#now I’m thinking thots about Mandy inadvertently preventing the sleepover and the implications of that
whatwouldmickeydo · 2 years
Hey Leah💗 How are you doing today?
I have a headcanon Q for you! Well this one is more hypothetical I guess. How do you think Mandy would have reacted if Ian or Mickey would have told her they are together when they started hooking up? What do you think would have been different?
Have a great day (:
Hi hi hi xx anon!! 💗✨
Ooh this is a fun one to think about…
So the only way I can picture Mandy actually finding out in the early seasons is if she caught them herself, because there’s no way baby Mickey would be blabbing about that to ANYONE, and probably definitely threatens her to keep her big mouth shut. (“Relax asshole, I wouldn’t hurt Ian like that”)
Honestly, Mandy is probably the best person they could have potentially trusted that secret with, although I think she would initially be angry and hurt that Mickey stole her fake boyfriend, and that Ian didn’t tell her himself.
I can definitely see that her finding out would terrify Mickey at first, to the point that he starts avoiding Ian and refusing to be around him because he’s afraid of what Mandy might do or say, until she corners him and tells him to stop being a jackass and go see Ian (even if she has NO idea why he’s into Mickey of all people, like you’re making moon eyes over him?? My disgusting brother??)
But Mandy knows Terry, and I don’t think she would ever want to inflict someone like that on anyone else and therefore is perfectly happy to keep it a secret, even if she thinks Ian could do WAY better.
(Also an interesting point to think about - they were definitely not exclusive for much of those early seasons so I think there would be great hilarity in her and Ian talking about boys and that she would have to stop him and say “Wait, are you talking about my brother or someone else right now? Ew, Ian!! You promised you wouldn’t talk about his butt to me!!”)
This DOES have me thinking thoughts about the implications of Mandy knowing about them prior to the s3 sleepover because up to that point I don’t think anything else would dramatically change, and that was such a huge turning point in their relationship. Did Mickey tell her to get lost so he has the house to himself, except now she knows the reason why and can tease him mercilessly about it? Could she have helped prevent the aftermath somehow? 🧐
Also apologies for how long this got 😂
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