valval777-blog · 5 years
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NOVEMBER TRIBUTE!! It’s the last day of the month and so I finish up with some random pictures of my daddy until next year! I didn’t forget yesterday. I made a conscious choice to create memories instead of focusing on the past. My dad LOVED Black Friday shopping. Yesterday my mom, Gina, Victoria and I headed out to enjoy the day. We laughed about how excited my dad would get. 🎁We reminded ourselves that dad made the most of every minute of his life. He never wallowed in his hurts or pains. He embraced all that life had to offer. We reminded ourselves that we have to do the same. It turned out to be a great, albeit exhausting, day living in my dads energy and spirit. So today as i wrap up another year of tributes to the worlds best dad, IMHO, i encourage all of us to focus on making memories. I want everyone to realize how important those moments are. One day we will each pass on and all we will have left are the memories we created for those we love. Yesterday i hope i stamped a new memory for my daughter. One where she’ll look back and happily recall hanging out with her mimi, her mom and her Aunt Gigi. I hope that each day, as I’ve shared one of my memories, she realizes the gift she has been given in her awesome grandparents, her aunts and uncles, and her cousins! The blessings she has in a big extended family and tons of friends who have been there for us in good times and in bad. And mostly I hope that I’ve reminded her that her Poppy was a man a greatness. He never settled and he held himself to the highest of personal standards. He loved God and lived in the spirit of God to the point that God rewarded him with external life. The tributes and memories make me feel good - they are selfish reminders of my dads love for me. But they are also intended to chronicle this awesome mans life for his grandchildren who lost their Poppy way too soon. I hope it was a blessed November for all and I’m praying for a beautiful December and new year!!! Roger D Dominick is my reason for creating memories!!! I love you, daddy. And i miss you every day! Till next November...💜 #alssucks #missmydaddy #novembertribute #memoriesmade https://www.instagram.com/p/B5fXeXWH6M35NLt2AQiDEN4sF7INahpF88lX800/?igshid=ff4rld4w5zig
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valval777-blog · 5 years
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NOVEMBER TRIBUTE!! Happy thanksgiving 🦃 Today is the day we remember all the things for which we are grateful. Even though i miss my dad I am incredibly grateful for the wonderful dad he was and the beautiful memories i have. I’m grateful for my life and those around me, not because i have everything i want, but because i have everything i need. My parents knew how to make much out of little and they always treated us like we could have anything and everything we ever wanted with prayer, a good heart and lots of hard work. They also stressed the importance of having the “right” people around us. To rely on family and be discerning of others so that we make good decisions about who is in our lives. This morning as i sent out greetings and well wishes to those i cherish and hold dear, I’m reminded that although my tribe may be small - it is purposeful and mighty!! I’m thankful for everyone in my life - even the haters who push me further. But mostly for my family & friends who make me the best Valarie i can be. Thanks to my parents for giving us that gift of discernment. It’s most valuable as we navigate this thing called life!!!! Happy thanksgiving to all!! #alssucks #missmydaddy #novembertribute #happythanksgivng #discernment https://www.instagram.com/p/B5aOTI9H4dQJ12g8p8kZYuWYHLTTPn6qL5HNu00/?igshid=14qdznn1o6cc4
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valval777-blog · 5 years
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NOVEMBER TRIBUTE!! Happy thanksgiving eve! This was a great day at our house! My mom would start cooking and my dad would see how much trouble he could get in to. Lol. He would do every task on my mom’s list (usually things she’s been asking him to do for weeks - why do men do that??) and take Victoria and Maggie out to run errands for day. He loved the hustle and bustle of the day, and he loved having us all home. But nothing compared to having his two little sidekicks with him. I am blessed that Victoria was able to share in such beautiful memories with my dad. She and Maggie have been given a true gift. Today Victoria has to work (can’t believe she’s that old😳) but still plans to head down and help Mimi get ready for tomorrow. I think she likes being pampered by Mimi and hanging out with her cousin more than anything, but I’m grateful she has this tradition to rely on. Just wish my dad was with us longer so that Dominick and gia could have enjoyed it too. 😢 i know that my mom dies everything she can to give them precious memories as well!! #alssucks #missmydaddy #novembertribute #happythanksgivingeve https://www.instagram.com/p/B5Xg0k3nWfkKUaf1kluhXOzeqhy7chdWQTKVRQ0/?igshid=hyaw4ibjcrc6
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valval777-blog · 5 years
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NOVEMBER TRIBUTE! I didn’t forget today. I just had a very early start and now I’m sitting at Hoban’s season/home opener. I really picked this picture because I’m in awe of all the 1970s fantasticness in one picture. lol #alssucks #missmydaddy #novembertribute #iliketomakeupwords (at Archbishop Hoban High School) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5WUEA5n6T3xhQhHN5uEj1fCTaatiZopoISi6M0/?igshid=12ztuwow601fh
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valval777-blog · 5 years
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NOVEMBER TRIBUTE! Every day was worth celebrating for my dad. He was not blissfully ignorant and yes, he had bad days like everyone else. The difference is that his low periods did not define him. He was persistent in his pursuit of happiness! He knew the only person who could make a good day bad and vice versa was him! The world could use much more of his optimism and happiness that’s for sure! He taught us to celebrate small victories and use challenges and defeats as ammunition to do better the next time. Although he didn’t have rose colored glasses, he did see the best in every situation and person! Definitely not my strongest trait so i have to remind myself of what my dad would want and expect of me! Starting off a new week let’s be grateful that it’s a short work week & a time to celebrate our blessings. A time to give others a break and see the world as it should be instead of what it is currently. Let’s be the change we want to see!!! #alssucks #missmydaddy #novembertribute https://www.instagram.com/p/B5SjeGinJ5paRU6peVeFkGHFshin9gZnpCRIRQ0/?igshid=6iceqz6zamy9
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valval777-blog · 5 years
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NOVEMBER TRIBUTE!! Yesterday i spent most the day by myself cleaning and getting the house ready for Christmas decorations. (I began my Basketball season widowhood). I played Christmas music and cried a couple times just missing my daddy. I channeled my mom by issuing the holiday household rules to the family reminding them that from now until Epiphany (January 6) I want no clutter in my home. Dave reacted like my dad - “anything you want, honey”. He knows better when I’m on a roll!! Lol. Sometimes it’s the silliest things that bring my dad to me and yesterday he was with me all day! And a healthy cry can be very cathartic. So as i finish up and get the decorations done, listening to Johnny Mathis sing Christmas carols, and make dinner for Dave & Vic, I may just cry a little more. 😢 The good thing is that it will all makes me feel much better!! #alssucks #missmydaddy #novembertribute #coacheswifelife #agoodcryisgoodforthesoul https://www.instagram.com/p/B5P5-HsHAgV0Ny25sl7E9ximusoTcn70cHcrBI0/?igshid=1ml2olr1j5zch
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valval777-blog · 5 years
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NOVEMBER TRIBUTE!!! To my dad - family was everything! He loved his siblings and he loved his “in laws” just the same! Lately we’ve been talking to @victoria_margarett and @cole_moxie a lot about their future and the impact that each of their families have in a marriage. You marry the whole not just the one person - at least that’s how it is in the Dominick world! My dad would have loved Cole and would have been excited to watch their journey. He always treated Dave and Jason as if they were his own and i know he would have adored Brenda and her kids. 💜 Even his own brothers “in law”were really just his “brothers”. He was closer to them due to the age difference, than his own brother. They loved building and working on things. They were true confidants. He adored his sisters just like the big brother is supposed to, and loved Aunt Wilma, Aunt Jogi and Aunt Donna as if they were his little sisters too (although they are each older). He loved his huge family and no matter what, he was there for each and every one of us. I have to say that each year, several of my cousins remember my dad just as purely and joyfully as we do. He loved them so much. Cousins were a shared parenting reality in our family so to him they were his kids too!!! He would be so grateful to know that they never forget him but most importantly, never forget to support us in our loss and pain!! As we approach thanksgiving and the hustle & bustle of the holidays takes over - look around and cherish whomever makes up your family (whether blood or not). Make sure they know you love them. Make sure they know their value in your life. And make sure you are present in their life for the good and the tough times. Family is a wonderful blessing no matter how big or how connected or even how dysfunctional!!! My dad made sure we understood that and his legacy is in each person whom he has touched and remembers him so dearly 10 years later. #alssucks #missmydaddy #novembertribute #familia #lovemycousins💜 #thisdecadechallengesucks😢 https://www.instagram.com/p/B5NjGYrnpGfCs0u3e7-5iWgehH9RJ0qouJaal40/?igshid=1d2lcppbaw9ox
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valval777-blog · 5 years
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NOVEMBER TRIBUTE!! My dad made the most of every day!! His smile said it all! So today - lets make it a good one in spite of the crappy weather. In spite of the traffic on the way to work. In spite of how busy you are. Let’s all take today to just be happy and grateful for what we have. #daddyswisdom #alssucks #missmydaddy #novembertribute https://www.instagram.com/p/B5Kx0ozHxbTntuPMO0j-r6In6k13cDqmaFKZ_w0/?igshid=1gmy07dbld2u0
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valval777-blog · 5 years
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NOVEMBER TRIBUTE!! This picture came up in my memories today and it immediately took me to the places we would travel on vacation. Every year my dad made sure we had a vacation. No matter where we would go he wanted us to experience the world around us and enjoy time away as a family to recharge and energize. I can honestly say they were some of the best trips! All 4 of us would pile in the back of the car until we could afford a van. We sing and play road games (which Gina loves to this day)! When each of us was old enough my dad would let us drive a little bit of the way to teach us not to be afraid to get on the road and drive! Some years we traveled just an hour or two from home. And other years we’d journey to Louisville or even Florida to see one of our aunts. Honestly some of the best memories!!! 💜 #alssucks #missmydaddy #novembertribute #vacationmemories❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/B5IFjPinGsNZPU9DSKZboRfOBX0VkcQYT3e9dE0/?igshid=1vse9ndxvah32
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valval777-blog · 5 years
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NOVEMBER TRIBUTE!!! So it kinda sucks that my dad died the day before my 39th birthday. 💔 Over the last ten years I’ve tried to make the best of it. Some were not good at all I’m sad to say because that’s not how my dad lived. This year I’m living in the moment & reminded that i was blessed to have the best dad and that for 38 years he stood by my side. I’m grateful for the wisdom and advice he gave me and the final “happy birthday” i got from him before he died. I live each day hoping to be a fraction of the person he was. I’m grateful to my siblings and closest friends who understand how hard yesterday and today can be for me, but don’t judge me & just love me through it. 💜 Soooo, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me as i jump into another year of living in my dads light and walking in his footsteps. The road to 50 is going to be a good one - i just feel it!!! Get ready - i plan to live life to the fullest just as my dad did!!!😉 #alssucks #missmydaddy #novembertribute #happybirthdaytome🎉 #onemoreyeartill50😳 https://www.instagram.com/p/B5FaGtKnh5qEZ20THcyBLaQhJ4L74d0XT9Owbw0/?igshid=5yrnn0a5c3c0
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valval777-blog · 5 years
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NOVEMBER TRIBUTE!!! 10 years ago i lost my hero! That person who makes everything better. When Victoria was young I’d drive down every Sunday for mass and dinner. My dad and i would talk for hours about everything. His smile was incredible. It could cure any sadness i was feeling. And he loved Victoria so much. It gave me such a sense of peace and calm to be in his presence. My dad was my world. I hate that he’s gone. Even worse I hate that my mom is still broken hearted. 💔 #alssucks #missmydaddy #novembertribute #todaysucks #10yearsgone https://www.instagram.com/p/B5C4yzEnTRTaElu1DxD-wIH9nBiHTHKurY6_4Q0/?igshid=dsftlhbw0lud
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valval777-blog · 5 years
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NOVEMBER TRIBUTE!! We have a lot of family traditions and i am so grateful for each one as they bring forward wonderful memories of my childhood. My dad loved Christmas and each year my mom’s decorations have started earlier and earlier, and gotten bigger and bigger! My sisters are the same way!!! I’m not quite up to their level on decorating but i do get my holiday spirit on - i just wait until after Thanksgiving. When we were young we always got a live tree. Roger and my dad were responsible for picking it out. The trees smelled sooo good and always looked beautiful. We’d schedule a night to decorate with Christmas music playing, cookies baking and lots of laughs and fun! At the end my mom would put on the tinsel one strand at a time - it was magical in our little eyes!!! Thinking about it all puts a huge smile on my face! 💜 My mom has acquired dozens of holiday houses over the years as well. An entire little village of people and places light up for our imagination. Another great tradition is that We would drive around and look at lights on houses. The whole family would pile in - we’d be in our pjs and ooh and awe at the lights!! Our house was no different! My dad and brother (and Gina when she got older) would meticulously put up hundred of lights around our home! Christmas time for my family has always been a strong family tradition. I love that gift my parents gave us!! I just hate my dad is no longer here to enjoy with us. 😢 #alssucks #missmydaddy #novembertribute #familytraditions #christmasdecor https://www.instagram.com/p/B5AX0MVn83yMvq7E2kmkTGdTvD9Y8qDb76S29Q0/?igshid=volmj8ug5kiq
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valval777-blog · 5 years
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NOVEMBER TRIBUTE!!! I know i did not post yesterday but i channeled my dad and just spent that past 2 days with some really incredible friends! 💜 My dad loved to travel and he loved to visit old friends. This picture of him was in Maine when we traveled too see his Navy friends. My picture is of my tribe of ladies who enjoyed time away with me for our inaugural Girls Trip! It’s definitely important for me, like my dad, to ensure i unwind and laugh in a safe space with people who get me. Although these are not all my friends, i did chose those who could commingle and who connect to me & build on my strengths and weaknesses. I’m blessed that my dad and mom showed us how to have good friendships. And how to discern value in others. I’m blessed beyond belief and happy i could share my friendship with these ladies!! Thanks daddy for yet another gift that has formed my life in such positive ways!! #missmydaddy #alssucks #novembertribute #girlstrip2019 #friendshipgoals (at Oglebay Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/B49pDRUH_hQRKKY9MthWTKM9uc9-1344bV3Qzo0/?igshid=1tprayw2zu7k
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valval777-blog · 5 years
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NOVEMBER TRIBUTE!! My dad loved us as kids but he also loved us as adults! Now that @victoria_margarett is out of college and back home - i totally get it. I love having her here. We get to enjoy each other differently at this stage. Although I still worry and i can never turn off “mom” completely, I get to be friends with this awesome little person now! I know that’s how my dad felt. And i know my mom enjoys having us all around as adults now too. This weekend my sissies and I are headed out of town with friends for a girls trip 👸🏼 and we will definitely channel our dads energy and spirit! There will be memories shared and probably even a few tears shed as we celebrate his life and each other! There will also be some libations to honor him and time to decompress in a peaceful environment!!! I know now why it was so important to my parents that we stay close as siblings. Family is all we really have for the long haul. And being there for and with each other is their legacy and gift to us and our children. I’m blessed to have the best siblings and I’m even more blessed to have had time (albeit shortened) to spend with my dad as his adult daughter!!! #alssucks #missmydaddy #novembertribute #adultchildren #girlstrip2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/B44mjbuH-STgekd26TRB1ETLVV8mRUL9eEjnrY0/?igshid=67gtzko43x1e
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valval777-blog · 5 years
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NOVEMBER TRIBUTE!! My dad gifted us with music 🎶 in our house at all times!!! Everything we did revolved around music. He was in a band when he met my mom and never stopped playing. I remember going to band practice with him and just being in awe of the music he was creating. 😍 My dad had a great voice and he & my mom were in the choir at church as well. To this day music is my refuge. I listen to it every day in my office and blast it in my car. I listen to everything from my dads music (classic rock) to disco to 80s to old school RnB to Hip Hop! I don’t do country or heavy metal but otherwise it’s fair game and if it reminds me of my childhood i love it!! I can literally be transported back in time by music to beautiful memories. 💜 It’s a gift to me!!! I’m so grateful that my dad introduced me to this beautiful expression of love!! Today - when i pass you in my car or you come into my office, just know that there will be music lifting me up!!! #alssucks #missmydaddy #novembertribute #musicismyhappyplace https://www.instagram.com/p/B42FG5ZHyLjLhytPy-d5BFbMdbZdqB2pVrzjVE0/?igshid=1cw92wlykiznz
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valval777-blog · 5 years
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NOVEMBER TRIBUTE!! Today I’m just in one of those moods where i miss my dad a little extra. He definitely believed in me and knew i could do anything i put my mind to. Today’s one of those days when i just need to channel his support a bit more than normal. #alssucks #missmydaddy #novembertribute #daddysgirl😘 https://www.instagram.com/p/B4zluyaHGIrSXp4VZszllj2nogA4_S3-_m0okU0/?igshid=1dm6kdpro1417
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