#now I've got the Grey's Anatomy theme song stuck in my head
skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
Linked Universe Boys as Healthcare Workers
Y’all ever watched stuff like Grey’s Anatomy or Scrubs or all those crazy 911 shows? I briefly watched Grey’s Anatomy, thought it was cool, and then I got into healthcare and have been cursed to never be able to watch those kinds of shows again because for heaven’s sake stop shocking asystole and WHAT KIND OF CPR IS THAT AND--
Anyway. I just thought it would be fun to see what the boys would do based on their personalities.
Legend: Emergency department nurse all the way. “Experienced, to the point, snarky, prickly exterior with a soft heart” is a description for both Legend and a typical ED nurse. Has a love/hate relationship with his job. Lives off coffee and energy drinks, has a sore back 75% of the time, is a grouch but will absolutely look out for the newer nurses on the unit. Turns into a softie when taking care of pediatric patients and then will flip Warriors a bird at the nurse’s station when he teases him about it. Can tell Frequent Flyer Beedle no, do not bring bugs you found in the parking lot and in the same breath rush to the next room with the code cart when the patient crashes and then go to the room after and deal with the Karen complaining about waiting too long for test results. Keeps saying he’s gonna quit but absolutely will not. Always losing his trauma shears and pens because his roommate Ravio keeps selling them to his coworkers.
Hyrule: Paramedic. Street smart, adaptable, will MacGyver whatever he has to in order to treat the patient. Despite having GPS and having worked the streets for ages, he will still get lost trying to find a patient’s house. Has a very sweet bedside manner and is gentle and caring, but by heaven if he perceives you as a threat to himself, his partner, or his patient he will call the police on you so fast your head will be spinning (he would take care of you himself but there are rules, so he lets law enforcement handle it). Is one of the best medics out there but still thinks he’s nothing compared to the others, and feels especially small when he is giving report to the RN and MD at the hospital and they start interrogating him over pointless stuff. Legend always materializes in the room when that happens to back Hyrule up and tell the RN or MD they’re being stupid.
Warriors: Military nurse, used to work in field hospitals in their ED and take care of trauma patients, now he’s transitioned to civilian life and works in the same ED as Legend. Is having a really hard time dealing with frequent flyers and people who use the emergency department as their glorified boo boo station because he’s used to high acuity (i.e. very sick/injured) patients all the time from his previous work and now they’re only actual emergencies like 20% of the time. Has the patience of a saint, though, really only shows his annoyance through stony facial expressions as he charts on the computer (or really, slams his hands on the keyboard). Is a natural leader, has already been put in the position of charge nurse a few times, much to Legend’s chagrin. Warriors and Legend are constantly trying to prank each other, Warriors one time asked Legend for a hand with medicating patients and asked him to medicate the most talkative one, knowing that Legend would be held hostage by a conversation for like half an hour (Legend was seething, Warriors was dying of laughter). Always makes sure his accessories match his scrubs - his favorite is dark green scrubs with a blue stethoscope. Buys Legend’s pens from Ravio just to annoy him.
Twilight: CNA on the pediatric floor. All the kids love him, and he is such a hard worker, the nurses praise him all the time. Knows every patient and their needs. Has a giant collection of stuffed goat plushies and toy horses that he brings to the kids. Gentle, patient, caring, and protective. Once threw hands with a parent who was completely out of line and trying to attack a nurse - situation was de-escalated and resolved before security ever got a chance to get there. Dude is freakishly strong, can move any equipment and pick up even teenage patients without any help. Will hold babies for hours if he’s between tasks and they don’t have anyone there to be with them. Brings a therapy dog to the unit when he’s not working. Is the literal best.
Time: Military trauma surgeon, used to work in the same hospital as Warriors and they enjoyed working together when they saw each other, transitioned to Hyrule Hospital where all the other boys are and still gets to see Warriors when he comes to see trauma patients in the ED. Decisive and takes charge of situations, works well under pressure, and always has a keen sense of where the issues are and how to fix them. Runs his operating room with decisiveness and seems very stern and strict, but can be kind as well, just has high standards. Views his job as a calling and a duty, and as such can get caught up in it and usually has to be dragged out of the OR by Malon, a scrub nurse who is tough as nails but gentle and understanding - and who just happens to be his wife. They met when he got to Hyrule Hospital and she didn’t fall for his aloof demeanor that usually kept everyone else at arm’s length. His OR, despite being the most chaotic and unpredictable branch of surgery, is the most well organized and timely out of the entire hospital. Other surgeons are mind blown how he manages to keep things running as well as he does. Some think it’s because of Malon, others recognize it’s because they’re both excellent at keeping the place running, and they know how to pick the best team.
Wild: Transporter. Absolutely loves ferrying patients to different destinations, and he’ll chat with them the entire way. Oftentimes can slow down operations at the hospital because he will get lost with the patient (they eventually reach their destination, the patient is never upset because they’re always laughing with Wild about how they had a great adventure) en route to wherever they’re going. Loves to bring homemade meals to his favorite units (like the pediatric units, he loves visiting them and seeing the kids and Twilight) or the most under served units (like the emergency department). Occasionally zones out, worrying all the staff around him, but he always snaps back and is okay - he just says it’s a side effect from a brain injury he got a while ago. Loves to take selfies all over the hospital (he’s careful not to mess with patient confidentiality, of course), has an Instagram account for his “hospital adventures” and patients love being part of it. (The most recent was a selfie of him and a teenage patient who he was supposed to be transporting to MRI but they somehow ended up in the ambulance bay, where the teenage patient then got to see what the inside of an ambulance looked like while Hyrule showed them the equipment) Will 100% experiment with broken equipment when he’s in between transports and one time was found twisted and tangled in EKG wires. Once ate a french fry off the floor in the staff room and everyone was convinced he was going to die because for heaven’s sake, Wild, NEVER EAT ANYTHING THAT TOUCHES A HOSPITAL FLOOR. (Twilight was there and almost had a heart attack, seriously considered asking a nurse to give him syrup of ipecac to make him puke it out) Is considering getting training to become a registered nutritionist.
Wind: Training respiratory therapist. Decided to go into healthcare after his sister got seriously ill and was hospitalized for a time, and he was determined to make sure that he could take care of her if anything like that happened again. Very boisterous and excited to learn new things, eager to prove himself, has more energy than basically anyone else in the hospital. Is always arriving before the actual respiratory therapist he’s training under and has all the equipment ready to go when his preceptor (his teacher) arrives. Passed out when he witnessed his first intubation (it was in the ED, Legend still hasn’t let him hear the end of it, Warriors then gets on Legend’s case and it devolves into an argument between the two) but since then has been 100% focused and learning his hardest so he can do it correctly. Wild once offered for Wind to practice intubation on himself with Hyrule’s guidance (since paramedics can intubate) and Wind was totally gonna do it until Twilight intervened. Often practices intubations in the OR as well, and he gets the most nervous when he’s in Time’s OR but it’s the most satisfying feeling when Time compliments him. His favorite patient population is pediatrics and he wants to specialize in that. It’s the best feeling in the world when a breathing treatment helps and a kid who was struggling so hard is suddenly breathing much better. It reminds him of Aryll when she was struggling during her hospitalization, and he feels good knowing he’s making a difference. Wants to travel when he gets enough experience.
Four: ICU nurse. Methodical, detailed, observant, and very organized. Somehow always has his life together, his charting done, his tasks completed, and his patients clean and in good order. People swear he can do multiple jobs at once and they don’t know how he does it. Very understanding and empathetic but no-nonsense, his patients will walk three times a day and they will get their bath. Always manages to be the one to find Wild breaking equipment and nearly loses his mind when Wild accidentally breaks an IV pump. Is the person people go to when something needs troubleshooting. Writes down his plan for the entire shift after assessing his patient at the start of shift (he uses different colors for different tasks). Prefers night shift because he likes that there are fewer people around, gives him focus to do his tasks uninterrupted. Meditates to decompress after a bad shift. Loves nagging Legend and Warriors when they give him reports on their patients who they’re sending to him from the ED even though he’s already read the patient’s chart eight times to be sure he knows what he’s getting. (”Ok, but what about their skin, have you assessed their skin?” “FFS Four, they’ve got a freaking emergency tracheotomy that I’ve been handling and they coded twice, just take the damn patient”)
Sky: Air medical pilot, flies the hospital helicopter that brings in critically ill/injured patients either from the field or less equipped hospitals. Has passed out at the sight of his own blood but has learned to handle gore pretty well early on. Lives off of energy drinks, exchanges different ones with Legend to see which one works best. Once flew to a scene of a pediatric trauma alert despite there being a thunderstorm because all the other air medical places turned the flight down due to weather, and somehow they all survived to see another day even though his flight medic was convinced they were going to get struck. Volunteers in the NICU at his off time to hold babies. Twilight has been trying to get him to become a tech on a pediatric floor, but Sky keeps saying no (”Sky, you like the babies, there are a lot of babies here!” “Yeah, but they’re not all babies, the other patients talk and demand” “Come on, I know you care about them” “I’m not a kid person, Twilight. Just the babies.”) Is trying to convince Hyrule and Legend to become a flight medic and flight nurse, respectively, so they can be on the helicopter together. Flew helicopters in the military and met Time and Warriors that way. Always drops everything to give the others hugs. Brightens whatever room (or helicopter) he’s in.
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charlies-gillespie · 3 years
reminence | charlie gillespie
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paring: fem!reader x charlie gillespie
summary: reader stays the night in a hotel but there are no rooms. her ex, Charlie, overheard her talking and offers reader to spend the night in his room
length: mediumish
rating: PG
warnings: none
!! NOT MY GIF !!
You get out of the Uber you took to get here from LAX. You thank the driver and get your suitcase out of the trunk of his car. You drag your suitcase and dufflebag into the hotel that you plan in staying at tonight. It’s about five and the lobby is kind of packed. The parking lot was pretty full. You get in line at the desk behind a couple and their child.
The desk receptionist hands the couple a key and they walk off. You approach the desk with a smile and say, “Hi, my name is Y/N L/N and I booked a room here for one night.” The desk receptionist nods and types on the computer.
She makes a face and says, “I’m sorry, Miss L/N but that was our last room available.”
Confused, you say, “I called three days ago and made a reservation for a room.”
“I am all out of rooms tonight, I apologize,” she says. “If you’d like to stay and wait in case someone checks out then you can. I thought we had more than one room available for tonight.”
With a sigh, you open your mouth to say something until you hear someone go “Y/N?” behind you. You turn your head to see Charlie Gillespie standing behind you. You blink at him. You haven’t seen him since he broke up with you almost two years ago after a three year relationship. His hair has gotten longer and he’s gotten ... cuter.
You say, “Charlie, wow. It’s been a long time.”
Charlie approaches you and asks, “Are you staying here tonight?”
“I was going to but they just gave away the last room when I called three days ago reserving a room,” you say. “Why are you staying here?”
He says, “I flew in from Canada yesterday and have been staying here until my friend gets back from Canada so I can stay at his place. Wait, did you say that they don’t have anymore rooms?” You nod. “You can stay with me tonight. I have a second bed in my room that you can use.”
With a smile forming on your lips, you say, “Thank you, Charlie.” The desk receptionist hands you a key to Charlie’s room and the two of you take the elevator up to the fourth floor.
When you’re on the elevator, you take a second to look at the man next to you. His hair was much shorter than it is now. He’s wearing a blue and white button-up shirt that’s a little big on him and the top three or four buttons are undone, revealing his chest. He wears khaki shorts and converse sneakers.
The elevator dings and you get off with Charlie, who leads you down the hallway to his hotel room. He uses his key to let you both in and he lets you walk in first. You look around the room. The bed he probably slept in last night is a mess and isn’t made. There’s a shirt thrown over a chair at the little circular table. A coffee mug sits on the table between the beds.
“It’s a little messy but I wasn’t expecting company,” Charlie says, closing the door behind you. “Sorry.”
You smile and say, “It’s okay. It’s not like you need to impress me or anything.”
Charlie chuckles a bit and says, “I can run and grab us some food while you unpack. I know you probably had a long flight and probably need real food.”
“Yes, please,” you say. “Are there any McDonald’s around here? Or Taco Bell?”
He grabs his wallet and asks, “Your usual from either?” You nod in response. “I’ll be back in about fifteen minutes then.” Charlie leaves the room and you sit on the neatly made bed.
Sometimes you don’t remember why your relationship with Charlie ended. He’s a sweetheart, even after not seeing you for two years.
Your mind wanders while you unpack some of your clothes, putting them in an unused drawer. You check the minifridge to see what Charlie has. He just has a few cans of soda and a few water bottles. You sigh and sit back down on your bed.
Charlie walks in moments later with a Taco Bell bag and two drinks. He sets everything down on the little table and says, “Three soft shell tacos, Nacho Fries, and a Baja Blast. After all this time, I still know your regular at Taco Bell.”
With a laugh, you get up and say, “It’s not that hard to remember three soft shell tacos, Nacho Fries, and a Baja Blast. But thank you, Charlie.”
He smiles as you take your food, your drink, and a few napkins before sitting with your legs cross on your bed.
“What do the channels look like here? Any good ones?” you ask, opening one of your tacos.
Charlie shrugs and says, “There’s HBO we can watch. I know know what movie is on right now. Let’s check though.” He plops down on his bed with his Crunchwrap Supreme and his own Baja Blast. He grabs the remote and scrolls to HBO. He puts the channel on and you recognize the movie as Five Feet Apart. You look at Charlie and he switches to a static filled channel. “Not that one.”
Five Feet Apart was the movie you and Charlie watched the day before your relationship with him ended. You saw it in the movie theater a few weeks after it came out. You haven’t been able to watch it since.
Quickly, Charlie scrolls through the guide and puts on Friends. “This is a good compromise,” you tell him. “We both love Friends.”
“It’s one of the greatest shows ever,” Charlie says enthusiastically.
You laugh and say, “You made me watch this show so many times when we were together. The theme song always got stuck in my head after we watched it.”
Charlie swallows the bite of his Crunchwrap that he took before he asks, “Do you know how much Grey’s Anatomy you made me watch?” You laugh. “We’re even, Y/N.”
After swallowing a bite of your taco, you say, “You made me watch un ungodly amount of Friends, Charlie. It was everyday. I only made you watch Grey’s on Thursdays when it aired.”
He chuckles and says, “Okay, you got me there. You made me watch a lot of TikToks though, Miss L/N. You spent hours showing me videos.”
“You were laughing so I didn’t stop!” you say, jumping to your defense. “Remember that one time we tried making a TikTok by dancing to Obsessed by Mariah Carrey. It took us hours because you couldn’t learn the moves.”
Your ex laughs and says, “I did learn the moves eventually though. I still remember them.”
You finish your taco and says, “I wanna see this. Show me.”
Charlie smiles and gets off the bed. He stands in front of you and starts to do the Obsessed dance from TikTok. You laugh as you watch how badly he does the dance.
“For a musician, you have no rhythm,” you tease.
He sits back down on his bed with a sigh as he says, “For a small person, you eat a lot. I don’t know where it goes.”
With a laugh, you say, “I have no idea where it all goes either.”
It feels nice to laugh and talk with Charlie. Neither of you have spoken to each other since you broke up in late 2019. Just seeing him again has made you really happy. You didn’t think you’d see him again. He’s still his crazy self that he was years ago.
Both of you finish and you sit back against the headboard of your bed with a pillow behind you. You’re watching and laughing with Friends even though you’ve seen this episode a thousand times.
Charlie sudden asks, “Do you remember why we broke up?”
You look over at Charlie, who’s laying in the same position that you are, and say, “We just grew apart after high school. You moved down here part time after you graduated and I still had a few months left.” Charlie graduated early, you still had six months left. You were 17 when you and Charlie started dating at the beginning of your senior year of high school. He had just turned 17 right before the school year started. You were 20 when the relationship ended and Charlie was just about to turn 21. It wasn’t quite three years when you broke up but it was close.
He says, “I tried to make it work with us, Y/N. You know that right? Between living down here and acting, I did try.”
“I know you did,” you tell him, sitting up and looking at him. “It just got tough for both of us. We ended things on good terms.”
Charlie nods and says, “We did.”
You blink and ask, “What have you been doing since we broke up? Focusing on music, I hope.”
With a little laugh, he says, “I was on Netflix.”
Almost surprised, you say, “I didn’t know you were on Netflix, Charlie! That’s incredible. Was it a show or movie?”
“A show,” he says. “It’s called Julie and the Phantoms. We’re still waiting to be picked up for a second season but we trending in the top ten for a little bit on there after the show dropped in September last year.” Charlie tells you all about his time on set. He tells you about the show too, and you’re happy to hear that he was able to do two of the things he loves to do while being on the show.
You smile and ask, “Can I hear a song from the show? I know you have a guitar somewhere in this room. You never go anywhere without one.”
Charlie laughs and says, “You’re right.” He gets up and opens the closet door, pulling out a guitar he has stashed away in there. You laugh and shake your head. You know him too well sometimes.
He sits at the end of your bed and you cross your legs, looking at him. He pulls the guitar out of it’s case and he grabs a pick. He tunes the guitar before he looks at you.
“The song I’m about to play is song I wrote with my co-star, Madi,” he says. “It’s called Perfect Harmony. I may or may not have been kind of thinking of you when coming up with the lyrics.”
You smile and say, “Awe, I didn’t know you were such a romantic, Charlie.”
A laugh leaves Charlie’s lips as he begins to play the chords.
Step into my world Bittersweet love story about a girl Shook me to the core Voice like an angel, I've never heard before
As he plays, you sway to the music. You smile, having always enjoyed hearing his voice and watching him play guitar. He’d spend hours practicing or writing songs and you’d sit outside whatever room he was in or sit beside him while he sang and played.
Charlie looks at you occasionally as he plays, almost like he’s singing to you.
You set me free You and me together is more than chemistry Love me as I am I'll hold your music here inside my hands
You watch him intently, the smile never leaving your face as he plays. Hearing his voice again makes you so happy.
I feel your rhythm in my heart, yeah-yeah You are my brightest, burning star, woah-woah I never knew a love so real (So real) We're heaven on earth, melody and words
As he finishes up the song, you stop swaying and you look at him. Charlie finishes and he looks at you. He laughs a bit and says, “And that’s Perfect Harmony.”
“It’s beautiful,” you tell him. “And I’m not just saying that because you kind of wrote the song while thinking about me. I think it’s really good, Charlie. You’re so talented.”
Charlie’s face gets a little flustered and he says, “I’m just decent at guitar and decent at singing.”
You say, “You wouldn’t have landed a huge Netflix role if you weren’t crazy talented, Charlie. You know that right?”
He packs up his guitar and says, “You don’t have to lie to me like we’re still dating, Y/N.” Charlie gets up and puts his guitar back in the closet he took it about from. You get up and walk over to him.
When he turns around, he jumps a bit, startled that you were right there. You stare up at him and say, “I’m telling you right now that you are insanely talented. I’m face to face with you now so you can’t tell me that I’m lying.”
After a moment of staring up into Charlie’s eyes, he takes a step toward you. Your heart begins to race in your chest and you take a deep breath. You feel his fingers touch your hand and butterflies erupt in your belly. His callused fingers intertwine with yours and you gasp.
“Can I kiss you?” Charlie suddenly asks.
You nod slowly, tilting your head up. It’s been so long since Charlie’s kissed you, and you always loved his kisses. Whenever you were upset, he’d kiss your forehead or your cheek or your neck and you’d feel better almost immediately.
Charlie’s free hand comes up to your face, cupping your cheek. He leans down and ghosts his lips over yours hesitantly. You lean your head up as Charlie becomes more sure and crashes his lips to yours. You gasp softly before kissing him back. The kiss is slow and soft as you both take in the moment.
In the two years apart, you’ve never lost feelings for Charlie. You tried to date but it never worked out because you never were able to get over the only man you ever really loved. Being able to hold his hand and kiss him again feels heavenly.
Both of you stand like this for a few moments before you pull back, looking up at Charlie. He looks down at you and asks, “How long will you be in Los Angeles?”
You say, “I’m moving into my new apartment tomorrow. I just flew in a day early.”
He smiles and asks, “So you’re here permanently?”
“I’m here permanently,” you say, smiling. “So if you’re willing to try the relationship thing again then-”
Charlie cuts you off with another kiss, this one rougher than the last. You laugh as Charlie pulls back, saying, “Are you kidding? I’d love to try the relationship thing again. The only reason I’m staying with my friend is because I’m looking for a new apartment too.”
With a huge smile on both your faces, you wrap your arms around Charlie’s neck. You hug him tight and say, “Looks like we ended up finding our way back to each other.”
“Thank God,” Charlie says against your ear. You laugh.
You spend the night wrapped around Charlie in some way until you begin to fall asleep.
As you doze off to sleep, you hear Charlie begin to sing softly.
The truth is finally breaking through Two worlds collide when I'm with you Our voices rise and soar so high We come to life when we're In perfect harmony
A smile forms on your face as you snuggle against Charlie’s side, falling asleep in his arms.
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