#novi stars lore
itsgiovannie · 4 months
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In case you can’t read my messy-ass handwriting, this is a page of notes on the planet that I imagine Anne Arctic and Ina Ferna come from. I don’t have a name for it sorry guys ;-(
It’s extremely close to the sun so the gravity has locked it with one side constantly facing the sun and the other side constantly facing away from it. The Ursids (Anne’s people) live on the cold side and the Draken (Ina’s people) live on the hot side. There’s a temperate ring around the middle where the two races can do trading with each other.
Sorry Ina looks weird here, I’m still figuring out how to draw her.
If you guys have any name suggestions or other ideas for the planet please please lmk I love doing pointless sci fi worldbuilding for these funky lil dolls.
Also Anne says greetings from the refrigerator
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charmilyharmily · 22 days
When the critter au brain strikes :3
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They’re all from the happihats au (made by me @ciozio @clearlyclueless @always-just-down-the-street @gardenofskeletonss and some others who either don’t have a tumblr or would probably not like to be known)
(Critter au is by @tawnysoup, you get to see the sillies TWICE in one day!)
And they’re just a bunch of silly guys! So have some extra doodles of the sillies (and some other critters)
So what’s better than a hat
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A shit ton of critters cuddling!!!
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And behold, a coat in its natural habitat; fucking up the day of a passing kritter.
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toastydoll · 6 months
My Favorite G1'rs that Need to Come Back
I'm loving the new season of g3 so far, so to celebrate I'm making a list of my personal faves from g1 that I'd love to see in g3 again!! Plus at the end I'm gonna include the monsters I don't personally need but think will probably be back somehow :3
Gooliope Jellington! My late addition queen. I love her goopy design, I love that she's so giant compared to the other boos, I love her circus aesthetic!! Ideally her doll would be ginormous again, plus I think they could integrate some novi stars moonbow slime so she's lava lampish. At her giant size, she could probably even still have articulation plus goo! Her character could also be potentially fascinating in g3--is she the daughter of the Blob? Or are her parents mad human scientists, creating experiment 8108?
Wydowna Spider. Her design is PEAK. A doll with six arms would be so cool to see again, especially since the varying body types mean the clothes aren't meant to be swapped like before (so her unique shape shouldn't be much of an issue!). In this gen she might even be a were-spider?
River Styxx! Ever since Draculaura brought up pastel goth aesthetics in Nightmare Nightmore I've been seriously missing River. Yes, she was only in one movie, yes, it was for like thirty seconds, but her design is so creepy cute! Plus her ghost design, semitranslucent with bones peeking through, is one of my absolute favorites. Maybe more focus on her candy love?
Luna Mothews. She was done SO DIRTY in the original (sorry to those who loved her she just was not for me). As a mothman (and Mr. Mothmanson) stan, I need a mothier, West Virginian Luna. Maybe she bonds with Scarah over their shared bad luck prophecy powers. Speaking of...
Scarah Screams. I feel like we're getting a banshee in Mrs. O'Shriek considering her name (and a throwaway line about her yelling), but Scarah was such a sweet and lovely character that I'd just love to see her again. And more Irish this time too! An episode explaining the history of bian sidh lore, complete with explaining the Anglicized spelling, would be super cool!
Sirena von Boo. This is almost purely on design alone. The ghostly mermaid tail, the shadowy finned hands, the chain detailing?? She is so iconic in her design (plus her characterization was p cute). Her color scheme is similar to Spectra, so maybe an update for that. Her character could be a really interesting foray into monster afterlife this gen (aka maybe she's the ghost of a teen mermaid, not a ghost-mermaid hybrid).
Kiyomi Haunterly! Yeah, I loved the ghosts lmao. She was such a cool concept! I loved that her face was barely visible yet still there, her lesbian moments w Drac were all ADORABLE, and it was super cool to see ghost lore from Japan. If they bring back monster exchange I think she'd be so fun to see again through that route.
C.A. Cupid!! Chariclo Arganthone, we've all been missing you since 2013. Please come home to Monster High!! Absolutely adored the concept of a bone elemental, for one, plus her radio persona was so fun! I could see her hosting a matchmaking podcast in g3, plus a missed connections EekTok. Since I hc aro Deuce for g3, I think they'd make really great friends. Plus he could teach her that romantic love/matchmaking isn't for everyone!
Elissabat! With all the focus on the were-ruler this season, plus the focus last season on Dracula's PFFT title and what it meant for Draculaura, I think it could be really interesting to see the traditional Vampire Queen return to Monster High. How do tradition-dependent vampires deal with a power struggle between the original vampire royalty and the premiere, first and foremost top monster? Also getting a GOTH goth character might finally get people to stop griping about how g1 was "way gother!!"
Honey Swamp. Okay yes, same as River, she was in one (1) movie for about forty five seconds, but her crocodilian design was one of my favorites in the entire generation. I always thought she was particularly cool since Lagoona ended up more sea monster than "Creature from the Black Lagoon." Honey was the actual swamp monster!! Plus we've already got New Orleans through Apollo, so why not a little New Goreleans as well? More exploration of human cities and their monster counterparts please!
Robecca Steam. She's so far down the list, but I cannot emphasize how much I need my steampunk queen back. More goggles, more gears, more copper and steam! I loved that her father was human, which frankly could be a really cool idea to explore in g3. What are the ethics of monsters created by humans? If humans are monsters too, was Hexiciah alive during a time of peace?
Rochelle Goyle. Her design was always so classic and chic. We've seen some gargoyles in the series so far, but none of them have been animate (or made their sentience known). Plus she could be great friends with Deuce, and maybe even save the day if his gorgon gaze gets out of control.
Hoodude. I'll be honest: as much as I like the idea of a living Voodou doll, the first generation handled him like garbage. Having Frankie practice rituals from a closed religion to make herself a boyfriend was uh...yeah. G3 could take Hoodude in two interesting directions. For one, they could get a consultant who actually practices Voodou to help design the character. He would be a living doll created by a Voodou practitioner, introducing kids to the idea that Voodou is a real religion currently practiced today that isn't evil, isn't witchcraft, and is deeply culturally important. If they're not willing to put the work in (which, honestly, they've been so much better about in g3), he could also make a really fun renamed living doll/plush.
Vandala Doubloons. Another ghost who showed up for thirty seconds in Haunted? In my list? It's more likely than you'd think lmao. This is solely bc I love pirates and I love ghosts, and think a pirate ghost character is always fun. I prefer her design to Dayna Jones's, but I like the daughter of Davey Jones aspect.
Operetta. Last but absolutely not least, I need the phantom of the oprey back again! Her rockabilly pin up style was so cute and her origin story is so batty (her dad is a human, guys). Honestly she'd work so well in g3 with her "monstrous" human father!
And there they all are! My personal faves from g1, brought back into g3. Some of them are just there for the peak design, some for how their lore could work really really well w g3, all bc I love them :3
Bonus list of characters who should probably come back too (due to importance in g1/popularity):
Jackson Jekyll/Holt Hyde (hello human monster conflict!)
Casta Fierce (and Spelldon) (maybe from witch camp?)
Amanita Nightshade (unless Frankie smushed her when they dropped a gargoyle on the corpse flower)
Moanica D'cay (not g1 but a really cool zombie)
Slomo (more zombies!)
Neighthan Rot (more zombie unicorns!)
AstraNova (love an alien)
Catrine DeMew (a solid Scarisian were-cat)
Valentine (I mean. Come on.)
Gigi and Whisp Grant (except less Orientalist this time)
Inivisi-Billy (is he a ghost? is he a normie?)
Lorna MacNessie (her dad is iconic and so is she)
Ari Hauntington (again not g1, but interesting in the g3 politics)
Garrott (I just want gargoyles)
Isi Dawndancer (please hire a cultural consultant this time)
Kiersti Trollson (loved the literal troll who games)
Batsy Claro (a were-bat would be so funny guys come on please)
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kiruyeen · 1 year
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transcript: NOVINIANS what are they!?
novinians are the dominant species of the planet Novi-3, the third closest planet to the novi sun. they are notable for their amphibious nature and thick tails for storing fat. most of their planet is hot and full of water and they have evolved to fit those standards. they are intelligent and have a strong sense of community and love
more info and design guide under the cut (to have images)
regional variants: Novinians have a lot of regional variants (or races), the 2 noteable of them are tidal and furred. tidals have microscopic scales on them similar to a shark and therefore lack hair. they typically spend most of their time inside of water and feed on marine life. furred have longer scales, that look feel and behave like fur. they spend most of their time out of water so the fur is needed to protect them from the hot sun. they typically feed on fungal fruit. they do not have much difference other than that, tidals can wear wigs if they would like to. these are not subspecies, do not call them that. theyre regional variants similar to human races and calling any of them subspecies is very bigoted for them
the world they live in: Novi is a large star with a total of 10 planets in it's system. Novi-3 used to be the 4th closest to the star, though the closest planet eventually evaporated due to the heat of the star way before humans documented the Novi system. Novi has a total of 3 moons, with the biggest one about 20/1 of it's size. due to this not only is the tide very strong, but also nights are bright due to Novi's light reflecting directly off the moon back onto Novi-3. when humans first visited Novi-3, for a possible place to inhabit after Earth's demise, despite it having the perfect athmosphere for life, they concluded that the planet was uninhabitable long-term, and abandoned the planet. however what they didnt know was they introduced a fungal species that happened to thrive very well on this planet. it became good sustenance for other micro organsims as well, and allowed them to evolve over time. millions and maybe billions of years later Novi-3 became a planet full of a variety of life. 80% of Novi-3 is water, and due to the planet's strong tides and lack of high altitudes every land animal on it has adapted to be semi-aquatic, if not amphibious. though they're not amphibious in our traditional skin-breathing frogs sense, rather they kept their gills as they developed lungs. so they have 3 throat pipes instead of the 2 on humans! most of the 'flora' -and every 'flora' on land- on Novi-3 is actually fungi, thought to be evolved from the very fungus that was introduced. they often fruit before flowering, the flowers essentially being open spore bombs. usually the fruits are the ripest a week before they flower
designing a novinian: Novinians can either be scientific and accurate to the lore, or fantasy-like and magical. neither of these are 'illegal', as long as you don't use illegal traits.
permanent features: at least 1 pair of feelers/antennae on top of their head in any length big eyes, small snout, no visible nose or ears. no paw pads  fatty, aquatic tails  somewhat anthro posture fish-like gills anywhere on their body in any amount. scientific optional features:  flaps on top and side of head mimicking ears and/or cheek fur. non-scaled tails any length tails (NEEDS TO BE FATTY) thin clothing, accessories coral, moss, seaweed or barnacle-like things growing on body ask! illegal: horns replacing antennae (normal horns r okay) fully functional wings (for flight) quadropedality war tools (hunting is ok) visible/mammal-like ears
these are open species, anyone can make them! please @ me if you make one though, Id love to see them!
everything is copypasted from here, same creator tho
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mythicallore · 5 years
Bizarre Stories of Teleportation Pt. 4
    A very well known and controversial account of human teleportation supposedly occurred in 1968, when a Dr. Geraldo Vidal and his wife, Raffo de Vidal, apparently teleported a great distance along with their whole car. In May of 1968, the couple was reportedly driving their Peugeot 403 along a remote, rural road in Chascomus, Prov. of Buenos Aires, Argentina, when they claimed that they were suddenly enveloped by a thick fog that thoroughly ensconced them. The Vidals would allegedly not make it to their destination on time, where concerned family members were waiting for them. A search of the road the Vidals had taken turned up no trace of them, baffling family and authorities at the time. 48 hours later, Geraldo Vidal phoned family to tell them that they were safe but inexplicably in Mexico City, a full 6,400 km away.
Vidal would later claim that they had no memory of what had happened in the 48 hours that they had been gone, and only knew that they had encountered a strange heavy fog, after which everything had gone black. When they had regained consciousness they had found themselves parked along a road they had never seen before. They both complained that at the time they had a pain in their necks and felt as if they had been sleeping too long. When they had stepped out of the car, their vehicle appeared to have been burned, as if badly damaged by “a blowtorch.” Despite this damage, the car still worked, and the confused couple had then driven off down the road, and after asking several passerby where they were quickly ascertained that they were in Mexico, far from where they had originally been last they remembered.
Ominously, the Argentinean Consulate in Mexico City was apparently extremely adamant that the couple remain quiet about what they think had happened, and there was the sense that the whole case was being quieted and covered up. Additionally, the couple were quickly given a replacement vehicle even as their own battered car was shipped away to apparently be studied. Despite the order to remain silent on the mysterious events that had transpired, it was not long at all before various news agencies were reporting on the bizarre case, including numerous newspapers, TV news, and radio shows. Weeks after this sudden media blitz, a “cloak of silence” was instigated, all news outlets were suddenly and inexplicably forcefully banned from covering the story, and they were denied further access to information or those involved. In the years after the alleged strange events, the Vidals were said to have had a nervous breakdown due to the bizarre events they had undergone, and some sources have even claimed that they both mysteriously died of leukemia. The case eventually became one of the weirdest, most baffling, and most talked about cases within the realm of UFOlogy and Forteana, and was written of in countless articles and publications.
The Vidal case has been intensely debated and picked apart, and is filled with so many conflicting facts and reports that is is hard to ascertain where the truth ends and possible exaggeration and misinformation begins. There have been many theories as to what transpired, such as that this was a case of spontaneous teleportation or a UFO abduction. A more skeptical approach has been taken by Argentinean journalist and researcher Alejandro C. Agostinelli, who thinks that the whole story was a hoax to promote a science fiction movie released only 2 months after the alleged events, entitled Che OVNI. The movie was released to critical derision, failure, and was quickly forgotten, but not only does Agostinelli claim that the film’s director, Anibal Uset, admitted to the sham in a 1996 interview, but the plot of the film also mirrors the Vidal case pretty closely, focusing a great deal on UFO abduction and teleportation. There was also the fact that most of the case was based on hearsay and rumors, with very little concrete evidence to corroborate any of the depicted events of the case having ever actually happened, essentially propelling it into the status of urban legend.
Despite the accusation that the whole Vidal case was a hoax and a fraud to drum up publicity for a movie, things were apparently pretty bizarre throughout, with Uset often coming across people saying that they had known the Vidals and alarming him with the way the case was so widely believed and had achieved such popular iconic status. It got to the point where Uset started to get paranoid with all of the strangeness floating about the story and to doubt his grasp on reality, saying:
So many people approached me to say that they had known the Vidals that I began to have doubts. What is more, the confusion was such that I began to think that our story coincided with something that had really happened.
This strange confession makes the whole thing even more bizarre, and gives it all almost a surreal spin. If Uset really was behind orchestrating the whole Vidal case, which had been hotly discussed and picked apart to no end, then why should he be so surprised and express doubt that it was a hoax that he had in fact created? What was going on here? Agostinelli would later remark on this peculiar detail and the whole phenomenon of such stories in general thus:
At the time, the fact he questioned his own creation startled me. But I think that this helps to understand how UFO stories are built along with many other modern myths. If even a hoaxer can be led to doubt, this means that mysteries are able to overcome any denial. That’s why I think myths are indestructible. Countless teleportation cases have occurred in Argentina and around the world, but the Vidal Case was a lie.
There is no concrete evidence to prove without a doubt that the Vidal case was a hoax for promoting a film, and there are indeed other conspiracy theories floating about as well, but neither is there any to show that it ever existed beyond rumor and spooky lore. There continues to be a good amount of debate and controversy surrounding the Vidal case, and it seems that it still has not been satisfactorily resolved for a great many people.
At times, cases of teleportation involve what seems to be passing through doors, only rather than moving to another room of a house these doorways transport us through space and perhaps even time to move us to another far away location altogether. In 1971, an Al Kiessig claimed that he had uncovered several doorways or vortices of some sort in the U.S. states of Missouri and Arkansas, which allowed for instantaneous teleportation from place to place via travel through other dimensions. According to Kiessig, one could walk through these doorways and instantaneously end up miles away from where they had entered. He explained about these doorways and their varied strangeness:
Each door is different, but it is my belief that if one conId recognize these door openings, one could pick the door in Arkansas that would permit me to step into your front yard in Iowa. I have entered these ‘doorways’ while driving and saved myself hundreds of miles of driving. Unfortunately, the reverse has also happened to me. Some of these doors to other dimensions open like an elevator door with no elevator there to step into. Others open into a land of no life. Some take you back into the past, and some take you into the future on this world. Then there are doors that open into chambers that send the body to a distant star.
What does this all mean? Is there anything to this oddness or is this the ramblings of a seriously disturbed or delusional individual? It is hard to say for sure. Even more recent is the case of a homeless boy in Ivory Coast, Africa, who was discovered by Fortean researcher Ion Alexis Will in August of 1993. As Will was passing through a rural area called Yamoussoukro, he came across a Catholic church called St. Augustin, where the priests there complained of a 9-year-old boy who had an unsettling habit of disappearing from his locked quarters only to reappear in strange places such as within locked cars or other areas where he had absolutely no business being. On another occasion, the boy had vanished into thin air in front of many startled witnesses as he ate breakfast, only to be found in a dazed and confused state some distance outside of the church. An investigation into the strange boy’s background found that he had been originally found in a town about 155 miles away in a trance-like state. Further investigation would turn up even more bizarreness.
The boy, who’s actual name was N’Doua Kouname Serge, had vanished under strange circumstances when he was just 5 years old, vanishing from a hospital in Tiassalé, in Ivory Coast, only to suddenly and unexplainably end up in San Pedro, a full 200 miles away. The boy’s father had gone to pick him up, only for him to vanish and reappear again 410 miles away in confused state in a town called Odienné. He would go on to make several other spontaneous jumps to various other cities around the country, often spending months or even years in each far flung location, during which time some of his benefactors would come to the conclusion that he was possessed by an evil spirit which could teleport him. When asked by a reporter on how he could suddenly jump from place to place so rapidly, the boy himself reportedly said: “I don’t know. I’m here, and suddenly I find myself in another town.”
Even more recent is a series of strange teleportations that were reported on in a 2009 article on Pravda Report entitled “Lightning Can Open Doors to Parallel Worlds.” In one report, a UFO researcher named Tatyana Faminskaya allegedly teleported two times, during which she claimed that she could not feel anything during the process, but would simply wake up in another place. A woman named Lidia Nikolaeva, from Novy Byt village in Russia, claimed that she had been out picking mushrooms when she felt a stabbing pain in her chest. When she came to her senses, she found herself deposited at an abandoned church around 3.3 miles from where she had been. Just what is going on here? Do these people have access to powers or abilities that remain hidden to the common masses?
What are we to make of cases such as these? Are these merely hallucinations or flights of fancy, or is there something more at work here that is worth pursuing in an effort to understand it? If these individuals have somehow pressed through some barrier to jump from one place to the other, then how have they done it? How can it be possible and how can such a thing fit into the universe as we understand it? Even as science pursues the very real concepts and theories of how teleportation may someday actually be possible, the reality of real teleportation of a human being remains far out on the outer fringes of the scientific horizon, yet for some mysterious individuals it may be closer than we think.
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Najbolje inostrane serije (RECENZIJA)
/piše: Jelena Đurović, agitpop.me/ Šta je to najbolje što sam doživela u toku 2017. godine? Putovanja? Ljubav? Uspesi? Druženje? Zdravlje? Pokloni?  Greška. Godinu za nama ću pamtiti po seriji, a pogotovo osmoj epizodi Twin Peaks: The Return. Kao što je promenio tok televizije pre 25 godina i uticao na sve što će uslediti (pa i na većinu serija sa ove liste) Dejvid Linč je ponovo postavio lestvicu na teško dostupnu visinu. "Twin Peaks: The Return" je VIŠE nego što smo očekivali, o čemu svedoči opšta egzaltacija kritičara i teoretičara. Ne mogu vas nagovarati da pogledate The Return, ne mogu ni da vam objasnim zašto su mi krenule suze radosnice kad je Agent Kuper izgovorio "I am the FBI", niti da vam dokažem da to nije od ludosti već od ozarenosti pred talentom i snagom koja je Linč. Tu su neki linkovi kao objašnjenje zašto je ovaj osamnaestočasovni film toliko prelomna tačka u istoriji svetske kulture 21. veka. (Guardian, Rolling Stone, Vulture). Izvor: YouTube Razgovaralo se na temu TP dok je serija bila u začetku, dok nismo mogli sanjamo šta nam "Džejms Stjuart sa Marsa" tek sprema i da smo ponovo svedoci istorije: Tribina AgitPop:TV iz juna. Bez dileme i bez konkurencije, na prvom mestu. Ispod, ogroman prazan prostor a onda idu ostali pačići i učenici… "The Leftovers" nije slučajno prva do prvog, Linča. Kreatori su veliki fanovi Twin Peaksa, a znajući da je posle tri sezone i kraj ove TV balade potpuno su se raspustili u pozitivnom smislu... Keri Kun (Carrie Coon) je nepravedno zapostavljena u dodelama i nominacijama i mislim da njeno vreme tek dolazi, a pojedine epizode poslednje sezone su zaista uzvišene, kao da ne gledate u ekran već učestvujete u religioznom ritualu - ponajviše epizoda broj pet . Posebni najež: upotreba numere benda A-ha "Take on me". Izvor: YouTube O "The Handmaids Tale" smo dosta toga rekli na AgitPop:TV tribini koju možete da pogledate na linku ispod. U pripremi je druga sezona, a kad konačno uđe u velike holivudske blokbastere Elizabet Mos može da postane naslednica Meril Strip. Da, toliko je dobra glumica (gledala sam je pre nekoliko godina u predstavi na West Endu pa to tako samouvereno i mogu da tvrdim). Izvor: agitpop.me "The Deuce" je naveliko obradovala tokom druge polovine 2017. Uspela sam da zavolim Džejmsa Franka, i da jovo-nanovo potvrdim ko je i šta Megi Džilenhol. Ona je ozbiljan maher, pionirka, krčiteljka jednog novog puta za glumice i ženske likove uopšte. Od "Secretary" do "The Honourable Woman" Megi nije prezala da krene glavom tamo gde druge ne bi ni nogom. Serija o seksualnom oslobađanju i načinima da prihvatite sebe i uzmete sudbinu u ruke. Genijalno. Izvor: YouTube "Halt and Catch Fire S04". Poslednja sezona ove ultra-inteligentne serije nije razočarala, naprotiv. Maestralno vođena uz besprekoran soundtrack koji nas je dovodio do suza (hints: Dona&Pat Benatar: "We Belong", Gordon&Dire Straits “So Far Away”, Dona, Kameron, Džo&Peter Gabriel: “Solsbury Hill”). Preporuka da pogledate sve četiri sezone, poslušate najbolju muziku a bogami i naučite nešto.      Izvor: YouTube Potvrda da "Nemac igra do devedesetog minuta" je i fenomenalno iznenađenje: "Dark". Odjednom, stiže nam "Stranger Things" na evropski način: tu je Nena, tu su alhemičari i Tabula Smaragdina, tu je Niče, prezgodni plavušani i filozofija. A tema se poklapa sa Linčovom: Koja je ovo zapravo godina i šta nam znači vreme? Izvor: YouTube Iako nije bio ni blizu kvaliteta druge sezone (a to će se teško dostići) "Fargo (S03)" nam je doneo neke epohalne momente: tu je ponovo Keri Kun koju znamo iz "The Leftovers", naš Goran Bogdan i njegov rusko/kozački geng, zli Varga koji ceni sovjetsku revoluciju i nezaboravne biblijske citate koje ležerno "cepa" Rej Vajz (Ray Wise) - inače u Twin Peaks igra tatu Lore Palmer u kome čuči BOB a ovde je misteriozni Wandering Jew. Autor Noa Hauli (Noah Hawley) je fan Linča, i sve nas to vraća na važnost broja Jedan na ovoj listi. "Deliver a message when the time comes, to the wicked: 'Though thou exalt thyself like the eagle; though thou make thy nest among the stars; thence will I bring thee down, saith the Lord'". Izvor: YouTube O ostalim serijama sa liste ću po rečenicu-dve: "Feud" je zabavna, cinična i upozoravajuća serija (pogotovo imajući u vidu Weinstein skandal). Sarandon i Lang su perfektne. "Stranger Things (S02)" je na početku ubio u pojam, ali je poslednja epizoda ono zbog čega ga vredi gledati. Hint: Pretty in Pink. Ipak, ni blizu onome kako nas je "odradio" u prvoj sezoni. "Back" - Mičel i Veb, naši miljenici iz serije "Peep Show" su se vratili u urnebesnom sitkomu. "Big Little Lies" za peticu ali je meni to sve PREVIŠE. Previše matematičke glume, previše ispolirano, nedovoljno uverljivo. "American Vandal" je mocumentary/omaž dokumentarnom serijalu "The Keepers". Ipak, kako šala odmiče, sve je manje šale. Odlična stvar, na Rottenu zasluženih 100%. "Godless" - ženski vestern. Nema šta da se ne voli. Michelle Dockery - Lady Mary iz Downtown Abbey nam se vraća u velikom stilu, Jeff Daniels iz The Newsroom u ulozi monstruoznog negativca a tu je i Scoot McNairy, Gordon iz Halt and Catch Fire. Mnogo bolje od Westworld, ajde bacajte kamenje, ali jeste. "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" - I dalje sitkom broj jedan. Najbolji su kad se uozbilje i dotaknu gorućih, političkih tema. Pokažu šta znaju pa se vrate na šegu i zezu.  "Taboo" se ili voli ili mrzi. Meni se dopao zbog elemenata koji su omaž Grofu Monte Kristu, dobro spakovane  osvete ali i činjenice da su otac i sin Hardi zajednički radili na projektu. Moram priznati, često sam tokom gledanja razmišljala koliko li svi oni smrde kad su stalno blatnjavi i neokupani :) "Pls Like" - Brutalni "mocumentary" o tome kako postati i ostati online zvezda. Snimljen je u produkciji BBC3 - možete ga gledati samo na YouTube. Eksperiment koji je uspeo. Bravo! "Billions" - Iako sad već pomalo mamuzaju mrtvog konja i ulaze u repeticiju, važna je Taylor prvi non-binary lik na TV-u. Uzgred, igra je/ga non-binary osoba. Ono je toliko atipično i cela serija se zapravo gleda zbog nje/njega. "Will&Grace" su se vratili više nego dostojanstveno. Prva epizoda je spektakl, a i sve koje su usledile. Šteta što ih nije bilo više. "Top of the lake: China Girl". I opet - Elizabet Mos u kombinaciji sa Džejn Kempion. Ovo je druga sezona koja može da se gleda apartno od prethodne. "Narcos"… Kad smo mislili da ne može bez Pabla, dobili smo Cali ekipu, mafijašku homoerotiku Pača Herere i brutalnost dostojnu Eskobara. Veliki minus - nema Džudi Monkade, moje mezimice. "Brockmire" - Da sam muško, oženila bih Amandu Pit odmah (ali to je već uradio producent GOT, verujem da im je okej:) a tu je i Frenk Azarija. Da ne prepričavam, odmah trejler i privolite na hard. "I Love Dick". Bože, bože, bože. KOLIKO je Kevin Bejkon savršen u ovoj humorističkoj mini-seriji. Pogledajte, molim vas! Izvor: YouTube "The Keepers" je dokumentarna serija o ubistvu opatice u malom američkom gradu. Ali ova serija "vozi" mnogo bolje od nekih fikcija i dokaz da je istina ponekad neverovatnija od mašte. "Comrade Detective" je urnebes. Ništa ne smem da napišem a da ne napravim spojler, prema tome - klik. Izvor: YouTube "Ozark" počinje rutinski i jeste donekle run-of-the-mill ali Džejson Bateman i Lora Lini prave da rutina postane nešto specijalno. Radujem se narednoj sezoni. "Apple Tree Yard" je mini klasik iz kuhinje BBC-a. Emili Votson i Ben Čaplin, ljubav, opsesija, ubistvo. "Loudermilk" je novi sitkom, TV čedo Pitera Farelija (Farelly Brothers). Loudermilk je bivši pisac i bivši alkos koji sada radi za AA. Duhovito koncipirano, maestralno odglumljeno, Ron Livingston je novi doktor TV kurcobolje, onako kako je to radio Dejvid Duhovni u "Californication".    Izvor: YouTube "Room 104" je čedo hiperproduktivne braće Duplas. Svaka epizoda je zasebna priča, manje ili više uspešna.  "Philip K. Dick’s Electric Dreams" takođe separatne storije po Dikovim kratkim pričama. Ima odličnih, ima dosadnih. "Mr. Mercedes" snimljen po romanu Stivena Kinga dobro počne (a kako i ne kad igra Brendan Glison, momčina najmomačkija) ali se uprska do kraja. Upečatljiva naslovna numera koju peva T Bone Burnett. Izvor: YouTube "Manhunt: Unabomber". Tema epohalna, realizacija prosečna. "The Missing" je drugi nastavak sage o detektivu Žilijenu Baptistu koga glumi Čeki Kario. I samo zbog Čekija treba gledati ovaj podgrejan i mlak pokušaj da se donekle reprodukuje odlična prva sezona. "Mindhunter". Sve je ličilo na uspeh: Finčer i dobra ekipa glumaca. Kritičari odlepili, ali ja nisam uspela da odgledam do kraja sezone. Možda je do mene. "The Americans" su, na žalost, u komatoznom stanju još od prošle sezone a sada su na veštačkom scenarističkom disanju. Osim uzbudljive jedanaeste epizode i jednog lepog ubistva, kao i korišćenja pesme "More Than This" Roxy Music tamo gde joj se najmanje nadamo, sve ostalo možemo zaboraviti. "House of Cards" serija koja je morala da se završi mnogo pre afere Kevina Spejsija. Samodovoljna do izbezumljenosti gledalaca. "The Sinner" je kažnjena niskim mestom jer lepo počne, Džesika Bil je vrlo korektna a onda zaluta u meandre bednjikavog TV filma iz osamdesetih. "Transparent" je pao najniže. Otišli su u Izrael i tamo se zaglavili u pesku nekreativnosti. Džil Solovej je morala da zna kad da kaže ćao, zdravo, kraj. A nije. Šteta. ***NAPOMENA: Nisam stigla da pogledam a na listi čekanja su Black Mirror, Woodworm i Berlin Babylon. CELA LISTA: 1) Twin Peaks 2) The Leftovers 3) The Handmaids Tale 4) The Deuce 5) Halt and Catch Fire 6) Dark 7) Fargo 8) Feud 9) Stranger Things 10) Back 11) Big Little Lies 12) American Vandal 13) Godless 14) Brooklyn Nine Nine 15) Taboo 16) Pls Like 17) Billions 18) Will and Grace 19) Top of the Lake: China Girl 20) Narcos 21) Brockmire 22) I Love Dick 23) The Keepers 24) Comrade Detective 25) Ozark 26) Apple Tree Yard 27) Loudermilk 28) Room 104 29) Philip K. Dick’s Electric Dreams 30) Mr. Mercedes 31) Manhunt: Unabomber 32) The Missing 33) Mindhunter 34) The Americans 35) House of Cards 36) The Sinner Izvor: MONDO Let's block ads! (Why?)
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itsgiovannie · 4 months
how many novi stars dolls do you have? are there any particular ones you're missing?
i adore your little lore bits that you've made up for them they go hard!!
Yippie my first ask! Let me go count:
I have 12 right now, so my collection is nowhere near complete, but it is quite extensive!
Right now I’m currently seeking out Ina Ferna (Anne misses her gf) and the other three Supernovas, specifically Justina. But, as I’m currently unemployed, I cannot afford that right now lmao.
Also, thank you so much! I might dump Ari’s lore soon if that’s something y’all are interested in… feel free to shoot me an ask anytime guys i really appreciate it!
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