#now a metal lick’a
artcalledcinema · 1 month
It’s All Daft In F Notes It’s all a draft in footnotes Hear tha bells It’s all daft in f notes Repeat again It’s all a vent in my head scape Clear my head It’s all death in sounds of f Play first It’s all a draft in footnotes Hear tha bells It’s all daft in f notes New now It’s everything and nothing in a life My heart stops Failure of blood fed oxygen Add two It’s all a vent in my head scape Clear my head It’s all death in sounds of f You need to feel it throughout music But feel it on screen death in tha cinema The sinema Rolling in that sound of f now On TV on the media Dear sinema! Stand up clap loud and cheer The itch upon me Hearing the f in you Bells The shooed away In walls me and you Deafening blinding-strapped in a wheel Dog and cats see cd’s The F’s around us all Just listen Oh hey there The toy out up Look at you D C’s Dogs & cats Policy of the stardard few Take a leak Please take a piss it’s just so damn cold out here my dear dc cd just pee oh leak fast it’s dying breath and you are the one wanting to go out side This bell rings The f notes run As like in baseball It’s slower paced For action It’s the Season Thank Mac’ For the last verse run Drink water and sing again Then? I need to piss Smoke a cigarette A drink another beer And guess what fucking what All in different Fucking rooms Ah yeah Different Fucking Rooms Well close to F above In texted picture Does screaming fall with death dying Notes If I could do it all from within one room hey I’m fucking crazy He’s daft Nah Sal, this is importance Barns the barns Intro to heads Said the Living All daft without heat I I I I - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I - I I I said through teeth, too top anyways All daft gnawing and softly scratching Unfixed bleeds against
0 notes
whitewitchdani · 4 years
Laters, Baby: Chapter 14
Read Chapter 13 Here
Word Count: 1,343
Pairing: Winchester!Sister x Lucifer
Warnings: language, fluff, angst
A/N: Sorry I’ve been so spotty with updates but here’s chapter 14! Let me know what you think and if you’d like to be tagged!
Laters, Baby Masterlist
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In less time than it took you to blink, you were away from the wrecked Impala and in a swanky hotel room. You stepped out of Lucifer’s arms and up to the large window that took up most of one wall.
Opening the curtains, you gasped, “Venice? You poofed us to Venice?”
Lucifer shrugged, “It’s regarded as one of the most romantic cities in the world. And Paris just seemed so cliché.”
You laughed to yourself as you looked out over the canals that ran through the city. It was beautiful, the sun just beginning to rise. The view was vastly different than the sight of mangled metal you had left behind on that pitch-black road in Kansas. 
A small sigh left your lips, not going unnoticed by the fallen angel standing behind you. “What is it?”
You turned to face him, “Is this really the way to do this, Lucifer?”
He looked at you confused, “What do you mean?”
“Well,” you sighed again as you searched for the words, “maybe we should have done this the normal way? The human way? You know, dating and lame dinners and movies. The getting to know you phase that’s probably important. I mean, you know nothing about me except my profession, my family, and that I’m your soulmate. And you hate two out of the three of those things!”
“Hey, I don’t hate you being a hunter. It was... inconvenient at best. Same with your brothers,” he said as he crossed his arms.
“You tried to kill me! Several times!”
“Never directly!” He scoffed, “I never physically met you and, technically, somewhat attempted to kill you until we met that day in that warehouse.”
You squeezed the bridge of your nose. While you felt immensely better since being in Lucifer’s presence, the weight of the situation was beginning to settle squarely on your shoulders.
“Listen to me,” he grabbed you by the arms and sat you next to him on the bed, “This,” he pointed between himself and you, “is meant to be. I mean, come on, it’s literally cosmic. Remember when I told you about the connection? When we do that, I will know everything I need to.”
“I know that, Lucifer. But-”
“Shhh, my darling. Let’s not think about it now. Let us just enjoy this beautiful city and being near each other again. I’m sure you had your fair share of uncomfortable moments while we were apart.” He laid on his side on one side of the bed while you did the same on the other, facing him.
“I got a migraine so bad my eye bled.”
He brushed the hair from your eyes, “My sweet angel. Hopefully your brothers will learn their lesson from that. You belong here with me, forever.”
“Dean didn’t you learn your lesson last time? If we take Y/N away from him, it’s gonna do something awful to her. Maybe even kill her this time.”
“Apparently not! We need to get her away from him. I’m telling you, there’s no way Lucifer just up and accepts his soulmate is a human. The only reason he’s doing this right now is because once the connection is...” he paused as he shuddered at the thought of his sister with the devil, “well, you know, connected, he’s gonna be even more powerful. After that? He may not need her anymore.”
Sam sighed, “Alright, I see your point. But how are we supposed to find her? I mean they could be anywhere.”
“Not anywhere.” Castiel piped up from his place in the corner where he had been standing for the last five minutes with his eyes shut. “I’ve been scouring the planet for your sister and, while I cannot pinpoint her directly, she is in fact on Earth but no longer in the United States. Lucifer is cloaking their location but I can sense their general area, and I believe they are somewhere in Southern Europe.” 
“Southern Europe? Seriously?” Dean scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“Can you at least narrow it down to a country?” Sam asked hopefully.
Castiel shut his eyes and was silent for a moment. He grimaced as he attempted to fight his way through Lucifer’s warding, “Italy I think.”
“Italy? Seriously??” Dean repeated his sentiment.
Sam shrugged, “It makes sense if you think about it. They’re soulmates and I’m assuming Lucifer wants to take her somewhere to complete the connection, so most likely something... romantic.” He cringed as he said the word, “Some of the cities in Italy are considered to be the most romantic places in the world.”
“I’m gonna throw up.” Dean placed a fist to his chest as he sat down on the couch in the study. After the incident with the Impala, Cas poofed them back to Bobby’s, who in turn went to tow the beloved car back to the scrapyard. 
“Come on Dean, be serious. I don’t want to think about this anymore than you do but this is the situation and we have to deal with it.”
“I know Sam, but what are we supposed to do?”
“Go get her back, that’s what.” The men looked up as Bobby chose that moment to walk into the study.  
Dean grimaced, “How’s the car?”
Bobby sighed, “Let’s have you be pissed at one thing at a time.”
Dean swore and ran a hand down his face, “Could this night get any worse?”
“I mean, yeah. We know Y/N’s alive boys. All we gotta do is figure out a way to get her back.”
Dean scoffed, “Yeah, no problem, just waltz in and take her back from the Devil.”
“First, we have to find out where she is. That’s the main objective right now. After that, we can try to figure out a plan to get her back that doesn’t result in all of our deaths,” Sam huffed a laugh.
“It will not be easy. As soulmates, Lucifer will do anything to keep Y/N in his presence. Especially if the connection has not been completed; that amount of power to be gained will be too much for my brother to resist.”
“Y/N soulmates with the Devil, I still can’t believe it. I also can’t believe you kept her parentage a secret from me for so long. And from her. I oughta smack you, boy.”
Dean sighed, “Dad asked me not to Bobby. And then when Dad split and I went to get them from Stanford, we had more important things to do. I should’ve told them after we knew Dad was okay, but I just kept putting it off. And then Dad died and I just didn’t want to at that point.”
“John should’ve told her a long time ago, not put it on you. Like he did with everything else,” Bobby grumbled. John was dead and the man still managed to piss him off. “Still, Lucifer’s soulmate bein’ left with the father of both holy vessel’s? Hell of a coincidence.”
“Y/N believes it is not a coincidence. She theorizes that she was meant to be left with John. That the soulmate to the Devil along with both holy vessels together had a chance of stopping the apocalypse,” Castiel stated.
Bobby shrugged, “Honestly it’s the only thing that makes a lick’a sense.”
“No Bobby! This is not fate! This is just these dick angels screwing with us again. We’re going to go get her before they complete the connection.”
“How Dean? All we know is that they’re in Italy, and that’s a big if considering both Y/N and Lucifer are warded in some way. Even if they ARE in Italy, how the hell are we going to find her? We can’t search a whole country.” Sam stated matter-of-factly.
“Obviously. What we can do is find a way to find out exactly where she is and then, hopefully, find a way to distract Lucifer long enough to get her out. And then I’m never letting her out of my sight.” Dean stood and clapped his brother on the shoulder, “Let’s go find our sister, Sam.”
Read Chapter 15 Here
Tag List:
@lovesamwinchester​ @tomhiddleston-is-mischief​ @loco-latte @stuckinsaudi1​ @sugar-nico​ @potato-extra-pot​ @humbledarkness​ @the-fiery-ghost​ @jo-wayward​ @streetghostfighter07​ @millieccino​ @some-local-dumbass​ @skittles-or-pants​ @deviljoonie​ @reidcult​
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