Marisol wandered past the cove, hesitant to get into the thigh deep water where the mangroves had dominated the shoreline. But she could see some bottles floating between the roots. Mari glanced further out looking for whatever it was that she'd seen earlier, very concerned about it, in fact.
Moving into the water, wading out slowly and freezing up when a stingray glided by. She was not cut out for this.
Mari carefully walked along the mangrove riddled coastline as she filled her arms with plastic bottles, some fishing line and a large sheet of clear plastic using it as a bag for the time being. She walked for an hour or so, still a little uneasy. A bit more exploring and scavenging had yielded plenty of bottles for holding water, but ultimately she had seen more of the island, most of it on this side protected by the thick mangroves, further down they diminished and there were some palm trees she’d need to come back and look at. It was hard to tell from here if they maybe were coconut palms, but now was not the time to linger. She didn’t want to have to walk back through the water when the sun was going down.
Upon return to the cove, everything appeared untouched this time, no surprise dead fish waiting for her. And oddly enough, no dead fish floating in the water. She’d no clue the exact time, but she’d say late afternoon. Setting most of the bottles down after washing them out in the sea, she went back in the jungle to collect some of the rain water that was still pooled on leaves in the shade and carefully filled the larger bottle before returning to the hut she made, if it could even be called that.
With no hope of starting a fire, Marisol settled in for the rest of the evening, prepared to spend her first conscious night on the island, watching the sun set and the stars come out. She supposed she had felt very differently about that experience the day before.
It was hard not to feel especially exposed sitting on the beach, the feeling that she was being watched persisted much like the itch of a bug bite. Ignoring that creeping sensation as best as she was able, she used the plastic sheet as a blanket to help retain heat and keep her dry. While it wasn’t cold, she was still damp and the wind blowing off the water sucked the heat out of her in an unexpected way.
Sipping her water, Mari reluctantly nipped a few tiny pieces of seaweed. Concerned that they’d make her sick, she started small. Overall, the seaweed didn’t taste awful, kind of what you’d expect, salty and slightly chewy. If she didn’t puke her brains out in the next few hours, she’d maybe eat some more, but it definitely took the edge off her hunger pangs while she enjoyed the sunset. That and the anxiety of being stranded here also took care of her appetite for the time being.
Dusk was settling over the island, the horizon a haze and the edge of the cove where the ocean opened up was just barely in view. Soon she would be in darkness. Wondering what it would be like with only the stars and the moon for light, and if that would be enough.
The waves continued to lap the sandy shore and Marisol watched as the brightest stars were starting to peek through the curtain of night. It was really nice despite the obvious unfortunate circumstances. Disrupting the evening chorus of the island at night was a splash that came from out in the cove.
Her head jerked up as she looked out at the water, squinting as if it would improve the low light quality.
There was something in the water. It was hard to see, but it hadn’t moved, had it? It looked like a pale human face. Suddenly her heart was pounding out of her chest and the blood rushing through her caused the world to quiet around her. The possibility of a body washing up on shore had occurred to her, but now that there was one here, it was more than a little scary. It should have been at least moving with the water, however instead, it remained firmly planted.
She sat like a deer in headlights and pulled the plastic sheeting tighter around her shoulders. A weak attempt to comfort herself.
The minutes stretched for what felt like an eternity for Marisol, but moments later it slipped under the water, reminding her of how a seal would pop its head up when swimming near the docks in her hometown.
There was no more time to think of home as more of the figure emerged from the shallows with the next wave. Its torso on the sand, claws reaching forward and dragging itself out of the water. She thought only for a second that it was a survivor.
“Hello?” Her voice wavered.
Its eyes shot up and pierced her but it gave no response, a breathy hiss of air from its pale grey lips. If she hadn’t been sitting down she would have bolted. Marisol scrambled to her feet. From this view, that’s when she saw it. The mass of slithering black tentacles, churning behind what was a very human shaped body.
Mari jumped to her feet as it started to move faster now, dragging itself towards her and closing the distance rapidly.
Her eyes went wide and her brain turned off as she turned and fled for the jungle. Slugs be damned, she ran for the cliff like the devil was on her heels. She couldn’t be sure she was on the same path she'd taken earlier. The branches pulling at her clothes and hair, scraping her skin but she barely felt it as she stumbled into the same clearing and scrambled about halfway to the top before she breathlessly slowed down. She felt like it was far enough, but didn’t find the need to climb higher. She didn't want to be near the water. She just needed to regroup and process.
She gasped for air settling on her heels. “What the fuck?!”
To be continued. Part Two will be out soon
Original Works Masterlist
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monstrouslyobsessed · 8 months
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—all rights reserved to @monstrouslyobsessed​, the witch being sultry with the viewer.
i originally planned on making this a gif with his actual monstrous appearance, but i wasn't happy with his inhuman design (tho i wasnt too happy with the art in whole but...) so...you'd just have to imagine what he really looked like. anyway, yes, this is really a knock off from the d*sney's ursula, and i'm not ashamed about it. the witch was supposed to have more hair on his skin, but they disappeared through the blue texture i used. i'm still learning though~
enough rambling, i hope yall enjoyed this awful 8-legged bastard! i'm still working on his fic, fingers crossed i'll get it done by halloween...
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myrling-art · 13 days
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Mermay is over! Time for gay octopus men! 💙🤍💚
Name: Prince Aztauro Title: His deepness of the abyss
This is the result from me playing with the lore and style of Disney's The Little Mermaid and how other cecaelians and cephalopod people might look like, and the life/unlife in the Hadal zone... 👀
I intended to post both him and his merman boyfriend in May, but I'm struggling with his partner's design... ( ;7;) Please enjoy this royal blue, glowy boy instead. 🙏
Happy pride everyone!
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king-bito · 7 months
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It's labelling day! Moro working hard keeping his transformation potions and all his ingredients properly labelled.
"I find many people more than willing to test my brews.. Often they are born to the wrong body or are merely interested in something new and temporary. But I am willing to add to my list, so long as you fill out the paperwork and document everything. You'll even get your kinks catered for should you prove to be useful."
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loki-nightfire · 10 days
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May is over, but I am not done with mermay yet. A little more, ok?
I am planning on posting nsfw pics (like this one☝️ but full version) on my Twitter, that is why I made twi acc private. We know it is not allowed to here, but I really draw nsfw a lot and want to share a bit without being banned, reported or harassed, thank you. Hope you are interested and will join me, it's grizzlyhare1 on x.
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wonderkat11 · 4 months
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Numberjacks || Eight the Meroctopus
So I heard that when Numberjack Eight drinks the animal potion, he reminded himself that he transformed himself into an octopus, but unfortunately he's actually a meroctopus (a.k.a. Cecaelia) & kinda looks like 8 (Octoblock) from Numberblocks, but he's not made of blocks. So do you think he looks beautiful as a meroctopus? Made in IbisPaintX for Digital Art maker. Rules: DO NOT STEAL MY ART! No Rude Comments please. Eight belongs to Numberjacks (CBeeBies).
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nakano-renji · 2 years
“Oh you poor Unfortunate souls„
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Happy Halloween 2022! Mermaid villain Renji is ready to listen to your woes and help you... for a price.
Tonight, avoid from straying the path as you travel and try not to give in to the temptations of beings around you, the veil between our world and theirs is at its thinnest and if you're not careful enough....
You will be lucky to escape with your soul intact and remembering who you are.
Stay safe darlings.....
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kay-claire · 2 years
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I’ve started a new comic on my Patreon called Spawning Grounds that’s a 🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️  comic that’s gonna be able 40 pages long about an octopus merman and a human man.
They’re new OCs and this is the first comic I’m doing that’s not about the characters from my comic Until Sunset, and I’ve been having such a great time with the comic so far!
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bluejaythecrowbro · 1 month
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DAY 3 of MerMay! This is my OC Caldera as a Blue Dumbo Octopus! + glow alt since this is a Deep Sea Creacher
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yandere-writer-momo · 29 days
Yandere Head Canons:
The Wishing Well
Yandere Kraken x Fem Reader
TW: Tentacles, teratophillia, monster fucking, etc
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When you were a child, you were often told about a wishing well deep within a sea cave. A well that would grant you any wish your heart desired so long as you made a deal of equal standing with the magical creature that resided in it. Yet most of your fellow villagers said the price was always worth more than what you desired… and the forest was extremely dangerous.
There was a tale about a king who had wished for more riches, yet he returned from the well with no hands so he could no longer hold the gold he had so foolishly sought out.
There was another tale of a woman who went to the well to wish for a child, yet she returned from the well with a round stomach. The villagers all said her baby was a monster.
You were told only one good story about the well. A story of a man who had went to the well to wish for his wife’s health to improve. A hopeless romantic, your peers called him. A man who successfully made a wish and had his wife healed from her incurable disease… yet he never returned from that well. The villagers all assumed the worse, that he sacrificed his own life for his lover…
These stories terrified you as child so you never really thought about the well. At least not until you reached adulthood, anyways. When your village was being threatened by orcs from foreign lands. Your village would perish if they didn’t surrender all of their women to the invaders.
Your villages population was mostly elderly people so there were only ten options of women to send off and you were one of them. You didn’t want to be the whore of an invader, you wanted to marry your lover, Valo… a handsome young man who lived by the seaside on his own. He was a bit eccentric, but you could see yourself with him.
There was only one way to save yourself and your village. And that would be to use the well.
And so you journeyed deep into the frozen sea cave on your quest to liberate your land. Your hopes high despite the small bit of dread that pooled into your stomach. The price shouldn’t be too bad… no. It didn’t matter what the price was. Because you’d rather die than lose your dignity.
Your journey took over three hours, but you finally stood in front of the old well. It was so much larger than the stories had described… and it seemed bottomless from how pitch black the water was.
“H-hello? I’m here to make a wish.” You yelped when a masked face popped up from the well. The man’s muscular upper torso leaned on the edge of the well to stare at you.
“A wish?” The man’s voice was raspy, almost as if he hadn’t spoken in eons. “I haven’t received a wish yet… okay. I’ll grant your wish if I like it.”
What did this man mean by that? Was he the creature of the well? You tried to see what was behind the man’s upper torso yet it was impossible to get around this man.
“No need to be shy. I want to hear what your wish is. You’re the first human I have seen.” Oh? But this well has been here for generations… perhaps the creature within it changed every so often?
“I’m here to save my village from invaders.” You gasped when he grabbed your jaw to tilt your head towards him.
“How noble… I don’t believe that’s all you want though. You’re hesitant.” The man chuckled at your flushed cheeks. “Are you afraid of me?”
You cast your gaze to the floor which made the man burst into laughter. “Goodness! How fun! Please be honest or else you had made this journey for naught.”
“The other girls and I will be sacrificed to the invaders to be… to be their wives or slaves.” Your voice is so soft yet it echoed throughout the icy cave. “Please help my village! I don’t want to be with someone I don’t love-“
You felt your heart stop when the man’s masked face was now only a few inches from yours. His violet eyes studied your form in interest before he sat up. “You’re not lying and I find you quite pretty.”
The man snapped his fingers and a contract appeared from thin air, the words written on it were in an olden tongue you couldn’t grasp. “I will grant your wish but you must sign this contract. I don’t want you to butt out of our end of the deal.”
“Deal?” You’re puzzled by the man who laughed at your gobsmacked expression.
“Duh. Wishes aren’t for free otherwise more people would come to me.” The man nodded his head at her.
“But what is it that you want from me?” You asked the man who merely gave you a smirk.
“I’ll tell you once your little invader issue is resolved. Until then, you’re free to go about your life.” You bit your lip but ultimately signed, the man quickly snatched up the contract as his body spun in circles in the pitch black water of the well. “I’m thrilled! It’s been so long since I’ve had company…”
The man turned to her with a grin. “You said you’ll only be with someone you love, right?”
“Yes?” The man nodded his head and snapped his fingers, the contract disappeared into thin air.
“Then it’s settled. I will collect you when the time is right.” The man then waved you away as you made your long journey home. The man was now absolutely giddy. Was this how his mother felt when she met his father all those centuries ago? He was so happy that you were indeed the one.
You did go about your life and was surprised to hear how a kraken destroyed the invaders’ ships. It was a terrifying site to see the dismembered bodies and ship wreckage on the frozen shores of your home… yet it was satisfying. Everyone was safe, just as promised.
There was no longer the threat of foreign invaders… which meant you were able to spend more time with your lover. The violet haired man beamed at you when he invited you to walk on the icy beach with him.
“Once winter is over, why don’t we get married?” Valo blushed when you took his hand in yours. “The sea is always bursting with life in the summer…”
“I’d love to.” The two of you giggled in bliss. Yet you couldn’t help the nagging feeling in the back of your mind that the man from the well would call upon you soon to pay off your end of the deal…
After that day with Valo, you were plagued with nightmares of a creature from the deep. A violet kraken that wrapped its tentacles around your small body and plunged you into the depths of the dark ocean. The tendrils would squeeze you in ways that were salacious. The violet appendages would shove their way down your throat and into your poor hole. It was such a terrifying nightmare, one that always felt so real.
You’d often wake up with sore arms, legs, and sometimes sore nether regions from these dreams. Perhaps you should spend more time with Valo? Your lover always made you feel more comfortable…
And it was now summer! The two of you were going to get married soon, anyways. It wouldn’t hurt to see Valo…
And so you went to your lover’s home on the shore. Your fellow villagers quirked a brow at you. They never knew why you went to the beach so often with a smile on your face since you always came back empty handed.
No one had lived on that shore for centuries after the fisherman disappeared to save his wife at the well in the sea cave.
“Valo?” You approach the violet haired man who gives you a bright smile. His violet eyes eerily shine under the moonlight as his body remained half submerged in the sea.
“My dear, it’s time to pay off your debt.” You freeze when you hear the familiar voice of the man from the well leave Valo’s throat. “You said you’d only be with someone you love, so it’s time for you to pay your dues.”
You scream when violet tentacles shoot out from the murky water and wrap around you. What? But… how? These were the tentacles from your nightmares. The violet tendrils that wrapped themselves skeins your pliable body when you were in dream world… the tendrils that fucked you.
“I’m sure you’ll love our new home… it isn’t often a kraken finds their mate.”
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radiance1 · 5 months
Cha know that space whale au that was made because of @puppetmaster13u calling Danny a space whale in a tag on a post they made?
Yea so I'm thinking of that again.
Now, hear me out. Instead of there being an active alien invasion happening when they arrived, they're faced with a completely calm looking Earth that looks about the same as Danny remembers.
Not that Vlad would remember, considering his time spent in the void where he forgot basically everything.
Of course, this giant whale does NOT go unnoticed by the people living on Earth and especially the Justice League.
They manage to make their ways onto Earth without being stopped by the Justice League, however. Suddenly, there was a giant whale that could clearly be seen from space with the human eye, and just as suddenly there was absolutely nothing there anymore.
Of course, it caused widespread panic, calls to the government for them to do something about this and especially multiple people asking the Justice League to explain whatever the hell that was.
Was it a new enemy? Another insanely powerful being hellbent on taking over the Earth? Maybe a scout?
Nobody knows anything, and that makes it worse. The Justice League are currently looking around for information, spearheaded by a highly paranoid Batman.
And I do like @bet-on-me-13's take that they lived in Atlantis before it sunk!
So imagine this, Danny and Vlad turn into their human forms (Which probably don't have human legs since they can't remember how to use those) and they try to find their old home. Danny? Is suuuuper excited about this, because he hasn't been home for a really long time and he knows that he's missed so much!
Even Vlad finds himself curious, his memories and (most of) his emotions eroded away by the void. But Danny says that this was his home before he became touched by the void, he's heard stories of what he used to be and that he greatly loved a certain team so he's a bit curious.
So, ancient space whale and void touched being goes towards where space whale believes- knows their home should have been.
Only to find nothing but water.
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kay-i · 1 year
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He goes hunting for mermaids😈🐙
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inkly-heart · 1 year
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king-bito · 1 year
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Moro doodles on my phone at work xD been thinking about tf art a lot.. This man would assist.
Moro - once close to lucifer, refused his ideals and became a fallen, rather than taking residence in the demon realm, he chose the depths of the ocean. His feathered black and red wings shed and his demonised form took on aspects of the native fauna instead of traditionally demonic traits.
He is an antique enthusiast, anything magical, he loves to perform scientific and magical experiments on old relics, and enchant his own devices.
His antique shop holds an upstairs abode with a unique door to his cavern in the sea, water held back by an invisible force, you can simply walk through and enjoy the melodic currents and shifting of glowing flora as he shifts about, organising, creating, cooking.
You may come to know his secret passion of potion making, why he trades his antiques for rare and strange substances. He has few people he pays to trial his transformative elixirs before selling them to their commissioned clients.
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loki-nightfire · 1 month
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Mermay is coming
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itsmeishmi · 1 month
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